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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Mar 1872, p. 1

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VOL XV, NO. 14.{ PRINCE ALBERT, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1872. {WHOLE NO. 741 ------ SE Ee ---------------- Er ---- ------ ---- -- ---- ------------------------------ ------------------. n - : -- S---------------------- ---------- © t ntarin Bhaerher C.D. WAID: Hotels DR. CARSON'S THE MANLIEST MAN. A young lady who bas been taking| The handsome young girls io the chureh. , 3 | SurgeonDentist,0cr. Main&Brock 8t., Uxbridge Roval Oanadiar ra AdA cays es = no BY GEORGE W. BUNGAY. q1inine in large quantiti:s, became so im- es at Kalamaxoo, Mich., are deputed to : WERELY, an gyal Canadian Hotel, Medici es The manliest man of all the race preguated with iron that one cold evening, ee dp ths wollessions, . | Tha scheme by POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL with the utmost skill 37 PERRY, Whose heart is open as his face, when her lover kissed ber at the door, he [8d to have worked very successfully ak AND A Area aT heSubscriber huving leased the above Hotel | (= THE ET LD ie BENE- on fats His hatud (0 help aucihet had the same experience that small bog | Same of fhe is Birhcitne collestors ate ins fitte in a style in keepi ith the nr 5 } of knh or kin i t } t Family FheWSPAPEL ; | Suk i wines Ay cease of th Tu | Tis to sr. oer hon ovat wi, | 40 who sorcach tine mastia to. fami | R07 SUL BEC SY YINE MEL POISED AT THE tion. Jillage andl neighbortiond, and with direct re- a for which, notice the ma Testimonials | Which makes a man a man and brother. | posts, and before he could s te his] receive a second contributions The Kala~ - : : e to Vi pl CO . ' T 1 VioTdiin Bago PRINCE ALNERY Also dealer in all kinds of Jewelry, Fancy Bs om and convenience of the (afew them enlosn Tn repparoand eel is oii is ans Bix Sib lips from hers, was caught by | "ough- ! maxoo dec cons krow something. Groods, &c. Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. | sons' names, who testify to the superior qualities pon: his Jipa, to-be-mother=in-law. - Moral--don't take" Whats ---- 3 10 : COUNTY OF ONTARIO) J Rergrexces.--/7. P. Griggs, Port Hope; Rev. Every Thursday Morning |] T. Bree, Whitby; Jos. Gould, Esq., Ux- BY "bia s, Dec. 17, 1868. BAIRD & PARSONS, Tin id withinsi D Anam, of paid withinalx 5 e entrance Simcoe sireet, third door north dnopaper | of the Ontario Bank. an ~ Ensuvance, THE ONTARIO FARMERS' C. N.VARS - Pre ton Dentist, Oshawa, Ont.-- TERVS :--$1.50 pei months ;if not paid within criati ake wed until atl arn ters santnining money. when addressed to pre-paid andregistered, willbe atwurrisk. RATES OF ADVERTISING. making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of Bo-1y | Public patronage. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. Dental Rooms directly opposite 'the post | REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER and cigars. Every attention pid to guests.-- Stages to and from Whitby cal ostlers always in attendance. omfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. of his various compounds, viz : Neither labor nor expense will be spared in HENRY FOY. PROPRIETOR. AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors 1 daily. Careful Mackie's Hotel. Cough Drops, §| Ager Wm Abernetns Thos Brown John For each line, first insertion... $0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line, 0 02 Mutual Insur Cards, under 6 lines, per annum 500 ance Company Alvertisements measured in Nonpareil andcharge J ceording to the space they oecupy. Adve went received (or publication. without apecifie instructions, will beinserted autil Ria cenrdingly. Noadvertisement willbetaken Gut until paid for. Alileraldizeountallowedto Merchants and others ,whoadvertisehy the yea half-year. : 5 . o3= Theseterms. wi allcases , be stristiya I> hicredio. JOB DEPARTMENT. HIS Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found -as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Coming io