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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 May 1872, p. 1

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a he friebd ihirany Morning nwinilive Lor Loop wrig of BARD & PARSONS. . YOR ALB aan nemo aid withinsix Ys : 1 No sub. diana nopaper gy, when addressed to ered, willbe ai eursisk. bo AFEl OF ADVERTISING, h line, first insertion... $0 08. / pc EE co line. 0 02 nel, per Atinum. « '500 js aie. pir Nour ose sments received ror igations without HNoadveriisome emt hetaien in 0a e ugly, Noa oaihtovein niente ho others he yearoshslfeycar, 'Fheseterms willinailcases, "be strietiyal DEPARTME NT. bia alia EO 2 Idna Bills, | Posters, me Bill ' Rocei Checks, Bonks, El Reel ts, ee, of & Plegude color, ex freee promptly and at lower oy v any ' at Witabiisment dn this; County / og lim ga a indie geting handiins. ke. printed and have them done t81ake home withthem, 3. BARD. 'H. PARSONS, lbs -- » Profesional, Carus. "8 ie. Brathwaite, #1 PRINCE, ALBERT, Physician, Surgeon, and Acecouchenr. "UDR. WARE, ORONER for tha County ef Ontario, Rainn, Surgeon and Aecoucheur, Prince Albert Tre Se ---------------- GC. E. MARTIN, M, D., . : PORT "PERRY. FR JONES, M.D., "CORONER FOR THE GOUNTY. OF ONTARIO; | PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &C. CAH Som FRICR wn Resulence-- over Allison - & Pawm'd Drug Store, Pont Perry. Drs. McGILL & RAE, " . b 1d eT i do Office an FRANCIS RAE. M. B. Wa. MGILL, M.D, SAMUEL H. COCHRANE, LL.D.. BARRISTER, County Crown _ Attorney, Solicitor in Ohancey, Notary Public, &c., |. ck street, Whit thy: 1 Ry Te; WILSON, : snatsTed, Attorney at Law, Solicitor n Chanery, &c. ise in the Victoria 8 ding Brooks, Whith Whit; @ LYMAN Ta L.L.B, LICITOR in Chancery, Attorney, onveyaneer, &c,, Oshawa. Office~Simcoe treet, opposite | the post office. '4. -@, YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Ghencery, "and Insolvency, Notary Pub uy holla 's Block, Brock Street, Whit- 7 ro ERON & MACDONELL, RISTERS and Attorneys at Law, opeitgrsOounty Council Ontario, Offices: "4 0, CAMERON. 1. J. MACDONELL. he AMES LAMON, i ¥ at Law, Solicl tor in Chipesty, 3 owas rasan Hou el, Ma Mai of the Post Office ; and fico ii. Feeter's Block, oppo- 2. WOE, B. A. J ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Coo- 3 reyuncer aid tin, Solon ry as, ormey at La, Softeitor ancer, os erin The Royal larnden, .8,, Mechs iieal Det 1D ntist, POR TPE rR RY. " pn Th ig TOD. WALID SargeonDentist,Cur. Main&Brock &t.,U: ALD Dental: opera~ performed with they utmos! Sill and care, warranted to givesatisfaction or ng Sharer and and at prices mpeti tion, Also dealer i in a Sinden ied] Je Jewelry, Fancy Rererexc! pre iy Bo Port Tope ; Rev. J 3 28 Byrne, Whitby; Jos. Gould, Esq., Ux- Pia 3, Dec. 17, 1868. a -- C. N, VARS RACTICAL Dentist, Qahava, Ont.-- Dental Rooms directly site the post le entranco i3iwiios treat, ; door north of the Ontario Bank me deny Ensurance, THE ON TARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company ne -- ny ¥ nowh now fully organised id is 10 accept risks on Farm Buildings 2nd the nents Sountry School Nr and Tiarches. ~ Those wishing to insure and thereby support a. Home Insurance Company have now an Sppothinity of doing so either by applying to the Head Otfee, 0 or » any of the Yea) 2 x nts of the Comtiany. O rate be fou: low as those of any rosponsibieiutus] Insurance Company in Ca n Head Office--The old Re, fH - ings Dreek Bil by. gry =O Build L. FAIRBANKS, Jr), © So-1y 27-1y TORONTO, C. INCORPORATED .......ccopuuese 'W. 1831. $400,000 ON. JOHN McMURRICH Rs Mack h Capital] =- = President. Vice-Pro; Major. & Willcox, © © * "LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Valuators, Land Agents, Commission Merchants, &c. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED PROMPTLY. Money to Loan at 8 per cent. E. MAJOR, W. M. WILLCOX, BorELIA. Prince ALBERT. Sept. 22, 1870. 