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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Aug 1872, p. 1

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Tw Niiplanig Jou nk Jun "8 PORLIHH ED ftaiaw TESTA 30a soo; pawn stg Bild co tre Tol 4ule¥ viol! NO.'8 up gheot Sead) 1 of dite Pie Higien eit mo #id) qiy AY Bit fait foe asda! Ly aes wa Loo asic Bhasittet uid 364 fo Ta gone JUiwgu [UREN RCH q efi san } $i " vuil etl Yininey ANP Lait uri v FimiiE Prom " Ai a Flora " Ao, TRL Morning fo (os to mnie wily yt LE ¥ 8: AT] wat ity . hii ROW 50 rm dm months ;if not paid pind that pri -- br or friend wr A Fon FAD VERTISING. in Hor each line, 'first ins¢tion..,. " Buhusquentipuerton, per line. : dines, per spnum....... : 5 00; riisemauis mo prod in tampa ndohargs coor ling to thes) Elerthdudit ened a Sibticaticn witht ~~ oo) Aeoariingly. Noadverieement willbeiaken onan wile rior b: and other haifa a SEI oe sii tds. Siyle, wid ole Er a a hg joes . Kastablishment in this County ! Parties form's dinancs - Ei handbills, &e. , printed an have them dong 1oggke home with them, TR La BAIRD. 3; H. PARRONS, Em Carus. Dr. 'Brathwaite, PRINCE "ALBERT, Physician, n= 'and | . Accopcheur, R. WARE, {JORONER DE. the Ooutty of. Ontario, J so Ren" Sur rg -and or: 10 E. MARTIN, M.D, 1 fs PORT' PERRY. . DRS. JONES & MALLORY, JPRISICIANS, Surgeons and Accduehsurs, PORT PERRY. Office--gver Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. R. JOXES, M,D., CORONER. J A. E, SanLORY, Co xp, CM, Also dealer in a 4 Minds heigl Jewelry, oo PARSONS, © | Mutital' ie fF : TORONTO. Le 'WL. Remmvens. oF, "Hope; Ré {pp ToL EL one a dB, font is Ou Ont -- 'Den 'Roonts' 'd Qe , opposite ' entra Ropu 0 t, t of 'the of the Ontario Banik, " wire % Fi door north TE a TE 'ONTARIO FARMERS" Alton HIS Companys nowdtul organized andis pe repared to 2 aecept shh Farm Buildings and the ttn h SIL School LL a Oba 'wishing 10 insure and. Suppor 4 Home Jpesrance Compa, a ow an of un SR Sporaniiy.of do a fies Tying a of the Company, Five iy Of the i Jow as apa of any responsibleMutual Sond. Elis, ihe Registry Office Build- La FAIRBANKS, Je, : ok | 37-1 retary | WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y INCORPORATED . 1881, Capital "a 4 TE Via: Presi HO ATH, Keg. cretary..... AN, gl Ne LE, ay "Major & Willcox, LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Drs, McGILL & RAE, & Pus C.y Sa Office and oa, MIGILL, M, D, FRANCIS RAR, 5. B. wi FR. MobniE, "I: D., M.R.C.8, 'GUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND. | THE EYE R.O.H L, Oshawa, J. B.\FAREWELL, LLB, COUTKY CROWN : ATTORNEY FOR ONTARIO, . Birman Attorney, Solicitor, and No- yiihay tely occupied by S. FM. Cochrane, Rig, Brock sires ih % Whitby, : PI Veleators, Land Agents, Commission Merchants, &e. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED PROMPTLY. Money to Loan at 6 per cent. E. MAJOR, W. M. WILLCOX, foRELIA. Prince ALBERT. Sept. 02,1870. 39 Wm. 'Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c., &ec., F% the Towbin: of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, 'Thora, Mara, Rai a, Mariposa and Eldon. IF Parties mi their Sales to me m: Tn the Smog attention being given to LYMAN ENGLISH, L. I B, Quer TOR. in hangers i Aigeneys jin Senreyancer, ke, Oshawa. Offige--Sim itreet, opposite the post office " @. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in B WO Chancery, and Insolvency, Notary 4: n &c ct ei s Block, Brock Street, Whit : CAMERON & MAGDOWELL, Rs and Attorneys at Law, | Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: ented. nice A 1 L2 v JAMES LAMON, iL ORNEY at Law, Solicitor it Chancery, | o &c--Land A &e., sore Xe Armiteougs otek Main | pq, : JOHN BILLINGS, .. '..i ARRISTER. