wt Xx « TE I0 SCHOOL ACHERS' * ~ ¥ J POTATOES AT 25¢ PER BUS. _[WM. M, WIGHTMAN & G0, _ EXAMINATION BACON PRINCE ALBERT. ~~ |um 3978 rp i isariof of oy oF CAND: : _ AT 8c PER LB, Reg to announce that their New Stock of wml i s Second and Third Sia Ferkidoaer, wilh, GG. CURRIE.| : A t i 5 ; meen TT SPPRING & SUMMER GOODS! of ! -- 3 ¥ mgworsa on © Is now complete iu all its departments, and will .be found one of the TUBSBAY, loth JULY, AT 9 A.M most attractive in the County as regards ~~ "The Examinations for FIRST- CLASS Bb UNIFORMILY LOW PRICES! pace, commencing oo TURSDAY, 23rd JULY, AT 9 A, M; Candidates will be required fo notify | JS hereby given that the Council of the co © me aot pan than the "ah Jane, > Endrin : their § ation; as I will have to i es he 365, On the wily day of Augus} hex, TADIES Y uatiol 1 . Deparment 'not Inter than the 28th June PROPOSE T0 PASS A BY-LAW - _of, the number of Candidates for each Blase To open and establish as 12 8 public i . - . Cont ural Sob Shionts will a following. desoribed Toad com manly atte ' 00 udents wi ex- no ent lot number two in Yeseelive Counties, with | Sstion of fhe Salicad nd 69 Tobe ni -. ; 2 Tesner ndidates. north, 74 degrees east, the Jorthwest angle JAMES McBRIEN, gio number two; Sen south 73 Je is fz ; M #1 los. P. 8, Co. 'Ont. $4 links; then north 18 degrees sag fos 8 Shai: ; Rage ay, 1572 2 then So Be Tin] 2 More or less B. i eg yg LE Have now opened out and are showing a large and choice selection of Toe shave Sessrited Vid beings Ly the seatie of the inser wp nism nicer | Flats, Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons and Trimmings. anny ol Ste hs Prassny AND MANTLES MADE TO ORDER. as above described and to vest the same in PRIL 24 s The Oshawa Ca Cabicat Company | Edwast dajor. -- ; : TALL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE JonN Tommy Crk North Ontario ™ Cari lor the following sizes of Reach, 21st May, 1872. © _ 2-td ] 72 SPRI NG. 15 Delivered at sheir yard in O-hawa. + [QUARK EDGE PREFERRED. ] ou or Aur, 1 in, 14,2 in, any width, ) The Subscriber would beg to announce that he has to hand and ., ovement in Ly iy MN pasting his usuai choice and attractive Stock of Couxox in Lin, any width, Basgiwoon, | | in., any widti. AND Y i i i Tre or on: wide. Hol A | hot Pug, 1in, 13,2 in, 12, 14, oc 16 feet long. y prin oO O S Marve, brecn, and Biren: : * Jo 14 in., 1} in. li in. fro in Stock the best assortment ) : . J 2, Sie I.» COMPRISING W. H. obs, MEDICAL HALL. Beautiful New Prints, - "Lresudent " 'B 14, 1872. A rill bil ih $ I Pave cuear PLEASURE IN illiants, calling the attention of my customers and Dress Goods of all kinds, to my complete stock of no ' i 3 t Garden, Flower and daly Sg ine Gents' Eats of the latest styles just received, and Ladies' Hats Field Seeds. In BOOTS & SHOES you will fiad one of the largest, best and cheapest Stecks [tis my constant endeavor to maintain the in the County, . of my ¢ by keeping On band alto a large snd complete stock of Wall Paper imported direct--very none but Goop and pure Seeds. My § Sian k [ cheap. is warranted all Presi and TRUE lo their Together with our usual large and select stock of choic Family Groceries, Hard. : Books and Stationery, English and American Rowe, embracing every sort required in ware, Crockery, China, &ec. 2 3 ? - Newspapers, Magazines and Periodicals; this counlry, viz : . hota: So Scars or the oat Ly TW TOE Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Flour, Cracked Wheat, T= . "ied; Sociales aud Cuoumber, Les i constantly on hand. ------------------ Yo 0 ne ¢ Oxford ye Glasses BROS. R dish, Spinage, Alarge lot of the best Lower Canada Timothy Seed, which will be sold for less Tort P x cea Ww Yo Corns"? Cress, noney than at any other house in the trade. orm te cxtees be business done | by Young 3 ~ " © Melon, pita re ny if there is anyihibg not here enumerated come along and we will do our best to xford at his own s psom, it wi im- as, : : ewelr m orium Tomato, Bird Seeds. Possiale Soa him ta conse fo Prince Albert, yd y Pp Hall 8 Ton of Turnips Sod embracing | All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods. New Spring Tweeds, , ova stable prevent him from leaving it. JOHN BENTLEY. 'Epsom, Tins 26, 1872. MONEY To Loan at 5 per cent ON Improved Farm and 'fown Property, BY THE Tmperial Building, Savings and Invest- ment Company. For Periods extending from THREE to TEN YEARS, to suit Borrowers, Re-payable in Monthly, Halt-yeany or yearly instalments, 'OFFICE-50 CHURCH-ST., TORONTO. $500 and upwards are negotiated for ofS 6, 8 and 10 years at the extremely rate of 6 per cent per annum but if the loan Sha he in ie yea gy | instalments only 53 per Snrgel is shit jo $6.25 per month wlll} BE principal and interest of a loan of in 10 years. Other amounts in a cor- wesponding ratio. The Full Amount of the Loan is advanced without deduction. anci . toes ng charges reduced to the very E. MAJOR. PRINCE ALBERT, Pri all the new and popular varieties. Onions, Potatoes, &e.,-- in fact every Seed required by Gardeners and Farmera. (= Oil Cake, bimpson's Spice, Miller' Tick Destroyer, Cabbage, Tomato, Cauliflower, and other plauts on hand in season. Seed 05= Terms as Usvarn~ Casi. W. A. TOMLINSQN, * Curmist ann Qrucaist ince Alb Maich 13, I872. 