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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Oct 1871, p. 2

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oat" ta 0 aut is GORDON'S Fall Stock k Complete TE Ol eoriber immense. which on iepeuiva will be found unusually ivery article has been selected | in the best markels and 'with the greatest been purchased | when Goods were at 1ljeir lowest value, in- tending, purchasets may rely on getting the complete, care. The Stock havin, beuefii in the shape of Goods, excellent quality, and fow in price. Par viz: Factory Cottons at from 5 yard ; extra heavy per yard, A nice lar at- tention is reques'ed to the following lines, om "epi yer yard wide do. at 10 cents, i illi incey a 10 conte per ago counted their wealth-by the million, yard ; very nica Co. in great variety and collected at i and Waverly 1 hotwitinaning the Handker. hiefs "waving "God ¢ soifully invites au | from 8 Thus angels of merey are Noriog with in| food to save from starvation the 'thou sands and tens of thousarids of the inhab- itants of & city, which but a few hours whose unprecedented prosperity was the puiainn at 12] cents per yard. A tof Fall and Winter Dress Goods from $1 to $11 per Dress. Elegant Wedding Dresses inges in beautiln) colors ~ Laces and der ofthe world; whose noble city-- to | risen within a few years from being a match. A lurge tot of Ladies' 'Ha i ndia! i styles. Particular attention is Tequer d 10 wiikey X : Avtading post is 018 ul the the immense Sto k of thé new style of Fur | finest cities in the world. It 1812 the Us Juokets. Please a varly ud oaly buildings here were a fow huts and "gee theses, as they cannot be replaced at the 1 ~same ow. prices. bi ate larga lot a misarab 7,11 called Dearborn of Luin', Gent's, Boys' aud Girls' Boots [intended dnly 10 protect the few inhabi- and Shoes- very substantial, and very «cheap, * The astention of gentlemen is partioularly | requested to the fact that the subscribat bas secured the services of a first class Tailor-- Mi. Cheseworth--late of Toronto. . Ever: £4 article warranted to fit, and made np in {newest and most fashionable style, and, the most moderate charge. short votice, and Tweeds to select from, please notice, that culling is done free - charge. In gs orien, every article will be found op tine mark. A large lot.of the famo 50~80 cent and $1 Teas on hand, edurigemént 10 the Reany Pay Style "Business, prices of all classes of Goods w be (bond uhusa yo where. 0% A special prize of a cnmplete set Lan Crystals valoed at $5, will be! Vivi ru bweriber, for the best Tub of '"mimon. ADAM GORDON. N.B Cash paid for Wheat, Barley, Oats "and Peas, in any quantity, Neher, Sept. 21, 1871. NR JAMES BAIRD... PRINCE ALBERT, ocr. 19 A FLAMING REASON. The Month of October 1871, will long be regarded with horror by the many i thousands in the western states who huve been stripped of their all by the devouring element. Tlie magnificent "terrible devastation which swept over Chicago during the past week bas no equal in the world's history except the devastations of war. and tne great St. Paul's. conflagration. habitants. which Chicago dil on the 10t London then contained only 250.000 in- "habitants while the Chicago of two weeks ago contained 350,000. And this great fire, this terrible destruction of life and property had its origin in 'the abominable * carlessness of a stupid boy a re sident Delaven st. who took a kerosene lamp (into a stable late on Saturdays night "let him see to milk a plaguy old cow which managed to kick over the lamp and sct fire to the stable which soon " communicated to other buildings and $300,000,000 worth of property was destroyed, nearly 100,000 ir hibitams left homeless and never ceased © until - d-Stitute, aud g2veral hundreds of val "able lives lost. Thousands and tens of