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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Jul 1872, p. 2

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i 5 © ye rr) Yi vas Reh Ae 3 MeCaun tad therefore much' | that gentleman to take the hair pn an who is always. ready to aid in 3 good Xo and with heart and voice to | more cents a bushel, and that this rise tisk them first by adopting his usual intelligence rn fir. of North Ou- would be a clear gain to our farmers. But insolent style of calling them hard Dames, tario. when our-goverament did pat on a duty on [sachas the very polite epithet " clod-hop- Mr. Gibbs is an upright intelligent man; | American grain and flour brought into he { per," apparently. forgetting that the far-- fof firat class oes Sai a sharp, | country what was Mr. Thompson's éourse | mers are-the very men to whom his Tow--{sobod reasoner ;- tative ie will, a "el Win, Jolinsong M1. " Trelandy and D. G. M. of the Ireland, met with ® mpst hearty Jeoe on hia arrival io Montreal on Thustsy Tn, fo sto o Buon EE x FREE neal brothers are «pr Mr. is om coming forward, id that bie oi emmiked that he (Mr. rtant and interesting meeting of the deis this prusper: nd ' regardiog it ? why ! he joined in a party | sership is indebted, for every crust be |exertan ler oe use pro fable | Rov Gibbs) had id repo roe call to "a id Sen nr hs Eo ry ig the aut wei hi pu DE an woik- Gl So crusade against the measure and, | munches and every ho goaws, The |to bis constituency and advantageous io te chair on this occasion, but he could teil Orangs Hall, Great S.. James St., when the | #0& population of these. lands are securing a 9 {sided by members from city. consti- | nexfgntroké 6 Towser's envemoned | tlie county 3 large 3 and no effort on the his lige fod interesting company Shay jhe Dist " Biter delivered . addi rial permanent snd profilable share of the ooms Manchester. vencies, succeeded in having the duty abol |quill, brings Him right into the heart of | part of his opponents will prevent his re- dong as I od dh] of encouragement and inetre i : . Tody ne gone by when woikmen rp RY PUBL FT informed that | ished, and (his deprived our farmers of the, the conservative party, and with that | turn, and no one who wishes well 10 the iha 4 one hie h Wrought Soot together ou On the following evening. were regarded with no more ssa te reheat received a 1866 | advance in the price of grain which tis | elegance and grace for which he has al- | riding will oppose bis return. Noith On. ¥hia oce diy' dos it always oflords him | Was entertained at a complimentary ner | than the Jeter | sud. ssiow of of ay Sthet hat : ie dal A 4 , p Py A a Goods. A Td in want of dury would have caused ; and in doing|ways been conspicuous, and which are |tario bas worshipped the god of lene Rleatate is pi 3 oping and in 2. Joed by We Monro Witnes of tb ny Bere arate s rig in the siate, but the peculiar to himself, be insolently desigaates them * rag-tag, and bob:iail". = (These are favorite expressions with Towser) not withs'anding the fact that he has been this he gave the advantage to the Yank- ees who absolutely refuse to give us any sort of reciprocity. It is needless to multiply instances of Mr. Thompson's quite long enough. cunning ves so manipulated that power ---- A ---- SPEED THE PLOW, « The diner took place af the Globe R-s- | ani wielled it to their own personal advans taurant; and was served in a very efficient tage that workmen are only now beginning and elegant elyle by Mr. Vosburg. There| qo rgalize their strength and to wield their were about 100 persons present. power la their own advantage. people helping i 80 nobly as the ple of this section have done in the erection of this excellent church. = He felt 'much plessure in having intercourse with #0 large and intelligent a company as that Good Bargains will please call Satie; ial Attention is re- quested to the follows Special a Mr. Gibbs' canvass goes on bravely over Wide, _ fast-colored York Shuling EH ; Chaat ; i o tof the Riding; the almost ani- ¢ Col. Geo. Smith, R W Grand Maater, elt rer of 25 cant Red Flannel ; a heautiful lot of Dress |short comings to an intelligent community |slobbering and whining around them, for | O%¢'Y PAM &/ 1A6 HCING 5 with whi€h he is now surrounded ; and »| Things prosper wel in every qoe % rod ; i > At tc pan x | hat as Mr. Thomp- . | PQ. presiled, and Mr. bar B . Goudass ing forlots of Black and closed Bikey ds it must be patent to all that "Mr. |the past six mooths, with his tail on the versal conviction being that as Mr. P- | would ask no better proof of the present-in- | FQ: P! , and Mr. Dunbar Browne, | ha British Em: pi oy he: hen Sc smilion iu C M, occupied the Vice-Chair," ® * * The President gave the usual loyal toasts, sou bas been weighed in the balance and found terribly deficient in ®veryihing necessary in & proper representative, the 'of being the salighiened christian method of ail on for the settlement of international disputes telligence and future prospects of a people or country than an enlightened liberal policy towards the School and the charoh ; in fact 25 cents to $3 each; a fine lot of Summer Shawls, latest fashions ; a very large lot of * Ladied Chignons, Brades and Switches, newest 'Thompson's cobrse throughout bas been an absolute failure, and that he has pioned ground, begging favors from these same men whom be now impertinently designates * 9; : - Ee 7 J is desired h h . lace ol the brutally sa: arbitrament = siylest Ludleg Hots fra rat. mes his political faith to a party who in their} rag.tag." constituency is fortunate in having secured ing a Ho one i gh e el ot BL 89 Side President gave in fina Sle, of 5 sword, fill ly Ram yi hope and ndsome an cso a ge Stock of Lah Lad: cs Prunella despiration to get into power overlooked | Towser's stupid, stereotyped allusion to | Mr. Gibbs as the next representative inthe {than the appearauce of_their churohes and ory of Wm. 111" gratitude. i E FRANCE. . oots from' $1 per pair, also Children's and |the interests of the country and of good [ihe Opserver is only a mild decoction of | Hous? of Commons, hoot houses. The health of the guest of the evening | yy 1; is BELL Tn $ 0 ri Dh . J. ee laren, 1 tot R ively nation is strogghng like a * Missey: Sumber Soots DS ue | legislation even ou the most desirable meas | bis former howlings in that direction. He| - BIDLK SOCIETY RECORDER. iv sprkers wi ideas. 3 (efor iy Lackipitak did di eda true hero to get rid of iiss suarmons and' to the large Ba a and Cloth suite 16 ures, perpetyatiog party feuds and political | grows the stuff of which he himself is Thos. Coiiice, Io Soctelary of 1h | the ol { piogress and achie in still more enormous enemy the Germans. * order at short notice in the most fashionable | bickerings without the shadow of an ex~|made and judges others by himself. In ' 3 Juqy y of the pay, Mr. Boon, 20 14 he humarabe silion Panis, July 6.--The National Aesembly Prince Albert Bratch of the Upper Cansda Bible Sociely, has placed oni oor table a copy of the " Recorder" for 1872. The statements set forth in this interesting an- nual are of the 'most cheering nature ex- hibiting as they do a very large measure of material progress during the past year.-- : : The ivcome of the Society daring the past uous tit the share Which be Wings year is shown to have been $33,119, while against the Osserver has just al out aslo provious year It was 8: 29,534. much truth in it as all his other assertions 10-day with bot lour direenting votes, ratified the treaty recently concluded Remueat and Von Arvim, providing for the evacuation of French ferritory by German troops. eee ----e SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY. The Manchester Union Sunday School held their Anniversary for 1872 on Wednes- day 3rd inst. Circumstances over which we had no control prevented us from being present. We are pleased to learn however that it was one of the best, if not the very best Apni- versary ever held in that village. The speaking was abundant and appro- priate, chiefly on the b and styles and at reasonable rates. y-made Clothing in great variety. Also a large lot of Gents' and Boys' doots, ats and Gloves. Intending idm will please call early. ADAM GORDON. Manctester, "April 18, 1872. > P.S. Butter, Eggs and Pork Wanted. Also Wool, W Cheat, and all other other Grains, 4 lot of fine Seed Oats for sale. which Canada occupies as a Sabbat uog. ing people ; and he regards this fine a ing as a further confirmation of the fact.