The Subscriber ontiios to Pa at « his shop « Pine, Birch, Butternut, and Basswood UPHOLSTERING & W 20 RNING r Jui all alla] branches; ; Oroquet ydels for Pa- tw sul r is also prepared to do of and 12, in the i ne Noes Seon, Tenders may be for the whole distance or for separate Sections. Specifications and forms of tender can be ob- tained at the Commissioners' Office, Ottawa, and it the the office of the engineers at Truro and Am- nod Tenders, marked " Tenders," and ad- dreted to the Sonuissioness, i be ecaived att ttawa up o'cl noon, on Mo! , 26th September, 1811 ived at Ha time and 0 ors Sikes Accpiding ts to samples Tenders by state price per ton of 2,245 Iba, deliv- ered in equal quantities at Truro and Amherst, Railway stations. 50 tons to be delivered at Amherst by the 16th October, and 50 tons by the 1st November next. Balance of delivery by 1st July, 1872, A. WALSH, Commissioners. iat Raflwars on an 1hb Aug., 1871, El. A pprentice Wanted. WANTED, at the Ontr Ontario Carriage Factory, Prince Albert, _an intelligent youth to learn the Oarriage | HS EMANEY. Prince Albert, August 23, 1871. Harness! Harness! MANCHESTER| Every description of first class Harness, using ay but the best material, making it up in the most durable manner, and at the lowest rate possible. I wish to make it advantageous mers and others in the surrounding coun try to'leave their orders: with me, and T will spare no pains in giving full satisfaction in Materal, Workmanship and Price, ". All repairs neatly and promptly exceuted. THOMAS BROOKS. Manchester May 16th, 1871, STILL PROSPE RING! Reduced ed Prices rp I gy to say that he is pre pared to sell all kin kinds of FURNITORR As Cheav as anv_other Establishment in North Ontario! My stock consists TABLES, o BUREAUS, SIDEBOARDS, "CUPBO; ARDS, WRITING DESKS SEQSTEADS, STAND. WooD $ CANE SEA T CHAIRS, ROCKING CHAIRS, §c, Bice Engravings, framed gil A large number of either with wood or Special pr lo Lede ahings Hav ing refitted my Heaise with DOUBLE SET OF NEW PLUMES Iam prepared to attend Fanerals with 'as good 'an outfit and on as reasonable terms as any other party i Nop or outh Ontario. 5" COFFINS of all sizes lid kept on hand, made ow Walnut, Oak, Butternut, &c. 4 good selection of Coffin Trimmings just re- ceived from the best markets. WANTED.--5,000 feet of good - eagoned JO 5 N. B. Agent for monuments and tombstones Borelia. Dec. 9, 1868 42 N OVELTY CABINET WORKS, PRINCE ALBERT. TSE undersigned yould hi Xi the in- tants of Reach and surroun country that he bas commenced business o tio ro line, in the shop formerly Known: as Cash's Pump, Factory, Se ey (prepared to FURNITURE Of every description, from the bes! and in the most workmanlike man as any other establishment in the UNDERTAKING On the Shoiest notice--a good Hearse supplied at mode: es. 13 al Minds of Farm Produce taken in ex- for work. A call solicited before pur~ gE G. H. NEVILLE. WanTED.-- A few 1000 feet of Butternut and Basswi Princo Albgrihen BL 0 YT 2 VALUABLE Dwelling: 'House| FOR SALE VERY CHEAP, sell hin] valuable and pr eo In th Village of Prine: AF b I bs bert or Slr, ey SCHR: " syed ¥ Sonar J ENIRD CONFEOTIONER DEALER IN CANDIES, ' BISCUITS, : : . CAKES, $i how, / a ce 0A FELL SARDINES, FRUITS TOYS, &C. Wedding Cakes made to 'onde: . JOHN DA ES ah Drugs, Patent ® todos le Dat: Sulla Greenies be ¢» and Liquors for medicinal AND FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots, & Shoes, &e. GO TO D,CUNPBELL CANNINGTON. Cannington, Jan. 12, 1870. "CALL AT. SUNDERLAND, FOR CHEAP DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ROOTS & SHOES, &e. b The large and steadily increasing patronage estowed dons me since commencing business at underland has induced me to add a Tailoring Department To my business. T have just finished a, new Tailoring Shop, and secured the services of a first class Taifor, 'and am now prepared fo furnish Clothing got up in the latest style, and a Good Fit Warranted. 