thousands peop'e who were well to do, nay, wealthy on Suturday night were beggars on Monday. and a space of six*:quare miles left one black and desolate mass of ruin grinning mournfully in he face of people wild with despair and forbidding "tiem even to hope. But if the Having a good staff of assistants; Suite will be got 'up on An immense Stegk of Cloths Ladies will As the subscriber 1s determined 10 give great en- aw Sntending pop, chases are terefite respectfully requested - to call and examine before purchasing else iven by wter-- exhibited at the ureat Buttes Fair ta be held in Manchester, Ahir Peer eoood "Fuesday). Comppetilion open io the Do- ¢ Tntavio [ In looking for its equal we cast our thoughts back 205 years to the great fire in London which commenced on the 20d and blazed on till the 6ih of September spreading ruin and devastation over a space of 4,360 acres, destroying 13,000 building besides some 90 chu ches, the Royal Exehange, the Custom House, the Guild Hall, But even this great devastation is not to be compared in :oint of destruction with this fearful The London of 200°years ago contained only two thirds of the "in: tants from o unfriendly Indiang. In he war of 1812 the force in Dearborn eon! oie' ed of 70 UniteStates soMicrs and the/fei people around who took shelter in the fort. The great Tecumseh and at his followers took part with Britain and caused the fort to evacuated, and when they were marchiog out the Treacherous [~dians fired on them from behind killing | 83 of the. saldiers, taking the remaining 27 prisoners and butchering the unpro- us | tected men, women andchildren and.plun dering and burning the fort. At the tlose of { of the next 20. years--1832--the future ill {5ity contained only 12 families, the rat~ able property 'amounted "10" $140; and this yearthp first public. buildipg was erected ata cost. of 12 dollars, this was a pound for stray cattle. In another year the poplilation had increased 'to $2,000 and so much did the Indians abhor the place and people that they had named the place Chicago which signifies some thing of not an over agreeable smell, In 1837 it obtained its charter and be- came a city and contained a population of 4,000 ; in 1860 it numbered 109,000, and in 1871 at the time of the catas= trophe it contained the astonishjng pop- ulation of 350,000 so that it might almost be said of this doomed city; * it rose in a night and perished in a night." It will rise again. The grain destroyed at this time is reckoned at 1 ,600,000 bushels, this. will have an immediate effect on the market, ntl eee OFFICIAL RASCALITY, IY! Were it not degrading it would be amusing to witness the treatment of the New York official 'villians com- pared with what it would have been had they been: poor--had they uot stolen enough to make themselves rich. Had they heen poor over. wrought, under-paid sons of toil, and had stolen a few dollars to buy bread for themselves or family would not they at once have been collared by some insolent bealkt and dragged into limbo with scarcely the form ofa trial and their families let to starve till they gotout. But because a Tweed, a Con. nolly, a Hall, a Murphy, and a dozen or two more "famous official robbers h.| have got rich by stealing from the sons of toll, the hard working rate- payer; plundering the treasury of mil- lions, Detectives must take off their hats when they approach them and in place of dfagging them a3 thieves of | before the tribunal they mast ask them when it will be convenient for them 10 to take a drive, to the €ourt House to have a conversation with his honor thé Judge jand the aristocractic Judge must put on his kids whea® he sits in judgment on the aristocratic thieves and hunt up all the law books from the days of Constantine, down, in order to find a hole through which the u.| wealthy robliérs may escape justice. 