"1 18 x 60, and a th - ap : oo Gososindusios. An An tion and nutrition 8 the Sperntioh pilcation of the fine properties 'of w ied uz ar ar --iiers's 0 oMFORTING.--" By a thor, rat Ts whi op -- ly flavo heavy doctors' Service Gazette. - Made simply with Boill Wateror Milk. Each Packetis Abelled--"J ing Ri ken Te Le on A Sess sky Gocan (Goson, A fact worth rememburing-- Five oents worth of Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders, given to a horee twice a week, will save double that amonnt in grain, and the horse will be fat lecker, and every way worth more money than though be did not have them. --_---- Marrigd ladies, under all circumstances, will find Parsons' Purgative pills sale; and, in small doses, a mild cathanic. They cause no griping paius or cramp. 5 == 7 Take HE Sut would resp y no tify the public that he is not disposed to pay sng further accouits a 8 imed By F. Keller, of wwe Uxbridge Journal, published in the village of Uxbridge, as Mr. Keller assumed all debts ard demsada againet me relative to the firm of Giaham & Jones, late, Proptietois.ef the Journal. o£ J. B. GRAHAM. Bowmanville, May 26, 1872. 23 CARD. : EanisxiLien, Aug. 9, 1871. 1 hereby certify-that I have carefully ex- amined' the " Siar Lightning RoJ" and am fully.convinced that it is tae best I have ever ween. Ii pos-esies the requisites which Prof. Croft coneides most vasential for the -, Lath 5 These fully erected on buildings will be certain to pro- tect them from the dreadful effect -of 'Lightning. So well pleased am [ with the rod that | have bud (our points and 150 feet rod put an my buildings. J. W. McLAUGHLIN, M.B. W. H. Laren, o Agent, Prince Albert. PLANING MILL Sash & Door Factory FOR SALE! T Lilla Street, Port 'Perry, comprising two lots, on which three buildings are erected One of them is 52 x 50 ; another wd 12 x 20. Atuched to them is a : Notice! rl ih 20 Horse-Power Engine! And all the machinery necessary for carrying on the aboye business. The Engine Room is fire proof ; the Machinery all new, and all in good orking order, A successful business is now ing carried on in the premises, which the pur- chaser can have, with the steek on hand at a fair valuation. For terms of sale, and other particulars, apply J. & D. J. ADAMS, Port Perry, H.H. CQSSITT 2 @ Lindsay. 29 Or to the [rojrietor, July 10, 1872. go rg To School Trustees. --Q00-- OTICE is hereby given that all School Trustees within this Township who may be desirous that their School Assessments should be placed oa the Collector's Roll for the resent year, do make their application to the Bieri previous to, or to the Conncil ata Meet- ing to be held on the 6th day of August next, Otherwise such assessment cannot be placed on such Collector's Roll. JOHN CHRISTIE, Township Clerk, Reach, 9th July, 1872. 20-td NOTICE. . LL parties indebted to the undersigned take notice that I have turned my Book counts over to Messrs. Brown & Ghristian For collection, and have authorized them to grant Receipts in my name for said accounts, THOS. BROOKS. Manchester, April 3, 1872. 16-tf WOOL WANTED HE highest price paid, in Cash, for Wool at L. C. HAWKEY'S, Williamsburg, Cartwright. Cartwright, June 5, 1872, 4 CASH VOR LUMBAR The Oshawa Cabinet Company ? J.L PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE in Cas for the following sizes of LUMBER I! Delivered at their yard in Oshawa. [s4UARE EDGE PREFERRED.] 8 hereby given that the Council of tion of the Township of cach af a poratiol meeting to be held at ter, on the 6th day of 4ugust PROPOSE TO PASS A BY-LAW 'To open and establish as a public highway the following described rond--commen a the north end of lot number two in the first con- of the Township of Reach,--the centre of said road is 5 chains and 63 links on a course , T4 degrees east, from the northwest angle of lot number two; then'south 73 de; east 95 links; then north 78 degrees east 5 chains; then north 70 degrees east 2 chains 25 links; then north 59 dosreis eust 75 links more or less to the southern limit of the all for road between the first and second concessions.--. The above described line being in the centre of the road which is one chain in width. And to stop up and close as a public highway all that part of the original allowance hia! road between the first and second concessions and in front of lot Shmber two, and mor of fis as above des! and to vest same in Edward Major. JOHN CINRISTIE, Township Clerk 22-td Reach, 21st May, 1872. Hol Baas, Books and Statlonery, English and American Newspapers, Magazines and Periodicals; Music, Musical Instruments, and School Books, Also Agents for the cele- brated Lazarus & Morris' Per- fected Spectacles and Eye Glasses. McCAW BROS, Port Perry, April 10, 1872. 