39 Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e., &c., Fa the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thora Mars, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon. 3 Particg entrusting their Sales to me may relyupon the utmost attention being given to their interests, s \WM. GORDON, Sunderland P.O, Brock, Attention! The undersigned;would toppacifully call the Attention of those" wishing the servicesof an Auctioneer, that he is prepared to attend sales on the shortest notice anywhere in the County of Ontario. Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept constantly on hand. He is sole Agent for the best and cl fay) Sewing Machine in the Dominion--pat- June, 1871. The Patent Letter A Family Sent ng Machine is acknowledged by Tailors, Milliners, and all who know the properties of Sewing Machines who have had the pleasure of ey it_to be' the best and cheapest in the Domition, Ladies make sure work, and Lx gf Shase the Patent Letter A, and Jou ' will best machine for $20. All Machines; wa Orders attended to on the shortest notice, J. C. PILKEY, : : SpLE AGEN - Epsom, Sept. 7, 1871. y - THOS. H. WALSHE. _ . TICENSED Auctioneer for the Town- ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in Jonidotarie Mariposa, eic., in the Connty of He denocChaniditon, Bro rock. Or-, 2 AW aa PER Lar Marriage consis ! Issued by Authority. " = nomen 0 MAJOR Jan'y 1st, 1870 Seen pn i WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y compy | Gs Royal Canadian Stel, PORT PERRY. a seriber having leased the above Hotel ed upina style in keeping with the rapidly incrensiny pu ness and prosperty of the Village and re d, and with di rect fe Terouss to thy ry and convenicace of the public. Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar, Comfortable Stables and attentixe Hostlers. Neither labor nor 2xpense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage. HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER B. PLANK, cn PROPRIETOR Hime purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors: and cigars. Every attention paid to guests.-- Stages to and from Whitby oll daily, © Cuter) ostlers always in attendance. Mackie's Motel, (LATE BRODIE'S,) WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE Wn, MACKIE, Proprietor. Jewett's Hotel, KENT ST REET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed aHtarial and an attentive .., coestler always in attendance, Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. FOE HOUSE DAFOE HOUS of amines UT TCA 00D. secommodations. e regpire rements of travelers snd guests. The Bl upplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars Goud stating, snaiile DAFOE, Proprietor. gureiler, v dy PARDD, Propriensr Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, JAS. CAMERON, Proprietor. Albion Hotel, WHITBY. A. MASON, . Careful attention ProprIETOA. This Hotel has undergone a thorough renova- tion and been fitted up with a view to the com- fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- Every attention will be paid to the table and bar, while obliging an Slsmive hostlers will bave charge of thet: Whitby, 20th Te Hieso. 25, 03 ! OHAS. THORN, VS, EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, Chica~ go, Hl. Gold Medalist for the best exam- nation on Horse Practice. Author ot a First Briss Essay on Shoeing. Graduated Sept. 18, 67. Dr. Thorn begs to announce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry. and is now pre- pared to treat all ;ases entrusted to his care in the most skillful and scientific manner. All or- ders left at the Medical Hall of Messrs. Allison & Pettet, will receive prompt attention. L3 The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly street, Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry, July 27, 1871. 30 HENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLICITOR. AND DRATGHTSHLN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government. Copy- rights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, and other Documents necessary to secure Pa- tents of Invention prepared oa receipt of the Model of the Invention. REFERENCES, Campbell, Postmaster General; W. C Smillie. Esq., President Brinish Bank Note Com any; Jeln Langton, Faq. Auditor forthe Dominion ; to Wode. Esa... Manager Ontario Bank ; Hon, John Cail mg. Minster ef Putlie Work, Province of Ontario. Ton. A. JOHN McDONALD, MARBLE DEALER NEWCASTLE, ONT. -- Marisa Tomb-Tables, Head-Stones reat variety, with every description of Work, suitable for Cemeteries, supplied a ation notice. Also Peterhead and Aberdeen 0 Parties will find it to their ad iy Ty withhold their orders until called on J.o. WILLIAMSON, a atuogion guaranteed, and ih war January 10, 1872. 