'A hole has Uesn found large enough to let the base Con- nolly, the fraudulent Coniptrolier, through unwhipped of justice; and the model villian Mayor Hall, is trying to ride through on horseback. Tt was re. freshing to see this diamonded, bedeck. od rascal siding to Court to answer a acriminal charge before Judge Bag. of is gigantic and-the destruction complete "the princely generosity of a noble people "is equal to the emergency and well cal- culated to dispel 'the gloom which now " Tey, while a fired band of knaves 'cheered himon his way as if he had been an honest man. The judge no doubt would rise from his seat to wel. come the knavish Nabob and ask his hangs over, the 'prostrate city and| oon for toubling him by bin cast around the "heads of the ro for, Loup § y bringing noble donors | a halo of light Again Collector Murphy has been ..ment which consumed that fine city. ' en for the:sufferers is pouring in 'from all parts of the world in money and ds much. brighter as it. is more Jast- ing thao the treacherous, devouring ele. cheati g. | of the small sum of $112,000 The City Marshall heard =| Murphy canfess the frauds and saw him bribe n detective but the modest President Grant refuses to' remove the goods; thousands, tens of thousands, aye] ievish Cqllcctor in condlderation of hundrids of thousands of 'dollars are ing generously contributed and bussed + 1 onward. .- Fully $Wo: met by ro bupdsome villa at Long | Bracch which Murphy . presented to his modest rantships . Were the President 10 have to Pp him his Long Branch charge to. the the garden of this fair continent--had |; dismiss thé roguish Collector he would} pose of ng this, so that some of thess men holding sinecure offices ma 5 to work'and get an honest living if bam, or else take their more legi- timate employment --the highwiy, 0 t8at we can send them 10 the gallows or the State Prisons' © ! Aye, that's the rub, the Allows.y or Sing Sing, the former in their case would be preferable, and in the eveni of the learned Bagley refusing to come to time, how would it do to call in Judge Lycch ? rr ee-- = -- re. Tae Plse or THE COUNTRY. The human pulse inno more sensitivs to, or mare correst in ite indication of the con: 'dition of the health of the body than the financial pulse is (of the health of the state ; and oi withstanding the partial die- torbances sometimes caused by the tricks of the * buile'" end « bears" yet like the needle 10 the pole the financial magnet will float around and point in the proper direc- tion, the unfailing indicator will al- ways be found in the securities of the country ; and of these our bank. ing institutions occupy the foremost rank. But' 'we do not mean that all banks indicate the true state of & chins | OY try 's health for a bank may be mismanaged; miserable skinflinte may creep into"the the local directorship. or agency, Or 'even higher--men.who have only their uwn inter- ests to serve who care nothing for the pub- lic or the institution whose interests they are betraying but sithply seek to satisly their own insatisble thiret for the dimes.-- Such banks of course go to the dogs} no one will deposit in them, and aa fow as paseible deal with them ; the result is, thas health of the state but in consequence of the _graball propetisities of the money ehaike who hang around'it. "The general condition of our bank "stocks is most encouraging. The Bank of Mon- 'tréal sells tendily at 240 = Bank ol Tuiome at 173-- Bank of Comtherce 133 Merchante Bank #1123 - Dominion Bank 1094-- Ontario 106-- Royal Canadian 103 GRAIN MARKETS. The grain market since our last has undergona little chaiige, exceptional mai- ters have created a temporary calm in the Toronto Market tut the proapiebts are bright and will doubtless be (ally realized, every description of produce will tedlize highly remunerativé rates. We give the Toronto markets up lill date. Wheat. -- Soules snd Delhi bring from $1.34 to $1.36; Treadwell brings from $1.31 10 $1.33 =Ipting sells from $1.19 to $1.20. Ota. -- Oats are active and sought alter at 40c, Baruey.