4 EN Insolvent Act of. 1869. In THE MATTER OF ANDREW Paul, An IneorvenT. Toe Credilors abo named Insolvent wil ge ce P onday, the 26th day of Febru- ay, ory on Monday, welock In the ater. Bote for the pul blicesamidation of the ingolvent. and for the pat Hivisn the affairs of the esta :- EDWARD MAJOR. nb 2) Official: Assignee. Port Perry, February 14, 1872, 8-2w | Thgblient Act of 1869. In Fur MaTTER OF . ANDREW PAUL, AN IN<OLVENT. oe' UNDERSIGNED, EDWARD I Major, of ha Village of Pon Party, help buen, appp intel ssignee in this mai- ter, Creditors are reqnested to file theit claims belore me within one month. EDWARD MAJOR, Port Bony, Feb, 4, 1872. Intercolonial Railway. ite THE Bommiisiours appointed for the con- struetion of the hy ni probed 1% give ic notice, that they are receive fo ers pu the erection of Stat jon Buildings at Cacolna, Isle Verte, Trois Pistoles, St. Simon, Sty Fablen, | Bic, Rimouski, St. Luce, and Meta- ; and, alsd, for Tank Houses and {inc Road Sheds at Isle Verte, Trois Pistoles, Bic, Rioutk} and Metapediac Road. 30, for Engine Honses ot Rivets du Loup, RinoR, and Metapediac Ro: Plafis, cifications, and is of Tender may be been on and after the 2h February, at the Office of the Chief Engi Heer, Ottawa, at Riviere du Loup and Rimous! ders may be for the whole, or any less of these Buildings, and will be received, Tnied ".Tenders for Buildings," at the Cam: missioners' noon, of the 20th day ot March next. A. WALSH En. B CHANDLER, { J.C. BRYDES. A. W. MCLEAN, owmnnagonpas' OFFICE, : "Oana Jany, 12, Teta. { 8 LISH N in TOTIOE is i at given that all applicants N for Shop or Tavern Licenses in thi town- ship for the ensuing year, are hereby requested to seud their APPLICATIONS For such to me, on or before the 15th day of February next. in order to to give the Inspector of Lisefisa an opportunity inspecting and re- porti n the same at a na the Council to be id on the 20th day of February next. JOHN CHRISTIE, Township Clerk. Reach, January, 31, 1872. NOTICE. FEC Ad rr THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY'S Avy rson vin an order for yorsss Bn nt FurniTUrE ! 11 be presented wiih worth WilLhe Bsinin. ab 35. %o GRATIS. Fifty Dollars worth, Ze worth in addition, grat The above offers are made as an inducement to Qash enstomers. £3 All work warranted. @ BREVILLE. ince bert Nor: 30, 1871: : a Nis The t is one of the most recions ins of al dh Ellin and itis of the importance hat wi rServAtion. LAZARDS & shane perficted Tr Eye Glasses possess the perullar 80 desirable, vi that of misting sight most brilliantly, tester it to and beauty, and Pleasant to the eye. W. H. McOAW, co AGENT, PORT PERRY. Port Perry, Jan, 3, 1872. 8-ly AR » cial Assi Official Asignee | Office, Ottawa, up to 12 I () HER -- LARGEQUANTIT1ES Of New Goods in every De- partment Daily being Received ! Come and See them, ITT DOES ONE GOOD TO SEE THE THING NOW GOING! "THE WORLD MOVES ONWARD," THERE IS ALWAYS || Something New ! ! ON HAND, Machine Oil Linseed Oil Tanners' Oil Coal Oil Turpentine White Lead Red Lead Venetian Red Yellow Ochre Fire Proof Paiut, Japan Varnish Putty Nails Glass, 300 ~~ Cotton WANTED BARLEY, WHEAT, OATS, PEAS &c., kei, koi, &e. G. CURRIE. FALL GOODS Cabinet Maker SPECIAL INDUS FENENS: |wANTED. Bar Iron, Steel, ° Colors, Varnishes, &c. HORSMAN'S "NEW HARDWARE STORE, UXBRIDGE ple OAL OIL BY THE "ARREL C At HORSMAN'S. Uxbridge, Jan.3, 1872. Prince Albert Jewelry Lo EMPORIUM. LARGE and fine Steck opened out for the HOLIDAYS. Gold and Silver Walclies, Gold and Silver Guards, Oravde and Goimne Chaine, Gem and Signet Rings, Scart Pins and Lockets, Gold Brooches und Er Ringe, Black Brooches and EarRings. Oud Fellows' and Marons' Pins, Prince ol Wales 