3-r dersiettaty his his will be| punciualy itended. | To Important Discovery. i nngier- beri ths, Sort Oa? WERAT TUMOUR AND THICK NECK "REMEDY. ANDERSON. Bi t .be eg dom AEE Ind 1a inj tiene y hehe Itis Neural es A, (eur. ons ta THiS i o cerfy that Thad o Tumeur on the BY WILLIAM D. & DET x |New Wtoh and Jewellery Establish. G. GODDEN. RACTICAL WATOHMAKER BE Jately Snplogsa by McCaw an me cre and Jovely acl: of | t on the, G. GODDEN, Pertbuniy, Wl jus, 0, os» "hemember all work warranted, and charges Allin's Book Store, opposite i otal . sido of my neclc neat ihe Juguin io of tw LA SARialy morta fg hens ekg wd ¢ ny neck wn few weeks by applyin Qrawing of blood: we' sh "WM. D, ANDERSON. Perry. P. March > 1872. : JOHN: CHRISTIE, WSL CLERK for Reach, amiss ag £ pain or gument was useless ; she per bottle, in most cases one bottle will |' ee a complete cure' In ap io the money must Ssoompny: the Flos | P cried Me. Tios "At the village of Boreia (wow 2. ry Port Grey entered bis park 4 e386 Ly Bench. kc" a8 a a THE C0 conrRNTED WIFE, Oor eoitage is amall-- . The roms are but few-- The farniwre simple, And plain, itis true. Yet it hah pleased the Father Our labors 10 bless-- For though others have ndne, o We could do with Hoel leds. The good man has gone, : But has left me his love, And hes mime in return, ~ " Wheresoe'er he may rove. Our children, so healthy, Are children that heed= And they ape not their elders: Jn word or in Jeed,, My home is the bast place Lever conttt find For whenever 1 gait it My beart stays bebiad ; . And I'm never content . (For I've ted it in vain) * Till with my own darlings © "1 *° ¢ Pmyeafebome again. rs t , Some, ron afier fashion, And folly and dress ; 'But although 1 seem foolish, ® I e'¢n' mud confess + + ~ That my love of my household s much more tome, Than the robes of a queed® Or a princess could udder of You call me old-| fashioned, Aud simple, and slow ; But if love is old-fashioned, Tis ttue, thet | Kiow, And | mean 10 go ba Ln the olddashioned way, With my home castle, , Whatever yop say. ree AoC ri .' Loved' tw' Death, y ¢ Charles, will you nda me dew favor?' It wae Irene Grey who thos addseesed her only brother, a 'fine, manly-looking young man, whose dress aod garriage told his position to be that of a gentleman in the common acceplion of the fern. 1t was the day-before NeW Year holi- day of 1870. kpow it is ever a Joy to me to dg ycur pl p when I cano. Whatis it now ? Do you wish me as an escort 10 the thea. tre or a ball ¥ * No, dear brother, it is this. Do not make any New Year's calls, to-mor- row.' ¢ Heavens, Irene ! you astonish me. What possible harm is there in the dear old custom of visiting one's lady friends and wishing them a Happy New Year ? ¢ Charles, do you remember in what condition you came, or ratber bow you were brought home last New Year's Day, and the long, terrivle sickness which fol- lowed ? ¢ No, sister ; nor the tender care which most likely saved my life, for you were the watcher by my side. But sweet one, | signed the pledge at your request as soon as I got well. I have kept it ever since, and [ feel as you feel that my character and my very life depends on wy total absti from alcoholic dripk.' ¢ Yes, Charles, you signed, and so far with God's help, have kept ihe pledge.