shin GORDO MANCHESTER, a - " -- ---- i os ATT i . 8 . J { - i a oe * Go ho - en ; -- pi eres etre rr e---- ~ ; m---------------- Phi Sth paragraph dile tes on the virtues | i u railways, in a position of spring when they start housekeeping THE PRINCE OF WALES. RE-OPENING. SER VICKS. "PORK WANTED 'Sy hy pay the highest price. ' --O-- Goods Greatly Reduced in Price! Aberdeen Winceys from 8 cents per yard.-- a A splendid line of Factory Cottons, yard wide, at 10 cents per yard, Red Flannel Deauifal soft fipish, from 25 cents per yard.-- A Special Bargain in Buffalo Robes, Call and see them. Bt 5 Wheat, Barley, Oats, and Peas, wanted in any quantity. ' 3 Also Turkeys, Geese, Chickens, &c., &e. ADAM GORDON. Manchester, Dec. 6, 1871: JAMES BAIRD PRINGE AL BERT, DEC. 14, 1871 THE CAMPAIGN OPENED. The first seesion of the second Parliament of the Legislative 'Assembly of Ostario was formally-opeued on the 7d inst The usual palaver of body guards, guards ghigoor ngE to the very Telr. NN A 8 ! ont 3 A 8 ed a hiberal sprinkling of Canadian or cod- fish Aristocracy. After the speaker of the House and the the Lient--Govenor read his Address. The address set out with a truism, and we are glad that 1t is so, viz ; thatat no previous period in the history of this pro- vince had we ever so much cause of grati- tude for blessings received, as our prosper- ity isdar beyond anything ever before wit- nessed in any part of British North Amer: ica. The second paragraph of the Address holds out little hope of a speedy termination 10 the interprovincial scramble lor the plan der of the old United Canada Money-chest It will be remerntered that a batch of Gov- ernment pels were fet 10 arbitrate between the provincee of Quebec and Ontario .as to bow much of the Assets and Liabilities ex- - isting in the accounts of the united pro- vinces at the formation of the confederation the prosiuces. were good fot t:="5n wenton ata pace which appe 10 shreaten a life's job; between rising, post: poning, delaying and adjourning the thing ared assert that the arbitration would only ter- minate when the assets were absorbed and divide. However there came a day when further procrastination was played ut and run were the only alternatives, and one of the Quebecers hidopted the later course and ran home; and when the v'liers came toa decision in Lia absence, the Quebecers kicked the bottom out of the. whole thing -by oarrying it belore the privy council in «of the present century. enough to give it to him. dicts good results from the change. _ opened in Loronto. results which must arise fiom this .institu derigned to be communicated at an ins'i important operations in engineering - dts tkousands and tens of thousands wnou develop ie ral resources of the cou a ~ 3 the sooits, viz 0 ani fo HE Subscriber desires to purchase any | County of Prescot, G. W.Monk for Uagleton bi hs ood Fat Hoge, for which he will | -- GG. Striker Prince Edward Wm. Colqu- Beautiful Prints ranging from 10 to 15 cents per of crowded and the floor of thi Hause eontain- ; Provineial secretary had spoken their pieces was spun out until gome people began to the province would get the liabilities to something decisive must be dune-- fight or England. This will take another handsome | tiaut out of assets and will in all likhhood be followed by another interminable, extra- vagant larce at arbitration which may come crawling in with its award about the close Joan Baptist wants a good haul off us for the last if we are fools 'The third and fourth paragraphs refer to the change in the school law and pre- 'Ibe fifth paragraph points out the advantages which may be looked for from tke new school of 'Technology about to be We should judge that the beneficial tion-- if properly conducted --cannot well be overestithated, such instruction as is tution of this nature, is of the utmost importance to mechanics and manufac turers as affording them a thorongh kaouwledge of the principles of all the more. manufacturing operations and of all those Jiseful arts on which the prosperity and Wprogress.of a country so much depends; and if the country has for generations spent ally in cducating lawyers, doctors and others it 'is but a small matter-if at this somewhat late period a few thousands yearly be spent on the tecnical education of one of the most important and aecessary | classes of the community, men who will i y#| should be maintained. Ary, build on engines, superintend our of the drainage cet. ; The ily paragraph alludes to the appuint- ment of a commiesioner for tlie purpose: of nimming hg our several law courts with the intention of rendering their action more prompt, less expensive and: more salistac- tory. The clerk réad # stafement of tose mem bers