-- He considered that the people: of this sec- tion had done nobly, and in seeking to kon. or God by giving part ut their means to- wards this erection for His worship, iey had highly honored themselves ; and, as had been remarked by one cfthe speakers in the aiternoon,thatGod}who in his goodners had put it into their hentts to build im an house would also encourage them to wipe cuse for ke€ping up party strifes or draw- ing party lines. Mr. Gibbs on the other band is a man of taleiit, egergy, and integrity having a 'clear and comprehensive view of all the more im potiant questions of the day, one who will always be found placing the in- terests of his country above those of party capable of performifig a disinterested act, end always in the shambles for the highest bidder, be has the unblushing insolence to charge others with his own peculiar weak- ness--* the highest bidder ! going ! going!! gone!!!" But we forgive him, everyone RAISING THE WIND. The Mi: ister of Finence has signed a convention with the offices of the Bauk of France, whereby the latter sgree 10 loan the Government loity millions of franes. Paris, July 7.- R vificatiors of the treaty with Germany for the e ance A. G. The ¢ Hntavin | iv Fane "PRINCE ALBERT, , JULY u, 1872. . PRESENT ISSUES. There is pethiaps oa better criterion by which to judge of the intelligence of meoily than by the spirit and temper they wagilest in their political contests, the character and qualifications of the Cao- didates brought out, the standard by which these candidates are tiied and the éonsid- eration paid to them duiing the contest. 1a the preset contest for tke.represen-- tation of Noth Ontario it is fondly to be hoped (bat the degree of intelligence to which this riding bas atiained, and of which she feels justly proud, will mani. fest iteelf in the spirit of fair-play sad magnacimily of temper displayel by all concerned, and that parties who claim to select whichever candidate theyjplease will be willing to concede an equal right to vawes and using abus've language towards the candidates--degrading only to those by whom they are used, but insulting %o those for whom they are intended that the meiits of the Candidates us to charac- ter ond standing, the correctness of their views on the more imporiant public ques-- tions, with their disposition anc ability to enforce these views will be regarded as the tiue and only standard by which to judge of the fitness of tie Candidate. The character and standing of Mr. Thompson and Mr, Gibbs--the present Candidates for the representation of North Outario--would do houor to any constit- ueney, 2nd cannot fail in shielding (ken from being the subjects of course and vu'- ger jokes or of Laving unworthy motives attributed to them. It must not be inferred for a moment, however that because the two candidates are perhaps as pearly equal as may be in point of hosor and integrity that therefore it makes little mater which of the two is el: ced, it makes all the difference in ihe world, Were Mr. Thompson elected we wuld bare a gentle courteous representa tive, sullicieut qualities perhaps for the drawing-room or the parlour, but very far from being sufficient in a M. I Mr. Thompson bas during a period of five * _ | ducts with our American neighbors ; but . | winian Theory, is again beginniag to play others ; and that in place of calling hard. or friends ;; who will doubtless be only, too glad to give and take a reciprocity of pro- | have. 10 be preferred to his praise. fn conclusion we would say to oul fellow townsman this "** Towser," o who, if the Américans continue to give .all tariffs and ask all free trade, will be in. clined to try them with a reciprocity. of tarifis. We consider that North Ontario is doing itsel('a credit, and the country a kindoess by electing Mr. Gibbs. ---------- = ---- THE FIRST GUN IN NORTH ONTARIO, seeks to throw dirt at his betters and a - by the by, is infinitely the better brat The Reach pregenitor of the buman [the two. ratefio further confirmation of the Dar- a. UNFAIR CRITICISM, off his monkey tricks. Decmiog himself] at the head of what hie is pleased to des- ignate the Reform porty, he always stands prepared with lis gun charged with slander ready to take a drive in the dark at the reputation of any one who may be supposed to cross his path. Unfortu nately for him, however, the big gun which he fired off through the columns of the Chronicle of last week, being as usual loaded with calumny, only soiled the paper and besmeared bimself from bead to foot but touched no one else. If any stronger proof than the past career of * Towser were required to prove his utter unfitness for any honorable public position he has furnished that proof by the miserable vulgar, untruthful twaddle which, to bis everlasting disgrace appeared io the Chronicle of last week over ¢he "manly signature of Towser." But the vulgar scribbler missed it fearfuliy in his clumsy attempt at beiog funny and seeking to, pass off one of his awkward jokes at the