-- This description of grain 1s undet a cloudi buyers fight shy; it can't get over 590 and that only for choice. Peas. --This crop is rising in favor from 70 to 73c are being pad. Hav slips along froth $16 to $19 per ton. i -- VERMONT RUNNING CRAZY. The guessing State is said to have placed a dozen men in the field to lecture against Freemasonry, Oddfellowship, and other secret societies, and eighty-five preachers bave agreed lo preach against such things every other Sunday all wiiter. If the combined efforts of their. 85 preacherships: produce similar effects on proscribed Societies ss they have bad on the voteries of crime such Societies will florish under their semi- monthly bleating. When the have conquored vice they may talk of attacking virtu:. THE ORDER EXTENDING, Another lodge of the Baltimore Uni- ty of Oddfeilows was opened in Ux- bridge Village, on the everifig of the 12th inst., under most favorable cir- cumstances. We learn that the new lodge is named the Nipissing Lodge. -- An efficient 'and euergetic staff of office's has bren elected into Whose hands may well be entrusted the rising hopes of this young but promising lodge. This valuable and iuteresting Order is making rapid progress, and we wish them a.arge measure of suc. cess. The officers for the curfént year are Bros. Wheler, N. G.; Annand, V. G.; Crosby, P. S.; Cummings, R. S.; Gould, W.; Parish, T. ; Kyle, C. ; Hil- liary, RB. ; Wilson, L. 8.8. ; Moore, O G. } Bascom, L.G. oo ---- A ------e. FIRE XN "TORONTO--$20,000 WORTH , OF PROPERTY DESTROYED The Dailies say -- the fire is supposed | to have originated from sparks Trom. ie] steamers on the bay. By the energy of the firemen the destruction was confined 10 the storehouse and wharf at the foot of Yonge street. Tbe store-hovse was completely destroyed and' with it 28,800 1° bushels of grain, 200 barrels of floor" and 500 Ibs. butter and a large quantity of | crockery, The loss is said to amount to over $20,000; but:all with. the exception of 1400 bushels of oats, the property of Mr. Rooney was covered by insu ance. tee THE BORNE © DARKENING, The fearful ery record from Michigan is heartrending, towns, vi erops, cat. tle horses and men, women and chil rep all fall before thie sweeping flashes. The] town of Peshiego is in ashes, Mete Haure its stocks sinks, not in' s¥mpathy with tig |" fived Sores The an Albért, teresting Province. nyeon, gang ahd ter; 2ud a tee of $2. For general "County " [Interest ¢ perty, inco better land last. The Was oninea siroyed. $130,000. Not less thi 'Heary oats will Rill dsoy the t was Vaidh des the auspices of the N.O.E.D. Agh. wo | culttiral Society will take Wednesday, 25th inst, bn the fark 'of Messrs. A. & F. Graham, between. the villages of Manchester and Pines ales valued at $5, iooks, Manchester ; 4 The 1st prize for second class men is $10, Mr. A; Gordon, Wiahcheser nd $6; 8rd $4, presented by Mr. J anchester § 4th $2. For fist clase boys the 1st prize in a Meears. Paxton, Jd $6, presented | . it Manches- resented b low, presented '0., Port Perry . Brown , et; Med 34th $23 Gif For the' acoond clans Holl the ist prize is $10, presented by Mr B.Plank, Manches-, . Nou, Borelia ; 3rd 84 ; 4th. $2 ; 5th war Iti will be seen by . ibe posters, that non-members trom any part of the Pro- vince mny comp ete by paying an entrance 'assEssi: =n For mit to be provided for" PL ot Vel 'oW nal digent aid, &o...:: LBL Sidi FIRE AN tory and dwelling shop. A eo runt and" drew a fevplver JangsvILLE, Wis, This will doubtless be a highly in- ; the weather prove favorable a large num- ber of first class plowmen may be ex- pected