61h ihetant all RDON'S. . . |.» TO CoRmEspommMg®s, | INTELLECTUAL BANKRUPT. A ert wi BE ded under simost say Cireum: while samlullysavoiding sil violari So Eats 1 te 1] od Sd aylese® in, With | ""Tfie4] jtal bf the Province, of Ontario| A corigapondant.af the' Orangeville Sun tholew In Neg , Fall 3 ok > ¥ | reason india at the, dishonest and | want filo Intellectual Bankrupley., the | of 1467 week, in reply io a eprrespondent off : ' § heartlgss manner in i i ertiser; bith it offs. f tol many i respectfully invites an won "hin immense. St Subse which ho, With 10 jhe the- Advertiser; bité it ols. In reforri RE lea > al other 'has a ooncerned, A TLT G0 CFT Gd , of-otie Mr. Me Sr Pd Py wisio a juspection will be fawn uifsiaRY | kept out of hig dearly darned monvy on, 1h | The eity of Tofouta--in Gammbn- with | four were oy complete, Evry unticle has een selusted, Port' Whitey ahd Port, Parey Ruilway. + | geatly all our citigh and towns and in some & le 5 " 0 nee EC ght So "Yo 0 hs fe iri a re, En, ThA oa od 1 fi Hen whe \ were at their lowest value, in- | been 8 grab game from the first by (he | Mgchanics' fiatitute, and being a 'wealthy tell ¢ ! d:a| Dean'Sin,~ It is with the writing ire iy 1d not end the frequent a» tend [Rirchasers muy rely Fn getnng tho inner ring of tht concern, and that all their | city it had a very handsome bul g in} pa ry 4 that deconsed 100k 100 ooh whi | feelings ow address you. recent | LAMENTABLE ACCTDENT -- AN EDITOR AND TWO wo "hot. recom nd the. { et Ee ce vo yo Wt ek yo Ee To hong mie BL oo ie gs | El SEE IS tention 1d requested to the following lines, and proved snare, aud ihat in 0. single], ;q Institgte. At first {be Directorate | reply is admirably fitied, not only to the | placed before ihe public ander a false cof-| "AND, S4BBATI BR : gi 2 stance did the Ring attempt to fulfil ayy z c ; : viz: Factory Cottons at trom 5 « nts per Advertiser's correspondent, but fo every |oring, by e Editor of the Port Perryi fell into proper hands--into the hands 'of ING: Tntlegs tive ca A ; ard h | wide do. at 10 cents | oue promise that ihey made. If the propo- ¢ Standard, snd mented upon ['n-ka no high pretensions toacut LED ee : p 1 vy yard wide do. a cents | ow romise Lhal 8 ) 3 ¢ 2 . an y BD im! ny -- 5 en \ i Fo ey ees at 10 cents per ue p « Miser Shy company," be unis men of superior intelligence ond possessed homtiess miscreant who would wantonly na aos. PA Trad An thot Tukey: Bl Acute er, Ds ot a iE iow do. in great variety gud ory lige pany, os pa indus Ah tear 'aside the shroud of the departed to | ter SE OBSCIE IC ihe ro. e 2 : i, ms We can tell you 4 t in all such cases, if patterns a £2] cunts por yard 'A splendid versal tray Whey it wil by some Sonsola. |of suf A patriotism 10. fp : 1} wreak his infornal spleen upon their re: your journal Abe , oan of rete a vias en redu rade fairs to] pa wil 3 . Rd aki i Hur J 1€ e 0 Jas Falland Winter Dress Goods from $1 tion 10 * Payless" 10 Fea he ele re pw forth an effort torralse if possible, the maine, and in doing so further lacerate the [im#iessions, and setiing the melancholy | or wail, and 3 ti in > es 9 ond age er jolt But Drow, Biogant Wedsing Prosech very many mote suflering from the dishonest | eitizens to-an intellectual status- sufficient | 1g wirandy bleeding tiearta of the affuir before the public in ite rue character: {fy horses, "and if this "pious or] TT MARRIED, © Sm tricks of these unscrupulove paymasiers than he appears 10 have any conception of ; men who wrought Irom day to day, aye, and from week to week in actual wanv both themeelves and their families, while ihe sharks were quarreling over the prey and cheating ihe laborer out of his legitimate claims. We pever believed one of the gushing assertiuns or glittering promises made by the missionaries when they were pumping the municipalities and painting in mourning a |. luis well known, and can be substantia- f 'etl by ihe testimony of 'more than. half a dozen of thé phyeicians of this county, thal How destitute of good taste ; how callous tmy son had been very' severely afflicted to every refined feeling of our. sympathetic | wiih spasmodic asthma, involving a disvase humanity would the man be, who could, | of the lungs, and other complications which.