Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 25 Apr 1872, p. 3

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wey W.BURNHANM; 0 Sb 1 DRESSED, YOUR SENDS A WINDON FRAMES, sa och rashes RICHARDSON'S| FACTORY PORT PERRY. The Subscriber which § gutl for the extensive a Sous hot neh bestowed u ast. would embrace jis is oppertunty, of him jo sail ¢ that heis ating order more fay fo' ine he teeny incre g, emends, of the : ak hes, Flames: al &o., se 2 Pel nll will wake it an Thor 4d rthing in the line pt on hand or made up Ber ort notice. | y Planing, Dressing, &e.| moderate at . hit th ih a Sash, Door &c-, is Burts, Port Perry. « A. RICHARDSON. Port PERRY. ay 10, 1871. ir ii LED! ATE Senigiod Ta ox has any amount of Mowey TT lend upon Farnt and Town : -verty, at 3 § iy BEL o Beaten Loans can = repaid in any manner to suit the borrower. Also several Improyed Farms, and Wild Land for sale, cheap. 1 nade $n Municipal Debentures Bh ki r dh He Tg Apply to . » JAMES. HOLDEN, +4, Meinl. Assignee, Broker, &c. ver the Dominion Bank, McMil- 'Brock st., Whitby. lan's Block, Whitby sprit 10, 1872. Vr be Bogksand Statio English aod American awana fois Sispiiines and Photos; Music, Musical Instruments, and School Books. Ale ents for the cele- brated Lazarus & Morris' Per- rea es and Eye: Glasses. ' McCAW BROS. Port Perey, April 10,1872. Lal Farm for Sale! T'S Sulagsibes offers for Sale that com- foptable lo farm containing 48 acres on fot Xo. 7, in the 3rd concession of the Township of Reach. are 43 acres cleared and mostly free dl GE RE SE withe i welling } ass thei young oirhar yield- lng ay of choice For erms {0 urchaser. a 2 pply to noe "JonN HARNDEN, el rietor, & be bert, Prince Albert, April 9,1872. Farm to Rent! TE: Subscriber Ath capcedsi it 50 acros cleave: of a well aren and ina state of culti- wation, Thereisa goed Dwelling House, good and good comfortable stabling on ee 000 6 offers to Rent {hat excellent premises. For farther particulars apply to the proprietor MALCOLM SMITH, : Uxsiyoax P. 0. April 3; 1872. : % 15 LHL in 'Mortgages Wanted. JOHN d fi ADAMS, Office in My: Ross' Ontario laings, {a t Perry. {8 = te b Nn 9) % 16] h Half of Lot 16 in the hy , froe of | it else Where, as MR. CURRIES ooLguN- re, bs! ni E "4 VPN y= . Direct Tmportations!! A FULL ASSORTMENT OF on , LADIES' v Dress Material From 'the plain, useful ten cent Print, to the more expensive Woolen and Silk Fabrics in the |mewest patterns and best material and at the Lowest price, Also FANCY SHAWLS, ROMAN SCARFS, " SILK JACKETS, PARASOLS, SUN HATS, PRUNELLA AND KID GAITERS » |in ye styles and prices, ranging from 4 GENTLEMEN'S Spring Hats! ! The newest styles in Felt and Silk. Rcady-made Clothing IN.GREAT VARIETY, A Gentleman can rig himself outat once ina fal Suit for business, or dress, without wait- ing for the Tailor. Boots, Gaiters, Hosiery, Neck Ties, Collars and Gloves--very s | Cheap. The best assortment of Trous- ering, Vesting and Coating in the County, and at much the lowest prices. Seeds! Seeds! CLOVER SEED, TIMOTHY SEED,' RAPE SEED, TURNIP SEED, CARROT SEED, GARDEN SEEDS, ALL PURE AND FRESH. 0G Salt and Plaster. the asortment, larger and tter and prices lower than ra wishing to buy will and superior: business cheaply, enables me to sell at smal} pro! ts and on liberal |' terms. ~u - Prince Albert, Apil % 1872. | Greenbank, July 20, 1871. fi en dean 8 Sn PORT PERRY, Armin 24, 1872. " Have now w opened out and are showing a large and choice selection of Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons and Trimmings. . DRESSES AND MANTLES MADE TO ORDER. North Ontario SED STORE AND -- HAVE GREAT PLEASURE IN MEDICAL HALL. I ealling jhe attention of my customers . 