Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Apr 1872, p. 4

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rami A assist i 'ALIENTUL Mm -19IETV FONTH ATER JR LE TERE | ¢ . A splendid assortment of = "weBEAVER & PILOT OVERCOAT. GS, ENGLISH & SCOTCH & CANA- *, . DIAN TWEEDS, 7: BROAD CLOTHS, "TROWSERING, VESTING, &C. z GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING Gor Ur on SuorT NOTICE AND IN Sis First Crass STYLE, "4 CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN NORTII ONTARIO. 5 fiisan splendid assortment of Furnishings, in- cluding Shirts, Ties, Collars, Socks, &e. One of the Best assortments of Gents' Woolen Under- Clothing, Scarfs and Mufilers, &e, thatecan be found In this locality, which will be sold Cuzar ror Casi. 1 A call solicited hefore purchasing elsewhere. Parties furnishing their own cloth can have it r somade up on short notice. Remember the place--the store lately oceu- 'Ts aT pied by Capt. Sinclar. : duet W. TRENBETH. ane Merchant Tailor. . viave« Prince Albert Sept. 5, 1871. 36 w te ee -- +. = Notice of Removal. The Subscriber would embrace the present opportunity of réturning his sincere thanks to ++ his pumerons patrons throughout this entire section of country for the liberal and increasing patronage which hie bas so long received ; and would beg to inform his friends and the public ronerally that he hus removed his business from [anchester to Port Perry, Having rented rot ns in Ross's Block, Port Penny where he will carry on the THILARING BUSINESS ; WN A n all its departments having increased facilities for a 1 1l further extension of business, All orders e on the shortest possible notice. Garments made up in the latest style, at moderate rujes and guaranteed to fit, Remember the Place-- Ross's Block, Port Perry. JAMES SQUIRE. grim Liquor the BEST BRANDS of PURE L land and Old Tom-- Wines, Port, Sherry, &c.--Rum-- Whisky, Malt and Old Rye-- Jobn Bull Bitters, &e. : quality, Dye Stuffs, Pamts, Oils and Varnishes. uve Prices. . Prince Albert, Dec. £0, 1869. 08 | CERY WwW. M. WILLCOX, _ Sign of the Pestle and Mortar--opoosite. Scott's Hotel, PRINCE ALBERT ! ublic to their extensive rewly importedStock of Invites the special attention of the QUORS, consisting of Brandies,--Gins, Hol- A large and well selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. : (7 Our Teas can't be beat! Try them! We guarantee that for excellence in and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario- A choice lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Tiekles, Sauces, &e. PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retafl., Also the best qualites of Chemicals, "Thoroughly reliable Patent Medicines. (7 Books and Stationery. Liquors for medicinal purposes carefully selected. Everything in Stock is of superior quality and will be sold at the lowest remunera Remember the place opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. : s afl WV. M. WILLCOX. ' 36 1871] [1871 ------ {he success met with during the past months io Sunderland, in commencing the Stove and Tin Business, I am warranted in opening up a Magnificent Stock of Stoves Of EVERY STYLE, PRICE AND VARIETY, in the following list: ELEVATED OVENS, LOW OVENS, Western ilome Lion of the West Superior, No. 9. Chief Cook Great Western Queen, No. 8 [2 No. 10 Giant Cook Encouraged by Improved Combin. Tuperial, 9 Plain Dealer--Ex- New World y ipl tensive top New Era ation Superior, 10, . . kColouist: HomweGuard,No8&, Dominion of Canada. '3 | Homéstead Provincial PARLOR STOVES. Pearl Wild Rose Competition Onward Diamond Lacket Pearl Cottage Prize Boston Parlor Cook Signole Parlor BOX STOVES--BIlack Giant, Nos. 18, 21, 25; 30 and 36; Herald, Fulton Ironside, Black Prince, Fluted Box. The abgye list of Stoves will be sold at the lowest living rates. first rate frticle in every depart t fort, ¢ i and a 2 Eavetroughing in all its styles done cheap, and on the shortest notice. Hides, Sheepskins, Pelts, Wool, Rags, Brass, Copper, and all kinds of Produce taken in exchange. 7 Be sure and come to Sunderland and call at the New Big Tea Kettle. SusDERLAND, Aug. 9, 1871. JOHN W. PARRISH. Customers may rely upon Port Perty, 0ct.18, 1671+ ARCA . SAINTFIELD ee Boot and Shoe Store !|GET UP YOUR WINTER RIGS!!! tr Cutters ! 