| before afflicted orphans, sorrowing relations, | wntirely sapped the foundations of health. and over the coffined dead, repeat the state- | Amongst otner palliatives he, was. recom= ments of detamers and tattlers, against the | mended 10 rake moderate 'eXercish in The deceased: Such a man, whether preasher | open air ; but as we do not keep a horse or newspaper contributor, should be de-|and carnage he contd not take exercise in nounced ay a most intemperate, heartless | nding, und we substitoled a boat, he fre- and cowardly slani'erer. quently assuring me that 56 aiwzy. fen ; a oh to enable them fo appreciate the value of so important an institution. So far did they succeed in the good work that a vast amouot of good resulted to the citizens -- For many years the Institute proceeded with its prescribed work to a greater or less degree in proportion as the manage. ment fell into the hands of capables. or incapables. Of late yeurs the latter class has been near the helm and by theif 'in apd bereaved ones. w will observe the practice of the wealthier Hear 'ihe correspondént. .- * class--towards which his iisgnetic sym- | pathies are mest powerfully ultracted, he will discover that ( ) Nigra. on ft toh. A large lot of Ladies' Hate, Intest os. Particular attention is requested 10 | she immense Sto k of the new styte of For trimmed Jackets. Please cone early and ses these, as (heycnntiot be repluced at the same low prices. Ar unusually large lot of Ladi#', Gent's, Boys' and Gerls' Boots and Shoes very substantial, and very shew. AT : " "The attention'of gentlemen is particularly requested to the fact that the subscriber has secured the services of a first class Tatlor-- Mr.-Cheseworthaidate of Toronfo. Every ae Ea fre feguentlf sefo t ld their horses tike fright and drgdaiians wo from ae spr unasge devin eath, it wo! e a ? but net-one word of Wiisky aid Sab ooh breaking, 'would thérewith® be Valuable P; dann Se HE subsciiber alimeR rd for sale i i i better alter beinZ out i associated e justly abhor the conduct I : article warrant: fir, and made vp in the | glowing colors' 'the golden harvest which competency bave succeeded in running the PERSONAL. tr i OU or a time u the . We justly s ! Housed Lio present v " i bi yle, and at i Y 8 ot -- en emer from the change of air, the | of the untutored savage who amuses him- | mediately op) t repidpnee of ; newest and most fashiona Je isle an a farmers and dealers would reap in supplyiog o ratty well into the ground: Jeay: » 8 Prin self by adding another and sill another ang to the suffering 6f his' bleediog vie. OF how much greater execration is be deserving, who under the guise of sanctity, seeks by the pegversion of facts snd the dark mendacity of hints 10 cast a reproach upon the memory of the dead, and lacerate the feelings of those wlose hear!s are already pierced to their inmost coré [ leave for an eolightened public -to % a decide, the most moderate charge. stafl of assistants, Sune will be got upon shost notice. Au immense Stock of Cloths and Tweeds to select from. Ladies will please notice, that culting is done free of charge. | An Groceries, every article will #be found » totne mark. A large lot of the famous 8! the hundreds of workmen who should be employed in the construction of the work But ull these golden dreams have long since vanished and oor own men have had to dv | enough in the city the debt could have the work und been chegged out of their p.y, been wed off in. 'one. hour----B5ve. of ber and eo far from having handfuls of Zou 10 | pest citizens offered $500 each towards inhibin them, u§ ihey Neicprofioed, this worthy object ; but nothing could save they had to run their lace to keep them from | 0 0. ns i up : sarving. 1 aasiv onl yt workmen ou the sinking, ship ; it had unfe exercire of rowing, or from both I am not prepared to say. 