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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 May 1872, p. 2

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Good 'Bargains . t omtelest 1 GORDONE, Manchester. PUBLIC are retpectTully informed that -the Bubacriber has lately receiv gd h large srock of he Jassie est siglens ot Spring irs in 'want of "will please cit ili to the Wide, 25 ceny Red ttention ig re- fast-coloréd York-Shilling Prints; Flanyel a heautiful lot of Dress Goods ; & Targe lot of Black and Colored Bien, Tery- cheap ; sols in immense variety, fro! "cents 10.53 enchi ; a fine lot of i Shawls, latest fashions ; a very large lot of Tad les' Chis ons, Brades and Switches, newest dics' Hats and 'Bonnets, also Misces' 'and Sider Hats in great variety, trimmed and untrimmed, styles very handsome and writes low ;-a large stock of Ladics' Prunella fos from: $1 per 'pair, also Children's and Summer Boots in great pel % loa 5 of Gentlemen is particularly requested 10 the large stock of T' sand CG, hp Nitable for fine- summer Suifs, which ca le up to order at short notice in the ont _fashivnable ring ines, 2 The vies at reasonable rates. Ready-made ' hing in raat, va pari Also a Inrge lot of ts' and Boys' 300 5, Hats and Gloves. nding By will please. call early. ADAM GORDON. ster, April 18,1872. 9 |of $30,000,000. mond ih a square mile-- gives only ,560,000 acres, sv thet even this won't give the quantity required by 15,440,000 acter, so that thee will have to be sought somewhere else, il they can be got, sud the couniry is willing 10 give them. Besides all this fabulous amount of laud the Govern: ment also proposes to give a money grant. It these grants do' not sweat the Dominion as a firet instalment & few more sqarezes will bring the perspira- tion," -Only think of the magnitude of the graut ; here is land enough to give tem hundred thousand men 50 acres each and $30 cash to each, and this is only the first i t @ proposition is inly a gushing one and savors a good deal ors of generosity than either wisdom or justice. If British Columbia' can only be grappled with ench hooks better let her drift. Mr je "opposed. the propdsed conditions of the bill in a long and teljing speech; after which the bill was read a first ime. The Civil Service Promotion resolution got an, » fiiany honorable membars regard; thesd overworked souls as badly paid, Pu general leaping towards an ine Sone tien wa¢ obvious. The op for or A bd reading and was amy oppos ing a. measure fraught "wil dang lie publip, and playing into the handsof, the, Finance Minister, as it would Domikion Note issue bill was brouighk. Siue, ov TO BE HANGRD. For tha past two week the world has stood with hair on end contemplating the fearful | spectucle of 13--only think of it I=a full baker's dozen 6f malefactors taken at oue haul; thifteedaring Typos who had the daring eftrontety. to demand sufficient from their daily toil to allow them a ing time,and when their mightinesses --thess master printers forsooth--refused 10, comply, these 13 terrible conapirators adied insult to 1njury by carrying the in- surrection to the dreadful length of peace- ably giving up their work. What an ovl- rage! How dare they! Why don't the pr rise and annihilate the malef sid not trouble His Magnificence of Police Court notoriety or hold the country in sus pense witnessing their hanging or crucis fixion. Why! old Pontius Pilate had ae 'mueh as ha could dv to manage two male- factors and what herenlean efforts will it require 10 manage 13. nificence cn 18th ult, on the hideous Ehaige of being workmen and laborers in the att of printers, and not being content to work and labor in that occupation by the qeual number of hours, did couspire, com- s.eonfedsrate and agree together. by d subtle. means and devices &o., &o, This ia the ternbly learned way --accord- ing to legal patlance-- of stating that the parties had been guilty of the grave offence of peaceably leaving their work. The 13 were brought up before His Mag- |. enable 1 n vanly to' increase the circulation oor Wie Begs u Ca el , flores disproportionel fo the ne Seed gold r4 "The pill however was ead ® fo ime. - 1 * sire to build the road themselves but to +4 i within te years after" the" - ment. § | "lin a a ! 