Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Jul 1872, p. 4

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IOASHES } RY Who ney G, GR BLINDS ® AIADE AT v oo Oi In returning thanks to 'my numerous friends for their liberal 'ORY, Liquor Store! Y tronage for the 16 years, | may now state that having purchased my extensive as me Wo anon hats 18 ca PORT : _PERR o 1 Best Pay Test Sumiver, previous 'to the iam rise' in' Price, {Tie Siaies srcitewhors, bul Io possces thenaaives 1 am enabled towffer the public such in Lou 4 4 h ok 'ment stamp on which is engra "+ HoLLo- 3 WAY Pies AND OINTMENT," and that the address on ' the label is 633, Oxvord StesET, LoNpon, where onl they are manufactured, and in no other purt of the wor! 'The retail pricesare on the labels in currency, and not in dol'ars und cents. presentative of mine will 1 vel through oy lsh Proviices, or the United Siates, Tho Subscriber while tosling grateful for the a Inctling, parcoegs : is that ti ' rth adarsional efor 1 Ein gr meet the vapidly GE of th hd hand lots'of fie as £ i H Z £ HH is: i W. M. WILLCOX, Sign of ithe Pestle and Mortar--opuosite Scott's Hotel. PRINCE ALBERT ! WOULD take this o the inhabitants of As cannot Sostivly be obtoined a at any other Works, My work is manufactured by hanking ds, ko &o., &c, all all Fre "her and sur- wpe © best workmen and of the Choicest Material, and consists of ary part of he Bran Frovh woes, or the Uilied Sate. pun I ier C5 ¢ 8 and at ros hl will make fn abject or for Invites the special attention of the public to their extensive cewly ipatiedStios § of ; ima and 141 have eason to Lelicve hat item nce hey is § business n in Prince » & : y ae Aa pt on band or made | the BEST BRANDS of PURE LIQUORS, consisting of Busses, Olas, Ho) {COVERED { SINGLE ANE D } C ARRI AGES, Vay Ly Horanne a mage io hh he Verio having on hand one the best gost 2 sip wr By notice. land and Old Tom--Wines, Port, Sherry, &c.--Rum-- Whisky, Malt and Old Rye-- ] o | spromeaing ot they ie acting fr r mend Fh my. Stocks of G had Planing, Dressing, &c.|'op,5u Biter ke. Pa een of Goods, s ' . A large and well selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. entreat all those who m rend this OPEN {visit CARRIAGES, ic sihertiemet th HE in 1he pabiic wlorest, Gentlemen' S Clothin 1 - Pore d and charges moderate at r Teas can't be beat! Try them! We guarantee that for excellence in Dem ts, Li W. 8 Loam W. to communicate of the same 10 their friends 2 Bide Hegel | quality, and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario. SIOoTS ight Wagons umber Wagons haan' en Be Dre To Toorived estbee inereuse ofthat very liberal * i A choc: lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &c. PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retail. Alsg. the best qualites of Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, is au ad Varnishes. 'Thoroughly reliable Patent Medicines. 7 Books and Liquors for al. der purposes carefully selected: Everything in Stock i is of superior quality and willbe sold at the lowest remunera- tive Prices. 3 ber the pluses pposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Ava All of which will be sold at slight advance upon cost for cash or approved credit, Call and examine before leaving your orders, elsewhere. The Trade supplied with all kinds of Carriage Furnishings. JAMES EMAN EY. A. RICHARDSON. Port Perey. I would ask, as a iti that should it come he Cams 3 pe person that Frist Inedigines SSEEIMY STOCK: id we ny ae oor iowa Will now be fund Smile and April 10, 1871. ~ CAUTION. LL parties are hereby voreby. okie i Against han har- Yhe Sumas pint is ta suy, the ame al veiklor who is selling the spurions medic 'wise the name and , rote eh the 1 States, or elsewhere, which may ha 80 as to rable me, institute Prince Albert, April 3, 1872. m, he tection of the public, to ihe. auch. evil-docrs, 'and 1 Cheapest ig Ontario a engage to remunierate oo Vhanpme any p-rson who fan which will be found Broad Ol boring or trusting my wife, Sa; M. WILLCOX. I pig me such Jnfursintion, . i 4nd, name h and Canadian Tweeds, 1 Cloth, J ar afier this date, as 1 will hot be responsible in A . Vv. M. ee A never being divulged. Foo priv Furnishing Goods, Hats an : debts contracted by her, she having left my | Prince Albert, Dec. 30, 1869. 