whose conduct had diegualificd them for holding their seats, and whose election had in consequence been declared void by i W. Hamilton for the honn for Stermont-- W. D. Ardagh of North Simeoe--and A. W, Lauder for Sovth Grey. On motion of the Ad. Geu. the report of the political decapitation of the above gen- tlemen was @ccepted and writs igsped lor new elections in the counties d great ewbarrassment. [le felt that on that occasion that had the member for West Toronto been as the member forthe East, a supporter of the Government, th: deputation would have received more en= couragement than it did. Mr. Crook's allusious to the base in- terfence of Government hacks (from which ever party it came) in election matiers was straightforward 'and manly. If the remarks of ibat gentleman on the present occasion foreshadow bis fu'ure course Toronto never made a wiser selection than when they returned this gentleman to the Assembly, Other members followed and tire speaking was kept up till close on On motion, of the Ait. Gen. the House adjourned till Monday. nN The pilched battle between the in's and out's may be staved off by some par- liamentary dodge till after the stray lambs all get within the fold. Until the vnsrupu- lous gentry who attempted to ride into par- liament on whiskey casks, shinplasters and other equally honorable means but who got age and lost heir ifigotten eeats be eith- er -elected or mote deserving parties re- turned in their places, when ibe forlorn hope shall have all gathered in then will come the tug of war, The muster way fur from being contempt- ible, the boys were generally pretty well rigged, and many ot them look as fierce as a meat-ax. Several of them, as might be expected, were totally unprepared for anything beyond receiving the pay, und the 'oud laugh which greeted the announce- ment of a play epell till Monday showed the sympathies to be much more in favor of play than of work, JohnSanfizld's everlds- ting shirt collar fitted" thtoughi'amongst the gathered thong like the jib sail of the flag ip IPT TRA So y 2 "Monday, Dec. 11, | "ha speaker took thegehair at 3 o'clock p. m. ahd business commenced with the presentation of eleven petitions, after which the debate 6n the address was proceeded with. On the first paragraph being pu! Mr. Blake rose and wemt into a seathing 'review of some of the acts of the Govern- ment during the first parliament. Firet re- ferring in condemnatory lerms the shameless attempts to steal a march upon the country by springing the late elections upon it. The tenible scathing which the tlind, thick and thin followere ot the Gov- ernment during the first Parliament received at the hands of the country the late elections was referred to with capital effect and we think with good taste as the re- silts 'ought to prove a warning to all blind and brainjess voters on either side of the House. The next point in Mr. Brakes ad- dress was well taken, holding, as it did, up to public scorn and detestation the inter- ference and undue influence exercised in the late elections by Government hangers 1 in should go to each province. The pay of | on both from the Dominion and Local. No a little difficult to defive what the neces = arbitrators was somélliiug handsome and act of a government "coul well be more ary qualifications are ; but the position of every day they sat gnawed away a consid- | base than using the public funds tobay upd pe dt aneilor is wotone of these gil | erable portion of the bone of coinention, but support and encourage corruption, and no | qualifications necessary in it and the arbi- | otlier motives would induce any government | ooo claiming a'seat at thi coarcil boa to so lar forget'its duties to the country as to | allempt an exercise of undue influence over i elections. Tne speaker next proceeded to! place a tombstone over the political graves | of the martyrs of the late parliament. Al blind noodle who will gap, nod, shout and vote by party and aot from principle is a disgrace to himself and lis constituents, but the man who will pledge bLimself to any course in order to secure his el ction | an when elected change face and betray'| bis party --those who elected him for a | certain purpose--oughtmever to have an opportunity of repeating the treachery.-- | The: Governmental borough mongers next | came infor a roasting and they were kept | before the fire tithey were overdone. It] is time that a redistribution of electoral divisions was goue to aud so burst the rotten-horougks. The money--1hat root of all evil --will doub:less be the death of the present gov- eroment ; this block voting is far from being palatable to a freejpeople ;the people «f this country know too well the effort it requires to muke money to relish Llocking it out in millions to any government we care not to what party they belong. In fact the grand distiguisbing characteristic in this province need only be the party of honesty and progress as distinguished from the corrupt selfish trickster. 