Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Aug 1872, p. 4

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EEE DRUG Rand>lph turned upon him, aud in a very » decided tone said, ¢ Landlord, 'do I owe you nel I d p loss which of these Josie led to the i of------. The landlord, standing in front of the tavern, cried at the .fop of his voice, ¢ Mr. Randolph, you don't owe i a cent. ¢ Be virtuous and you will bo toppy" ee eee. How To Enjoy Lire.--It is wonderful to what an extent people believe happiness depends on not beiug obliged io labor.--1 Honest, hearty, contented labor is the_ py) 1 of Ee L, bi ie Ee premature decay on fh than many trades regarded as the most exhaus- tive and fatal to longevity. Labor in gen- eral actually increases the term of life, -- Itis the lack ol occupation that annually dR 10yE 56 TEny 'of the wealthy, who; hav- ing nothing tv do, play the pant of drones: and hike them, make a speedy exit, while the the busy bee fills out its day in useful" ness and honor. ree eee LA BAD DISASTER. CitcinnaTi, July 26.--A terrible storm, eccompauied with torrents of rain, passed over Van West; nk t gvenjng, carry- ing along in" ite ildihgs, chim- neys and fences. A house owned by Mr J. L. Rumsey, near the town, was blown down and completely demolished. His wile and young boy were instantly killed, yap Ye Wifnerigpaly | i ig Any organ of the human structure A exercised, is taxed at the x poten of the ema at Lolo nis Gita oeihe. a burdened, m at, ariel or dad Ao ll, yithdraw a poo of the fiorrogs eo! Sent, Which ay be required 10 Fr 'Healthy muscuttir Felon, frum the lunge, stomach, 6to., and thus oatide them to degenerate any lo become incom- pelent to perform their (dligs, 80, that dis- ease follows. Consequently, although: Felfows' Com-| poundsSyru {of Hypoy osphites, willsurely cura many eases of ; pase 9 rgane, pati nhs ido Es éxcesai ri on "of dteh- Habits' py caube or perpet malady, if they would remain healthy discontinuing its use. ---- § ~-- Men. BreaxrasT.--Erps's 00004. --GRATEYUL AND! Coxrorting.--" By a thorough knowledge of the Natural laws which govern the operations of aipesti on and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plica lion of of the fine properties of well selected coco; Mr: tables with a delicately flavored beverage Which may save us many heavy doctors' bills."-- Civil ice Gazette. Made Sant with Boiling Wateror Milk. Each packet is labelled--*'J AuEs Rees & Loo hes i Go London, ? 50, makers ol ps's ocoa (Cocoa, | and Condensed Mi Nill: ? UAMETOR BEMBER ALi 1 a Cabin ot Vo - y PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE {iN CWsuilor the following sizes of LUMBER! Delivered at their yard in Oshawa: . fr9¥ Steduetii ge inlined: rt gram ab 17 Kk EL in n., any wi Sie Sem bd alti v diel S50 eve vie Pow thn 1d; 2, 13,14, 04 184 fogthbmg, ) Marre, Brecon, and Biron: iio , 14 in., 1} in., 1} in. in, 34 in., 5 in., Plank. 23x33, Square Scantling. W. H. In J BOOKL Sn | Prince Albert and Mancheste:, Feb, 10, 1870 Port, Sherry, &8. Whisky, ite A large an - ell selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality." ur Teas can't be beat! Try the { We guarantee that for excellence i in quality, and moderation in price they cannot 'bé beat 'North Ohtario- ud A choice lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &e.:' PURE D S, le and retail. Also the best i of Chemicals Dye Stuffs, =X Varnishes. 'I'horough| 5 Books w Liquors i al oses carefully Everythin, Sar superior quality tive Prices. eliable Patent Medi a ce opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. W. M. WILLGOX. In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their es ars, [ may now state that havin enabled to Fg public Fwd yes | posit be - ned at any other Works. My work is ueeioturd by [po e best workmen and of the Choicest Matérial, and consists of | CARRIAGES, EN ivi%h.! CARRIAGES, Democrats Light Wagons & Lumber Wess All of which will be sold at slight advance upon cost for cash or. mppicied credit, Call and examine before leaving your' 'The Trade supplied with all kinds of arriage Furnishings. JAMES EMANEY. aT Bia ih Ta 1 wea ful bei hy folly ad RR ch will nies aasoned 2 on for Stocks of Go parties to purchase pn oul the pa fe t ensive rewly Er RE LIQUO! ting of Bran Hol. |: FP Prince Albert, April 3, 1872. od Edd i M. O. