Srem ra ' nn) coming two years old. Reach, Dec.13, 187}. WANTED 500 GOOD HEAVY HOGS - J IIR ISOUDIE] Yd red aq [par sn)' . £q p ~391d LAZARUS & MORRIS' celebrated per- fected Spectacles and Bye Glassos, conler Ahe greatest benefit on ansistence lo sight. and whife Heifpr J.B. VERNON." ira yed Cat tle to] CM aa {hie Subserib- Of New Goods in every De-|" AE THING SUNDERLAND WILL PAY THE HIGHEST ' < ; . 2 a Cash Price FOR ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE, WHEAT, PEAS, 0 | BARLEY, &C., \ DELIVERED AT' HIS WAREHOUSE, SUNDERLAND. SS IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE Toronto and Nipissing Railway s LARGEQUANTIT 1E Great Bargain BOOTS AND SHOES! J. right's He is paying $7.50 tor Hides. - Privee Albert, Dec, 13,1871. ER TET a partment 5 3 _-- TIER pr il | am enabled to sell my large end well assoted Stock of Fall and Winter:Goods, g . eonsisting-of Daily being Reched | (yR § GOODS Come and See them, Groceries, [CHOICE WINES axp LIQUORS for Family use ; a large and weil assorted Ur DOES ONE GOOD TO SEE| Suck of BOOTS and SHOES, &, Tne : : For 20 per cent Less Boinghimrunnipg operatigieale; this, place, | 7 cali (TN "AW. ROBERT'S [pasa me : : CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY'S Any perscu ing ap. order for FurniTURE ! Will be presented : in aoitoh » : yuh GRATIS, a A FALL PORATION, The above offers are made as an inducement to Cash customers. 2A work warranted, en NEVILLE Prince Albert, Nov. 30, 1871. ill tie 'o School Teachers. WANTED 3 For School Section No. 3, (Cedar Creek), in the Township of Reach, a Male Teachor, to eater upon his duties on January 2nd 1872. A liberal Salary will Le given to a thorou, quali ed Teacher. iy Application to be made to the Un: d ; DIRECT FROM and x by letter, pre-paid, to' the Prince A rt os JOHN F. TAYLOR, tener S0CTENA RY -Treagurer, Rath Nov Ail torreon mmr rey gies -- THE OLD, STAND,THE BEST) T.Courtice 'PREMIUM Glasgew 'and: Manchester 195 be ad Agenda, . line of the Rulway. (= | have on hand several Car loads of fine Goderich Salt, which | will seil at » very low rate for Cash. NOW GOING! Il. CONLIN. persons needing For near or far sight, for the eyes, or impairgd vision Ahey are alike invaluable, always assisting the sight sand strengthenmng and preserving the eyes. "W. H.-McCGCAW, { AGENT, PORT PERRY, Port Perry, Oct. 31, 1871. tt CLOCKS, WATCHES, A XD JEWELRY, J w- Hepinstall 8 Opposite the Globe Hotel, BROOKLIN. Atvill pay fo call and see them. arus & Co's Celebrated Spectacles the Cheapest because the Best, ALWAYS ON z _Brooklin, Oct. 11, 1871, A FIRST CLASS FARMFORSALE The Subseriber offers to Sell or Rent that ex- cellent Farm being the West} if of Lot No,5 in the 9th con! of the Township of Reach acres, well watered by a never Containing 100 fi 8 ai ng well "of cultivation. ere are 80 acres cleared d +20" ncres of supetior hardwood--Lbeech ant ent -B ildings on the ies and a capital ote, rohan. Ea and |. "Maple. } * Tere are good conveni Ronveniently situated for Churches, Schoo . yy Neithin 4 miles of the Station of the Toronto and Nipissing JFor further particulars apply to the on the premises, or, by letter p 'som, I. 0 Enponi, Nov. Ist 1870. # , parties indebted to Dr. Olver, Green- AM a 2 0 de | Greenbank; notice they will save 'the want, SAE Johnso! [the same r. A. P. n, 'ore the 10th of December. By observing ihe above costs, &c. TO J. B. OLVER, M Aprecubank, Nov. 23; 1871, HAND. LJ 41 Uxbrid, ET "ADAM G. SOMMERVILLE, : "0 PROPRIETOR. | | n 483% piace Albert Aug. 23, 187. 500 SunperLAXD, Nov. 15, 1871. 