'Fhe Hop. M. C. Cameran followed Mr Blake. [le defenJed the acts of the gov. 'ernment, but his attempted defence of thie' election ambuscade was a total failure 'and no one present felt that more keenly than imself, Mr. Cameron is too honorable a man 10 be successful in defending jobbery. | Mr. Cruoks the new member for West "Tofonto made bis maiden speech. This leman certaivly made the best point by far of any speaker on either with re- gard to the governments carle Hane disposal of the surplus. Ta: speaking on this point Mr. Crooks said :--"Plic question was not whether aid should bgdgranted to railways, but whether the sound principle of legislative control over 'oe public funds Nor a8 it.a ques. :1on of the personal honesty of the five of the Government. They had ' As ananpfactures apd. t our railways. The sixth paragraph speaks of the mat ter,of Immigration and promises additiona effort in that direction. : Schaol of Agriculture and of the mode farm ab a 'The scventh paragraph refers te the be established. This is proper direction "| already seen some of the effects of placing miduight, the weight of metal being largely la lime a safe criterion. A panty may have] orpof the opposition. "The list of notices of motion is of un-- usual importance and foreshadows much important: legislation. ; Tuesday 12th inst. The debr te on the address was again i ii by the member for Monck, he praised the measures of the government A. hie datesminatine ia wan NAT ves} " Sp against Mr. Blake's amendment, "The member for south Greaville fol- lowed in a similar strain, The Hon. Mr. Wood was the next to take the flzor, he went into a long and able defence of the acts of the Gov- ernment during the first parliament; in many instances calling forth some sharp bits from the opposition members. The member for Kingston followed. He referred with befitting bitterness 10 the 'contemptible iricks of the Grand Trunk officials in causing their Lands to iuterfere in-election matters tothe detriment of-the interests of the contry, ~~ ° .. Mr, McCall ombehalt of the Gover) members returned or. new: anes in thei: places. Th's caused a big fight but finally a vote was taken which resulied in 33 for the Opposi.ion and 33 for the Government so McCall's amendment was lost and the debate adjourned, > Pk A THE NOMINATIONS, On Monday next, 18th inst., the nomina- tions of Candidates for the office of Reeves and Councilors thoughout the various Municipalities of the province will tuke place. The importance of the proceedings of that day cannot well be over rated as lar as their bealiag on the moral health and progress of the municipalitigs. « « On that day the assembled elect 1s put forward men whom they declairdlv bu fit and proper persons (0 represerit, defend and push forward the best interests of the muni- cipality, and this is at it ought to be, 'for uo individual who is unworihy of the posi- tion ought to be diguified even with the farce of a nomination. . There are positions in life in which it is § represe: = are neither numerous nor intricate. In the first place a candidale's political leanings ought to have no more inflaznce on his elecs tion or rejection than the evlor of his caat or the length of his nose ; and-the individual or party who would seek to infuse a politi- cal bias into our municipal contests 1s no friend of the community, nor promoter ol frank and fair, upright even handed legisla non for all alike without distinction of par- 1y or locality. Neither is the ability to ut- ter the greatest number of words in a given his tongue hung in the centre like a swivel and he may be able to talk his opponents out of their boots and be a wornhless dang- erous legislator after all. "An honest man is the noblest work of God *' and this is w sine qua mon to begin with ; if this quah- fication be not present no power of eloqu- ence or business tact can compensate for its absence ; in fact the more elgquence and the more business capacity a Jishonest ickster may po-sess the more he is to be dreaded and the greater eflort should be put forth to save the community the iufliction of his abuse of power. Selfish,unscrupuloos knaves always euppose that public plunder in legitimate game and that a public office is only valuable as affording them increas- ed facilties for plunder. The public weal with such isalta myth they believe in every man taking zl! he can and keeping what he gets We by no means wish to be understood as undervalu- ing the