Danida | icc--The old Registry Office Build- ings Brcek-Street, Whitby. > La L. FAIRBANKS, JIr., Professional Cavs, 27-1y Seeretary Cards, &e.. of every siyle and color, executed prompily and at lower tates than any other Establishment in this County! Turttesfrom a Uistanee zetting handbills, &e. printed an have them done Lo tuke home with them, » J. BAIRD. i 1. PARSONS. TORCNTO, C. Ww. INCORPORATED ............1851, Capital] = = President... + | Viee-Preside: Secretary... ee a re rer HON. JOHN MeMURRICH 2 MAGRATIL FE... c. " BERNARD HALDAN, Esq. JAMES PRINGLE, GENERAL AGENT. Dr. Brathwaite, PRINCE ALBERT, Physician, Surgeon, snd_Accenchens. - » DR. WARE, t for the County of Outario, Surgeon and Accoucheur, ORONER / Physician, Prince Albert C. E. MARTIY, M. D., iis (TORY PERRY, ii R. JONES, M.D. CORONER FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO; PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &C. FFICE and Resulence--over Allison | Valuators, Land Agents, Commission |; & Petit's Drug Store, Port Perry. Merchants, &c. Drs. McGILL & RAE, ACCOUNTS COLLECTED PROMPTLY. MYSICIANS, Surgeons, &c., &ec. Residences, King street, Oshawa. WM. MGILL, M. D. FRANCIS RAE. M, B. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Office and RR 3 Money to Loan at 8 per cent. ca E. MAJOR, W. M. WILLCOX, BoRreLIA. Prince ALpenT. SAMUEL H. COCHRANE, LLD.. |sepi. 2g, 1870. 39 PRESTR County Crown: AMomney, 0 -- -- Win." Gordon, Solicitor in Chancey, Notary Public, &c., Brock street, Whitby. : . ES Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e., &c., OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon. JF Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely upon the utmost attention being given to their interests, WM. GORDON, R. J. WILSON, ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chanery, & Office in the Victoria 8 1ilding, Brock-st., thy. {OLICITOR in Chancery, Atlorney, ) Conveyancer, &c., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe street, opposite the post office. : Sunderland P.O, Brock. G. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, pee ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Attention!! Chancery, and Insolvency, Notary Pub i rr lic, &e., &c The undersigned would respectfully call the Office--McMillaa's Block, Brock Street, Whit- | attention of those wishing the services of an y, Ontari Auctioneer, that he is prepared to attend sales on the shortest notice anywhere in the County of Ontario. Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept constantly on hand. He is sole Agent for the hest and cheapest | ACDONELL, Attorneys at Law, CAM N 1B SSictors com and Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: | family Sewing Machine in the Dominion--pat- | -- ourt House. ented June, 1871. The Patent Letter A Family MC. CAMERON. i H. J. MACDONELL. Sug Machine bs acknowledged by Tailors, - illiners, and all who know the properties of +7 Ci JAMES LAMON, Sewing Machines who have had the pleasure of TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, | examining it to be the best and cheapest in the Conveyancer, &c.--Land Agent, &c.,| Dominion. Ladies make sure work, and pur- Britiles. Office over Armstrong's Hotel, Main | chase the Patent Letter A, and you will have Street Uxbridge. the best machine for $30. All Machines war- ET TTT nted. FAREWELL & McGEE, Orders attended to on the shortest notice. ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- 2 veyancers and Notaries Public, ha J. C PLREY, Office, one door North of the Posi Office ; and ; Sore' AGENT at Bowmanville, office Mr.-Feeter's Block, oppo- | Epsom, Sept. 7, 1871. 