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL AT she = PERRY CARRIAGE FACTORY! The Subsoffiiee jog thanks to his numerous and increasing customers would the Bublis inform them enerally that he bas commenced the manufacture of, an unusually Jargéiritmber' of very latest styled of first ¢ladé Caters 'add Sleiglis* for the com'ng wigla ich Lie feels confident will ly meet he wishes, of the com- munity both a ality, Style, and Price.' 12 Nothing bi best. mi rial employed! 0% All Not ounts already due. and that will be due by -the 1st day of October next gust, rite th of so d, month. fail, be paid on or Ph ora a a . WHITE., Port Perry, Sept. 28, 1 o WARE. ss And Jeweller, parE » The American Lever Russell's RO and other styles of Wate Kept constantly on hand. Alsoa great variety of Clocks, Jewelry. and other Goods, Parties wishing any thing in his line would do well to call and examine before Ditches ing chawpiase, EAL kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED Brooklin, Oct. 5, 1870. THE NEW DOMINION CARRIAGE & WAGON SHOPS, Prince 'Albert and Matichester. idguod vow eboal) areds allie awe {1:1 Carriages, | Wagons, | jr 3 Firs class Horseshocing die £ Hl Work Warranted. i peed 85. WM, HEARD" Ptpetors. esiyis foot ou ~|Carriage 8 Maker! BROCK STREET, "WRITBY 1 + GOOD assortment of Bekgionsoniten Cy on hand made from best material. made te e1der with neatners and dispatch. | 5 ALL WORK WARRANTED. or Sloighs! 2 "E. Cutters Fo Particular attention paid to repairing PUMPS! PUMPS!!! You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province IRVIN'S PATENT PUNP PATI0RY BORELTIA, LT SER THE PRICES : FORCE PUMP~ A complete Pump and Fire Engine with Hase and Coupling complete for 925. u reply, stating whether the Medicines ph genuine or '|| Patent Swing Litt Pareps at 50 ete per foot, Worn he purchased them 10 Jase bis tmowey reine Common Log Pareps at 40 ets per foot, Naat a0 Druagele bb A *E B A K E R Commos turned Suztiom Pumps at 35 cts per foot. boa ug YA adh Bn Gotgrd Puuips, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. Alse every other description of Pump at Fal Low Rates. g "experience in Pump-making in the largest fagtories in| Careda and the Te Deaioer feels eonfident that he ean perfeetly satisly all that will favor him al. All orders for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise promptly ettended to. JONAS Tans ILE - BARING REAPER: We offer to our customers for the coming Harvest, two distinet Machines, which in tlexs) Sleigha, and Agriculural Implements manufactured | &f fhe best materials q) 9) the m gved makes. Oshawa, Feb. 14, 1872. MON TO E00 | Blextemmes) Wanted; [HE Subscribers have 1. Fi gt ve Arse Le) of m "iden other Securities olnin; rt? ey ig oie 3 i | ments. Parties fequiri ~ HARKISON| MAW Co S prepared to on I Brick or Stony Wht PORT Sak (a 7h Hist tions made to © CATT HARRISON MAW, Port Perry, Ma, style and eonstruction, embrace the latest and most useful improvefnents of the day. JOHNSTON'S SIRGLE SO ACG Baap, "King! of BY aw pe The universal success of this Machine, both in closely contdsted trials and in the~hands of the farmers, warrant us in sayiog that, as a Self Raking tor gh Builder, \ 2. or and put up Buildings of all Kinds, wether Wooo off in the latest styles, with all the most modern improve: {-- ood workdone will do wellto call. (S~Plansand Speeifica- have IASI end, rae ies Bo di @ their money Bomomers ang = Pi to, Purchase Any number of Mor s, for which the b prt Bn will be Mortgage i ; e big 'We are also appraisers for the Canada Pe manent Building Society, the cheapest 'an BEE aT Canada, Pal