4 < 4 L | | J 4 ho § 3 re 5 x A x f FAL ~DXBRID HIGH SCHOOL at Pott i . = T x pupils on . 1 Monday,; 8th. instant Ic in highly d 5.1 quer shou! - jpossible. un Pat farher particolare apply to ~NEW YEAR'S Card! Upon the Return of Another New Year's JONES © + BROS, & CO. Would improve this opportunity of' wishing thelr . friends The Compliments of the Season. ------- * 'They are under renewed obligations, from the act, that their business is steadily increasing, und a8 the Seasons come and go, a discrimin- ating public are learning The Important Lesson : Where to buy to the best advautage. i solicit a call from all their friends dur- on TR Holliday, aud hope to have the privi- lege of showing them through their Stock which fs now more than usually complete and attrag- five in every department. Jones Bros & Co. Port Perry Dec. 27, 187]. steel, 3 ban | IPaifits, Oils, Glass, Colors, at Varnishes, at Inac &c. AT s-------- AT eros GE ow ARE siraqE tare ani \ IL BY THE BARREL ofA ON BY TE RSMAS. Axbridge, Jan. 3, 1872. will' be open for the reception o| ble that all who wish to Jo 80 at as eatly a period as HARDWARE! bm _Mar Irom, MR, CURRIES '00LU: -- CED 0 + Cm ------ LARGEQUANTITIES Of New Goods in every De: partment Daily being Received ! Come and See them, I'l' DOES ONE GOOD TO SEE THE NEW THING NOW GOING! " THE WORLD MOVES-BNWARD," THERE IS ALWAYS Something New ! ! ON HAND, Machine Gil Linceed Oil Tanners' Oil Coal Oil Turpentine White Lead Red Lead Venetian Red Yellow Ochre Fire Proof Paint, Japan : Varnish Putty Nails Glas 300 Cotton ~ Bags. AT reat Clearing Sale| WIGHTMAN'S, PRINCE ALBERT. ie Every description of Winter Goods offered at Cost Price. TIMBER ! FOR SALE. THE Subscribers offer for Sale any quan- tity of the very best quality ot Timber, sound and perfect, and of any length and size 10 svit purchasers. For farther particulars apply to the pro- prietors, WORDEN & HART, Lot 14, con. 7, Uxbridge, 2 miles west of Utica orto JACOB DAFOE, Utica. Uxbridge, Dec. 6, 1871. 50- NOTE LOST. $10 REWARD FOR THE RECOV- £ 2m Lost a note of hand for the sum of Forty dollars male by Jolin Henry Frazer in favor of William Spencer or bearer, dated Brock, November 13th 1871, aud payable five months after date. This is td forbid all parties from purchasing or other- wise negotiating said been stopped. wad of $10, WM. SPENCER. Brock, Dec 9th 1871. Tm Mortgages Wanted. TE Subscribers have large sums of money placed in_ their hands for investment on Imprdved Farms, Village Properties, aud other Securities in this and 'adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hend at all times Borrowers can depend on getting their money with the least, 'possible delay. Wanted to Purchase Any numbet of Mortgages, for which the high- est figure will be allowed. We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest and largest Monetary I titunion in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Instalments re-payable in from 2 to 20 years. Lands ' Bought and Sold. Several good Farms for Sale. * £3 Agents for several first class Fire Insur- ance Companies. Collections made and » general agency busi- ness transucted. BRGY" DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "(sll JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents. Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, : Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1871. It you are troubled with spectacles that make your eyes ache and pain you, cast thvm aside as you would poison, and sub stitute those beautiful spectacles of LAZ ARUS & MORRIS'. Yon will be sur-- prised and delighted at the improvement, and rescue your sight from the certain dreadful! effects of wearing common specs tacles. AGENT, ---20RT PERRY, Port Perry, Jan. 3, 1872. 8-1y NOTICE OF Removal. The Subscriber wauld embrace the present opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his numerons patrons throughout this entire section of country for the liberal and increasing patronage which he has so long received ; and would beg to inform his friends and the public nerally that he has removed his business from anchester to Port Perry. Having rented rooms in Russ's Block, Port Perry where he will curry on il TAILORING BUSINESS I all 1s departments having increased fucilities for a still further extension of business, : All orders executed on the shortest possilile notice. Garments made up in the latest style, nt moderute rajes and guuranieed to fit. WANTED \ BARLEY, WHEAT, OATS, PEAS &c., Ke, ko, Ke. | @ CURRIE. "Prince Albert Aug.'23, 1871. the Place-- Ross's Block, Port Perry. => JAMES SQUIRE, -- Port Perry, Oct. 18,1871. CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELRY, WW". Hepinstall's Opposite the Globe Hotel, BROOKLIN. "Jt will pay to call and see them. Lagarus '& Co's Celebrated Spectacles Note as payment has \ Any one returning said note to the subsgriber at the residence of George Hall, 2nd Con nf of Brock apposite Frazer's Nill, will received re W. H. McCA VW, J. W CHRISTMAS FOR " «" " " " " " " " " " " " [0 " extra. Currants (extra fine) --11 1b. $1. 