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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 13 Jun 1872, p. 1

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A Se-- VOL XV, NO. 25. E 18, 1872, commas i Efe. dntario Whserter, A WEEKLY ' C. AGRICULTURAL FOREFISAL. AND Family ewspaper ; 'tg PUBLISHED AT THE vicTqRIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT ~, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Fvery Thursday Morning BAIRD & PARSONS, nid withinsix 2.00. Nosub- jand nopaper x sontainingmeney when addressed to mide hea ald Al dr egistered, wil be at ourriek. RATES OF ADVERTISING. For eaéh line, first insertion. $0 08 Subsefjuent insertions, per lin 0 02 Cnrdg, under 6 lines, per anouM...... 5 00 Adver:fsemonts measured in Nonpareil andcharge ceording lo the spyce they occupy. a 5 Advertisements secejved for publication. without specific ifstraélion®, 1 beinserted until hargodaceordingly. Noadveitisement willhetaken ut until paid for. Aliherstitigeodn allowed to Merchants and others chy the year orhall-ycar, . terms will.inallcases be strictlyal- o whoa dverti Che heredto. walt ---- J FOB DEPARTMENT. Pha md Bills, Posters, Programmes, Bill Te Wovens. Receipt. Iobks, Checks, Hooks, Circulars, Bu¥iness Cards. Bult C: &e., of eve style and color, executed prompily a % SEE ian any other Establishment in this County ! Partiesfram a fistance gating handhills.&e. printed snd have th 2m done totake home withthem. 4. J: BAIRD. 1 H. PARSONS. lower rates rofessional Cards. Dr. Brathwaite, PRINCE ALBERT, Physician, Surgeon, and Accouchenr. DR. WARE, ORONER for the County of Ontario, J Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Prince Albert C. E. MARTIN, M, D,, PORT PERRY. R. JONES, M.D., CORONER FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO; PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &C. FFICE and Resulence--over Allison & Pewit's Drug Store, Port Perry. Drs. McGILL & RAE, Priciass Surgeons, &c., &e. Office and > Residences, King street, Oshawa. ®M. AGILL M.D. - FRANCIS RAR. M, B, WM. F. McBRIEN, M.D, M.E.C.8. Guy's HOFPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND... THI: EYE R.O.H L, Oshawa. J. E. FAREWELL, LL.B, COUTNY CROWN ATTORNEY FOR ONTARIO, ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor, and No- tary Public. Orrice lately occupied by S. II. Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, Whitby. LYMAN ENGLISH, LL. B,, OLICITOR: in Chancery, Attorney, J) Conveyancer, &c., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe 3trect, opposite the post office. @. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, PB AicazEr, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, and Insolvency, Notary Pub A». lic, &c., &c 2 Office--McMillan's Block, Brock Street, Whit- by Ontario. CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors Qounty Council Ontario. Offices: ourt House, 0. CAMERON. | H. J. MACDONELL. JAMES LAMON, TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c.--Land Agent, &c., xbridge. Office over Armstrong's Hotel, Main street, Uxbridge. JOHN BILLINGS, ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, ke., Prince Albert. Office over in the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. : P. A, HURD, TTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan- cery, Port Perry. Officein the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. J. W. BURNHAN, TERK of the Third Division Uourt. Office in Bigelow'sBlock, Port Perry. Office hours from tena. nt. to 8 p.m. Prutistrn, 5 AAAAAAAAAA NA MAAAAAA AIAN AAA AAA AAA NAAR AAA DENTISTRY. H. L. Harnden,L.D.S., Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, 3 en Years A OFFICE, + .- QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE--PRINCE ALBERT. off Secular anti given to the 'regulation Vv inetal ed on Gold, Silver and og h filed with Rid §0 as to preserve ae, eG, sens tr 0m Consultation free and all*work warranted. C.D. WAID: SurgeonDentist,Ccr. Main&Brock St., Uxbridge Al Dental operas tions performed with the utmost skill and care, warranted to give satisfaction or no charge, and at prices which defy competi tion. Alsodealer in all ns &. Jewelry, Fancy Rererences.