diversities of opinion will exist and he zon- po ieconendilh nap? fais A k COUNTY ( be A Not being able To get vo Meuncil sooner then Thureday 'inutuing we were foiced io leat on the Minutes oi the Clerk for the proceedings of the previous days. Alter the regular opening of the Council the Warden presecied soveral imporiant communications. ; The opinion of Harrison & Moss, Q C.%s, vegarding the responsibility of the County Council 10 maintain the Scugog Bridge was that the Council is bound 10 maintain the 'bridge in a proper state of repair, bul that a toll may be put upon it with a view of raising funds for that purpose. In the mean time repairs to the exteut of $150 have been ordered. Parties had been annoyed with the over- flowing of ihe water of Lake Simcoe and attributed the cause to come obstructions to the outlets but vn investigation it was found that the over fliw was ocvasioned by the eréction of a mill-dam. On motion the following gentleman were appoigted'n special committee to equalize the assessmeht rolls for the present year, viz: Messrs. Button, Gordon, Guy, McMill- an, McRae, Shier and White. ; SECOND DAY. The Warden took the chair at 10 o'clock. After the reading of the minutes the County Treacurer's report was submitted from which with the blanks filled vp, we gather the following items : Since the commencement of the present wear the expenditore of the County his Leen 15,168, and the income [or that time meloding the balances from 1871 10 $11,849, so that ovr expenditurs exceeded our income by $3,319 The report places the amounts 19 be provided for up ull Juee 1873 as lollows : For payisent of County Officers und Members of » 'vancil 3,234 $3030 * Expenses on County 'Prope a Fi ih of Publie School 600 * Board of Examiners of fe FL " High &chouls. ia in 1,000 3 County Printing & aves wl Gov 4.952 i 581 4 Thoral Drill Shed... 250 1,600 00 06 - 3 z $3: oH g g 3 1 "600 "Auditors Salary. 1 "Criminal Justice. 6,000 - 1,000 " Juil Supplie Ci i 600 100 * the Warden's Disbursement . With the excess of expendittic Vcr income since Junuury 181 1870. 3,319 Nukes in all to provide for. s $271,203 Less for Criminal Justice sud Pedluis' Licenies %,800 $24,808 Leaving in routd numbers $25,000 to provide for. Mr. GORDON intioduced and carried through ite second reading a by-law to con- firm by-law 503 of the township of Reach. Mr. BUTTON carried through the Ly -law introduced at the January session, 10 incor- porate the village of Uxbridge: Mr. GUY iwroduced and carried through its second reading a by-law 10 confirm by-| law 253 of the Township of East Whuby. THIRD DAY. { Tlie Warden took the chair at 10 o'clock. | The minvtes of the Wednesday's seesion | were read and approved. The Warden read a communication from Mr. Roution Commissioner ol the Nariow's bridge setting forth that a new swing bridge had been constructed and oiher extensive Tepairs were going on. ~Me.BIGELOW presented the petition of C. Paxton and others praying the Council for aid in he construction of a bridge between the townships of Scugog and Canwiight, urging the importance of tha work and the advantages which would accrue tu the County from its construction. Mr. McMILLAN presanted the petition of Wilson, Oshawa, paying the Council for payment of the rent of a house belonging to petitioner and occupied by a tamily in indi gent circumstances, the head of the said family being confined in the lunatic asy- lum, Mr. BICKELL gave notice that he would onMomorrow, move for leave to introduce a by-law to appoint a& Treasurer for this coun- Ay. £ . Mr. McDERMOTT muodaced and carried through its first and second readings a by- law to zonfirm by-law No. 14 of the town- ship of Rama. On motion the Warden left the chair till 3 o'clock, AFTERNOON RESEION, The WARDEN took the chair at 2 o'clock. The Ce. Auditors presented their Audit of the non-resident lands. he petition of the County 'Treasurer praying the Council for au' advance of sal- ary was presculed, » On motion the council adjonrred till 10 o'clock on Friday morning. FOURTH DAY. The Warden took the chair at 11} o'clock. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. GORDON, Chairman of the Eqoali- zation Committee brought in the Report of said Committee, which being received ile chairman proceeded to read the preamble and amongst other things refering to the irregular manner in which several of the Rolls had been got up, and recommendinz to Reeves wud Clerks the importance of having the Rolls properly got up before passing out of their hands and thus snve a world of trouble and annoyance in the cqualiZation of said rolls. Having gor throogh the preamnb'e, Mr. Gordon n.oved 1hat the report just read be adopted. Mr. WHITE rising said the course pro- posed by thie Chaitman of this Commitee was an veual one, and he [ White] regard: d # os an act of no hitle presumption on the art of the mover, to ask the Council to go Biiadty info a matter of so much importance without knowing anything of the contents of the Repot', and he 'hoped ithe Cunncil would not consent to any such couree, Mr. GORDON repli "was nol his desire or intention