36 M (0) D o N (1) Vv A N pe Shou ould any person ave featonto believe. tit. ie. Vas and Sorrmer Under-Olothing. i, bed and 25d 3 hoard without any just cause or provo- Eh ™ . 9 en deceived by buying spurious imitations<of there i i "SAMUEL MeNUTT. : 0 26-3w 1871] 5 FatiStock address at foot (which I ata cost of six cents PRACTICA L in postage.) one of the Sooke of instructions which are affixed to the sane. I promise 10 examine it and send a reply, stating whether the Medicines are genuine or not, so that if spurious he may apply 10 the person from | ¥F°1 have commenced business in Port Perry, whom he purchased them 20 fuve his mdhiey returned. in Mr. Davis' Block, where I shall be mos! Carriage 2% Maker! ~ Chemists and Drurgisis who desire to obtain the | to see any of my friends avd ¢ the pubile 8 FAES: > ge THE TOWN HALL, Medicines can be supplied ot the lowest wholesule | Jy, A eall solicited re. pure rchasing Size . r 3 1 8 Ericts in Quantiies of not less oe 2 Pi viz where, and satis'y A you can do | BROCK STREET, WRITBY Jin ini Sede i 1 have the honor to be, ~ Merchant Tailor, § Medicines, he will do well to end me, in a letter, 10 the | Fine all Wool Suits in from $9, made to' Reach, June 13, 1872. MI] ESTER ILLS! All Wool Tweeds from soc very fine," and everything in in dg FAN, very foe, [1871 Tie Soased fora to With great respect, Port Perry and Prince Aivert. THE flees ours those Well Known GOOD assortment ni Buggies fo on hand made from best material. , Work THOMAS HOLLOWAY. | May 1, 1872. x FLOURING A made to order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing | 633 Oxford Street, (late 244, Strand) FH BORING i ALL WORK WARRANTED. Lim, Culbeind TA Notice of Removal. ' * ©" OATMEAL, land, STILL PROSPERING ! - . Encburaged by the success met with 75 Se the past months in Sunderland, io ber wohld embrace the presen! : and BARLEY MILLS, |." acing the Stove and Tin B Iam lin gup a portamiy of revarming his since A litle west of ensteseh bas moth pleasyiq in in! orming the public generally that 09 the 10th inst , hebwill he. com- Magnificent Stock of Stoves Reduced Prices: oppestiiy of Tenaiog his sincere thanks | lo section jo Fin or 'the liberal and inesing patronage which he has so long 1eceived ; an PUMPS PUMPS!!! pleted' "his 1:orough repair, sud in may Of EVERY 'STYLE, PRICE AND VARIETY, in the following list : wuld beg to inform his friends and the public ® | qus Subscriber Rg to say that he is pre | generally that ho has removed his business from I of 1h Mill d that b] Pe d Rlonday next 10h inst, he will have. the ELEVATED OVENS, LOW OVENS, ho AER ware Yo poll WE Kunde of ro ws ie, For Fr ere be BOY ws in Ss og Eh ° Seite Home A of Ha ok ro on Chiet Suk You can get the best and cheapest Pump. in the Province. y our, ariey, op Feed, Great Western ueen, No. Tne. \ AND FOR GENERAL GRISTING, | Improved Combis. Imperial, 9 By . At J. IRVIN"S \ He flatters himself that from his thorough | . 'ation Superior, 10, Colonist HomeGuard,No8&, | WD B TENT PUP F RCTORY | knowl f the b ired fn 1 1 Ci As Cheav as anv_other, ly othe best Minute St i Dominion of Canada, Homestead Provincial FIA Establishment i n North gether with careful and prompt attention to . PARLOR STOVES BU SINESS customers that he will secure such an . . My stock ists of amount 'ot public Pationade as fiom he Peurl Wild Bose Compeition " Onward B 2 R 2 . hl i A TABLES, hpi nall its departments having increased facilities for a prossaishs slate of the locality one might | Diamond ™ Lteket Chk Pearl Oatingt : Se 8 B YREALS: BOARDS. wll Sper Coad eaoriest possible potice ex peo! oston Parlor : ignole Parlor ; ° A he atest siyle, at oderats te iat hieing § Parie® | OX STOVES Black Giant, Nos. 18, 21,25, 30 snd 36 ; Herald, Fulton SEE THE PRICES 2 CAR DS EkS iced moaned 1 'Place Ross's Block, Fi = Food, §is., al [1ronside, Black Prince, Fluted Box. FORCE PUMP- A complete Pump and Fire Engine with AEDSIRADS, Port Perry. 05 Flour Chop Feed, &o., always ou | 'mq apovelist of S ill be sold at the lowest Jiviog 1 Hates. Customers may rely upon H Conuld ete for $25 STANDS, JAMES SQUIRE, hand. SE : first rate article in Ae nt=-comj a ose and Coupling complete for $25. hanps 8 CANE SEAT CHAIRS, Pe. ry, Oct.18, 1871. a My Jolormination is to give these Mills pou in i di aisles done chean and ne iiss, Sheepskias, Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot. ROCKING CHAIRS, ec. : i a reputation second to.none, and secure the KF Be sure and come to Sunderland and call at the New Big Tea Kettle. 