its ARNE rea &2., Prince Al © Al rt Mire THAD Ean KARW Lo She wapAPer; 19 PUBLISHED AT) THE red Bh &'PA ISON. DER RGR wn Prats: ET Ca Andgegisiered, Kbit heat our ed to DVERTIBING,. For ny ings yo rb sty ), 08°" ++@ubsgquent insertions, per line.. 002 Cards; ander 6 )ines, per annum. pesgueasired in Nonpare Adnan temetaics hao iL Advertisements received for publica esific instructions, will beinseried until forbid, an Rirgot tomdugly: Noadvestisemenywilihetaken Ashore! N Hseuumiallo weds a seh crehants and others tisehy the yearorhalf-yen ox he uyariing p91 willin AH "be, strictiyad- 0 to, ihe Hrdstantiyl Werehding fmporance of theNorth Bidingoldutario co ulerm hE soudomuing nt Ev vi PX Er take the AP in forwarding wafithe county jnhd in the am oat Yiocaland generaliewsgiven,w illbeunsurpass ay! A Canada. 1 $64 PRPARTMENT. Pamphlets, and Bills.Posters. Programmes. mil eas, Sante Forms, Receipt Books Check Dake Fe Business Cards, Hall Cards, &e , &e., of aisle amd eolory exeaiedpromplly. andatiower hanatany other Pactiesfrom a al ghant ile: Aes printed ean have thsm done totakelome withth Jy BAIRD. | H. easobh J 'Professional Cars. "Dr. "Brathwaite, < PRINCE ALBERT, Physician; Surgeon, and Accoucheur. "DR. WARE, ; ores: for! the 'County of Ontario, os eine Surgeon and Accoucheur, Piiace D a ro. 9 H.L. Harnden,L.D.8.,| Sugtont and Hoskioten) Dentist, OFFICE, = «. ACR STREET, ? PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE-- PRINCE ALBERT. Particnlar dttenti to the of OFiiSrens Teeth, gives pation Mineral Sect oid Gold, Silver and -Vulcanige Teeth I vith Gold o> a8 to Preserve ik. Shem from fi her, decay. | 4 ons vis Oh Ons doieed red for fhe Consultation free iy all pie wiriaated, Oct. 4, 18T1, 89-1y THE "ONTARIO. FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company | = -- i J Sompany is now fully organized and is prep pared and their contents, i School Houses and hutrches. These wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of daing so either bY in, to the Hi Head Office, or to any of the total pA : of the Company. Our rates will be found. 1 low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Om he han: 1d Regi: Office Bi (1 ce--1he ol = ings Breck Street, Whitby. ry cy Bid L. FAIRBANKS, Jx., WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, C. 'W. INCORPORATED vue cvsocisins 1851. Capiial - - $400,000 reside HON. JOHN McMURRICH A H, RNAR HALDAN, Fi MES PRINGLE,' GENERAL AGENT. Vice-Pre: Secretary... DR. C. E. MARTIN, RADY ATE ot Victoria Colle; w eionte Provincial Licentiate, uate of vie Tospital Medical College § of Gua New Sori I ye and Ear Infirmary in General and niin Surgervs and oil graduate for diseases of ti ty New York. Office at Al- ison & Pe ty Shesh store, Port Perry. R. JONES, M. Ds Nr CORONER FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO; PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &C. FFICE and Residence over Allison & Pewip's Dug Store, Port Perry. Drs. McGILL '& RAE, a AIAN, Sugnons &o ke. ences, King street, Oshawa. ®M. XGILL, M. D. FRANCIS RAE, M. B. Office and SAMUEL H. COCHRANE, LL.D. BENE County Crown' Attorney, Solivitar in, Chancey, Notary Public, & Brock street, Whitby, R. J, WILSON, ARBITER, Attorney at Law, Soliciter in Oha 'ke. Office in the Victoria Bil ing,, Whitby. LYMAN ENGLISH, L, L. B. Savant in Chancery, . Attorney, 'Uotveyanter, &c., Oshawa. Gies--Stuehe, i Opposite the' post office. . ©. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, yh Attorney-at-Law, Plfleng in Chancery, and Ingolvency; Notary Pub lic, &c., & bs) Ost Offs Neilaa 's Block, Brock Street, Whit- "CAMERON & MACDONELL, RRISTERS and A at Law, Auctioneers, Major & Willcox, LICENSED AUCTIONEERS: ¥OR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Valuators, Land a Agents, Commission 'Merchants, &v. 1 ACEOUNTS COLLECTED PROMPTLY. Money. to Loan at 8: . per cent. E. MAJOR, - W. M. WILLCOX, ' BORELIA. PRINCE ALBERT. * | Sept. 2, 1870. : 39 Wm. Gordons Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, c., &e., : OR the T| poskips ot Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, F OR he ara, Ra Mariposa and Eidon. i 3 Parties Ee their Sales to me may rely upon the ytmost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland, P.0O., Brock. ATTI ENTION. call the Th undersigned "would redpectfl Bi olicitors County Council Ontario. Offiges: ourt House. M_oDAMER A La , JMACDONRLL, JAMES LAMON, ., TTORNEY ab Th Si in Chanosty, oven Rind i , [ewisghaciing Vi ose wishing the ser to sales that he prs hottest hy ere in' the County of Ontario. Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept 'of ntly; an han fish sole Agen nt for oe best and cheapest famil ily Sewin geiiing § n the Dominion--pat- ented June, 1871; The Patent Letter Family Main | Sewing Machine js acknowled ed Pail 0 know pps oes of an d Rflocdite) So 5 ha or he Xo pris the Post' wi Sm office Mr, Feeters Bl " Town Ha LLB. Qaliei olinsy had? i to be 1 heapest in'the' ae ¥) the is keh vo es fared a machine for 0. All 5 Wap ppo- | 780) rs attended to on the shortest, nokiod. I Cy PILKEY, « Sone' y. Jai sade FL Hopsoin, Sept. 1, 1871, JOHN L ARRISTER, Atging at = il an B nga Albert. 0 Office San yal ~UipHos, BC WALSHE," [CENSED fray ger fo for 1 opal al hy Ty ir ilo ba rs left ett fl thls i a ath {Hifi ly and. ginug wal ERLE aid od ig oD WA i va 4 21 > ee WN ki rh Ont. Rooms directly at te the Dost Marrin Maggie entrance Simeon street, br nort! the Ontario 5 <IST OF LETTERS romalaiog i in the Lv Prince Albert, Sept. 13, 1871. Er ulin Miller Fo i | Leek & Hunter or Hy H: H. McCAW, P P t to accept risks on Farm Buildings | ly {ae Secretary | ciga 1 in Morrinh John + | | F. {bor ery or, tener i si gin Te sa gsoatse Hotel, ™ B Subscriber Yering i abova Hots pie f Steg up Jn A siyioln hes ing Frith, the , - (EE ublie. Strict altention id to Gs Table and the Bar. Comfortable Stables and atte! il Neither labo aking the Royal Hnading 1 i ted worthy i public patronage. HENRY. FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER B. PLANK, ur EROTPRIETOR. AVING d the above hotel, and has nd urchi ana furnished th the hei wi Ri liquors tages to ip) rom TY len lo pe) Always in attendance. refill companion pointed. THE TRUB ano wae maa ¢ What's that you "hays Hayden # "The Bolion Bank broke. ' Tt can't be possibly 2" And Frederick, Wells, who had heen re-i olining in B16 ohair, with his foet reclining on the back of another, the ver. picture of indolent enjoyment, sprang to his , feet, tip- | ping ¢ over bis chair, and sending "the cigar 'h6 was smoking (0 the luriher, ond 'of the 'room.' "Yesitisit'is tore i in the paper, an you oan seen for yourself. But what is it to you? Did you have anything invested 3 | there ? Na ; bul Miss Neal aud<atrhich amounts to the same thing.' An oir of intense chagrin ovesrpread his handsome, though rither efteminate fea- (ives ss ho road the puregraply ind which his Mackie's Hotel, (LATE BRODIE'S,) WALTON STREET; PORT HOPE. ow | MACKIE, Fropatar, Jewett's s Hotel, RENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed tached; and an attentive ostler always in attendance. Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. DAFOR, HOUSE 90D iw EaLL A attention Gro uirements of travelers and guests. bars sid with the best wines, liquors and Sik . DAFOE, Proprietor. Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, JAS. CAMERON, Proprietor. Albion Hotel, WHITBY. A. MASON, This Hotel bas undergone a thorough renova- tion and been fitted up with a view to the com- fort and corivenience of the traveling publie.-- Every attention will be paid to the table and bat, while obliging and atientive hostlers will have charge of the stables. Wu, 20th June, 1870. 25 ra PROPRIETOR. OHAS THON, V8, EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, Chica- go, 111. Gold Medalist for the best exami- nation on Horse Practice. Author of a First Plies Essay on Shoeing. Graduated Sept. 18, 4 T1 orn begs to announce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry. and is now pre- pared to treat all cases entrusted to his care in the most skillful and scientific manner. All or- ders left at the Medical Hall of Messrs. Allison & Pettet, will receive prompt attefition. 