Thi ouncil should go into this or any "other er blindly aad that he meant lo sul Bit the Commiitee had fioding that in this as in 21 instances when a matter of equa. comes up between several municipal sidered that were -the_Council to into Committee of the whole a large amount of time would be spent to little or no profit, 'and in | void this he had moynd the the Report, ) hich bad vently isd ime Council = (4 a Eqnalization Commillee of the coiteiits of the Report, had ~ tlemun attended to his duties in C "necessary fo bring 1 commities of the whole. enid there was no such rangsd them, but $3 rule but ip:a matter of so much importance, where the Whole matte cf the taxes of the County were involved, it was usual to have the matter disctissed in committee of the whale. : . Mr. GORDON referred lo several. in- stantes in which this had been done and progeeded to read the figures as equalized. On motion for the ndoption Mr. SHIER moved in apiendment that it be not now adopted but that "it be referred toa com- nities of the whole Council in order to have the matter properly discussed. said that he had been a member of the qualization Ci but he regarded the figures submitted in tha Report da most He | 187 Mr. SMITH, East Whitby, by permis- sion preserited a petition {rom the Directors of the Sonth Ontario Agricultural Society praying for aid to ussist 1 building catile sheds. He said that $700 had been dolleots ed by privgte subscription but it weld re- quire $500" more. Oa motion of Mi. ROBINSON an order was granted in favor of the lowhehip of Thorah for $280 for the erection of a Drill Sned in that towhship the same having bot appropriated #0 the June seceSion al . The Warden read a communication from a party in Toronto offering to construct a steam apparatus for heating the Court Houee the { Registry office and cermin and per| g A greal inj on the township of Brock which has been raised out of all proportion, and he could not understand why it was that it should be so raised,it app I as il the C i would take the advantage in 'the absence of the Reeve. But however it isit must be obvious to-all that Brock is being taken advantage of in the considerable raise which 1s being made in the equalization of tnat township. On Mr. Shier's amendment being put it was declared, lost by 13 against 11. So the balt'e must be fought before the Warden. Oa motion of Mr. BICKELL the Warden left the chair till 2 o'elock, The Warden took the chair at 2 o'clock ; and on the adoption of the report being again put Mr." Bigelow moved that the equalization of Reach and Port Perry be ro amended that in place of Reach being equalized ot $12.12 and Pont Perry at $1.75 that Keach be made $12.49 and Port Perry $1.38 and allow the others to remain as d{ iney are § ho (Bigelow) contended that Por Perry was being over rated. Compared with the town ol Whitby for instance ac- cording 1 their valuations Port Perry would be paying over 10 for 4 that Whitby vis called to pay, or in other words Port Perry would be paying over 150 per cent more in | proportion to her value than Whitby town, {and all he wanted froth the Council was | «amiething like justi Port Perry, he dail, | Wes ust etruggiiiiz. in the first stages of her | separate existence, and she ought af Jest | 10 be asked to pay no more than her legit- | imate share of the public burdens. | Mr. GORDON says that the Reeve cf | Port Perry has no one but himself to blame | if that municipality is rated tvo high. Port | Perry hal first been gott down at 2.25 but | he (Gordon) had objected to this as being | 100 high, and it was accordingly redaced to | 2, then to 1.80 and finally to 1.75 ;and with this arrangement Mr. Bigelow Lad declared himself well ealisfied, and promised his support to carry the repert, and the calcula- tions were made accordingly ; and for Mr. Bigelow to come down now and seek to do an injustice to Reach in order to still | furiher reduce Port Peity was mosl uifea: | sonable and he (Gordon) knew the Council } would pot lend their support to this wrovg. Mr. SHIER said it was evident that the comniliee was packed, and that there had been a combinaliou to raise some munici- palities unfairly, otherwise such great dis crepancy could not have been made ; he would ask the council to compare the rates of Brock and Uxbridge for instance and ask if there were any fairness in the valuation Mr. McMILLAN rebuked the last speak- er for atiributing unworthy motives to the Committee without the slightest reason: Mr. BIGELOW'S amefidment being put was declared lost, only 3 voting for it, Mr. SHIER then moved that the report be so amended as 10 make Uxbridge 8.49} and Brock 12.31%, He said whatever might be said to the contrary he felt convinced that the commit- tee had not conducted the equalization fairly and that in consequence of some | combination some had been kept too low | while others especially Brock had been | raised too high. Mr. GORDON strongly condemned the course pursued by the D. Reeve of Brock | both in committee and on the floor of the { chamber and cautioned him against pursu- ing a like course. | Mr. BUTTON