'Qn, Saturday before the ead occurrence 1 assisted him in attaching a sail to the boat, It was of iriangular form and attached by one of the acute angles to the top of the mast or pole--and by the} other to a eprit projecting in front of the bow. To the lower angle two ropes were made fast, 0 that one should pass to the stern on each side of the mast. Tt will be seen from our Sovisticiog enlumnt 1 cq day that Capt. Sinelair offers for sale that comfortable and convenient residence which he now occupies immedi~ ately opposite Major Forman's residence, Prince Albert. {le also offers to sell that fi-l4 east of the village known as he target ing an incubus of $30,000 debt upon it, Of course had there been intelligence chit Sh pL a with sultable SPasels jagoed Stable and Cow Soc, Sd on et The lot contains one quarter of an acre, with' a good young orchard. an No better situation could be desired for Com fort, Health and Convenience, He offers also to sell 16 acres of land a Hit! to the East of the Village of Prince Albert, known as the Target field, -- 80 cent and $1 Teas on haud, As the - " 'the the, 3.1 had WafoSunetely. gol into the hands gq incompetent crew who ou riber 1s delerinined to giver great en- 3 ; ment to the Reany Pay. Siyle of , prices of alPclasses of Goudd wilt be found unusually low, [mending gar ) { i | h respectiuily req belore purchaeing else: are Ho call and examine where < Res \ ERE ES "0% A spoeial pnize of 'a complete set Gi Tea Crystals viMued at $5, will be given by tie subscriber, for the best Tub of Butter- exhibited at tne great Butter Fair to be held /in Mauchester, on the 10th Octoger (second Tuesday). Competition open to the Do- miwon, ADAM GORDON. N.B. Cash paid for Wheat, Barley, Oatx 'and Peds, in any quantity, 'Manchester, Sept. 21, 1871. &he Bntuvio Posevber. SAMES BAIRD, PRINCE ALBERT, SEPT. 28, 1871. We had g letter placed in our hand « he line who huve buen deprived of their inge, but, if we are rightly" infero, me po J the steliou hovses-on the all of the road { yet rece Hortherf no! yet received: a cent of his olavm of nearly $3,000. Mr. Maw of Port Perry, one of our most skalltul, eusiprising builders, contracted, we are told, forall the station houses from Brook- hn north lor some $5,000, payments to be made in proportion as the work progressed ; but notwithstanding 'nat more than three filthe oi the work has been accomplished, the contractoy has not got a cent of his pay, aud thers the matter sande. Mr, Maw's contract was with Mr, Engiish, but the Di- fectars have driven Mr. English off the track, aod sre running the concern them- selves. But while the Lirectors are very willing to drive Mr. English off the road, they aie not willing to assume the just ob- ligations to the' workmen whose claims ought te have the first consileration. It couple of days ago over the signature of R. Nott, editor of the Port* Perry Stan dard, in which the writer distinctly states that he had no hand whatever, directly or indirectly, io the preparation and publish. - dng of, certain railway articles, and stric- dures on the Opserver that have lately appeared in the columns of the Standara. nnd that he is not to be indentified with #ny such-matter that may find place in (he Standard ; that Mir, Mundy is alone sesponsble for ull ynch. : 'We receive te ubove information with o 'both pleasuze and vepret. In. the first Pave we are pleased to know. that the thing « hich has been maligning us is be weath-all notice. In the next place we egret having said hard things against one who bad no direct haud in th- matter. We would only add, God pity poor Mundy, who amid all the multitudinous gicissitudes and changes of that office appears to be made the standing scape goat. . eet AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION AT UXBRIDGE. Let a general rally be made at the N. O. E. D. Agricuitural Society's show, to take place ia Uxbridge on Tuesday and Wel- needay next. It is certminly not asking niuch of this prosperous, rapidly advancing County to make the coming show far ahead of anything we have ever had. We have _ every reason to believe hat it will be so.