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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Jan 1872, p. 3

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si HE A yO TERE _ Csr ees " 4sustained by the many + -Beventh, To a it iefify per cent. better than corn. sR pd " these oats they neither rust nor lodge and a Pe aitable. reward willbe given 'for pear Reach, 8h iio, will 1% 1 Unpaid 1 y y vi oy . od ge PATE 4 Malcolm Smith's, Farm Mik ol pena, 3. A Hi last, that the Notes are in my collected by 16: o EORGE BRABAZON. -Brock, Jd. 18,1873, .!. Note Lost, § hand made by Dr. Brathwaite Ooh a ot moti. or order, for f.a5, baru three days date. This is to forbid all Pros fiom negociating said note .as payment has been stopped. 3 'NRCH'D SINCLAIR. | indeay dadinn ied. 0 J 4k Games By Lo gh 8 'Key Found! Found in the Village of Port Perry. on Wed- esday, 17th ins large BRASS EY. The Headey, 0) i54 the same by calling at officeand paying for advertising, | $i "RAMSDELY, PURE SEED --_ The Bn offers' for Bale 180 bushels of Rawisdelt Noyway Oats, warranted pure an free from all obnaxioits weeds ; they wero grown by himself in 1871. In 187 be Yurchased 8 Js. of. he 80 i is 8 103. he raised 12 bushels and Ju and from' 9 ba. Again in 1871 he sowed the crop ot 1870 with equally encouraging results. t Notwithstanding the extraordinary yield of tl from A the same |. 1 and a hal? of the sced is abundantly suff m a bi d the yield is tQ 8OW An acre An he of other seed description of oats whil Quire at least twice as, require being | uperior to all other kinds in quantity of yield, quality aa : profitable crop. In the o cl double as mich per acre as that f . be kinds of Sate res the sore' the Norway oats require. So that the Norway Oats are just what the , and as & points. of 1 jority are Tons wholly s who have claimed for these oats and' hess be , They #0 Feld fig tv three Lig y AN) A ue TR a Ge h*the'sa - - i Second, That the, grain is heavier in weight, 1 i has a la; be: po) thinner hull, which 8 |. . Yoo bin! mions and valushle for feeding, Third, They grow more vigorous and healthy, with straw sufficiently strong to vent Jog, ing on the richest soil {and rendering liable to A i Fourth, The straw bears more foliage and is better for feeding. Fifth, That it will grow and produce a profit- able crop on ground where other oats W Il not | grow to maturity, Sixth, It 'required' less for seed, one bushel and a half being ample for an acre. be eut green and. used for feeding to purchase 8 or less Lik wihios 100 will A 1l to send on dhelborders without delay as they are being ra- pidly sold and orders are coming in fast. A will be sufficient to satisfy any os fas ia) superiority of this Sy a of 2 over all otner kinds. I sell these oats at the unusually low rate ot $1.50 per bushel. All orders promptly attended to. . JOSEPH MOFFATT, Lot 13, in the 13th concession of Reac! h. Reach, Jan. 17, 1872. 4-tf cl! TRA odd 323 COUNTY OF ONTARIO. A Meeting of the Reeves and Deputy Reeves of the various Municipalities of Hie County of Ontario, will be beld in the Council Chamber, Court House, in the TOWN OF WHITBY. Tuesday, January 23rd, 1872. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, in order to form the Council of the Corporation of the aforesaid County. cg H. J. MACDONELL, # : | Cletk, County of Ontario. County Clerk's Office, < Whitby, Jan. 10th, 1872, Card! of Another . 3 Would improve this opportunity of wishing thelr = friends... on ------------- nan The Compliments of the ¥ tl A Ens The Important Lesson Dg = 5 TEN, Tips 0 to Bet i lege of n hele Stoek which is now more osually complete and attrac- tive in every . Bae-f 'WEIR. | gE 8 |LARGEQUANTITIES Of New Goods in every De-| Come and See them, IT DOES ONE GOOD TO SEE THE " partment NOW GOING! THE WORLD MOVES ONWARD," THERE IS ALWAYS / ! Something New TIMBER! | prietors, of Daily being Received ! .