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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 May 1872, p. 1

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% Fsery Thursday Morning [ig "VOL XV, NO. 22.f PRINCE A "Bis Hutwrin Uhseher, A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL FT mil Jewspaper ; VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT COUNTY OF ONTARIO, BAIRD & PARSONS, MS :--~H1.50 pervnnum, if paid withinsix di) ot paid within that tim .00. Nosub- i and nopaper . ie ------ until allucceursare paid. . » Letters eo! ingmeney. when addressed to dhisofice pre-paid andregisiered, willbe at eurrisk, ' MATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertio . $0 08 Snbsequent eggnog, per ling . 002 'Cards, undér"G lines, per annum. 5 00 Advertisements measured in Nonpareil andcharge ceording tothe space they occupy. ] : ™ ents received for publication. without An os will beinserted until for rdingly. Noadvertisement wilibetaken for. . iscountallowed to Merchants and others bythe year or half-year. 3 eseterms willinallcuses, be sirietiyal. heredto, JOB DEPARTMENT. 2 phlcts, Hand Bis, Posters, Programmes, Dill " Flends, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards. Bull Cards, &e.. of every onyle pit color, executed promptly und at lower rates: ¥ than uny other #'stablishment in this County ! Partiesfrom a Listan xettmghandvitls ke. printed and have them done to take home withthem. 3. BAIRD. | H. PARSONS, . Profession! Carros. -- Dr. Brathwaite, PRINCE ALBERT, Physician, Surgwon, and _dcovushens, DR. WARE, . RONER for the County of Ontario, J Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Prince Albert et C. E. MARTIY, M, D., PORT PERRY. R. JONES, M.D. CORONER FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO; PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &C. FFICE aud Residence--over Allison & Pettit's Diug Store, Port Perry. Drs. McGILL & RAE, HYSIOCIANS, Surgeons, &c., &c. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa. 'WM. M'GILL, M. D. FRANCIS RAR. M. 0. J. E. FAREWELL, LLB, LOUTNY CROWN ATTORNEY FOR ONTARIO, PARISI Attorney, Solicitor, and No- tury Public. Orrick lately occupied by 8. H. Cochrane, Esy., Brock street, Whitby. R. J. WILSON, > ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chanery, &ec. Office in the Victoria Building, Brock-st., Whit, LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, OLICITOR in Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &c., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe '3treet, opposite the post office. @. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in B Guar: and Insolvency, Notary Pub Ofios--eMillaa's Block, Brock Street, Whit- by Ontario. " CAMERON & MACDONELL, Balto and Attorneys at Law, 3 Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: ourt Mouse. M 0. CAMERON. | H. J. MACDONELL. JAMES LAMON, TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, A Oonveyancer, &c.--Land Agent, &c., xbridge. Office over Armstrong's Ilotel, Main street, Uxbridge. JOHN BILLINGS, : ARRISTER, Atwoiney at Law, Solicito in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancef, k:., Prince Albert. Office overin the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. P. A. HURD, ' a RNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan- ron Port Perry. Office in the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. ¥ J. W. BURNHAM, ERK of the Third Division Court. Office LE Bigelow'sBlock, Port Perry. Office hours from tena. m. to 3 p. m. -------------------- \ Dentistry, DENTISTRY. a H. L. Harnden,L.D.S., Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, ' Of Eleven Years Experience; OFFICE, = - QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE PRINCE ALBERT. Particular attention given {o the regulation of Children's Teeth. ai 4a Gold. Si i [ineral Teeth mounted on ver an Valamed Ramon Teeth filled with Gold so as to preserve fhent from further decay. | Ta itrous Oxide administered for {he om Onde of Teeth. 3 Consultation free and all work warranted. Oct. 4,1871, 39- « C. D-WAID BargeonDentist,Ccr, Wain&Brock 8t., Uxbridge ALL Dental opera- tions performed with the utmost skill and care, warranted to give satisfaction or no charge, and at prices which defy compeu tion, (r RerereNcEs.