i - HE PLACE TO GET THE BEST T 3 . and most durable ° PHOTOGRAPH BROOKLIN PHOTO, * GALLERY ' OPPOSITE THE GLOBE HOTEL, . Brooklin. Pictures made in all sizes and styles. t will, for two months, give a large Photo, and large oval frame for $1.25. Small Protos $1 per dozen. Call and examine my work. Thd work will'not be slighted on account of its ¢heapness but will be executed with the uttnost care and finished as well as if a higher price were paid. . © Enlargements made and colored in oil. I would take this method of thanking my numerous friends. and customers -lor past favors, and would ask a continuance of their patronage. . su Agent for the Silver Tongue Cabinet Organ. i: y Remember the place Sign of the Red White and Blue Flag, opposite the Globe Hotel, Brooklin. H. C. TAIT, J Pologapher. Bfklin, Oct. 25, 1871. 43 JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, co ps PLONE . Bn 2 TR "HPs D Fine Gold Brooches & Earrings. Fine Black & Shell Sets, Fine Pearl & Stone Ladies' Rings. - Fine 18 Carat Gold Wedding Rings, Fine Gold and Enameled Logkels, Fine Gold Ladies' Chains, Fine Gold-Pens, Mecrschaum Pipes, & i -Cigarholders, Fine Gold Plaited and Black Bracelet Fine Pearl and Turtle Card Cases. Oddfellows and Mason's Pins and Shirt Studs, A very mice lot of Gentlemen's Chains, A really fine lot of Watches in Silver and Gold. , United States Watcls Ca., Thos. Russell & Son, London and Liver- English Patent Lever, gines (a really fine silver Watch) etc. Clocks of atl kinds. All of which wil be sold really below usual prices. ; Thanking my patrons and the public in general for past favors: the Subscriber solicits an egrly call, which will be con 'vincing to every on, that this is still the place to get a good article. JOHN DIESFELD, Pratical Watchmaker. Prince Albert, Oct. 26, 1871. PRMELNATI INHA BITAN TS Northern Reach a THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Dry Goods, Groceries, : 'Clothing, -- Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &c., IS AT THE Bresnpank Storr GEQ. FLINT. 29 ae Greenbank, July 20,1871. Shop to Rent TEE Satgerioor offers to RENT thar . Shop on Simcos St, Prince Alben, opposite the Victoria Hotel. ' The Shop is comfortably fitted np and ie © in an excellent situation lor business. The premises Lave hitherto been used ~ as a Tailoring :Bhap, and no better Jocul sconld be an Shops oyun, 'Immediate. possession given and Rent MT Le AZABETH BULLEN. : : 4 Prince Albart;:Nov. 8, 1871, RRA TT - 3 : House to Rent! oy A OLR Qirati auton e early I of sable i possession. re at the Onsisn- | Whithy and Usbridge, July 1, 1869. * uBRINCE ARBERT. «uve Another Arrival of New Stock tn all it] er trio Neo Sik "water. | prriunity.for any one wishing to purchase a} A} tesidence-or invest in villageproperty. ERE yur WHITBY AND UXBBID GEL T HE undersigned takes occasion to announce that he has opened branch of his business UXBRIDGE, Where will be found Buggies, covered and open, and other vehicles of his' own manufactur, got up in the latest and best style, and always kept on hand. s he uses none but the best material, and employs none but the best workmen, the quality of his work can be always relied upon. IF Repairs executed with promptitude and dispatch! p A few second-hand open and covered buggies at the Whitby establishment for sale. Everything in the way of Carriage manufac- All work warranted. SA MUEL WALREY. NEW FALL GOODS Just Received. 13gN3UL "M 'LEIATV IONIEd "oie J, 1ueydao pg | A splendid assortment of BEAVER & PILOT OVERCOAT. INGS, ENGLISH & SCOTCII & CANA- DIAN TWEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS, TROWSERING, VESTING, &C. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING Gor Ur oN SuorT NOTICE AND IN First Crass STYLE, CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN NORTH ONTARIO Also splendid assortment of Furnishi; - cluding Shirts, Tics, Collars, hain of the best assortments of Gents' Woolen Under- Clothing, Scarfs and Mufflers, &¢, that can be found in "this locality, which will be sold Crear ror Casn. A call solicited before purchasing elsewhere. Parties furnishing their own cloth can have it mage up om Short notice; emember the place--the store latel - pied by Capt. Sinclair. itl: one - W. TRENBETH. Merchant Tailor. Prince Albert Sept. 5, 1871, 36 Sale. : TE proprietor offers for sale that excellent House and Lot (his present residence) im- mediately opposite the residence of Major For- man, Prince Albert. 