La \ FREE TRADE '|Stoves and Tinware ! LV8l FOR ALL. The Sabsctibom, are oe ipdies into CANNINGTON. THE LARGEST AND Best Stock : - 5 rs I Intorglonial Railway. T Chg o the line, By 4, ig on and fom the + Province of Nova Scotia. Tenders may be had for the whole d ione lonla ner desription of of Furniture, now on dnd ad will: he ool Richi: 10 per cent Br Rig ts. Than any other establishment in the County, for ; Cash or-Cordwood. Specifications and ort of tender ¢an be ob- tained at the Commissioners' Office, Ottawa, and i the office of the engineers at Truro and Am- ersi. AND FIRST CLASS ZDRY 600DS, sions, will = fice in O vate ls ol JX noon, Groceries My numerous customers and { % ule erly go pespreigly informed that my |. 'As 1 am determined to sell Cheap you inay depend on' getting : aI Si! Wokartng o samples ' N 8S U OR i good bargains, as the times are hard. 55 I would call Tenders io state price per ton of 2,245 lbs, deliv- Hardwa re WwW 1 EB & LIQ attention to the Undertak- y Tin het eet SSL plies $7 ing department. Coffin Trim- . : Amberst by the 16th October, and. 50 tons by Recently taken from Bond cannot be as for quality and are sold at och prices | mings of all kinds. Coffins of { * i A |And Sailors' the 1st November next. . Balance of delivery by 1st July, 1872, iS > £2 $1 CHANDLER, Crockery, Boots, & as make it an objegt for customers whether Wholesale or Retanl every size constantly on hand. Also the best Hearse in North or SouthOntario. Chargesmoderite. Stoves in every variety at Toronto p prices at our Shop in Cannington. Tinware of the first quality und made vp C. J: BRYDGES, Totontioue and increase that Tiberal patronage which has been bestowed upon me in A A. W. MCLELLAN, B the past. 0G A Stock of Sewing Machines on hand. in the. best style, cheap. Commissioners. Shoes, &e.| First class Wines, Brandis, Gins, Holland and Old Tom, Whiskeys, Old Bourbon, ws, 7 WW » H. PARK. First class Stove Furniture. eredlon ft Rein A Family Proof, &e., Prince Arsert, Moreh 1, 1871. ri Gen Repairing' Garbrang aiténded to. LO ii J ! oo, TO ALS, won} w 35 GO TO A large and ry Stock of Fresh Groceries. Special care taken in 'selecting : : 2 ; St Coal Oil, Lamp Chimneys, &e., ve ar (= Rage, Copper, Brass, and Iron taken in exchange. (= Cash paid for Sheepskins. COOK & STEPHENS." > Cannington, June 7, 1871, om Ta: Subscribers have ae ge sums of money placed in their hands for the investment on Improved Faims, Village Properties, aud other Securities in this and adjoining Counties at the lowest furreni ake of interest. As we have funds on hand times Borrowers can depend Espns Wigis money With the rn Wanted to Purchase our Teas and Tobaccos. - (Zr Absolutely pute Wi Bs an) Brgadies for Yediciol, purposes. ; , a 0 Prices to sui, the 4d V7 4 A SINCLAIR. Prince sie, March 18, 1876. Arie Wanted. v ANTED, at the Ontario Carriage Factory, . Prince Albert pi intelligent youth to ~ learn the Carriage Ja Mit LMANEY.' Prince Albert, August 23, 1871. oo CANE <OANNI SION. Canning GALE, AT Ly DRUG, GROGRRY ey 04 SUNDERL AND, and as cheap as the cheapest. 2 Liquor Store! . <5 HORSESHOEING done on improved prince C H E A | a Port Perry, June 16, 1869. Te Bo ih A THE THI a CARRIAGE F FACTORY ! N retuining fin is. to his port cia on atl friends and customers for past favors, hd! gubs woriber would-~inform them, and the public generally, that having' on hanil the ARGEST STOCK JF, SEASONED LUMBER in the jcCounty of Ontario, he is 2 'mangling "© - ' Carriages, And a)l kinds of Agricultural Implements, ausnipased in le or finish 'in the country, we ETL . Harness ! ! a 1 fo The his a MANCHE STER Every description of first class Harness, using nothing but the best material, making it up in the most durable manner, and at the lowest G. U. WHITE. ate possible, 2 h to ake it ays ntageous fii al gfe stn srenndits O8| DRY GOODS, CW. MI. WIL] COX, | Ao mero spn fe whi sob © spare no pains in giving full satisfaction in GROCERIES, est figure will be allowed. x Th. Cosas 7 Materal, + Workmanship and CROCKERY, Sign of the Pestle and Mortar--opvosite Scott's on Vv We are glso appraisers for the Canada Poss . manent Building Society, the cheapest and i yg Price. GLASSWARE, M. 0. D Q N 0 A N 'largest Moneinty. Institution in Lining Paid A up Capital $1,500,000. Instalments re-payable in from 2 two 20 years, Lands Bought 'and'| Sod. T Several good Fnrma for Sale.