--/7. P. Griggs, Port Hope; Rev. Is Byrne, Whitby ; Toa ones Ux- ge. - Uxbrid », Dec. 17, 1868, , C. N. VARS RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, Ont. -- Dental Rooms directly opposite' the post offie entrance Simcos street, third door north of the Oatario Bank, bo-1y THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company fps Jonpany is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will he found as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. . Head Office--The old Registry Office Build- ings Breck Street, Whitby. ; L. FAIRBANKS, Jr, 27-1y Secretary WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, C. W. INCORPORATED ..... 1851. $400,000 HON. JOHN McMURRICH C. MAGRATH, I3:q. Capital - ERNARD HALDAN, AMES PRING ¥ GENERAL AGENT. Motor Wien LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Valuators, Land Agents, Commission Merchants, &c. Money to Loan at 8 per cent. LE. MAJOR, W. M. WILLCOX, BoreLia. PriNcE ALBERT. Sept. 2¢, 1870. 39 Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e., &ec., OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge. Scott, Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon. I3= Parties entrusting their Sales to me may relyupon the utmost attention being given to their interests, WM. GORDON, Sunderland P. 0., Brock. ey Attention !! The undersigned would Tosheatlully call the attention of those wishing the services of an Auctioneer, that he is, prepared to attend sales on the shortest notice anywhere in the County of Ontario. Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept constantly on hand. He is sole Agent for the best and ch Also dealer in all kinds of Jewelry, Fancy | public by z ry, Fancy 1 ACCOUNTS COLLECTED PROMPTLY. hotels WHAT CANADA WANTS, a Tw "| € nada wants Mxx--not walki Migies Royal Canadian ELotel, | wi ik asm wna poser ont spor PORT PERRY. The borrowed glitter of their richer friends, But mer. of sc ls' eapacious whe ean plant Tie standard of their worth on noble deeds The{Subscriber having leased the above Hotel " has fitted up ina style in keeping with the | Ad dare respect their country and their God, rapidly increasing business and prosperty of the Village and neighborhood, and with. direct re- ference to the comfort and convenience of the Canada wants HoNgsT men--men who shal lay Her empire's corner stone upon The sacred granite of eternal truth, And build her towers, and all her columns lew From the deep quany of a nation's Jove. ul . Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers, Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of ublic patronage. > HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. "REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER B. PLANK,.......PROPKIETOR. AVING purchased the above hotel, and has 4 . furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors Meh hu wend spura a bribe and agorg io Lend and cigars. Every attention paid to guests. -- In cringing self-abasement at the feet Stages to and from Whitby call daily. -- Careful | Of titled vi --men who have drpnk ostlersalwaydin attendance. 8 | From Frecdom's sacred fount, and whe their necks -- To mcs. mE .a. a 7 | Wourduever ond to wenr the tyrani's yoke; Mackie's Hotel, | Men from deceit who'd te ie the mask and show (LATE BRODIE'S,) The knave in all his nukeduess and guilts WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE Ww. MACKIE, Proprietor. Jewett's Hotel "KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Canada Wnts PRG RESSIY RMO--m er who The stirrings of ambition feel, 10 join 'The glorious ranks of those who lead the van In Freedoms cause, and pour the' wealth Of Heaven-born genius at their country's shrine, Canada wants INDEPENDENT men--men who Regardless of applause will speak the truth : Cinada wunts vtattos men--men with their lieaits Attuned to ho'iness--men who will tnke The Bible as the charter of their faith, Adore the God whom it reveals, nnd lenrn With gratitude sincere to sound His praise. men--men who shall dare solid ranks of truth ; Canada wants i Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive | To stiuggle in + ostler always in attendance. To clutch the monster Error by the throat, Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats, | Hu] base oppression £ om her seat, break down RTA, - Her walls and let the world with peans Ofuniversal rapture usher Freedom in. DAFOE HOUSE UTICA 00D accommodations. Careful attention | Of pression know--men whol not dare to lannch to the requirements of travelers und guests. | Such precious freight as human lives on ses The barsupplied with the best wines, liquors and | Whose shores are strewn with wrecks of Argosics cigars Good stabling. : : J. DAFOE, Proprietor. More costly far than Oplin's gohd or all The boasted wealth of Ormus or of Tnd Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, i