8 &:Sleighs | 8 & Cutters | 5 : PORT PERRY BOOTS & SHOES For all classes of the community, made of very Choice Material Best Work- manship, Warranted to Fit, and sold at the Lowest Re- munerative Prices!! ---- -"* The Subscriber would inform the inhabitants of the townships of Reach and Brock that he has moved his Boot and Shoe Making Business from Wick to the thriving Village of Saintfield, / Where he is now prepared to supply all comers with first class Boots and Shoes of whatever quality or description may he be desired on the shortest notice, Parties desiring Boots and Shoes which may be relied upon for, quality of material and workmanship, had better leave their orders at once at the nom Saintfield Boot and Shoe Store. "« -3%=All orders attended to with promptitude I'DGAR MORDEN. Saintfield, Fob. 14, 1872. and dispatch, HE PLACE TO GEI THE BEST and most durable PHOTOGRAPHS IS AT THE BROKLIV PHOTO. GALLERY OPPOSITE THE GLOBE MOTEL, &.° | Brooklin. + "Picrores made. in all 'sizes and styles: > | Liowill, for two months, give na' large (Photo. and large oval fran for §1.25 < _ Small Photos $1 perdezem. © wil od ! ""Call and examire my work. J The work will not be slichied on account of its cheapness but will. L+ cxezuted with the utmost care and well aa if a higher price tere pail. | { Enlargements made and i inc: ehfored in oil. wopld take this method of thankin 1 friends and cusi@ fers fomerss d would "ack a' or fa ce "ol ther patronage. Sd y Agent for the Silver" Tongue Cagi 1 + the place Sizni-of 'the Red 'the y CARRIAGE FACTORY! The Subscriber in returning thanks to bis numerous 4nd increasing customers would inform them ad the public generally that he has'commanced the manufacture of an unusually large number of the very latest styles of first class Cutters and Sleighs for ihe coming winter, which be feels' confident will fully meet the wishes of the com- munity both as to Quality, Style, and Price. Nothing but the best material employed. 0<7- All Notes ond Accoimts already due. and that will de due by the 1st day of October next, must, witliout fail} 'be paid on or before the 20th of said month. G.U, WHITE. Port Perry, Spt. 28, 1871. THE "NEW DOMINION GABRIAGE & WAGON SHOPS, Prince Albert and Manchester. -- ------- Carriages, Wagons, Cutlers, Sleighs, and Agricullural Implements manufactured 8 | of the best materials and 'of the most approved 3. (5 First olass Horseshoeing done. All Work Warranted. J. & WM. HEARD Proprietors. Prince Albert and Mancheste:, Feb. 10, 1870] ments. At the hour of 12, gle] Coroners, Justiees of HARRISON MAW Contractor and Builder, 2. PORT PERRY! Is prepared to Contract for and pnt up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern improve- Parties requiring good workdone will do wellto call. (ZG=Plansand Specifica~ tions made to order. > Port Perrys May 12, 1870. { HARRISON MAW. ti Insolvent Act of 1869. County of Ontario, : "Webby given, that 3 { Nia 23 wr Y - Court Jr shy Ine M oF 3a X isi Prius, Gi. v 6) CANT Goal Dir in be en ne one) : ANDREW PAUL, County of Quutio, it Jon b House, in the JT 08 SIVAN INSOLVENT. THE UNDERSIGNED, EDWARD MONDAY, th 1872, 1, sjor, of the © Village of Port Perry, n, of which all | have been appointed assignee in shies. mat- ; and all others d wil ti ° ter. oncorvel will tuke notice, and govern them-| "oo " to file abeir claims NELSON G., REYNOLDS, |belore me wi TEE JORy + ® ID" <M. : Sherri, C. 0. ! ial Assi) ifs Office, Whitby, Official Assignee. So es aia) Port Perry, Feb. 14, 1672, 8 "1318 {gh JATATT £ 1 3 tore! now CUTTERS Ever offered for Sale in North Ontario ; manufactured of the very best material, and by men who thoroughly understand their : ° Ontario Carriage Factory. eady 1 "The largest and best assorted' Stock of AND SLEIGHS! business. gE MUST BE SOLD. Call and see them before purchasing elsewhere. A namber of second hand Pleasure Sleighs for sale--cheap. Repairs neatly executed and with despatch. All work 'warranted. : JAMES EMANEY. Prince Albert, Dec. 6, 1871. . . M. OO DONOVAN, Carriage #2 Ma ker NEAR THE TOWN HALL, 1 RT ; : 7 T . JA RY) g Li AUN 0) 0 GOOD assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from best material. Work made to order with neatness and dispatch. = ALL WORK WARRANTED. PUMPS! PUMPS!? You can' get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At J, TR VIN'S PATENT POEP FACTORY SEE THE PRICES BORCE PUMP- A complete Pump and Fire Engine with Hosa and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cla per foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 cts per foot. Common tuned Sustion Pumps at 33 cta par foot. Cysterst Pumps, 8 complete Pamp, from $3 up to $8. Also every other description of Pomp at Eqally Low Rates. Having bad long experience in Pump-making in the largest factories in Carada and the United States, the subscriber feels confident that he can perfectly satisty all that will favor him with a call. All orders for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Please Address, JOHN IRVIN, Boreria. Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870. JOHNSTON'S ELF - BARING READE Kh We offer to our customers for the coming Harvest, two distinct Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the day. JOHNSTON'S AWARDED FIRST PRIZE AT Provincial Exmr- BITION HELD AT SINGLE \ Toronto, lism Tg NG Ha SOLE * RAKING RAPER, The "Xing of Reapers." The universal success of this Machine, both in closely contested trials and in the hands f the farmers, warrant us in saying that, as a Self Raking Reaping Machine, it has more good points and less defects, and has met with more success and less failure, than any Reaper heretofore offered to the public. o | Cayuga Junior Mower, 'We were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at- the Provincial Exhibition, held in Toronto, 1870, in competition with all the leading Machines manufactured in the Province ; and with our recent improvements, we unhesitatingly challenge investiga- tion and comparison with competing Machines, we are satsfied that such investiga tion will convince every unprejudiced mind, that we offer the best Mower to the Farmer for 1871, built in the Dominion. g&¥~ Send for descriptive catalogues. BROWN & PATTERSON. 'Wuirsy, June 22, 1371. , ? y OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. General Agenc | Office. -->-- HE Undersigned having received the appointment of Official Assignee for North On- tario, is prepared to give prompt attention fo all matters in Bankruptey or Insolvency Promissory Notes and Accounts speadily collected, and remittances promptly made MONEY TO LOAN, On good farm security at 8 per cent Interest. Special attention will be given to the ne- gotiations of loans, and borrowers can rely upon having their applications atiended to = <1 0h 4 promptly, and at small expense. Also; Lands, both Improved and Unimproved, iL uot ©)CONSTANTLY FOR SALE. _ Glosurances affected'in the Ontario Farmers Mutual Insurance Company. sili ~ | THE OLD ) Saddlery Warchous The Largest, Best, and Cheapest Stock in Ontario. T= Subscriber returns his sincere thanks re which his business ation. branches, and he feels confident in saying, from facturing, he can make as good as the = as Shem eaper). for only 81%. Other things proportionably low. Now is the time, and Warehouse is the place to buy your Harness, Saddles, Trunks, Horse Clothing, Whips, Sleigh Bells, Celebrated Sweeney and Scotch Collars, &c., &e. Harness ! Paiticular attention paid to repairing | - oe iid EE -- STAND, THE BEST OCKS, > AKER GON EEATIONER owns, Git di =. AKE! PREMIUM SIMCOE.ST, PRINCE ALBERT. for the liberal share of public fpatsonngs ceived during the past seventeen years in a has been in successful oper | a, His Stock is now complete in all its ) ast experience, and present facilities be st tnd : AUTH % : : t a little wW a complete Set of Harness edding Cakes made to order He is also prepared to furnish Soirees Tea Meetings; &c., on liberal terns. He hopes by always keeping a large stock a the lowest prices, and punctoally attending to all orders, to merit, as heretofore, a share of pub- "ic patronage. . 5 the Cbeapes ust think, the Premium Saddlery - T. COURTICE. N.B. Cash for Hides. sive vio SEO RSH Prince Albert, Nov, 22,1871. 4417 Prince Albert and Manchester. . CHAS. HISCOCKS Prince Albert end Manchester, { March 24, 1871. Harness ! TTT TT a STILL PROSPERING! Reduced Prices The Subscriber continues to manufacture, at his shop - ili MANCHESTER | Tsegieiatsititiaie * ™ Every description of fivst class Harness, using nothing but the best material, making it up in the most durable manner, and at the lowest rate possible. I wish to make it advantageous for favmers and others in The unroundibg coun- try to leave their orders with me, and I will spare no pains in giving full satisfaction in (RAFFUR: u : As Cheav as anv_other Materal, Workmanship and| Establishment in North Price. Ogtaio! : RY All repairs neatly and promptly executed. TABLE j Ny stgchybydiniy - THOMAS BROOKS. BUREAUS Manchester May16th, 1871. ° SIDEBOARDS, RN Ih X ChE Ra 3 : Pid 'RITING Ki re . BEDSTEADS, en 3 £¥ / SoD % CANE SEAT CHAIRS, x5 . { AN AT Fiic fo ROCKING CHAIRS. $v. oF 2 @ " _ Addrge number of Steel" Bngravil 18s, tramed SdEE 3 either with wood or gilt. = viz 271 2 eb ie ped = g 3 bl ® y ( rE IVOILOVYEd [esa Special Attontien pid to Undertaking. Hav ing refitted my Hearse with a DOUBLE SET OF NEW PLUMES am prepared to attend Funerads-wrthens good n outfit and on as reasonable terms as any other party in North or outh Ontario. 