13 The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factery Port Perry, July 27, 1871. > 30 JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, PRINCE ALBERT. "0 @0w Great Inducements !!! New Arrivals of JEWELRY, * CLOCKS, and' WATCHES I! I Will be sold Very Cheap I' Considerable Reduction' in For One Month Only, And for Cash Only, John Diesfeld's, 'PRINCE ALBERT. Prince Albert, Ang. 81; 1871. rice ! AJigr.ant response. ¢ Confound it," ho J, ¢it always my luck to have my dish tipped over Just »Lwhen ive full} Thoughjl. must say, if its got lo come, that I'm glad it 'happened » mofith befate rather than a month after our marriage." Charles Hayden, a yonng man whose features though less regularly tormed, were expressive of far moté manliness and good- ness of heart, gazed at the Speaker with an air of undisguised astonishment. ¢ Why so, well 7 You surely didn't ask the hand of Miss Neal simply for her mon- oy ¢ Well, no; I can't say that. She is = mort lovely woman ; and it really cuts me to the heart to give her up. But I'm too poor to afford such 'a luxury. And Miss Neal can no more afford lo marry a poor man than [ a poor Lids So we're about oven.' 5 "And you have no thought for the pain that your desertion will inflict upon the heart you have won.?' said Hayden in a tone of suppressed indignation. ¢ Softly, my dear fellow,' said Wells who had resumed his former comfortable posi- tion, and was solacing himself with a tresh cigar ; | hardly think that it will bo dy such desperate affair to Miss Neal as you | suppose. Indeed, I've thought several times of late, that had it not been for her foolishly high idea of the binding nature of such a promise, she would have broken the engagement herself." ¢ And knowing this, you, have Leld her to ite fulfilment 7° ¢ Not being sufficiently disinterested to refuse the gift of fifty thousand dollars 1 rather think [ should." ¢ You are not worthy cf a poor trre-heart- ed woman like Ellen Neal!" was the in- «Then so much the be'ter for her, that I should her to bo appropriated by some one, that is-- you for instance. It strikes 'me that you'used to be somewhat interested in that quarter; now is thd time old "fellow, for you to go in and win.' Charles. Hayden scarcely felt or noticed the covert sneers in those words, so mach was he engrossed -by ihe new-born hope that had sprung up in his heart, aud which made his pulses beat so quickly and strong: ly. ¢So you are to be married next month, my dear?' said Mr. Thorly to hie ward, Fllen Neal. & ¢ Yes, | believe so," was the rather in- different reply. i Mr. Thornly studied his ward's face for a moment with his-keen e) es. «} don't believe you care two straws fo; Frederick Wells. t0h, net so1bad 'as that guardy,' said Ellen, with a faith stile, ¢ though 1 have sometimes feared that [don't give him the affection he deserves. . He seems lo be very strongly abis¢hed tome.' « Hupph ! my opinion of Frederick Wells ia thet he is too mach in love with his own promised, and cannot break my word:? je face to be very much' atliched to any woman? & You are loo severe. Any way, I bave ¢ Oh, no certainly not ;' ft better yor { heart." Marriag ¢ Licenses: L sd «148 A ued Li Stason lanty ist, 1b tg #51 FA LE [dy pl. (PRIVATE, FUND&) , | v2 Ta loan on good Farms, at 8 per Sy LYMAN, ENGLISH, A hide #0701 01 ht ry yor ents JOHN: CHRISTIE, OWNSHIP CLERK for es on weBench, PA mors crea eitonded| | words, thera arose. up befath, hier | vision one with whom she knew ahe. gould | be far bappier.. But; even.if dlis had been _| tree tohioose, how did she knew he: would] gl | SO b, errand on which he came. © "eh 3 a evening sir; and ;I_assute you 4 (regret: « suman ated sathodial wud <1 don't believe I've got ny was He i ily Hg of a Bin tion." * wo Hous Mardy one portion of it rather bad, but the other could possibly happen to you. Thornley, how thankful I ought to be that I tutbed state of mind j much ae she rejoice ed at hes escape, she could not but: deel deeply griaved at the discovery of he un: esteemed #0 highly ar to often reproach her- self that she could not love [him as he