-- 17. P. Griggs, Port Hope; Rev. I i lyrme, Whitby ; Joy Gould, Fong Us. Uxbrid 2, Dec. 17, 1868. Bo-ly C. N. VARS RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, Ont,-- J Dental Rooms directly oDpasite the post fie entrance Simcoe street, third door north of the Ontario Bank. - Eusuvance, THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company HIS Jompany is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. . Head Office--The old Registry Office Build- ings Brock Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jn., Secretary 27-1y WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y | TORONTO, C. 'W. + INCORPORATED ......... 1831. $400,000 ON. JOHN MeMURRICH 2. MAGRATH, 13eq. SRNARD HALDAN, Esq. MES PRINGLE, GENERAL AGENT. Capital =- = Major & Willcox, LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Valuators, Land Agents, Commission Merchants, &c. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED PROMPTLY. Money to Loan at 8 per cent. E. MAJOR, W. M. WILLCOX, BoRELIA. Prince ALBERT. Sept. 28, 1870. 3 'Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e., &e., OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon. JF" Parties entrusting their Sales to me may relyupon the utmost attention being given to their interests WM. GORDON, Sunderland P.O, Brock. Attention! The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of those wishing the services of an Auctioneer, that he is prepared to attend sales on the shortest notice anywhere in the County of Untario.. Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept constantly on hand. 2 Ile is sole Agent for the best and cl t family Sewing Machine in the Dominion--pat- ented June, 1871. The Patent Letter A Family Sewing Machine is acknowledged by Tailors, Milliners, and all who know the properties of hotels Royal Canadian Hotel, PORT PERRY. TheSubscriber having leased the above Hotel has fitted up in a style in keeping with the rapidly increasing Disisess and prosperty ot the Village and neighborhood, and with direct re- ference to the comfort and convenience of the publie. Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. ither labor nor expense will be spared in 7 the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage. HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. » --_-- "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER B. PLANK,...ccon... PROPRIETOR. AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors and cigars. Every attention id to guests.-- Stages to and from Whitby call daily. Careful ostlers always in attendance. 8 . Mackie's Hotel, (LATE BRODIE'S,) * WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE Ww. MACKIE, Proprietor. Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance, Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. DAFOE HOUSE UTICA ~N.00D accommodations. --Careful-attention to the Tquiremenis of travelers and guests. The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stabling. i J. DAFOE, Proprietor. Oentre Hotel, * SAINTFIELD, JAS. CAMERON, Proprietor. Albion Hotel, WHITBY. A. MASON, 7, PROPRIETOR. This Hotel has undergone a thorough renova- tion and been fitted up with a view to the com- fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- Every attention will be paid to the table and bar, while abliging and atientive hostlers will Oshawa, Feb. 14, 1872. CASH FOR LUNBER The Oshawa Cabinet Company : ILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE IN Cash for the following' sizes ol LUMBER! Delivered at their yard in Oshawa. [SQUARE EDGE PREFERRED.) OAK or Asn, 1in., 13, 2 in., any width, BurTreyur, 1 ine, any width. Rook KEnw, 14 in, 1{ in., any width, Comyon WATER i, 1 in., any width, Basswoon, 1 in., any width. " 14 m., 5, 8, 10 or 16 in. wide. ! " 11 in, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20 er 21 in. wide. Ping, 1 in, 14, 2 in, 12, 14, or 16 feet long. y Marre, Bren, and Biren: fin, 14 in, 1} in, 1} in. dine 3h ine Biblia: 23x23, Square Scantling. W. H. GIBBS, President ® "Take Notice! HE Subscriber would respectfully ro- JL tity the public that he is not disposed to pay any further accounts assumed by F. Keller, of the Uzbridge Journal, published in the village