important gilts or acquirements of eloguence or husiness capacity in pur pub- lic men, far; in themselves they are most desirable, but when p 1 by selfish aud dishonest men ~ they are like arms in the hauds of the highwayman only render him more dangerous. Neither do we assert that honesty is the only quali- (ization necessary ; to discharge the duties of councilor with any degree of efficiency, with comfoit to himself or advantage to the' municipality the party must posess a €er- tain amount of business tact be able frame a resolution, to forsee its" 'eH:cle and defend it need Our Reeves and Deputy Reeves ought to possess these and something more, they ought to possess at least the elements of the power of debates' that 'when they go to represent us' at the County Council board, amongst the mbled wisdom of the Countyy they may sustain the interests and eredit of the municipality 'and add to the importance of that respected body. -- As we stated in our last the oaching| this power in the bands of (he E v They had seen deputation after deputation waiting upon the Government, and almost supplicating them to aid their enterprise, 'when, if ie House had properly exercised its control these railway companies would have come before the House and demand 1 for this township ought to be gone to with unusual care, as the future of this corporation for inany years to come wiil very much depend on the the County and Township 1872. Matters of the highest to the ratepayers of this municip will the Counci! of ed their quota as a right. Ie wssone'of a interests of agri ductive of much vantage of the jn- in such an institu: putation that waited upon the Attorney. General in the interests of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Roilway, and he came to the copclusian that Parliament in plac. ing this power in the Wands of the Govern. ment had placed sqilway companies and members of constituencies, whick were require to be dealt with by vext year. The with our Jong Abe village of I'0 division of our liabil ties but vigorous offsprifg--| | with by the Municipal Council of the com- wma it $0.b ey insEpRE TIER fnamiog nth 0° of as lin.s. will r. Blake's 'amendment ti I amo rou ed] a ¢ this Eh oe) on their own account we are obliged to ask them to pay part of our debts. Dut they remember that for their sole use] and Benefit we mortgaged the whole town- ship, and they have seen fit takick us off and hold all Me property whereon was expended all the proceeds of the mortgage, so that in realty whatever pert, of the mot tgage we pay is just so much "given to them 10 help them along in the start. An. other important matter which our Council will have to deal with will be the Gram- mar School Districts question. Thisis a question of very iderable import as a mistake in the arrang t here would be an injustice to the ratepayers and on injury to our Common Schools In the altered condition of Reach a con-- siderable reduction in the equalizéd value of this township will only be just and equitable, and will require to be attended to. A great many other matters of nausual importance will require to be grappled ing year ; and such men only should be elected as will without lear or favor defend our rights at liome dud abroad, Selfish men who wish to make duty an open qnes-- tion take precious ws od ggg that thes not commit themselves either in print or by address, they strive to s'ip in on the block principle, hanging on the skirt ofsathers. Such however ought not to be the case, aspirants ought to be called for a defi- nite yes orno ! to the more prominent ques tions likely to be legislated on. With regard tf the acts of the Council of this township for the present year we conceive that there is no room for com plat. The business of the corporation has been coaducied with prudence and no small degree of energy, while the utmost econoiny hus characterized the expenditure Abronghout. It is true that the taxes 'of chow do The deep and universal interest and sympathy. felt throughout the length and | breadth of the British Empire for tne Prince of Wales in his momentous struggle with the grim inonster ; the wide spread alarm at the prospect of hia death, and the general heartfelt commiseration for "Tris afflicted | toyal mother, 'his devo'@l wife, mourning children and grieving brothers and eisiers ate highly creditable to a noble and devoted people, and go far 10 prove that far deep down in their inmost heart lie hid the well springs of true loyalty ever ready 10 burst forth when occasion presenta itself. The unanimous voice of the nation is : " et ae Do In youth it shel d we . And I'll protect it now." The singuiar. similarity between the dis- ease of the Prince and that of bis illustrious