ex- pense of W. H. Gibbs, the M. P. for North Ontario in the next parliament. Who that read " Towsers". coarse, in- decent, pig-pen story does not feel asham- ed at the insult offered to the community by this miserable attempt to degrade a contest for the highest and most honorable position iu the land, to the level of a street gutter brawl, where bard names and filthy raving pass for argument. Doubtless all such stupid rubbish tends only to injure the cause it seeks to help, and disgus's every one whose good opinion is worth a moment's consideration. Of course it is not natural for anything in the Towser line to rise above ils own prise and success ii life a féasén for a ungenerous attack. Mr. Gibbs by meavs of unflagging in. succeeded in accumulating a handsom munity should he benefitted by his amp), means, in place of hiding it away as man, others do, he keeps it floeting in the wa in converting th: farmers' produce int which hundreds of industrious artizans an ality and eaferprisé he bas at a vast® ex pense erected for himself a fine residenc an ornament to the county, which he ha named * Prospect [lall"" But eve most provoking and insulting manner. W ties worrying at the name ; but we di not expect to find the Chronicle startin, an article with " The Prospect gentle man." The Chronicle's left-tanded allusion t sons for the rejection of Mr, Thompso are deliberately misrepresented. Th time may bave been when misrepresentatio satisfy the more stupid, The abuse of such a man is much Towser's master, for these names are both applicable to the coward who here the same time shelter himself from the punishment he deserves by assuming the wooly coat and name of * Towser" which of 1d an article beaded " North Outario," which appeared in the Whitby Chronicle of last week that paper begins to call tnames sud seeks to make Mr. Gibbs' enter dustry and first class business talent bas fortune, and being willing that the com. best calculated 10 do the greatest amount of good to the greatest number, whether cash, or encouragiog manufactures by their families are maintaived in comfort.-- Amongst other proofs of Mr. Gibbs' liber this, which is really so much to his credit, is tauntingly throwa at him by some ina were not at all surprised to find the growl- ing © Towser" with his doggish propenti us is entirely out of place while our rea. and siily (waddle tickled if they did not least informed, 'The amounts given away to other fields than thet of the Upper Canada Bible So- ciely was $14,198, being over $4,000 moie than was given away to other societies on the previous year. Some. idea may be formed of the magm- tude of the work performed by the British and Foreign Bible Society when it'is stuted r r the debt off it with one sweep, and, ae he regutded it, this was one of the objects of the present gathering ; and he had no hes-. itation in aajiog that it can and will be done. For his part he always felt a pleas- ure in contributing to a god cause ; this is the principal, he had almost said the only use of riches ; it is but a little thing when man contributes to the service of God oaly restil's of Sunday School instruction. 'The speakers present were the Rev'ds Morrison and Hill, A Gordon, Eeq., Mr, Jos. Lee and Mr. J. Dobson. The Superintendent of the School, Mr. Joseph Dobson, occupied the chair. The addresses were interspersed with | dialo that since ils commencem oY ioe 68 a*small part of that which God gives him ; Tesitations Any Jinkcaves BY te Duplle of t | years ago it has circulated 68,881,094 cop- | a.d those who hage and do not give de- | Choir under the ekillful leadership of Prof iea uf the scriptures, while its income lust prive th Ives of the gi Wyan, | an ab of choice year was $920,000. which wealth can confer, the luxury of giv- asic. CHURCII DEDICATION, 'The Utica Wesleyan Methodist new Brick Church was dedicated to the service of God on Sabbath, Tthinst. There were three services--mornjng, afternoon gnd evening. Maria services were conduct: ed by Dr. Taylor, who preached t) a large and attentive audience, so large in fact tkdt one half could not get into the church. Rev. Mi. MiCillough bad a large congregation in the afternoon, and Rev. Mr. Scott was equally successful in the evening. 'I'he Uxbridge Choir added wuch to the interest of thé secvices. 