PROCLAMATION INHABITANTS Northern} Reach iT Youn Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, * Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &ec., 1S AT THE G REENBANK Store GEO. FLINT. Greenbank, July 20, 1871. 29 NEW FALL GOODS © Just Received. ! 1 HLIONIYL "M 'IUIETV TONITE "lojie J 1neydaof 11871] ae 82 - well, pe W. M. WILLCOX, 'Sign of the Pestle and Mortar--opuosite Scott's Hotel. PRINCE ALBERT! lavites the special attention of the public to their extensive cewly importedStock of} the BEST BRANDS of PURE LIQUORS, consisting of Brandies,--Gios, Hol. nd and OM Tom-- Wines; Port, Sherry, &c.--Rum-- Whisky, Mait hn Bull Bitters, &e. A large and well selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. 0% Our Teas can't be beat! Try them! We gu: that for 1l il quality, and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario. * A choic: lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &e. Fe Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils and V. Patent Medi (Zr Books and Staticnery, : Liquors for medicinal purposes carefully selected. Everything in Stock is of superior quality and will be sold at the lowest remunera tive Prices. R b roughly the place Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. W. M. WILLCOX. . 3 ry Prince Albert, Dec. 30, 1869. . [1871 Fall Stock Encouraged by the success met with or . the past months in Sunderland, in commencing.the Stove and Tin Business, I am warranted in opening up a Magnificent Stock of Stoves Of EVERY STYLE, PRICE AND VARIETY, ia the following list : ELEVATED OVENS, LOW OVENS: Western Home Lioo of the West | Superior, No. 9 Chief Cook Great Western Queen, No. 8 Conquer, No. 10 ~ Giant Cook Improved Combia- Imperial, 9 Plain Dealer--Ex-- New World A splendid assortment of BEAVER & PILOT OVERCOAT. INGS, ENGLISII & SCOTCH & CANA- DIAN TWEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS, TROWSER!N(:, VEATING, &C. GLN 'LEMEN'S CLOTHING Gor j : tensive top New Era ation Superior, 10, Colonist HomeGuard,No8&, Dominion of Canada, Homestead Provincial PARLOR S10VES. Peurl Wild Rose Comperition Onward Diamond Lacket Pearl Cottage Prize Boston Parlor Cook Signole Parlor BOX STOVES--BIack Giant, Nos. 18, 21, 25, 30 snd 36 ; Ironside, Black Prince, Fluted Box. The above list of Stoves will be sold at the lowest Jiding ralae, first rate article in every departme -Eavetroughing in all its styles done oon and on the Shortest. as Pelts, Wool, Rags, Brass, Copper, and all kinds of Produce taken in exchang ¥3~ Be sure and come to Sunderland and call at the New Big Tea Kettle. SUNDERLAND, Aug. 9, 1871. JOHN W, PARRISH. Herald, Fulton Customers may rely upon Hides, Sheepskins, GET UP YOUR WINTER RIGS!!! Ur oN Suokr NOVICE AND IN ----p FiRs# 'Crass StyLe. > cutarie tian any once | GPT TERS ¥ SLEIGHS! CUTTERS ¥ HOUSE IV NORTH ONTARIO. Also gens d Tisorment of Far ishings, in- Ri cluding § , Ties, ollars, Bucks, &e. One of the 1) "1 ssortment o Se 5 I PORT PERRY found in is locality, which wilt Le sold Cueap Foi Casi. A call solicited before purchasing elsewhere CARRIAGE FAC ] OR Y | r own cloth can have it \ hort yl ice. I member the I :c--the store lately occu-| The Subscriber in returning thanks to his numerous and i increasing customers would pied ly Capt. Sinclay inform them ard the pullic generally that he has commenced the manufacture of an wg Ww, TRENBETH. unusually larga number of the ve vy latest styles of first class Cutters and Sleighs for Prince Albert Sept. 5, 1871. Notice of Removal. He Subscriber would embrace the present opportunity of returning his sineere thanks to his pumierone patrons the out this entire section of country fir the liberal and increasing pinmace which he bas so dong reecived ; and would beg to inform tis friends and the public aerally tliat he has renjoved his business from innchester to Port Perry. . Having rented evox gn Ross's Block, Pont Penny where he will cany on the HLORING DUSINESS In all its departments havi still futher All de crensed facilities for » using 8s the shortest possible ney e. " dhe latest style. at mode uw ad gunonveed 10 i Remember the "Place - Ross's Block, Port Perry. JAMES SQUIRE. Pon Perry, Oct 13, 1871. 