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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Sep 1871, p. 3

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AL otpernil bas ovo AY NORTH OF ne BE ABR A rr Se 4 3 : { » § A - Public Auction! WW ALis . LEK : an Nr Qot. 6th 1871, gi "PRINCE ALBERT. ¥ Y i Lg Ty [En a fogs 8 Dress Gosh Wibd | Pritam SF lames Blankets T'weéds Shawls-- Ladié of R Hats--€lothing--Gents' Felt ts--Floor Oil Cloths, &c., &c. 25 ACRES e > : a shh Tailor: WEillimer eae x ill take pla thy mis RR w e place on the premises TITLE SD TULALE, TERMS CASH. . . JosEPH LER, x | ARRIL \/ BHD JOSEPH BAGSHAW, Executors . DAVID CRAGG, } ATs : mr im JONES BROS. & COS. Gi FALL "STOCK, *" en . hon ¥ PORT FERRY, Sept. 21, ¥sqt. oo -- oH ® id= a Encouraged by the success met with during the past months in Sunderland, io a = commencing the Stove and Tin Business, I am warranted in opening up a He = 8 Pp c= Magnificent Stock of NSioves : oe! oe a of ERY STYLE, PRICE AND VARIETY; in the following list : . . » and Manchester. oe = soy jee QVENS © LOW OVENS, « CEUTA Lira 2 8 : Home pa a JE : Pe : 3 2 Western e Lion of the West ny No.9 _ Chief Gook EAR U sx . ' 7 - . 0 Great Weste 4 , No.8 Conguer, No, 10 Giant Cook * * Bud : [pore CTR Rees : Plain Dealer--Ex- New World A ' 7 ba pd : 0 ¥ The Sibscriber being about to Bn on, ii top New 4 Nodes Ofs. New. Goods Ja every, Pe ? - Dominion of Canada. Homestead Provincial © partment - . MOVE TO LINDSAY : | . 7 'u PARLOR SIOVES. ; Early the coming month, and being anxious to lighten his Stock, | pearl Wild Rose Compeition Onward PER ' intends for the next ten days to offer such bargains as will induce | Diamond Laeket ~ Pearl. Cottage Prize 8.8. « 8t. Andrew" & "Ottawa." parties to purcnuse largely and so effect a large reduction in his Boston Parlor Cook Signole Parlor ' ? 3 5 ~ BOX STOVES-- Black Giant, Nos. 18,21, 25, 30 snd 36 ; Herald, Fult . . * A. aplentil aesnFtmont OF tock whien is nw very large. Do not nis: the Bargains a iy nor A. | 1, 25, 80 en era ulton Daily being Received ! . 13" Be sire and come to Sie: and and call at the New Big bi poets le. BROAD CLOTHS, ; ' SUNDERLAND, Aug. 9. } HN W. PARRISH. Every Department complete and | TROWSERING, VESTING, &C. AN D UN D K 4 R © A J pant aorted, GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING Gor / IT DOES ONE GOOD TO SEE _ Up on Storr NoTicE AND ix He would also return his simcere thanks to 'his numerous | fiends CW OO S ! I'HE JF : First Crass Styie, for théir long continued and liberal patronage, and would eg to dt i. cy H CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER |remind all indebted to him by book account or otherwise that on HOUSE IN NORTH ONTARIO. | 46 unt of his shortly leaving the locality that #* hic be necessary Also a splendid assortment of Furnishings; in- un 5 ! ( counts settled forthwith, : 3 FF { £ ~ihe £4 ; Se atic oni ln Und haveRal sae irst oi Ine sason) re Clothing, Scarfs and Mufflers, &c, that can be SI) CI A 1 R. Vi beg to call special attention |@adin this locally, which will be sold Crear A. N il For the Fall of 1871. BEAVER & PILOT OVERCOAT. The above list of Stoves will be sold at the lowest living rates. Customers may rely upona hi . . INGS, Bist we artiste] in Yrsre so Lo Was: ' fort, xvantes hs . all oh a i avetroughing in all its styles done cheap, « I ri notice. ides, eepskins, ENGL Joy BT & CANA- Pelt, Wool, oes Brass, Oupper, and cea, and gn ue shakes in Srshnngs, 2 Come and See them, dh : vor Oasm. Prince Albert, Sept. 2 1871. | | jo'our jk ait a [msg 1 he Subseriber has just returned rom | Montreal with a oo] NOW GOING r ade up on short notide. i ae Cottons Ee ee store lately oceu- GET UP YOUR WINTER RIGS ! : re * y Ried by SE, HERR a j . New Dressy x0ods, " pn en, Po Merchant Tailor. Conk ng SLEIG Hs ! CUTTERS ¥ New Thibet@loths, > ME THE WORLD MOVES INWARD, " i : a a > Aa . New French Merinos, 8% oti : LAZARUS, MORRIS. & 00'3 r I, RE HR * "ah a SAND OELmBMTED P ORT - Ba), PERRY 5 : New Lng] : 5 TUERE IS ALWAYS Perfected Spgotanies! 