de- served. turbed, though from a very different cause. tried to recall the neat litile speech, that be had conned over on his way to the house, | laughing rejoitider. It} have I've never been able to discover: it... Never. faar for me, guardy; I daresay'l'shalf'be 'as' happy with Froderiok' as with any 'one.' Yet, in 'spite of heme" Tightly nip ohoose her? True she had sometimes" fah- oigd--but what right bad she fo Jaduies. in bo| ¢ Feejes, Mermaids,' :or some other equally | sue," Mr. "Wells responded quickly," "the missions s | entering if rirnd that ihe hiewa > # pully sagsls ps The ol wer wis 8 eying 10' * dodge he "ques- young couple. followed. tis suggestion, | but. this: we know, that throughout . her long anil happy married life, Ellen often had occasion to bless the fortuse blunder . vg : got {ink Td understand you We ) What of ny . " Oaly, this, sir, that, deeply. as: I regret the necessity, the high regard: I cherish for tha knowledge that | shall be unable, at least for some years, to offer | her such a home as she, is sosustomed to and merits, demands the sundering of our engagement, ¢That is to eay, in plain English, + my ward having lost her fortune, Mr. Wells no longer desires to marry her." ~ In spite of all his efforts Mr. Wells felt "| his 'cheeks Tingle henesth. the quiet scorn in the eyes that rested on his countenance ¢ You put it rather harshly,' he said, fore- ing a smile; but we wdn't Suseal about teins. ¢ Very good. Al 1 have to say is, * what you are plened toterm Miss Neal's' misfcr tune, promises to be the best thing that could happen to her. Good morning.' When Mr. Thornley saw his ward again, «Thx Feuer Heaney sx THE au, 4) A woman suggests that when oe breaks his heart, it is the same as when a lobster breaks one of his claws--another sprouting immediately and growing in its plece. Fa " You say," seid a judge to a witness, " that the plaintiff' resorted to an n ingenious uke' of "circumstabiial evidence ; sta téex=]" actly what you mean by that 2" ¢ Wejl," said the witness, "my exact weiag is tbat be died." | . " ATE SRR In Nantucket 7] used to he a mili, tary company cii¥ied 'the Nan et Guards, the first article in the constitu- tion of which was, "In case of war this y shall in pediately 4d.» FTI that boabled het to discern between, |. 3 WHOLE N A wan J in Kansan'wa wag: x resent at thé funeral of a neighbor of whom no good could Honestly 'be said, Bit "everybody was saying somathing, and this 'man pot to appear singular, but being incapable « of lying eulogy, semarked that it was Ha vice ag A gentleman in Essex called oh i shoe desler a fel days since, end purchased d pair of shoes for his boy. The shoe dealer took the shoes for the purpose of rasping off the pegs inside, when the pur. chasor objected. ¢ Because," sid he, ¢ f the pegs are cut off the boy will run all over town and the shoes will not last him three weeks. BE A welllmown 1 New: York lawger bay. iog won a suit, the opposite party was so much enraged that he declared that when ever lie met bis legal adversary he would piteh=idto "him. "They encountered each other at an oyster counter, The gentles , man at ofice addressed him : "Mr. Jyles is there a cause so bad, or an individaal so infamous, that your service caunot be in the evening his countenange wore a curiols expreesion. + I have important news for you Eilon " You say, Mr. Snooks, that you saw the plaintiff leave the house. Was it in heste? «Yes, sir." "Do you know what cahsell the heste ""° "I'm not sar- tin, sir, but T think it Was the boot of his landlord." 80 good as to more than make up for it.