36 the com'ng winter, which he feels confident will fully meet the wishes of the com: munity hoth as to Quality, Style, and Price. Nothing but the best material' employed. 057 All Notes and Accounts already due. and that will be due by the 1st day of October next, oust, without fail, be paid os or before the 2Gih of said month. G. U. WHITE. Port Perry, Sept. 28, 1871. ' _ 'Ready! PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retail. Also the best qualites of Chemicals, 1 COCOASINE; A. Perfect ct Hair air Dressing. aS. > M I.INGSON, Chemist and Druggist, Has always on hand an sssortment of the following Goods : FINE CHEMICALS, HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL ax 1 PURE DRUGS, BRUSHES, PAINT PATENT MEDICINES, PUFFS, asp PUFF BOXES, FINE TOILET SOAPS, TOILET POW GLYCERINE, SPONGES, FEEDING BOTTLES, Paints, Outs, Spirits Ti Ww. ENGLISH anp FikNcn PE! HAIR OIL ano POMADES, | UES CITRATE MAGNESA, h Dye Stuffs of all kinds in use and Japane, ¥ CUTTERS AND £ perk Jaen The Targest and best' assorted Stock of *lo hoses material, and i men who is understand their + business, Old Bye-- lec MUST BE SOLD. A number of second-hand Pleasure Sleighs for sale--cheap. Repairs neatly executed sud with despatch. "All work warranted. JAMES EMANEY. Prince Albert, Dee, 6, 1871. M. O. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL Carriage #3 Maker! BROCK STREET, "WHITBY 1 Acoon assortment of Bnggies SER on hand made from best material. made 10 order with neatness and dispatch. == ALL WORK WARRANTED. Work Particular attention paid to repairing PUMPS! PUMPS! r---- | You can me the best an cheapest Pump in the Province - I RVIN'S PATENT PUKE FAGTORY | BORELIA SEE THE PRICES FORCE PUMP- A complete Pump and Fire Engine with Hoee and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cis per foot. Common Log Pampa at 40 cts per foot. Common turned Suction Pumps at 35 cts per foot. Crstern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. Also every other description of Pump at Eqally Low Rates. hadslong experience in Pump-making in the largest factories in Carada and the od "od nie the subscriber feels confident that he can perfectly satisty all that will favor him mine for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Please 'Address, JOHN IRVIN, Borrvia. Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870. JOHNSTON'S MELE - RAKING REAPER, We offer to our customers for the coming Harvest, two distinct Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most useful 'improvements of the day. | JOHNSTON'S SINGLE SLi "RAAING REAPER, "Xing of Reapers.' The universal success of this Machine, both in it contested trials and in the hands «f the farmers, warrant us in saying that, as 'a Self Raking Reaping Machine. it bas more good points and less defects, and bas met with: more success and less failure, than any Reaper heretofore offered to the public. Cayuga Junior Mower, We were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Provincial Exhibition, held ean Tar --_-- AWARDED FIRST PRIZE AT Provinciar Exmi BITION HELD AT TomronTo, 1870. Th Be iced The Largést, Best, and nd Cheapest Stock in Ontario. [ SLEIGHS fi Call and see them before purchasing elsewhere. THE OLD STANG "FAE" Bes 7. Courticelf PREMIUM HE Snbscriber returns his sincere thanks IT for the liberal share of £ publie Jato by : fi feel; ee! ET pr a amen nt ink, &dompion So of Herne Cc r).. Just think; d co arn for only Xiz Other things roportiongbly low. Now is the time, and the Preminm dlery Nusious} is fg the ince to by a " Sih s, Horse Clothin, 3 hg Celebrated Sweeney and Sco Collars, &c., &o. at bis ts MANCHE STER Every description of first class Harness, using nothing but the best m: g it up in the most durable manner, and at the lowest rate possible. I wish to make it advantageons for farmers and otbers in the sutronnding coun- try to leave their orders with me, and I will spare no pains in giving full satisfaction in Materal, Workmanship and | 4% Price. All repairs neatly and promptly executed. THOMAS BROOKS. Manchester May16th, 1871. Stoves and Finware ! 