ty boo : et ng EL a 3 vA ry J . + neestrnl worth swelled wit nd concer! JAS. CAMERON, DE avers aatition af th ir Ao cas Butmen of ¢ soals--imen tested well 1 In life's great str empered in the fige { OChud experien il fortened against | Temptations wilh by parity of heart. -- is | Men who will This TTotel has undergone a thorough Fanove Whatdaty © tion and heen fitted np with a view to the com-! | ; a fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- Quad us Patsiung Binh fen pha Every attention will be paid to the table and | Con feel their bosoms throb ay mention ot : bar, while ebliging and attentive hostlers will | Their conntiy' name. Men whose allegiane : is have charge of the stables. | Not based ui selfi-huess, whose honesty of soul Whitby, 20th June, 1870. 25 | Would pura promotion's highest Et eee -- If treason were the price. Men w | Ler sont with sacred cure, and when she sou' | The wumpet ofularm, wiil grasp their swords, | Rush to the battlefield with wainal | Aud fearless bu | do su dion on her fuce, CHAS THORN V.S. Frou out thy virgin scil: '4 hese be the mien ig 3 1 To wicld the seeptre of thy power, extend NC enn of the fering Instinsis, Chica- | Dominion o'er thy vast estate, and wiitg YA go, Il. Gold Medalist for the best exal Tn history the glory 4 nation on ilorse Practice. Author of a Fi 7 ue glo nfthy nine ) Prize Essay on Shocing. Graduated Hept, 18, | TTT 5 867. J [- The Réscue. Dr. Thorn begs to annonnce that he ha taken i AE Pras Rees WE x" up bis residence at Port Perry. and is now pre- | OR TIE PIRATES LAST PRIZES + To pared to treat all fages entrusted to his eare in| --_ thq most skillful and scientific manner. or- | was a wi eh in a left at the Medical Hall of Messis, Allison | 10 Was a waim, Faushing afternoon & Pettet, will receive prompt attention, September, in ths year 1845, that the yach 2%" The Veterinary Stables may be found on | ¢ Flying Fish? might have been seen seud- Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factery. Canada wants xonLE men--n ot those who tace Nobility tluough tort ¥ Hereditary blood, and, b Albion Flotel, WHITBY. A MASON, © 2 Prorrierer. re nesert their nights and do though all the world should sneer. ill guard | These Le the men, O Caoda, to spring LBERT, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 23, Cannda wants TEMPERATE wmen--men who the power Ee re ---- about the matter, he confessed that it wus really worth heating, the manner in which he had gained his sweet and amiable wile, and that he weuld relate the whole story whenever a zood opportunity should occur. That evening alter the tea-table had been cleared, and the younger portion of the pai- ty were bosy playing cards, 1 ascended to the deck in company with Capt. Seabury to enjoy the fine refreshing sea-breeze, and also a cigar. Stretching myself at full [Hength on the tof of the hovee, with a pea- Jacket rolled vp under my head for a pillow, 1 watched the captain fur some time, walk- ing rapidly up and down the weather side of the deck, waichirg the swelling sails of the yacht, and giving directions to the man atthe wheel how to steer ; and finally bid- ding him to keep a sharp lookout te wind- ward, he walked down to leeward "where 1 .{ was reclining, aud, hall leaning on the maiu boom, broke out with : what d-flerent from the close, stifled air of the city. There 1s nothing better than a that yon enjoy it 1 '1 am enjoying myself hugely, Jack, | prizes as your wite, very often. But | say, Jack, suppose yon relate that story now. | you found your better half I" * It is something of a yain to &pin, buy | [never tire of spinning it. It | wear] your patience out you must let me kuow, oh Iwill cut it short. I «hall have jos about time enongh to reel off 10 yon the [ whole before 1 go to anckor in 8 | | harbor, av I fear we shall have a pale ol! | wiad before miduignt, and I do not care | and disappeared bene {to have mv passengers paying their re: | [ «pects to Neptune. Ido not like the look | of that bank of clonds down there eastward ; but, however, you shall have the #ory such As Il Is. | ¢ You hava not forgotien the*time that 1 | was appointed to the corvetre ¢ Firefly' and | {order 10 the West Indies to chastise the | | pirates 2 No! Wall, the + Firefly' was | the lastest cruiser that had been in those | walters for twenty years ; the battery was | heavy consisting: of eighteen twenty-four | pounder guns, and two lung eighteens in| {the bow ports, and with the wind two! | points free, she wonld ontear] anything 1| lever met with: 1 proceeded dircet to Ha- | | vaua, where | laid for some days collecting | (ull the information I could and at last ob. | | ined a clug which I thonght, by follow. | [Ina up closely, might lead to gieat results. | | 1872, «Well, Harry, this is splendid | Some- | «tefl of eat wi, anim in a white, and Yon 12 all night, as there might be ug'y.cus. | jpg ; We will not have a better of portunity ; yon with the main sail Laule have been promising me long enough, "and iallel to tho dbriz. A Lam curions to learn how, when and w here { finall | was sinking dowd in the wes | by the trade wind ; and, as the ship's bell er ---- TE ---- --- -- ---- re -- { WIHOLE NO. 749 on deck. The captain and mate, hearing the rose rushed fiom the cabin, pistols in hand, and succeeded in killing two of the gang before falling victims 10 the blades of | the pirates. Tho repoit of the pistols was probably what I heard. Bot the worst of all was that Captain Satau, the fiend by name as well as by nature, had taken with him the caplain's daughter, and effected his escape to the schooner belore the boys frony our vessel could intercept tim. at once to be a sugar drogher. Thinking perhaps she might have some news to te!l us, I determived to hail her. 1 had our colors and pennant hoisted to let her know our character ; and the c(lice of the deck putting bis trumpet to his mouth, hailed: ¢ Brig aboy © 'Sal ¢ What brig is that ¢ The Mary Elizabeth,' ezme hoarsely back. -~ The news was enon circulated through , the ship that the pirates nad captured a I "Where are you from, and where bound' | lady ; and every officer and man was ready | came through the trumpet, = to risk his lite in her recapture. fn thd ; : a meanwhile the ¢ Fuelly? had been cloge= From, Liverpool, bound to Kings. hauled, har yards braced fine as needles, ton.' and away we went in chase. The * Scor- pion' had about three miles the start. The tree ze was rapidly freshening ; and, as the first red stioak of dawn appeared in the asl, we took in our ligit sails, the schooner following suit, stowing her gafftopsail. We now began to gain mpicly, and whenever she' kept away before ths wind, the gap x 2 closed rapidly. Finally we brought our Hi I directed the officer of the deck: to [long eighteen 10 bear ; but the sca running {inform the skipper that 1 should lie near | vite heavy, our balls flaw wide of the mark. At last her maintopmast was car- | away by e solid shot, and down came Once or twice T imagin- the top-bamper about their ears. This sha ed T saw the flutter of a white dress, ' Have you seen any suspicious looking fellows about here 2° 'I have seen but one sail, sir, and that was away under the land; could not make her our, but thought it was a schooner," tomers around. |occassioned a areat deal of confusion and (a0 olay ; and belore the damage could be 3 ; imaoi 2 {ems 1 hah oY is and rather admire this ¢ Ife upon the ocean | imagined there were females aboard, hut {fepaited, we were tear enough to toss a wave," especially if yon run across such SOU not make cut distinetly Tightens shou {sul on ne voi sie i je 2 sie, off to windward, I let the top gallant sails | and Wha high above the w Biethg and royals slide down to (le caps; and, of the wind though our rigging ; and, win a bound, a female rushed from the ¢ Scor- pion's' cabin, and clearing the low bul- warks, jumped into the seething watérs. A volley from my men and marines drove the pirates below who were about to fire upon her. lu less ume than it vakes me y ohsizediso tell it, a cutter was lowered, and the every few minutes by some liaht floecy | YoUE lady saved from . watery grave. I loud. that ved ans pias opened fire upon the ¢ 8 orpion' at short cloud that moved across jig dise, impelled range, and did not eeaso il; she blew up. The lady that I rescued has since become my wife. Tere, Harry, that's the way [ obtained my wile: now go thou and do likewise.' * Lup, I ran par- smart little breeze y sprung up, and tle corvette glided the wa'er like a sword fish, The moon struck eight, it save one long, dancing shimmer across the bight bubbling waters ath th horizon. "Th stars and planets (winkled and flickered above, reflected in myriad numbers by the sparkling water below. [lie night was too fine to le spent below, and 1lit a cigar, taking a seat on a Lun carriage.' * Where is the brig, Mr, Lacy # * Down to leeward, sir, tance astein of us.? © Ab, yes, | think I can make her out. But bark! Did you leer (hat ? By heavens, it is the report of firearms, mingled with shouts and 'szreams! Hard up, sir !