2,700: ~only 108,000 Fqoare miles, and friend DOMINION PAR\IARENT. ot The business of the 20 commenced with (he Manitoba disputed Yhetions, but in the alisence of Lyach one of the di:-- putants fhe discussion was'postpored, From what felt from Sir Francis jt is plain that the Government means 10 stick 10 the abominsbly absurd tax upon neve popers in way of postage. 'This is one af Av' thy is fie' last session of thistpses | liamdat adhe! time is drawing on_avhen members will again have to face the music before their constifuents,.it, is amusipg. see many who have done little else than drawp their pays for the: past five years, who never troubled their beads with an idea or the house with the sweét sound of their voices, now 'making frantie effort t¥ break that long and expensive silence' 'by baving their names placed on the pape | for: notices of motiens on every imaginable thing, or it may be an address: to (lis: Excellency for some trivial - affair such as bow mary buttons are on kis vest, or which boot he pulls on first ia the morn- the most »disgraceiul taxes which coul well be imposed snd 'a government must be pretty bard run 10 raise the wind when it condescends to pick a few. cents out of the porket of each country subscriber to a newspaper (citizens get theirs free of postage).--The idea of a government boasting. of an 2nuual surplus while a por~ tion of it is made up of the coppers picked from the pockets of newspaper readers is by no means comme it faut. ¥ Au important discussion tcok place on the most suitable guage for the Tntereol-- oninl Railway. Mr. Bodwell urged bis spreference for the ¢ feet 8% inch' guage. Mr. Langleven cpposed saying that it was now too late 10 propose a change, a' large por ion of the road is 'already buil and a considerable smount of the rolling stock put on all of which would require to be changrd if the narrower guage were adopted, asd this could not be efigetgd: without a large additional 'expenditure, Fu:ther he said the Maritime Provioces now had the broad guage and if the Tn- tercolonial was ofa different guage it would occasion the greatest inconvenience snd loss of lime. Messts. Shaoley, McKenzie, Workin, Magill, Howe and Bolton all followed strongly erguing in favor of the 4 teet" 8} inch guage. Messrs. Stccet and Walsh opposed. Messrs. McDougall and Blanchet pre- "ferred, the narrow 4 feet 84 tothe 5 feet Bin. Six o'clock Soni the hate toa close for the time, "The Bill to repeal ths naldeney law was tukn up after recess, and after con. sierable discussion and several Gnsuccess- ful atrempls at amendmerts on a vote of "7710 61 the second reading wis' carried. FRIDAY, 26th. Sir John gave notice of Iwo, important "bills he would bring in on Tuesday 30th ; * orfe on the "I'reaty of Washington the oth- «er on the: adjusiment of the representa- tion" in accordance with the'late. census, Sir George introduced the Canada Pa- cific Railway bill and made a few explau- ations showing that the Dotinion was bound by the terms of gnion.- "with British Culumbia to commence the_. work within two yearsfrom the time of union snd finish 'dommence And tlie work wes {8 "commence and go on similtan¥ously fronf-both ends of fhe road st the same time, That Biit- ish Columbia had agreed on her. parp to gir a grant of Jand extending from the track 10 miles back on each side i. e. a stripe of land 20 miles wide as far 0s the toad passes through British: Columbian territory, "The Governmest does not de~ subsidize a company ; but any company getting the contact mast - have a capital of at least $10,000,000: and $1,000,000 of whieh: j lodged usin hands of the Receiver General. . The. i which 'Government "wishes to give will be as follows; The . Government wantal to take 50,000,000 of! _ acres of land oo purpase to subsidize the parties who build the ond, the grants tv from ho line back 20° miles of 10 in' each Bide of thie Ines but: the o" from Luke | 4 10 700. miles. Bot a: stripy of niles' long men) 20 anes | road "tof the past yer 'was