| Xr Agents for several first class Fire Insur- ance C i 3 wt / "ewe FOR_SALE. THE Subscribers offer for Sale any quan» tity of the very best quality of Timber, sound and perfect, and of any length and size 10 suit purchasers. For further particulars apply to the pro- WORDEN & HART, Lot 14. eon. 7, Uxbridge, 2 miles west of Utica orto JACOB DAFOE, Utica Uxbridge, Dec. 6, 1871. 50- Insolvent. Act of 1869. IN THE MATTER OF ANDREW PAUL, AN INSOLVENT. HE 1nsolvent has made an dssignment to me and the creditos are notified to meet at the Law Office of William Maurice Cochrane, in the Vill of Port Perry, on Tuesday the 23rd day of Japuary, A.D., 1872, at two clock in the rnoon, (0 receive statements of his affairs, and to appoint an Assignee. Dated this third day of January, A.D, 1872. EDWARD MAJOR. Interim Assignee. HONEY TO LOMA Mortgages Wanted. TT Subscribers have large sums of money placed in_ their hands for investment f Village Properties, aud Joining Counties nterest. As we on Improved Faims,* other Securities in this and ad at the lowest current rates of have funds on hend at all times Borrowers can depend on getting their money with the least possible delay. Wanted to Purchase Any number of Mortgages, for which the high- est figure will be allowed. We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest and largest Monetary 1 titution in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Iustalments re-payable in from 2 10 20 yedrs. . Lands - Bought and Sold. Several good Farms for Sale. ON HAND, Machine Gil Linceed Oil Tanners' Oil Coal Oil Turpentine White Lead Red Lead Venetian Red Yellow Ochre Fire Proof Paint, Japan Varnish Putty Nails Glas 500 v otton 'WANTED b- &c., ke, bo, | Ke Jones Bros & Oo. Port Perry Deo, 27,1871. ° ~-- BABLEY, WHEAT, OATS, PEAS hia sped ri " i" Ro i 4 act," AEE Fatal G. CURRIE. [** Collections made and » general agency busi- ness transacted. BEF DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "© JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents. 0, in Mr. Ross' Onlario Buildings, fee Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1871. NOTICE OF Removal. The Subscriber would embrace the Ppesent opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to bis numerons patrons throughout this entire section of country for the liberal and increasing nage which he has so long received ; and form his friends and the public nerally that he has remov business from Siancheater to Pgrt Perry. 'Having rented ? Port Peny where hie will euiry would beg to in roums in Russ' on the : TAILORING BUSINESS In all ite departments having increased facilities for a still further extension of business, : All orders execoted on the shortest possible notice. Garments made up in the latest style, st moderate Remember the. Place-- Ross's Block, Port Perry. on JAMES SQUIRE. Port Perry, Oct. 18, 1871¢ CLOCKS. WATCHES, AND JEWELRY, © Opposite the Globe Hotel, -~ Tt will pay to call and sée them. the Cheapest because the Best .~ JOHN» McDONALD, MAR h, NEWCASTLE, ONT. of variety, with every de 0 "suitable Cel tg notice. 2d withhold their orders until i 3.0. WILLIAMSON, i WW". Hepinstall's BROOKLIN. Lagarus & Co's Celebrated Spectacles (FAL WAYS ON Fae Brooklin, Oct. 11, 1871. 