--hard up with your helm! Call oll hands to make sgil ---- ee ------t-- Reap Reading serves for delight {for ornament, and for ability, It perfects nature, and is perfected by experience. -- The crafty condemn it, the simple admire it, and the wise use it. Reading makes a full man, conference "a ready nan, and writing an exact. man. Ile that writes little needs a great memory ; he that con- fers little, a present wit ; and he that reads little needs much conning to make him seem 10 know that which lhe does not. and some dis- ---------- -- WHAT NEXT? The Nashville Banner gives an interest. ing description of something entirely new in way of locomotion ; this 1s nothing lerd There is some | than an electiic railway car of so simple rascality going on aboard (hat brig which I must have a nearer look at,' constuction hilt the wonder is that Le discovery has ouly now been made. In two minutes the corvetre was Lead Thaenging couisisy) Ba clans v iead- | nis go arranged as to obtain a motive pow= or of 850 Ibs. Port Perry, July 27, 1871. 30 ding dowa the harbour of P---- with all sail set, her holiday bunting looking as gay | The Carribean Sea and waters around the | oy ya, _. Cai) a. a | West Ludien were at this ime infested by a | ? Ta. ery gang of scoundrels, under the command of man on board was fully awake, and [# most desperate Llaglihiraty man, known i wrought up to a high pitch of excitement. Tlie armature 15 made to work similar to the pitman of a sewing machine. This works by breaking and connecting the circuit, und is easily ! yacht was a retired naval officer, Caprain PATENT SOLICITOR £ND IRAUCRTSMEN, | Seabury. He had eeen much active ser- OTTAWA, CANADA, "vice, and bo. traces on ins bo ly of many a | : : Transacts business with the Patent Office and | deep and honorable wound 1eceived in de- other departments of the Government. Copy- | fence of his country's honor. He hal re rights and the Registraticn of Trade Marks and ji od ; > Designs procured. Drawings, Specifications, | signed tiom the navy, wherein he had and other Documents necessary to secure Pa. | tents of Invention prepared oa receipt of the Model of the Invention. years before, being induced fo take the REFERENCES, step bythe death of an uncle, with 'whom Ton. A. Campbell, Postmaster General; W, | hie had alwuys been a great favorite. Cape. Smillie, President Britisn Bank Note © | ; Jehn La Esq.. Auditor forthe Domi | Seabury sought his couch one right as a Wode. Esa... \lunnerr Ontario Bank; Hon John Cajl- n Cail 3 i i . ing, Minister of Public Work, Province of Ontario, poor man, with nothing but his pay to de- family Sewing Machine in the Dominion--pat- ented June, 1871, The Patent Letter A Family Sewing Machine is acknowledged by Tailors, Milliners, and all who know the properties of Sewing Machines who have had the pleasure of e<amining it to be the best cheapest in the Domini Ladies make suré work, and pur ou will hav achines] wa chase the Patent Letter A, and the best machine for $30. All ranted. Orders attended to on the shortest notice. J. C. PILKEY, SoLe AGEN . Epsom, Sept: 7, 1877. % THOS. H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Town- ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in NorthOntario; Mariposa, etc., in the Connty of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Or- wi pend upon, and awoke next morning to find himself sole master of a princely fortune, MARBLE DEALER | Wh ouly bis young and handsome wife i eud it. : ir- NEWCASTLE, ONT. to help Lim spend it : Under thee cir cumstances he rent in his resignation, which Mucus, Tomi rosy, iat was accepted. By special invitation from of great variety, with ever; escription of | 3 po q i F : i Marble Work, ti) for ra supplied | Capt. Seabury, Lbad lel wy business ih at short notice. Also Peterhead und Aberdeen | the city, to take a short erase with tm and Granite. : : ) } a par'y of mu'ual friends in hue spacious and 0 Parties will find it to their advan- wmgant yocli, tage to withhold their orders until called 1 b They were a merry party. The ladies on by J. C. WILLIAMSON, were handsome and lively, the gentlemen Agent. | vial and attentive. Our party in the Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war- | gapin numbered in all seven - ersons, the i commander and his beautiful wife 3 Mr JOHN McDONALD, 8-re ders left at this office, or at his resi punctually attended to. Debts collectedin Can- nington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances made. Remember-- ALS, LZ, the North On- tario Auctioneer. Ca Marriage Licenses ! Issued bP Wuthority. E. MAJOR Jan'y 1st, 1870 il Lil 'New Watch and Jewellery