36 ni tem naiay site Town Hall. P. FAREWELL, Lup. | | R. M'GEE, B. A. THOS. H. WALSHE. TT CENBSED Aunctiotieer f 3 . JOHN BILLINGS, [ Ta of Brock, Cams > 8 Limp: ARRISTER, Attoiney at Law, Solicitor | NorthOntario; Mariposa, ete., in the Connty of in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, | Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Or- &:., Prince Albert. Office over in the Royal | dersleft at this office, or at his resi will be Arcade, Port Perry. punctually attended to. Debts collected in Can- lington; or otherwise, and prompt remittances . A. HURD, made. Remember--WALSI/F, the Notth On- TTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan- | tario Auctioneer. cory, Port Perry. "Officein the Royall = -- meme rem-- JOHN CHRISTIE, Arcade, Port Perry. rr OWNSHIP CLERK for Reach, Con- veyancer, Commissioner of the Court o ucen'sBenchy &c. Business carefully attended Dentistry, BAAR AAA AAA AAA AMAAAAAAAAAAAAA RANA AN AANA DENTISTRY. mR ER 'HH. L. Harnden,L.D.S., Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, Of Eleven Years Experience; OFFICE, - - QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE-- PRINCE ALBERT. fice--Manchester. Marriage Licenses ! Issued by Authority. E. MAJOR Jan'y 1st, 1870 Particular attention given to the regulation f Children's Teeth. . Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver and Vulcanized Rubber. Teeth filled with Gold so as to preserve them from further decay. Marriage Licenses TE ! « or (BY AUTHORITY.) Nitrous Oxide Gass 2ditatsiered for. the, i at Port Perry. Office, the Scraoa painless extraction of Teoth. House, Consultation free and all work warranted. fi Oot. 4, 1871, HENRY CHARLES. 39-1y | Port Perry, Nov. 11th 1860 WESTERN ASSUR A N 8 E COMP'Y The bar Tm with the best wines, liquors and cl $400,000 fort and convenience of the traveling publi Every attention will be paid to the table and i Irize Essay ou Shocing. ders left at the Medical Hall of Mess & Pettet, will receive prompt attention. (LATE BRODIE'R,) WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE ! Wu. MACKIE, Proprietor. KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Harper Wm -- F Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance. I Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. DAFOE HOUSK | UTC Ss I 00D accommodations. Careful attention X to the requirements of travelers and guests. igars Good stabling. Centre Hotel, JAS. CAMERON, Proprietor. Albion Hotel, i WHITBY. A. MASON, . ProrrieToR. This Hotel has undergone a thorough renova- ion and been fitted np with a view to the com EMBER of the Veterinaiy Institute, Chica- | and New Castle. | L go, HI. Gold Medalist for the best exnmi- | nat on Horse, Practice. 13 The Vetermary Stables may be found on | Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factery. | Port Perry, July 27, 1871. 30, TT HENRY GRIST, PITENT SOLICITOR ND DR:UGHTSNEN, OTTAWA, CANADA, | Traneacts business with the Patent Office and | other departments of the Government. Copy-| rights and the Registration of Trade Marks and | Designs procured. Drawings, Specifications, | and other Documents necessary to sccure Pa- tents of Invention prepared oa receipt of the | Model of the Invention. | REFERENCES, | on. A. Campbell. Postmaster General; W. C Smillie, K2qe, President Brinsn Bank Note Company; Jen Langton. Auditor forthe Dominion : Wm Wade. Esa.. Man i hn Caul- mg. Munster of Poll "JOHN McDONALD, MARBLE DEALER NEWCASTLE, ONT. | ONUMENTS, Tomb-Tables, Head-Stones of great variety, with every description of Marble Work, suitable for Cemeteries, supplied at short notice. Also Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite, Parties will find it to their advan- tage to withhold their orders until called on by J. ©. WILLIAMSON, Agent. Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war- ranted: January 10, 1872. MONEY (PRIVATE FUNDS,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 pier cent interest LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &ec., Oshawa 3-1y November 21. 