about: 86 a head, jog ? or some such important information vantédi © rat Ars * THE DOMINION OF CANADA, Tlisreports of the several Departments of ike Dymiion Government were receiv. ed ere the present session bad passed its second week. The reports are not only prompt "but full highly satisfactory and reflect much cre several departments. \ From them we learn that the extent of Dominion as it now exists is considerably over three and a half millions of square miles<Datario ¢on- tains over seventy seven milly --Québee dter two hundred si millions of acres--New Brunswic one fifth of Ontrrio-- Nova, 'Scotia\aver' hwo. thirds of New Branswicki ond Nani doba about one half of New Brunswil ; British Columbia 'contains about twice 1s, on the heads of the: 'When the doomed 13 entered the judge- ment Hall the profave multitude gave a 'hat bie breathed ipo he crowd and they wanished. : Prisoners' sonal begged his eguifi- cence: te allaw. the public to witness the flow of justice gushing from beneath the mejcy peal; but his magnif cece Was inexorable, his flat bad gone forth and the decreq must stand, the unwashed cannet eee his face to-day and live. After plend- ing in vain with his Magnificence just to allow ihe. public to sit under his feet and listen to the gracious words which might proceed out of his mouth, the counsel for the condemned allowed the lrisl to- proceed, and his Magnificence rubbed his bands in very. ecstacy, : °° The first witness was none of your false witnesses. He told at leset all he knew. He +| knew that there is a TypographicalUnion in Toroutr, for he had been 8 member of it and had ratied a few days ago; he had taken part in their meetings, agieed to strike, had turned out with the men, had taken the bounty and then deserted. He knew that the ¢ Master.Priniers" had entered into a conepiracy ; (it union and conspiracy be synonymous terme) but his magnificence would not allow him to give their names. . The evidence given by the next witness was equally important and quite as demn- alory as that of his brother * rat," or what- ever they call him. He too proved the unpardonable crime of Union against the condemned ; and when this witness was telling al' nat his Magnificence would al- low him, prisoners' Counsel prayed his Magnificence 10 be pleased 10 commit lo writing eome of) the more exquisitely fice points in his decisions so that posteriny may see and fear, and that the world may koow ibat a third Dante! (Shakspeare had a second) has come lo -jodgment ; but even in this his Magnifi- cence was inexorable and rather than much, as Quterio, while the North' wes,| Téivilory ¢ontainy mere than twedty ties as much as Ontario These taken together form a fiald large enough lor an room for the present inbabitaats snd mil- lions more. The imports of the Tost year were about 830 a head for every man. womans and child in the Dominion, while the exports were about $24 a head. The Revenue while the expenditure was about 85 & head. The debt ofthe Dominion amounts fo 828.210. 000, or fully $22 a head, 'While the anoual interest. of the debt will amount to $1.25 per bead. This would be all very well buta very lrge addition will doubtless be mada 10 the debt ere another year passep-ogec.vs. But to attempt' to assert that she Dominion is not in a highly prosperous ¢ conflition with bopes as bright, and prospecte an: fair as ever nation set out with; would | bs an evidence of the basest [ing idk sud a contemptible disregard 1 MORE JoxvaEA. way. This speaks well for the liberality | People less liberal say " Tet us pay 'the ract the new," but the : 1 to be staggered by trifles, % there is a debt upon their town of $144,600 made up. of . $67, 100, a previons railway grant ; $40,000 10 the muicipal Lon Fund, and $37,000 interest ou the spe, which together with thre 860,000 soy ranted will raise their indebtedness 20 i handsome figure of $204,600; bet ¥ heart never gained fuir lady, and they are noway afraid to tackle it all; excep it may be the musicip- al Loan Fund indebtedness. The tora. va { the ratable property of thie town y is $717,460, bence their totaVindcbtedness will be a httle over twenty-eight aid a hall per cent of their total uasessed valud.' 