Establish- ment, - G. GODDEN. DRACTICAL WATCHNM E P late] employed by McCam Ar has now 'commeaced business in Mr. Allin's Book Store, opposite the Ontario Ross' hh ee at we rami care wi manner and at ig i charges, A tock rior Watches, C s and Spel ay t on fy phir cheap. Rovietaver! all work warranted, and charges' mode! ; . GODDEN, ° Allin's Book Stoie, ora Ontario Bank. January 10, 1872. " } Brief, a lawyer, and lis lady ; Mr. Davis, 8 young gentleman who was accompanied by his betrothed ; and finally myself, an old bachelor on the lee side of forty, with no kith er kin living, alone and eolitary, with sense enough to know balter, without the courage to try and improve my condi- tion, Tae ¢Fiying Fish,' with all her snowy dimity set; which was swelling out to the fresh westerly breezs, was causing the spray to fly up over the weather bow, welling the foot of the huge jib and keeling over till her lee rail nearly kissed the water, causing the ladies to give uiterance to a few pretty feminine screams once in a while ; but the preiecting arms of the gen- tlemen wou!d steady and caress them, and their fears were sooon allayed. But this will never do: [ have a story to relate--a true one, which may perliaps repay youn for perusing. I had been acquainted with Capt. Seabury for years, ana knew him Important Discovery: GREAT TUMOUR ANDTEICE NECK REMEDY. BY WILLIAM D., ANDERSON. -- HIS Medicine Sanbot be stiFpassed for re- moving Tumours goiter and taking down the thick necks and as a general Liniment itis cal in its effects. It will cure a Cold in one night. 1tis good for Dyspepsa the Heétic Fever the Asthma, Neuraliga and all kinds of Rheum- atism, and other afflictions of the body. THIS is to certify that I had a Tumeur on the side of my neck near the jugular vein of twenty one years standing the size of a hen's egg and effectually removed it from my neck in a few weeks by applying the above. named tumor edy without, giving the slightest pain or rem drawing of blood. : WM D. ANDERSON. ; 8 per bottle, in most cases one bottle will effect a complete cure' In all eases the money must accompany the application. pabthexillage of Borelia (now P. P.) Poit| when a third lievtenant. Years after he Sy had gone on a cruise, and at the e Mares 13, 1973, 1m of a year had returned with a lady, whom JOHN CHRISTIE, he introduced to me ss his wife. I was TOWNSHIP CLERK for Reach, Con-|&omewhat astonished aidstirprised to find that my friend had gained a wate so sud- | Port Perry, Feb. 28, 1872, 0. ncer, Commissioner of the Joust 3 Gioen's nch, &¢. Business carefully atiende ce--AManchester, . denly ; and on questioning him privately HENRY GRIST, tm wb | gained so much honor and renown rome | n stranger. It was a full-rigged brig, lying | by the name of Satan - Captain Satan, Ths | I villain had command of a large, beautiful | !ehoonier, which was Known by the name! lof the ¢ Scorpion," and he had .estubyshed for limsell a repuotaion that was terrible in| (the extieme. As yet this miscreant had | mel with no reverses, and a long, bloody | record of crimes of the most hornble and | | revolting description blackenad his soul | lorever. This Capain Satau had a Bas hold aud tetreal sepposed to be somewhere | near the scuth side of Cuba, but its exact | whereabonls no outsider could tell. Ax | luck would have it, soon after my arrival at | Havana, two or three suspicions looking | fellows were caught prowling round the what tes, and being unable to give a salis- factory account of themselves, were thiown into the caluboose, and one of them con- fessed that they all belonged to Captain Satau's gang ; and on being assured by the authorities that his life. would be epared if! would disclose the pirate's ktronghold, he made a full confession, and divolged the secret. The ¢ Firefly' was the only man- of-war in port at the nme, ex ept a few Guards Costas, little miserable things, aud as'soon as Iwas put in pPosression of the facls by the anthgities, 1 Nipped my anche or, made all 8ail on the corvette, and in a shor time was running down the north side of the Island, dead before the wind, I soon cleared the western extremity, and hauling on the wind, I at last sighted 1he Isle of Bines. It was jost sunset that the look out, shading his eyes with his hand, sang out : ¢¢ Sail oh I' ¢¢ Where away 1' demanded the officer of the deck. ¢ ¢ Right under the lee of that high point of land, sir.? : " The wind was rapidly dying away, and finally a dead calm rested on ihe waters. A few flirting spurts of air filled our sails once in a while, and we slowly crept' on the stranger. All