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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Aug 1872, p. 3

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= © Mr. Flin, a3 a.Bry Sars Li Tus Subscriber offers sale the North-wes rir gf os Ban lf ot 1 ith concession of the o Vie "Township of Reach, On the [sions shen thero is isa Sool {ind never i ah fe Manchester. 'Manchester, July 31, 1872. Now is the Time !1]. FOR GENUINE BARGAINS IN Watches, . Clocks, AND Jewelry, © 03~GOING CHEAP! Pleudia assortment BOW | in Stock to select from. 's Celebrated Lazal Morris & . hand and Spectacles constantly 0 guaranteed "All Goods Warranted. Remember the placo-- opposite the Globe Hotel, . BROOKLIN.! W. HEPINSTALL. Brooklin, July 17, 1872, A STORE IN PORT PERRY TO RENT. 5 as vildnigout offers t to Rent that execllent and Uommodious Store Jasgly o oy log } by s and po It is pleasantly situated at the os centre of the iiving ng village of Port Perry, nearly op- pie A arriage Factory. It but seldom hs us that so f for a ng business in Jia nts - itsel rosperous village like Port Perry. 7 Eosetion given immediately, and Rent oo Fearn apply to the undersigned. H. Port Perry, July 19,1872. A VALUABLE FARM TOR SALE! FOR SALE, PRAT ralent Fam, belonging to, the One Hundred Acres, Being somposed of the East-half of Lot No. 18, 7th concession of the , Township of Uxbridge Zw particulars apply--if by letter pre-paid-- J. G. P. ROOK, \ East Oro, Ont. or ELL JONES, Ezecutors. nen, J Or to Samues. Harper, on the premises. Utica, July 17, 1872. 30-3m Town and Park FOR SALE! . OF and adjacent to Union Avenue, in Port Perry and Prinee Albert. Also Several Excellent Business Sitesin Port Perry. Terms Liberal, Parties desirous. of making selections should do so 2 once. » . HURD. Salicitor, BigeLow's Block. Port Perry. Apply P. A + Sinary20, 1872. NOTICE. LL parties indebted to to the undersigned take A notice that I have furned my Book Ac- counts ovet to Moser. Brown & Christian d has thorized them to pi. 4 et on nly name Br De THOS. BROOKS. Manchester, April 38,1872, CANH FOR LUMBER The Oskiavia Cabinel Cabinet Coripany FILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE IN Casi for the following sizes of LUMBER ! + Delivered st their yard in Oshawa. SQUARE EDGE PREFERRED.) Oax or =, 1,20 JS id Eh i any Width. i 13; inf Ar i i nvide bo a eis Is : 3 oc 1é foekinag. EER Fei W. H. GIBES, President. | Oshawa, Feb, 14, 1672. DR. RTOARSON'S | Parmi for ~Sale, igivle, an pening . 4 ng order, A successfu oy November 11th, 1869. "L811 'uy 'ANVTIHIANAS E £ E = | © od s @ z = g Q o ge. Le] oe -- E g = -y 4 @ © g: 2 = on E us ® 2 a 2 5 -- % Sm ® v - ~-- ® < = ue = ec 2 S ® a : q bE 0 Fu fod we = #2 ro) Q =) mn = ® "2, D.LPOJY $2540Y 7) Huy Mf on g ras b = = 8 F B8 a ae = ST a ill | - PLANING MILL AND Sash & Door F actor HE above prowess' are situated on Lilla Street, Port Perry, comprising two lots, on which three buildings are erected One of them is 52 x 50 ; another 18 x 60, and a third 12 x 20. Au 'ached to them is a 20 Horse-Power Engine! And all the machin Depessary for carrying on ties above business. e Room is fire ; the Machinery all or od all in good business is now being carried on in remises, which the pur- chaser can Narn, with o stock on hand at a By yaliation, erms of sale, and other particulars, apply J. & D. J. ADAMS, Pont Perry, Or 10 the proprietor, H.H. COSSITI Lindsay. July 10, 1872. . 29 Jewelry Emporium PRINCE AL ALBERT. CLEARING SALE Jr OPENED OUT, a nice selection oO GoLp AND WATCHES, Si. Of the best makers. | JEWELRY, Gold, Piated, and Black, of the best description. CLOCKS, the largest and best Stock, war- santed, and cheap. a Alarm Clocks!!1£9 Lockers AnD Ciiaifs in great variety, Cricket Balls! Cricket Balls! Cheap! The very best make, and pronounced the best in use. Everything will be sold cheap, to ELSTISLNY v8 ws Yo hap Remember itis a1 Prince Albert. - JOUN: DIESFEED, Practical Watch Maker, oy Prints Aimzet. Apnl 10, 1872. Marriage Licenses (BY ge «) ib Stugos | ToSUED at Port Percy. Office, HENRY CHARLES, CARD. Bitar Avg. 9, 1871, Ie ch gs FOR SALE I fieraby Gentify that I inve carefully ex- | ones oy Guraorier PORT PERRY, Jury 24, 1874. ~ LARGE ARRIVALS OF _ Fresh Teas, NoCaw Bos, HE in Stock the best --) Books and Statisners, English and American rule en ines and Dusiodianls; usical nstruments, and ool ks. Also Agents for the le ke Lazarus & Morris' Per- fected Spectacles and Eye Glasses. McCAW BROS, Port Perry, April 10, 1872. 