0 FOR ALL. The Subscribers are bringing into CANNINGTON. THE LARGEST AND Best Stock STOVES North Ontario Stoves in every variety at Toronto prices at onr Shop in Cannington. Tinware of the first quality und made vp in the best style, cheap. First class Stove Furniture. Repairing eareully attended to. Stovepipes-- Coal Lil, Lamp Chimneys, &o., viry chesp. tr Rugs, Coppef, Brass, and Iron take in exchange. 05 Cash paid for Sheepakins. COOK & SPerHeN Cannington, June 7, 1851. | BUGGIES, WAGONS, ARRIAGES, WHITBY AND WO UXBBIO iE "HE kes that he bas ensd ihn or Pie bags UXBRIDGE, Where will be found Bnggies, covefed d gud 8 Eyer, a £ ic patronage, Nhl {Prince Albert : § Prince Albert 2nd A oshester W dding Cakes made to ordes He is also prepared 10 Turnish" Sofrees" Tea Meetings, &o., o > Hpars) terms. alway the lowest prices, rd keeping A nh 1 all orders, to merit, as bee share ofp! - SHOPS: 7 J SF, "ahd 'and Manchesid. { nq STILL PROSPERING ! Reduced ed Prices. r rE Subsesibes March 24, 1671. | pared to sell all kinds of FURNITURE heav as anv_ other ant in North Ontario! My stock consists of « TABLES. BUREAUS, SIDE BOA RDS, CUPBOA RDS, WRITING DESKS BEDSTEADS, STANDS, : WOOD & CANE SEAT CHAIRS, \ ROCKING CHAIRS, &c. A large number of Steel Engravings, tramed either with wood or gilt; 8 i ie id to Undertaking, Jav ng refitted my Hearse with a DOUBLE SET OF NEW PLUMES am prepared to attend Funergls with as good n outfit and on as reasonable terms as any other pany in North or outh Ontario. KF COFFINS of all sizes constantly Special attention hand, hy of Walnut, Oak, Butte: 4 good selection of Coffin ceived from the best markets. WANTED. --5,000 feet Pine, Birch, Buttermat, and' termar: se. Trimmings jus od casoned SR mber. JOH TT. N.B. Agent for monumen sani stones Borelis. Dec. 9, 1888, 49 MONE. To Loan 5 por e Impr oved Torin and Town Property, : BY THE hope ari Sey ayy For Periods extending trom THREE to TEN YEARS, to suit Borrowers, Re-payable im Monthly, Halt-yeariy or yearly instalments. OFFICE--50 CHURCH-ST., TORONTO: Loans of $500 and upwards are negotiated for riods of 5, 6, 8 and 10 years at the extremely ow rate of 6 per cent per annum but if the loan be re-paid in half-yenrly instalments only 5} per cent is charged, and if in monthly instalments only 5 per cent is asked. $6.25 per month will ay both principal and interest of i loan of 500 jn 10 Years. Other amounts & "eop- responding ratio. Tha Full 4moint of the Loan is up without deduction. Conveyancing charges reduced to the very lowest rates. E. MAJOR. | AGENT, MORELIA P.O. BEACH Sept. 15, 1870. and other vehicles of bis own up in the latest and best style,;and alway: HER on hand. she uses none but the best material, and employs none but the best. workmen, the quality of his work can be always relied upon. 2 I= Jenaire executed with promptitude and ispatch, few second-hand open and covered | 'buggies at the Whitby establishment for sale. verything in the way of Carriage manufac- ture and repairs attended to at Way A8 usual, ") 411 work warranted. SAMUFL WALKEY. Whitby and hii 4 July 15, 1669. 