# #5 Agents for several first class' Fire Insur- ance Companies. Collections made and » general agency busi~ ness transacted. ay DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "Ba JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents. BOOTS & SHOES, &e. PRACTICAL Carriage 2+ Maker ! BROCK STREET, "WHITBY I : GOOD assortment of Bu, Pm on hand made from best material. Work | PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retail. Also fhe best qualites of Chemicals, A made to erder with hie and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing Office over T. 0. Forman's, Store, Prince Albert _ pared to sell all kinds of J. W. HURD. Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. 'Thoroughly reliable Patent Medicines. = ALL WORK WARRANTED. Prince Albert Dec. 1, 1870. 7 Books and Stationery. il Sunderland, Nov, 30, 1870. 48-1y | Al I RNITURE Liquors for medicinal purposes carefully selected. THE NEW DOM IN [ON NONE Il NB! NEW AND CHEAP eee or ar Everything in Stock is of superior quality and will be 'sold at the lowest remunera JGABBIAGE & WAGON SHOPS, PRINCE ALBERT ! All repairs neatly and promptly executed. v THOMAS BROOKS. Invite the special attention of the public to their extensive rewly imported Stock of the BEST BRANDS of PURE Ligross, consisting of Brandies,--Gins, Hol. land and Old Tom-- Wines, Port, Sherry, &c.--Rum-- Whisky, Malt and Old Rye-- John Bull Bitters, &e. A large and well selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. 8 Our Teas can't be beat! Try them! We guarantee that for excellence in quality, and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario. A choice lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &c |. The large and steadily jacrensing patronage bestowed upon me since commencing business at underland has induced me to add a Tailoring Department « Manchester May 18th, 1871. STILL PROSCERING | To my- business. I have just finished a new Tailoring Shop. and secured he SorTioes of a first class Tailor, and -am repared 'o Re uced Prices furnish Clothing got up ind the Tntest style, and a Good Fit Warranted. Farm Produce of all kinds taken in exchange pus Subscriber op ho. to say that he is pre Tor ove Yd for Hidesand heepskins, Scott's Haw), Prince Albert. Ww. M. WILLCO®. i tive Prices. Establishment i PF North R b the place it Ontario Place opp PIEY My $tobk consists of is Al -. | Prince Albert, Dec. 30, 1869. : % P = d n ; . {Ul : rince Albert and Manc ester. ° ani SUNDERLAND, 2 rand REDUCED RATES. ne WHTINGDESKS| BROCK ; & bi kp ee ALE mt BED as, : W He install (7 First class Horseshoeing done. All Work Warranted. t ductive Town Property ob the, lowest Vessiblo or » vay evsigned:. would tally io rate of interest in sums and mhnner to suit bor- WOOD & CANE SEAT CHAIRS, ps nounce that he ha. io got into his New n ) ¢ , Se 8 WM. EE. ARD Probitetors. Sas repaid by yearly in ROCKING CHAIRS, &c. A large number of Steel Engravings, framed either with gvood or gilt. Store at the Village of Sunderland, and is pre- pared to supply the inhabitants of Brock and surrounding townships with the LATEST STYLES OF FIRST CLASS i DRY GOO DS! Embracing everything necessary for Ladies' 5 and Gentle PRACTICAL Prince Albert and Mancheste:, Feb, 10, 1870 WATCH ~ MAKER, And Jeweller, BROOKLIN. Several well cultivated Farm WildL: oe 4 % nN ¥ Irvin -- ates, 8, » and other Securities. Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. For further particulars, apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &c. PUMPS! PUMPS! You can get the best and cheapest Pump in thé Province men's wear. OFFICE--McMillian's Block, Brock Street, ATSOTA BIND BURNS oF The American Lever Russell's Celebrated and other! styles of Watches | At J. IRVIN'S Whitby Sept. 2041870. £50) 267 © h G Ir 0 Cc e r ie S Kept constantly on hand. Also a great variety of Clocks, Jewelry and other Goods, res Parties wishing any thing in his line would do well to call and examine before purchas- 3 Special stntion pu to Jndertaiing. Hav li ing elsewhere. 3~All kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED. 0 . ing refitted my Henge with n Of the best quality. Brooklin, Oct. 5, 1870. 