followed in = similar strain | diselsiming alt intention of unfairness on | the part of the committee. | Mr. SHIER'S amendment was declared lust only himself voting for it, Ou the adoption of the report being again submitted Mr. While eaid whether he should curry bis point or not hie desired to have his views on this matter entered on the minutes of this council, and proceeded to attack the report as being outrageous. And alter peddling round the chamber a 1epoit of his own geitiug vp he finally submitted it as an amendment to the report of the eommittee. Mr. ROWLAND took Mr. White rathér severely 10 task for his action in this matter showing that that gentleman is far from being easily eatisfied. Mr. GORDON followed pointing out ta Mr. White the injustice of his attempt at raising sectional issues, having so framed his equalization as to secuie"il possible all the south and as many of the north as carry bis measuvre. Mi. McMILLAN censured My. \Vhite for seeking to attack a principle which he ba. already acquiesced in while in com- mittee--the equal distribution between the north and south. Mr. WHITE'S amendment was declared lost there being only 7 for it and 17 agaiust. The report was then adopted by a vote of 14 agsinst 10. The following are the rates at which the several municipalities are equalized, Oi every hundred dollars required for general County purposes : Brock, ....$12.46 Pickering . 21.00 Reach,..... 12.12 5.80 .36 Scotty wi. Uxbridge, .. . Oshawa,.... 500 | Whitby East 9 80 Whitby town 4.62 | Port Perry.. 1.75 Mr. BIGELOW, chairman of the stand- ing e ittee on Printing, brought in their report recommending-the payment of the following accounts, viz : Gazette, $6.80, Obeerver, $3.20, Standard 300. . -- oa Report received and adopted and on motion of Mr. Bigelow the amounts were ordered 10 be paid. Mr. BUTTON carried a motion recom- m>uding the finance committee 10 take the necess Ary steps for thesconsolidation of the y 20 years. = i i i of Mr. 5f¢MILLAN a special committee consisiing: of ihe Process session. Mr. SORDON moved that al amount in_the estimales the Blarchmont Home. xi [ia Came os so at of 1h rslaton snggest as the object of the resolution iis attained, viz: ~ bringing of the matter beforq the attention: of the Finance Committee, he would recommend the mover to withdraw his motion, to which the hove consented and the motion Was withi- mwa. i the Finance to place a in favor of b this county with a view to the dots of deSsniures covering a space of, Massie, Cowan, Robinson, Smith (Scoit) asd 1.]@ mover was appointed to consider Ihe adviscbility of ®| granting a certain amount to ti,@ volui'eers | | about 10 go into camp at Niagara 8nd io report st their earliest convenience dusing| other rooms of the County Buildings for the sum of $2,500. > On motion of Mr. BICKELL fe Warden left the chair till 7 o'clock, p. m. Council resumed. Warden jis the chair, Mr. GUY Chai of ding © it tee on County property and jail management brought in their report. 1st. Reporting favorably on the state in which the jail und premises are kept. * 2ad. That durnig the past. 5 monthe the entire number of prisoners eutered on the prison register was 68 -- 18 of whom were females, and that on tae 31st ult. there were 4 prisoners in juil, 2 males and 2 females. That the entire number of days rations given oul 10 prisoners during the past 5 months was 1,342 at an average cost ol 9} cents each day. The payment of accounts to the amount of $558 for supplies was recommended. The report further recommends the Com- mittee appointed at the Jannary Session to enquire into the matter of erecting a suit- able registry office to proceed to let tenders, and otherwise prepare lor the erectign of said building by the coming spring, and have it completed thereafter as evon as possible. The Committee refuse to enfertain the re- quest from the township of Uxbridge fora grat of $21 being an amount for rent of Ontario Hall, for the purpose of holding Division Courte. : The repari recommends that (fie Howse: keeper be aniborized 16 uve a cistern con- structed in the Court House grounds and that he may go to an expense nou (0 4X- ceed $30, and that the jailor b8 authorized 10 build a sie walk out side the jail yard the old one being worn out. ° On motion the committee arose and re- ported the report as amended. On mation the report was received and adopted ; and on motion of Mr. Guy the several sums were ordered t) be paid. Mr. BILKELL now rovad a introduce the by-law of which he had given uotice for the appointment of a Treasurer, &c. Mr. ROBINSON rose to a point of order, stating that the notice had been defective inasmuch as it did not cover all the groun.l. Mr DONOVAN took a similar objection. The WARDEN rulled that the point was well taken, and Mr. BICKELL again gave notice of his by-law wording it s0 as he thought to meet the case. On motion the Council adjourned till 9 a. m., Saturday. FIFTH DAY. The Warden took the chair at 9 o'clock. After the reading of the minutes Me Mc Millan chairman of the special committee: to whom was referred the matter of giving a grant lo