-- The Counly never before enjoyed the pros- gperity which it does nw, while the Toronto and Nipissing Railway will prove of the _gruatest advantage as a feedor, Liinging ite +hoadreda from every station along the line. "fn.ewder 10 increase (he atlendance wih further, the railway oMcials have generous. iy 'consentec 10 reduce the fares by one- "half during the two days of the show. The Concer: on the evening of the secon! «day will be a grind afluir ; an abundance - wol fest class musical talent, professional and amateur, has n secured. Among ihe professionals may be name! Miss Fr = man, one of ihe finest singers on the conti- nent, which, with Glee Clubs, prize In- strumental Bande, &c., &c., cannot fal to draw a large house. Al A-- a w-- v BNTER FOR THE SHOW. | Parties wishing to make entries for the County Agricaltural Show which takes at Usbridge next week will do wel! #0 tuke notice that. the Secretary, Mr. Christie, will attend to take entries as follows, At Foy's Hotel, Port Perry th's day (Thursday) from 10a. m. to 6 ke Seats Hotel, Pejwe Albert, on Way h inst. from 10 a. m. Ul P 1m. His own office, Manchester on Sat day Both from 40 a.m 4ill 6p. mand Son eo Usxh on: Monday ber Sod frou 10% 8 would be 4 everlasting disgrace, not only 10 the Directors, but to every member of that Company, u, after being eo very. gen. erously tested by the municipalities, » single workman should lose a dollar of hie pay. In the mean time, however, the tation houses are at a stand still, the con- tractor wants at least part of the advance which is now over due and the: Company demurs at paying it--at least we are so iu formed -- however, we écuioely believe it pussible thus even thar beard would do sny- tig sv aborainably vnjust--were It in their power 10 do so --as 10 10b and Fujin & worthy and ilidghious man, Who made # | faw and legitimate contract, and was hor orally fulfiving every one of is conditions, su lar as the Board would allow him, Ot course Mr. Maw tas the upper hand of thew should tuey altlempt anything of a swindling nature, but the simple avemp. would be a disgrace to all concerned. -- Wuoever has the work, be it Dumble, English or the Cuinpany, let the, workmen ve paid to the last ceut that is coming to them, and not havej the, CUI icoting upon whe concern of robber of the hiring and oppressor of the pour, A PAINFUL ACCIDENT. We regret lo have to record a serivas ac- cident which befel a respected inbubiant of the township, 'Mr. Wm. Luve, youngest son of Love, Esq., Greenbank. Ou Thursday, 21st current, Mr. Jolin Wells was moving w building, 8 hile north of Greenbank, the property of David Gregg. The building had been placed at a consid- cable distance from the road" and Wells, who wae employed io move it towards the road, had Wm. Love und others assisting tim in the work, The builing got set upun the rollers all nght and was moving ou satisfuctonly ; bul on descending a pretty steep grade it was proceeding more rapidly than was -considered sale, and Love and in order to stay tbeir progress, Uulortn- nataly Love's left foot gut caught yader his handrpike, ove end of which was undet one of the rol'ers, this held him fast, and (he voller passed 'over his leg from the foot to thy thigh, braweing it feaitully and causing a sgvere compoutid fraciure of (he tones w littjo, under the koee, The sufferer was teld under'the rollers till the oth-r hands, with almost superhuman efiort, raed the building off him, Dre. Martin and Olver were on the spot at ihe earliest moment possible; and all that medical skill could do was dune for the patient. ; bad break which hue leg sustained. others applied their handspikes 10 the rollers | run her into the mud and abandoned her: [t appears that from one cause or another | Zincomprteat Directors sad lack of in telligence amon the citizens--the Tor onto Mechanics' Institute had succeeded in ruoning in debt to the tune. of $30,000 'This was certainly a most unfortunate state of things, but could easily have been tided over bad the present Directorate been of the right stamp, which unfortunate- ly is not the case, and the consequence is that the incompetents have allowed the concern to go into bankruptcy, and permit. ted their-splendid building to pass out of their bands for debt making intellectual