of our light sails and kites were spread, and the corvette's masts were lofty, I can assure you. We were s0°n hear enough to nike out the like a log on 1lfe water, bowing and dip= ping her bluff bows into he long easy awell of the tropics. Tle large square | good effect our row of gleaming teeth, and rere aud low flat counter proclaimed her | that no resistance was offsrey by the watch wronght by the fingers, We rapidly neared the brig and 1 beat to quarters, tiicing up the batle lanterns fore and aft, (he Rashes of which displayed to The armature rapidly turns a dnving wheel, by which an additional power is obtained by 1s momentum, and this works the wheels under the car, which propels it the ports and ban.mock netting crowded [ata very rapul rate, The road bring elas | with men, trying to get a peep at what | vated upon a singin row of poles, it is as evel as a die, and the cars ure consequent- ly moved with the createst ease. = The engine, working oy fast as hightening, the cars can be daven ata tremendons rate of speed. The taventor demgned his inven- Hou to be used in carrying mails and ex- press packages, which can ¢ asily Le done atthe rate of one hundred miles per hour, but the electron 'Liem as a molive power lor small maclinery will make the inven tion more usclul and important. was going on. Jumping on the sheer pole] I hailed the matter. brig, asking what was the ¢ We're boarded by pirates,' sung out a voice, fullbwed by a dul crashing noise. ¢ Away there, third and fou:th cutters --away! Be lively, lads I' "In an instant the boats struck the water -- and the men leaped in, armed with cutlasa- CANADA. es and pistols. The ¢ Firefly? had by this ios or time forged aliead of tte brig, her maitop- oh He SIN nite MOVEMENT. ail to the mast, shivering ang shaking as This wnportant movement is progres- she came up and fell off from the wnd.-- | Sig favorably in spite of the combined About three cabies length 10 iceward of the | eflorts of all the petty tyrants in creation ; brig, I could see thy low lui) and bare | it is d stined to prevail over all the coun-- rakish masts of a schooner. try 2nd 'hat ere lon: ; aud any man or set of men who would seek to oppose it place themselves in antagonisn to every prin- upte of rizht and justice, prove them- selves enemies to the best idterests of so. ciety and barriers to tLe comfort of the most important class of the community -- the working men, The cmployers of the ambitious city are making themselves ridiculous, The Messrs..Comb of the marble works discharged one of their employees be- cause he was a delegate of ibe nine hours leagie. The rest of the hands showed their dis-- approval of the tyranny by striking work. Other employers are putting on airs. Stewart & Co, founders, and Guraey, Ware & Co., Scalemakers, presented a t That is our fellow, Mr. Wentworth," | said 10 the first lieutenant, who was stand- Ing by my side; ¢ that is the s:hooner Scorpion! Clear awsy the starboard bat- tery! Load with grape! Sail-trimmers to your stations! Fill away the main-yard! ¢ As the corvelte gathered headway, | gave the order. ¢ Lovel your guns! Take god aim! Fire I' ¢ A series of jets of flame burst {rom our sides, lighting up the waters, and away aloft to off towering spars with their load of canvass, The balls went hissing and skipping straight onward to their work of deat, followed by many a groan and im- precation, which told that our aim had been true and effectual. document to their men, requesting their ¢ Load! Solid thot! Run out! Oue signature 10 it. By the tenor of the point abaft the beam ! Fire I? document they agreed deither to ask the ¢ Again we delievered a broadside, but nine hours movement nor assist those that with what effect we could not tell : and by did. The men struck work rather tha this time the pirates had got their craft in Soins Seu 800. men are owt of splendid tiim, and she went belore the among iba ay - Tue, Juiiguuinns:; wind like a race horse. Just at this crisis their Ga nis | pig % esate the third and uns, esting returned, and sign such a document ivy or an were quickly hoisted to their duvits, The v : 1 officer in charge reported to me as foilows. a oe - SacHMINS: The brig had been boarded by a party of engineers, employees a) szoundrels from the schooner, and in almost int 16 thie frm to -- sen : Sewy- an instant the ¢ Mary Elizabeily had chang: | jt they were willing 4 i me ni ed bande. So complete was the Surprise {hours syste; and they ar " No." * The co thel struck work, % . = oo £m ALE i 2 i io

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