Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Oct 1871, p. 3

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"BROS. & CO/zm=== 4 id gat m ' s So Ha Lo ad Pr WE . : cd on. : 1871; 18% Have shipped their Immense Stock of Butter, Pa 700 Firkins ! 13 Wagon Loads! TN TW Anxious to replace it with coop Butter for which they will PAY THE VERY HiGRRST PRICE. A I An Immense Stock of New Goods--=complete in every department. : ' PORT PERRY, Oct. 5, 1871. yiiey ® ap FALL mao A eT 1 871 : 1871|GE YOUR WINTER RIGS!!! a : oh © pat } all Stock. I mm mil ADD LIPO RTATIONS Mr. AT THE" . Ontario Buildings, «i ---- Som rer CA; W., ROBERTS PORT JESER, PERRY | _ Sloat in EE Sonim iat CARRIAGE FACTORY | GOODS iE : rp. |into this place one of the LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED Stocks of Goods| The Subscriber fa returning thanks to his numerous and icreasing customers Wold . Otober 11) 1871, 41-8w | ever offered ; all being bought for cash and will be sold at such prices as will ENSURE | inform them ard the public generally that he has commenced the manufacture of an. Great Auction Sale ! SATISFACTION to all who may favor him with a call. 'I'be stock consists of uausually Targe number of the very latest styles of first class Cutters and Sleighs for : Y the'cdfiing winter, which he feels confidét. will fully meet the wishes of the com- D R . G 0 : '|d ip yg ! munity both sd to Quality, Style, and Price. , ' : " ; : : Town and Park Lots Nothing but the bést material employed. i IN EVERY D PARTMENT. 02 All Néies snd Accounts already dite. and that will be due byfthe Jst day of . ' » hy; 53 rT PORT q ! : ' October next, must, without fail, be paid on or before the 20th of said month. PRINCE ALBERT & PERRY. R 4d Im d Cl thi 3 2 G. U. WHITE. i nis ee Proprietors of the Lids included on ca 9 ade o ng Pagt Perry) Sept. 26, 1871. X Si Major, and Hurd's Pins will sell « (TAE BEST STYLE). a ALLUL la Way Ho om Tuesday an lay, : : ; iP xs Glasgew and Manchester. x". B88 Tow ad Fuk Love, Shand on. Sibi Hats & Caps, Boots & "Shoes, Groceries !| - For good Style; and First Class ; : 20 venue. iy Mind i : es : ic ~ Visi rc SH eee ie. Special attention paid to the purctase of - " | bo The whee whe Lite ss puantfyp sated | ea Jald to the p | rl ; QUANTITIES Ee cnt pL EE ; ; Y : ET oudeth vice Do RE Poet Perey Baiiway: 8 : --- > oods #h every % 'The nhtufal advantages possessed by Port Ei ; ie 3 partment : a ERR of wile reid The Tweed Department is complete in every Shade, Pattern ahd Variely. Edghish . 3 Ral , RR 20d fertility of the surrounding country, insures | Scotch and Coriadiah. Black Broad Cloths; Black Doeskins, and Chssiieres. Gents' |" ARRI AGES. a, UGGIES. 2 : a, file is ' I tl i ol Tod | Fumio Goods --4 speci, - AGES, hg {net an Post tn 4 2 Bo distant day, BE the AY bn A The ladi- s of the Townships 'of Reach, Cartwright, &¢.. are particularly invited do | . alps ; pp » - . . "w | : . ¥tree® f the Dominien, it being 82) feet in | come aad see our new stock of FALL GOODS be'ore purchasing el ere: : 5% ? x S.S. «St. Ani ".& LW» Bun y g. elsewbe ndrew" & wa. Null conngtting by a digit Jed Yipusiness | Every kind of Produce taken at the bighest Market value. : a AW RoBERTS,| WAGONS, &T, |Duly being Received! ithograph plans wi irculated Port Perry, August 23, 1871: LI ill be fore the before nil ok = Manufactured by the best workmen, and from choice ome and See them, =~ A fon that part of the property formerly . material, go to the . |1T DOES ONE goop TO SEE mew Slik fu" Syne | UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE | bead 5 8} yc BE al Ties lt a | OF Frm St ements © | iON ONTARIU CARRIAGE FACTORY Bory Department complete and a Woy [LN A. < 3 Sea'; = 1 La I . : ell assorted: & | Teosrme pie silos, its ah | oe yy pn, Rel foce Prinse Albert. % wil gover, uud arrive at Port Perry in time ON THURSDAY, 10th OCTOBER, 1871 P Ri I \ \ I ON o. s ; ! «A Tuam will leave Whitby at 9 a.m. | The following: Valuable Properly belonging to ' : a \ weil timene deat Pot Pry ln time for intendlag pur- William Tomlinson, EE Repairing promptly attended to. All work Sarauied, ie ] - 'commences. : That celebrated Trotting Horse ® Young GreyEngle!'