bankrupts of all the ciizens, and them- selves a laughing stock to the whole Do- wninibo, An attempt was made by some of the more enlightened of the citizens to snatch the reins from the hands: of the incompetents who had disgraced their position by runniog the concern into baukruptey ; but unfortunately it did "not succeed, the failure of which is entirely due to a lack of intelligence. among the inhabitan's of our blustering capital, "The buildifigs have been sold and he' disgrace completed, What-pext} downward would be the selling of thie pub- lic school houses ; this step" would 'be ex- actly in the sam- direction and lige fur-- Liher down the path of degredation, Should a batch of incompetents get hold .of ihe 'Lru-teeship and the city require o few more police stations, as it undcubtedly does, we will most likely hear of the school houses being sold too. The Nor- mal school buildings will answer for hold" ing police courts. It appears from a notice in the Daily Telegraph of Saturday 23rd inst. that the present Police Court rooms are in such a state of filth and wretchedness that they bave to be abandoned. : The folowing wotice appeared in the Daily Telegraph of Saturday.--¢ There will be no Police Court this morning in consequence of the court being under- going some temporary renovations, which it is useless to say were very much needed Complaints have been made for some time regarding the fitting state of the office and rooms, and strangers going in for the first time are often struck nearly speeckless with the stench of the different rooms of tat court." : This is a disgraceful state of things and reflects more or less on the whole Pro- vioce. If Toronto were not the capital it might go to grass; but while it bolds that position it ought to bebave itself. re rere A TRLRRIBLE FIGHT. Wall St. New York was the scene of a terrible fight last week between the bulls and bears which usually frequent that lo- 'vality. Some Canadian balls hive of Jate been figuring in the arena and, orealing tearful havoc among (he bears. The New [York papers give the Bank of Montreal credit tor being the most powerful ball in the market, tossing gold just Cova as 'he pleases in spite of e: ot; the bears 10 keep it down. sanguinary in Montreal could: 'The pext step) ¢ © The Manchester and Prince Albert i field con'aining 16 acres. Parties wishing | [um 'thus particular in destiibi to ured hla idee with Larrangament in order 'that. the mea "every convenience necessafy to comfort | Whiph 1he-boal witk,0vendiBEFma. and in a cheerful, healthful location will do ortunity. He also offéry to sel vi days at such prices as cannot fail to induce customers to purchase largely and so lighten bis present stock ere he moves, (See his advertisement.) The Captain's numerous customers and very large circle of friends. will regret ex- caedingly to learn that he is. about leaving this locality and locating in the town of Lindsay. The Captain has enjoyed a long und proaperdus career in this village (some 11years), where he has secured a very suc- cesslyl and profilable business, having the good will and respect of his 'numerous customers, the best wishes of his fellow townsmen and the respect of all acquainted with him. The Captain's removal will certainly be a source of unleigned regret, not to the villagers alone, but fo the entire township, his - sympathy - and assistance being always prominent in every worthy object. But.awhile we wonld much prefer tis reinaining amorigel ue, the good wixhes of the whole locality will go with him, wishing him every success in his new field of enterprise ; and that he, the partner of his life, and his interesting family may enjov a long and prosperous career in the full enjoyment of health and peace, and surrounded by afl the' comforts of life, will be the earnest aepiration of Lis numerous friends.' . + OUR MARKETS, markets have exhibited an avimation duf. ing the past few dags which put one in Mind of old times, not unfrequently the streets have been completely blocked with loaded teams while numerous attive hands were receiving and storing away the grain as fast