47 1} \ " Sie Sa 1 , ed THE WOLD MOVES ONWARD, |Stoyes and 1 mware . THERE 1S ALWAYS = : oy ia 04 I 3 : Something New IN FOR. ALL. ws 0m The Snbscribers are biinging into ; { CANNINGTON. THE LARGEST AND ON HAND. BegtStock Than any other Store in the County, off the : (HRISTYAS - ADVERTISENENT Will appear in this space next week. armmn a CT pn Saddler ~~ archouse, SIMCOE:ST, PRINCE ALBERT. The Largest, Best, and Cheapest Stock in Ontarie. iE Subscriber returns his sincere thanks for the liberal share of public patron received during the past seventeen fs which his business has been in successful opert | mtion. - His Stock is now coniplete in all' its branches, aud be feels confident in saying, from past experience, and present facilities for manus facturing, he can make as good as the best ind Sell as cheap as the Cheapest (and a ljttle Cheaper). Just think, a complete Set of Harness for only $12. Other things proportional S.S. # £t. Andrew? & ¢ Ottawa." Ww. Now is the time, and the Preminm Saddl Every Department complete and | Warchouse is the place to bu you Haroon well assorted. Saddles, Trunks, Horse Clothing, Whips, Sleigh Bells, Celebrated Sweency and Scotch Collars, &c., &c. sod Now is the Time fo BUFFALO ROBES, AND : The Subscriber has just received another lot of Splendid Robes,' all whole pelts without a sear, at $9, $10, $11, and $12, the prices you will have to pay for poor quality of split ones else- where. oh © oa Also the fourth lot of those beautiful Mink Fur Sets for| Ladies at $15 to $30 tor the very best; and Alaska*Mink Sets at £4.50 and 85. These Furs are well worthy of" the attention of Machine Oil oF STOVES IN Linseed Oil North Ontario! Tanners' Oil Coal Oil "Turpentine White Lead ry we mayan ues: Red Lead asus of din he. SUT pS Patan Venetian Red First class Stove Finiture. Yellow Ochre Fire Proof Paint, Japan Varnish Putty Nails Glass Repajring care'ully attended to. Stovepipes-- Coal 011, Lamp Chimneys, &c., very cheap. 0 Rags, Copper, Brase, and Iron taken | in exchange. (Zr Cash paid for Sheepskins. : COOK & STEPHENS. Cannington, June 7, 1871. NOTICE OF Removal. The Subscriber would embrace the present 3 gpportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his numerons patrons througholit this entire section of country for the liberal and increasing [ptronass which he has so long 1eceived ; and ould beg to inform his friends and the public grosally that he has removed his business from anchester to Port Perry. Having rented rooms in Ross's Block, Port Peiry where he will carry 'lon the TAILORING BUSINESS. In all its departments having increased facilities for a still further exiengion of business, All orders executed on the shortest possible notice. Garments mude up in the latest siyle, nt moderute Tajes and guarantee * Remember Port Perry. Cotton Bags. 10'fit the Place - Ross's Block, . JAMES SQUIRE. { Port Peny, Oct. 13, 1871 WANTED wind all, as they are really the best lot of geads in the County--North or South, oo : Also a splendid lot of French Meriros at 50 cenfs a yard--in Blue, Scarlet, Brown, Pyrpte, Drab, Green, &e., &c. Just receiving, a Targe lot of Fruit for Christmas Holidays.-- | The finest New Layer Raisins ever 'brought into the County.-- Currants, Almonds, &ec. Salmon 'Trout, Salt Water Salinon, Herrin Sardines, Lobsters, &c., &e. Please come and sce these Goods; and the large assortment of| all kinds of other Goods on hand i CHEAP, CIUAP, CHEAP, FOR CAND T. C. FORMAN. Puce Albert, Dec. 5, 1871. -- 8 Mackerel, Codfish, EHION THE DRUG, GROCERY! Liquor Store! W. M, WILLCOX, Sign of the Pestle and. Mortar--opnosite Scott's Hotel. PRINCE ALBERT ! Invites the special attention of the public to their extensive rewly importedStock af the BEST BRANDS of PURE LIQUORS, consisting of Brandics,~Gins, Hol. BARLEY, WHEAT, OATS, PEAS| y : : {| YFIRST CLASS BOAR FOR SER VICE - ue Subscriber begs {0 Announce to the in- a habitants of Bench wid surrounding town- that as for service aL] v 4 nd . first class BOAR; 2 Hg ported: pure Berkshire Boar ; pure Suffolk White 7] | Parties will find it to their advantage to i 18hie animal i] re ae cs = bo the ronou compel udies ee rer North of the ltidges. CHARLES EVANS, One Lot south of Prince Albert, near the Noi R i nquon Road. "" Reach, Nov. 30 1871. 