the volunteers brought in their report recommending an appropriation of $4 for each officer, non commissioned offi- cer and private of the ' 34th Baualion who may be out on their anuual dnl during the present year. The report further set forth that the principal of the courties supplem- On motion for the adoption of the report Mr. GORDON moved that the report be not now adopted but that it be referred to the courmittee of the whole with instruc. tions to strike out the volunteers of the 34:h battalion" and substitute the vol. unteers of thie county. " "Lost, there being 8 yeas and 14 nays. The report was then adopted. Ou motion of Mr, McDERMOT'I' the messenger was allowed $2 per doy during before a committee of the whcle much valuable time wou!d be spent in discussing it and bis object in making this niove is to ascertain whether or not a majority of the council desire the matter. brought up at this tine. ; Me. BIGELOW'S ameadment being put wos carried by 11 yeas to 10 nays. Mr. WHITE, chairman of the com- mittee on Finance and Assessment brought in their report and moved the council into the time of his d on Mr. BICKELL now moved for leave to introduce a by-law to repeal by-law No. 2 of this corporation and also all such portions uf other by laws, as relate 10 the appointment or salary of the County 'I'easurer ; and to appoint a County Treasurer and fix bis salary, and that the by-law be now read a first time. The by law was read a first time. Mr. BICKELT: moved that the by law b: now read a second time and that the council resolve into committee of the whole therton,ond tule 34 of this council be sus. pended for that purpose. Mr. ROBINSON rose to a point of order, no previous notice having been given of the'second reading. Mr. O'DONOVAN supported Mr. Robinson in his point, : The WARDEN ruled that an actual majority of the whole. council could sus- pend the rule without previous notice. A majority supported the suspension and the council went into committee of the whole on the by-law. On motion the ccmmittee arose and asked leave to sit again at 2 o'clock. The WARDEN remarked that it was only 11 o'clock and if there way any busi- ness ready it Light be proceeded with. Mr. GORDON, Chairman of the Com- mittee cn Roads and Bridgea brought 1a their report and moved the Counail into |» committe of the whole thereon, Mr. Mil- ler in he chair. 2 The Report gat [orth that the Committee had bad before Them by-law 14,0f the town- ! ship of Mara ; 253, of E. Whitby. und 503 of the lowus!ip of Reach, and finding that the necessary steps have been complied with recommend that ea'! by-laws be passed. The Co nites had had before them the report of the Commissioner for the Narrows Bridge regarding the erection of & swing in raid bridge and other necessary repairs and learning that the apy hes stand in need of repair would recommend that in conjunction with the. County cf Simcoe, earth approaches be constructed in place of the plank which are represented as tapidly wearing out. The WARDEN asked whether the chair man of Commitee hud any knowledge what amount would bw required lor the construction of said works ? The chairman replied that he did not know how much it would be likely 10 take, but he knew from the continued rise in tne price of lumber that the earth works" would be much cheaper in the end. The WARDEN replied trom what he had seen of these approaches «he planks were likely to stand for two or three years and in the meuntime it would be the better course 10 ask tor estimates and have them laid before the January Session of next Council, The section was amended in accordance with the suggestions of the Warden.: The next eection recommends that the Wardens of this and the other Counties concerned with the Reeves of Mara ard Rama be a committee to wait an the Gov- enting the pay ol the volunieers is not a correc: one as it is the government and not | the counties who should do 1t ; but as 60: | the amount allowed by the government ag ike daily pay of each volunieer is teo little | the committee recommend a grant of gy | additional 25¢c. per day, but recommniend | that in future the government recognise more [ully the value of the services of the volunteers by granting them more liberal ay, and recommending that the matter be bronght to the notice of the Minister of militia. The repoit being submitted the Council went into committee of the whose thereon Mr. Guy in the chair. Mr. WHITE said that while he feels {ceuain that all should and do sympathize | | with our volunteers and believe that they are well deserving of ull and mare than is { Pipes for them, still he believes that the ull amount sheuld come from the govern- ment, and he is much pleased with ihe recommendation iu the report that the mat- ter be biought 10 the hotice of the Minister of milina. He did not approve of confining the grant to the members of the 341k bat- talion he wou!d prefer giving it to all volun- teers whether they belonged to the battalion or not going from this county. Mr. COWAN objects 10 creating any misunderstanding ss 'o whom the money should be given. The Warden said he was