'I'he House is in every way comfortable and convenient asa residence, having nine rooms, with suitable closets ; a good Stable and Cow Shed attached, and lots of good water--hard, and soft. The lot contains one quarter of an acre, with a good young orchard. No better situation could be desired for Com- fort, Health and Convenience. He offers also to sell 16 acres of land a little to the Kast of the Village of Prince Albert, known as the Target field. Immediate possession--Title Indisputable, A. SINCLAIR. For further particulars apply to J. & D. J. ADAMS, Money, Lard and Insurance Brokers, Pout Perry. Prince Albert, 27th Sept., 1871. The Test Boar in the County! The thanks to those *ubscriber in returnin who |; w ve patronized his Stock during past years, would take this opportunity of infornling them and the inhabitants generally of Reach' aud surroundis g towrships, that he has for ser- vice duri \z the present season a first class Im- proved Gorksh're Boar. He took the first prize att'eR ach & Scugog Agricultural Society's Show this Fall. Parties will do well to see this animal before going elsewhere, _XF Service, one dollar. WM. PARISH. 46 MONEY ! MONEY FP HE Subscriber has received instructions T from several private capitalists toinvest a LARGE SUM OF MONEY ON Real Estate Security "At Low Rates of Interest, : No Oommission charged. Also uncurrent money bought and Silver sold Apply to JAMES LAMON, SoLicITOR, &o. Office over Armstreng's Hotel, Main Street, xbridge. Uxb ridge, June 29, 1869 A House and Lot for Sale. : ems HE Svhéctiber offers to Sell 'his House aad'Lot in the Village of Borelia.-- Toa lot is oe of 'the best situated in the village, 'containing about half an acre of ex cellent land with a good orchard and well. The buildings consist of a good frame Dwelling House and. Stable. "There is a good cellar 10 the house, It is convenient to Port Perty, and offers an excellent op. THOMAS' JOHNSTON. N.B. "Further particulars may be lea ture and repairs attended to.at Whithy as.usual. | Valuable Property for ¥ Ontario Carriage Factory. | S™* a co Cc 0 AS IN E r ps ' | : V Reduced. : rices i A Perfect ] Hair. Dressing. 4 bP OW Ready : DE rar srl Ww. A. TOMI INS ON, The largest and best assorted Stock of CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS |! Ever offered for Sale in North Optario ; manufactured of the very best material, and by : {} business. ge MUST BE SOLD. Call and see them before purchasing elsewhere. A number of second-hand Pleasure Sleighs for sale--cheap. Repairs neatly executed and with despatch. All work warranted. . JAMES EMANEY. Prince Albert, Dee. 6, 1871. N 571 FALL STOCK." Encouraged by the success met with during the past months in Sunderland, io commencing the Stove and Tin Business, I am warranted in opening up a Magnificent Stock of Stoves Of BEVERY STYLE, PRICE AND VARIETY, in the following list : ELEVATED OVENS, LOW OVENS. Western tome Lion of the West Superior, No. § Chief Cook Conquer, No, 10, Giant Cook Gret West Queen, No. 3 Plain Dealer--Ex- New World Improved Combin- lwperial, 9 tensive top New Era" ation Superior, 10, Colonist HomeGugrd, No8& Dominion of Canada. | [Tomestead Provincial i pi «# -PARLOR-STOVES: on 2 Peurl Wild Rose Competition Ouward Diamond Lacket Pearl Cottage ~~ Prize "Boston Parlor€aok: Signole Paglor BOX STOVES--BIlack Giant, Nos. 18, 21, 25, 30 and 36 ; Herald, Fulton leonside; _ Black Prince, Fluted Box. . gu ; * Thé above list of Stoves will be sold at the lowgst living rates. . Customers may rely upon first rate article in every department--ecomfort, convenience and economy all combined, : Eavetrounghing in all its styles done "cheap, and on the shortest notice. Hides, Sheepskins, Pets, Wool, Rags, Brass, Copper, and all kinds of Produce taken in exchange. 3" Be sure and, come to Sunderland and call at the New Big Ten Kettle. SuNDERLAND, Aug. 9, 1871, JOHN W. PARRISH. GET UP YOUR WINTER RIGS!!! tps COFTERS ! SLEIGHS! CUTTERS PORT PERRY : CARRIAGE FACTORY! The Subscriber in returning thanks to his numerous and increasing customers would inform them and the public generally that he has commenced the manufacture of an unusually large number of the very latest styles of first class Cutters and Sleighs for the coming winter, which he feels confident will fully meet the wishes of the com- munity loth as to Quality, Style, and Price. . Nothing but the best material employed. ! 