12 CLEARING SALE | Ir OPENED OUT, a nice selection Ol WATCHES, Of the best makers. JEWELRY, Gold, Pta'ed, and Black, of the best description. CLOCKS, the largest and best Stock, war- ranted, and cheap. 5" Alarm Clocks!!!£0 Lockers axp CuaINs in great variety, Cricket Balls! Cricket Balls! Cheap! The very best make, and pronounces! the best in use. Everything will be sold very cheap, to effect a clearance. Remember 1t is at Prince Albert, JO'IN DIESFELYD, Practical Watch Maker, GoLp AND SILVER, AGENT, - BORELIA P. §.--REACH Sept. 15, 1870. Prince ALBERT Apnl 10, 1872. ~ WANTED! SOFHINLACK BIR, 3 The 'Subscriber being satisfied that it is necessary for him to de- vote al Mr. GEO. Beaver Meado dov a Tan Princo A bert June 5, 1872. attention to his Tannery Business, would recommend * his namerous customers to call on 'Who now condicts the OT AND BUSINESS, ill id a le 'and well assorted Stock ot Boots vay on hand, Which will be sold at the lowest, re-: BATES SHOE PROCEANATIO INH ABITANT S Northern Reach BUY YOUR Dry Goods, Patent Medicines, &ec., Gree NBANK Store Greenbank, July 20, 1871. TO THE ty a TINE PLACE TO Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, 18 AT THE GEO, FLINT. 29 + GARDENS | Now Is ra ie $0 GET YOUR & Que To a Ct ith] Fla Uxbridge, May 15, 1872, DOMINION Brock-st. Ea East, Uxbridge. Cucumber, Melon, JOHN WHITE, T. C. Prince Albert, April 10, 1872. FORMAN. New Felt Hats, New Grey Cottons, New White Cottons, 37 716 97 « 189 Pieces of Tweed to select from. 1097 yards Bleached Cotton. 1111 pairs Boots (prunella $1 upwards). Gents! Spring and Summer Suits from 84 86 Black Broad and Doe « Silk tats, Felt do. ve Boys' do. 8 10 pot often presented. The patrons of the ot « Mammoth Wardrobe" will find the most ICOMPLETE STOCK Of General Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes ever offered in North Ontario. purchased on the best terms and in the best markets. of no ordinary kind are offered to every one who may call. Geb!s! Spring & Sominer Boks from sl Dress Goods. . ve . eo Muslin, corded, &e. .e ve oe sis 1767 yards Grey Cotton from 7e. [2% en ve es => * 36 inch, 10c. ¢ °° Superb oe oe Boys' and Youths' Suits from the best offered. latest Syles, Straw Hats, ey kind. Ladies in this and our Millinery Department you will be glad--for such a display is Remember also that our Grocery Department is [ull and complete. We ask yeu first to come and try, Teas, Teas, Teas,---a Speciality. Do not forget that Mr. Roberts of the Wardrobe will do every thing to suit and please his customers and friends. You'l then make up your mind to buy. PORT PERRY, March 21, 1872. A. W. ROBERTS. A The whole stock Inducements New Dress Goods, in all shades, styles and qualities, New Prints, New Boots and Shoes, New Crockery, &c. The above Goods were bought before the late rise in prices, in the best market and on the most favorable terms and will be sold at a small advance on cost. ol w 3 mig To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent interest | November 21, 1866. MONEY (PRIVATE FUNDS,) LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, 2 hawa " E El tr Receipts id Wao for said ag GARDENER. 21-2m NOTICE. ahs Gales oreo ts] Messrs. Brown & Christian Manchester, April 3, 1872, have authorized them THOS. BR Xs. 16-t WOOL WA WANTED H higher fie oi, n Cut for wT Won C: oi Willamatorg C Cartwiight, June 5, 1872, [SI & wm i x o 241 MANCHESTER, April 3, 1873, A PULL AssorTkeNT OF LADIES' | Dress Material From the plain, useful ten cent Pridt, to the more expensive Wdolen and Silk Fabrics in the newest patterns aud best material and at'the, Lowest price, Also FANCY SHAWLS, ROMAN SCARFS, SILK JACKETS, PARASOLS, N HATS, . PRUNELLA AND KID GAITERS in_ different styles and prices, ranging from 95¢. lL G j 8 + Spring Hats! ? The newest styles in Felt and Sitk. Ready-made Clothing IN REAT VARIETY. A Gentleman can rig himself out at once ina full Suit for business, or dress, without wait- ing for the Tailor. Boots, Gaiters, Hosiery, Neck Ties, Collars and Gloves--very Cheap. The best assortment of Trous- - ering, Vesting and Coating in the County, and at much the lowest prices. -- Seeds! Seeds! CLOVER SEFD, TIMOTHY SEED, RAPE, SEED, TURNIP SEED. CARROT SEED, .. : GARDEN SEEDS ALL PURE AND FRESH. i v-- 0G Salt and Plaster: Parties wishing to buy will find the assortment larger and better and prices lower than elsewhere, as an extensive trade and superior facilities for doing business cheaply, enables me to sell at small prolits and on liberal terms. Prince Albert, April 2, 1872,