as they could handle it. poured in in long continued streams. It all crowding in to be unloaded. the ruling price for Barley,' Der oe Reach. A capital investment--no better land in the Province. (Read the advertise. ment, ) in this issue. (See the advertisement): re ---------- | | HONEST OFFICIALS, the habit of raising their ofthe divine right of public officials. armoury 8! a rent of. 830, for the use and oécupution of a hall" w! idid-notown . monjha was not Fo roperty to Bernard Smith and Bernard | bably to free the ropes which would be FSmith bas conveyed it to another Smith or | likely to foueine entangled about the mast Smythe, and #0 on through a long list "of ) from the frequent shifting of the sail, and he. qe oq afl ier while, dai :hé lost his bala; "and POLIGE COMMISSIONERS, HAVING A FINGER 1¥ ding hivkonst ng. Gvertioar pro THE PI ' | bably eeized hold of the mast, or held fast atoga after the robbery, in the: company a a police commissioner, as; shown, b affidavits, indicates that the committed with the 'and' Leoneyl Sw . re The. : eer Wok a rasalty "| to destroy Yap ho i parties 10 eidal: 1lié vouchers and y them. The work was not 80.' p 10 ex tle fr Tal ndge oiiary po ay ie do will | The loads was nothing unusual to see from 30 to 40 55¢ was Who Wisaes 10 Buy A First Crass FarM.--Our readers will find by our advertising columns of to day that Mr. George O'Leary, through bis agents, J. & D. J. Adams--offers for sale these 200 Acres, being lot 12 in the 12th con. of Currems & Sueiets.--Our readers will ind Mr. White's pew' advertisement Those masculine grannies who are in aws in sublime horror when the prees with sacrilegious ink dares to atiack some villainous official, had better read and if possible-digest the follow- ng, and see how it agrees with their, ideas New York, Sept. 22.-- It will be remem- bere that Peter B. Sweeney and Hugh Smith purchased a blook between 33rd and 341th streets on Broadway for $150,000 and that thay immediately leased a hall it: the building to the Board of Supervisors for an a year, when in reality the room was not worth $3,000 ; also that Sweeney and Smith ante-dated the lease 18 months, and received $4 , 'snd-swhieh- during used or occupied by the few days both Sweeney e conveyed the whole of the ¥ x B § Ed The assertion that Haggerty went to Sar- "the | rending for me to dwell pons ant ¥ , wae x shield' "the Fob- rasurd. avo | Jithe ay more readily understood. Now follows the ead sequence. + OuSanddy at about 11 g'clock Edwin wer. fo Mr. Foy'd, te spend an hour or two with his sister Mrs. Foy. He had not tasted liqdor previously to his leaving home and they assure me that he did not drink any while there. Between the hours of two and three p. m. | went down end asked him ,home to dinner, and met tim aud others just coming oot of the dining room. He told me he had just had his dinner ; and while we were talking Robt. Foy asked him if he would * go and have a sail,' 10 which he replied that ¢ he did not care if he did." 1 told him that he was too thinly clothed to go upon the lake, as the day was cold, fo which he replied that he would nol stay long enough to get chilly, and that he would {eg the belier for going out a few minutes. ey walked towards the whaif, followed by ssveral uther persons, among whom were the three others who were in (he boat when it was. overturned, and fol- lowed algo by myself. siood upon the wharf when my son and R. Foy got into the boat, and -saw them sail up the lake about a quarter of a mile to the point north of the bridge, and eaw them turn and comn- merce rowing back, as 'the wind was fair Thos far I have stated what [ know, and lestified the thinge I have seen, what fol- ors, a8 elicited by enquiry before Dr. Oakley and others. - When the boat returned to the asked to get in, and my eon consented to allow the three others 10 join them in the stern and som, the others rowing. They steered their the lake against 4) 2 eshly. After a litle my son pomp! foeling ehilly, and. Sinc)ai¥ [ifdduced We ibonle contaming the offers to « make oath" {hal from the [ap- pearance of the bottle after Edwin had took