of Uxbridge, as Mr. Keller assnmed all debts and demands againit. me relative to-the firm of Graham-& Jonesy late] proprietors of the Journal. J. B. GRAHAM. Bowmanville, May 25, 1872. PX] = hereby given that the Council of the cor- poration of the Township of Reach, at a meeting to be held at.the Town all, Manches- ter, on the 6th day of August next, HOW TO CONSTRUCT A FASHION. * Consider me Smith! © ABLE YOUNG LADY. -- --- : A good story is told of old Dr. Caldwell, The Richomond Enguirer publishes [formerly of the University of North Cato the- following recipe to make a woman of I Saor vies abl lie nd - the period :-- Take ninety pounds of flesh 4; SACL 98h) brought o Jd, sir," i and bones-- wash clean, bore holes in the on ard i i iy Wen yr Pw: . [1] ears, and cut off the small toes ; bend the n : ; list--four boxes, three chest, vo bane He looked ue though he might be_ tough ' back to conform to the Grecian bend, the | hat he did not seem len Bi Yo ovshs : i pore ie, 1 2 Sate Jove Jat Boston dip, the Kangaroo droop, the he was, among the knowing onesy ds pes, inyons, he I'm deb . I feel there' Saratoga slope, or the bul'frog leap, as thie Ho be as agile ¢ as a cat ;* and Tn addition, Mit bat J ey though 1 aes taste inclines ; then add three yards of | was by no means deficient in a knowledge | nine times, aud never took my eyes off 'em linen, one hundred yards of rules, and|of the ¢ manly an.' Well, in a freshman | while on board ; there's something not yards of edging, eighteen |©/88 of a certain year was a burly moun- right, gomething,s * Well, sranger, the ards of dimity, one pair silk cotton hose |1ineer of 18 or 19. This genius conceiv- | Me's up 3 there's all T know of ; so br Ja n ra . | ed a great contempt for old Bolus' phisical | UP YOUT wife and five children out of the with patent hip attachmen's, one pair| oo son] was horrif cabin, and we're of." + Them's um, / . y orrified that : o false calves, six yards of flannel, embroid- | 514 go deficient in muscle should be poten- darn them sum? | knowsd'] forge ered, one pair of balmoral boots with heels | ial in his rule. something. three inches high, four pounds whalebone | Poor Junes--that's what we'll call him-- WORTH TRYING. in strips, seventeen hundred and sixty had no idea of moral force. At any rate, he ee yards of steel wire, three quarters of a | "®* 10! inclined to knock under and be| They have a new way of treating the | > controlled despotically by a man he imag- | broken legs of horses which ought to be wile ey 1a; ten pounds efraw cotton: OF | {104 he could vie or whip. At length he | generally known. A valuable horse in ie wire hemispheres, a wire basket to], ined to give the old gentleman a Hartford had its leg 'broken a stort time hold a bushel, four copies of a New genteel, private thrashing, some might in| °"c® The leg was carefully set by an York paper (triple sheet), one hundred | the College Compus, pretending to mistake STpirisnced Eee a Yar cotered and fifty yards ot silk or other dress goods | him for some fellow student. Ja J ih plaster. the hen the Joss five bundreed yards of point lace, fourteen | Shortly after, on a dark and rainy night, | aplo as if it had a made of iron. Thus hundred yards of fringe and othet trim. |Jones met the doctor crossing the Campus. | treated a broken leg will keit together mings, twelve gross buttons, one box pearl Walking up to him abruptly : in a brief time and become as good as powder, one saucer of carm'ne and an old| Hello," Smith! You rascal--is this |ever. hares foot, one bushel of false hair friz. yoo Th " 0 He i zled and fretted a Ja 'maniagque, one tl wala Tha) he 8 ox geal ac bl i d, bundle Japanese switches, with rats, mice Tan, oo Pe tije sl the fase bay bautly and other varnints; one peck of hairpins| O11 Bolus said nothing, but squard him- : one lace handkerchief nine inches square | sell, and at it they went. Jones' youth, | phaf dior elecifully to neu Rey 16rd with phtent holder, Perfume with otter | weight and mascle made him an ugly eua- |g ihe lovers at oo Sakon fase TEN, Hoke of roses or nine drops of the * Blessed | tomer, but alter a round or (wo, the doo- | which were up tn that me pepared by William Baby' or " West