os the match is open to the match, and' should The men will be divided into two he and the boys into two. The prizes offered are, for lst oli men, 1st a Plow presented by Messrs. Brown & Patterson of the Whitby Agricultural Woiks ; 2nd $64 3rd a bridle and martin- $6 Engraving, presented. Now, boys, dor fet outsiders carry away the prizes, ROOK FOR 1871 CELE and Si Total ~ 7 ter $0200 The assessed valua of the ratahle pro- me, &c., is $685, 701. Hence parties assessed for $100 will pay a tax of $1 34, for 8500 will pay $6.70 for $1000 will pay $18.40-~82000 will pay $26 89 43000 will pay $40.20-- $400 will 1S" pay $53 60 -- $5000 will pay $67.00. This is exclusive of school section rates. that is necessary for parties isto add the school section rate to the above in order lo ascertain the full amount of their tax. sire dei Matinee ee A Capitat Cuance for A Pro¥rianLg INvEsTMENT.-- We would direct our read- ers to Mr. Geo O'Leary's advertisement in this issue ; it will be seen that he offers 10 sell or rent that excellent farm bring'lot 12, in the 12h con of Reach. There is] no So favorable an opportunity for renting a: firal class farm, of investing in real estate eelitom otcurs.-- Don't fail to read the adver jsement, DD. . : % Norta Siscox Conthovertep Evrcrion. \--raised and flat--was much 88miced ; --A railway train has paseed throngh the Noth Simcoe election aml knocked 'the sent from under Mr. Ardagh, the sitting member. Happears that Ardagh hited a irain to bringin electors and the Julge pronounced his election void. in the county. Mn JEWELRY, WwarcHes, CLOUKS, &C, A large and elegant stock of New Good- just arrived at Diesfeld's Jewe!ry Establish ment, Prince Albert. ment will appear next week. rn eee. RENovaL -- We enlt stfeution to Mr. Squire's new advertisement in this issne. le has moved fiom Manchester to Pont Peiry where he now carries on his tailoring establishmert in all its branches. advertisement.) een MamRRuam, Woe regret w lean ti that Mr. H. R. Wales' extensive Carriage Waiks, including the blacksmith shop where a considerable amount of unfinished work was packed away were all destroyed by fire 0 Sunday loss must be about § rad. Mr. ee te MURKE FIRES, Windsor, Ont , damaged by fire to the extent of $150,000 ; the business part of the city destjoyed, haud is in it. "Burly on Weditesdny thorning, 11th inst., some miscreant is supposed to Jie thrown # Hghted match through a brokén pane of glass aiongst tle straw in the stuffing room of a harness ored min saw the party o*chase, but the party ah threatened shoot his pursuét afidithus escapad -- _Hagness shop-the fire 800M | Giieq, James Bailey took the lst and passed to other r buildings until a lurge portion of th ery business centre city iold, _ashes ;and pesty, over destroyed, ANQTHER I BIG FIRE, x Oo. 13 --Goverer Faitohild hs - the lollowing from Git of, Ein to, Wha fires : = © appalling calamity not ry Ove three thousa , in relalion to (he 500 pe! at Peshiege vic Priomit po) eastern shore. « ! children are. now . J Ee horses htt bok oats can't mal and wie AGRICULTURAL, rxaiiTION. Pirie by Mr. ne rowssue All His new "adveriise- (See hir a T® 2 Cash's Fi Fac- Jouse were also de- He loses $1000, one third covered by insuiince A demon's jod ue fous over Searanse: will figure up The Township of f Canwright Agri= 'Friday 13th inst. The 'weatlier was #equeiide why a splendid turnout, not | only from Cartwright but from the sur rounding townships. The village of Williamaburg, the centre of attraction, looked gay and cheerful and at gui an early hour the animals and articles for exhibition began to be brought in and the cheerful bum of the gathering throng gave promise of an unusually of the society were hopping around the atientive hosts of the two. well con-- ducted hotels were attending to the comfort and convenience of their arriv- ing guests, 'By noon every necessary | arrangement was made for the judges {6 commence their labors. In passing to the right, in the Hall we found a handsome single buggy, got up in superior style' aad a beautiful doable set of silver mounted 'darriage harness shown by L. C. Hawkey. Mr. Ferguson's case of boots was highly creditable. The grain, seeds and roots were. well represented. 