0 All Notes and Accounts already due. and that will be due by the 1st day of October next, must, without fail, be paid on or before the 20th of said month. G. U. WHITE. Pon Perry, Sept. 28, 1871. men who thoroughly understand their TABLES FURNITURE AL Cheav as anv_other - Establishment in North Ontario! ] My stock consists of BUREAU. SIDEBOARDS, : CUPBOARDS, WRITING DESKS BEDSTEADS, i: STANDS. WOOD & CANE SEAT CIIAIRS, ROCKING CHAIRS, &c A large number of Steel Ei i framed either with wood or gilt. : Special attention Jud to Undertaking. Fav ing refitted my Hearse with a DOUBLE SET OF NEW PLUMES Iam prepared to attend Funerals with as good n outfit and ou as reasonable terms as any other ans Notth or outh Ontario. I5~ COFFINS of all sizes constantly kept on hand, made of Walnut, Oak, Butternut, &c. 4 good selection of Coffin Trimmings just re- ceived from the best markets. WANTED.--5,000 feet of good easoned Pine, Birch, Butternut, and Basswood Lumber. JOHN NOTT. N. B, Agent for mopuments and tomb stones Borelia. Dee. 9, 1868. 49 TIMBER! FOR SALE. "PHHESibsériber 6AGFI0r STaany quan: Pa hity ofthe very Gast:gualny of Timber, sound and perfect, and of any length and wize to soit purchasers. For further particulars apply to the pro- prietors, vg WORDEN & HART, Lot 14, con. 7, Uxbrilge, 2 miles wear of Unea orto JACOB DAFOE, Utica Uxbridge, Dec. 6, 1871. 50-2m "NEW AND CHEAP S TORE AT Sunderland, BROCK. pie undersigned would respectfully an- . nounce'that he has now got into his New Store at the Village of Sunderland, and is pre- pared to supply the inhabitants of Brock and surrounding townships with the LATEST STYLES OF FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS! © JOHNSTON'S ILE - RAKING REAPER, I JFIRST P9ze} Provincial Exni- BITION HELD AT Toronto, 1870. > We offer to our customers for the coming Harvest, two distinc! Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the day. INGLE SULI-RAKING bEiniR he "Xing of Reapers." trials and in the hands f the farmers, both in closely contested warrant us in saying that | i Reaping Machioe, it bas more good points and less ee Bethe success and less failure, than any Reaper heretofore offered to the public. defects, and hus met with more o Cayuga Junior Mower, We were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Progincial Exhibition, held in Toronto, 1870, in competition with all the leading Machines manufactured in the Province ; aud with our recent improvements, we unhesitatingly challenge investiga- tion and comparison with competing Machines, we are satisfied that such investiga tion will convince every unprejudiced mind, that we offer the best Mower to the Famer for 1871, built in the Dominion. g&@~ Send for descriptive eatalogues. BROWN & PATTERSON. ' o Warts, June 22, 1871. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. General Agency Office. TPE Undersigned having received the appointment of Official Assignee for North On- * IL tario, is prepared to give prampi attention to all matters in Bankruptey or Insolvency Promissory Notes and Accounts speadily collected, and remittances promptly made MONEY TO LOAN, On good farm security at 8 per cent Interest. Speen dftention will be given to the ne-1 gotiations of loans, and borrowers can rely upon ving their applications attended to ~ promptly, and al sma)! expense. bp ; " Also, Lands, both Improved and Unimproved, CONSTANTLY FOR SALp. (Sr Tosusagoes affected.in, the Ontario Farmers' Mutual insurance Company. i 5 ' E. MAJOR. Official Assignee and Valuator rned at the ver Office, Prince Albert. Novis, duty ee gh « sa oo Bis on Orrioe.--Bigelow's Block, next door to the Royal Canadisn Ba Port Perry, lat Deo. 1868. 3d « {Bunderland, May 17, 1870. © | Prince Albert 2nd Manchester, } ing everything y for Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF o Eresh@Giroceries Of the best quality. A CHOICE LOT OF Crockery, &oc. The undersigned is determined to sell at the | lowest possible rates, and flatters himself that he can meet the wishes of the people of Bri and surrounding townships, both as to Quality of Goods and the Price At which he sells them. R. E. PORRITT. I" The highest price given for every descrip tion of Farm Produce. 