1866. REDUCED RATES. tpn rate of interest in sums and Janney to suit bor. rowers, Principal ¢an be repal stalfients or in one sum, Wild Land for sale cheap. Tuvestments made in Debentures, Mortgages and Sher Securities. ali gage Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. For further particnlars, apply to JAMES HOLDEN, : Official Aseignee, Money Broker, &c. OFFICE--McMillian's Blok, Brock Stree! Brown Mary Pomeroy Rev J C Branton R-- 2 Pierce J Bobta Lizzie Prance R Coater Juhn Jewett's Hotel, |i Halliday M A Hobbes Mr 1 Lavare Rev I, Ct Patents for Inventions d= DAFOE. Propriety, JL XPEDITIOUSLY and properly seoured in Patent guarantee Author oft a First | be seen on and Graduated Sept. 18, the ( MINE) 70 LEW AM now prepared to lend any amount of L Money on the security of Good Farm, or Pro- ductive Town Property at the lowest possible d by yearly in| bank. Several well cultivated Farms and Lots of | workshop or stable. t, Whithy, Sept, 29, 1870, ¢9-t! Greenban Lung Syrup . | Constipation Bitters, Liver Compound, | A Worm Sperifie, A | Pain Destroyer, &c. | 3" The above Medicines ean be obtained at He lifts the fallen trom the, grotnd; all respectable Drug Stores in the county. | His heart beats to his finger tips, | Sweet children kiss him on the way, He owes no debt he cannot pay 3 ! Ani pus his feet upon the round i= ord He is a friend and loyal neighbor. quinine. BE ! The correspondent of a suburban ex. | change in a vivid description of the land | wheron stood the school house of clild-] hood, the school children sometim>s plan- ed a few {lcwer seeds there, but they nev. | nd women trust him, for they may, He earns lis bread with houest labor. 1.2 OF LETTERS remaining in the | Which nfte him higher; day by day, Prince Albert, March 20, 18721 | Toward the bright and Henvenly way, | Moore Allin | Marron Maggie Nott John Rolph John Smith Geo Shingleton R Snowden Eliza Thom pron Jas Trick Miss Polly { Walker Henry | Ward Geo wuk & Huoter Walker Jas wary Timothy Yates \Wm--2 Il. H. McCAW, Pdstaasten. | { sreenwell (3 arper John {eiren Jos nited States and Europe.-- | ¥ or no charge. Send for J Canada, the 1 MENRY GRIST, |P Ottawa, Canada. ©! Mechanical Engineer, Solicitor of Patents and | alone. Draughitsinan. gh 0 "ip I'lang, spe. ications and forms of tender may free 8th. March, at the office Dal- | neer, Ottawa, Rimouski, 1867. | housie, New Castle and Halim. : lis Dr. Thorn begs to announce that hie has taken | And tend up his residence at Port Perry. and is now pre- | number of pared to treat all cases entrusted to his care in | marked © ders for Buildings" at the Com- | the most skillful and scientific manner. All or- Lmissioners Office, Ottawa, up to 12 o'clock noon, Allisor | on the 4th April next, A. WALSII, Kn. B. CIIANDLER, |! J.C. BRYDGES, A.W. McLELAN, | Commissioners | Coxmagroners Orvice, Ottawa, February 24th, 1872 1-4w. ment, GODDEN. | RACTICAL WATCHMAKFER, lately cmployed by McCaw hi: now commenced business in Mr. Allin's | Book Store, opposite the Ontario Bank, Ross's Block, and guarantees that all work committed Gh. to Lis care will be done in a cod workmanlike | and wisdom,--he that thinks himself the | manner and at very moderate charges. - A large stock of superior Watches, Clocks | and Jewelry always kept on hand and sold | cheap. Remember! all work warranted, and charges moderate. G. GODDEN, Jouk Store, opposite Ontario Bank. "eb. 28, 1872. 10. ; Allin' Port Perry, Important Discovery. GREAT TUMOUR AND THICK NECK REMEDY. DY WILLIAM D. ANDERSON, HIS Medicine cannot be surpassed for re- moving Tumours goiter and taking down the thick necks and as a generalLiniment it is magi= enl in its effects. It will cure a Cold in oné night. Itis good for Pyspepia the Hectic Fever the Asthma, Neuraliga aud all kinds of Rheum- atisim; and other afflictions of the body. THIS is to certify that I had a Tumeur on the side of my neck near the jugular vein of twenty one years standing the size of a hen's egg ana [ effectually removed it from my neck in a few weeks by applying the above named tyntor remedy without giving the slightest pain or drawifig of blood: WM D. ANDERSON. $1 per bottle, in most cases one bottle will effect a complete cure In all eases the money must accompany the application. : At the village of Borelia (now P. P.) Port erry. P.O. Mar¢h 13, 1872, 12-3m House and Lot for sale! The Subscriber offers for Sale an excel- lent House and Lot in the village of Green- The house is a good frame building with a stone cellar under it. Also a frame la good pump. Terms to suit pnrchaser, For particolard' apply to Walter| Asling), GREENBANK. 