'There were 11 entties of excellent grain so good in fact that it must have been difficult to place the p:izes. Potatoes and other roots were TY, The Horttéuliral department was lightly. represented, thefe Were soifie god apples. "Pie 1adies' depariment was redit< 85 able alike to the good taste, industry and skill of the intelligent mothers 'and fair daughters of that rapidly advancing township. The gent's plaids were par. ticularly good both as to fabric and fin. Quilig, Counterpants, Blankets and Coverlets made a eapital display both in number, quality and evidence of com- fort. There were not many entries in fulled tloth and home made flannel but those who showed did themselves credit by the excellence of the get up. The show of rugs was very Superior. Stockings, Socks, Mitts &c. tere plenttfully displayed. There were some capital specimens of skill in the use of the ncedle. The fancy department was well sustained and displayed much taste and skill. The Bérlid wool Work the farmer's wreath was beautiful. Al together the Floral Hall was highly creditable to the '¢xhibitors and to the township. SHOW OF ANIMALS. The show of swine was not extensive but there were somg good auittals amongst them Messrs. were the principal exhibitors. The <how of sheep was good both as 10 extent and quality. The principal exhibitors were The show of Cattle was far from being what it ought, it was far behind both in extent and quality. The good ly number of young animals which were shown itfipedr (6 indicate an iiptoy€ment in this direction but not what it ought to be. The society acted witha generous --we had almost said a prodigal --libar- ality in granting prizes on crops on the fields during the past ycér (some $150.) If this amount had been turned in to- wards ihe purchase of & first class Bull with the Government percentage of a least $100 making a sum of $250 would have gone a good way towards the pur- chase of such an animal! Within three years not a corner of the township but would have pariaken direcilysor indirect. ly of the benefit of ihe ptirchase. The principal exhibitors inthe cattle were Jos. Leman, Isaac Beaeock and John Joab. The show of Hdises was very fine, evary class was well represented. "Phere were 6 beautiful animals shown in the 2 year old draught geldings or 8rd prizes, Jus Parr took the 2nd. R. Hyland's 1 year old'draught colt carried off the 1st prize from four fine animals. Joha Adjutant's 2 year old entire draught colt is a beauty. R. Hyland's general purpose brood mare carried off the 1st prize from 6 competitors: Jai he Ti (ot fillies vere well represented T. 's Ss eet the 1st pris ftom 6 com--- Yamane ay 0 'cultural Society held their Fall Show |' All that ould be desired and ihe 'con 10 successful show while the active office rs | naving ;things properly arranged, and 5 well represented . both in aROYLY | and | Lin Getty. £m * Xe "| from our advertising columus that a hig! 'y ---- a fine oars There. wane? gapital genenl pirgom, - n. Won Tariors oanie of | The 1st Jas Bailey. i 1 year old cal, 1st and 20d R. Hy. lands, 3rd J Boder. 2 year old Eire Colt; Int J Adjutant GENERAL PURPUSE. Team. 7 entries ; Ist Wm Taylor, 20d R McQuaid, 3rd R Vionoo. yon Brood Mare antl Foal, 6 ent; 1st R tIyland, 20d Alex Sth, 3rd TH Mason. 2 year old Geldigg or 'Fill, 5 ent ; 1st Alex. Smith, 20d == Lummis, 3rd Wan Marlo. aC 1 year old Colt, 3 ent ; Ist Joo Deri 2d S Sherrard 3rd Soba Joab. ? year old Eotire Colt § 1s - 0 oa J Willi james Fn.8 Sader . : CARRE: eam ; 1st A Taylor, 20d R Gibson, AF Whyed, 4 E Gosh Brood Mare and Foal § 1st J Grabam. 