40 \ 4 y s A CHOICE LOT OF Crochare. &c. The undersigned is determined _to sell at the lowest possible rates, and flatters himself that he can meet the wishes of the people of Brock | and surrounding townships, both as to Quality of Goods and the Price" At which he sells them. R. E. "PORRITT. 35 The highest pr price given for every descrip- DOUBLE SET .OF NEW PLUMES I am prepared to attend Funerals with as good an outfit and ow ag reasonable terms as any other party in North or outh Ontario, 13~ COFFINS of all sizes constantly kept on band, made of Waluut, Oak, Butternut, &e. 1 200d selection of Oofiin Trimmings just re- edliol from the best markets. WANTED.--5,000 faet of good easoned Pine, Birch, Battgraut, and Basswood Lumber. JOHN NOTT, N.B. Agent for monuments and tomb stones Borelia. Deo. 0, 1848, 49 MONEY TO LOAN. 5 PER CENT, > Improved Farm and 'Town Property, BORELIA SEE THE PRICES : FORCE PUMP- A complete Pomp and Fire Engine with Hose and Coupling complete for $25. | ONEY T0 LEND Patent Swing Lift Pamps at 50 cts per foot, | Common Log Pumps at 40 cts per foot. n Yor Periods extending from THREE to TEN YEARS, to suit Borrowers, Re-payable in Vomit Balt hear Also every othér description of Pomp 'at ; : NOVELTY © Sonderiand, May 11,1870. '20 Tie pea is Bispesed to advance loans of money Common turned Sustion Pumps at 25.6ts, per foot. 4 \ i tapes So DB an => CABINET WORKS, CHAS. HISCOCKS; or Small Su ms. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pamp, from $3 up 10 $8. ment Company. On Rok FL Amp! a Sern, sgcurity--as the rate of interest is 7 very Tow and ch te mideiale, the best securities: aust be Equ ally Low 'Rates. 1y or yeatly instalments. PRINCE Al ALBERT. BAKER offe OFFICE-50 CHURCH-ST:, TORONTO. Ie kinderel ia would | would, thant ing commry the in- / IX Several first class farms for sale on easy Untied to, the suin Bel content that 'och pertody Bs (i Loans of $500 and rd df in ET ah eonntey with a call. and upwards are negotiated for Jk hab nd surraupding coun ayment. 5 nll Gu 9th ods of 5,6, 8 and 10 th ly J J Ce at CONFEOTIQINER | "4 \personaily,or by letter pre-paid with dsscription of the Yo ey Eh br ashi an Ra 0 alain securi offered, to j Doslin, Sept. 20, 1870.1 nal &4 cent ne and it thly ii FURNITURE ™ Mm, \ of. W_M.. COCHRANE pe rr ES » : y Musi] = 1% . EX Bho oyun Other amounts in' a cor- Of every description, from CAKES, 5 Ff . Bi elow', Block Port Perry, Ont. | a 3 SAE R has & = responding ratio. and in ther most workinaniike ants Bey Bhan, eS Beri, Dec. 4, 1861. 8 8 ) TY, : H ARRISON _ M AV The Full Amount of the Loan is advanced UPHOLST RNING : aL | = I | 3 (ee me bia po HEAD JAG Contractor and' Builder ii 9 AGENT, 10% grief % ber is also prepared to do INES, : RR KING |nodig®" | ug a aman, mir op 'PERRY! On the shortest notice--a good Hearse supplied | Wedding Cakes made to order " 2 a S prepared to 'Contrae for and put up Buildings, of kinds, radi Wood Med eiig sla He is also prepared to furnish Soiroes AT or Stoney an finish. in tho latest styles, witli A andes 5 mor EN rofust.daken. Inez Tea Moatings, &, on liberal terms. Er ork done will do well tg gall. Sy (ARmiaces, p-- TTY 8 G. H. Hel ways keeping a large order BT © akan MAW WHITBY AND UNBRID GE NE : Wai Antep-- A few 1000 feet of Butternut and t of Official Aigo for North On- : Prince an Lumber. am. Gay A . sHOPS; to all matters in Bankruptey of Insolvency | _ Ot lei epg VALUABLE r= Prince. Albe rt -Promissory Notes dnd Accounts ent Sills, aod roufiabsn promptly dy T IE indoonifnkos ke ln tg sanomnce "UXBRIDGE, Where will be found Buggies, co x - and other vehicles of his own corr and oe, MONEY : On gst er sity 8 on, | w Toy ren fo the ts- | Epa pe Hoa wre Real Titate Security Also, Lands, both 3 botk Improved « ved and Unimproved, A Tow Rater yg [Ce Hen reson Company : ] Wt Also uncurrent Soiney bought and Sivers sold. a " Offional ny TAuEs 1 LAMON, Ton. A. Campbell, Brand s Block, next dor to the opi Canadien Bank, R, &c. 0 ce 'over Astheivong's Ho ian Stree, | SA ak Perry; 1st Deoc;; 1868. 1 : CC 29, 1860.07 TTT ud "fe ne of and employs none but the best d | quality of his work can be du workmen, tie EF Hepaing executed with promptitude and Sasaieh d- at Ak fo geen hand open sud ig sovored buggies AR Ld and: Uibridge, kJ 4 asindtnonsl -¥ Hoa. How wots 5 onerels ; W. C. igen 40 wn r " "Tra 3 Province lt %