'Tobacco Pouches, Albuma, Cigar Cases, Children's Tea Sets, Briar Pipes, Cigar-holders, Meershnum Pipes, &ec., &e. Clocks of all kinds, All the above constitute as fine a Stoc! as ever was bronght into a country plaer. and will be sold really cheaper than ever before. Particular inducements to Cash cus- tomers for the Holidays. Come slonu sud make a regular RAID wn these fine Christ- mn~ and New Year's Presents. Donk forget the place. JOUN DIESFELD, Practical Watch Maker, Prince ALSERT CLOCKS, WATCHES, ANO JEWELRY, Than Ever 9° Hepinstall's BROOKLIN. It will pay to call o call mid see thems + Lazarus & Co's Celebrated fe i the Cheapest because the Best wishes to Rent his Houso aud Lot in Al Rent moderate, immediate possession. For farther patticulars enquire at the OssEa- 'vue Orrice, Princedlbert. JOHN WHITE, Prince Albert; Nov. 8, 1871. HARDWARE! -- Paints, Oils, Glass; _ ALWAYS ON HAND. 3 2 Brooklin, Oct. 11, 1971." | Enid House to Rent. As the Subscriber ps moving to Uxbrid 3 sie rt. acre with a'good bearing' orchard of ho cpr an, on UE WI SET Preshyter an Church. Theres Neuty Ar a od pomp. room on the premises and a of water. Terms to suit purchaser, HE PLACE TO GET THE BEST and most durable PHOTOGRAPHS I8 AT THE BOOKLIN PHOTO, GALLERY OPPOSITE THE GLOBE - Brooklin. Pictures made in all sizes and styles. I will, for two months,' give a larg Photo. pnd large oval lame for $1.25. Small Ptotos $1 per dozen. Call and examire my work. The work will not be slighted on account ul its cheapness bul will be executed wilt the utmost care and finished as well anf a higher price were paid. Eulargements made aod colored in oil. I would take this inethod of thanking my numerous friends and customers for paw favors, and would ask a continuance of their patronage { Agent for the Silver Tongne Cabinet Organ Remember the place - Sign of the Red White and Blue Flag, opposite the Globe Hotel, Brooklin. H. C. TAIT, Potogarher. Brook!in, Oct. 25, 1871. Mortgages Wanted. |THE MAMMOTH WARDROBE, | PREPARING NOW TO. Take Stodic | Gil order to make the Stock loss, A. Big R. will make a Specialty in every line in Stock, during the MONTH OF, FEB'Y BY OFFERING GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES! Which will certainly prove conducive to all who may be fortunate enough to call for he purpose of purchasing. But be it di<inetly underetood by all that wo Goods will not be Sop ar Cos, As that is all Humbug, Nc man can sell Goods at Cost ad be sucoessful in business. My purpose isto Show 'my Goods to Visitors, Whether they purchase or, not, as I take pleanura in showing Goods, it 'being no trouble what ever The publi can reiy ou fur dealing, and guod Goods at Low Rates. 03 No reaped |of persons here. Every man's dollar of the same value. Come [om 'very Corner, every Tifsubish every place, and call at the Mammoth adr Sl A. W. ROBERTS. PORT PERRY, Feb. 7 187 Wanted 1000 CORDS OF HE Subscribers have Iarge sums of money placed iin their hands for investment on Improved Frims Village Properties, and other Securities in this and adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hond at all times Borrowers can depend on getting their money with the least possible delay. Wanted to Purchase Any number of Mortgages, for which the high- est figure will be allowed. We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest and largest Monetary [ustitutions in Canadas. Paid ap Capital $1,500, 000. Instalments re-payrble in from 2 to 20 years. Lands Bought 3 and Sold. Several good Farms for Sale. E3~ Agents tor several first class Fire Insur- ance Companies. Collections made and » general agency busi ness transacted. BEF DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "Gi JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents. Office' in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1871. I gse 2 : Yi pm fin UE al I I Fr £53 Eno ii gs I= tei OER iui Pp IH EP Ein © a 2 = $38 eo fe = 3m -g3.a A TR 8 ~ Hen gE Porat Bob gin Bens "ti: v1 EES gf wa TR 2 : 3B 5 1" e3 1 5 5.3, UR R oe. House and Lot for sale! The Subscriber offers for Sale an exce!