much pleased to witness the marked change which had come over not a few of the members around this board aad how the services of the volunteers are being recognized by ithe Reeve of Pickering and others who formerly pr { all grants to' 3 it was en- couraging however now 1o see them come forward cheerfully and offering words of en - ernment regarding the obetructions to the waters of Lakes Simeoo aud Couchiching, , and report to this Covnerl, The Report recommended thut no action be taken ou the petition of C. Paxion aud ¢ others regarding the erection of a biidge fiom Scugog to Cartwright. Mr. BIGELOW moved in amendment that the above clause be siruck out and the folowing substituted in placa thereof. -- That « Committee consisfing of Mr. Hol- man and the Reeves of Scogog and Pont Petry be a committee w confer with the Conucils of Darlington and Cailwright re- garding the construcgion of said bridge and report to the next Council at ite January Session. -- Carried . 'The report further recommends that an {appiopriation of $100 «be made for the budge over the Severn, and 850 lor the bridge over the weet branch of said river on condition that ie County of Simcoe grant like sums. 3 The report approves of the action of those who obtained legal advice regarding the responsibility of the Council in the mutier ol the Scugog bridge, recommend the ex- pendiure of $150 and thyt Mr. Reader be Commissioner on eaid tiidge and further that a Cominittee consisting of the Reeves of Reach, Scugog aud Port Perry be ap- pointed to inspect the bndge and if found necessary to expend au amcunt on repairs not exceeding $250. The following accounts had been placed, befure the ittee and rec Jed, viz: Mr. McRae as commissioner $25 ; the commiltre appointed to examioe into causes of the overflow of the waters of Simece undCouchiching $30;legal opinion | of Harrison & Moss $20 ; Mr, Reader as issiuner of the Scugog Bridge §i148. couragement lo our brave vol , who are bone of uni bone and (lesh of our flesh, our gons, our brotbers end our neighbors. Mr. BICKELL could not agree with the Reeve of Pickering as lo changing the wording of the clause referring tv the bat. talon, ; Mr. Smith (Oshawa) agréed with the Reeve of Pickering as to the change. Mr. HOLMAN views the malter pre- cisely as he did last year, he hos failed to hear auy reason why he shonld view it dif. ferently ; he regards the principle as entire- ly wiong and he could not support the re- port. , Mr. GORDON eays hie has not changed' hig ming on the matier since last 'year bui ing the Council plainly indicating Ineir desire to grant the amount he would not oppose it. He cannot howsver coincide with the views of the Resves of Oshawa and Pickering, but he cannot be expected tw view this question exacily as they do seeing tha: the position which these (wo gent'emen occupy has besn very much al- tered _by the recently changed positions whicfi they occupy before the county. Mr. BATES agrees with. the views of the Reeve of Pickering as to the necessi'v for a change in the wording of the claus, ies Mr. Bs GELC'W will support the clause a it now stands and £9es 80 benefit to be; derived from the change. hE Mr., ROWLAND: will support. the amendment. Afier considerable further discussion the clause as amenied was eavried ; and the On motion the commitiee arose and re- ported the report as amended. Report received aod adoped. On motion of Mr. GORDON the amounts in- the report were ordered to be paid. ; - "On motion the Warden left the chair till 2 o'clock. - Council resumed-- Warden in the chair. ; ; By-laws 14 of Rama, 253 of E, Whitby and 503 of Reach were read a third time, and passed, signed and sealed.' On motion of Mr. GUY $100 was granted to the Warden for extra expenses. Mr. GORDON: brought up a case of back taxes, where the lot'bad been sold polwithstanding that the taxes were all paid and the property never had been non-resident for the lust 20 years. It was not considered within the juris-- diction of the council, A The council being about fo go into committee of the whole on Mr. Bickell's by-law for the appointment of a Treasurer for the County. ii ily Mr. BIGELOW moved in amendment that the Council do not now go inte eom- tmittee of the whole on said by-law but that it go into committee of the whole this day four months. : eine Mr. BIGELOW said he had no desire to burk the question or to obstruct the committee arose sud reported the report "as amended. ATL Jegislation of the council but time was precious and sbould this subject now come tee of the whole thereon, Mr. McDermott in the chair. The report referred to the items of the Troasurer's report, but having given this above we may pass them over. The report advises the consolidation of the debt of the county by the issue of debentures for $20 000 coseriog a Sate of 20 years, and that the Warden, reasurer and chairman of Finance be a commiitee to attend to this matter. 'The report sets forth that an assessment of $20,000'will meet the current expenses of the corporation. 