Intercolonial Railway! wn o@ ee T= Commissioners appointed Th the Cor struction of the Intercolonial Eaitvay: Son Public Notice, that they are prepared to receive tenders for the erection of Station Buildings, Fuel Sheds, and Engine Houses at @ampbleton and New Castle. _ Plang, specifications and forms of tend be seen Bisnis after 8th March, at fy aay ey the Chief Ingineer, Ottawa, Rimouski, Soir housie, New Castle and Halifax. And tenders may be for the whol )! number of, these buildings, and w oh bores marked * Tenders for Buildings," at the Com--- missionérs Office, Ottawa, up to 12 o'clock noon, on the 4th April next, * A. WALSH, Ep. B. CHANDLER, J.C. BRYDGES, A.W. McLELAN, Commissioners. Cowwnssionens Orrick, Ottawa, February 24th, 1872, "MARA HRHEORULE of RuMbeR 1 12, IN THE 12rn Concession, 200 gAcres. Good soil and about ten acres chopped. Seven miles from Atherly, the junction station of the 'Torontg,.Bairie and Muskoka Railway, and « 1l-4w, the Port'Hope Railway. ~ Apply to . * "_. J. H. PERRY. Whitby, Feb, 28, 1872. 10-6w Intercolonial Railway. 4 Liab Commissioners appointed for the con- struction of the Intercolonial Railway, give ublic notice, that they are prepared to receive 'enders for the erection of Station Buildings at Seouns, Isle Verte, Trois Pistoles, St. Simon, St. Tal) ien, Bic, Rimouski, St. Luce, and Meta- ; and, also, for Tank Houses and Tins 'Sheds at [sle Verte, Trois Pistoles, Bic, Rimouski, and Metapediac Road. Also, for oginelionses at Riviere du Loup, Rimouski, and Metapediac Road. - Plans, Specifications, "and forms of Tender may be seen on and after the 20th February, at the Office of the Chief Prgifiesr, Ottawa, at Riviere du Loup and Rimouski. Tenders may be for the whole, or any less number of these Buildings, and will be received, marked * Tenders for Buildings, "at the Com- missioners' Office, Ottawa, up to 12 o'clock noon, of the 20th day of March next. A. WALSH. Ep. B. CHANDLER, J.C. BRYDES. A. W. McLEAN, ComussioNeas' OFFICE, Ottawa, Jany, 12, 1872. Fase and d Comfort ! THE BLESSING OF PERFECT SIGHT!!! HERE IS NOTHING SO VALU- ABLE as perfect sight, and perfect sight can only be obtained by Perfect Spec- tacles, the difficulty of procuring 'which is well known. Messrs. Lazaros Morris & Co. have alter years of Experience, Experi- ment and. the erection of costly machinery been enabled to produce that grand de- sideratum Perfect Spectacles. which never tire the eye, and last many years without change. NeCa Bras, AGENTS, PORT PERRY. Port Perry, Feb. 28, 1872. CASH HOR LINGER The belewi = tae Company ILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE "IN CasH for the following sizes of LUMBER! Delitgred 'at their yard in Oshawa. [SQUARE EDGE PREFERRED. ] Dax or Asm, 1in., 13, 2 in., any width. gk Pome "any wid dth. 14 in., , any width weil la Huw, 11 1in., any width. Basswood, § ns any wid th. 5, 8,10 or 16 in. wide. " HT) 14,17, 18, 20 or 31 in.wide, Pixs, 1 in, 3 i 1 12, 14, 0c 16 feet 1 ong. Maris, BrecH, and Biron: i In, +} in. , 11 in. pi 2 in., 84 in., 5 in., Plank. 23x23, Square Scantling, W. H. GIBBS, Preside oma mon | en EGIAL INDUCEMENTS NEW Spring GOODS "| LARGEQUANTITIES Of New Goods in every De- partment Daily being Received ! Come and See them,| IT DOES ONE GOOD TO SEE THE W THING NOW GOING! *1" THE WORLD MOVES ONWARD," THERE IS ALWAYS 2 Something New ! ! ON HAND, Machine Oil Linseed Oil Tanners' Oil Coal Oil Turpentine White Lead Red Lead Venetian Red Yellow Ochre Fire Proof Paint, Japan Varnish Putty - Nails Glass, 500 Cotton Bags. Oshawa, Feb. 14, 1872. * 8 House to Rent.