Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Jan 1872, p. 4

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v9 { the one burn not the other wound those th t charms 'make the delay;ofit in ; i There is no paying: possible 4 a man | until he becomes again enough of a child " nol to calculate his raptures, aud tojcrave an --~{Jobn. Wi { : tory ants like fire or a#harpewoid at a distance j neither doth ; wot Joo close to them. = « FA TY" * { like prosperity and ripe finit. I hail a geod - fijnted and fell into his arms, and when tke - - Saddle ¥ { T3Warehouse is the place to buy 2 7 Pride Albart, Nov. 8, 1871 NW : Di BUGGIES, WAGONS, friend in 1he country, whom I almost never | vised except in chery-time. By you |! fraite you shall know them. j t d fore 'are so fond of secrets as those whado | ot 'mean 12 keep them ; such persons covet | secrets as a spendihirift does money for the | purpose of circulation.~[ Colton: "Most controversies would soon be ended ith e engaged in them would firet acco- ra'aly define their terms, and then, rigidly | #dhere to their definitions.--[ Edwards. So "ephe fast word is the most dangerous of inf®rnal machines. Husband and wile should no more suive to get -it than they "would struggle to get possession of a light- ed boinb-shell. A BURGLAR was caught in a neighdor-- ing town, fromthe circumstances of meet- Tks laby'in one of fhe rooms in er night clothes, - On secing him she people of the house came in he was trying 10 bring ber to with # botde of, camphor. He seid thal no gentleman would go off and leave a lady in such a 'condition as that. i +. THE OLD STAND THE BEST! T.Courtice PREMIUM ry Warchouse, _SIMCOE-ST, BRINCE ALBERT. "The Largest, Best, and Cheapest Stock in Ontario. Ti Subscriber returns his sincere thanks for the liberal share of public patronage sfiolnuiop the past seventeen Jo n whigh bis business has been in success ful oper- ation. His Stock is now complete in all its branches, and be feels confident in saying, from past experience, and present facilities for manu- facturing, he can make as good as the best and Sell as cheap ns the Cheapest (and a little Clidaper). Just think, a complete Sét of Harness or only $12. Other things Pioportionshly low. ow is the time, and the Premium Saddlery Saddles, Trunks, H Clothing, . Wins, le runks, Horse Clothing, hips, Sleigh Tent 5 Celebrated Sweeney and Scotch Collars, & i &e. ~. "IN. B. Opsh for Hides. Prince Albert, Nov. 22, 1871. T. COURTICE. * Shop to Rent: NE "Subscriber offers to RENT that on Simcoe St, Prince Alben, v u a Shop opposite the Victoria Hotel. >. : . YT aman edcelient situation lor. business. # conll be desired. Immediate possess 0 MopkRATE. : 2 5 ELIZABETH BULLEN. ZN © WHITBY AND UXBBID.GE iy Pi 4 "HE undersigned takes occasion to announce that he has opened a branch of his business af UXBRIDGE ~~~ Where will be found Buggies, covered and open, § ¢ and other vehicles olds own manufactar, got d best style, and always kept 8 heuges none but the best material, up'in the latest an on hand. and employs none but the best workmen, the quality of his work can be always relied upon. bw od Yopaics executed with promptitude andy . dispatch. * 4 few second-hand open and covered buggies |! at the Whitby establishment for sale. | ture and ~All work warranted. film sana SAMUEL WALKEY. _ Whitby aud Uxbridge, July 15, 1869. _+ The Best Boar in' the County! ul INH i ing shows one who bis. fiidnds are Northern Reac Dry Goods, 48-1y The Shop is comfoitably fitted up and is _ *The premises have hitherto been used os a Tartoring Shop, and 00 better logation ion given and, RrNT 46 Everything in the way of Carriage manufac- repairs attended to at Whitby as usual. es) LE MATION | mo.7H ABITANTS h OF | Groceries, - Clothing, 5 Boots and Shoes, 4» Hardware, 31 nware, . Stationery, Patent Medicines, &c., 1S AT THE Wa PRINCE ALBERT ! the BEST BRAN John Bull Bitters; &e. qu Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. 