End." Stuff the head | tor's science began to tell, and io a shor! Teak the IA TreaE of ~ y Stufl the head B with fashionable novels, ball tickets and |'ime he had knocked his antagonist down, It. ot tony be that the ill see ' and was a-straddle of his chest, with one Ointment were not prepared with that care I have al= "Knowep He Foncor Sonrviine? ~~ 1 say, cop'n," said a little eyed man be landed from the steamer Peytonay all." © That's all the baggage you bi et i re, CAUTION IT CAUTION ITT 0- TO THE PURLIC OF THE BRITISH PROVINCES OF NURTH AMERICA. SO late business y heen mest corrupt, and it may be that the wiys desired. Those who do not wish to be deceived by buyin wedding cards, some scandal, a great deal : \ > 2 hand on his throat, and the other dealing of lost time, and a very little sage. Sea- spurious medicines. which are now likely to emarmf ; : ? vigorous cuffs on the side of the head. from the Stat seh but to possess themselves son with vanity and affectation aod folly. | 5p {atop ! kbeg pardon, Doctor, Doc: a Ho ari a ann. Ongar Garpish witl . § + b 2 ! » ? manufactured by me in London, Eavgland, will do well arnish with ear rings, finger.rings, breast- | jor: Caldwell--a mistake for pins, chains, bracelets, {WHOLE NO. 752 "fut Natchez, " | say, cap'n, this ere aifit have charge of the stables. Whitby, 20th June, 1870. 25 OHAS. THORN, V.S.; | go, 111. Gold Medalist for the best exam nation on Horse Practice. Anthor of a First | Prize Essay on Shoeing. Graduated Sept, 18, 1867. ' Dr. Thorn begs to announce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry. and is now pre- pared to treat all cages entrusted to his care in the most skillful and scientific manner. All or- ders left at the Medical Hall of Messrs. Allison & Pettet, will receive prompt attention. 5 The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry, July 27, 1871. 30 HENRY GRIST, PITENT SOLICITOR AND DRSUGHTSNEN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government. Copy-| rights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, Specifications, and other Documents necessary to secure Pa- tents of Invention prepared oa receipt of the Model of the Invention. REFERENCES, Hon. A. Campbell, Postmaster General; W.C Smile. Esq., President Irish Bank Note Company; Jehn Langton, Fxq.. A forthe Dominion ; Wm Wode. Fsa.. Manager rio Bank ; Hon John Cail- mg, Master ef Public Work. Province of Ontario. | all that part of the ¢ between the first av in front of lot number two, and north of the rond as above described and to vest the same in Edward Major. GET YOUR PLANING DONE, PROPOSE TO PASS A BY-LAW eo {Toopen and establish as a public highway the following described rond--commencing at the north end of lot number two in the first con- cession of the Township of Reach,--the centre of said road is 5 chairs and 63 links on a course north, 74 degrees cast, from the northwest angle of lot number two; then south 73 degrees enst 95 links; then north 78 degrees east 5 chains; then north 70 degrees east 2 chains 25 links; then north 59 degrees east 75 links more or less EMBER of the Veterinaiy Institute, Chica- | to the southern limit of the allowance for road - | between the first and second concessions. -- The above described 1 the road which is one chain in width. eing in the centre of | And to stop up and close as a public highway nal allowance for road second concessions and JOIN CNRISTIE, Township Clerk Reach, 21st May, 1872. 22-td YOUR SIDING AND FLOOR- ING DRE D, YOUR DOORS, SASHES, INDON FRAMES, BLINDS AND DOOR FRA RICHARDSOR'S FACTORY, SHELVING PORT PERRY. The Subscriber while feeling grateful for the tensive and SSA increasing patronage restowed upon him in the past would embrace this opportunity of stating that heis putting Heaven's | 10 see that each pot and box bears the British Govern feathers, ond |sake, Doctor!" he groaned. flowers, to suit the taste. ment stamp on which is engmved the words * HoLto- diamonds may be thrown in if you have| The dollar store will do. Whirl all around in a fashionable circle and stew by gaslight for six hours. Great care should be taken not to have the thing overdone. If it does not rise sullicicutly add more copies And such a Pearls