4 liberal patronage ot a discerning public. + THOMAS S00TT Manchester, June 4, 1872. WEY TOTO Mortgages Wanted. ng Subset have large sums of money Common Log Pumps at 40 cts per foot. A large number of Steel Engravings, rramed | SunpERLAND, Aug. 9, 1871. JOHN W. PARRISH. aitiior WitiWond of gilt; i Valuable Property for Sale. Common turned Sustion Pumps at 35 ots per foot. GET UP YOUR WINTER RIGS !! tr Cutters ! HB TT Sleighs! & & Cutters! 8 AT THE PORT PERRY CARRIAGE FACTORY! The Subscriber in returning thanks to bis numerous and ii increasing customers would Cistern Pumps, a complete Pamp, from $3 op to $8. Also every other description of Pomp at Eqally Low Rates. ving had 1 erience in Pump-making in, the largest factories in Canada and the United Sate, the subscriber feels confident that he cat Fo fares satisty all that will favor him ith a call. hs All poets for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Please Address, JOHN IRVIN, BoreLia. Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870, i J = We offer to our customers for the coming Harvest, two distinct Machines, which in Any TE ---- 7 Th proprigior offers for sale that excellent WN House and Lot (his Dreseniresidence) im- of Major For- man, Prince Albert. The House is in every Wa comfortable and convenient as a residence, having nine rooms ing refitted my Hearse with a with suitable closets ; a good Stable and Cow DOUBLE SET OF NEW PLUMES Shea | attached, and lots of good water--hard, » d to attend Funerals with as good an! a and on as reasonable terms as any other a North or outh Ontario. NS of all sizes constantly kept on hand, made of Walnut, Oak, Butternut, &ec. A selection of Coffin Trimmings just re- Special attention in to Undertaking. Hav - di a their Thais Iuvestment mprov 'ams, age Properties, au: other Sasi in this and ad joining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hend at all times 'Borrowers can depend on getting their money with the least possible delay. e- The) lot contains one quarter of an acre, with a £ood young orchard. 0 better situation could be desired for Com- fort, Health and Convenience. He offers also to sell 16 acres of land a little ceived from the best markets. to the East of the Village of Prince Albert, ED--5000 feet of good. 4 | known as the Target field, 3 Wanted to Purchase inform them avd the public generally that he has d the facture of an Pine, Birch, Butternut, and Basswood Lumber. * Tine Yudis Any number of Mortgages, for which the high- | unusually large number of the very latest styles of first class Cutters and Sleighs for HN NOTT. A. SINCLAIR. est igure wi lowed. the com'ng winter, which be feels confident will fully meet the wishes of the com- munity hoth as to Quality, Style, and Price. Nothing but the best material employed. 07" All Notes and Accounts already due. and that will be due by the 1st day of October next, must, without fail, be paid on or before the 20th of said month. G. U. WHITE. N.B. Agent for SM i tomb stones Borelia Dee. 9, 1868. For further particulars apply to 5 J. & D. J. ADAMS, | Money, Land and Insurance Brokers, | Port Perry. | | We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- "manent Building Society, the cheapest and largest 'Monetary Institutions in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,600,000. Instalments re-payable in from 2 to 20 years. Lands Bought and Sold Several good Farms for Sale. ¥3~ Agents for several first class Fire Insur- Prince Albert, Jan. Port Perry, Sept. 28, 1871. . CLOCKS, WATCHES, w g " AWARDED style and construction, embrace the latest | & rr ions a general agency busi- Se . FIRST PRIZE and most useful improvements of the day.| & ANO JEWELRY, ats BOUGHT. "Bf HE NEY DOMINION AT Provincia Exum JOHNSTON'S - : BITION nELp AT SINGLE 2 ow avn ns, | CARRIBGE & WAGON SBOPS, ; ToronTo, "S08 RAKING RAPE, The "Xing of Reapers." The univer:sal success of this Machine, both in closely contested trials and in the: bands of the farmers, warrant us in saying that, as a Sell-Raking Reaping Mac) rine. it has more good points and less defects, and has met with more sugcess and les 3 failure, than any Reaper heretofore offered to the public. Cayuga Junior Mower, We were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Provincial Exhibition, held in Toronto, 18%/0, in competition with all the leading Machines manufactured in the Province ; and vwith our recent improvements, we wuhesitatingly challenge investige- General Agents. Office in My. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port avy: Port Fey Oct, 1, 18H. CHEAPER Than Ever a Ww" Hepinstall's be Opposite the Globe Hotel, BROOKLIN.. Prince Albert and Manchester. --E----- Cariaza, Wagons, Cutters, Sleighs, and Agiicuttuyal Implements manufactured of the best materials and of the most ae approved mal 5 o 05 First o!ass Horseshoeing done. All Work a J. & WM. HEARD Proprietors. Price Albert and Manchester, Feb. 10, 1870 HARRISON MAW Contractor & Builder, TYOLLOVYd > Ireysupdon "M |. (QQ AHRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, A 'Ad [IMIPL PUY UIAHEVIH HIXIVAR WHITBY AND MD UXBBID GE T% undersigned takes occasion to announce that he has opened, a branch of his business It will pay to call and see them. i Lazarus & Co's Celebrated Spectacles the Cheapest because the Best, "ALWAYS ON HAND. a, Brooklin,Oct. 11, 1871. UX B wn I D G B, tion and par ison with peting M Je are ahs ed that sho iowa tion wil ine sé unprejudiced mind, that we offer the best Mower tot pumiingeti Severed sine | . od P 0 RT PERRY! Farmer for 187 1, built in the © Domision. p@™ Send or Derive catalogues. CHAS. HISOOCKS, | i Wii t tract d B phe aint and ent ie dnd ivan Pl out Jr Cl Saiiines, fd Sis, washer Wend BROWN & PATTERSON. find alway got most modern improve- Plans and Specifica~ *SpOOY) J9Y10 puv AIPMAp 'SIO[Q JO £1914¥A JBI B OS[Y PUSH UO A[IUBISUOD doy SOUIIBM JO 91438-20710 DUT Pe3uiqo[e) S,[[9SSLY I0A0T UBOLOWY oq 'NI'TYMo0odd "QELNVEEV | pu pairedar £[382u SHO TB SAUNA JO SPU [IVEY Ioqaasyd Sup -s8qoand EE a pus [[v0 0} on da Qui] sig ul Suigy Luv SuisiM SARIvS ats. Parties requiring good workd R uses none but the: est a, moiis, Fa Tie Sieg gg! rkdone will do wellto call. : 'Whitey, Jun e 22, 1871. 3 dain = 4 work ean be always relied upon. BAKER oF epi cd with promptitude and Port Perry, May 12, 1870. . HARRISON NAW, s : - id : CONFECT : Frm bast OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. | oun OE ars iropsiesatvended so at Whi | | Wown Pari House and L. Lot tor Sale INCLE Al | il Bsus, + : and P. . _ CAKES, < ates SAMUEL WALKEY, PI Subaru an xcs General Agency Office. . 2 BREAD, : a good frame buil aiding with a stone REET T) HE Undersigi 1ed having received the appeihiment of ing Assignee for North On- Sellar under i Akio 8 Sine half an acre re: pe pt wT tario, is prepa red to give prompt all ptey or Insolvency 'ONCE MORE! SEA RSON? 5 TOTS bearing orchard . issory Ne d A ily coll A be y . . : uty at ihe soo pu t, and anex-| Promissory Nc tes an an ptly made fio Sutsorbr bry ive note 0 thal 5 fase ' | fg eeieines Su, MONEY TO LOAN, SEEESEE wall THE GREATEST PUBLIC BENE. | OR SALE! Walter Qsling, ] Sarden operatonn and ae Wedding Galen mis to order 7 ME 3 Salon Aas, 10 Pon * lon fa 8 t B n 9 a is also Hig to furnish Soirees nd for which, notice the many Testimonial Ofiny ia aud Frinoe ATMEL. | pcs Sh Ia OL inane oan TALS pert Fy upon having the wpplonions 4 ended ts Plants ready' for Nale }{ on Mestmgs, &., on Jiberal toma," Be bopes by always Keepin arg lok a her, ma tons ns ofall fi iva: And ori prison and ponctialy LE kl oa os dor \he fyfure, he (18 Flan do ak LERCED Lad ~ sHoPS: | Egon want "Plants that bow their Prince Albert MAJOR. 1] , = ofl Offol Assigns and Valustor ents ll VE sl and Manchester' Ovnea.-- Bigelow' Block, pox doo tothe Royal Canadisn Bank, = will go ahead if you 8 doo do nator. ~~ CHAS. HISCOCKS Port Perry, 1t.D\ec,, 1868. 4 "prince Albert, May 14, 1672, pec fiber endta an vesten al promptly, and ai small expense, ; Also, La nds, both Improved and Vatuiros, os STANTLY FOR SALE. Marriage T.icenses {ew En Also Several oy gS selections should do so at anod, ©, 3 Apply to 8 P. A. HURD. Solicitor, Tn §r y Biozrow's Brock. st be_oblained st Port Py REY 5 n Weusry20, 1872, ut §¥-Insurances stocnd in wie Ontario Farmers' Mutaal Sasaranes Sompany. (BY AUTHORITY.) f ; FUE S pon Ferry. "Office, the Seugog : HENRY CHARLES. 7 oyembes 11th, 1869,

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