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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Mar 1872, p. 1

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"ysis 029 VOL XV, NO. 12.4 PRINCE: ALBERT, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1872. ~ IWHOLE NO. 739 hs Sntario Phserer, | A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL ' AND Family Newspaper; $8 PUBLISHED AT TUE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT COUNTY OF ONTARIO, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BAIRD & PARSONS, TERMS (--$1.50 pervnnum, if paid withinsix i ne, Nosub- nd no paper akenlor less thu nued until all idlerss ney. when addressed to i nd gistered, wilibeateuirisk, RATES OF ADVERTISING. for each line, first insertion... i. 80 08 Subsequent insertions, per line 0 02 Cards, .gnder 6 lines, per annum 5 00 Jin N Joh ace they occupy. eceived (ar publication. without us, will beinserted until ly. Noad i twillbetaken Advertiseme specibe instctio charg but until puid for. Alibesw | liscountallowedio Merchunte and others whoa dvertiseby the year orhalf-ycur. ] x9 Theseterms will.inallcuses be surictiyal. hered io. "The constantly increasing importunce of theNorth DENTISTRY. HR H. L. Harnden,L.D.S., Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, Of Eleven Years Experience, OFFICE, = «= QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE PRINCE ALBERT. Particular attention given to the regulation of Children's Teeth. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver and Vulcanized Rubber. Teeth filled with Gold so as to preserve them from further decay. Nitrous Oxide Gass administered for the painless extraction of Teeth, Consultation free and all work warranted. Oct. 4,187. 39-1y Ensurance, THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company Tas Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby Ridigg 0 JutariorendersthepublicutionofiheOskrvin support a Home Insirance Company have now a [ publ) ; wright, and wrong, it willcoustantly take the lead the g:ueialinterests of the county ; and aflocal wid generalnewsgiven, willbe any local paper publishedin Canada. JOB DEPARTMENT. Phamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters. Programmes, Bill iii Blunk Fons, Receipt Books, Checks, 6! tl an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as "| low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--The old Registry Offico"Build- ings Breck Street, Whitby, L. FAIRBANKS, Tr. Secretary jocks, Cireuluis, Business es ay Carde, &e., of every style SEE RE RE RR rie WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y un any othe Establishment in this County! : oF Partie a tistance getting hiandbills &e. printed TORONTO, CW. an hav done totake home with them. J. BAIRD. | H. PARSONS. INCORPORATED ..... ravens {1.3 1 = i Capital - =- $400,000 Professional Carvs. er ' mp | Bresident ION. JOUN MeMURRICT Dr. Brathwaite, Secretary BERNARD HALDAN, £23 PRINCE ALBERT, a ty hls Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur. rr ---------- . DR. WARE, ] Kuctioneers. ORONER "for the Couiity of Ontario, | ous SE LO pla Chin, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Maj or & Willcox, C. E. MARTILY, M. D., if PORT PERRY, ~~ -JONE. M.D, A CORONER FOR THE COUNTY OF :ONTARIO; PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &C. FFICE and Residence --over Allison & Pentit's Drug Store, Pont Perry. Drs. McGILL & RAE, HYSIGIANS, Surgeons, &c., &¢. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa. wx. M'GILL. M.D. FRANCIS RAE. M, B. SAMUEL H. COCHRANE, LL.D. ARRISTER, County Crown Attorney, Solicitor in Chancey, Notary Public, &c., rock street, Whitby. . R. J. WILSON, ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chanery, &c. Office in the Victoria B1iilding, Brock-st., Whitby. LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, OLICITOR in Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &c., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe treet, opposite the post office. G. YOUNG BMITH, LL. B, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, and Insolvency, Notary Pub tic, &c., &¢ i Office--~MecMillan's Block, Brock Street, Whit- by, Ontario. CAMERON & MACDONELL, Bosiarcon and Attorneys at Law, 0! Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: urt House. MC. CAMERON. | H. J. MACDONELL. JAMES LAMON, A TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Olianossy, xb &c.--Land Agen! C.. ink hes over renga fore 5 Main Street, Uxbridge. FAREWELL & McGEE, ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- veysucers and Notaries Public, Oshawa. -- fice, fi door North of the Post Office; and at Bowmanville, office Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo- site Town Hall. B. FAREWELL, L.L.B. | JOHN BILLINGS, - ARRISTER, Attoiney at Law, Solicit R. M'GEE, B. A. AUCTIONEERS FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Valuators, Land Agents, Commission Merchants, &c. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED PROMPTLY. Money to Loan at 8 per cent. E. MAJOR, W. M. WILLCOX, BuRELIA. PRINCE ALBERT. Sept. 28, 1870. 3! Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e., &ec., Pst the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon. 3 Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely upon the utmost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland P.O, Brock. Attention!!! The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of those wishing the services of an Aucti , that he is prepared to attend sales on the shortest notice anywhere in the County constantly on hand. He is sole Agent for the best and ck of Ontario. Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept | Wod: hotels rT Si ae Royal Canadian fotel, PORT PERRY. , rr, The;Subscriber having leased the above Hotel as fitted up ina style in keeping with the rapidly increasing business and prosperty ot the Village and neighborhood, and with direct re- forsale to the comfort and convenience of the ublic. r Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. Neither Jabor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage. HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. "REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER B. PLANK,.......PROPRIETOR. HAYS G purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors 'and cigars. Every attention paid to gnests.-- [Stages to and from Whitby call daily. Careful] ostlers always in attendance. ] Mackie's Hotel, (LATE %RoDIE'S,) WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE, Ww. MACKIE, Proprietor. Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance. Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. BATEMANS ED NER! 'What our most Skillful Farmers say of it ! Dear Sir,--1 have thoroughly tested your "Seed Sower," and am highly pleased with ir. Yours truly, JOSEPII READER. ----r Mariposa, Sept. 14, 1871 Mr. D. BATEMAN, Dear Sir,--I have.used your Patent Seed Sower" this season, and have found it to work exactly as you re- commended. Itis wu great improve- ment on the old way of sowing Seeds. It is not only u great labor saving im- | DAFOI HOUSE! urTica 00D accommodations. Careful attention to the requirements of travelers and guests. The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stabling. J. DAFOE, Proprietor. Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, JAS. CAMERON, Proprietor. Albion Hotel, WHITBY. A. MASON, ProPRIETOR. This Hotel has undergone a thorough renova- tion and been fitted up with a view to the com- fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- Every attention will be paid to the table and bar, while obliging and atientive hostlers will have charge of the stables. Whitby, 20th June, 1870. 25 OHAS. THORN, V.S., EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, Chica- 80, 111. Gold Medalist for the best exami- nation on Horse Practice. Author of a First Prins Essay on Shoeing. Graduated Sept. 18, 1867. Dr. Thorn begs to announce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry. and is now pre- pared to treat all cases entrusted to his care in the most skillful and scientific manner. All or- ders Meft at the Medical Hall of Messrs. Allison & Pettet, will receive prompt attention. IF The Veterinary Stables may be found on 9 Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factery. Port Perry, July 27, 1871. 