10 my complete stock of Garden, I'lower Field Seeds. Ii is my constant endeavor to maintain the of my none bat coop and Pure Seeds. and y My Stock NaME, embracing every sort required in this couolry, viz : Beans, Beets, Cauliflower, Cele Cucumber, Luttice, On onlioh, = 1° BptBRge i 'Ca o, i gL « Corn, + = Tess, Melon, Mustard Peas, Pumvkin, Tomato, Bird Seeds. Half a Ton of Turnips Seeds embracing all the new and popular, varieties. Seed Onions, Potatoes, &c.,--in fact every Seed required by Gardeners and Farmers. 07 Oil Cake, dimpson's Spice, Miller's Tick Destroyer. Cubbage, Tomato, Cauliflower, and other plants on hand in season. 85 Terms as Usuarn--Casir. W. A. TOMLINSON, Cuemist AND DrucersT Prince Albert, March 13, 1872. 12 PHCEANATOY TU THE INHABITANTS {OR Northern Reach Ki --,-- THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &c., 19 ATV THE GreENANK Store GEO. FLINT. 29 CASH FOR LUMBER -- The Oshawa Cabinet Company ILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE in Cast for the following sizes of LUMBER! Delivered at their yard in O<hawa, [SQUARF EDGE PREFERRED. J Oak orAsa, 1in., hy] 1, 2 J; any width. Burreenur, 1 ine, a Ey ith, width, Rock Ei BL in., any width. 1 ii he Te yi i so tnd. pom 1, in 112, 14, ov 16 feet lon Marie, breon, and Biron: in., 1} in. in, 1} in., 3} in., 3 in. 5 in,, Plank. da . H. GIBBS, Ostiwa, Feb. 14, 1877. MONTY ' (PRIVATE FUNDS,) oa Tolosh on good Farms, at 8 per cent interest LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, re Novembar'dl, 1866. Presiden. 10, is warranted all »REsH and TRUE to their |* daily expected. in the County. cheap. suit you, Prince Albert, April SPRING. 1872, The Subscriber would beg to announce that he has to hand and receiving bis usuai choice and attractive Stock of Spring Goods COMPRISING " 10, 1872. Beautiful New Prints, Brilliants, ' and Dress Goods of all kinds. A large lot of Gents' [fats of the latest styles just geseited) and Ladies' Hats Tn BOOTS & SHOES you will fiad one of hy largest, best aod cheapest Stocks On band also a large and, complete stock o Wall Paper imported direct--very Together with our usnal large and select stock of choic Family Groceries, Hard. ware, Crockery, China, &c. Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Flour, Cracked Wheat, constantly on hand. A large lot of the best Lower Canada Timothy Seed, Which will be sold for less money than at any other house in the trade. And if there is anything not here enumerated conte along and we will do our best to Al, kinds of Farm Produce taken ia exchange for goods. T. C. FORMAN. NN I PORT PERRY, ", 31 716 97 " "« 1097 yards Bleached oe oe . 36 inch, 10¢. Cotton, . oe 189 Pieces of Tweed to select from. Black Broad and Doe " Dress Goods. Muslin, corded, &c. 1767 yards Grey Cotton from 7e. 1111 pairs Boots (pruneila $1 upwards). Gents' Spring and Summer Suits from 84 $6 8 10 The patrons of the * Memmoth Wardrobe" will find the most (COMPLETE STOCK 0 | Of General Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes ever offered in North Ontario. purchased on the best terms and in the best markets. of no ordinary kind are offered to every one who may call. The whole stock Inducements Gents' Spring & Summer Suits from $11 oe . . . 12 oe ve . . 14 ve . . oe 16 oe ve ve ce 18 «+ Superb La go 20 Boys' and Youths' Suits from 4 Silk Hats, the best offered, Felt do. latest styles. Boys' do. do. Straw Hats, every kind, Ladics in this and our Millinéry Department you will be glad--for such a display is not often presented. PORT PERRY, March 21, 1872. Remember also hat our Grocery Department is full and complete. Teas, Teas, Tcas,---a Speciality. De at forget that i of the Wardrobe will do every thing to suit and fesse is customers and friends We ask you first to come and try, You'l then make up your mind to buy. A. W. ROBERTS. 