'The : collections during the day amounted to $ THE FEAST OF THE DEDICATION. On Monday, 8th inst., the Feast of the Dedication was held, commencing with dinner about 1 o'clock. The spread was highly creditable to the fair daughters of Ulica and neighborhood, and a large and comfartsble «company, about 200, we +hould jude, sat down to dinacr. After dianer the company repaired to the cliurch, we noticed the Rev'ds Scott, McCann, Brown, McCullough, Hil and Gibson. Mr. Scott gave out & hymn and Mr. Brown led in prayer. Mr. Scott addressed a few words of commendation, congratulation and en- couragement to the generous and liberal fiends to whose effurta the erection of that beautiful church®was so largely in- debited, and predicting--through the provi. dence of God---a glorious future for that church. The ¢peaker v referred with much satis faction to the progress being made throughout ths Deminicn in everything which tenJs to make a people great, and especiallysthe liberal provisien being made for the worship of God and the education of the -people and pointing to the excellent results as exhibited in the manner tne Sab bath 1s kept, beiug, as he asserts, better observed 1n Canada thau in any other land. He went on to say that the Curistian min- 18iry bore a conepicuons part in the education of the people and that the W. M. Church was doing her part nobly ; 'he spoke of its first organization on this continent some 81 years ago and glanced at its rise and pro- e y y 0 d e s n e d 8 ing can only te erjoyed by the hiberal soul. The speaker wound up a somewhat extend- ed und excellent address by offering words of congratulation, encouragement and hope on the present condition and future pros- pete of this fair and prosperous land ; and again calling the attention of the meting to the 1m pol subject of wiping uff the en tire debt at this lime, the chairman re- sumed his seat amid much applavse. Rev. Mr. Brown was next called. The rev. gentlemen gave us an excellent address, full of devotion and patriotism, Referring to the allusions made by pre- vious speakers to Canada as a Sabbath keeping country ; he sail he heanily en- dorsed the sentiments so well expressed by previous speakers and his own personal observation, while on a late vieit to Scot- land, convineed him that Canada was much ahead of Scotland in this commendable feature, The speaker closed an excellent address by warmly urging the necessity for onicn aml kindly feelings amongst all classes of the people. The address was well delivered ; in every way applicable, and well received. After considerable stowing away, c'earing of decks and otherwise trimming the ship, Rev. Dr. Taylor stepped lo the front of thy platform, took his audience by the hund, lifting them softly and placing them on the south-western boundary of the Promised Land on ane of Mays finest morning's, and pointing in 'enthusiastic rapture to the beaut.lully spangled heavens and clear blue, cloudlGes ky which o¥er arches the land of precious memories, dear to the heart ol every Chistian ; he desciibed the scenery with a pathos not soon to be forgotten. From here the Dr. started on a tour, not of ex- ploration but review, leading his vast sudi- ence to those eacred 'spole and interesting scengs #0 freqiently relerred to in Holy Writ, and around which cluster so many hallowed memories and fondly shenshed hopes. But to know anything of the rub- limity 6f the scenery or the interest of the hallowed 'mpots our readers would require to follow the Dr. and listen to his pathetic description of the various scenes ; and. we leave those who have never travelled that land with bim to embrace the first oppor- tunity that presents itself, At the close of the lecture the Rev. Mr. McCann 1ead a statement of the receipts and disbursements in connection with the erection of the church ;'setting forth that the entire cost was $2970. Tu meet this $1700 had been subsciibed ; the Sunday collec tions amounted to $80; the proceeds of Monday's dinner and tea amounted to $134 making in all $1914 ; which leaves a bai ance lo be provided. for of $1056. This however was as nothing in the hands of the have been particularly wei well received. hospitality of the ladies of The speaking by the children is said to il dovfand was At the close of -the entertainments Mr. Atkinson gave an original. poetical recita- tion on the subject of matrimony, which created quite a sensation among the young folke. Parties who have ever partaken of the anchester and neighborhood, at a public tea, need not be inforged that the preser:t was no exception from the general rule but the fair ones of Manchester fully sustained their well mer- ited reputation in this also. Some where about $60 were