1 And further from the temnpter's sway, a Jacob's starry ladder, The only thing ever known to root tliere, with any degree of | oe was a hog, and he on'y did it by: | . . . * the exercise of the most obstinate will- {er germinated. Which stingein like the angry adder.' He stikes oppresion to the dost, He shares the blows atmed at the just, And in the thickest of the fight | atl g Shep later | de battles bravely for the r.ght, Hail to the manly man, he comes { { Not with the stunid of hottin and drums, | He dawne upon the world, and hgh | | Dispels the dreary gloom of night, {And ills, like bats and owls, take flight § He shrinks not from the post of danger. or that his mightier than mht, 'Though cradled in an humble manger. Though grand as any duke, and giandeér ; power against the laws of nature. i A. -- i k»pkh | A school teacher in Om ha, having an ! inordinate dread of the small pox,sent home | a little girl because she said her mother | was sick and bad marks on her face. The | next day the girl presented herself at the | school house, with her fingers in her mouth | and her little bounet swinging by the strings, arid said ta the teacher, ¢ Miss | He's greater than great Alexander. tent | ! " 3 ple often wonder, at the remarkable instinct printed instructions, Agency in operation ten { displayed by well-trained shepherd dogs, SAINTFIELD, years. | Milton, may be sern, almost any day, a | large flock ot sheep herded by foxes. | These guardians of the little lambs are | collar, and shook him vigorously. three in number--one a grey fox and the her strength was nearly exhausted 'and | threw a stone at the lady. I'he contest was short and sharp, and re- | may be for the whole, or any less | beating a hasty retreat. buildings, and will be reccived, "up tbe appareatly uninjired lamb and car. | ! Conn, only surviving daughter of. great waste of raw material to,put ten dol- w. | | J-- te lars' worth of beaver over ten cents worth | New Watch and Jewellery Establish- of brains." pride a massite gold ring made from the Bros., plate af her departed hu-band's teeth. i The lot contains half | }eqe timber merchants to be most egreg- an acre with a good bearing orchard of |, . : choice fruit, and am excellent well with | ious rascals--I was in the timber line my- , we've got a little baby at our house, ere =a sre 1 FOXES AS SHEKP-HERDERS. but mother told me to tell you it isnt] . -- catchin'.' The Stockton (Cals) Republican ee t-- ouches for the following story :--* Peo-| A Baltimore lady, who had been greatly annoyed by mischievous urchins who rang | her doer bell and then made off, made a bad mistake one afiernoon. . She laid in| wait for them, and soon came a step on the | porch and a vigorous jerk of the bell. | She eried out, * | see you, you little faseall] caught the unresisting figure by the coat When | ut what will they say when we tell them f a band of sheep that is guarded hy foxes 'I'he story seems unprobable, but fits truth we have the most undoubted roof. On Whiskey Hill, four miles from grey fox pursue and attack a hog that had | and the glory of its wings, made an offer cized a lamb and was making of with it. | of perpetual friendship. ¢ I cannot think of | { it," was the 1eply, "as you once rpiraed, me, and called me a crawling dolt.> ¢Im- possible,' exclaimed the hnmming-bird, « I} ulted in the hog dropping the lamb and I'he fox picked always entettained the highest reepec: fot | such beautiful creatures as you," ¢ Per. haps you do #0 now,' said the other, ¢ but when you insulted me I was -a caterpillar. | ied it back to the flock." mv A Connecticut obituary reads : ¢ Passed o the home of the angels frem Ilartford, » So let me give you a piece of advice. Cee ® ---- i Never ineult the humble, as they may one | A Dhiladelphia paper says :--* It is a | Jay become your superiors.' { A cere ER An Ilhnois paper relates that during the cold weather on Thureday last, the city editor of the Jacksonville Journal frozs his Re + = Es A Boston widow wears with becoming | ©3™* about a foot deep. They are an- | pntated at the second joint ; but Fis many | friends will be rejoiced to know, that in spite | of the accident, he still han an ample stock ! , ' 'There is a difference beiween happiness fosatilthelptrpinsesiof his position | a -- = An interviewing Raleigh, N. €., reporter = gr happiest really is so, but he that thinks | visited the pricon and qestioned a big black himself the wisest is generally the greatest | fellow why he was there, who answered : | « Stealin' chickens, boss." ¢ilow long ure a ee Pr | yeu infor 1° ¢ Tree months, boss." Seems « Why doesn't your fatlier take a news [to me that ia a long tune for go small a mat- paper asked a man of a little boy whom | ter 27 ¢ Yee, €air ; an' it weren't much a lie found pilfering one from bis door step. chicken needer. An' I didn't steal him too. ¢ Cause he'd rather send me to take ity | But dete Sura lot said did. Dere were a | heap more said I didn't steal ir.! was the reply. BC A sleepy deacon, who sometimes engag- ed in popular amusements, hearing the min- fool. For ladies who admire large ear.rings, a new style is the head of a stuffed humming. bird, with diamond eyes, inclosed in a wide liocp of burnisied gold: Theare very odd deer stony, = deal © ¢ Little boy, ean | go through this gate the fiver 2 politely, ingaired a fashion in a building where trunks had been made bay went through this morning," was the reply. a ¢ I'd bave you know, Mrs. Stoker, that my uncle was a bannister of the law ? ¢ A fig for vour bannister,' retorted Mrs, Stoker, turning up her nose. ¢ Haven't I got a cousin as a corrider in the navy? it will suit you exactly.' : A -- re -- i -- sent you into that community ?" T A lady had her dress trimmed with | ply was, ¢ Three good meals a day a ¢ bugles' before going to a ball. [erlittle daughter wanted to know if the bugles ed at.' would blow when she danced. *¢ Ob, no,' said her mother, ¢ papa will do that when he pays the bill." ee 8 me his book with a live frog. ee el lee. ¢ Mr. Speaker," said a member of the Jamaica Legislature; discussing a bill for regulation of the lumber trade, ¢1 know had swum ashore, and was sitting quiet on a rock by his side. line and weat home. nn -- A A -- self twelve years. Jan. 31, 1872, again,' bottom." 5) _-- -- : |¢ No I reckon not. ister quote the words ¢ shuffle off this| mortal coil," started up, and rubbed bis eyes exclaiming, ¢ hold on, squire, its my husband, « How can you think | would in- -- ed A saloon keeper, having started business | the old sign, ¢ Trunk Factory." ¢ Oh.' said | tke friend, * just change the Ttoa D and | 93 000 mattresses, over 60,000 blankets, A Connecticut fisherman one day baited After patiently | waiting some time for a bite, as he chatte with a friend, he found that his lively bait Le wound wp bis) \y. hink it will bea s A cheerful giter put the following note Josh Billings says: When you strike | in a pair of pantalosns sent to the Michi-| covers 0 ile, stop boring ; menny a man has bored! gar sufferers + * There, take 'em ; last ¢lean thru snd Tet the ile all run out at the fe Pre got. Don't get burned oulf co loin dothe same wit Two little boys sat listening eagerly while their grandmother was telling the Bible story of Elijah going to beaven in a whirlwind with a chariot of fire, when litle willie intertipted her with: ¢Os Sammy ! wouldo't you have been afraid 7' Sammy hesi:gted a moment and then fe-- plied; ¢ No, not if I kad the Lord to drive' a ~-- The fo!lowing is statute in the old Sax on code referring to leap year: ¢ Als beit us often as leape yearre doth oeccrre, the women holdeth prerogative over the menne in matters of courtshippe, love, and matrimony ; so that when the lade pro- poset it shill not be lawful for the manne + «hall entertaine proposal in to say nae, by gude courtesie.' eee reir They tell us of a railway in Kentucky whereon the 'locomotives are assisted up steep grades by a yoke of oxen. Recent experiments prove that wood thoroughly impregnated with a strong solution of common salt, resists decay. A Micligan doctor, who was arrested because bis patient died, has been acquitted on the ground that he did the best be could giving all the medicines he koew the names of. A man who was driving a cow through the streets of Waupun, Wis., was so much flustered by a sudden bow from a lady that in return lie made a bow to the cow and Ts, ties iis wi YI) SHEED Joss ig ig he | boarse with excitement, she discovered to A Missouri gentleman who owned too Whiithy. 