up . Instalments in 210 20 years, So:payab "Lands, and. Sold | bi ire TnsG: ance Companies. H . Collecti ade and eral ' seas ec ons In le # general agency bus! * BEF" DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "Bf JOHN & DAVID J. Jos | He i Ld 'Pove' psn 3stiod | Reaping Machine. it has more good points and Jess defects, and has met! pith | more aan MILLS p00 HE Sobeariiot having leased for a term T of years | Il known ' FLOURING, ~ 5 GRISTING, 'that he has opened aoc Si as « ort BRIDGE, Alinle west e will be found Bi pleasure in blic generallyi|and other vehicles of an rater Eo § that by the pad ill ha Tie venew: £6 . I All work warranted. ired in| WAL Faroe, on Whitby and am na and less failure, than any Reaper heretofore offered te the public unior Mower, rize and Diploma, at "the Bioxiusiy pki Ted all the leading gt provements, We unhesit! an. | we, are » steel iced 'mind, that Yo wo ie iagien ¢atalogues,, "Brown & PATTERSON. in am i in hand, made of Walnut, Oak; "Winer, vn " wn. OFFICIAL. ASSIGNEE! General Agoncy Office. . id' having received the appointment of Official Assignee for v NohiOn- | rs ion to all matters in_Bankruptey ae gsjvghsy Promissory Notes and Accounts speadily collected, and remittances prom pleted' his h i RE + d e! le Rerih 4 ' by || auatity of hi ways ul n, the! ; 0 N Man in ER ve executed idiom inne A |Waluabte Property for D M I I 0 N 7: proprietor offers for gale that excellent | 01 second to none, and secure # liberal pativunge ot a discerning fore. | ovmy TO LOAN, Or god farm security ai Byori nt piace of loans; and: a Sidhe' a [Elouse,and Lot for Sale tocling gra 1 for th Sling Sraton) for i would embrace LD wy nity of thanking CED tint i 1 Fi 15 Sa ek Fo Tr mere Vi eee ah, 8 hs EI of atlel Blinds, ke, ko, il ou opeby sired adenion best selected Everything in po line kept on hand or made up at short notice. Gentlemen's s Olofiing { Planing, Dressing, &c. To rceraa futher incre ofthat sey baal Done with' "lisp tch and 'charges moderate at Biohardsony s Planing Mill and Sash, Door &e. ey a clory, Water treet, Port Perry. . ' S I OCK Port PERRY, Will now be found _somplets 3 and one of A RICHARDSON, Cheapest n orth. Ontario ! innit ---------------------- | {nA bi6h: will be found Broad Oloths, linglish; : CAUTION !! CAUTION!!! Foo ens Burling Goods Fionsering, Vout. ng. po d Sumer Under-Clothing. 10 THE ruil lor TAR uuimisn PROVINCES | ping all Wool Suits from 89, made ¢0 Api 0, 1871.4 Oi 1 be: lly 1 int thy public of the | All Wool Tweeds from 50 fine, Brith North mam rovots that in lay, 1898 1 Aud ereryihing in propo 0s per yard, very fine, caused the business at Maiden it Tae, New York, 1 have a busi i for the sale of on WAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, x] commenced business in Port Parry, which were up fo. that time' pi Dicarel ian) it Ne 5 Dave Block, where 1 shall Je most bap ppy 0 sa that Have Er ofthe (ly, A oat solicited before Lublin sen else i. sme ars and in many ways, er oo dot it Ty tie that thé Pills a ad ped Serpico you can do Oi 1 rodaitls that cate I have al- en ip denied per W. TRENBETH. 'Th ose\phdo not wish 10 be decking by buying Merchant Tailor, fon ay Hi se Poit Perry and Priuce Albert. of the genuile_HoLLowavis Prins 18 APCs, 'May 1, 1872. i rg by me in Loon, £0 al i Su well Notice of Bemocal 1 1 e 1 and box-bear.ti ritish Govern. s Trt sp on wih is engraved the words * HoLuo- Not ice of emova l. way's PiLLs axp Ofntaest," and (hat the address on the label is 633, Oxvorp STREET, LONDON, where only they are manufactured, und in no other part ofthe world The Subscriber would embrace the present aarot i dora ue tail Bh creer, Quportanity of etarsing His savers op rt of the British Provinces, or the United States, oil her to sell, or to take orders Pills and Oint- patrons Wiis he MMs 50 Tong Tadtiveds do mel, and as I Rive reason to believe Ahat uttempis | WOuld beg to inform ends and the publie will very probably be made to deceive the public