3 . The committee had before them the Auditors' repart of the non resident lands GORDON'S, Manchester. -- HE PUBLIC are respecifully informed that the Subacriber has fates. received a large stock of the latest styles of Spring and Summer Goods. Parties in want of" ood: : Good Bargains will please call early. cial attention is re- quested to the following lines, viz: Wide, fast-colored York-Shilling Prints; 25 cent Red Flaanel ; a heantiful lot of Dress Goods ; a large lot of Black and Colored Silks, Very cheap ; 25 cents to $3 each; a fine lot of Summer Shawls, latest fashions; a very large lot of Ladies' Chignons, Brades and Switches, newest styles: Ladies' Hats and Bounets, also Misses' and Children's Hats in great variety, trimmed and untrimmed, styles very handsome and prices low ; a large stock of Ladies' Prunella Boots from $1 per pair, -also Children's and Misses' Summer Boots in great variety. The and the T'reasvres's accoutts for the past year, ond recommend the adoption ol the Auditors' report, and find the Treasurer's accouats to be correct. The ittee cannot r J of ( is particularly requested to the large stock of Trias and Cloths suitable for fine summer Suits, which can be made up to order at short notice in the most fashionable sisles and at reasonable rates. Ready-made Clothing in great variety. Also a large lot of Gents and Boys' Boots, ats and Gloves. any increase in the T'reasurer's salary. The repert rezommends that $200 be given in answer to the prayer of the Directors ot the South Ountario Agricul tural society, and $59 to the Marchmont Home. : Mr. BIGELOW moved that the clause be so amended as 10 give $200 to the N. O. Agricultural Society also. Mr. GORDON moved that the 9th clause be so amended as to add $200 to the N. O. Agricultural Society. Mr. BICKELL would be willing to give $200 to North Ontario if South Outurio get 8400. [le boasts of having bad ap amount of $700 subscribed for by m m- bers of the Sociéty but that it would sill require $500 mere to complete the work. Mr. GORDON sfated that the Presi- dent of the Society had fold him that the $700 referred 16 were accumulated funds, clause be Struck cut, , Mr. ROBINSON would be willing to give $400 to South Ontario and $200 to the North, : Mr. WILTE charges the representa= tives from the north with manifesting a sectional feeling and demanding a grant for the north simply because the south asks one, 5 Mr. GORDON replied stating that Mr. White had been most unfortunate during the present session as being the only member who appeared to encourage sectionals feelings. Mr. BATES wou'd pref r baving the clause struck out, he would much prefer that no grant should be given at all to having feelings of sectional jeatousy arise There was a lime when grants were regul- arly given and sectional fights were had over them every year. Mr. ROWLAND objects to these grants as being uofair ou principle as the whole country has to pay for them while only a few are benefitted, Mr. SHEIQ objects fo having the whole of the county tuxed for the benefit of one or two localities aud therefore he will oppose the section. Mr. GORDON'S amendment was car- ried by 14 against 8. - On thotion the committee arose und re- ported the report as amended, On motion for the adoption Mr. hOW- LAND seconded by Mr. SUIER woved in amendment that the report be not now adoped but that it be referred to the committee of the wiiole with ivstructions 10 strike oul the clause containing the grants. : 'I'bere being only 7 yeas the amen'men was declared lost. The report was then adopted. 'The report provides for rassing $20,~ 00C for general ccaa'y purposes and $d,- 931.60 for public scho Is, civided as fol~ lows : Education, Gen. County Purposes. Municipalities. My. BROWN would prefer that ihe will please call early. ADAM GORDON. Manctester, April 18, 1872. P.S. Butter, Fggs and Pork Wanted. Also 00l, Wheat, and all other Grains, A lot of fine Sced Oats for sale. 2 AG. he Butario Moserher. "JAMES BAIRD,.... 1TO PRINCE 'ALBERT, JUNE 13, 1872. THE WEEK. An apology may be necessary to those of our readers who are non residents of this county for the large spice taken up with the County Council proceedings. The proceedings of the Brock Council, the Manchester fair and several other im-- portant matters laid over till our next. ------------ Oe BOUND FOR WHITBY. On Thursday morning last, being the 3rd day of the County Coencil, we: meant to start by the early train, but in order to do so we lound it necessary 10 be around before 6 a. m. Even at this early how we lound Prince Albert all astir and the Victoria Hotel Bus Finning around, picking up passengers in every direction and huorry- ing them on lo 1h rain. Aud here we may temaik that a beller rig, teum and bus would be hurd to find, it 18 a credit to th village, and cepecially is 1t ereditable 10 the enterprise ok Mr. Scot, the esteemed host of the Victoria Hotel. Ou arriving at tha station we were enrpiised to find so large # number of our Prince Albert friends wailing to take passoge by ihe cars. We found however that the tioubles only begun as we neared tlie station, for between the outside world and the track thers is a great gulf fixed which can only