'n t be the fault of" ~ Prince Albert, Dec. 20, 1871. " MAMMOTH Good morning kind friends, and happy New Year, I greet you again with hearty good cheer ; Though many our trials and troubles have been, Yet to-day, we are joyous and happy, I ween, Our battles of * Raitronds" have come to a close , Tho' sometimes we think it, to us, a * big dose,' But yet we are trustful the times hard by When we asa people forget how to sigh, 'The improvements around us are vast, to be sure, And everything j7ospers, but not to allure 3. o. Conspicuous before you, samething new to adore, ' The GREAT MAMMOTH WARDROBE 1s Roesrts Srork, No more ye need trouble, or wonder, or sigh, As 10 where all your needs you best can supply, For the Great Mammoth Wardro' has plenty in store, Yes! greater by far than ere offered before. - You will find at the Wardrobe selection so great That youll wonder in fact how men ean compete "There's Ribbons and Laces, Elastic and Crupe, ZTurbans and Skeletons, and Fringes and Tape, White Cottons and Steamiooms, and Fast Colored Prints, Merinos and Cobourgs, Clan Tartans and Chintz, Flannels and Collars and Gentlemen's Ties, Oh! yes we have sontething called ¢'Hush-a-by- byes," For charige we will show you the. Wardrale all thromgh. And as.you proceed, there's something stil) ew, With Sontags and Jackets, Umbrellasmnin Netts, These presents apply to all kinds of Goods with exception of Nails, Sult and Coal Oil--and Goods will be sold at the very lowest Cash Prices > Wanted 1000 CORDS OF ~ WOOD CHOPPED ! For which the subscriber will pay = Cash. eeesst00 40 000 etutams Also, Two First Class Wn! - They must understand finishing Pebble and Buff. {G= The highest price in Cash paid at all times for Hides, Hemlock Bark and Tallow. RIGHT. . . Beaver Meadow Steam Tannery, Prince-Albert, Jan. 3, 1872. ee pn AND NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY PRESENTS ALL. . In order that all may have their Christmas Boxes and New Year's Gifts, the sub--- seriter has determined to offer the following inducements toall C of Goods, between this date and the 1st of January, 1872. To all purchasers of Goods to amount of 8100,a Present of a Silk Dress ¢ Worthy so eess en neses $15.00 &50, a Present, a Jap Silk Dress 8.00 40, SH WOIIN. va eiene ave, 0:00 30, a a ee A 20, " Ho wesegeces 3.00 15, od se sessssees 2.00 10, " " 1.00 5, « « 0.50 4, Lo 86pm «ee 0.40 Sugar, 'The very best of Buffalo Robes at $10 to $12, and lined and trimmed for $3 Beantiful Set of Mink Furs, greatly reduced prices, the best for 830, worth $40. and very fine sets at $25, 20, 18 and $14 a set. " Alaska aud German Mink Seis at $1}, 5, and 7. " . French*Merinos in Brown, Maroon, =zarlet, Drab, Blue, and Purple at 50¢ per yard. With all other kinds of Dress Goods equally low. A splendid assortment of Tweeds and Cloths at reduced prices. Beautifu! Shawls, Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Sontags; &c. &c. A first class lot of TIEAS at prices from H0e to $1. Boxes of beautiful Layer Raisins of 12 to 15 Ibs. for $1.25 per box. Beautiful Refined Sugar, very pare and white, 9 Ibs. $1. And all ether goods proportionately low, And if all parties don't sccure Christm is gifs with goods at these prices it a» "ey T. € FORMAN. WARDROBE," Queen St. Port Perry. 187), The Counter Boy's ' Address. 1871. -20P06~ And Clouds in abundance every color lo please, With a wonderful stock of Infant Bootees, Blankets dw Quilts, Ticking and Sheets, A ¥iock so gigantic your wishes to meet. We've Overcaats, Undercoats, Jackets nnd Pants, Woolen Shirts and Unmentionables 10 fill up your wants, At the Wardrobe you'll find 10 surprise every one All woolen Tweed suits for nine dollars nlone, 'And sull as you gaze tlirough the Wardrobe yon see Around you, above you--Oh, Yes ! and our Tea Imported direct from the market the best On purpose 10 please; you, and stand the strong test. 'Then our Biscuits, Confectionery. Pickles and all Lamp Chimneys an Starch, and Royal Blue Ball, And everything €lse you can mention or probe You will find in great plenty at thie Mammoth Wardrobe | « And the thousands of thousands of strong Boots and Shoes We have slock large etobgh for thie million to chose, Infact you'd require the great patience of Job To view all we have in the Mammoth Wardrobe, In good grace 1 invite you to give me a call For whit you may want--no matter at all," 1m determined to sell--my whole stuck)lo renew, 'The Bargains I offer, if you wish they're for you. Don't forget whet iii towr. to lovk around you sndee; ~{ You're right on the track. you know you are free To go where you wish, and do anything more, And beautiful Necklets just fit for " dear pets; } the Cheapest because the Best, ALWAYS ON HAND. * Brooklin, Oct. 11, 1871, "pon Perry, Dec. 19,1871. 