more than aspoonfull. He further states that this was all the liquor my son down he lake about two miles and landed: When on shore the botila was passed spilling considerable in trying playlully 10 toss it from the bottle to his mouth without was thrown away Sinclair says (using hie own expression) he thinks it still contained dent if they were drunk they must have been made drunk on half a pint of whisky very strongly in favor of their being tipplers As 10 the "sundry other refteshments® they were simply neither nore nor lessthan a few apples whicn Todd heppened to have ahead. I then left for home. lows I give on the statements of the surviv- wharf some of the parties standing there boat, my son taking the seat nearest the a head wind liquor, of which my son tasted. Sinclair drauk from it, he does not-tuink that he drank on board the boat. They proceeded around and they all drank from it,poor Todd putting 1t to his lips, and when the bottle « three or tour goodshorns. > So it is evi- amoung five of them, which does not argue with which it ia stated they were furnished, in his pockets. Ou their way it is stated that he (Jeceas- ed) worked the boat so as to dip some water. What his motives were in doing so, whether they were 10 assure those on board of their safety, lest, as the wind was high, they might become alarmed aud thereby create . danger, or whether his judgment was misled by en over confidence in * the ealety of the boat, the mlent grave will never reveal. -- When they changed. their course for the Port, Foy was steering and my son * tend ing the sail." The boat was held eo close- ly before the wind, that the eail shilted fioup one si; lo 10 the Juler several limes, Edwin. requeste thal | about' be "held ails re nt ls ie Island, at the same ume slating lo them that'ifithey wonld 'wet the sail it would be better, to which poor Todd. replied, thal he conld wel it, and 'made' some wttempt at doing it, in a manner whioh excited som laughter among thém, It is further stated that Edwin rose np to do sondething wiih the sail, most pro- lolbe sail until (he boat ar avert f| The scene which followed is toa. heart over. hat I h ul in NY hotel Sq e mad o Port Perry of there (arb fc and 1a Lh Rar asses highs y say he has drunk al 3 w dio 7) sy ort of a fe. ha he hh 'the nog it who saw him n Moanrhin smack his lips ove ft: repeated t ' But the drink. of Cham is 80 wary gendesé An Boar [7 eer pass it | When Pittacus was asked * what is the most agreeable thing in the world 7" he answered + Opportunity," and from the manner in which this modern Peckseiff bas | availed himself of the sad occurrence, I infer that %e is likewise of the same opin- ion. 2 5 y As be deals in homilies be' may perhaps supplement them with a sermon, aud that he may pot be wanting in a text suitable for the occasion I beg to refer him to Ro mons--20d Chap. 1st verse--which be will find reads as folldws :--*¢ "Therefore | thou art inexcusable Q man, whosoever thou art that judgest, for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself, for thou that judgest doest the same things." Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for your kind expressions of sympathy which I heartily _ receive, believing them sincere, aad trusting that you will find in the pain ful occurrence my apology for thus appear- ing before the public, ; ef Your obedt. servant, W. A. PRINGLE. -- et -- To theEditor of the Ontario Obseryer Dean *Big,~. 1 beg 10" submiv 'A. 'few thoughts relative to the last fair held in Prince Albert. Said fair is styled in the bills as the Township of Reach and Seugog fair, and of conrse all 'would infer trom reading the bill that none but members residing in Reach and oould-eom- pete, but what do we fiod, pegsons coming from South Oetatio- ir full blast, cut and dned, to take away the prizes (which they did), I presumerno person waunid: line hd any obj ction to outsiders exhibiting, but tot to. compete. 