be passed at cousiderable peril, The first diffi cally which presents itself is a high "board fence or stockade, skirted by a dedp mud pit in which a series of broken rafters, half sunken sawloge, nud sundry sticks and stones, whi'e beyond this lies a clay hill. Fust then the lence is to te scaled in some way or other, the pit is then 10 be clambered over, and ihe clay hill is to climbed if possible. Oa this oc- casion however, thanks to the ingenuivy of fr. Sanders, an old iadder was placed from the top of the fence to the top of the clay hill beside the track. Partie had Qrst to climb the fence, then walk either ou the sides or rounds of the ladder over the in- tervening gulf--not a bad feat for an ex- peticteed trapeze performer, but a litle two much to expect liom ladies unaccustome ! 1 walk g the tight rope ; and when bales or boxes of merchandise poss Jo or from Prince Albeit the fun of hoistiig them over a ten rail fence, and witnessing the splen- did crash they make when they come to the ground 1s u "compensation for the tears and scratches one gets in hoisting. Cannot tlhe Company furnish a covple of sealing ladders for getting over fence, and a budge tor the nud hole so that their maybe less liklihvod of parties getting their necks broken in getting over. Of the passengers aboard the cars two- thirds at least were fiom the village of Prince Albert. The ride was very pleasan! and the cars made wood lime. Alter un ble ride of an hour and ten minutes Port Perr The general county rate will be 2} mills ou the dollar. Mr. McRAE moved that the sum of $40 be granted to each of the agricultural societies of Thorah and Mara. Mr. WHITE rose 10 a point of order and the motion was ruled out., Mr. BICKELL moved that Messrs. Button, Gordon; Guy, McMillan and the mover be a committee to enquire into the working, probable Sxpesse of .erec! ion, grounds, &c., suitadle for a Poor (louse land report to the Warden of this county by the first of January. --Carried. . Mr. ROBINSON chairman of thé committee on Lducation brought in their report and the council went into commit- tee of the whole thereon. + The report provides for 84,616 for Public school purposes, and $2,000 for High Schools. : _ 'The committee complained of the culp - able neglect of the: Departwent of Educa-- tion in not furnishing the necessary docu-- ments notwithstanding that they had been repeatedly asked for, "I'he committee had to be guided by the amounts raised in 1871 as not a single document could be got from the Department: Sy On motion the Warden left the chair for 15 minutes. : ' CBunoit resumed. A by-law for assessing the couaty in, the sum of $20,000 for general county purposes was. introduced and carried through. A by-law for assessing for Educational purposes was also passed. We were safely landed at the Whitby station. We never saw Whilby town up- pear in better nm as far as the buildings, tidy pl.ces of business, and laige aud ex- cellent stocks of merchapdise of one kind and another. Some of the principal streets however were in their usnal plight. At the crossing of Brock and ------ sireets, the most exposed, most traveled, most im- ortant part of the whole town, the road is iu a shameful condition, holes and gutters all over, a splendid location for testing the qualny of buggy eprings and, giving the ladies' dresses a mud coating. Again be- tween the Liotel amd the Ontario Bank there ie a large gutter hole, rolling, black and bottomless. A veritable bottom- less pit. The streets ure certainly in bad keeping with the excellent buildings and tidy business establishmerts. Plow and scrapers are scarcely comme # faut for the streets of so fine a town, ee ~ --er-- WELL DONE UTICA. 'We were much pleased to observe in pas. sing through the village of Utica the other day that the new Brick church erected there by the Wesleyan Methodist body was entirely completed as far as the ma- son and carpenter work is concerned. This is decidedly a handsome church and built upon one of the finest sites that could be selected in the province. It stands on a beautiful elevation, bigh and dry, clean 'and healthy, easy of access with ample ac- commodation around. 'Ibe church is a handsome structure 50x32 as near as we could judge. It is built of s'one and brick, the basement story being of stone. 'The design is in good taste and the work- manship excellent. ~ Mr. Pierson did the mason work and has done himself credit Ly the job, one seldom sees plastering 'to that done upon this bulbs. T equal Mr. Humphrey did the carpenter wor and we had an opportunity of examining it as it came from A hand ere yet the paint- "pe heated either th bot air or steam: Altogether this: is- one of the most tidy looking churches atid'beautiful sites that we . Itis anornament to the village township. SUNDAY SC 00L ANNIVERSARY "The Epsom Suiidsy School held their Anniversary 'én Wednesday, 5th inst, at the church Epsom, dinner and tea being served in the sheds. The church was tastefully 'Cécorated witli eve &e, A lange plaiform was erected lor the speakers, the choir, + and the children to rec te from. isk _ The church wis packed full in ever corner with a large anil respectable com= pany of grown up people and <ome lund. red and twenty or thirty of as fine looking v Mr. Ctambers the ycuog minis- - ter Prifice 'Alert Wesleyan Cir. : cuit, was called 10 the chair, and siter the necessary opening preliminaries be gave us an excellent address. 