41 BLE DEALER, AA ONUMENTS, " Tomb-Tables, Head-Ston NTS, es, Jeng. Sios vot "also Petechend and Aberdeen Parties will find it to their advan- called WIGEHTMANS, - PRINCE ALBERT. ws Be Every description of Winter Goods offered at Cost Price. Wanted 1000 CORDS OF Woon CHOPPED ! For which the subscribe Cash. PB areeat 0 PO 08 Porras Also, Two First Class @ (EN times for Hides, Hemlock They must understand finishing Pebble and Buff. (G= The highest price in Cash paid at all J. WRIGHT. Beaver Meadow Steam Tannery, -Prince Albert, Jan. 8, 1872. € r will pay WANTED . Bark and Tallow. FOR HOLIDA of Goods, between this date and the 1st of The very best of Buffulo Robes at $10 extra. [0 " " and very fine sets at $25, 20, 18 Boxes of beawiful, Layer Raisins of 12 Currants (extra fine) --11 Ib. $1. nt be the faultof Prince Albert, Dec. 20, 1871. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S Y PRESENTS In order that all may have their Christmas Boxes and New Year's Gifts, the sub- seriber has determined (0 offer the following inducements toall CASH purchasers To all purchasers of Goods to amount of $100,a Present of a Silk Dress "850, a Present, a Jap Silk Dress 8.00 0 These presents apply to all kinds of Goods with exception of Nails, Sugar, Sult and Coal Oil--and Goods will be sold at the very lowest Cash Prices. Beautiful Set of Mink Fure, grently reduced prices, the best for $830; worth $40. Alaska and German Mink Seis at $44,-5, and 7. French Merinos in Brown, Maroon, Scarlet, Drab, Blue, and Purple at 50¢ per yard. With all ober kinds of Dress Goods equally low. A splendid assortment of Tweeds and Cloths at reduced prices. Beautifu! Shawls, Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Sontags; &c. &eo. A first class lat of TEAS at prices from 50c to 81. Beautiful Refined Sugar, very pure and whize, 9 1bs. 81. And all other goods proportionately low, And if all parties don't segure Christmas gifis with goods at these prices it will ALL. January, 1872. ! WOMls cave esssosars PID. 40, "worth eesessess 6:0 30, "> 4.00 20, ". " 3.00 15, ' " 2.00 10, " " 1.00 5, " " 0.50 4, " " 0.40 to $12, and lined and trimmed for $3 and 814 a set. 10 15 lbs. for 81,25 per box. T. C. FORMAN. Good' morning kind (riends, aid happy New Year, 1 greet you again with hearty good cheer § 'Though many our trials and troubles have been, Yet to-day, we are joyous and happy, I ween, Our battles of * Railroads" have come 108 close, 'Tho? sometimes we think it, 10 us, a * big dose," But yet we are trustful the nme is hard by When we as_a people forget how to sigh. 'The improvements around us are vast, to be sure, , And everything prospers, but not to allwe ; i Conspicuous before you. semething new tv adore, The GREAT MAMMOTH WARDROBE w Rozzrts' | Stone, : No mor ye need trouble, or wonder, or sigh, Asto e nll your needs you best can supply, For the Great Mammoth Wan has plenty in store, Nes! greater by far than ere offered before, g will find at the Wandrobe selection so great you'll wonder in fact holv men can compete ; re's Ribbons and Laces, Elastic and Crips; i Turbans and Skeletons, and Fringes and Tape, - Merinos and Cobourgs, Clan Tartans and Chintz, 'Oh! yes we have something called #Hash-a-by- byes," For change we will show you the Wardrobe all through ©} And as you proceed. there's something still new, Netts, if a. MAMMOTH 'Queen St. Port Perry. 187). "The Counter Boy's Address. 1871. dP La au "| Around you, above you--On, Yes! and cur The WARDROBE," And Clouds in abundance every color lo please, With a wonderful stock of Infant Booters, Blankets and Quilts, Ticking and Sheets, A Hock so giganue your wishes 10 meet. We've Overcoats, Undercoats, Jackets and Pants, Woolen Shirts and Unmentionables to fill up your wants, the Wandrobe you'll fd 10 Swiprise every one wolen Tweed suits for nine dollars alone, #3 you gaze through the Wardrobe you seo Imported direct from the tharket the best Ou parpose 10 please, you, and stand the strong. test, | | mney ant Burch Mog? And everything