- lent House aad Lot in the viltage of Green bank. The house is a good frame bailing with a stone cellar under il. Also a frame' workshop or stable. The lot cortains half For particulars apply to .. Walter Asling, -- | Beautiful Sat of Mk Fyre, gronile red Woon CHOPPED ! For which the Fiiscriber will pay Also, Two First Class COURIERS WANTED They must understand finishing Pebble and Buff. a Le {G= The highest price in Cash paid at all times for Hides, Hemlock Bark and Tallow. J. WRIGHT. Beaver Meadow Steam Tannery, Prince Albert, Jan. 3, 1872, CIIRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY PRESENTS FOR ALB In order that a!l may have their Christmas Boxes and New Year's Gifts, the sub- . 1871 i | IV Naker, to whom highest wages Seva Cavinat | 1871. 5 : At Jones Bros, z OO. as I% iy fem 1872. WINIER GOODS TO 'BE 'SACRIFICED, NOTICE. FALL Dress Goods, Hats, Bounets, Millinery, Shawls, Mantles and Mantle Cloths, Clouds and. Scarfs, Tm Wick, to ; positively at COST T have authorizes Arties indebted to me Heavy Tweeds, Over-Coatings, Ready-made Clothing, Al Gaps, Shirts and Drawers; Buffaloes Se Aer MORDEN. and Blankets without reserve at COST. (JG Stock ENTIRELY New! No. Runge] No Humsue ! EDGA. ; PORT PERRY, Jun. 24, 1872. ¢ | Wick, sanary 30,16. -- DIRECT FROM Glasgew and Manchester PER 8.8. «St. Andrew" & "Ottawa." Every Department complete and well assorted. We beg to call special attention to our Grey Cottons ------AND-- WINCEYS These Goods were purchased unusually early, and fu'ly tea to fitteen per cent less than those bought later, and we intend giv ing our patrons the benefit of the early purchase. . em ey Toe = WE WILL seriber has determined to offer the following inducements toall CASH purchasers of Goods, between this dute and the 1st of January, 1872. [o all pugchasers of Goods to amount of $100, 0 Present ofa Silk Dress worthe es eveedases 850,@ Present, n Jap Silk 7) enli5: 2 « "« " 40, «worth 80 " 2 " "« 30, "« " 6.00 " « " BE oy 4.00 « « "« 15, " " 3.00 "« " " 10, a & 2.00 Shins toa kb «" 5, « « 1% " ""* " a, oi oa These presents apply to all kinds of Goods' w Suli and Coal Oil--and Goods wil! Ith exception of Nails, Sugar, + be sold ot the very lowest Cash Prices. a very t bes of: Buffalo %. "bes at $10 10 $12, and tified and trimmed for $3 uced prices, the best for 830, worth $40. tine sets at $25, 20, 18 and 814 a set. Alaska and German Mink Ses at $44, 5, and 7. French Merinos in Brown, Maroon, Scarlet, Drab, Blue, and Purple at 50¢ per yard. With all ober kinds of Dress Goods equally low. A splendid assortment of Tweeds and Cloths at reduced prices. ¢ and ver. " "« Beautifu! Shawls, Clouds. Breakfast Shawls, Sontags; &o. &o. A first class Int of TEAS at prices from 50¢ to $1. : Boxes of beautiful Layer Raisins of 12 10 15 Tbs. for st. 25 por box. Currants (extra fine)--11 1b. $1. Beautiful Refined Sugar, very pure and white, 0 1bs. 81. "And all other goods propariionat:ly Tow. And if all parties don't secure Christmas gifis with h nat be the fault of gifts with goods at these prices it will GHEENpANK. Greenbank, Jan. 31, 1873, .'T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, Dec. 20, 1871. ; PAY CASH Tor any quantity of W heat, Bar ley, Peas. + Oats Delivered atour Warehouse here, - BROWN & CHRISTIAN, : MANCHESTER, Sept. 7, 1871, 3 ' ¥ n of