640- ks wns of spe ordinary spread, affoading abundance of Lindsay, Fenelon Fallsand Ottawa Rail | ™ et comply with their request he would deprive 'afufe geuerations of bis transcendent light aul allow thes to grope away in legal danness as they have done in the past. Tia evidence of a peeler wound up the fare md the execution ol the 13 was de- ferred 11] the 61h inet. Ore = ------. APPOINTMENT. J. K. Goran, Eeq., brother of onr re- spected Reeva has been, for the present at lesst--appointel to fill the office of County Atlorney, vacalenby the lamented death of the decessed S. H.Cochrane, Esq. ee eet EvigpK, These everlasting Ahbara claims seem more than sufficient to keep all Britain astir § whatever else may he thought of ces- tainly there is hitle else talked of ; they assume an entirely uew phrue every day,' and vary in temperature from the fighting heat to the coolness and sveetness of peace at 'sny price, two or fies limes every week, ! matoRe'¥' wiLoESTGRAKDEVY, Vesuvius that bistoriéally famons Nalin! Volcano, the Tabled faétory of Jupher's thunderbolts, presided over by 'Vuhan with bis one-eyed Cyclops as workmes, Th of the town of Lind= hus sgein been displaying 'some of her say have giving their notes displays, mocking alike 860 ennstruction of, the [ag [and power of man. a ett eee . LAGGARD » JUSTICE. . "ft would r.0t be surprising alier all if Sir Roger Tichborbe, the claimant of the Tish: borne Estete, should succeed in establisn~ ing hie claing in spite of all-the efforts of the Judge and Aut.-Gemeral to prevent him. The public, being dissatisfied with the way in 'which the case was cooked, are: sub- sonbing largely of their meuns to gnable tlie élsimant 10 press his. 'claim. . One of two things is, to our mind, absolutely. qor- tain ; if the claimant be not Sir Roger chances are | however that he is the genuine Sir Roger. * and -emplnyees are the order of the day. Thoussude of men are being thrown oul of employment ; the employers are seeking lo starve them into submission ; but the works men sreappealing 10 the public for agaist ance in their contest with money bags. The improvement of the condition ot the work. men is both the duly. Iatid, interest of thy. ang] general pablie, and it becomds thera 1a lend a hand to help a brother rofting hard ahguv which so displeased his magnificence' Tichborna hie is the very old detil; the] In Germany combinations of emplagets |; Albert, on Tuesday, 30th ult, arriv ing u are justly regarded as of the utmost im portance, and why should they not 7 Cai ly ded to no i results than investing 1n superior stock. bh 4 and best, and, g the province. exhibition we felt pleased and gratified 10 find this section of coentry eo rapidly hastening to the foremost station in the' front rank of agricultural communities in everything which pertains 10 liue progress and evinces intellijence, enterprise and industry. - hibition, 'ertive horses and others, the entered. «+ Amongst so many splendid animals valuable animale. Oxford" are not quite 3 years. sally admired. General Puiposa Horses. * The ¢¢ Prince Wales," ¢ Brown Beaver," and ¢ Mos " ligown Beaver" is a perfect picture of horse and was a universal favorite. In the Saddle and Carringe Class the: in fact as would be hard to beat anywher lence of the horee and his superiority as stock getter. also shown in this class. Provincial Show of 1871. in improving our horses. of superior make and action. McGregos's ¢ Young Bay Wallace," is choice animal. limited. 