cleared. . etl § ~~ ---- INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS, At the semi-annual meeting of Wairiner Lodge, No. 75, 1.0.0, F., held at their Lodge Room, Port Perry, on July lst, 1672, the lollowing Ufficera wore duly installed by Bios, C. 8. Mial, D.D.G of Corin. thian a 'No. 61, and E. Van, and a number of other brethren oN\Florence Nightingale Lodge, Bowmanville, iz : I..J. Davie, N. G. «J. A. String, V. G, Wa. H. Maren, R. S. E. WortnixgTON, P. 8S. J. Jewett, Treasurer. J. J. Suaw, Warden. C. B. Rocirs, Conductor. J. Irving, O. G. W. H. Rosinsoy, I. G. / A. Ricuarpson, R. 3. N. G. C. Kevrerr, L. S. N.G. D. Suruertanp, R. 8. V. G. Wu. Excuisn, LS. V. 6. Wn. Hearo, R. S. 8. W. W. WaRRINER, L. S. S. D. Levinguam, Chaplein. THE STATES, The universal prosperity spread over the length and breadth of the States is - fit mat- ter for congratulation and thanksgiving.-- The ¢ Glorious Fourth" was celebrated with a vim and devatien worthy of our act- ive cousins ; and if we except * Sun Stroke * the casualities were unusually light, and for disorder there wae none. The big jubilee was drawn to a close having ac- compliched all and perhaps more than the most sanguine anticipated of it. « THE ENGLISH GRENADIERS: New York, July --The band of the Grenadier Guards gave a concert to-night, at the Academy of Music, before one of the largest audiei.ces ever assembled in this were exchanged to-day, Fhe Bill 10 raise the loan to meet the financial obligations of the treaty will be introduced in the Assem= bly to-morrow. GUOUD Ir TRUE, Pants, July 8- A report 18 in circulation to-day that Victor Hugo, who has been pei- sistent in his¥eflorte 10 secure commpiation sf sentence passed upon Henri Rocheloit, has succeedad, and that Rechefort instead of being wraneported 10 the penal colony of New Caladonia, will be snnply banished from France. cet eet. 'The catharics? used-and approved by the phisicians comprieing the various medical associations of- this State, are now. con = pruned and coft-under the name of Par- sons' Purgative Pills, We copy the following from an exceange which is important, it true :-- Chionie diarthe of long standing, &lso dysentery, and all similar complaints common at this season of the year, can be cured by the use (internally) of\Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. We know whereof we uffirm. ---- ten BIRTHS. At Prince Albert, on the 26th June, the wif 'of Mr. Peter Rocker, el 0 to wi ARRID By the Rev'd II. Reid, on the 30th uty at the residence of the er father 8. P. Ba, Mr. James Borland trig Vir Polly 'Harber, all of Mount grinca Gof DIED. We regret exceeding to have to record the death of Neil MeDougall, Ex~q., the repected and highly esteemed Sheriff of the County el Victoria, who departed ths tife on Tuesday, 9th inst. Deceased was highly esteemed for*his many good qualities and manly virtues, and his removal (at a comparatively early age is, in the interests of the community, much to be regretted. His loss will be keenly felt and sincerely mourned by a large circle of triands. The grieving pari- ner of his life, the bereaved children, and mourning relatives have a wide spread PY pUnY in their in their aftliction. PLANING MILL Sash & Door Factory FOR SA LE! Tee above premises are situated on Lilla Street, Poit Perry, comprising two lots, on which three. buildings are erected One of them is 52 x 50 ; another 18 x 60, and a thied 12 x 20. At.ached to them is a 20 HMorse-Power Engine! And all the machinery necessary for carrying on the above business." The nt ~Room ii is fire proof ; the Machinery all new, and all in -- ios order, A successft ful business is now being carried on in he premises, which the pur- "chaser can have, with stock ony band at a gress in language uf gratitude and praise. In speaking of the missionary enterprises of the chursh ho remarked that he was in a city. The reception , accorded them was most enthusiastic throughout, the audience repeatedly encoring aud manifesting appio- congregation ; for within half an hour aller the reading of the Saiv nent every cent of the debt was wiped off and an addnional leve!, and tho community expects nothing higher than ill natured vulgarity from such easiest ridden part of the community, and fair valuation. For terms of sale, and other Ba apply that part may bave had some weigh; J. & D. J. ADAMS, long years beld the position of M. P. for this Riding, and as session after session : : i FH bation. When the band played the * Star - Port P passed on it