-- 2 3 4 ero, Tunic in Gash at the tink of ale and tho | i "Tha fa » ne aniaal ad well Know ue & gous : Prince Albert, May 18,1871 3 ; Te 1 1 instal stock-getter. _ He hav carried ofl sever} imjossehs ) rince ert, May 18, . NOW GOING! i bere Riverest at 'She rate of & per cent per | BEER Ee iy Si Tee INH ABITANTS " We beg to al spenist attentiodl o Hora, * Young Morgan Ca ears oid, by * Juck or -- « fe Rt naray sheet | FL LE EES Northern Reach!1871 1871 : Plans antl further p Firs tng | "Voaks Grey 1 agile. 1 Daght Biood Ai ; : o ] M cs i : C grr: sate pele ASR Een SYOTLICTN TRCACH x THE WORLD Movs onward, Grey €ottons October 2nd, 1871. fies Sh heey Fogg. Sake 1 Cuter. i Ey. Encouraged by the success net with during the past months in Sunderland, in 1 Fag for Sale. for Sale SST i, To shove pore THE PLACE TO " commencing the Stove and Tin Business, T am warranted in opening up a THERE IS ALWAYS, Be will postively be sold w reterve. . - Alarm o | "suk to Commence at Ten arco, ms Magnificent Stock of Stoves ie Trems.--For ile Draught Brood Mare, cash dotvn; 5 : . . Wie Subscrlfiét offers for Sale for the Sigios, me Teed he pcs, mie he _ Of EVERY STYLE, PRICE AND VARIETY, in the following list} ar em A Dem a 2 os AER Rr TRL ELEVATED OVENS, LOW OVENS, Something New! ! . he ia, ree, 6 cers td is of Ep on. acest Com a Hn Dry Goods, Western Home Lion of the West Superior, No. 9 Chief Sook . : a : hen due, . : 3 0. i -. Lv Kame louse and Frame Barn with other neces: | | J. C. PILKEY, Auctioneer. Groceries, . Great Western ~~ Queer, No. 8. Componss Noe 12 Sen World & i ee _ RE aa Clothing, - iaproved Cobia. Inperia, gh Wincey 8. : There a fine creck Sunning Actua the dot agord- A YH] Boots dnd Shoes,| dion Superior, 10, Colonist HomeGuard,No 8&, ok Erie Y " em : Ing constant supply of, excellent waler, nd | \ T Hardware; Domivion of Canada. fTomestead Provincial ON H AND EF Wl asantly situated in a healthful locality an a u inware; ; \ ; a aie" for partes | | Statio nety j Peurl " wild AAO za Onward abd . i & good farm or to inrekin real estate,' | 4 Patent Medicines, &c., Dhunoad Locket Pearl Cottage ; Frise Machine Oil x 'or further particular apjily If by letter post ii IS AT THE Boston Parlor Cook Signole Parlor . . These Goods wore purchased ERwin go de premiss or lo) Wortgages Wanted. 6 S BOX STOVES-- lack Gisat, Nos. 18, 21, 28, 80 snd 36 ; Herald, Fulton Linseed oil P ce paper. me i C a | lronside, Black Prince, Fiuted Box. . : 3 a 5. G. PICKLE, Ti: Subscribers have large suns of money REEN BANK TORE "The above la of Svcs wil be ey at the lowest living rites, Gusiomere yay ely ups Tanners oil unusually early, and fully ten to A u icle i y depa ent-- peni on 0 ned. ' i 1 Scugog, Oct. 11, 1871: He ow lox Sr us Grid, Iuly TET GED. SLINY, Ergin i 1s se doe Che sl i 0 Shortest noice." bined oepsing;| Coal Oil fifteen per cent less than those er ------------------ | OUhET 3ecntities in this and adjoining Counties + ' : 9 | Pelts, Wool, Rags, Brass, Copper, and all kinds of Produce taken in exchange. . \ = und d hy Big Tea Kettle. r ; : his CLOCKS, WATCHES, have undsn rr Port Whipyund_ Port Forry| Tce ud avlie fo Suricsiand and eall ie tho New Bi6 TSORN W. PARRISH, _ Tom ph d bought later, and we intend giv- on getting their moiey wi e . - ns i ; AND JOWELRY, posse dee. 4 : ; ing our patrons the benefit of the = m-- m-- Waited to Purchase " Red Lead 0 P as N ich thé high- Red a . Sma o ttn TP Verietian Red early purchash ar Canada Per- TERA RS . aly SRL St | Ee Yellow Ockirs 8! 0] ni . 3 . sp Catats oni. losument rior | J) ; ) Fire Proof Paint, | : - el . || . p AT n from 2 0 : 3 : ; Lands Bought and Sold. apan errr Ww. Hepinstall's Several good Farms for Sale. 0 VoPhish Opposite the Globe Hotel; Agents for several first class Fire Insur- " : ance Companies. | P tt : B R O (8) K LL 1 N 3 Oallections made and n general agency busi- WANTED IMMEDIATELY u y 5 ess . . : RH ony to a meh ie tho | bar peseNTURES BouGHT. "BX 0 0 ™M E N Nails Lassrus & Cos Celebrated Spectacles| JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, 2 Glass : « the Cheapest because the Best. . . General Agents. ; . To work on the above Railwiy. ? fe BrALWAYS ON HAND. L){ Office in Mr. Ross' Onario Buildin, Aol 1 500 : Wk wiLLy -Brooklin, Oct. 11, 1871. 