3 CATTLE. the show, MENTS. This largely r bers. two ol Ang Carriage w ited repata) one of the land workmanship® Paxton, Tate & Gang Plow, barrows and a scuffler. "He ery and a Cayuga Chief Mower, Saloni he iow #1 ynsny doy sgpiies Har the beat pbiype=thy Jolmaun'ne 8 Quite a number of valuable horses had in the village on the previous even. created no small stir amongst the admirers of choice horses ; a great deal of interest was manifested in discussiog the' superior points of these beautiful animals. In all agricultural countries these shows there be-anything more closely connected with the prosperity of sn Agricultural community than superior stock; if proper. got the farming: community will briog in 'equally good returns, or produce more satisfactory 'The morning of the Show was most charming, one of April's most pleasant ally busy season, large numbers turned out to witness this perhaps the most inter- esting show of' Horses and Catile ever beld in ths county; a show 'creditable slike fo th§ liberality and "enterprise of the intelligent farmers of this part of the In making an' inspection, before the rush commenodd, of the material brought on_for Amongst the horses brought in for ex- were in all some 48, 5 of which were not were nlmost invideous to altempt to make disticctions, in fact, when they came to be showu they puzzled the judges considerably, still itis with great reluctance that one can; paes over in silence so fine a lot of our most' In thé Draught Class it but rarely hap- pens that do many choice horses meet at" show. There were three of them imported last year, all patticulatly tine animale and the admiring throng were very far fiom agreeing '&s 10 how .the three should be placed in point of excellence ; one of them + Robbie Burns" is 4 years old, the othe: | two, ¢ Young Lord Clyde" and * Young 'Fney stand about 17 hands high, and weigh abou 1,900 poands each. They weie wpiver- There were some beauties amongst the tiooper"™ are fine animals; Beonet's were some particularly fine animals ; such Mujor's " Green Mountain Morgap® be- comes jiore admired the longer he is known and an his stock increases they only prove additional living witnesses of the oxcel- Good's ¢ Black Hawk Marsenger" wan He is a peifoot animal and was admired by all who saw him. He carried off the 1st prize at the He will doubt- less prove a valuable animal to the country Leask's ¢ Young Netherby" is a hand- some general purpose horse, in his 3rd year, Here, however we must leave the horses, time and space aro both Amongst the cattle we found over twen. ty of the very choice description of catile, principally thorough bred animals. When one considers that until. very recently it was not worth while making a clas for thorongh breds. in lact there were none of them to showjnow however through the liberality and enterprise of a few of our faraers the Durhame wers in-the major- ity and formed au interesting feature of was by no means § but if posible the excellence of the ariicles shownvwculd, bare compensated for their lack of sum=- riasges shown by' Mr, Em- were worthy the well mer. 'of bis establisbment 'as wod most reliable carrisge) Works 1 the Proviace, both as to style [of get up aad excellence of the . material Ch. showsd 4 "espita Mr. White showed 'several sets of iron 'no diffi- up Joti anil the Cayuga Chief 're- teaper, and the Cayuga ss a 'mower -- now in which these valuable machines are held by the larming 'community j in fact those who kno# anything of them will use no other. Their new combined Reaper and Mower is a beauty of a machine and possesses many points of superiority which cannot fail in securing for it a preference over all other combined machines now in use.-- The entire absence of all unnecessary complications in the machinery, and the almost impossibility of its getting ont of order, the superior arrangement for the dis- tribution of the weight and application of the power, cannot fail in proving highly d 8 The t for con- trolling the rakes is a happy idea. The crowds of farmers who inspected it sppear- ed satisfied ol ite jority as a machine. Between explainiog the merits of tbe several ines and taking orcers for ma- chines, Dominion plows and other Agri- cultural implements Mr. Urquhart bad his hands pretty well filled. The farmers in this entire section of country sre fast coming to know that every description of ine and other agricultural implements and all sort of repairs of the best quality are furnished by Mr. Urqubart. Paxton, Tate & Co. showed a eombin- ed Resper and Mower which attracted mugh attention and was well spoken of. he awa Agricultural works revolving rakes, &c., we bad a considera-- ble variety. ° PRIZE LIST. Draught Stallioneg 1 entry ; 1st James Powell's Rabbie Burne. 