and | thought it was Smith !" them ; if not, paste and pinchbeck from the | blow alternately : ¢ It makes no diffsrence ; for all present purposes consider me Smith.' other mistake as to personal identity. et eee. ¢I really doctcr replied with a word and a it ie said that old Bolns gave Jones pounding thet he never made an- nd that the address on , Loxpon, where only ho other fu of the world. ritish currency is they are manufactured, an The retuil prices are on the labels in and not in dollars nid cen s. No representative of min: any patt of the Briush Py either to sell or to take ¢ will ever travel through en, of the United States, s for my Pills and Ointe ve the pablie in this idors, falsely will very probably be made to de way by persons enlling © representing that ihe: kuowledge and consent, | d in public on their guard agamist any such deceptions, I most earnestly entrent all those who may read th advertisement thai they be pleased i blic interest ment, and as | have reason to believe hat uitempts of a New York paper. This dish is high A good story is told of Mr. Jobn Ram: bs communion the purport ef tog ly ornamental, and will do to put at the |say, whose life has just been published. Chnsing peripe' worthless intutio head of your table on grand occasions, but | [le was speaking one day of the old prac- \ . is not vitable for every day use at home | tice of rough ond.realy word-and blow | knowledge of hy pesson ral epurg Wedicineg the genuine I wonld ask, as a great favor, that should it come io are heing made or being very expencive and digestible. It | correction, and Illustrated it as follows : | find ns tll ihe, cometimes gives men the heartburn, and (I min' weel, when I was scarcely five causes them to break, and is certain death | years old, how my mitber taught me that. | = to children. If you lave not the ingre- The good woman had been hearing me | miise Forsiins SESE ith She dients at Land, you can buy the ariicle repeat the Lord's Prayer. She had ad- | may give me such information, the informant's name i oe ..| ded to her other instructions that night | "ever being divulged. . ready--made in any of our large cities--if the information that the next night she Should nny person have reason to believe that he | as you have money enou_h. been deceived by buying spurious imitations of these --_------ wished me, in add:ti n,to say something | Medicines, he will du well to send me, 1n a letter, w the Iark Twain on Chambermaids- the » he spurious medicines, und likes the Unned ied them, public, 10 and 1 : . ~ address at foot (winch he ean do ata cost of #ix cents of my own--something tbat I desired God | in postage.) one of the books « ons which are C ) Iv SLL t0 grant me. Ye can fancy ber amage- |S i ben, | MO CA ment, when from tke lips of her kaeeling pot sth spur ue he ny io the pera fom i i , i: who purchased them to have h Against all chambermaids of whatever | bay there arose the petition, 0 antl) sis. ve aesire tor bia The age or nationality, 1 launch the curse of | gi'e my mither a better temper, mak' her | Medicines can be supped ut the lowest wholesale 2 in' i in quantities of not less than vor th--vi B chelordom. -- The ' din' that instantly rang out | ECE MEN or adzen boxe Because ? through my head rings in it now when Pm | of Gmnent, new, without discount, om wo They always put the pillows at the op- a speaking ot tance must be sent in udyance, A AG posite end of the bed from the gas burner, | A kind old father-in law wanted to THOMAS HOLLOWAY. so that while you read and smoke befcre know why the Feejeeans were called £93, 07:7d Shien, fle S44, Soni sleeping, [as is the ancient and honored | cannibals, 10 which Barnum replied, Be- ] ---- tet z. | lis or pois r which remit= 1 have the honor to be, JOHN IicDONALD, MARBLE Sewing Machines who have had the pleasure of esamining it to be the best and cheapest in the Dominion. Ladies make sure work, and pur chase the Patent Letter A, and you will hav the best machine for $30. All chines; wa ranted. Orders attended to on the shortest notice. J. C. PILKEY, A SoLE AGEN Epsom, Sept. 7, 187. THOS, H. WALSHE. ICENSED Auctioneer for the Town- ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in