30 HENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLICITOR END DRSTGHTAMA, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government. Copy- rights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, Specifications, and other .Docyments necessary to secure Pa- tents of Invention prepared oa receipt of the Model of the Invention. REFERENCES, e. . 3 Ho wg, Minister of Public Work. Province of Otay family Sewing Machine in the Dominion--pat- ented June, 1871. The Patent Letter A Family Sewing Machive is acknowledged by Tailors, Milliners, and all who know the properties of Sewing Machines who have had the pleasure of esamining it to be the best and cheapest in the Dominion. Ladies make sure work, and pur- chase the Patent Letter A, and you will have the best machine for $30. All Machines war- ranted. Orders attended to on the shortest notice. , J. C. PILKEY, SoLE AGENT. Epsom, Sept. 7, 187]. 36 THOS, H. WALSHE. [ TCENSED Auctioneer for the Town- _a hips of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in NorthOntario; Mariposa, etc., in the Connty of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Or- ders left at this office, or at his residence will be ngtomcr ouhgiwige, Anil romp ReItiAa0Os ingtol otherwise, and pro; made, Remember IWALSILE, the North One Chah N Public, Cogveyancer, &e., Brings ore Glos over hd Royal Arcade, Port Perry. _ P, A. HURD, Al at Law, and Solicitor in Chan- cery, Port Perry. Officein the Royal ade, Port Perry. Dentistry. ANA AAAAAAAAA AAA MAA MATAR AAAA AANA C.D WAID SargeonDentist,Ccr. Main&Brock St. Uxbridge LL Dental opara- A tions performed with the utmost skill and care, warranted to si faction or no and at prices competi , . Alsodealer in all kinds A Jewelry, Fancy ] Goods, &c. Ravspevoes.--H. P. Griggs, Port [lope; Rev. 3 7 [rb Whitby ; Jos" Gould, Est, Ux- Uxbeid s, Dec. 17, 1868. C. N, VARS RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, Ont.-- A Dental Rooms directly opposite *% e entrance Simcoe street, third door north of the Ontario Bank. 5o-1y the post e. tario Auctioneer. JOHN CHRISTIE, OWNSHIP CLERK for Reach, Con- veyancer, Commissioner of the Court ¢ Qtr \ fice--Manchester. Marriage Licenses ! Issued by Authority. E. MAJOR Jan'y 1st, 1870 Marriage Licenses (BY AUTHORITY, ) SSUED at Port Perry. Office, the Strood House. i HENRY CHARLES, Port Perry, Nov. 11th, 1869 ve JOHN McDONALD, IBLE DEALER { NEWCASTLE, ONT. ONUMENTS, Tomb-Tables, Head-Stones evenly on the ground. ai | Seed Sower" m I t, buat it drops the Seed so evenly over the ground that | can with pleasure recommend. it to all good farmers. I think it is an implement worthy of our patronage. The sowing is done much better and more rapidly than by hand, and windy weather does not effect it. ABRAIIAM IIOOVER. ete Reach, September1871. Mg. DAVID BATEMAN, -- Sir,--This is 10 certify that I have used the 'Bateman Seed Sower" bought from you lust spring, to my that all that is necessary to convince any farmer of its merits is to give it a trial. I have no hesitation in recom- mending it to farmers generally. JOIN STONEHOUSE. ------ Mariposa, September, 1871. MR. BATEMAN, -- Sower used, I feel satisfied that it will give entire satisfaction, and 1 have no farming community. MICHAEL THORNDIKE. GREENBANK, Sept. 23, 1871. MR, D. BATEMAN, -- Sower" this season, and am fully sat isfied it will work according to your reccommend. cessfully in calm, but also 'in windy weather, but it drops the seed evenly | {over the ground, also it sows the, quantity to the acre represented. -- | d [Therefore I feel it a pleasure to re-| commend it to every farmer. . JOUN BEAR Ops, September 14:0, 1871. MR. D. BATEMAN,-- . ~ Having used your "Patent Sced Sower" I feel pleased to be able, byl experience, to recommend to my neighbors and friends such an improve- ment on the old and laborious mode of casting in fingerfulls, the seed so un- The "Patent has many advantages which no reasonable man can fail 10 see; first, no matter how .high the | wind, it won't effect the cven dis- | tribution of the seed, the bos being | the seed exactly in the proper place. Second --having a regulator in the of great variety, with every description of Marble Work, suitable for C ppli at short notice. Also Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite, 05 Parties will find it to their advan- tage lo withhold their orders until called on by J. ©. WILLIAMSON, Agent. Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war- n . January 10, 1872. 3-1y MONEY (PRIVATE FUNDS,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent interest LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, £4 - shawa November 31, 1866. u MONEY 10 LEWD REDUCED RATES. Be I AM now prepared to lend any amount of ey ol the security of Good Farm, or Pro- ductive Town Property at the lowest possible rate of Inorest in sums and manner to suit bor. rowers. Principal canbe repaid by yearly ine stalments or in one sum. Several well cultivated Farms and Lots ot Wild Land for sale cheap. o Investments made tures, Al and opr leo eben, oranges, Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. For further particulars, pes to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &o. OF FIOE--McMillian's Block, Brock Street. Whithy,Sept, 20,1670. get k with holes, su that one can regulate exactly the number of pounds he wishes to sow to the acre, all being worked by a slight motion of the hand at every step. The labor is nothing the box being so very light, and strap. ped over the shoulders, the hands are nearly free, 1can with candour re- commend it lo every farmer as a great labor saver. And as farmers require 16 seed more now than in years past, it is just what we want. It will 'more than pay for itself in one year. Yours truly, JAMES WETHERUP. -------------- Reach, September, 1871. MR. DAVID BATEMAN,-- Dear Sir--This is to certify that | have thoroughly tested your "Patent | Seed Sower." 1 am thoroughly satis- fied with the manner in which it works believing it to be a labor saving, seed saving machine compared with the oid method of sowing Grass and Clover seed by the hand, and would cheerfully recommend it to the farming commu- nity. : EDWARD WALKER. Mariposa, Sept. 21st, 1871, MR. DAvip BATEMAN, -- ' 8ir--This is to certify that I have tried yonr Patent Seed Sower and have no hesitation in recommending it tothe farming community, believing as | do thatit is far ahead of hand sowing because the seed can be dis« tributed so much more evenly upon the ground and also can be used in windy weather, AMOS POWARS, ------ Scueoe, 21st April, 1871. } Davip Bateman, Esq., | 'The Machine is just | what farmers require for sowing Grass | ntmost satisfaction, and feel satisfied | Sir,--llaving seen your Patent Seed | hesitation in recommending it to the! Ty Ors, Sept., 1871. Mg. BaTeMAN, Sir,--Having used your ¢ Patent Seed Suwer,"" I have no hesitation in recommending it as a labor-saving im- plement, which does its work far more efficiently than it can be done by hand, spreading the Timothy and Clover Seed evenly upon the ground. Yours, &ec., T. 0. GAMSBY. DE ReacH, September, 1871, Mg. Davio BateMan,-- | Dear Sir,--~[ have thoroughly tested | your Patent Seed Sower, and feel over the old method of sowing grass and farmers generally. JOSHUA DOBSON. Mgr. D. BaTENAN,-- tent Seed Sower" this season, and be. 'Timothy and Clover Seed, therefore | would recommend it to larmers gen- erally. 2 JAS. HOLMAN. --_-------- Daviv atenan, Esq.,-- ' } : } ¢ Seed Sower" and | am satisfied that your ¢ Sced Sower." Iam Sir, your obedient servant, CHARLES MARSH. Reach, Sept. 23, 1871. et Be ew Mgr. Davin Bareman,-- 1 and | There | mend worthy of our patronage. PETER WILLIAMS. tp Testimonials similar. to the above could be|A few commonplace remarks were satisfied that it is just what the farmer | requires, one of the great advantage and Clover Seed,and I have much | 9 ? g ges pleasure in recommending it tw the | reas 1 clover seed by hand is that it can be g | {arming community. * fused successfully in windy weather, | feel safe in recommending the Sower 10 Dear Sir,--I havegused your ¢ Pa- lieve it to be a good invention for sowing Sir,--I have examined und tested your Sir,--| have us:d the © Seed Sower"] 3 ; in,' purchased from you last Spring und like | ®**ume, us if they had something to be Fv rematkoganpabanes: {it well, it not only works well in windy | proud of. weather but sows the seed more evenly |teman farmer, though it was soon made | \¥o8 made. } : BN vapidly, than sowing by hands apparent that his only claim to be so con- | UPON renewing the game 'lo win back his fore, I would with pleasure recom- | sidered lay in the costume he had adup- | Own,' as he said. it1o all farmers us an implement | od. contest that now ensaed. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. |lhe eyes of the youth who had volunteered the wager. He wan still eager, however, to try his fortune. None of us interfered ; oven the Scolchman was silent, ¢ The lad's a puir daft chie! ; but let him go to the de'il his ain gate!" And he did. Of course the boy won his earlier bets. The tricksters intended he should. Bus shortly after losing came oftenest, and he grew excited. Anxiety flushed his cheeks. Belore half ar: hour had elapsed it became evident that it: was anything but sport to him; the few sovereingns in his purse had van- ished, and he had changed a £20 note with his adversary the sum of which was fast melting away. The feliow called David, though pretending to sleep, I could see he was cognizant of all that was going on, and seeméil perfectly content. | gave an sp- pealing look to the Scotchman,but it was to no purpose. He would not intetfere 'again. Our elderly companion was too nervous to be of any service. I ventured therefore to give the lad a hint. ¢ My fiend," 1 sai, ¢ you are paying dearly for that amusement. Let me advise you to stop. To my surprise, the sharper in the most civil manner endorsed my advice. ¢ Yes,' said he blaudly, ¢ the luck 1uns against you; suppose we shul up. You'll want money for travelling expenses you know.? ¢ No, no,' shouted the other, 'I'm not : going to be humbugged. I've lost near I wae starting some weeks ago {rom |twenty pounds, and I've a right to win it Glascow to London by rail. Wuhin the [back if I can. I know what I'm abouts Life is but a race where some succeed, While uthers are but beginning ; Tis luck at times, at others speed, That gives au eurly winning. But if you chance to lull behind, Ne'er slacken your endeavor, But keep this wholesome truth in mind, Tis better late than never. If you can keep ahead, "is well, But never inp your neighbor 5 'Tis noble when you can excel a By honest, patient labor ; But if you are outstripped at last, Press on as bold as ever ; Remember, though you are surpassed, 'Tie better lute than never. Ne'er labor for an idle boast Ot victory o'er another ; But while you strive your uttermost, Deal fairly with a brother. Whate'er your station, do your best, And hold your purpose ever; And if you fail to beat the best, "Tis belter late than never. Choose well the path in which you run, Suceeed by noble daring ; Then, though the last, when once *tis won, Your crown is worth the wearing. Then never fret if left behind, Nor slacken your endeavor ; But ever keep this truth in wid, 'Tis better late than never. rr --r ree AN KNGLISII RAILWAY INCIDENT BY N. 6. DODGE. «eed can be sowed at least twice as fast | %econd class smoking carriage I had enter- | and don't want anybody's advice ; when I as in the usutl way ; and as regards the ed cigar alight, sata well dressed clderly | do want it I'l] ask for it. distributing the seed uniformily over the [gentleman, a lud, scarcely twenty years ground, I am satisfied that there is no|old, attired Like an Oxford undergraduate, | funber. machine that | have seen that can match [and a tall fine looking Scotchman of per- | lad had staked:his last gold piece and lost It was plainly of no use to interfere In a few minutes the infatuated haps thirty. The bell had tung and the it. le searched his pockete, turned them train was just ready to start when bree | inside out, examined éach comparunent of o.her persons, whom I had noticed loitering | his pocket, emptying his netted purse, on the platform, jumped hustily in und took | searched among its silver for a sovereign. their sea's. All three were of middle age, | It was in vain. The silly boy was cleaned Reach, September, 1871. and two of them, whose garb indicated that | out. they were sporting characters, had that 'Dll accommodate you with twenty blase look which juvenile ¢ gents' often | Pounds on the security of your watch and The third seemed to be a gen] ¢ Done,' replied the boy, and the loan Thus 