3 year old Draught Stallions, 2 entries ; 1st John Bentley's Young Oxford ; 20d, Jae Bryan's Young Lord Clyde. |__Span- Draught. Horses, 3 fiirion J. 1a, Thos. Coates ; 20d, Jas. MoMillan, Dravght Brood Mares, 4 entries ; lst, R. Franklin ; 20d, Thos Lamb. G=neral Purpose. Stallions, 4 entries ; 1st R. A. Carrother's Prince of Wales; 2nd, Ransom Rennett's Brown Beaver; 31d, C Lynde's Glenelg. 3 yehr old General Purpose Stallions, 2 entiies ; 1st. A. Leask's Young Netherby ; 20d, Wn. MotGregor's Young Buy Wallace "Span General Purpose Horses, 3 entries ; 1st, Win. O'Bryant 5 20d, T. Coates. General Purpose Brood Mare, 6 gations 1a, R. Stretton; 2ud, John Martin, 3rd, Jae Jackson. Saddle or Carrisge Stallions, 4 entijen ; 1st, E. Major'a Green Mountain Morgan ; 2ud, J. Good's Black Hawk Messenger' 8rd, J. Hooker's Charles Kimball. Saddle or Carriage Brood Mare, 3 entries! 1s, J. Good ; 2ud, J. Holman ; 3rd, Robt' Boynton Saddle Horse, 2 eniries ; 1, Wm. Willcox. Single Driving [lorse, 4 entries ; 1st, Wm. Willcox ; 2nd, D. Meltuy 5 y 3rd, G. Carruthers. of o- ie CATTLE. Durham Bull, 2 entries ; 1st, C. Marsh; ® 120d, L Burnett. Jas. Jackson ; 20d, Jobin Gregg. Yearling Durham Bulls, 3 entries ; 1st, Jas. Graham ; 2ud, Jobn Stonehouse. Durham Milch Cow, 1st, Thos. Coates. Grade Bull, 1st, T. Coates. 2 vear old Grade Bull, 3 entries; 1st, A. Thompscn ; 2nd, R. Dobson. Yearling Grade Bull, 2 entries ; In F. Ward ; 20d Jos. Brown. Grade Mileh' Cow, 2 entries ; 1st J Stonehouse ; 20d, F. Rain. Single Buggy, 2 entries ; 1st & 20d, J. maney. Gang Plow ; 1st, Paxton Tate & Co. Iron Harrows ; 1st, G. U. White. Cultivator ; 1st, G. U. White, Land Roller, 1st, J. & W. Heard. Grain Cradle and Barley Fork, 191, J. B. Lazier, on eacti. Judges on Draught Howes and Cattle-- Wm. Smith, Robt. Foster and Jos. Moftatt. On other horees and Implements--M. Currie, G. Roberts, and Wm. Hazzlewood. APRING SHOW, The Township of Cartwright Agricul. tural Society held their Spring Show Su Friday, 26th ult. The weather was charming and in every way favorable for a fist rate fair, but the unusually busy season had so many demands upon the' farmers' time that the number who attend. ed the show was very much less than it' otherwise would bave been, still there was a goodly number present sud all appeared to take a deep interest in 'the show and watched with satisfaction the :arrivals of the horses and cattle. The Porl PET penk orks Foundry bad one or two of the vi pos fous 'on- the Somer was reapers and several g ground, Bateman's 'shown and elicted the most favorable com. ments from all who saw it. The thorcugh adaptation of hie machioe as a cheap, expeditions and excellent seed sower is acknowledged by all who bave tried it 'or understand its working, After dinner preparations were made. for bringing out the horses, the President] Scotland last year from one of the best breeders in "Britain; and 'bis pedigree is unsurpassed by that of any borse in the a inion a ihr ts | Doutigin ; and though but rising three api a simi by 31 by |yesrshe is well devoloped,-s powerful; ge sum) He obuined the Ist prize, Mr. D. Carmichael, agent for the Osh- 1 Hay Rake the best implement of the kind What with Fanning Mills, turnip drills, 2 year old Durham Bull, 4 entrjes 3 dst, The. Gen. Purpose horses were pext called and 6 haddsoms korses were led out. Me. Axworthy's « Bay Active" is a fine animal and took the Ist prize, Mr. Byers' ** Wonderful Lad" took the 3nd. This is an_excellent animal--Mr. Jas. Williamson's Wa, Wallace" took the third. } There were two Carrisge Stallions shown. "Mr. McGee's * Young Napo- leon" took the 1st and Mr. Hurper's Young Coachman" took the 2nd. The Horses being disposed of the Caitle were called on. Our Cartwright friends have elill left iderable room far imp in their | siock cattle; and we are very much mie- taken if an investment in this direction would Lot prove the most profitable they could go into, in fact it is beybnd a doubt that such an investment would be the mos piofitable. ae well 10 the invester as to the eutiré communily. More money can be made by