'I'horou tive Prices. Prince Albert, Dec. 30, 1869. WwW. M. WILLCOX, V1" gign of the Pestle and. Mortar--opuosite Stotts Hotel! 1: IT P nsive rewly importedStock of Brandies,--Gins, Hol. Malt and Old Rye-- al atteiition of the public to their exte DS of PURE LIQUORS, consisting of &c.--Rum-- Whisky, Invites the speci nd and Old Tom-- Wines, Port, Sherry, A large and well selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. 1 7 Our Teas can't be beat! Try them! We guarantee that for excellence in ality, and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario- A choig> lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &ec. 1 PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retail. = Also the best qualites of Chemicals, ghly reliable Patent Medicines. (Zr Books and Stationery. . ih Liquors for medicinal purpose Everything in Stock is of superior qua s carefully seiected. lity and will be sold at the lowest remunera Remember the place opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. Ww. M. WILLCOX. 36 Photo. and large ova Small Photos $1 per dozen. Cull and examire my work. The work will not be slighted of its cheapness but will Ihe ntinost care and finished as well as if Organ. R, and most durable 18 AT THE for two months, give will, | frame for $1 ghier price were paid. nage. Be GreENBANK Store Greenbank, July 20, 1871. BE FLINT we FALL GOODS rod am nop Mecdived. 1nd '{LIENIUL "M LHSETV AONTEd "10J1R [,AURLDI0] 571 FALL Encouraged by the success met with STOCK." during the past months in Sunderland, in A splendid assortment of BEAVER & PILOT 'QVERCOAT. INGS, i ' ENGLISH & SCOTCH .& CANA- DIAN. TWEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS, TROWSERING VE! ~ \ Wald STING, &C. GENTLENEN'S' CLORIENG: Gof Up oN Suort NOTICE AND IN First Crass STYLE, a CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE [:{ NORTH ONTARIO Also a splendid assortment of Furnishings, in- cluding Shirts, Ties, Collars, Socks, &e. One of the best assortments of Gents' Woolen Under~ that can be be sold Cimar . 2 Clothing, Scarfs and Mufflers," &c, found in this locality, which will ron Cas. Dpgtics furnishing theic own cloth can have it { made up onghort notice, 5 5 '1 Rémember the plice--=the store Jately occu pied by Oapt. Sinclar, + ++ ol W. TRENBETH. Merchant Tailor. Prince Albert Sept. 5, 1871. MONEY! T LARGE SUM 0 9 N "At Tow Rates of Interest. Na:Commission charged. Also uncarrent money Apply to ? JAMES: LAMON, SOLICITOR, &0. Uxbridge. 28 Usb ridge, June 29, 1869 Stoves and Tinware | % whoa] DE nis wast "ae Who. have Slog! pas tak of i : arpa FOR ALL. + 4 'and surrounding towrships, that he has for ser- vice during the present season a first class . TER ire Boar. He took the first 2 Fh AS x at the Reach & Scugog Agricultural Soc 4 Sublcribers wre biinigi to Sh Eh a, Torte i "vel Ta NINGTO? a 33" Service, one dollar. : Dy . 