2 year old Gelding or Filly, 8 ent; 1st T Oke, 20d J Egerton, 3rd I' Hamilton. Single Driving [orse, 6 ant ; 1st Jas Hall, 2nd jas Putt 8rd Jobn Devitt, TTLE--ORABE.; Mileh Cow a J Ist Joa Laon, 20d F Werry, 3rd Isaak Beacock. 2 year Ju Heifer; 6 ent ; 1st Isaac | Beacock ; 2nd and 8rd Jas Vinnon. 1 year old Heifer, 5 ent; In John | Jodb, 20d lsaag Beycoek:. WR ° AyoTion sALis. A number 'of valusble Horses; with other farm: Stock, Implements &e. &e. the property of Dr. McBrien will "be sold by auction on lot 11, in the 9h c¥h. of E. Whitby on Thursday 26th inst. com- mencing af noon (see the posters.) Major & Wilicok are the auctioneers, Do not fail to attend, Mr, J. C. Pilkey will sell by auction on lot 11 in the 4th con. of Uxbridge, on Wednesday 251h inst., the extensive and valuable stock, implements, &c., the property of Ransom Forsyth, consisting of 8 fine horses, 12 bead of canle; sheep, 0gs, wagons, cutters; sleigh, plows, barrows &c. 8c: everything required on a well orderéd farm. (see Posters ) ~ An important Credit Sale of valuable Horses, Cattle and other Farm Stock and Implements the property of Mr. George O'Leary, will take place on Lot 12 in the 12th eon. of Reach on the 31st day of the present month. - A large quaniity.of valu- able property will be sold and parties wishing to purchase stich things ds "every farmer requires will do well to attend. J. C. Pitkey i auctioneer: d-g An extensive Anetion Sale of valuable Horses, Catite,Sheep, Farming Implements, &c., &-., the property of Ms. Wn. Tomlin- sont will take place on lot. 7, in the 12th concession of Reach, on Thoreday, 19h inst , commencing at 10 o%lock a. m.-- This is a favorable oppottonity for pnrchas- ing some particularly fine stock; such an opportunity, in fact, as but far ly becurs. Parties will do well to réniember this and not mise the ed's. Mt. 3; C. Pilkey 18 Auctioneer, (See Posters). Win. Gordon, Auctioneer, will sell by Auction the valuable stocks of John Bar ker and Jobn Tipp on Saterday 21st inst. on Lot 18--4th con. of Brock (See Posters.) JC i sell by Auction the pro perty of W Linton, on Friday $0th inst. on id 8, 6th con. of Reach, (See Post ers. It will ba seen from the Posters that Mr. C Rose Lot'20 in the 9ih con. of Reach (vn Simcoe St.) has instructed E. Mujor 10 ssl) by auction on the premis2s on Tuesday Oct Jk, his valuable Horses, Calile, Sheep, igs and Implements. This will be an impotfaut gale and a favorable opporiinitg will thus be given for purchasing excellent stock and impleiiemts. Johnston's Self- Ruking Reaper, a Mower nearly new, in fact everything necessary on a well con- ducted farm, Do not let the opportunity slip! The Sale will commence ai noon. VaruasLe Stock AND IMPUEMENTS BY Avetion, -- Our readers Will find from our advertising cytumns or from the posters that Levi Fairbanks, Auctioneer, will seil by public auction, on loi 8, in the vear of the | 6th concassion of Reach, the extensive and valuable otk and im pléméuts of Mr, Chas. Westlake, who is giving up farting. The Horees, Cawlp and Implementd afe all of a superior desdgiption and such ns are rareiy met with (dog™ lose the opportunity. ) GREATAUCTION SALE Ib impoptunt eale of Town and Fark:Lots in Printe Albertand Port Perry is announced | 10take place on the 21st and 22nd of next month. Thé lots will doubtlees be arkiovs- ly sought after and parties will do well tb) look around and have the lats they - wish: urchase looked out befote the day of sile. There will be a large number of lots to se} bus the applicants wi'} do { be equally na numerous. (82% the dreriae: rn ug FIREDS Tul; AT WORN. s v., 05 a them belag th aint. si a of 1uns) Col hal Lely no gre wes. Righ wind blowi at Ihe