20 CIIAS. TIISCOCKS. BAKER AND ; CONFECTIONER CANIS, DEALER IN BISCUITS, BREAD, : FLOUR, ~ GAT MEAL CORN MEAL, LOBSTEKS, SARDINES, Wedding Cakes made to order He is also prepared to furnish Soirees Tea' Meetings, &c., on liberal terms. He h by al keepi 1 stock a the Aided, ny ra io all orders, to merit, as heretofore, a share of pul = ic patronage, ' : SHOPS: Prince Albert and Manchest x. CHAS. HISCOCKS March 34, 1871, "1 Harness ! = is Harness ! The nues to ma Bie Subsertigs Jontinues manyfastyre, at MANCHESTER; Every des of first class TI usi RA ld eb a est the most durable ar dnd at the lowest, rate possible, . I wish to make it advantageousi| rfituers fe and an the sila nding pring their orders with m d I / A pains i giving full satisfiction. jn i.) THOMAS BROOKS. "4 [Manchester May 10th, 1871. | ji * [AIS8 the best Hearse in North or Materal, Workmanship ~ and} Price. "ii ments. Allrepairs neatly,and promptly executed. [tions _. Chemist and Druggist, Has always on hand an sssortment of the following Goods : ' FINE CHEMICALS, © ~ ©" ")HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL ano PAINT PURE DRUGS, BRUSHES, ; PATENT MEDICINES, * |PUFFS, axp PUFF BOXES, or FINE TOILET SOAPS, TOILET POWDERS, TE TEE GLYCERINE, + |ENGLISH xp FRENCH ZpRFUMES, & SPONGES, Ho |HAIR OIL axp POMADES, # FEEDING BOTTLES, CITRATE MAGNESA, Paints, Oils, Spirits Turpentine, Jupans, Varnishes, Dye Sinfls of all kinds in use and: warranted pure, with printed Directions for vse. School Books, Bibles, Testaments, Note and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, &c. 5 (= My Stock will be found complete and as cheap as any other house in the trade. a W. A. TOMLINSON, Licens¥d Chemist and Druggist, under the Pharmacy Act -- Province of Ontario. Prince Albert, June 15, 1871. * : . PRINCE ALBERT UTLRE WARE - FOI Every description of Furniture now on hand and will be sold 10 per cent Cheaper Than any other establishment in the County, for Cash or Cordwooad, As I am determined to sell Cheap you may depend on getting {G1 would call good bargains, as the times are hard. attention to the Undertake. J ing department. Coffin' Trim- ng mings of all kinds. Coffins. of 8 every size constantly on hand. SouthOitatio. Charges moderate, . I es {JG A Stock of Sewing Machines on hand. : : : WwW. HH. P Prixce ALBerT, March 1, 1871, ARK W.Hepinstall PRACTICAL oH WATCH ~ MAKER, 'And Jeweller, "SN BROOKILIN. The American Lever Russell's Celebrated and other! styles of Watches Kept constantly on hand. Also a great variety of Clocks, Jewelry and other Goods, Parties wishing any thing in his line would do pell to call and examine before purchas, ing elsewhere. 33 All kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly repaired apd WARRANTED, ¥ Brooklin, Oct. 5, 1870. 40 ity M. O. DOCNOV A N, PRACTICAL : Carriage Maker ! NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STBEEY, WHITEY I GOOD arsortment of Buggies _-- on hand made from best material. Wor made to order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing [7 ALL WORK WARRANTED. THE NEW DOMINION GARRIAGE & WAGON SHOPS, Prince Albert and Manchester. tn Carriages, Wagons, Cullers, Sleighs, and Agricultural Implements manufactured of the best materials and of the most approved makes. 4 > First class Horseshoeing done. Ali Work Warranted. 8 aia L WM. HEARD Proprietors. J. & Prince Albert and Mancheste., Feb, 10, 18 7 PUMPS! y \ ® Ai PUMPS! You carr get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At J. IRVIN'S 1 PATENT PUEP FACTORY I BORELTIA, SEE THE PRCIES: FORCE PUMP- A complete Pomp and Fire Engine with Hoge and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot Common Log Pumps at 40 ots per foot. Common turned Suction Pumps at 35 cts per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. Also every other description of Pamp at Equally Low Rates. '__~-- TT caine nd experience in Pump-making in the largest factories in Carada and the Onin ad the Subscriber fels ant that he can perfecdy satisly all that will favor The call. - a forany of the above, whether by mail or otherwise promptly attended to, 2 Please Address, . JOHN IRVIN, Boreria, Borelia, Sept. 29,1870. < 1 {fp HARRISON MAW, Contractor and Builder, PORT PERRY! \: Is Drepased to Contract for and put up Buildings; of all kinds, 'whether Wooa rie _ Parties requiring good work done will do wellto call; Plansand Speci ca made to ordbr. ain = 2 Bd ed JMARRISON MAW: or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, witiy alljse host modern improye= Port Perry, May 12 JA, i = i rr,