father, ¢ Albert the Good," is somewhat remarkable. Exactly ten years ago his lamen'ed father. caught the "sane iype of disease ; the fatal malady made its first appearance on its vieym on the first day of December 1861. Up 1ill the 13h his sannd constitution apheared to bu a match for the disease and the universal expectation was that he would pass safely throngh; but here a change for the worse look place, congestion of the lungs set in, and ere the morning of the 15th he was a corpse and universal 'humanity uncovered before prostate {rue nobility ; «The good alone are great." We in Canada were only apprised of the moarnful event some ten days after it had occurred. The ead intelli= gence having reached this side of the At- lantic an, Christmas eve, (hia mourniul tidings soon flashed over the length and the present yenr ore siderably -dn-ex: cess of those "of the past year ; but no one Tlie Coaucil of he previous year--and we think wisely; but we dn not stop here to argue the point--did not pigiide for the fu | vinount demanded by the bonus by law---or in other words allowed part of the money accumulating from this source to be applied to the ordinary expens's of the township, and this necessited the rais + ing of only a sm ll amount for the current ality for that year. y is the same tis year as it was last--46¢ on the £100.-- The county rate, owing te the additional grant for education is 2c more on ihe $100 this year than las. The township rate is 136 on the $100 his year whie it was only 3c last and the poor tax is le more on the $140 this year; so that the amount of taxes for the present year is 99 cents on the $100, exclusive of school rates, while last year it was only 8% cents Silin the present year our muni- cipal afliics have ~ been conduc ed with as much - economy sud discretion as the last or any previous year.-- The'amonnt realizod from the excess of the lownehup rates of the presenl year over that of the past has not yet been expended, but has been placed in the Treasury lo1eim- buise the raifway fund of the amount which hai bezn absorbed on the previous gem defihying fhe coirent expenses of the town: sh p. D0 that whatever chargs may be brought against our present council ext: ageneg or reckless expenditure coon be of the number, 'I'he only three uspirants properly b- fore the people are Messrs Major, Gor= don and Bates. The first two for the office of recve and the last for dhat of deputy reeve. (sec their addresses in this issu.) eo -- OUR MARKETS, Certain departments of the produce mar-| kets-have maintained an unusual vmforn- ity curing, the past fall and so far as the Of course the Barley mjukets may now be considered passed for another year, but still thére is a large qnant- ity in the hagds of producers which will sll find re yet during "ths present wintes al prices much better than were re- alized during the rush of the barley market: With scarcely a single exception every man who touched bailey in' thy markets of 1870 lost+to a greater or less extent by do- ing #0, some 10 the extent of many thousand dollais. 'Fhe Wheat transactions on the whole proved profitable stati and the losses sustained on barley are more than recoverd by the gain on wheat. lu the barley transactions of the fall and win=- ter of 1871 the results nave proved most satisfactory to the merchants who in every iustintance where ordinary caution was dis-; played have made fully up dor all the loss- on that description of grain during Wie pre- vious year. : 'The wheat market for the yield of 871 in rot yet formed and prices cannot be pre- | dicted with any degree of certainty. : The extensive and rapidly increasing facilities 187 communication with Toronto give that fnarket a prominence throughout the provinee and render it a fitting index of the true condi:ion of the produce market.-- During tha past week Soules and Deitil wheat have swung around between '$1 26 and $1.28. Spring wheat has hovered around $1.18. Barley regehed €95. but could not get over it. pag 652 boy could get no more, Oats ran as high as 45c. Choice dairy butter in tubs could command 20c. From $4 50 to $5.25 may be quoted as the market price of dressed hogs, only passing the higher figore for something very superior. ; ; The Hay market went from $1710 $21 for Timothy while clover brought $16. The tone of the 1mupetary institationsaof: 'a country 1a the prime indicator of the con- ditien of the nations health and of these our bask ingripal tions oceupy the first rank. 3 Bunk of -Movtreal stock brings $258. Ontario Baik has taken ws high we $112.