28 MONEY! MONEY! THE Subscriber has received ins ions from several private capitalists to Tavest a LARGE, sum OF; MONEY Real Estute Security At Low Rates of Interest. in Toronto, 1870, in competition with all the leading M d in the Province ; aud with our recent impr we ingly challenge investige. adh IO) 2 | pure, with printed Directions for use. School Buoks, Bibles, T i = : Note and-Letier Paper, Envelopes, luk, Pens, &o. FEY =e (= My Stock will be found complete and se cheap as any other house in the trade. 2 £3 3 z 8 WwW. A. TOMLINSON, : 5 2 : 3 pr . Licensed Chemist and Druggist, under the Pharmacy Act ~ Province of Ontario, FEE: 2 > Ee] Prince Alberti June 15, 1871. oR shi 210 es fEzzd = A Si cR:zo HARRISON MAW Bz. & en g igs : 48 Cont d Buil iil of @ 20 Contractor and Builder, file = = PORT PERRY! £33, Ld Is repared to Contract for and pnt Bu Ez 2 g 4 = \ n 150 or Stone, and finish off in tho nr iuildives ih Kins, her ee 8 +] & g . a ments a anive: Teqaiving good workdone will do wellto call, (5 Plaris and Specifica- ----- 2a i HARRIS , : g = Port Perry, May 12, 1870. ON. MAW a0 A puw pasredas Arvo 210j3q dujUINXD or) | tion and ison with I Machi we are satisfied that such investiya tion will convince every unprejudiced mind, that we offer the best Mower to the Farmer for 1871, built in the Dowivion. g&¥~ Send for descriptive catalogues. | BROINWN & PATTERSON. Wharrsy, June 22, 1371. » ? OFFICIAL _ ASSIGNEE. General Agency Office. HE Und I having receive the appyiniment of Official A for North, On- | tatio, is prepared 10 give prompt tion to al! in piey or Insolvency Promissory Notes and A ily collected, and Puy made MONEY On good farm security at 8 per cent | TO LOAN, Lio Unpaid | Notes. | This is to imfo sar their Notes Ror prop. ong N OTICE. rtles indebted to Dr. Olver, Grebn- parties having wiven n tio k, By soronnt or otherwise, Alize GEORGE . BRABAZON. © "8pOPH 330 puw Aaomlir 'sypof SOB Jo 501435 143 * 'NI'TYIoo¥d B. OLVER, M.D. Brock, Jan. 18, 1872. +r | Greenbank, Sov. 20 2871, i 3 . ise, will pay Ma looks "Smiths me te rh. F. Johnson, Gi roca 3 | | arm Stock and Implement, on Sr rtrd in my possession be oy, chearving Sebo i by wer me. i { th; Lands, bot Im will be given to the ne- loans, and borrowers can rely upon wd their 10 The Best Boar in the County ! The subscriber in returning thanks to those who have Prone his Stock during past years, would take this obpetibity of informing them and the inhabitants generally: of Reach, aud surrounding towrships, that he has for ser- viceduring the present season a first class Im- e took the first prize at the Reach &-Scug Agricultural Show this IL. Party SA lo" Well 30 pee iis Jnjrtat proved Berkshire our, H going ul here. Serviee, one dollar. WM. P! ARISH. Prince Albert, Nov. 8, 1871. THE Subscriber begs 10 announce to the in- h of Reach and surrounding town- promptly, anda small experise. : & proved and Unimpraved) R SALE. 0SIosurances affected in the' oni JAR Mutual Insurance Company. | 1 | E. MAJOR: ' © Offic), Assignes and Vainatpr Orytcr.--Bigolow's Block, next door to top Royal Canadinn Bank. 48-31 Poit Peny, let Dec, 1868. b) has for service during the present ie ra clas BOAT: sired by. an Im- Se o s dam was » ore pk Popastige Boar Bowe Parties will find it to ther advantage to see A oe a ve, hus g u Jeon roping ed by ¢ hate 8 CHARLES EVANS, Ove Lot sonth of Prince Albert, A FIBST CLASS 50AR FOR SERvIcE Shed and Also ar Bought and Silver sold 'Apply to JAMES LAMON, NoLICITIR, &C. Office over Armstrong's Hotel, Maly Street, xhridge. i xb ty June 29, 1869 ! i Valuable Property Sale. for TED proprietor offers for sale that excellent House and Lot (his presen mediate] opposite 4 eabdence of Nagar Por oo Er vo, . wi residence, Aen le closets ; a g 3 Sitaclied," 'aud lots of quarter'of an acre, with or lot contains one tes mca. sould be desired fort, Hoult to i Con overionos: eed Com. acres 'alittle' to the East of the Village af Prince, Siuaiy| ki the Target Tamodits or Ing , a Al SIN CER ibn Foy further astiselats Moply. Yr Mopey, tani inne how; Prince Albert, 24th Jav., 1871, 1 EA Him to say that he, is -- 1 Ce 3