rawsing a proper class of eaitle than by any other thing which the farmer can turn hie attention to. The day has gone by when low priced stock animals are regarded the chespest, the lowest priced ones ate now very properly regarded as the desrest; and farmers now begin to d d the. mise y, the absulutd Tolty of ueitig inferior stock animals because the charge is less than for geod stock. Parties bringing good stock into a are public' benefactors and ought to meet with, that encouragement to which their enterprise eo justly entitles (hems. Mr. Wm. Holmes showed a Durham Ball which carried oft the firat prize. : PRIZE LIST. Bl. Henderson' ¢ Sit Rol ruce," 3cd prize Dr. Morris's .«"- Young Netherby." General. Purpose, G entries--1at John Axworthy's « Bay Active," 20d Jas. Byers' « Wonderful Lad," 3rd Jas. Williamson's "Wm. Wallace." - Saddle or Carriage, 1st Wm. McGee's " Young 'Napoleon," 2ud Jas. Harpet's «Young Coachman.' Durham Bulls, 16 Wm. Holmes, 2nd Moses Hambley. Yearling Durhams, 1st Wm. Philips. Grade Bulls, 6 eniries-- 1st RobtMcQuaid 2nd Thos. Graham, 3rd Issac Beacock. Yearling. Grades, 6 euttics--Int C Trick, 2nd Moses Hambley, 3rd J. Forder The Judges were Mesers. J. Smith, W. Welshe and T. Coates. Everything went off pleasantly snd well ; there was quife a rush of business done. The 'aitentive and abliging Joste sparsd no peipe in catering for the comfort of. their numerenh guests. The sgriculural dinner got yp. by Mr. Mason was a credit to the township, it 'would have done honor to sny House in the County. eee tl ltt. . UNITED STATES. Our neighbors have got their hands pretty well filledjost now, between hunting vp » new president 'aud fortifying their bogus Alabama consequential damages they have linle time to spars, and are not hkely to have for lhe next quarter." * * Judge Lynch sil! exercises an extended jnrisaiction in the criminal jurisprudence of that nation while perfidy, and fravd among public officers appear-to be more the rule than the exception, and neither Lynch nor Blackstone can reach the coipite.-- Witness the famous New York fravds and the open strangulation of justice in the cases of Tweed, Coanolly and the rest of the common robbers. THE SCIENTIFIC CANADIAN AND REAL ESTATE GAZETTE, We have tefore us the first mumber of another candidate for public favor bearing the above compound title. It is to be devoted to the interests of art, science, mechapicy' manufectures and Real Estete, and to be published on the first day of each month. In size it is a quarto of eight pages, well got upas 'to mechanical execution; whi'e the.matter has the right sort 'of ring in it, aid gives evident proof that the publisher undersiands bis business and mes 1 place before the public of Canada A amount of valuable infor. mation on a class of subjects of the highest importance to a very large portion of the community, though up ul this time the capital, monthly a hearty ral support. k fo his cop ends libe - The price is only $1 péf annum paid in Snd a dollar to Thos. D. Walkelee & Co., 48 King St., East Toronto, and be will send you a' eopy fora yer. : : advance. | Decaedy vemedy that buy ever been matism pds, sprains, swoolen or a , Stuees, gis dnd use always recommend it'to our friends. DIED. of Mr. Richard ovis A days. Dr. Morris's Young Netherby and Hs. io any part of the woild; the extensive and | Henderson' Sir Robert Bruce are also ; The Reach and Seogn Agriculttitdl] gil) increasing demand for these machined | fine Draught liorses, the latter taking: the (Joss#f Haut, MANUEACTURING, i | Society's Sprirg Show waa held at Printe | are 1he best of all proofs of the high steers | 50g and the former the -3rd prize. Town Lerrer Dou following challenge to the mancfacturete of Any wHEEL now made in Canada, whetber 'Draught Hories, 3 éntgiad-- 1st prize R. Bryan's_¢ Lord Clyde d_prize, Jai. {815Ch this BOs! We :be:|' "To the Public of Canada Canada ! OFFICE OF THE Qasnnawa, O57. Maren } g desirous of testing the merits of ihe 1 water- wheels ow offered tor sale their mical ues of anulsre of the Gunvias sLE TURBINE, muke the t be puTaTioNs of the Jamps LEvrzi, Dousre TURBINE, ER