49-4 S { , during the present his was a L sired Dy an Im-| Dye Stuffs, Pats, Oils and Varnishes, 1 ed Books and Stationery. - land and Old Tem-- Wines, Port, Sherry, &e.-- Rum-- Whisky, Maltand Old Ry John Bull Bitters, &e. > A large and well selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. Our Teas can't berbeat! Try them! We guarantee that for excellence in quality, and moderation in price they cannot be beaut in North Oniario- ~*~ A choic: lot of 'Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, ke.' en, 3 PURE DRUGS, wholesale'and retail, Also the best qualites of ~Chemicals, *'horoughly reliable Patent Medicines. - "Liquors for medicinal purposes carefully selected. ! Eterytbing in Stoek is of superior quality and will be sold at the lowest remunera: tive Prices. 8 well wate Remember the place opposite Scott's 1lotel, Prince Albest w Prince Albert, Dec. 30, 1869, \ in Goods . were purchased "PAY CASH . M. WILLCOX. , T. COURTICE. N. B. Cash for Hides. ' Prince Albert, Nov. 22, 1871. 48-1y HONEY TOONS Mortgages Wanted. We beg to call special attention to our Grey Cottons T= Subscribers have large sums of money placed in_ their hands for investment on Improved Faums, Village Propertiés, aud other Securities in this and adjoining Countiés at the lowest current rates &f interest. As we have funds on hand at all times Borrowers cah depend on_getting their money 'with the least possible delay. hs Wandest to Parehase Any number of Mortgages, for which the high= est figure will be allowed. Lo We are also appraisers for the. Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest anf inrgest Monetary I titution in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Tustalments "re-payable in from 2 to 20 years. ec Lands Bought and Seld. Several good Farms for Safe. * ' ¥3~ Agents tor several first class Fire Insur- ance Companies. it 3d Collections made and w general agency busi- ness transacted. 2 r unusually early, and fully ten to| ~~ BE¥" DERENTURES BOUGHT. "at , JOIIN & DAVID J. AD fitteep per cent less than those 3 General Age LS) Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, ' Port Perry..'* / ----AND-- WINCEYS bought later, and we intend giv- Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1871. ing our patrons the benefitof thei a "IH Public School Teachers ------ Yhe Examination of Candidates for the office of Public School Teacher will be neld in the 3 . TOWN OF WHITBY, C'MMENCING ON ° 2 Monday, 18th December 1871, AT 20'CL(CK, Pu Me : For Candidates "for Secoad and Third, Ciaee Certificates. 5 a WE WILL For any quantity of Wheat, Barley, Peas, I The Examination of Gapdidates for Fig Class Certificates will be held at the Bf "| place as the above Commeneing oi *| Tuesday, the 26th day of R coemle AT 9 0'0R0CK A, M. | 1ntending Candidates will please notify - | me immed "Of their! 10tention 10 pre= sent themsel r Fxamination ; forwards Oats ing al Ihe samt time the necessary Cetifis " ™ | gate of Morul Char also the Clash ' 4! of the Certificate for whish they intend : " Apply= whether 18k, 2n¢ 3rd. Delivered atour Warehougehiere.| aq the nuaber of intetdiog Candidates gos, . in each class musibe forwarded to the De tment vot later than the 2nd prox. csn- idute will see the necessity: for dispateh No | in: this matter. ; JAMES McBRIEN, rT. SLaN 7 J Raginn, Nov. 15,187 | "we - © BROWN & SHRISTIAN, MANCHESTER, Sept. 7, 1871. EE & - ¢