| As thé Subscriber is oc is moving to Uxbridge he Withes fy Rent his House and Lot in The Sox fs a comfortable one and con- situted bein nearly opposite heir Fresyivean Church. There 1s plen of stable the premises and a well of water. i For further particulars s enquire at the Onsen- ¥z= Orrics, Prin "JOHN WHITE. Priteo Albert, Nov. 8, 1871. NOTICE, I have authorized John Chambrs.: Wick, to collect my Accounts. Parties indebted to me will please pay over to him at once. + EDGAR MORDEN. , Wick, January 29, 1872, rince |. WANTED BARLEY, WHEAT, OATS, PEAS odgboying dines Bosy Bie 4 G. CURRIE March 13, 1872. PORT PERRY, Jan. 24, 1872. At Jones Bros. & Co. WINTER GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED. Dress Goods, Hats, Botinets, Millinery, Shawls, Mantles and Mantle Cloths, Clouds and Scarfs, positively at COST. Heavy Tweeds, Over-Coatings, Ready-made Clothing, Fur Gaps, Shirts and Drawers, Buffaloes and Blankets without reserve at COST. {JG Stock ENTIRELY NEW! No Rumen! No Humsuc! Prince Albert Jewelry EMPORIUM. ------ LARGE and fine Stock opened out for the HOLIDAYS. Gold and Silver Walches, Gold and Silver Guards, Oraide and Goldine Chains, Gem and Signet Rings, Scart Pins and® Lockets, Gold Brooches and Ent Rings, Black Brooches and EarRinge, Odd Fellows' and Masons' Pins, Prince of Wales Tobacco Pouches, Albums, Cigar Cases, Children's Tea Sets, + Briar Pipes, Cigar=holders, Meershaum Pipes, &ec., &c. Clocks of all kinds, All the above constitute as fine a Stock as ever was brought into a country place, and will be sold "really cheaper than ever before. Particular inducements to Cash cus- tomers for the Holidays. Come along and make a regular RAID on these fine Christ- mas and New Year's Presents. Don't forget the place, JOHN DIESFELY, Practical Watch Maker, Prince ALBERT PILI INHABITANTS Northern Reach tr ------ THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &ec., IS AT THE Greexank Stove GEO. FLINT. Greenbank, July 20, 1871. 29 HAE TO LOAN Morighges Wanted. HE Subscribers have large sums of money placed in their hands for investment on Improved Farms, Village Properties, and other Securities in this and 'adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest! As we have funds on hand at all times Borrowers can depend on getting their money with the least possible delay. Wanted to Purchase Any number of Mortgages, for which the high- est figure will be allowed. We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest and largest MonetaryInstitutions in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500, oe. Instalments re-payable in from 2 to 20 years, Lands Bought and Sold, Several good Farms for Sale. ¥5= Agents for several first class Fire Insur- ance Companies. Collections made and » general agency busi- ness transacted. BES™ DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "G8 JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, . . General Agents. . Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, ' Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. I1, 1871. Insolvent Act of 1869. IN THR MATTER OF ANDREW; PAUL, AN IneoLvENT, THE UNDERSIGNED, EDWARD Tm or,of the Village of Port Perry, have been appointed assignee in this mat ter. Creditors are reqnested to ite theif claims ne mont before me itn ns MIO, Official Assignee, Port Perry, Feb. 14, 1872. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY PRESENTS FOR ALL. In order that all may have their Christmas Boxes and New Year's Gifts, the sub- of Goods, between this date and the 1st of January, 1872. To all purchasers of Goods to amount of $100,a Present of a Silk Dress worth eevee eseeees $15.00 850, a Present, a Jap Silk Dieta 8.00 6.00 . 30, 6 4.00 20, " 3.00 po 15, " 2.00 10, 6 1.00 By ov 0.50 A 4, bid eeesseees 0.40 These presents apply to all kinds of Goods with exception of Nails, Sugar, Salt and Coal Oil--and Goods will be sold at the very lowest Cash Pricess The very best of Buffalo Robes at $10 to $12, and adh and tritnmed for $3 extra. Beautiful Set of Mink Furs, greatly reduced prices, the best for 830, worth $40. ¢ and very fine sets at £25, 20, 18 and 814 a set. " Alaska and German Mink Sets at $44, 5, and 7. " French Merinos in Brown, Maroon, Soarler, Drab, Blue, atid Purple at 50c per yard. With all other kinds of Dress Goods equally low. A splendid assortment of Tweeds and Cloths at reduced prices. Beautifu! Shawls, Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Sontags; &c. &c. A first class lot of TEAS at prices from 50¢ to $1. Boxes of beatiful Layer Raisins of 12 to 15 lbs. for $1.25 per box. Currants (extra fine)--11 1b. ®1. eautiful Refined Sugar, very pure and white, 9 Ibs. $1. 