PATTERN, the wheels in all cases jy matu- factored by the Sompating. We will place in 'the hands of sponsible party six thousand dollars ( and the pets accepting the su hy , the mone y 1 be EE 1h { of the ju The wi to be tested in a flour mill, driving the of stone, grinding "he smd, having the same unmber of | ol 'opening to ! of water Juchars " Me a" amount n y eac! The Judges: 10 be dir of Can well informed in add, and i Siormad ia f-testing 1 ach party to ode judge snd the two to choose the t! The owners of the winning 'wheel | their money refunded 1 money 10 go towards. esta chanical free library in any | Coneda saat by 'the owner sveseselel wheel © The wheels 10. he. ontedord bd 3b and full gate. Each party to give aiod and. sufficient 8 mie bends, 10 the amount of $4, thei the loser shall pay.the entirg e: Jof the test. There ate some rbesle-that 4 ive very good results with full h | gatonge: which emifelf ate, So dhe wal by both cold and dJroutb, valve, are of no practies) We claim that we are the only makers of the Genuine Janes Leryn De Ton. sine Waker in Canads, and thet is w without @ RIVAL in the WORLD Hae Tea RESULTS. More than 6,000 of these w! in operation in Canada and he US States. The sales of no othe, wheel y yet introduced on this continent. nd] GaeaT BRITAIN, and has folly maintained the reputation 1t Las gained in Canada and the United States, as the most; economies) water- wheel in practical eperation over you introduced. We are now publishing a new deichipite water-wheel phamphlet, coutsining 150 pages of valuable maliers,. which will be sent [ree 103i applicants. "For further information address, F. W. GLEN, Oshawa, Ont. N. B.-- We desire to call attention to the following cernfioate s SeainerieLp, Ohio, Dec. 26, 1860. Wa take pleasnre in informing the publie, of Canada, that we have sold and furnished Mr. F. W. Grex, of Oshaws; Ontarie, Patterns, Formers, Drawings, Gasges, and all other necessary information to build our celebrated Double Turbine Water-wheel, invented by James L&fiel, and known ne the ¢ Leffel Wheel." We have alse obligated ourselves to furnish the same facilities for mangfacinting 10 no ether parjice in Cansda. Without the informa tion we have given 10 Mr. Gren, no ene can sucoessfully build our wheels, and we advise parties in Canada fo purchase our wheels of no other manufacturer. Mr, GLex's facilitied are unsurpassed, and we feel sure that he will bui'd s whee) that will give perfect satisfaction. We there- fore commend him to the pablic of Canada with entite confidence, leehng sure he wall manufecture a wheel in all respects equal 10 our own, ? [digned, JAMES L EFFEL & CO. WM. F. McBRIEN, M.D. M.R.C.5., GUY's HOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND. THE EYER.O.H L, * Oshawa. | WANTED. --ITID 0 () CITT -- A Pile Sous) Tonches, for Soloe] Section joa ca) en! intely, n Male bdo tats a = to f the Ti bdr of 8 Trustees; if by letter, © Ro, duties imm prepa, JOHN Trastoes. Utica, May 1, 1872. 19, 1872. SPRING AND SUMMER. 1878. --@-- 3 Fresh Arrivals! Stocks of Goods Gentlemen' Aothing ! go JH i v Sly a a oy tow i ors be Secretary snd Directors were on the = TE 4 a ¥ groun de : : . Gh ATEYUL ea J. & W. Higard were on band with their The Draught horses were first called, Caron fy thorough Know SOEs of he Cheapest in North | pes y attract ro : There were three excellent horses pre- Dual laws ee ™ he operat id Ini which will be :Broad ish, nr t of attract wii, anes sented fa this class-- Young Lord plenton of ihe foe properties of wellaelcsted Ge Gente be e i iy group shown by, their wigs Koll agent, Clyde" Young Netherby" and Sis Rob- enti fi deftly Baro bev' ich I ol Mr. Urqubar, of Mancheser, He. ad °F Broce. simul, wi Boling | a i one of their ow Combined Recper and|; Yoru Lord Olyde is owned by Mr. | Eb di fis London" a Be « Mowers ; ota Sat Ri Reap-|. Bryans, Cartwright, who purchased him in | Also, bake Coeos (Cocoa, | 8nd ng kn propgeton: p EEE a x lo yo t Cattweigh, vu Monday, 20th April, a ania ont Way 1, 1872. ont Perey and Log Albert. x ALLIN, DUNCAN CHRISTIE - MEAD. »

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