3 M. PARISH. | 1 ++i FRE LARGEST, b % \ Prince Albert, Nov. 8, 187] St OF : Best ¢ 2H 'North Stoves in every variety at Toronto pric at onr Shop in Cannington. Bl agus) ; fe an hod First. class Stove Furnitare. Repairi Stowepipge=s Coal Oil, A | TRUER ha Briain. coli sR FRENS A call solicited before purchasing elsewhere. 8 MONEY! ' 7 HE 'Subscriber has received instructions from several private capitalists to invest a OF MONEY Real Estate Security| bought ahd Silver sold" Office over Armstrong's Hotel, Main Street, ool WN «vita Ontario! flovy o'ully attended to. Lamp Chimneys, Port Perry, Sept. 28, 1871. JOHNSTON'S Ai REAP ' SELL - RAK A Mi i ] 1 Bet ILE + RAKING REAPER, The "Xing of Reapers." The universal success of this Machine, both in closely contested trials and in the bands cf the farmers, warrant us in seying that, as a Self Raking Reaping Machine, it has more good points and less defects, and has met with 'more snccess and less failure, than any Reaper heretofore offered to the public. tN By oa 1 Cayuga Junior JMower, Ve were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Provincial Exhibition, held in Toronto, 1870, in competition "with all the leadiog Machines manufactured in the Province ; and with our recent improvements, we unhesitutingly challenge investiga: tion and comparison with competing Machines, we are satisficd that such iovestiga tion will convince every unprejudiced mind, that we offer the best Mower to the Fasmer for 1871, built in the Dominjon. 8@™ Send for descriptive catalogues. BROWN & PATTERSON. i -y! Wuirny, June 22, 1571. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. General Agency Office. Py : -- py Bian HE Undersigned having received the apprintment of Official Assignee: for North On+| T tario, is prepared 10 give prompl eltention to all matters in Bankruptey or Insolvency Promissory Notes and Accounts speadily collected, and remittagces promptly made! cgianil fain oh 3 & On good farm security at 8 per cent Interest. Special aitention will be, gorations of loans? and borrowers can rely upon having. their appli , a . promptly, and at small expense. . .. Also, Lands, both Imp ved and Rote: Sotvie d CONSTANTLY FOR SALE. nie the Ontario Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company. 4 A ra Pe i ses affected i Jaa Py E. MAJOR, = 2A Officral Assignee and Valuato ore H. C. TA 25. IT, HE PLACE:»TO GET THE BEST|] HOT OGRAPHS B.OOKLIN . PHOTO, GALLERY OPPOSITE THE GLOBE HOTELy: Brooklin. Pictures nade in all sizes and styles. large ' on account| 4 with Enlargements made and colored in oil, 1 would take this method of thanking my numerous friends and customers for past favors, and would ask a continuance of ther pat Agent for the Silver Tongue Cabinet the place ~ Sign of the Red White and Blue Flag, opposite the Globe Hotel, Brooklin. Pologagher. Brook!in, Oct. 25, 1871. STILL PROSPERING 1 CHAS. HISCOCKS, BAKER AND DEALER IN He hopes by al the lowest prices, ic patronage. 5 SHOPS: Prince Albert and PN The Suk his shop MANCH nothing: 0 the most durable manner, a rate possible. [ wish to for try Price. » the sa -. ALF. Johnson, the 10th of Dr bserving Shierving rs x Orrice.