4 But be stire you find out it is ROBERTS! STORE, A. W. ROBERTS. |Glasgew and Manchester ASH purchasers ill bought tater;-and- we int e DIRECT FROM one gr en PER SS. " £t. Andrew" & "Ottawa." Every Department complete and well assorted. We beg to call special attention 5 to our Grey Cottons ~----AND-- GHSISTMAS HOLIDAYS Ao pg fi vir FurniTturE | Will be presented wi Pr a I warty GR : GRATIS. Fifty Dol 10 iy oon, $1 worth in Th inducement to Gar summer as 3 All work warranted. i ; . GH, NEVILLE, Prince Albert, Nov. 30, 1871. Prince Albert Jewelry EMPORIUM. A LARGE ind fine Stock opened out for H LIDAYS." "Gold anid Silver Watches, . Gold and Silver Guards, Oroide and Golaine Chains, Gem and Signet Rings, Scart Pins and Lockets, Gold Brooches and Ear Ringe, Black Brooches and EarRipges Oud Fellows' and Masone' Pina, Prince ot Wales Aas Pouches, > me, Cigar Cases, B Chikdrn's Tox Sets, riar Pipes, Cigar-holde Meershaum Pi : &e., os *- Clocks of all kinds, - All the above constitute as fine a Steck as Sve wat brought De iy country place, and wi sold, really «cheaper tham ever before. y 2° Particular inducements to Cash cuse tomers for the Holidays, Come along and make a regular Rap on these fine Christ- mas and New Year's Presents. Don't forget the place. JOYN iDIESFELD, Practical Watch Maker, Prince Arsear, Business Change. een. HE Subscriber would embrace the present opportunity of returning his most sincere thanks to the people of Brock for the generous and still increasing patronage bestowed upon him during the time which he has done busie ness in Sunderland, and would now respectful: intimate that having determined to devote bis attention exclusively to the * PRODUCE Business. He has sold out his large and choice stock "of Dry Goods, Groceries, &e., &c,to = These Goods were purchased unusually early, and fully ten to fifteen per cent less than 'those d-giv ing our patrons the benefit of the carly purchase. WE WILL PAY CASH ir = Jd of Barley, . Peas, A Oats Delivered at our Warehouse here, WINCEYS|! m----d------------ =a nr =~ ilo M.. WM. GORDON, OF SUNDERLAND, A gentleman well known throughout North Ontario, and highly respected by all who know im. Heis not without experience having been at the business overa couple of years. This to- gether with Lis uniform affability, active busi- ness habits and well know integrity in his transnctions will constitute him a most To addition to the business men of this rapidly ad- vancing township, and I have much pleasure in bespeaking for him a continuance and increase of that patronage so liberally be- stowed upon me, 'R. E, PORRITT. Sunderland, Dee. 20, 1871. 53 Valuable Property for Sale. FUE jetor offers for sale that lent 1 House und Lot (his present residence) ims mediately opposite the residence of Major Fore man, Prince Albert, The House is in every way comfortable and Convenient as a residence, having nine rooms, with suitable closets ; a good Stable and Cow Shed attached, aud lots of goud water--hard, and soft, The lot contains one quarter of an aere, with a good young orchard. 0 better situation could be desired for Com- fort, Health and Copvenience. He offers also to sell 16 acres of land a little the East of the Village of Prince Albert, known as the Target field. Immediate possession--Title Indisputablé. A. SINCLAIR. For further particulars apply to J. & D. J. ADAMS, Land and lusuranee Brokers, Port Perry. Maney, PrincefAlbert, 27th Sept., 1871. 'HENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLCITOR AND DRSUSRTSHAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government. Copy= rights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Desi procured. Drawings; Specifications, {ud other Documents Jskossary to fovute Pa. nts of Invention prep oa rece , Model of the invention, pt of the REFERENCES, Hon. A. C bell, Pi ; Smile, Ex. "Erie HV Hk Rn Compr ehn nglon, oe. 3 in . Wode. Yoru. Manag ¥ Ontirio nk; Bouin Carts House to Rent. = As the Subseriber is movi, Wishes to Rent his House and 'Tov in Brus Albert, The Horse is a comfort | veniently, "Atunteq bein, isi Bs hd tu Presbyteran Church. There 1s Donat sane on the premises and a ge i yw of water, Rent moder te, immedis ge he BROWN & CHRISTIAN; "MANCHESTER, Sep. 7, 1871, © Pris? Albert, Nov. 8, 187, at 113] a % "8. Minster ef Puilic Work. Province of Omario, - AT EAT INR TER