time, nd | 4 posed there fo a plot 10 the sity. are Ew seven distin, Bail troops a T %ud Jay Pare, 38 i in the vicinity of Pembina i been créatell [arRIVING TO the Grand Trank, Jon and Port Stanle ol especial onatablea who THAT 1nvaBtoN. lion, 4 noble}. -Otmama, Oct 1A " depetch wad young horse admired by | received bere § bis moral. by the Gov. the crowds round hin: He avoougbes Vie ist Gestral will bo doubt My prosiaie| ON and Tore a mi 2 ond fo his proprielo and those who em- Sing a Peinhias. ? ploy him. ? i 1+ The main. body bf the Fenian Tore has : crossed into Manitoba. DRA Itis wed that ha able-bodied med 1 Brosd : Manit arma. There are 44d lr Sl nd oul n 3 Cte, bb 2 year old (3eMing or r Billy, 6 entries; | OrTaws, Oct. 13. --The Usited Stated tacked the Fenians a them, taking thirteen 5 intention of the Gavernment Lp cautionary measure at ouce To ah a strong force of yolselgers to Fort Gerry: Five. companies of volunteers are bei o pL Manitoba under Sho -- Manitoba asd Bri 7 Columbia 18. Lonpon, Ont. er, 1= 10 attempts were mallb Inat'ni £4 10 Ee to the south-eastern pan of 1g ¢ily, ibCiuding ray and Lone rat bl ec wBheries anil save of oil, among a train of 17 oats; was set on fire, Another car on a oiling Slot oy the the Western car t shoe SB Freight depot wi red," Hy he' Grd Trank Freglit sheil also was bel ! 1a each cdsu the firs was prompily ov- and subdued. . "The e até in uiler coiomioh Vighance oie has been De . and the Mayor has sworn in a large p mter patrolied the streets all night, The Insurance agenis have ordered all the empty boxes and rab ~~ bish away from the back yards of stores. Many merchants watohed, all_pight, and will agein to-night; armed ie Li Detrorr, Oot. 14. News oot to day confirms the previous reports of the. wide spread desolation inflicted by the fices in yarious pans. of the State Irem Port Haron to Poiiit aux Basques. 'The lalle shoregim--alihest deserted. i were burned ont and blig lives; daving nothing. Pariodlain of the Manistee and Holland city fires also give a more disastrous aspect than ot firet re- ported. Bini: In Reach, on the Sth inst; the wife of Gaithes Mc! onnell, of a son. Wausren, At hit Manse, Brock, on ls Rev'd A. Somie, M.A, Mr, oar 2 acl Jac! 'of the Townshi Oliver; of thie Do p BD, At inl Fosiento Tot 11, 8rd SE etn Juesday 17th inst., a. ith, bo be. jr: bowl 'm. Holtby Esq. of! NOTICE i OF Remo 1. The Subscriber woold_ gpp portunity of returnilig his Svat eisieinnt numerond tfond i uj {ol section of onatty for the ond in soil has a Tong" Jecelved an patronage which he ould to inform bis friend; EL ho dh red eh rome in Ross's ay ) a he gad on TAILORING BUSINESS In all its depariments baring | ineressed facililies for & still furthor extension of bus ders Sasetumon, whe, sHorlhal possible untied. Gmyments made uf ups The Igtest style. tl moderate TRIES ANO guaran' ee 'Remember the Place. Ross's Block, Port Perry. 2 JAMES SQUIRE. Port Perry, Oct. 18,1871, 10 SELL OR RENT, T=, SSCA Tos OFFERS 10 sell or Rent one of the BEST FARMS! In the County, being Lot12, in the 12th concession of the Township of Reach, Containing 200 acres of First Class Land, 160 acred cleared and 40 acres of ae Hard Wood as the Piovinee containd. §, . There are comfortatle buildings on the premises. This excerLLeNt Farm is chnvenianily situated anil within easy disinnce of auf best marke's, one mile north of ¥he villag¥ of Greembank, and is: one of tha most pledsant, healibful locations in the Coutty. For father particulars apply to 1h6 prb- prietor on the Promions oF il by fener pro paid to Greenbank PO. GEORGE O'LEARY, Lin 12, oon '2; React [» . Reach, Oct. 18, 1781. {42 * NOTIC] "S HEREBY G.VEN hath the geo: poration' of: nel Reach, at 1 Row BEE . og | Props oie to pass 1 : Law LE Township of A Roan

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