-- Indeed as I told & certain young man this morning, I consider it the best thing that First, fo, the bad ; the bank in which your money: -------------- on Ta vented, Kab gif op, and wont: pies A little Sunday Sthool scholar said she couldn't belp thinking how ished btained fcr 27. I cannot say," replied the lawyer, swallowing another oyster, abd then stooping over, he asked in an under- tone that everybody could hear, * What have you been doing." --e On a certain occasion a hoted infi 'el borrowed a sum of money from the late Dr. Latbrop of New York, when he camd to pay it, he "thought to pose "the doctor bably pay two centd on the dollar. Now for the good ; in consequence of thie, Mr. Frederick Wells called to express his rte- grets, that he must relinquish the honor and happiness of making you his wife.' Goliah must have been when the stune from David' sling hit him, as she did not believe "gach a thing had ever entered his bead befote." ¢ [8 it possible 7? exclaimed Ellen. How RR TT isghay db Wasfern eiftor, ib Tasponte 10 8 supe beloved we" lor Hysell alone. Ob, Ms. scriber who grumbles that his paper was intolerably . damp, says that it is because have discovered hew false his heart is, be- there is so much due on it. fore it was too late." C liction should ken our atten- tion and care, but not our passion. We should be on nl side or interest but that of truth, 8 To preserve eggs,-- Dip them in melted lard, wax or tallow, and" pack them in sand or sawdust, with the small end down; worthivess of him, who she bad hitherto wards. Mr. Hayden is in the parlor, and wants 10 see Miss Eilen,' said a servant opening the door. PN Ellen entered the parlor in a rather per- et ~------ Adyice, says Coleridge, is like snow-- the softer it falls the longer it dwells upon Mré Hayden's mind "as aleo much dis- and the deeper it sinks into tho mind. PRM SR a ES A cutting remark.-- Lawyers are like It wae in vain that the young gentleman | ghears ; they never cul each other, but what by arg from the Bible ; « Y ou ought - is placed between them. as is usual in sbch cases, it pletely| AC stit--¢ Speech is miver, but sil- vanished from his mind as coon as he found ence golden." Hence the expression, hush himeelf in the presence of the: lady for | money. whose benefit it was intended. At last, making a desperate effort he broke the rather embarrassing silence, by saying: -- «My dear Miss Neal, 1 have "heard of | your loss: of fortune; and cannot express what a great burden it lifted from my heart; 1 was go truly rejoiced as to quite forget :~ Here startled by thefidigoant astonish- ment depicted upon Ellen's countenance, the poor feliow stammered, and hen stap- ped. « Sir-- Mr. Hayden," faltered Ellen, deep- ly wounded at langflagh' so differert from what she had anticipated; +l dm at a loss to understand why 3 you should rejoise over my nisfiniine.?, . ¢ Dear one | know it is very selfish, in we, and yet { was never half so happy in my life as when 1 learned tbat I might, without being : accused of unworthy motives, tell you what a precious privelege I should deem it to cherish and card for you, as man olierishes and'oares for the iid object of his lote.*' $n, The sudden revulsion of feeling, caused by these words; seit Sas happy tears to Ellen's eyes. « | thank 'heaven for the: reverse of for- {utié 'that bas given me the rich treasure of your 16ve?~ she titrmiired, as she laid ber}. baod softly ia bis. "Half an hour Tater, the lovers were re. ceiving he 'congratulations, thé warm ap roval of Ellen's guaidians . ' The old, gentleman listened silently, nd W, Miler, Sesietary. Lo ine with evident enjoymant. 1o:the flank. they HE uA A '@oos WAY laid for: the futare. ofp. rr ~I--re We forgive too little-- forget too much. a t--m Years do not make sages ; they only make old men. rp -- I -------- SABBATH SCHOOL CONVENTION. Tho annual convention of the Canada | Sabbath School Association met in Lon don on the afternoon of Thursday last. The Secretary's report showed that during the year so far as reported there have been 247 new schools organized during the official year how drawing to a close, Of the above the W. Methodist claim 117 ; the Canada Presbyterians 50 ; E. Metbiodists 29; Ontario Sabbath Schobl Missionary's Union 31; Sabbath Séhoot Union 20. It{will be: seen that several important bodies well forward in Sabbath Schaol work have not reported so tbat it would not be risking much to esti- mate the increase of schools at 500 which we believe'wauld be under the miark if the Primitive' Methodists, New C: i Cliureh of Evgland, Baptists and other teachers 25,000 and scliolars 