1% The subject was (reated most judicious- ' Iy ; he first spoke of the value and import-. ance of the Suaday School ins itution, tak- ing us back to the days of its earlier bis- tory, referring to the value of the instruc- tion communicated, the good it has already achieved and the benefits which it is des. e I | tined 10 secure to the world, at large. Next we had a number of choibe musical performances and several excellent recita- tions, dialogues, &ec., from the children. There was another address delivered snd again followed more music and speakin, prepared and spoken with ao eas: and flu. ency pleasant 'to listen to ; the selection was capital. The music furnished by the School Choir was charming, Miss Nich- olls presiding at the melodeon with capital effect. Miss Munro. accompsnied by Miss Nicholls on the melodeon, sung some charming pieces. Oge would squire to go a long way ere he would find a voice equal to that of Miss Munro, sweet, pow- erful, clear and full toned, and of which she bus a perfect command. It is worth going a long distance to bear ber Wandering Refugee," Much praise is due, in fact, the locality - is much indebted to Mr, Scott the worthy superintendent, Mr. Hotyson his assistant, and to the other officers and Teacheas of thut excellent school for the good work they are doing in that section of country and the benefits they are conferring net alone on the bright intellectual ehi'dren of that section: but throvgh them on society al large as well as on future generations ; and every wan, woman and child in the neighborhood ought to turn in with a will and render the schiulall the assistance in their power, and thus strengthen the hands and cheer the hear s of the superintendent and officers of tke schol, We had no opportunity of testing the culinary skill of the fair caterers for the entertainments of the table, dinuer bein over ere we arrived, oud we were forced, through press of business, to leave before tea, but parties who have ever partakem of the hospitalitics of the fair daughters of the neighborhood will take it for granted that he tea and surroundings were all that cou'd be wished. We were dissppointed at having to leave before the evening's enteriainmen'. We have very mu:h pleasure in learn- ing that the'concert was no less successful than the day while tle attendance Was much larger than cou'd be acccmacd t d. Th: Rev. Mr. Wellwood delivered an excellent address. i Tie Uxbridge Choir did full justice to the musical department. Miss Munro sung two beamtiful Sclos acccimpanied by Miss Nicholls at the melodeon. The Rev. Mr. Chambers ably discharg- ed the duties 'of the chair. The sum of $67 was cleared in all. SU DI, { ACCIDENTAL DEATH, Tt is with feelings of mueh sorrow that we , find ourselves called upon to record the deatly by drowning, on Tuesday, 11th inst., of Duncan, youngest son of Capt. Sinclair, late of Prince Albert, Our readers are aware that the Captain lately moved his family to Cannington where has gone into business. Deceased was a dear boy in, we should judge, Lis fifth year; while playing around his new homein Cannington on Tuesday last, by some way or other, he fell into the' Beaver River and got drowned. The entire family, the worthy parents and dear children were Sighly d in this neighborhood, n a universal fecling_ of sympathy is manifested for the afflicted and mourning ones. "He is not dend--the child of your affection-- But gone into that school | Where he no longer needs your kind protection, Tor Christ himself doth rule, Within that glorious land of stillness and seclu-' sion : He walks around by guardian angels led, Secure from woe and safe from sin's pollution, He lives, whom you call dead." DIED, At Manchester, on Sunday, 9th inst., Mr. Geo. Lyle, ia lus 71st year. em---- Servant Gir I Wanted. IF asmall family. juquire a 3 HORSMAN'S HARDWARE STORE. dt - Uslriige Village: REFORM OR the North Riding of the County F tario, Will bo. held at SUNDERLAND, Op Monday, 94th day of June inst, - i SI AS . CHAS. ROBINSON, . of On-' To Farmers! i CC ---- HREE Second-and Combined Mowers and Reapers er's brush lad passed over 1, and we do. #3 For 'Sale! no more than. justice lo-the workmen in| They have only Jot a use a short time.-- saying their work does them the highest Ww "Tie church is seated his with a neat, comfortable gallery, the ceils On motion the council adjourned till the 24th day of September next. . » Ts ing is bigh and prghed.~ Tue Church is to- Torms liberal. "Apply A igi 2 D. URQUHART, - Agent for all kinds of Ag'l Tglemonts,£e., Manchester, June 12,1872, + i bo 8 intelligent children us the country contains, ~~ 'arasols in immense variety, from | Th a JASN Beaverton, June 10th, 1872. Li 25-2w by the children. - The pieces were weil ' 34x § 3 CONVENTION I' Te RHO - «