NorthOntario: Mariposa, etc., in the Connty of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Or- ders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctually attended to. Debts collectedin Can- nington, or otherwise, and romps remittances made. Remember-- WAL EZ, the North On- tario Auctioneer. : : > Marriage Licenses ! Issued by Authority. E. MAJOR Jan'y 1sty 1870 New Watch and Jewellery Establish- ment, G. GODDEN. PRALTIOAL WATCHMAKER lately employed By McCdw Bros. has now commteaced business in Mr. Allin"s Book Store, opposite the Untario Bank, Ross's Block, and guarantees that all work commit; to his care will be done in a geod workman manner and at very moderate charges. A large stock of Superior Watches, Clocks ad Jewelry always kept on hand and sold cheap. . Remember! all work warranted, and charges a G. GODDEN, Allin's Book Store, opposite Ontaiio Bank, Oct. 4,1871, 3-11 Port Perry, Feb. 28, 1872. ? 10. NEWCASTLE, ONT. DEALER forth additional efforts in order more fully to meet the rapidly increasing demands of the public by keeping constantly on hand lots of oors, Sashes, Frames, Blinds, &c., &ec., all carefully made np of choice seasoned Lumber and at prices which will make it an cbject for V[ONUNENTS, Tomb-Tables, Hend-Stones parties to purchase. AVA Granite, (= Parties will of great variety, with every description of Marble Work, suitable for Cemeteries, supplied | UWP 8t short notice. at short notice. Also Peterhead and Aberdeen nd it to their advan- tage to withhold their orders until called on . J. C. WILLIAMSON, . Agent. Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war- ranted. January 10, 1872. 3-re Important Discovery. GREAT TUMOUR AND THICK NECK REMEDY. BY WILLIAM D. ANDERSON. HIS Medicine cannot be sw ed for\re- moving Tumours goiter and taking down the thick necks and as a generalLiniment it is magi- cal in its effects, It will cure a Cold in one night. It is good for Dyspepsa the Hectic Fever the Asthma, Neuraliga and all kinds of Rheum- atism, and other afflictions of the body. THIS is to certify that I had a Tumour cn the side of my neck near the jugular vein of twenty one years standing the size of a hens ses and I effectually removed it from my neck in a few weeks hy Irving the above named tumor remedy without giving the slightest pain or drawing of blood. WM. D. ANDERSON. 81 per bottle, in most cases one bottle one cure' wi In all the money must accom the sppication: = ey At the village of Borelia (now P. P.) P pee lage of 0 > Port March 13, 1872. JOHN CHRISTIE, OWNSHIP CLERK for Reach, Con- peer; Commisglonée of tn Qourt o ueen'sBench, &c. ty us eh go. isihessuare ully attende 12-3m Everything in the line kept on hand or made Planing, Dressing, &ec. Done with dispatch and charges moderate at Richardson's Planing Mill and Sash, Door &c., Factory, Water Street, Port Perry. A. RICHARDSON. Port PERRY. April 10, 1871. > PUBLIC SCHOQOL TEACHERY EXAMINATION. nant NP 8 000 NPG 68000. HE EXAMINATION OF CANDI- pates for Public School Teachers' Second and Third Class Certificates, will be held (D.V.) in tte Town of Whitby ! COMMENCING ON TUESDAY, 16th JULY, AT 9 A. M.|' The Examinations for FIRST-CLASS CERTIFICATES will be held at the same place, commencing on TUESDAY, 23rd JULY, AT 9 A, M. Candidates will be required to notify me oot later than the 25th: June," of their intention 1o present themselves for examination; as I will have to inform the Department not later than the 28th June, ofy the number of Candidates lor each clags of Certificates. The Normal School Students will be ex- amined, in their respective Counties, with the other Candidates. JAMES McBRIEN, Ins. P. 8., Co. Ont. Raglan, May 27, 1872. © 93-td eyes, If they earnot get the light in an un--- comfortable position any other way, they move the bed. 7 1f you pull your trunk out six inches custom of bachelors] you have to hold | cause they live off other people." your book alolt in an uncomfortable posi | replied he, unhappily, ¢ my four son-in.laws tion, to keep the light from dazzling your | must be cannibals--they live off me ! "Then re red Si A Scotch law lord wes seated once on the hill -side of Bonally with a Scotch shepherd, and observing the sheep