only became more obvious | things as poor Towser, but a newspaper | but happily that day has now gene by in | position to stete that the increase of the | hundred dollars or so provided for an in- S led B 9 ud ort Penty, Hib J 3 fund. fi . y g \{ Spang anner," the audience rose en b that be was altogether unfitted for the po-- | must be badly off for matter when it gives North Ontario ; the number in this com- Distionsry ji | Lor aka burt over tie. pe on Monday Tevaevsr $0 ara o9ljsxie) masse, and there ensued a scene of great rio the yo] vgn H.H. COSSITT - sition. As a legislator he bas proved an [such raving a place in its columus. munity who. may still be susceptible of ihe communicant's oll was 3000. The |of the fact speaks i for nth They again 'and Lindsay. abstlute failure, Parties knowing his| Liven the detratting Towser is well | being caught by such trash is so very small [total missionary income for the past year |ity andl liberality of the boul contribu- | SAI. Tho baad next played * Yavkes July 10, 1872. '9 Doodle" and " God Save tha Queen," the audience applanding the latter with the same eniusianin which they greeted the American airs. THE TRIAL OF STOKES. Stokes, the aseassin of thé notorious Fisk is now on trial and every thing ee fag is Seing conducted on the loag range piinci= Stoke? statement is that he met ie on the stairs, Fisk drew a pistol 0 fire but be (Stokes) got the inside track, fired first and brought dowa nis man. was $93,000, and he had every reason to believe that it. would be $100,000 in the presei year. Rev. Mr. McCullongh was next called but the choir arriving he declined 'speaking . that time; and the choiripovred s flood of fe and light into the company by a choice and well executed piece of music. - Rev: MrioBrown wae the next speates, be gave a short bat appropriate address. Another piece from the choir and an adjournment for ten was called. tors, The valuable services of the Uxbridge Choir were much erjoyed and deservedly appreciated, Votes of thanks and other necessary fix- ings having been aitended to the company was dismissed. Sr A BAINTFIELD FAIR. The Saintfield July Fair' was held on Monday 8th inst., and though not al} that aware that Mr. Gibbs is one of the most honorable men in the county, one who would work faithfully and energetically for the best interests of bis constituency and of the country at. large; and mone knows better tham Towser does that the municipal representatives of this prosper. ous and intelligent coun'y delighted to honor Mr. Gibbs by placing him in the Hind insigpificant that the game wont pay the shot. We are very muth pleased to hear from every quarter of the riding that the measure we bave taken of Mr. 'Thompson is regarded 'as accurate to life, aad oeither over nor under drawn ; and this opinion is acquiesced in by numbers of those who supported Mr. Thompson at the last election ; but all of whom have kindly, gentle nature retrained from at-- tacking fim but waited with patience uotil the closé' of the parliament expecting that bis geod sense would prompt him to resign a position whose duties he was in no way fitted to perform, On most important questions during bis parliamentary cureer b> hos citer entirely failed to discover the fiue interest of the country or he has : i : . When tea had been gn ready the scene |oould be desired it was allihatiteonld be BRING OUT YOUR STAMPS. OTICE is hereby giver that all School sacrificed these interests in order lo vote bighest position in their gifi--Warden of | come toa conclusion similar to that at| CRT oR ng ani nD. i ono te ae is 3s oll Yat Covirary| 'Budd Doble, driver of Goldamith: Maid, ustes rihin Ah Jownship who. may = be = 3 po he oster Jae ¥ the County--a positicn which he continues , which we acrived, viz : that as an M. P, | (hree hundred people, smiling, cheerful and | expectation the number of good beef| N22 published a challenge offering to tro:f'should se biced on the G vould be his mis! HiT he Bias rota is 0 Sin ata ie 6th dng = Ane 'mext; LL Mc. Thompson bas proved a failure ; and that in regard to the bést interests of the county, the comfort of Mr. Thompson himself, and for the credit of the constit- to fill with credit to himselfand advantage to the community. Towser" also knows that Mr. Gibbs is deservedly the favorite candidate for the representation of happy seated round a plentiful board. -- Ha shands and Rives, Pieeot, Ione nd, we almost said, past ; the smiling fair ones and the spri ightly goaths ; the mirthful