20th June, 1870. * oe . yi: !shephertls are said to greatly surpass the | ber borror that it was ihe diminutive | pany of his neighbors' horses, Was hung Ly Inte rcolonial R ailway ! i best trained shepherd dogs. "They perform | minister of ber church, very red in the face while on his way to vote, ¢ which,' remarks Oe er wb with any foo w Sr0ing till night and very short for breath. An explana. |, coatemparory, is calculated to deaden ew ni + (are ever on lhe alert, he grey one seems i | x : or IE Commins sini (0 the C0 Loc otra, and in a grext measure direct, "0 o_o oes interests n town poles" " {Zuidioc Nutiee tint tos ar prepa are v {the actions of the other (wo. A gentle=' A humming bird met a butterfly, and | Conversation in a Wisconsin store-- OHAS. THORN, V.§., Fuel Sheds, and Engine Houses at Trial | man informs us that he yesterday saw the | being pleased with the beauty of its person | Polite Clerk--* Can T show you anything to-day? Lugubrious Customef-- [ I lost two liorses and my wife last fall, and I feel putty poor.-- Good span of horses, too,' else Forty years ago a_blooming young girl of sixteen married an old man of sixty for lis money, expecting that he would die soon and leave lier a wealtlky young wife. Last week the lady did at the respect. able age of fifty-six, leaving a husband | aged 100, and four children to mourn her loss: The fine screw points of sugers and auger bits are formed by the sharp edge of a soft s'eel plate running with a speed of fourteen thousand revolutions per _winwe. Notwithstanding this immense velocity, a skillful operator performs the | work without heating the tools enough to liurt the temper. An experienced butter maker of Vermont ways the chiel tronble with bad butter is {hat the cream is allowed to stenp too long. His dairy role is, ¢ skim early, churn early Land sell early.' | A shrewieh wife, quite gick, called lier | husband to come and sit by her bedside. |v This is a qad world, my dear,' e.i1 the wife, plaintively. ¢ Very,' coincided the man. ¢ Were it not [x leaving you, I should ve to quit it.' «Oh, my dear,' eagerly responded the terfere with your happiness ? Go, by all | means.' ee eet § ol Cuicaco, March 25.--1'ne agarggate able dressed lady. ¢ Per'apa so :aloadofi 4 riond what Le had better do with | issues of the Relief and Aid S¢ ciey to | March 2ud, were 1,460,117 arucles or yards of goods. Amoud these were over 56,000 pairs of shoes. 1,283,000 articles of clothing, 15,000 bedsteads, 12,000 re ---- A well known preacher being seen in stoves and 30,000 tons of coal. the streets of New York in a Shaker garb| was asked by a friend, * What in the world | johnson's Anodyne Liniment wan first %- | mvected, during which time hundreds of More than forty years have elapsed since thousands have been benefitted by its use. Probably no article ever became eo vni- plenty of warm clothing are not tobe sneer- | Versally popular with all classes as Jolint- sons Anodyne Liniment. Pilla which contain antimony, quinine and calomel, shonld be avoided, as severed | g iping pains would be their only result. 'he safest, surest, and beet pills are 4 | Parson's Purgative or Anti-Bilious Pills. ce et = A -- Marie Sucar. -- The season lor securing ly | a good supply of this article 1 at hand and itis prophesied that it will be a good yeat. one and those | wishing 10 make the most of it should have their spiles and buckets #hd kettles in good One farmer to avoid uncerdinty in the snp proposes to puint the Nis buckets red white and turn them each time sa necessary travel. Those rim. gatherin 1 ~ Trenton Courier,

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