1eimbursed he insisted Briel indeed was the The crafty head The sky was dull and cloudy, and occa bad the silly heart in its leash. There sionally small spurts of rain came, down, | W8 hardly cceasion to practice the accus= : wile | io a \ veiling the distant landscape from view. |!0MArY Wits. The victim was eager to be eX~ [dscsived, obtained from every one who has tested the | changed relative to the weather, and a fee- | loss of one gold piece alter another, with 1" have used your " Patent Seed Implement; in fact a very brief trial is sufficient i i ¥ Seed | to convines any ove of the vast superiority of ble attempt was made 10 getup a conver- | this method of Sowing ass and Clover Seed. 'I'he work is accomplished in half the time and : | pe the ¢ 2 of vi hour we rode on in silence, save for It not only works sue. consequently at half the expense of band sowing. Sand) - . Spas ¥ ks suc It does the work infinitely better than can be | noise of the rushing train, when one of 1h | dow n the face of the silly fool. done It so every part of the field alike, and regulates with perfect accuracy the quantity per acre that is esired to be sown. y hand. ks well in all weather, calm or stormy. | i » : the seed regularly and evenly over | 8POrling gentlemen drew a pack of feards | scarcely a turn of luck --if what was (rane. sation ; but it would uot da, and for a full | Parent fraud can be diguifi:d wih such an the | honest Saxon word. Peispiratioa streamed He could The twenty soverigns disappeared in less than as many minutes. think we were all glad. Pro" tracted svffaring is not agreeable to on-- not repress his excitement. | from his breast pocket, and proposed that we should keep ourselves awake by friendly game. As no one responded to is simple in construction, easily worked ji lookers, The inevitable in such a case agi) RRL GL OF oraer. b | the invitation, the proposer sellcted threo | hi ; ily. Nos had There are fow farms on which it will not more SANLOL ome 100 Spoeliy, 2tuseonan he thun pay for itself in ore year's sowing. £ Every Farmer should have one, the cost of it is small aud the advantages it offers are numer- ous and important. _ L'arties who use it once would not be without it. Sinee receiving the above testimonials I have made a ch in the mode of workidl the handle which causes it to work still more casily than formerly. D. BATEMAN, Scugog, Port Perry P.0.! March 7, 1872. A man was arrested recently for blacking his wife's eyes. If men would many over 10 feet long, with holes cvenly | black-eyed women in the first place, it his \#as drawing fosiiiiuis puree ; ¢ ye'il ouly placed along the whole length, drops | would save a deal of trouble. They would fuse your silisr, B% not need to be fresco ing their eyes every little while. >= i ]BIF ff PAL An anxious mother in Scotland, taking leave of her son on his departure for Eng- land, gave Lim this advice: ¢My dear Sandy, my ain bairn, gang South, an' get a' the siller ye can from the Southerners-- tuk' everything ye can. But the English are a brave, boxin' people, an' tak' care of them, Sandy. Never fecht a bald man, tor ye canna catch him by the hair." TE I -- Pareon - ¢ What's a miracle ©" Boy-- ¢ Dunno." Parson--¢ Well, if the sun were to shine in the middle of the night, what should you eay 1 was?' Boy--* The moon." Parson--* But if you were told it Boy--¢ A lie." Parson--¢1 don't tell lies. Suppose I told yout was the sun; what would you say then ? Boy--¢ That yer wasn't sober.'-- Punch. . EE -------- = ------ A flexham barber was<bragging that be could shave anything--even "the face who chanced that? TIshgve the face of Nature oft enough, I do--with a hook. BOA lL Litiib™b) should do. The lawyer svavely said: ¢1 compel you wae the sun, what should you say it wae 7' of Nature." 