--- temptation. ~~ Wihe and 'bot punches will isgrece many a table where you would visit ; fair lips will tempt you to taste, "and----"' ¢ Stop one mament, dear Rene--do you think any lady will ask me to break my pledged word 7° ¢ Chatles--you will find even as I have found, smong our acquaintances, those who will laugh at what they oi] the folly of b «the fanati You will be be pressed la Lip i glass here, or ¢ one, there, 'and then--alas, you know- a8 well ps 1, that appetite excited by a single drop will become the tyrant, and you are dost I! "+ Nonsense, darling sister | 'Tam rat) { will wake my usual "calls, ail that 1am pod will bean « Charles] tremblo for tet ovis a . Tmionde. sister--of al] pees. glect, (hat's the one. I dont magi | of old Tinshep; for he is aw ever but love, Flora pd gl phe | lovg "are a3 good as eogagec oot to call on her, it would see 1 insult. ere om no more. She aw ag ar- Wl bot pra to) her H i bi9 of her | "¢ Ab; bere comes a poh vitor; whép 'Chins, | Te New, Tory Day. ¢ Mr. Grey, 1. in ghd. 10 nly Father fo sa 5 dn 13.80 | 5g you' " Charles; you are very wildone? was ha uy tender greetiog of Flora, ss vol LE RE 4 Ham, LI re : a" a spoony. " Yes, dear sister, if in my power. You But to-morrow will be a day of terrible |o ] daughter sfoad upon the door steps, when were 1 ihe pastor. J bin extended band in both of PRINCE ALBERT, ONT, A THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1872. hotels 1 mo lovely as now. are !' ble. He came to \hem a moment aiter, with a'silver salver in bis hand. visible. bright as this! cried Mr. Tinshop, as Flora took up one glags-and be poother. ¢ Hardly, can we, expect a hundred, but I will say many,' sid Flora mith a smile. . ¢ Why, Charlie, what is the matter. You do not touch your glass,' said Mr Tinstiop. * You are not sick ? _ + No, Sir bat I signed the pledge about eleven monthd 3g 'nad have kept it ever since." ' «* Psbaw, 1.did not dream that you were I thought you to bea young maa of spirit and of manly indepen. dence. "As such I have rejuiced to cee an apparent a'tachment' spring up between you and Flora. But if you are one who «can sigh away yoor own rights aod privi- '| leges, and jin a fanatical crusade against the luxuries of life, 1 bape you will forget each. other as soon as you can.' This was spoken in a tooe snd . with an expression which brought from Flora a fearful look and a word of r ¢ On, papa, do not ask me to forget him; he loves me.' ¢ Not enough even to drink your health on & day like this, whet all the world is rejoicing? ¢ Yes, yos he does," and now Flors, with a look of unspeakable tenderness, whisper- ¢ Deat Charlie, humor him. He is eo sot. Just one glass for my love. You know that you are more than life to me.' yoo," and the young man, gazing int her eyes, no lounger hesitated. health, he wished hor happiness. *¢ Ah, thut is courage,' cried Mr. Tinshop ¢ 1 thought your manhood had not petished. Now you suit me. I can't endure those milk-sops who call themselves temperance men, Take arother glass, Charlie, and the color will come to your cheeke and the fire to your eye. Fill our glasses once more, Floe, while we are in the et, ¢ Oh, Charlie~ how kind it was in yo! he said, as with his second glass empyet, unch. hands fn) Yaselvings viftors. . . ' Porn what hi become of Charlie Grey ? lle has noybeen here since New Year's morning, ghd he promised 1o come back that same gvening.' It was Flory Tinshop who asked this question, ang/ it was ihe second week in January wheh she asked it. « | heardfo-day that he was very bic tle dangero y i'l 12 said her father ung eo did not know iow deeply he g! she ed. «Danger: nd [ not near him. Oh, father, dear r, take meto hia house instantly. 1 ofall die--1 shall die, 100, if he dies!" Raving wildly, Flora botried to dress for the street, 'and taking no denial, she forced her lather to escort her to "he i I of widow @rey. Trembling {rom head to oh datos and they fung the bell 'at (Hat fiokse, for the hand thet ring the bell tegched the erape which denoted Jeath within, The door wae opened by. Irene Grey.