1 t Wanted 1000 CORDS OF Woon CHOPPED ! For which the subscriber will pay Cash. aaseeb6 F480 4 EPP oriiene Also, Two First Class COURIERS WANTED They ams must noderstand finishing Pebble and Buff. oa The highest price in Cash paid at all times for Hides, Hemlock Bark and Tallow. J. WRIGHT. Beaver Meadow Steam» Tatinery, Prince Albert, Jan. 8, 1872. Jos i 1872. Is nn ° A sty a New Spring Tweeds, * Tew Felt Hats, New Grey Cottons, New White Cottons, New Dress Goods, in all shades, styles and qualities, New Prints, New Boots and Shoes, New Crockery, &ec. The above Goods were bought before the late rise in prices, in the best market and on the most favorable terms and will be sold at a small advance on cost. 1873 'SUPERIOR © Seed Oats! Fo R SALE! ber having p d the 8 White Schonen Oat, 'Ham! to this country through now the 4nd _ 5 Ontario Bluse most Exelon Oa wit 'which Bo be lieves for Prue Sa ee le cannot be ici ry Fmd 3 be lowing places: omar' i Fai M. Thomas' residen 1} miles north lin; Steele & ics Oshaws ; R. of Brook= Shithy ; Brown Chistian, ¥ Mauelestors ter; George Sheehey, Borelia ; rdon, P 0it Office, Port Perry ; and at_the Subscriber's resdence, (lot '120, 9th con. Whithy,) Myrtle. Also on hand and for sale the following ex cellent variety of POTATOES. Atmoderate rjoens » Barly Goodrich)! Barly ," * Can: Rong pone Thy Pro« lifie," and the * ar They can Add relied on as pure, canno! roduetiveness and quali 3 an, iio] Rose rictng to rca to 4 sy the tmost calling uj the sub- eh cn, Wh STEPHEN HOITT, Morrie, Onr. Myre, April 16,1873 17-aw Jewelry Emporium PRINCE AT ALBERT, CLEARING SALE. Jo OPENED BT,» nice selection ' WATCHES, Sia" Of the best makers. JEWELRY, Gold, Plated, and Black, of the best description. CLOCKS, the largest and best Stock, ward ranted, and cheap. sa Alarm Clocks!! 144 / | Lockers AND CHAINS in great variety, Cricket Balls! Cricket Balls! Cheap! The very best make, and pronounced the best in use. . Everything will be sold very cheap, 0 eflect a clearance. Remember it is at Prince Albert. JOUYN DIESFELD, Practical;Watch Maker, Paince Ausra, April 10, 1872. Court of Revision | Nice is hereby given that the Court of Revision to Teyise the Assessment Roll + for the TTOWNSHIP: REACH For the year 1872, will sit at the Town Hall, Mane chester, on Tuesday; the 7th day of May] next, At ten o'clock a. m., of which all parties inter- ested are. hereby required to e notice govern themselves acoordingly. JOHN CHRISTIE, Township Clerk. Reach, 9th April, 1872. 16-4w EXTENSIVE Gift Sale! STING NACHINES The Subscriber begs leave to anuounce that ™ will give a coriplete Sett of |Tea China Valued at $6, witht EVERY SEWING MACHINE Of the GUELPH Suunetis, that he sells Month of April! s cash for his Machines and has every dn ce that he can sell as Cheap as any agent either in North or South Ontnrio. Call and inspect before making a purchase elsewhere. 8S. L. McKINNELL, A. Gordon's SToRe, Manche March 41; 1672, NOTICE County oi Ontario, Hy hereby given, that ist Bos 5 ae Court bl Assi si 8, r and Terminer, an goal Shing be I of figng and for the 0, in 'ou; ou uty of Ofarics of Whitby, on ps TUESDAY, APRIL, 30th 1872, At the hour of 13 o'clock, noon, ef which al Coroners, Justices of the Peace, and all others con will take notice, and govern them- selves a NELSON G. REYNOLDS, : whl Sherritt, C. 0. She Sirens. 1 : NOTICE. Avpnyilome take Ac- Messrs. Brown & Christian, For and have them: tov For Solleetioty id, ave authors accounts, THOS. BROOKS. | Manchester, April 3, 1873. Jo

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