1 Pam Produce of all kinds taken in exchange or Cash paid for Hides and bedpskine: URD. 48-1y NEW AND CHEAP ST o RE SUNDERLAND, BROCK. TE undersigned would respectfully an- nounce that he has now got into his New Store at the Village of Sunderland, and is pre- pazed to supply the inhabitants of Brock and surrounding townships with the LATEST SIyLuS OF FIRST DRY GOODS! Embracing every thing necessary for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear. ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FreshGroceries Of the best quality. A CHOICE LOT OF Crockery, &c. The undersigned is determined to sell at the lowest possible rates, and flatters himself that he cyn meet the wishes of the people of Broa and surrounding townships, both as to Quality of Goods and the Price At which he gells them, R. E. PORRITT. X33 The highest price given for e tion of Farm Prod ce, ii vey Sleep Sunderland, May m1 1870. 20 CHAS. HISCOCKS, 'BAK ER Sunderland, Nov. 30, 1870. He is also prepared 'to furnish Soi Tea Meetings, a , liberal terme. ng ara STE phe, sk atten; i Retire shure of pubs all reid erityas Prince June, and Manchester. 'CHAS. HISCOCKS . Prince filuert am end Manchester, $ 1871, reoklin. Drug, Store v1 :, 4s parte # HEDIS, --0 0 0 FC m------ And Sailors' Rights. My numerous my and the public generally are espectfilly informed that my large and i Stuck of ; WINES & LIQUORS Recently taken from Bond cannot be surpassed for quality and are sold at such prices as make it an object for customers whether Wholesale or Retail Tocontinue and increase that liberal patronage which has been bestowed upon me in the past, First class Wines, Brandis, Gics, Holland and Old Tom, Whiskeys, Old Bourbon, Family Proof, &c., &ec. ! A large and choice Stock of Fresh Groceries, our Teas and Tobaccos. or Absolutely pure Wines and Brandes for Medicinal purposes. rices to suit the thmes, A. SINCLAIR . Special care taken in selecting Prince Albert, March 15, 187¢. ° DRUG, GROCERY! Liquor Store! W. M. WILLCOX, Sign of the Pestle and Mortar--opuosite' Scott's * id PRINCE ALBERT ! Tuvite the special atienfion of the public to their extensive rewly imported Stock of the BEST BRANDS of PURE LIQUORS, consisting of Brandies,--Gins, Hol land and Old Tem-- Wines, Port, Sherry, &e.--Rum--W hisky, Malt and Old Rye-- John Bull Bitters, &c. \ A large and well selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. 0% Our Teas can't be beat! Try them! We guarantee that for excellence in quality, and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario- A choice lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &e PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retail. Also the best qualites of Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. 'I'horouglly reliuble Fatent Medivines, (= Books and Stationery. Liquors for medicinal purposes carefully selected. Everything in Stock is of superior quality and will be sold at the lowest remynera tive Prices. Remember the place opposite Scott's 11otel, Prince Albert. \V. M. WILLCOX. Prince Albert, Deo. 30, 1869. 36 my Ww. Hepinstall PRACTICAL WATCH - MAKER, And Jeweller, BROOKLIN. The American Lever Russell's Celebrated-and other'styles of Watches Kept constantly on hand. Also a great variety of Clocks, Jewelry and other Goods. Parties wishing any thing in his line would do well to call and examine before purchas- ing elsewhere. XF~All kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED. 40 Brooklin, Oct. 5, 1870, 50) = The undersigned is prepared to advance loans of money In Large or Small Sums On first class improved farm security--as the rate of interest is very low and charges are moderate, the best securities must be - offered. 0~ Several first class farms for sale on easy sums of payment. Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid with adescription of she security offered, to W- M. COCHRANE Port Perry, Dee, 4 1867, is OFFICIAL L ASSIGNEE General Ag Agency Office. | T HE Undersigned baving received ag appointment of Official Assignee Nogth On: tario, is prepared to give prompt attention to all matters in Benkrcney. or af veney | |Garriages, 'Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Ont. |. Brery description of Furniture now on hand and will be sold. per cent Cheaper Thana any othér establishment in the County, for Cash or Cordwood. As IT am determined to sell Cheap you may depend on getting 0G=1 would "lS good bargains, 'asthe times are hard. attention to the Undertak- ing department. Coffin Trim- mings of all kinds. Coffins of every size constanfly on hand. Also'the best Hearse in North or - SouthOntafio. Chargesmoderate. 0G, A Stock of Sewing Machines on hand. . Ww, H. PARK. 5 Py Parc Avrpert, Moreh 1, 1871. PORT PERRY IAGE, FACTORY. rel thanks to his numerous friénds and customers for-past favors, the son. | ecriber would inforin them. and the public generally, that having on: hand: the | LARGEST STOCK nr SEASONED LUMBER in the County of Ontario, he, is manufacturing And all kinds of Agricultural Implements, nnsurpassed in style or frigid in the country, and as cheap as the cheapest, (= HORSESHOEING done on improved priuciples. 1 G. U: WHITE. > Port Perry, Juve 16, 1869. < . M. 0. DCNOVAN PRACTICAL res Carriage 2% Maker ! NEAR THE TOWN HAL L, BEOCK STREET, WHITEY I GOOD assortment of Buggin SL on hand not mila from best material, Work made to order with neatness and dispatch. ~ Particular attention paid to repairing 5 ALL WORK WARRANTED. THE NEW DOMINION GABRIAGE & WAGON SHOPS, Prince Albert and Manchester. . _------ Carriages, Wagons, Cutlers, Sleighs, and Agricultural Implements manufactured of the best materials and of the most approved makes. (5 First class Horseshosing done. All Work Warranted. J. & WM._-HEARD Provrietors, Prince Albert and 'Mancheste, Feb. 10, 1870 PUMPS 0 You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the - Provimce \FAE J, IRVIN®'S HP FACTORY 1.x BOREBELTIEIA SEE THE PRICES : FORCE PUMP- A complete Pump and Fire Engine with Hose and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot. Common Log Pamps at 40 ots per foot. Common turned Sustion Pumps at 35 cts per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. Also every other description of Pomp at Equally Low Rates. Having bad long experience in Pump-miaking in the Jargest factories in Carada and the Fuel inten; the subscriber feels confident that he can perfectly satisty all that will favor him with a , All orders for any of the al i) whether by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Please Addré JOHN IRVIN, Boeniai, Horotia, Sept; 29, 18703 _ , we 4 HARRISON MAW, Contractor and Builder, py pg PERRY! s re; ared to Contract for and put up Buildings of all king whether Wood I "Bric or Stong, and finish off ithe latest styles, with all the uation WEL ments. Parties requiring goo work done will do wellto call. gG=Plans and Specifica tions made to order, HARRISON y RortPgreys May 12, 187 MaR dg . a bo issory Notes and A dily collected, and promptly made MONEY TO LOAN. On good farm security at 8 per cent Interest. gotiations of loans, and borrowers can rely upon ving their applicatitns; lexded tori prom, ply, and at small ex pense. Also, Lands, both Improved and Unimproved, : CONSTANTLY FOR SALE. E-losarncas stood inthe Outariv Farm, Malual Insurance Caius. E. JOR. Official bn fod Yala P Speen altention will be given to the ne- Huayso on hang; Sem Biuls Block, next door tothe Royal Capadisn Basle Et Port Perry, q Dec., 1868, : MONEY { 1 MON EY! HENRY GRIS! 1 HE, Subscriber has reseed, pnuctions PATENT SOLICITOR 10 TRIBHTB, several private caniagints fo invest al : LARGE sun oF MONEY| 0TTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with the Patent Office and | o A ol, ive. TAMES TAMON, REFERENCES. ' * SoviciTon, Ke. Hoi. Campbell. Postmaster "General ; AV. © mie. oy Presigent British Rank Nate Com °F ope over Armstrong's Hotel; Main Sire, 4 Wel son 20,1000, pany; . Auditor forthe Dominion ; \W mn ¥ Ontario Baik; Bon. John Carls ing, meer of a Ww bork Province of Ontario. ¢ 3h oie) &e., very cheap. in exchange, up Capital $1, 500,000. Wild Land for sale ghea | be re- : cent is charged, and if in monthly ly only 5 per Sent is asked. 