--Bigelow's Block, next door 10 the Royal Canadian Port Perry, let Dec, 1868. £11 Bank. Greenbank, Nov. 22, 1871, a «@ l{CONTFECTIONER Wedding Cakes made to orde: He is aleo prepared to furnish Soirees Tea Meetings, &c., on liberal terms. ways keeping a large stock a and punctually attending to all orders, to merit, as heretofore, a share of pub- Manchester. CHAS. HISCOCKS - Prince jlneriend Manchester 3 : Gain EC5 : 5:8 1 : A SEE THE PRICES S a Harness ! i Harness ! TrorcE PuMp- A complete Pump and Fire Engine with Pe Hose and Coupling complete for $25. to fi | y . ESTE Every description of first class Harness, using , making it up in nd at the lowest farmers and others in the a ue In - to leave their orders. with me, pl {will spare no pains in giving full satisfaction in Materal, Workmanship and All repairs neafly and heomply executed. HE so Ves 00% va THOMAS: Manchester' May16th, 1871. DOKS. a § ~ I. parties indebted to Dr, Olver, Green- k, by account or otherw ill pay} A SS SY wcember; Yi abo notice 'they will gave | t J. B. OLVER, Mi D. | Port Perry; May 12,870, hy iD 0! Perry; May 12,1 wsoLE 2d » 1 ant ad PF dion 1 nt ae i Stock of The largest and best ly er offered for. Sale in North Ontario; manufactured of the 1, and byimen who thoroughly understand their estuatefis BH £ business Call and see them before purchasing elsewhere. _ A number of second-hand Pleasure Sleighs: for sale--cheap. Repairs neatly executed and with despatch. All work warranted. gr hon HEC JAMES CL : ! o i 'Priace Albert, Dec. 6, 1871. COCOASINE: A Perfect Hair Dressing. he eg i 7 W . TOMITINSON, Chemist and Druggist, Has -always on 'hand an gssortment of the following Goods : "FINE CHEMICALS, * Lis : (1AIR, TOOTH, NAIL axp PAINT PURE DRUG BRUSHES PATENT MEDICINES, iis PUFFS, axp PUFF BOXES, commencing the Stove and Tin Business, I am warranted in opening up a Tn gL LL lieu ng oon i a gy ie vg FINE TOILET SOAPS, TOILET POWDERS, : Ma snificent Stock of Stoves : ho EE nL eh GLYE BRIN: : ENGLISH asp FRENCH: PERFUMES, S : kdl al Peduced roCES | SPONGES : HAIR.OIL, avn' POMADES; os = = coo off Of EVERY STYLE, PRICE AND VARIETY, in the following list FEEDING POTTLES, CITRATE MAGNESA, - A x --t-- Painte, Oile, Spirits Turpentine, Jupans, V.iniches, Dye Stufis of all kinda in nee and ELEVATED OVENS, LOW OVENS. PIE Subscriber begs to say that he is pre} warranted pure, with printed Directiona for use. School Bouks, Bibles, Testaments, Western' Home Lion of the West Superior, No. 9x jel Cook JH pared to sell all kinds of Note and Letter Paper, Envelopes; luk, Pens, &o. Great Western Queen, No. 8 Conquer, No, 10 Giant Cook 0 4 1 emer ] = My Stock will be found complete and as cheap as any dather house in the trade. 3 3 : Plain Dealer--Ex~ New World | . ' W. A. TOMLINSON I d Combin- | 1, 9 ; : y nyrove onan iy 2 tensive lop New Era Licensed Chemist and Druggist, under the Pharmacy Act - Provigce of Ontario. ation Superior, 10, Cbloni t TomeGuard,No8 &, i i if : ' Dominion of Cacada, [Tomestead Provincial Prince Albert, June 15, 1871. : { : : : As Cheav as anv_other BET OCF IE D0 : 2 PARLOR SIOVES. Establishment in North : un . : Perl Wild Rose Competition e Onward Ontario! W.He insta 11 Diamond Lacket Pearl Cottage . Prize TABLES My stock corsists of : ria Boston Parlor Cook Signole Parlor BUREAUS. ; PRACTICAL J 2, BOX STOVES-- Black Giant, Nos. 18, 21 25, 30 snd 36; [lerald, Fulton SIDEBOARDS, ¥ * Ironside, Black Prince, Fluted Bo. hy ! CUPBOARDS, LY ATC ~ JY AKER ' The aborelist of Swves, will be sold at the lowest living ToS, Covamers may rely upon EDSTEADS WRITING DESKS i Te 9. 2 : t ticle in ¢ attment--comfort, conveni combined. zDSTE. : 3 aetsonghing nal ls Siew one chia haan the Soret ude. Hides, Sheepskins, | FE RT IN DS ; And Jeweller, = , Wool, Rags, , Copper, a 1 kind Produce t. in e . 7 Woh he, fra Emre lids o Veoh ep ngs WOUD.