411 port Perty, Oot. 11, 1871. ort Lay. LE Ei MAJOR. C 4 t " None . -- i | pont Perry, Sept. 7, 1871. a : 8 ; EXTENSIVE CREDIT SAL¥ nS 1, Tra j 7 otto Bags . : By ¢ : RE will be sold by Public_ Auction, on lot No. | | ree Eo i RY 8 heiieiii a i ' rd mia bE I 8, Concessicn 4, Brock, : . - if RT Sajelt SATURDAY, flat DAY OF OCTOBER, MONEY || LIND Notice of Cost Sale of Boots and Shoes: P A ¥ c A SH {8 Bxtensiveé Sale| i rum sockimmens, se ibe por | Tn order to concentrate my business I have withdrawn my large fh Of Horses, Grade Cattle, Iinplements, &¢. JOHN BAR BR AND JOHN TPP: - AT cas and vgivablé sick of Bouts % Shate from Uy Dont yens estab 3 5 Sm---- . RY . . pg 5s . Drivin lishment, and by doing so, I have added about $9, worth to my For any quantit} of : ' Fhe oder hua sting Juin fe fn, he $e REDUCED RATES. Prince Albert Stock, which was quite extensive before receiving # 7 q ¥ " "Mr. Charles Westlake, gd re ia (8 eats ol. 1 Col I yoke 'of Sleér | T AM riow prepared to lend any amount of | tha addition'; the consequence is that my Prince Albert establish- Ww pS on lot 9; in the rear | sists & years ald, 4 Steers rieig 3 years old, 8 Year | § yo Te secutity of Good F , or Pro- 3 . : heat RO bih sonssasion Reach, on Tings 6 Hogs. 8Calves Vsinep. 8 Breciing sows 1 om oe voperiy at. the lowest possible | ment is greatly overstocked. In order to remedy this great in- Chil og ' : ." _ TUESDAY, 24th OCTOBER, 1871 Sogle BT Ls ot 1 Wagon, himble, zate of itgrést in tush ud manger to 0M bor, convenience, | have determined to sell at cost, and ever under Ww ANTED Biirl > The is propeity.via--1 emive horse, | Ske EL 110" opin sovig sted tbr | Stalments a7 1a On SUID. cost, until I have reduced my stock to the extent of four or five r ey, . allace sing Bob Sleigh ove fibbult will be sold without resetve. | * Sevoral well cultivated Farms and Lots or| B07 : Welhaelo™d Sale to Commence ax clock sharp. | Wild Land for sale ¢heap. "® ® thousand dollars. _-- > hs Cows mt Prnms,--All sums of $8 and under, Cash; Svar thai Investments made in Debentures, Morigages,| | would now say to all who desire to secure decidedly great bargains in Boots & Peas, Bat Caves 1 IE a Bi from and otbet urites. Xs boaghtand sold. Shoes, that sdch an opportunity but rarely otcurs, and it miy be 4 long tiie ére one 3 t Democ) when due. 5 ver a reenbacl AD . hia 18 itsell. Ly . ops , "wm. GORDON, Adetioneer. | For rhe parila ab to po terri desi ing at vost" is nol uncommon, and sometites catties litife mean | BARLEY, WHEAT, OATS, PEAS Qals Brock. Oct. 2. 18M. 1. f aif: cs "JAMES, HOLDEN, jog witht. Tt is seldom an object for any one to sell at cost, but under present eir. { ; : La] Hoeey Broter, de: cumstances, in order 10 Reduce my stock irks as slot anes of Hie as posible, 1 Ne fe, », ei : i Niland 8 'am lled to offer euch bargains as will induce the public 10 carry oli my wi eT. : 2 ; : Whitby Sept. 28, 5. From = -- "The lity of the stock and the prices at which 1 will offer it,. will put all| Delivered atour WarelfSuse here: tition out of the question. i : TRAY ED. "My Soriog hahaa tor both sihablshments weie well selected and bought on tbe : ! : : . Neg t favorable terms, and a'l will go at the cost price. * oi dy 310s rear } . Soa TLL od i 8.10 IS. RATED from the pretuiees he ga "Do not foi to take advantage of his opportunity of getting the best value for your CURRIZG : Grn Ea00 Eee All SUIS € aah; over that c t of June last a Yearling » Ted | mone, o! Boots and Shoes which you ever got. G. . El heise Feng wil] i LT ly El | BROWN & CHRISTIAN hoch, Rd ~~ JOSHUA WRIGHT. ~ baow Fo ANDREW GRAHAM. | pomos Usd : aoa Ne i Beak Oct. 360, 197 y Prince Albert, May 8, 1871 : | fines Albert Aug. 9, ai MANGHESTER, Sep. 7, 1678 : EEE BREE SY fei al aR at f X / : HL A pda

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