1 all other goods proportionately low. And if all parties don't secure Christmas gifis with goods at these prices it will ubdt*be the fault of T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, Dec. 20, 1871. ---- "Look out Fn iin New Advertisement Next Week. Wanted . 1000 CORDS OF W000 CHOPPED ¢ - For which the subscriber will pay Cash. - ob y Also, Two First Class CHAS WANTED 0 The highest price in Cash paid at all times for Hides, Hemlock Bark and Tallow. ; J. W RIGHT. Beaver Meadow Steam Tannery, Prince Albert; Jan: 3, 1872. seriber has determined to offer the following inducements toall CASH purchasers FALL IMPORTA ONS. DIRECT FROM HARDW ARE! Bar - / Steel, Paints, Oils, Glass, Colors, ' Varnishes, &c. HOBSMAN'S FX BRIDGE OAT, OIL BY THE BARREL C At HORSMAN'S. Usbridge, J Jan.y- 1872. |A First | Paty 0 Gk Stallion Sale; HE Subscriber offers for Sale n valuable young Stallion rising 3 oar le is of 1 dark brown color, with blaca Vion mane le ail, stands 16 hands high ; gopu i hi Ape ele, and splendid action ; My by the "Duke row. of "Wellington, and his dam js © Superior . | * North of England" mare. Glasgew and Manchester S.S. «" £t. Andrew" & ¢ Ottawa." Evety Department complete and well assorted. We beg to call special attention to our Grey Cottons WINCEYS These Goods were purchased unusually early, and fully ten to fifteen per cent less than those bought later, and we intend giv- ing our patrons the benefit of the early purchase. nN SS a aR PAY CASH For any quantity of Wheat. Barley, Peas, Oats Delivered atour Warehouse here: "BROWN & CHRISTIAN, MANCHESTER, Sept. 7, 1871. He has taken the First Prizes whereves * Shown. Jn North Ontario he took the First Prize v. i Sucking Colt; First Prize aga Yenrling, an Prize when 2 years old. 72'his is an_ excellent opportunity for partes wighing a First Class Young Stallion: For terms, &c , apply to the proprietor, DUNCAN CHR'ITIE, To} 6, 5th con. Reacli Oril by letter propa to the Utica Post Office. Reach, Feb. 16, 187: CLOCKS. WATCIHE BS, ANO JEWELRY, big Opposite the Globe Hotel, BROOKLIN. It will pay to call and see them. Lazarus & Co's Celebrated Spectacles the Cheapest because the Best, ALWAYS ON HAND. £9 Brooklin, Oct. 11, 1871. 41 LOTS FOR SALE! N and adjacent to Union Avcnue, in Port Perry and Prince Albert. Also Several Excellent Business Sitesin Port Perry. Terms Liberal. Parties desirous of making selections should do so at once. Apply to A. TURD. Solicitor, BiceLow's Brock. Port Perry. February 20, 1872. 9 House and Lot Jor sale! The Subscriber offers for Sale an excel- lent House and Lot in the village of Green- bank. The house is a gnod frame building with a stone cellar under it. Aléo a frame workshop or stable. The lot contains he'if an acre with a good bearing orchard of choice fruit, ad an excellent well with a good pump. Terme to suit purcliaser, For particulars apply to Walter Arling, Gri:ENBANK. Greenban Jan. 31, 1872. NOT CR ! County 2X ntario, S hereby given, hat the. Court of Assi Nisi Pe hg Over and Terminer, and [Fin Goal 7 welivery, will be holden in nnd for the OV'aty of Ontario, in the Coust House, in oe Town of Whitby, on MONDAY, APRIL, 16th i§79, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of which all Orono iets of She Peace, and all others concerned wi e notice, - selves accordingly. Bad SuTY then NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sherrift, 0. 0. ~ 10 Sherriff's Office, Whitby: y February, 21, 1812 { New Wateh and Jewellery Establish- ment, .G. GODDEN. RACTICAL WATCHM P lately employed by SAR ER 3 now commeaced business in Mr. Allin's k Store, opposite the Untario Bank, Ross's Bok, nd pamaiug that all work committed 1 geod --ne and at very pot a alike A large stock of superior Wiel and Joey always- kept on icles, Clocks - i } all work w d, aud charges G. T Aliin's Book Store, opposite Rid Bank, Port Perry, Feb, 28, 1872, 10. SINS Co a