in this ool 1 thay he Iy has removed his business from way by persons. ng upon medicine vendors, falsely | Manchester to Port Perry, Having rented representing that Wiky are acting for me, and with my | rooms in Ryss's Block, Port Perry where he will earry kwowledge and consent, } deem it advisable to put the | on the public on their guard agaihgt any such deceptions. I most earnestly entreat afl 'those who may read this advertisement thal they be pleased iu the public interest, ¥ « ly to eommunicate the pur port of the same tu. their friends i that they mny not be defrauded of theirfaponey by. pur- i Shising perhaps worthless imitutions of the genuine HorLoway's PILLS AXD OINTMENT, 4 H 1 would ask, as a great favor, that should it come to the knowledge of any person that spurions medicines are being made or sold in ny name, he be pleased to | ¢ 3 ] 4 + send we all the particulars he can collect Tesperting the'same, that is ty sdy, the name and address of the Ne representative of mine will ever Wravel through | section of country for the liberal and increas ng 7 Ain vendor who is selling the spurious medicines, und like 1 its d Abs hoa ling the soo the House in the United ih win herenssd facilities for » States, oF elscwtiere, hich ma; ives po fed them, | Alf orders execticd oh the shoriest'possibi notice. fats © rable' hid he. prot n_of 0 hd Garments made pis i the latest style, at moderate ome Flocee séuies apa bop Ba: x rates aud Joaizale fit, y ay ?, may give me such oy abd infor on vio Remember the Place -Ross's. Blodk, never being divalged, Port Perry. | JAMES SQUIRE.} _ Shapld an: have reasonio beligve that he has i. £8 ? Top dan dy Bi Sharions 1 fot of these Pe, ry, Oct.18, 1871. e IB Medicines, he will 1 send mg al or, 181 ie nddress mt foo (whic he do at a Heng 4 gd el CHAS. HISCOCKS, : er doen boxes of, Pills or Pos of Quien, nel x hout discount, Si for which' femit- AND ance mu he sei advsntce, 1 have the hodor tobe, CONFECTIONER i 'With greatrespect, DEALER IN TUOMAS NOLLOWL.Y. | CANDIES, Oh Colion, We Grr, 1. v0 RU STILL PROSPERING ! BREAD n. OAT MEAL Reduced Prices 1omsTong, TEAL SARDINES, ~~ ; ue Subscriber ng to say that he is pre F RULTS, pared to sell all kinds of I0YS, &C. TID, Bs He is also prepared to fornish Soirées Tea Meetings, &e., on liberal terms. 8 Cheav as anv_other 'He hopes by always keeping a large stock & the lowest prices, and hopin attending to all orders, to merit, as heretofore, a share of pube ic patronage, Establishugent | iy North SHOPS: B My cupgists of & » Pr ince Albert TaBLDS, LE and Manchester 1 ORD. : CHAS. HISCOCKS *. CUPBOARDS, Prince Albert and Manchester, { weiing DESKS March 34, 187) BEDBTEADS, : . % . STANDS, : od see serous | IVE QO INF ITB Y OCKING RS) &e A arse numbe; Lis 1 E y a jo / either with sf ret ngTavings E To Loan i o per cent { 3 BOSAL J Improved Tarim and 'Tewn Property, BY THE f Toperial Buildips, oa and Inyest- ompany, iy J : y Inge eau orth: Tint Spécial attention Qua' to Undértakie, Hav Hy Baty eat on ny or yearly CT g refitted my Hearse with a DOUBLE SET OF NEW PLUMES |OFFICE-80 CHURCH. -§T., TORONTO. a SEE ot St | om mi ental ¥3-00 PETNR orar sizes Conatautly Xe Kept on fow' rate of 6 per cont per antum Sut 'if the In ~y A good seltution of ci Tmo at ro- S03 ont i EE 5 ceive et ; e WANTED 5,000 Apri nth tof good easoned | pin, tach Butternut, and Basswood Lumber. Svat pi Other amounts win cor- JOHN NOTT. = |responding ratio, "'N.B. "Agent for monuments and tomb stones | The Full Jmount of. the Loan is advanesd Borelis Dec. 9, 1868, 4 without deduction ans : 0 : Looney sacin shared roduc to th very E, MAJOR, Lis ' AcexT, BOR! Sept. 15, 1870, BLA 9 al . Sale. " For- Be House is in every way comfortable and 3 Tesdence, hu Jing nine rooms, lous 1 god Sa le and Cow | and lots of good Wwater--hard, 2 n! en an acre, with ies iy phos | ot ae "idan ofijor F im- ; Teton on ond Pano per contintoreat LYMAN nen,

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