-- winter hina gone. 0 the throne, and after him there are four breadth of the tamnd and the 'merry Chriciz mas which all had anticipated was spent in heartfelt sorrow for the nation's loes_and earnest sympathy for the "Qnedtly CE aud lier fathortess children. Wa had not the magic whieper "of the Ailantio cablu then, we-had te wail the slower process of the comparatively lagzard steamsiinp © The fact of the sad event having occurred ten days before the tidings reached vs if possible added pungevey to the grief, Shaeuld the Prine: ol Wales be taken off at this time his eldest son Albert Victor Christian Edward who will be 8 years old on the 8th day of January 1872, will be heir other claimants, viz: another son aud three dunghters of the Prince ; go that there is not the remnotest chance of any of the brothers or sisters of the Prnce of Wales ever as- cending-the throne. i The Prince was 30 years old on the 9h ult; he has had six children born to thm, ane of whom died in faney,and five--iwo scus and three danghters-- are sull alive. ent pee MANCHESTER CHRISTMAS FAIR, The Manchester Christmas Fair was held iu that village on Taesday 12th inst. The day was one of the most charming that could be desired and. everything eemed to encourage the hope, in the early of the moining, that the present war that lized =the fair taken allan ull was goody yet it cenaiuly was not what could have ¢xpected. + The numberof cattle on the grounds was quite respectable, amongst which were several fine animals ; butthe general qual- ity of the stock gave decided evideuce of severe depletion, gnd while: much anxiety wap manifested by buyers, and good prices | offered for superior cattle, all fonght shy of | the poorer class of animats. The - show of dressed hogs was light but cue shown on that occasion weighing 511 Ibs the property | of Mr. N. Houck, was decidedly the. best) farted and most skillfully dressed we ever saw, nul competent judges invariably pro- | nounced it one of the best fatted hogs they | had ever seen. The show of Geese and Turkeys was very much lighter than the «eason would lead one to expect. Mrs T. Crozier and Mis A. Harper were the piincipal exhibi- tors in this class. The show ol Fat Cattle was somewhat limited in extent Messrs J. Beutley,J. Hicks and A. Stone were the principal exhibi= O18. d The show of single driving Horses was capital both as to number and quality. -- There wefe some nine of len very fine animals turned out and the pleasant after- noon aid good sleighing made this part of the exhibition a highly pleasing spectacle. The prizes awarded. were ag follows : | Single Driving Horse--9 eoteries. lst, M. Currie, 2ud : C. McKenzie. : Pat Ox or Steer-- 8 entries. lstand 2nd, Jas, Bentley. Fat Cow or Heifer--4 enteries, Ist, J. Hicks, 20d : A. Swne, J Best Patted and Dressed Hog-- 1st N. Houck = 2nd: Wm. Parrish. Pair of Fat Turkeys--1si, Mrs Crozier, 20d : Mrs H. Harper. Pair Fat Geeve,~ lst, Mrs H, pyarper-- 2nd : Mrs R. Bewd Fons i i The assembly of people' wos motto call large but the general business activity in trading, shoping, buying and selling and occasion. (See Posters.) on Sabbath next 17th inst. A highly in- terest time may bb lookedr for. (See _ The events transpirmg or Ri +18 proach Rife firliuro pe » 2 wsisecest; In Fragee the incompetent I-Also, makers of Epps's Milky Cocoa (Cocoa thorongtr repair witl be formally re-opened for worship on Sabbath 31st inst. Sermons will 'be preached at 104 a. m; and 6} p. m. by the Rev, W. Scotty: Chairman of the Dietrict. A collection will be taken up at the close of each service in aid of the Ctinrch Fund. ! A Grand Festival will be held vo Mon- day--New Year's Day. Relreshmente served at 3 p. m. Dilowed by a nomber of interesting and highly important addresses. A talented staff of speakers are expected to be on hand--the Rev'ds W. Scott, Canllon, E. Holmes, J. Thom, J. A. McClung and others. The excellent and efficient choir will bein Jance on both Sabbath and Monday and will furnish a choice and | appropriate supply of vocal and instrument- al music which canno} fail in adding ma- terially to the interest and plepsure of the et A --ereneeeet {id Remember the missionary services to be held in the Cartwright Distrigt of the Wesleyan Methodist Chueh commencing Posters ) ee et THE VALLENTYNE SHOOTING MATCH. Remember the grand shooting match which comes otf at Speiran's Hojel, Val- lentyne on Friday 220d iist. Jo addition to an unlimited number of choice Turkoye and Geese 1o« be shot tor there will be Pigeon matches to the extent of 100 birds. $10 10 Le given in'premivms and all 10 finish op with a grand oyster supper. This will donbiless be a grand gathering. Brash up your * shooting-irons*? boys | (See post- ers,) "The Westeyan Methodist Church, Will-| jamsburg, Cartwright, haying undergone | {township Councils have been faith isi icay 2 sued general Savant Girl ¢ mented. Apply fo, 'MRS. L. ENGLISH, i | _aOshawa o N OTE : LOST. ; $10 REWARD FOR 'THE RECOV- ' ERY. % ; : we Lost & note of hand for the sum of Forty dollars, made by ho cory rater in favor of Wiliam Spencer or bearer, dated Brock, Ne 151 and ble five Donthe har, kd 0) al m' purchasing or. wise negotiating said Note as payment been stopped. : 3 Anyone returning gaid note to the subscriber: at the residence of George Hall, 2nd Concession, of Bri Shposice Frazer's Mill, will receive a re- ward 9 WM ENCER Brock, Dee Oth, 1878. . & 4 mt A . T'o the Electors of the. Township of Reach. tpn GENTLEMEN, -- Haying by your voles been twice placed in the honorable position of Deputy: eeve of this prosperous township 1 feel encouraged once mors tn offer for your ne- ceplapge, my services 1p serve © in the same capacity lor ignther year. 2 ine been further induced lo again poms belpja you by the warm soligitations of larga numbers of electors who have approved of my couree as your represen'ative during the year now drawing to a close. My scts ag Deputy Reeve at the county as uit avila y wei be'ore you by the press and will mos) happily acquiesce in what eyer verdict may be given by yon on theee acts. 1 can trathfully say however that youe best interests as ra'epayers and the we. }- bez of the township at Jarge have béen ¥ zim in.all ny acle'as your pais Ce. FROM KOROPK. merciless transitioh goteram nt isetotter ing to its fall; the sands of the blood thirsty oligarchy are well nigh run yout. It appears that the A fs, Lo the head of the government is i), the first to fall. nD | Sump RAR LOTS O& RAILWAYS Borcavereon, Dee 9 At a meeting held here yesterday, called by the Grand Jone ton Rilwav Company 16 lay belore the peo- ple their project, James Junkin, regve of Veiulam, was callad to the chair, Me, Tup per, acting as Secietary, (he meeting wins then adibessed Ly Mr Wood, Wi den' of Hastings, in favor of the Grand Junetion] Ra:lway, followed by Hon, Billa Frit and snd Honorable Robert Read. John Fow- ler ana Mr. Dumnble spoké in lavor of ihe Cobourg, Petetbore®y, and soheme, and gharp words pasged DBlween the Bellewille gentlemen and the gentlemen from Peterbore'. Mr. Puget Vice presi deat of the, Midland rgilroad, also had @ hearing, and teclnimed, any intemion, of amalgamating with the Grand Jueciion, but promising them that if the people of Ver ulam gave him support the Midland would extend to Bobeoygeor. The people are puzzled amongst so many and wish for time 10 consider the varigus schemes. THE VERY LATEST. Lonooy, Dec. 12 (2 p.m.)--The Prinveesstill live ; restless and delir- ious. Lexoown, 11 p. m.--The bulletin of the physicians from Sandringham at 10 p. m. stare that the Prince has passed an unquiet evening, but prostration does not ingrease. vo PA DBneakrasT.--Errs's CocoA.--GRATEFUL AND Coxronming.=* By a thorough knowledge of the flatural laws which" govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Ebps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills."--Civi/ roice Gazelle. Made simply with Boiling Wateror Milk Each packet is labelled --*"J Axgs Eres & Co, Homwopathie Chemists, London." Ne W and Condensed Milk). EE ra 'Rufus Chapman of Liberty, Maine, had a aiff leg atthe kuee, himbered and strengih- ened by the use eof Johnston's Anodyne Liniment. a The proprietors of Johnston's Anodyne Ligiment, Parsons® Purgative Pills, and Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders. have published a readable and insiructive pamphler, which may. be had free at the slotes. : MARRIED On the fthinst, by the Rev Geo. Jamieson, at the residence of the bride, Mr. Robt. Clarke, of Whitby, to Mrs, Epry, of Borelia. On the 6th inst., residence of 'he bride's father, 8. P. Barber, Esq., Mr. William Brock, of Port Perry, to Miss Sarah arber, of Carador. At the residence of the bride's mother, Bo- relia, on the 11th inst, by the Rev, Elder B. J, Rogers, James, eldest son of Asa Curtis, Esq., of Prince Albert, to Mary, second daugater of the late Mr. D. Staley, of Borelia. he Rev'd H. Reid, at the | 4 All running around gave a most animated ap- pearance tothe village. Mr. J. C. Pilkey was busily engaged dn-his ¢apacity of anc- tioneer.; and shile the fair could not be anid to be a large one it was in many par- ticulars a very successful one. A PERSONAL, We congratulate our church of Eng. land friends in having placed over them Adn"spicityal things one so highly esteem- ed in his late fields of labor and we Bank of Ti onto will bring $193 -- Royal Canadian Bank is worth $107. © = ~~ Tar MANCHESTER SHOOTING MATCH, -- Our fnmona stats. will require to, Jogk 10 their laurels at the grand shoolit atch at lank's Hotel lomorrow, day sl. ns ut Perry <will bes og. ter of more than usual infriacy. / admit that it is a litle unfortunate that i place. of 'being in.a position to settle amar. rioge dower on our, deserving fi h 10et. § s expctéd that some of the best shots io province willbe on hand audtake part ir 'hooting. There will be no stint in the wish him comfort and his new field. co al Sa _ % A few friends of the Rev, Geo. Nes- bit, this week presented bis lady with a very nice Cruet stand, Butter knife, Pic. kle Fork &c. 