'Faith,' said an Irish reaper | freedom from cant and an infusion of Cbris- bein the shop, 'what of | tian brawn in the procseding that was A man once went 10 a lawyer's office | 27iDg 10 renew ths assault. and told the legal gentleman that he bad|™®" hold ithis sali, s been insu'ted by a man who told bim to go 10~=---- and desired to know what he wou'do't advise you to go; the law dott! pis eyes us if for a nap. | cards from the pack and began to show an i . h {amusing ick Byway of pasime i OTRiire | the mavipulation of the earls drained his lihioe cardsions twas a lack; wid the tik | victim diy, than he deliberately restored | consisted in offering to bet a sovereign that | thy ws I li (opried ian Ais | this card, after shuffling could nat be drawn. yon! } : 2 » ) Ha hy Sore, i | 1 looked on amazed. My elderly neighbor Cooly ier on lophe unlopmenticl ie flew into a storm of indignation. Tle con- | IAAP, Ost af a x Huriey ny federates, as I now made sure they were BRS EAT Pn Monkey iid oy [joer at bisicljzctions andithreate, SE Theiliry on, feelings were too much for him,-- { Scotchman remained silent, After struggling with them for a time, he was weak enough to burst into a passion of teare. This relieved him in some degree, and by way of apologizing for his weakness he began to say that he would uot have cared so much for the loss of the money, | but that the watch was a present from his mother now dead, and that he valued it far beyond its worth, though it had cost more than double the sum he had received for it. ¢ Well," said the man who had received the watch, ¢ you can have it again if you choose. Send to my address in Binaing- bam with the twenty pounds, and 1 will return tae watch and chain.' At the same time he handed the lad his eaid. As we approached the next station, the poor lad drew his portmanteau from beneath the seat, and snunonnced his intention of re- warning ome by the next train. We lost him when we stopped. When the train moved on ngain, the Scotchman thought fit to take the sbarjer to tak for his cruelly to the lad. ¢My dear sir,' suid the chiel performer, speaking with an unction that was edifying, ¢ you may depend upon it, this morning's work is the very best that could have happened to the young mun, lt will do him more ;good than anything else, aud will be worth more than the money it hae cost him. He is immensely conceited, as you must have noticed, and this experience will take the conceit out of him. If he had taken tha advice you were good enough to offer him, i he would have saved Lis money snd his sancilying. It as the best muscular ser- walch, and might now be enjoying his mon that I was cver present at: The bully boliday, iustead of returning home penai- sal cowed, multering to himself, but not|less. Another time he will remember the Besides, 'the | lesson of to-day, and will not despise the ing the meitle julvize ua friend. Will you uke a eigar, to be dealt with, had said, «Be quiet,| i pxcuse me! replied the Scatchman.-- David ! What's the good of making a. dis- | ¢ 1's nae agin my rule to ride, or talk, or turbauce ? David was, therefore, quiet, | fight wi? Toik 0" your kin. But the ume shifting himself into a corner and closing will bo sais lag slo | dmw. a; whiff er ¢ I')l bet you asovereign,' said the lad eageily ¢ that 1 can draw the knave.' ¢ Dinna be so daft, laddie," interposed the Scoichman, utresting the boy's arm ae ¢ And what's that to you ?' criel the quasi-country geotlemun, now coming out in his true cl ¢ The gentl can do as he likes, .I suppose, and we'll bave none of your meddling !* Atthe same time he dashed away the Scoichman's arm, and starting up suddenly, he stood over him with his clenched fist within an inch of his face. Bat the bully had mistaken Lis man. lis greed must have blinded hun to the brawny chest and huge hands and feet of the Scotchman. The next moment his head rang agaiust the back of the carriage, and he lay motionless as il dazed with the violence of the shock, his unexpected ad- versary petlectly cool standing over him. + I ne'er allow ony mon to put a fist i' iny face !" he said in broad Lowland speech. ¢ No mon, no matter how braw he may be! Gin ye do that again, ye'il bs the waar of it." Straightning his back square and lythe as an Ayrehire bull's he locked upon the three gamblers with a touch ot ¢ wha-daur- meddle-wi-me' in the gleam of his eye and quietly resumed his seal.' 1 confess 1 enjoyed it. There was a inculcales morality by rule 0° the thumb.) -- This wholg scene ought to have opened Golden Age. It was piiifal to witness his tak' a willie wanght wi' a professor wha

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