repos- ing in what be thought the coldest situation, --GRATEFUL AND knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills." --Clivit Service Gazelle. Wateror Milk Each packet is labelled --"J Aug Eres & Co., Homeopathic Chemists, London. Also, makers of Rupes Milky Cocoa (Cocoa, Kk). Made simply with Boiling * im: 3 and Condensed Mi from the wall 50 that the lid may stay up he observed to him: ** Joho, if I were a ree ttl rms : sheep I would lie on the other side of the : SI OF BRONCHITIS when you open i they always shove that en The shepherd answered : Ay, my ANOTHER oA trunk back again. laird, but if ye bad been a sheep ye wad Brmcowarer, N. S., Merch 20d, 1869. pose. . bad mair sense." MR James |, FeLrows. They always put your boots into in- in Doar sin: While in Windsor on a accessible places. They chiefly enjy A young lady bas taken up dentistry | vie! in December last, ell in with an old depositing them as far under the bed as fer A All the i le patronize | friend --Capt. H. Cofiill=ned Gnding. him J i hearty { robust, was led to the wall will permit. This is because it |her. When she puts her arm about the hookers 0 Say Bodin yo log 0 i Fai neck of the patient, and caresses his jaw | oauge, for when | saw him (Wo years pre- Sompe you v get owe in 0 Seige) for the offending member, the sensaiion is bined waa 0 mere skeleton. He iform:< al Hue sng Me i nd sweps 107) uhout as nice as they make 'em. One |ed me that your very valuable Syrup of them in the dark with boot=jack and young man has become hopelessly infatua Hy pophosphiies had sfipviod 8 poskiat fore, swear. Tobi he. + Gonsequenty last a ls prsaast o 13 ihe 7:0 fo Bron: They always put the match box in| tooth in his lead. £he has drawn hem ee iy years. | poichased one some other place. They hunt up a new and made iwo new sets, and pulled them. | 1,5.q of this Syrup, and have used only place for it every day, and put a bottle She is now at work on his father's jaw at| bree bottles, and my health ie now betier or other perishable glass thing where his persuasion. He holds the jaw lor the | (han it has been for years. Not requiring the box stood before. This is fo cause | pleasure of coming at her. the bulance of the dozen, [ sold it to differ: ou to break that glass thing groping + -_ ent parties, and now there is a general de- : L Berlin, Provsin,has twelve public liberies, | mand for it from all para. - about in the dark, and get yourself into with 48.724 vol mes. Respectfully yours, W.J. NELSON. euble, . : Capt. H. Coffill in the person who wan No matter where you put anything,| hg gommercial writers fay that 1872] cured of Consumption in 1866 by Fellow's they won't let it stay there. They will | will be distingvished for its i rade. Pp Syrap of Hypophosp take it and move it the first chance they a letter was published some time 8go. get! The British iron product ia about 5.500,-| yohneon's Anudyne Liniment may be They always rave up the old scraps of [000 tons a year, and the American about NES ore any Pain "Ritter printed rubbish you throw on the floor, and 2,000,000. ; in desirable. Iu cases of suvere ramps or start the fire with your valuable manu- A flap Who sailed around the world and pains in the stomach, it is undoubtedly the icle that can be had. reripts, > . | carried a Philadelphia newspaper in his best arinle And they use more bair oil than any six | pocket, said it was the most widely circu- men. lated journal mn America. They keep always coming to make your bed before you get up, thus destreying > your rest and inflicting agony upon you,but | duced a letter from a Washeroman testi- 'They do it on pur- | Aree Habirnal constipation leads to the follows ing resulta: \ i X 4 18, indigestion, piles, lose of appe- A defendant in a New York court pro- ap rongth's Co whieh may ba aviided by being fegular in your habits, This witty | and taking, sny-one of Parsons' Purgativ after you get up, they don't come any dying 1 lis good chatacier, roke of flat-irony produced his release, Phils mightly, for four or six weeks, - more till next day. at a » whose loflamation of the kidneys, . |sick and nervous headache, bilionsners,, # p i Se

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