16 PROCLAMATION INHABITANTS Northern Reach ---- THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, J Patent Medicines, &ec., 1S AT THE GreENBANK Store GEO. FLINT. Greenbank, July 20, 1871. . North Ontario SUED STORE - MEDICAL HALL. I HAVE GREAT EA PLEASURE IN calling the attention of my customers to my complete stook of Garden, Flower and Field Seeds. It is my constan{ endeavor {o maintain the confidence of my customers by keeping none but Goop and PURE Seeds. My Stock is warranted all rREsH and Tue to their NAME, embracing every &ori required in this Seualyy, § viz: Hg, ou sagt His . Sead 8 beners Simpeon'e Spice, Miller's Tick Cu ai Tadite, Cau Caulifiower, and other | plants #1. SPRING. {13 'The Subscriber would beg to announce that be Has fo hand and receiving his usual choice and Sttractive Stock of Spring: Goods COMPRISING Beautiful New Prints, " Brilliants, >. and Dress Goods of all kinds: A large lot of Gents' [ats of the latest styles just received, and Ld Hata daily expetted; In BOOTS & SHOES you will find one of the largest, best and ap Stecks in the County, 4 band alsd a large and complete stock of Wall Paper imported direct--very eap. Together with our usiial large and select stock of choic Family Groceries, Hard.- ware, Crockery, China, &ec. Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Flour, Cracked Wheat, constantly on hand. A large lot of the best Lower Canada Timothy Seed, which will be wold for less woney than at any other house in the trade. Aud if there is anyiling not here enumerated conie aloig and we will do our r best to suit you, All kinds of Farm Produce taken ia exchange for goods. T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, April 10, 1872. WMMOTH iy, % PORT PERRY, ULL F oRO®" The patrons of the * Mammith Wardrobe" will find the most COMPLETE STOCK Of General Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothin Boots and Shoes ever offered in North Ontario. The whole ri purchased on the best terms and in the best markets. 1nducements of no ordinary kind are offered to every one who may call. \ Ue IN I 189 Pieces of Tweed to select from. | Gen's' Spring & Summer Suits from $11 oe oe oe oe 12 37 # Black Broad and Doe " 716 «Dress Goods. oe oe we 14 + 97 « Muslin, corded, &e. . oe . 16 1767 yards Grey Cotton from Te, oe 18 + 36 inch, 10¢. oe Sup 2h oe . 20 1097 yards Bleached Cotton. Boys' and Youths' Suita from 4 111 pairs Boots (pruneila $1 upwards). | Silk Hats, the best offered. Guts' Spring and Summer Suits from 84 Felt do. latest styles. ¥ 86 {| Boys' do. do. 8 Son" Hats, every kind. oe oe oe Ladies in this and our Millinery Dir: you will be glad--for such a display is not often presented. . Remeber also that our Grocery Department is full and complete. Teas, Teas, Teas,---a Speciality. Do not forget that Mr. Roberts of the Wardrobe will do every thing to suit and please Lis customers and friends. We ask you first to come and try, You'l then make up your mind to buy. A. W. ROBERTS. PORT PERRY, March 21, 1872, 13 WANTED! 00 (ORDNOF HENEACK BARK. The Subscriber being satisfied that it is i i lsgorosnar) for him to de- vote all his attention to his Tannery Business, wotild récommend his numerods ¢uistomers to call on Who now conddicts the BOOT AND BUSINESS, ing | UTSTBting prices: = Just received 4 and coi ioe Stock of Ladies Gent Gent's, Misses' rsarived s his sl oui h The highest price in Cash Coeid at all times for Hilés, Hook Bark and Tallow. J. WRIGHT. or sind Ay ee nul Gas : : W. A. TOMLINSON, amined the 'Star Lightning Re and am faliysntingng hati aioe ie avagtés hal peseatise: Host © i TA Soadaction of electricity. Fa pe Ee tn ih id ic ave dior feet rod I oy, Ww. MLAVHLAN, M.B. sol W. H. Learcu, Prince Alert. 1 Boave¥ Meadow Steam Fomuiory Mr. GEO. BATES SHOE Where théy will find # large and well assorted Sock of Boots| and Shoes alway on hand, which wilt' bs gold at the lowédst re- : New Spring Tweeds; New Pie ats, New Grey Cottons, New White Cottons, New Dress Goods, in all shades, styles and qualities, New Prints, New Boots and Shoes; New Crockery, &c, The abeve Goods were bought before the late rise in prices, in the best market and on- the most favorable terms'and will be sold at a small advance on cost. Prints Abe, Stace 13; Toth, Dre Prince Albert, June 5,1872, -- MANCHESTER, ape, wm. € uni i PULL assorTMRNT OF LADIES Dress Material. From the plain, useful ten Fw Print; to the more ex Woolen and Silk Fabrics in ho newest patterns and best material and at the Lowest§price, Also FANCY SHAWLS, ROMAN SCARFS, SILK JACKETS, PARASO ; SUN [HATS; PRUNELLA AND KID GAITERS in different styles and prices; from 95¢. : Spring Hats! ? The tewest styles in Felt and Silk. Ready-made Clothing IN GREAT VARIETY. A Gentleman ¢ih rig himself outat once, ida fall Suit for business, or ; without wait- ing for the Tailor. Boots; Gaiters, Hosiery; Neck De Collais and Gloveés--very eap. . "The bést assorutiént of Trous- ering, Vesting and Coating in'the County, and at much the lowest prices. " Sceds| Seeds LOVER SE . E TIMOT Phi je Shivs, att buh Lup bausiti Sn mao Ly or Balt ind Plaster. Parties ishing , to, Vay will find the mssortment larger better and prices lower than as an extensive trade Superior facilities for. doing sell a ull rods and on theret .

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