'I'he donors were pot rgembgrs of Mr. Netbit's parish but having | known him favorably for a number of years could not allow him to depart from the he mi'clips will be highty interesting" to mbes of.cnpital Turkeys snd Geese and sportsmen [See posters County without some token of esteem." North Wellington Times. HARDWARE, HARDWARE | HORSMAN'S, NEW HARDWARE STORE, LOW Ar HORSMAN'S. [ARE Stocks, Os HORSMAN'S. U XBRI DGE it fo mc ofc \ "ar cemicg year, are respectfully ingited 19 3 ; 4 otf0= 3 BL Pha ie ¥ CA O00 PAINTS, "ih COLOR, ¥ representative 5 and should you do : honor aguin lo return me as Deputy eve Faomire that 1 will gerve yon (0'the best of my ability, and ney ¢vergd the Fr off Hi or dP beenimy cudeavor in the past and it in tee Tature, While musidiaing the ronds in a proper state of repair, aid secaring efficient management of the dffairs of the aagnicipality 1 wiil do my utmost to- reduce your taxes by the most rigid economy in the expenciture of public mousy. - Ha It will be impossible for me to make g personal canvass, neither do | believe that you desire that 1 shonld ; but 1 hope to haye the pleasure of meeting you at the no'nings tions, -as well 8 at the public meelings 10 ba heid in "the several divisions when | will have an opportunity of expressing my views on the more inportant ent juets likely 10 en- e the attention of your council during the coming year. Leoking for and respectfully soliviti continunnce of yoor gengroos econli lence ahd warm support in once "more retaining meas Depnty Reeve. 1 remain, Gentlemen, : Yours reepectfully, Noah Bates. Reach, Dec. 13, 1871. 51-14 To the Electors of the Township of Reach. § OS "| GENTLEMEN, -- I retira you ny hearty thas for the honcr vou did me at last election, by returning me as Reeve by so handsome majority. My acts for the present year, both in the Township and County Coun. «ils, ave been regulurly set before cit by the press--uud from them, you will be able to pass judgment ppon ine, whether or wot, 1 have to the Zitter lulfilled the promises as given by me when Is ught the office at your hands. 1 have the honor again to ask you to return me. onee more to tlie some Henor- able position--/ elieving that | can effectu: ally serve and advance your best in'erests in the capacity of Reeve the coming year. As in the order of the try relajonshi between the Township of- Reach, and the Village of Port Derry, matters of the deepest pecuniary importance will hare to be dealt with by the Ccuncil of the com- ing vear. The expericnce which 1 have already acquired in your servive, will en- able me to deal more intelligently wih the subject, as to the just proportion of 'the Xailway debt to be borne by the respec: tive mupicipalities of Reach apd Post Perry. Respecting the income and expenditure of the Wn for the current year, 1 pro. mise to give a detai'ed statement on the day of Nemination, when | tiust as pany as ean possibly make it convenient will be in attendance, so as to fort an 2nzelligent and impart al judgment, as to whether or not, your afluirs have been faublully ad-- miniztered for the term during which [ have liad the honor to be your representa. tive. TI have much Pleasure in bearing favor-- alle testimony to my colleagues in office, as | believe that they have invariably made present dw'y their s'ondard in dealing with your affairs. ) ? Tor th- piirpose of giving explanations, . I ywpose holding Public Meetmgs at the followirg pl.ces and times; y At Unica, on Friday evening, 104 inst., at 7 o'clock, Te At Epson, on Wedse 20 h inst, at To' lock. At Prisce ALserr, on Friday evening, 220¢ inst., at 730 clock. At Cedar Creek - Scliool * TTouse, on Wecnesday evening, 27th inst 9 aR At Sonya Schocl House, on "Thursday evening, 28th inst, at 7 ojork. 5 sduy evening, 'evening, 29.1 i : ' Friente rising I the se \ orhoods will obi ge by having given ee br pa 4 the necessary preparations made. attend. wig go In couclusion, I. trust, i 3 trust, _gentleme my presentappenl will meet within e fevorajle tesponse asit did on last sion. Hea XES 1 AXES! A ES? from. 90% op Linn, -~ Ao s150, AT HORSMAN'S, Your hedient nie = New Hawpwank Store UXBRIDGE, Adam Gordon. Uxbridge, Dec.'5, 1871, bad 50 | Manchester, Dec. 12, 187) Aly Ve will beet 5 [3 the = ~