1; am pot blaming the judges int is indtanee, nor the poreons ex- i uld have done it laos alone to fo pil igemens on the laws and rules. e society ; for I can term it in no it pi than a direct wiotafion.f- [ Holub pf "the Nifeciois had goight, whatever, bn the moiniog of the show. 10 make any. a/tesatians in. their rales and aks an Bhiot Har 'taken those things into consideration beldre they printed their bills, beciuse every person exhibiting did an, thiirking" that no outsiders would be silowed. Why not make the fair a Pioviucial one at 'anes and throw it open to ail ? but says some of the Directors ; « that would nevér da)? Why ? "Because some of the Directosy who figured so promi- neotly io taking prizes would be. afraid of being left in the back grounds and come out about number seven inmtenddt number one, as they did. Methinks "if "a farmer from South Ontario had made application on the! inorning of the show fo be. allowed even 10 exhibit, he weuld quickly have been told *¢ go thy way for thivtime)"' Now, Mr. Editor, all I have to say is, il ihe Diregtors allow the awards te yemain-- | mewn, 10 be taken 'out of the Tosknships of Reach and Scugog -- as s'ated in the papers, 1, tor one, beg to withdraw, and 1 am not alane, for it is a piece of injustice. Hoping the honorable board will see the point and make maiters right before any protest is entered --as il sitiaisly ail be done. : ous truly, © © -- MEMBER. Reach, Sept. 23, 1871. Farms for Sale. Four First-Class Farms for Sale by Pub. lic Auction, at the Globe Hotel, Brooktin, on Monday, October' 9th, 1871, WITHOUT ANY RESERVE --p-- Parcer No. 1.--111 Acres, being the of Reach. Frame Barn, oun good it is well _watered aud the lan class about 90 aches 'éleated. - On this lot thers is a New is first. West: half of Lot: No. 1, in the 1st con.| Log House, good 'Orchard, | i ahi - Immediate' possession--Tiile Indisp \ *s Fof further particulars apply . TRIPE 1h A. SINCLAIR: : Proprietor.' wr Pigs Aibert, 27th Sept, 1871. \ Farm for Sale. The Best 200 Acre Parm in North Ontario * . for Sale. E have been instructed by Mr. George: O'Leary to receive offers for his Farm, being lot No, 12, in the 12th concession of the: TOWNSHIP OF REACH. Containing 200 acres, 160 of which ave 'cleared and the remainder covered with the best of hardwood. F There are comfortable farm buildings ow the: mile north of Greenbank on the Shans gus For further particulars apply to premises. J. & D. J. ADAMS, This excellent farm is beantifi M Lud and Insurance Boke; She Ontario Bank Buildings, Port Perry. Sept. 27,1871. hi 4 An Excellent Farm FOR SALE OR TO 'RENT, ' | The anders sell or rent, for & term: of years, that =e tal farm. being the north-half of lot: 34, iu the 9th concession of Whitb; containing 100 acres--85. cli ; well watered, well fenced and ina state of eultivation, There are g on the premises, dwelling house, barns, stables, &c., witha thriving young orchard, 5 located for church, school and first-class mar kets. Title Indisputable. ¥ The purchaser oF renter may nee Plowing immediately. For further. pastivalam apply to the proprietor ou the premises--if Ld etter, prepaid, address Wm. Harper, Balsam P.O. WILLIAM HARPER. Whitby, September 5, 1871. 3 { NOTICE... ¢ County of Ontario, } S hereby given that the To Wit : A Courtof Assize and Ni- si Prius, Oyer and Terminer, and General Delivery, will be holden in and for the Co of Ontario, at the Court House in the TOWN OF WHITBY Tuesday, 10th of October, 1871 Af the hour of 2 o'clock.. noon, of 'which all Coroners, Justices of the Peace, Constables and all other's concerned, will take hotice and gova igned offers . 36 3 erp themselves accordingly. ase NELSON G, REYNOLDS, | Sheriff; 0:0. Sheriff's, ffice } Per B.H.P Whit = Sept. 5, 1871. T0 RENT. * The Subscriber offers to Rent that comfo > conveniently located shop on Bimgpoe st. ™ Albert, opposite the Victoria Hotel, The pre: ve been hitherto wsed as a Tailoring Shop, and it would be difficult to find a more suitable location. Ront Moderate, and immediate possession given. . { ELIZABETH BULLEN. rince Albert, 20th Sept., 1871. & Port Whitby and Port Perry way: ¥ er i iid' Sinn 10 4 © WANTED IMMEDIATELY : BL MAJOR, wond; | Port Parry, Sept. 3,157 ad Sntad¥ wd i! I. FARBANLS, J, i vib oly : dr, Auction. Tatesmiteed (WADIM Hd 3 p