boys and girls and the laughing children all: went into the lea with a vim which proved stock is more limited than was anticipated, and this caused the number of stock offer- ing to be less than might have been reason- ably expected, while the favorable' weather Goldsmith Maid pgainat Bonner's horees, Dexter and Joe Elliott, best 3 in 5, with weights 5 and subject to all rules, from $5 10 $50,000, .the race fo take place at apect Park,'or any Massachusetts, Penn vania, or New York course; and the clearness of perception, while in the latter it would be his fault in plasing party intri- gues atove the interests of the country ; but whichever it was whether in capacity | North Ontario in the House of Commons, Seno) Mr, Thompson Sat no longer Be 1wo things, grcollent sicioals [5 v gorons hes dives farmers into their a eae, 10 remain open one week. § « 'op 0, though they might not be und that a very large majority of the 10 represent this constituency a ites: lent and obliging stafl | sroner than was expected and this prevent- "WILL THIS SATISFY GOLDY ? - ty si they equally" disqualified; him | electors of the Riding will give him their the Commons -of "Eivada. But though ry had tf eir hands full, Sot they ol babiie from being Pitsout who uber 'New Yorxk, July 9.--The great trot form be 'assumed. "The effects | votes at the coming election; but in the | totally unfit for the position of M. P. be| when the company had returaed to the rogulas and persistent effort be, put forth by ae §! 35 A Miween Sa ani Math : {face of all this' the impertinent Towser |is mot necessarily the subject of course and| oburch Rev. Mr. MoCann ave out a hymn |! Sorisarved wih a determingtion to run came of ih oan | id Henry Bpielt whether as (he result of incapacity or de- adds inl (0 inucy by iiviog to malige | valgat jokes of he * Towser line, aud | is chlod open Ker. Mr. Sect to load in [iC lo PECs, fo like avery | fence of 16000 spectators. Amores | siz, sod 0 consideration ought 10 spare | Mr. Gib' sippories {me do bope that not ape of Mr. Gibb') "ptr, MoCans the, ruler in passing | Wink ete tht lo wath having, they sr me, DiThe BI9 And 22 Alen ine the guilty party or give him 8 Iresh lease | Finding that Mr. Gibbs' views are supporters will so far degrade themselves | terme to the dedi airy sevioes of he Sab: worth contending fot. second heal, it' was found that Goldsmith of power. Io view of {he course pursued | thoroughly sound on the great questions of [as to descend to the base and cowardly Bath; tha plenty, A pIvE) mulch fie fares TmanonmsTen vam. Vaid ind cut her Sartor 'and the ages' | j| the doy, and such as-are for the best [practice adopted by Towser " and oth. and salinity, ibanke tl thanke oy , Shoit, not only | uo Manchester Jay. Fair was. held on ae Reto Willian» interest of the country, 8, large majorily ers of calling their opponents bard names bul one taste por as Taesday, 9th inet. We noticed a lage re, 51 basen, ames lignin, of the |of the electors have made up their minds snd: to'conoeal theraclves : behind dopiarel for | number of good buyers on the grounds, and | for strong drink, and an rman pu to return him to the mext parliament. -- {a misnomer, if it should 'be behind another) in ils i Tue pore bri ar there were some fifty [it destroys the vitality of the bia p | But all this is vinegar and gall to the |dog, as * " Towser" did. shea f Ps an or axe catile on the - grounds there were 9 deagisest disorin doops {am Lightning. poor snarling Towser who appears to| If the Chronicle aud « Towser" dream y the gupifilion of Fay cate oferad Misersbie,_and Linu oil. en he ; have gone stark mad and determined (0 of helpiog Mr, Thompson's fa prommcte i ts | ha uch 4 nh A. Bongard: pioked] beat remedy is Fellows' Compound 'wheat and flour |" run a muck" against all Me. Gibbs' or { injuring the prospects of Me Eq, Werden who [22 Be and carried off the beat, The »f Uypophosphites, as it restores a of been i ea oe who oy ai kind {busy seasoin+ farmers being in their hay-- the nervous is builds up the muscles, | or less extent | friends, and koowing that Mr. Gibbs is [by silly 'misrepresentations and coarse vul- [sented 10 act was as. usual dp to h hy son i ing a | who © nd induces boalthy Liver, Heart, Stomeoli| * : ) one, Lue or three o" pasticularly plas with the farmers, be! gar jokes they vers muck underrate the ioe aud ready 10 asume his duties, ho (Mt! giherwiee would in putin an sppearence, 04 Intefloct hb 8

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