5 INHABITANTS Northern Reach WAGONS, &c. Manufactured by the best i and, from choice : vy i ; | 'IS con rg F TY ry - rr SE FACTORY ! New Srl, Me a u ve now in stock a fu assortment oi 2 ' 3 » wr i nc e 2 those celebrated Spectacles, which give The Subscriber in returning thanks to Lis numerdhs afd incredting gustomers would Ney ( ottons, 5 omel ung " ew { Ff y = Clearness of Vision, as well as Ease inform them ard the public generally that he his commencell the manufacture of an New T weeds &ec on ; and Comfort unusually large number of the very latest sylesiof first class Cutters and Sleighs op i - : 4 Ne s h ding th tre: b ) ter, which he fea fid ill full hi ish f th y a * 3 . > ere me Risin et ua si mmr bo il wy met Ge wits o eon fy fc every thing in Dry Goods, Groceries, EDSCiE; And Wat oan how Nothing but the best material employed. i} rar 45 ware, & Co SUIT THE MOST DIE "FICULT| (4 Ali Notes and Accounts already due. ang (hat will be due by the 1st day. of ' : ha d SIGHTS, October next, must, without fail, be paid on or. en the 20th of said month. Which will be sold at the very smallest advance possible on cost. ON HAND " ese " Goods were pure ase 8a that thioes Who hase not ben able go read G.U. wiiTe, |Now is the time to buy as Good: of all kinds are positively | for years, may now read perfectly. Re ; B D, - fiusually early, and fully ten to io TS STAT ; Port Perry, S=pi. 28, 1671. ad a eR going up in price ; but having secured my Stock before the ad . : y aN. NEFINST i. z= --------------=------------ | vance l am prepared to sell Goods at lower figures than any other] Machine (il le Agent for Brooklin and vicinal \ . . lteon per cont less than those |, "50, cr, For good Sty le, a i Iirst Class house ih the trade, Linseed Oil baught later, and we intend giv- gs biciir 1 ° C. Hi OR NK AN. Tanners' Oil ing our patrons the Benefit of the P ROCLANATION | | Prince Albert, Aug. 31, 1871. Coal Oil ently purchase. i Turpentine White Lead Red Lead Venetian Red Yellow Ochre Fire Proof Paint, CARRIAGES, | Shin 2 ol pte : A "THE PLACE TO : material, go tothe Japan ee Varnish ano IY TOUR ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY bony - WE W : : 3 Para * x - Prince Albért. Nails : shar - Dry Goods, : . Gl \ ' i Cocrion, bine er : lass Cloth ng, . Repairing, promptly attended to. All work warranted. opts 'and Shoes, "1 JAMES EMANEY. ett - 200 TO Hardiare, Prince aie Voy 18,1871, Notice of Cost Sale of Boots and Shoes. : Cotton Rt Rigo peare: |) Bria Sos: In order to concentrate my business I have withdrawn my large ' and valuable stock of Boots & Shoes from my Port Perry estab- Ba oS, § Patent Medicines, &c,, |. . lishment, and by doing so, I have added about $3,000- worth. to my . iene ' { 15 AT THE. Prince Albert Stock, which was quite extensive before receiving| ______ ¢ Sh 8 » : the addition ; the congequende'is that my Prince Albert iestablishr GreeNmNK Gl Le Perfect ot Elai ressing. - ment is great] overstocked. In order to remedy this great in- i convenience; Ethave determined to "sell at cost, and even under Pirie, or on GEO, FLINT. Ww. A. T 0 M LI 50 5 oost, until I have reduced my stock to the extent of four or five Mgrs: 5 and 'Drug gist, iy sho id dollars all who desire hvecure decidedly great bargains, in Boots & WANTED i Re x ) Gar ' Shoes. hat such an opportunity bat' rarely occurs, andwit may be, a long time ere ane Cn a rx 4 ] & 5k hy fica 0 hand 2 ssortment of of the Jollowing ads er 40 favorable again presen it BARLEY, WHEAT, outs] pls, » BR, ET 5 The phn Ole oioc oman, apg sometimes carries little mean. : Hing wit it MM, po Ol Buy one to sell at cost, but under present cir.| 1 vo i NT HE ARS; Sek Sa Sr ES, : cumgtances, in order to sult ay sock with on Shia} hajose of Hater as possible, I rn toy xa f IR am compelled: fo offer #uch bargaifis'as I jnduce the public 10 ca 0ads with Asn ' ai » shpat [Nos bun FRENCH be P ERFUMES, a 2 as quality of ihe stack and' te ices at which 1 will o bet, L put ell [ - 150s] i 0 NCES, Eris, ' ITRATE MAGN 'competitign but ot the question. rinse onto): nad 5 i 3 a Spirits Turpentine, Japane, Vanishes: rsp § tran "oy reba for 4 pei yore well' blected id vodght int HID 2 1h : WETS Hane ed pure, with printed Directiona for' use. Testame inte (most fayorable , the cost price, t April in gf wol IA - i } ofa and anor Papen Eavitpe Tu Ink, 3a &o. * Do not fail to take advantage of -this Sfportuniiy, o Fgétt ing ho bk Fb 3 : a Bobonpgeqy and Fenelon Yall to mostra; gp My, See wil foun vs sheng awany other house inshadrade:: {many Bots and Ses whishejoichve ' oo RE &e., Ko Ke, a So wa =p ' > 3 ballqqni 3 aztaall Yoon ir 33 ui aaa ante rs Fn grihad badisilua lise 3 5 edie oi th gy (1 +f 4% 3. 5 13 Picnic and' Excursion partied taken on « panos oo 'OMT.INSON. j PINAL Tg ALI & WH | | anmostfrvamble my! Wi i Reames miss Drier, ung he Phapoiacy Aél~ Prbvince o Zari, in SOS] A WR: Gi od | a 3 ; - If rot 4 ee 8 LL ONTEANAA " 12 Bei 4d asd [atoll oie! Pind tt Ty Wr $ 'A3TTe % cy ¢ 1410] mo / "hiNciEstex, sp. ii 3} Port Perry, Mareh,, , 1611, Masten lida Albert, 3 ae; awl a » A or sie ed 10% oa ANON. AAT td 3 Gon on pike Abe ne Cow id " i } . x :

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