-- Her face was white wilh grief \ill she saw who was there, then a flush came upon, it © She did not speak, but abe opened the door for them io.enter, and she pointed to They went in, (ather and daushter, and the aext instant, with & wild, soul-batrow- ing shriek, Flora bent. over: the. coffin which held all that was pi Charles 00 day blots bo bad died in dain tremens. Le «Yeu --10 hig death I" enid his sister stern: ¢'Dear Flora, | came to wish you a happy New year, and 1 pever saw you look so Oh, how beautiful you This was in a low tone, for Mr. Tin- shop was at that moment oy at the ta- On it bree glasses of. 1parkling wine stood but too ¢ Here is fo a bun/red New Year's ws ¢ Your love, Flora? Oh I would die for | He raised the glass, he pledged her |: Shriek after shriek Soke from the lips A of Flora, as the full conviction came 10 het heart, snd she oried out in the agony uf her soul ¢ ¢ He loved me ! He loved me I'. pp i ep en now brotherless, through you, curse to hers. lone from that yoom. from the coffin of the loved and loss ~~ ° She now raves in an asylum forthe in. sane, snd her cries are curses, cubes, all the time upon the fell spirit of RUM. ttl IRPPRRSONS : TEN. RULES. Jeflerson's ten wissare #994 yet. They are eo short and conscisg, and empedy © much, of. value, that it would be sell if taey were clipped out and put where we could sep thom eflen, They read as followe; 1. Nevet put off till to-motraw what you can do to-day. "2. Never {rouble acdihier for what you can do youreelf, 8. Never spend yout'money before you have it} 4. Never buy what youdo not want becanee i is cheop. | 5. Pride costs oro than hugger, thirst and cold, 6. We seldom repent of bavigg eaten too little. 7. Nothing is troublessme thal we do willingly. 24 8. How much pain the evils have cost ue that have never happened. 9. Take things always by the smooth handle. 10 When angry, count ten before y. speak ; if very angry, count a hundred. A mental morsel--a bit of one's mi. ------------ i --e ee. When you hear a mah say, ¢ Lifyis but a ---------- What part of speech is &ielog? A con- juetion. : ee et. The last cup of a folic 1s generaily the hic-cup. « When is a w scaled, like a fish 7 When it is When are/foldiers like babies? Whep they are jrarms.' What wthat which is full. of holes and yet hole water? A sponge. en does an [rishman resemble a then §. Why, when he's kilt en- tiply. A goose has many quills, but an author can make a goose of himself with enly one quill. a yA Next to busy bees, boot-blacks furnish the brightest example of improving the "" shining hour." | What is the difference between a brewer and a flea? Oue buyetops and the other takes hops. How noiselessly the snow cemes down ! You may. see it, feel il, but never hear it. Such is true charity. | The Grand Duke, when helped to some turkey, said :--¢ Ab, bless me, yes, that's the dish my father is always hankering alter.' 0 A celebrated clergyman: recently eaid that he found more geod in bad people and more bad in good people than he ever ex- pected. To be firm ie to main:sin what 18 good ; 10 be stubborn ie to perpetuste en error which might heva been only an error of a passing momant. Why are washerwomen the greatest navigators in the world? Because they are always crossing the line and ranning-from polelo pole. ; eit The thoughts which we harbor within us, and which go out through the doors of our mouths and our hands, determine our real characters. hi ' Papa, anid a bright-baired boy, ¢ how could the military "fly" from the field of battle, when they bad only one plume apiece, and both wing' of the army were thrown into great disotdas Sy peposbow could they fly? i! A quarrelsome pe) 'were distoering the subject of epitaphe and tombstones, and the husband said, ¢ My dear, what kind of when 1 die ?' . « Brimslone, my dave' was {the aflectionate 1oply. . aid in a low eolemn tones +4 Maderer 1 behold your victim! You Vilar Mira Yun' Bip Pledge, and share % wg gloy @ relargy Lanai 4 aires 1ry ines say 40 svother, ¢ That St. liea! i widow's curee'ls on your: howikl His mother is on her death-bud, hesit- broken! Fam soon to be an erphen, and William Tinchop eould not take hia child She wad & raving foaniao, and it took strong mew to 'tear her a stone do yon 'snppose they .will give me ! A good story in told of 8 St. 'Louis nobby. dry goods clerk who attended dance 'in | the viral districta a lew evenings 'since. | He wor a Chevolt Shitt, and 'put ou a) fest the extent of their usefuluess. reat many aire. He was somewhat taken fy. + Fhen.durning to Mr. Tunsbop, she oo Sowever, whan he ovetherd,a cova: {WHOLE NO. 746 BEECHER ON SWEARING, Mr. Beecher recently made some re- marks upon judicial oaths and profanitys There is a great difference between them, said he, although both aro appeals for as- sistance on high. He did not believe that un oath taken in a court of justice added anything ig the sanctity of the statements made. In fact, it bas become a (arce.