else you piri fg wi \ You will find in great plenty atthe Mammoth And the thousands of thousands of strong Bests and Shoes We have stock large enough for the million to chovse, Infact you'd require the great patience of Job To view all we have ui the Mammoth Wardrobe, 1n'good grace 1 invite you to give me a eall For what you may want--no matter at all, I'm determined to sell--my whole block to renew, The Bargaias | offer, if you wish they're for you. o Don} forget when 1n tows. 10 lovk around you and see, Youre right on the track. you know you are free Ta go where you wish, anid do dnyihing more, (| With Sontagsund Jacket, ana 'And beutiful Necklets just fit for * dear pets;" Prince Albert Aug. 28, 1871. » January 10, 1872. Satisfaction gosranteed, snd all work war- a1y Port Perry, Dec. 10, 1871. ed But be sore you ind gut i ie ROBERTS! STORS, A. W. ROBERTS. Glasgew and Manchester 8.5. # St. Andrew" & "Ottawa." Every Department complete and : 'Wheat, PER well assorted. We beg to call special attention to our Grey Cottons WINCEYS These Goods were purchased unusually early, and fully ten to fitteen per cent less than those bought later, and we intend giv- ing our patrons the benefit of the early purchase. i WE WILL PAY CASH For any quinity or? 'Barley, : Peas, + ' Oats Delivered atour Warehouse e here, pyri CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY'S Any person giving &n order fo BY, DEVE Giving ap andy Tor FurniTurE ! WIll be presented with Fill ho pronsoted, with 33. Wurth GRATIS. Fifty Dollars worth, $10 worth in addition, gratis. The above offers are made as an inducement to Cash customers. K3* All work warranted. @. I. NEVILLE. Prince Albert, Nov. 30, 1871. a £8 EMPORIUM. A LARGE and fine Stock opened out for Ca the H LIDAYS. Gold and Sitver Walches, Gold and Silvei Guards Omide and Goldine Chaine, Gem and Signet Rings, Soart Pins and Lockets, Gold Brooches and Ear Ringe, Black Brooches and EarRinges Odd Fellows' and Masons' Pins, Prince ot Wales Tobacco Pouches, Albums, Cigar Cases, % Children's Tea Sets, "¥; 5 Briar Pipes, Cigar-hold Meershaum Pipes, &c., &o. Clocks of all kinds, All the above constitute as fine a Stock as ever was brought into a country place, and will be sold really cheaper than ever before. Particular inducements to Cash cus- tomers for the Holidays. Come along and make a regular RAID ou these fine Christe mas and New Year's Presents. Don't forget the place. JOYN DIESFELD, Practical Watch Maker, Prince ALBERT. Business Cha nge. E Subscriber would embrace the present opportunity of returning. his most sincere thanks to the people of Brock for the generous and still increasing patronage bestowed upon him during the time Which he has done busi- ness in Sunderland, and would now reapectfull, intimate that having determined to devote bls attention exclusively to the PRODUCE Business. He has sold out his large and choice stock 'of . Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., &c, to h M:.. WM. GORDON, OF SUNDERLAND, A gentleman well known throughout North Ontario, and highly respected by all who know him. Heis not without Sxpaionce having been at thebusiness overa couple of years. This to- gether with his uniform affability, active busi- peas habits and well know integrity in his transactions will constitute him a most desirnble addition to the business men of this rapidly ad- vancing township, and bave much pleasure in bespeaking for him a continuance and increase of that patronage so liberally 'R. E. PORRITT. Sunderland, Dec. 20, 1871. stowed upon me, : Paints, Oils, Glass, Colors, Varnishes, Ce id | b MANCHESTER. 2. 9, 1001. TOWN & CHRISTIAN, Prince Advert Jewelry", :

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