3 COFFINS of all sizes constantly kept on hand, made of Walnut, Oak, Butternut, &c. A good selection of Coffin Trimmings just re- ceived from the best markets. P WAN TE D.--5,000 foot of good ped ine, Birgh, Bul Basswood Lumber. Bisel Busterony snd lypeswced Lumbe N. B. Agent for monuments an {pon Bore)id. Dec,oa1808. 4% 4% § iE 49 Ae % MONEY 'XII L[IMIPL PUY FEV 'aaLXVAUY Ay PUB padredad [189 SYO0[)) PUB SIYIITAY JO SPULN [IVETE _ "2300 -suyoand 20j9q QUIWIBXA PUB [[1J 0} [94 Op PROM UI] EY U *SpO0K) JAI30 PUB AIPMIP 'SYIO[Q) JO A}LTA JVI ¥ OSV sayojeM Jo sods Joyjo puUE PoJLIGe[e) S[[esSNY IPA] UBOMSWY AGL 'NIITYMOoHd 2 ET To Loan at' per.cont Stoves and 'Tinware 2 wafgns isgan * nd f Improved Farm afd Fown Property, '3! , BY RHE if Imperial Building, Savings apd Invest- ment Company... 7)» For, Periods extending from TH, ip to TEN YEARS, to d¢ait . Borrowers, Re-phyable in Monthly, Haltsyearly or yearly Instulrpynis. OFFICE--50 CHURCH.ST,, /0RONTO. ! Aan Loans of £300 and upwards are negotinted for veriods of 5, 6, 8 and 10 years at the extremely ow rate of 6 per cent per annum but if the loan be re-paid in -y instalments only 5} per cent is charged, in nthly instalments only 5 per cent is asked. 2 pay both principal and $500 in 10 ye the; +responding 19. oe : The Full Amount of the Loan is advanced without deduction, Conveyancing charges reduced to the very lowest rates. E. MAJOR. BestStock Ap OF ; ' : po, BORELMpP.Q. CI STOVY B 8 | Sept 386. Eee' i MONEY ! MONEY ! (3m OAL yer Tom severaioe AN gu tiony LARGE SUM, OF MONEY ON FOR ALL. The Subscribers are bringing into CANNINGTON. 4 THE LARGEST AND 0- 86,25 per month will interest of a loan ot i COr= North Ontario! Stoves in every variety at Toronto prices at our Shop in Cannington. > Tinware of the first quality und made'vp in the best style, cheap. First class Stove Furniture. Real Estate" Security At Low Rates of Interest. Xo Commission charged. % Also uncurrent money bought and Silver sold Apply t PPYY JAMES LAMON, fQLICITOR, KO. Qi, ovr Araayonss Tp Hp: Sect, ' x Uxbridge, JURE. 200. 1869. cos ccrmaii #Valuable Progetty for ! 1 pi Hr irietor affers'for" sal) thd Sxealton t WHITBY AND UXBBI DEE Th eoepipaca tut esi HE undersigned takes oconsion toAnnogace | HAD Albert. ols apaatand that he hs por pie ries my todmmolice i} 0 AF nents oh ih ar a4 Stl Son table ¢ Repairing care'ully attended to. fe Stovepipea-- Coal Oil, Lamp Chimneys, &e., very chéap. . (= Rags, Copper, Brass, and Iron taken in exchange. : oH (= Cash paid for Sheepskins. COOK & STEPHENS. Cannington, June 7, 1871, ((ARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, w 3 UXBRIDGE, TRAE Where will be found Buggids, covered and open, and other vehicles of lis own manufactur, got up in {he latest and best style, and. always kept on hand. * § he uses none but the best material, and Splat none but the best workmen; the quality of his work can be always relied upon. X= Repairs executed with promptitude, snd few second-hand open and covered buggies off " E. MAJOR, oi at She ues, Ssteifishmont foe fee - Ls . to I Assignee und Valuator verything in way of Carringe manufac- 'Orrior.--Bigelow's Block, next door to the Royal Canadian Bank. ue A Sopa Seaonded to atly Hy 8s usual, Part Perry, 1st Dec.; 1868. . 4 waif gow qi at SAMUEL WALKEY. a Paty, dat Dug: 1868, aun Whithy and Usbridge, July 15,1869. 28 [2 4! Se» » Shed attached, and lots of good wi and soft, ' soft. - : The lot contains one quarter of an acre, with a good young orchard. 0 better situation could be desired for Com- fort, Health and Convenience. : He offers also to sell 16: acres of land a little to the East of the Village of Prinee Albert, le Indi le. ? A. SIN R. For further particulars apply to J. '& D. J. ADAMS, Money, Land and Insurance Brokers, : . Port Perry. Prince Albert, Jan. . = SETRE ntlgA fndld sein]

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