16 J ewelry Emporium PRINCE ALBERT, CLEARING SALE Jo OPENED OUT, a nice selection GoLp AND of WATCHES, Si. Of the best makers. JEWELRY,- Gold, Pa'ed, and Black, of the best description. CLOCKS, the largest and" beat Stock, war- ranted, and cheap. if 8 Alarm Clocks !!!43 Lockers AND CHAINS in great variety. Cricket Balls! Cricket Balls! Cheap! The very best make, and pronounced the best in use. Everything will be sold very cheap, to eflect a clearance. Remember 1t is at Prince Albert. JO4YN DIESFELY, Practical Watch Maker, PRINCE ALBERT. Apnl 10, 1872 DOMINION "GARDENS ! Brock-st. East, Uxbridge. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR PLANTS! C AULIFLOWER, Tomato, Cucumber, Melon, and Pepper Plants for Sale. The undersigned intends calling with Plants at Prince Albert and Port Perry, once a week, during the season. JOHN WHITE, GARDENER. Uxbridge, May 15, 1872. 21-2m MONEY To Loan at 5 per cent ON Improved Farm and Town Property, BY THE Imperial Building, Savings and Invest- ment Company. For Periods extending from THREE to TEN RS, to suit Borrowers, Re-payable in Monthly, Half-yeariy or yearly ins ents. OFFICE--50 CHURCH-ST., TORONTO. Loans of $500 and upwards are negotiated for Jetiodd of 5, 6, 8 and 10 years at the extremely ow be rate-of 6 per cent rn Apnim at J Sho los instalments on! EL in monthly instalments $6.25 month will Tee cent is ask per = 'boi principal and interest of a loan of in 10 years. Other amounts in a cor- responding ratio. th w! Asn, 1in, 13,2 in width, Oax or am, 1 in 1, p80 Le SA TL i, ' ; AGENT, _ |, intention to_present themselves for Bassoon, Lin. any width. Lo BORELIA P. O.--RBAOH | wetnination; sa I will have to inform the LE ds, 14, 11, 18, 20.or 21, in.wide. | _. Sept. 15, 1870. ! D 'not Inter than the 28th June, Pink, 1 in, 14, 210.12; 14 0216 thet Ion. MONEY of; the number of Candidates for each class _ Maree, Brew, and Biren: . 4 of Certificates. ¥ : ' jinl in., 1} in. 1} in. (PRIVATE FUND#,) 'The Normal School Students will be ex- died in., & I Flank: To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent t d, in their C , with 2x21; Square ihe LYMAN ENGLISH, - the other Candidates. So We H GIBBS, A ors geo ; JAMES McBRIEN, Hig a President. | . ' Oshawa Raglan, Mey 27, 167% los.' P. 8.,' Co. pt powawa, Fob. id dons © ¥ Rovembarl, 1689; qn Py The Full Amount of the Loan is advanced without deduetion. Con ing charg duced to the very lowest rates. Bi ; ; E. MAJOR. PORT PERRY, ArriL 24, 1872. LADIES! JONES BROTHERS Have now opened out and are showing a large and choice selection of Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons and Trimmings. DRESSES AND MANTLES MADE TO ORDER. North Ontario SEED STORE MEDICAL HALL. HAVE GREAT PLEASURE IN calling the attention of my customers to my complete stock of Garden, lower Field Seeds. It is my constant endeavor to. maintain the confidence of my customers by keeping nove bat coop and Pure Seeds. My Stock ia warranted all FREsH and TRUE to their NaME, embracing every sort required in this counlry, viz: and Beans, "Beets, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Luttice, Onion, Parsnip, Raddish, Spinage, Cabbage, Carrot, Cor Cress, Melon, Mustard eas, Pumokin, Tomato, Bird Seeds. Half a Ton of Turnips Seeds embracing all the new and popular varieties. Seed Onions, Potatoes, &c.,--in fact every Seed required by Gardeners and Farmers. (= Oil Cake, Simpeou's Spice, Miller' Tick Destroyer. Cubbage, Tomato, C , and other Spring Goods '§19, SPRING. 1872, 'The Subscriber would beg to announce that he has to hand and receiving his usual choice and attractive Stock of COMPRISING Beautiful New Prints, daily expected, In BOOTS & SHOES you will find one of the largest, best and cheapest Stocks in the County. On hand also a large sud complete stock of Wall Paper imported direct--very cheap. " Brilliants, and Dress Goods of all kinds. A large lot of Gents' [lats of the latest styles jost received, and Ladies' Hats 'Together with our usual large and select stock of choic Family Groceries, Hard. ware, Crockery, China, &e. Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Flour, Cracked Wheat, constantly on hand. A large lot of the best Lower Canada Timothy Seed, which will be sold for less money than at any other house in the trade. And if there is anything not here enumerated come along and we will do our best to suit you, All kinds of Farm Produce taken ia exchange for goods. T. C. FORMAN.' Pritfee Albert, April 10, 1872. plauts on hand in season. 0 Terms as Uevarn--Casu. W. A. TOMLINSON, CuemisT AND DRuGGisT Prince Albert, March 13, 1872. 12 INHABITANTS Northern Reach ty CA THE PLACE TO IY YOUR Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, Medicines, &c., ISAT THE Breensank Stone GEO. FLINT. | Patent Greenbank, July 20, 1871. PUBLIC SE©HOOL TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. HE EXAMINATION OF CANDI- T partes for Public School Teachers' Second and Third Class Certificates, will be held (D.V.) ia te NE Iz Ae y FOLL roRO® ~ PORT PERRY, a The patrons of thé * Mammoth Wardrobe" will find the most COMPLETE STOCK Of General Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes ever offered in North Ontario. purchased on the best terms and in the best markets. Inducements The whole stock of no ordinary kind are offered to every one who may call. 189 Pieces of Tweed to select from. Black Broad and Doe " Dress Goods. Mslin, corded, &ec. otton from 7c. 37 716 bud 1767 yards Grey C 1097 yards Bleached Cotton. 1111 pairs Boots (prune'la $1 upwards). Gents' Spring and Summer Suits from $4 oe ve . fe $6 Teas, Teas, Teas,---a Speciality. Do not forget that Mr. Roberts of the Wardrobe will do every thing to suit and " " " oe oe . i Superb oe 36 inch, 10¢. Felt do. Boys' do. do. 8 10 not often presented. Gens' Spring & Summer Sui's from $11 . . . oe 12 ve 18 (ee 20 [the best market and on the most Boys' and Youths' Suits from Silk [1ats, the best offered. latest styles. ( 4 Straw Hats, every kind. Ladies in this and our Millinery Department you will be glad--for suck a display is Remember also that our Grocery Department is full and complete. please his customers and friends. * e We ask you first to come and try, You'l then make up your mind to buy. A.W. PORT PERRY, March 21, 1872. ROBERTS. 13 SA00D "INI4dS New Spring Twecds, New Felt Hats, New Grey Cottons, New White Cottons, ; New Dress Goods, in all shades, styles and qualities, New Prints, New Boots and Shoes, New Crockery, &c. The abeve Goods were bought before the late rise in prices, in favorable terms and will be sold at a small advance on cost. Mr. GEC. BATES Town of Whitby ! TUESDAY, 16th JULY, AT 9 A. IL TH® Examinations for FIRST-CLASS CERTIFICATES will be held at the same place, commencing on * TUESDAY, 23rd JULY, AT 9 A, M. Candidates will be required to notily me not later than the June, - of ) ai at The highest price in Cash Ha Bark and Tallow. Beaver Meadow Steam Tannery, Prince Albert, June 5, 1872, F his numerous customers to call on Who now 'conducts the WANTED! (ORDSOF HENLOCK BAR. The Subscriber being satisfied that it is necessary for him to de- vote all his attention to his Tannery Business, would recommend BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS, Where they will find a large and well assorted Stock of Boots and Shoes alway on hand, which will be sold at the lowest re- numerating prices. : Just received a large and complete Stock-of Ladies,' Gent's, Misses' and Children's Prunella Boots. ' paid at all times for Hides, J. WRIGHT. TRSHT) 3 UMoIH MANCHESTER, Apil 3, 1872, i. via i ae 5 2 vin | VOT a ek A PULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' Dress Material From the plain; useful ten cent Print, to the more expensive Woolen and Silk Fabrics in the newest patterns aud best materjal and at the Lowest. price, Also FANCY SHAWLS, . . ROMAN SCARFS, SILK JACKETS, ~ PARASOLS, SUN HATS, PRUNELLA AND KID GAITERS in different styles and prices, ranging from 95¢. GENTLEMEN'S ° : Spring Hats! ? The newest styles in Felt and Silk. Ready-made Clothing IN GREAT VARIETY. J A Gentleman can rig himself out at once ina full Suit for business, or dress, without wait- ing for the Tailor. Boots, Gaiters, Hosiery, Neck Ties, Collars and Gloves--very Cheap. The best assortment of Trous- ering, Vesting and Coating in the County, and at much the lowest prices. ee ° S eds! Seeds! CLOVER SEED, TIMOTHY SEED, RAPE SEED, TURNIP SEED, CARROT SEED, GARDEN SEEDS, ALL PURE AND FRESH. @ 0G Salt and Plaster. commemtntect, Parties wishing to buy will find the assortment larger and better and prices lower than elsewhere, as an extensive trade and superior facilities for doing business cheaply, enables me to sell at swaall profits and on libera} terms. G. CURRIE, hi ce Alber April 2, 1870.