§, CANE SEAT CHAIRS BROOKLIN SUNDERLAND, Aug. 9, 1871. JOIN WV. PARRISH. NG; CHAIRS, §c ' ° 3 ol = i (A large number of Steel Engravings, tramed -- . wither With wool er gil, The American Lever Russell's Celebrated and other! styles of Watches . GET UP YOUR W INTER RIGS 111 Kept constantly on hand. Also great variety of Clocks, Jewelry 'and other Goods. v 6 0 . Partiep wishing any. thing fit Jiis line would do well to call and examine re pushes : i TE ing elsewhere, JF All kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly repaired and ARITANTRD. y Brooklin, Oct. 5, 1870. . : 40 CUTTERS ¥ SLEIGHS! GUTTERS ¥ : AT THE z Eo PORT PERRY M. 6. DONOVAN, CARRIAGE FACTORY | porns ire er se mmm ARTI FRAUTIEA. Pe « | DOUBLE SET OF NEW PLUMES C apoB A RE Kk y ] a d t F vi x The Subscriber in returning thanks to his numerous and increasing customers would | n ouli and on ive Sea a ¥ i 1 age Rl e r . inform them avd the public generally that he hax commence the manufacture of an |othcrpariyin North or outh Ontario. NEAR THE TOWN HALL unusually large number of the very latest styles of first class Cuiters and Sleighs for a eolstany Jept ale 7 9 7 5 : the com'ng winter, which he feels coufident will fully meet the wishes of the com-| 4 good selection of Coffin Trimmings just re- be Hy K T {D w E A munity hoth as to Quality, Style, and Price ceived from the best markets. SE) : G3, 523 £3 g ; ) Te : WANTED.--5,000 feet cf good easoncd Roni 4 the bis stern) goplsyed. 1 tive ie by tie Ted i Pine, Birch, Butternut, and Buiswood Lines. 0 or otes and Accounts already due. and that will be due by the 1st day o JOHN NOT. GOOD : s. j J 4 : C agsortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from best material. Work | October next, must, without fail, be paid on or before the 20th of said month. wy sen) Snir osg ig fomigtones made 10 order with neatness and rome, Particular attention paid 1b ne ff A : G.U. WHITE. | wy 1 "1% ALL WORK WARRANTED. .* 4 2 : "TILE NEW DOMINION Prince Albert and Manchester. . ets tr CARRIAGE & WAGON SHOPS, Carriages, Wagons, Cullers, Sieighs. and Agricultural Implements manufactured CANDIES, of the best materials and: of the most approved makes. We offer to out customers for the coming Bd (02 First class Horseshoeing done. All Work Warranted. ant Harvest, two distinct Machines, which in i ) J. && WM. HEARD Proprietoi's. AWARDED * tyle and construction, embrace the lates LOU, Seal Albert and Manchesto:, Feb. 10,1870, - FIRST PRIZE\® d most useful improvements of the day CORN MEAL, AT PuoviNcian Exur- J OHNSTOIN'S : SARDIN BN EH : 5 BITION HELD AT SING B ' FRUITS, ToroNToO, nl 1033 80. PU MPS ! ; ) ! @ PUMPS! You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province AJ, TRVIN'S PATENT PUEP FACTORY BEORBELIA, enn O £1433 Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cte per foot. > 4 'Common Log Pamps at 40 cts per foot. , Common turned Suction Pumps at 35 cis per foot. ¢| Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from: $3 op to $8. R Also every other description of Pomp at % rp gE . 17% Egallv Jow Rates. . had long e: rience in Pump-making Toe] Bi Ly tates, hives feels confident that he can perkety sair an in Carada and with'a call. ey that will favor 'All orders for any of the above, whether by wail or otherwise prompt} attebded tor Please Address, f wh * TORN £2151 | Borelia;Septi 29,1870 7. RT..2ER Pa al ring of 4 es be; "me i; P; BR natin hte wil A kd End Sposiica- PO h ions made to order. JHE 1 ta a weston Son Hank t pe wah cl IRVIN, BorLia. Lg) aot ISON JAW: ' Ei i : ~< 1 i the him ve-

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