200,000. . Mbkrich and Rev, "1 oid of Miaw Neal's nly a ™ 1 " -OMiss' Neal's" tilafortune {what thé duece dye mean! ' saidithie of gentleman, grufily, with whom the. young gentleman . Thornley 'venchied his office] I'm sorry to your pretty To: |» Ey Bc Frederick Wells 'waiting:to see Ir fd a: Cottage, "all that Meus, Win, 0 = Oct. 13th. =The him Whi 'accosted ih in gir" " to | age of hig" be id oC at, bit ili] rinpletider of the. gang Felanper oes sinh, pot to se] ermbarta 1} fact is, Elfen--1 obgh; [1] 61d yo; your bo attempled thrgw abe mget vale remarkable, when we;consi |fortuve wes invested {he Bolton Bank" [from the track the night before lost has been, arrested . [ pappened ta, the 'money he fromihe detectives, with the j was by no means, a favorite. ¢ not to take interest for the money, for the Jews were forbidden to take usury,"-- « Oh, no," said the doctor ;¢ you forget. The Jews were indeed forbidden to take usury from their own people, but gtbey were allowed to take interest from the heathen." The application was tao di= rect to be mistaken, end (he man was quite willing to drop the argument and pay the money. mt A -- Frugality may be termed the daughtet of prudence, the sister of temperance, and the parent of liberality, He that is 'ex- travogant will quickly become poor, acd poverty will enforce dependence, and id: vite corruption, which ends in disgrace. et -- Nitro- , glycerine is made by mixing glycerine, first with strong nitric acid,then with sulfuric acid, - After chemical action ceases, the oily product is washed with water to remove the acid ; it is then inits explosive state: LL ---------- ; Tn recompense for the short duration of life entailed by some occupations, it must be regarded ss consoling, almost {a sub- lime fact, that lebor, in general, does not tend to shorten life, but rather by strength. ening the body, to lengthen it ; while idle. ness and luxury are prodistiie of the same results as the most unhealthy occupatiolis. "Lhe pictures in the illustrated jourddls are cut in box- wood. This wood grows in different parts of the world. - The bulk, however, of that which is used in this country, is imported from Turkey. The giowth of the tree is slow. If it is twelve inches in diameter, its age is to be gum: bered by centures, for it is above 500 years old. Those trees which attain a diameter of eighteen inchesare abcut 1000 years old, Block makers prefer trees eight or ted inches in diameter. tbe A -- To Stop Breen --It is said that bleeding from a wound on man or beast may be stopped. by a misture- of wheat flour and comma salt, in _gqual parts; bound on with, a cloth, If the bleeding be profuse use a large quantity, sey froni one to (hree pints. 1t may be left on for denominations were heard from. = The nutiiber of Sabbath Schools in thé' pro- vince is set down 'at 4,000, number of "The officers elected for the present year are Mr, 'A. Rowland, London, President with a numerous, we of Vi e-Presidents, Treasuf hdraw The gang were part of week beforeit failed: ou don't be dowa- (120. Chivago plundering patty. dose hours, or even days, if necessary. The person who gave us ibis recipe says in this maoner he saved the life of a horse which was bleeding [rom a wounded artery ; the ! bleading ceased in five winutes after the application. It bas been, successfully and toplied in ober cases,-- Homa Hearth . DE A dy having accidently broke her | smelling bottle, ber husband, who was ver§ petulent, said to her, ¢ | delare, my deary everything that beloog to you is! more; of less broken." * True; 'replied the apy og 1 fo, mova crown in bis bat, hearted, abut i Fowl) y ero i 'on 'Rechiae or: 'Milwatikee; This! itiectient -- fad pes of pale, » we il} re london being pprehiendeds Ha: soil ge CE wish be' lieve you its burden. If you can't, dis-| sad authorities prevented. them a' compotion ¥ Je odd pose of it in any other way, you might do- | coming further. They 4: them 0 - says it is an 'wbinsal hboving fout legs, pate it to found a ¢ mission schoo for the | attempting the slayghler of passengers. at each corner, Rs WERE pounalagang LR 0 ST rr