~ A man of conscience will tell the truth under all circumstances, while the ma devoid of coneience and -accustomed 40 lying will not ¢ome nearer the truth®hep placed under oath, 1t'ig disgraceful; degrading, aw igooblé to eallupon God ugon every ily occas ston, and use His name "ay me would: a foot-ball. Who that hag ay spirit would permit another to cast vil. epithets upon his mother, wife, sister, .f anyone that is dear to lim! Yet (he great God to whom we.awe everyhing, whom we should love better thao o!'¢Ise, is celled upon to damn others and.cad asisinnce to all that is vile and crud." He wayhorty to say that women swore --womey of culure and eminent society, woneythat he kaew--and that there is a tendgfcy in that direction. (le spoke of larming prevalency of the vice, aud webdered that: woman, with whose name that is pure and good 1s associated, ould become oa degraded and.eso loathe some ; that a mother addicted to profanity would dare to-look upon her .ionocent children, Among she children the evil was widely spreading but he hoped he was mis- teken in its extent. There are gien standing bigh-in society, good to their families, and looked upon with great favor by their fellow men, who are guilty of the vice. They see no barm in jt, They do not mean anything by it ; it ismere thoughtlessnesss Ab, but that won't do. There is a sacred reverence which they owe to their Creator which thust not be disregarded. Like stealingg which becomes such a babit with scme they really do not koow when they do steal, so does profane swearing become habitual. Young men will enter into the society of the refined and cultivated, ond pollute the atmosphere around them with vile oaths, and when forced to leave by the police and others, and remonstrated with for their disgraceful conduct, say, "Did I doso and so ? Really it was pure thoughtlessness.' Some will tell you that it is not the bad and evil disposed whojare proface swearers. There is a general, a fine, brave man, the very soul of honor--whose oaths fly as fast as the cannon shots in battle, and there is an admiral, who is likewise a good man, but who indulges in profanity. Is there any excuse for such men? [le claimed that a person had no more right' to take the name of the Lord in vain than he lad to insult him or his family, and closed by caliing upon the young mea of the congre- gation to take one more oath, and let that be to never again use profane language. rr -- A ---- ARE ONIONS HEATHFUL, * A physician has forwarded the fa!low. ing to the New York Farmers' Club : On shipboard at New Orleans in the year 1849, in charge of oie bundred marines with cholera among them, I ob- served that those who ate freely of onions, supposing them to be healthy, were at. tacked certaicly and fatally ; onions and salt cured the bite of a ratilesneke on my sop, and are considered pacific in all ke bites. 1 have found four separate witnesses of phevomina connected wilh small-pox and fever, 1. Onipps in rooms with ens.ll-pox rot rapidly, 2. Blisters rise in them. 3. They retain end comn noicate the virus many weeks alter the epidemic bas subsided. a 4, Applied to the feet of fever patients how | they ropidly turn black, 5. They prevent the spread of oy pox in *shickly populated tevewmenta by absorbing the virus. : 6. A nren with dydrophobia, in his frenzy ate voraciously of onions, and recovered. From all these facts may be deduce 1, That onions shculd not be eaten when there is a prevailing epidemic. 2. That onicns- sliced: apd frequently changed are good disinfeetast:. 8. That experiments should be made to For many years | have opposed vaccinations. as ordinarily done, and hence, hiil with satisfactian any meaps. of . igh he | Che slings ea a. heap of style foi a feller en ame Wivink. shi viru of by distemper sa

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