5 responding ratio, without deductio! Fiithy pid Dainidge, pi lh % FOR ALL. The Subscribers are ee ingin into CANNI INGTON. TAM LA gf Bes a Vv E Onturi " n Stoves in every vatiety at Toronto prices at our Shop in Cannington. . Tinware of the firet quality und made op in the best style, cheap. First class Stove Farnitur Repairing eare'ul!y sttended\to. Stovepipes-- Coal oil, Lamp = Rags, Copper, Brase, and Iron takel =r Cash paid for Sheepskins. COOK & STEPHENS. Cannington, June 7, 1871, Wh H- HE Subscribers have lar of 1 mone; placed in their hands for : x e investment on Improved Fmms, Village Properties, and other Securities in this and adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hond at all times Borrowers can depend on: getting their money with the least possible delay. Wanted to Purchase Any number. of Mortgages, for which the high- est figure will be allowed. We are also appraisers for the Canada Pers manent Building Society, the cheapest and argest Monetary Canada. Paid Instalments re-payable n from 2 two 20 years v Lands Bought and Sold. \ Several good Farms for Sale. E35" Agents for several first class Fire Insure ance Cempanies. Collections made and n general Jngency busi- ness transacted. B&S™ DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "Bll JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents. Office over T. OC. Forman's Store, Prince Albert Prince Albert Dec. 2, 1870. HONEY 70 LEND! REDUCED RATES. 1 ductive Town Property at the lawest possible rate of interest in sums and manner to suit bor rowers. AM now prepared to lend any amount of Money on the security of Good Farm, or Pro- Principal can bé repaid by yearly in- talments or in one sum. Several well cultivated: Farms _and Lots ot a ER Martgagds, Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. For further particulars, apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &e. OFFICE--McMillian's Black, Brock Street. Whitby,Sept. 29, 1870 t MONEY TO LOAN made in and oflier Securities. 6 PER CENT; Improved Farm and Town Property, BY THE '{ Imperial Building, Savings and Invest. ment Company. For Periods extending from THREE to TEN YEARS, to suit Borrowers, Re-payable in Monthly, Halt-y early or yearly instalments. OFFICE--50 CHURCH: ST., TORONTO. Loans of $500 and upwards are negotiated for eriods of 5, 6, 8 and 10 years at the extremely ow rate of 6 per cent per annum but if the Joan paid in half-yearly instalments only 5§ pe $6.26 per month will and interest of a Joan ot Other amounts in a core y both pi 500 in 10 years. The Full Jumony of the Loan is advanced FFE ED Yea AGENT, BORELIA P. 0.~REACH. Sept. 15,1870) Tai i ra Bilan WAGONS, BUGGIEY. / WHITBY AND-UXBRIDGE "HE undersigned takes occasion to a that the An : branch of BIS busines UXBRIDGE, Where will be found Buggi and other vehicles of i ered and open up in the latest and best vie, manus, ho NH other departments of The Getrament Comes | and aid autes Jane but i Real Estat te Security rehis and the Rey won of do lis ti quality Ei p i be fe At Low Rates of, Interest. A ther" Docuinéots 4 Spesifiens Pa: | . 13" Repairs executed with promptitude and No Commission ¢ > tents of 1n#ention grassed 0a receipt of oF ihe | dispatch. : Au uncurrent mo ht and Silver sold. | Model of the Thven 4 fow second-hand open and covered buggies at the Whitby establishment for sale, Everything in the way of ony iii heir, July i 5, 1869. ture and repairs attended to at W All wi HI AMR a lg 4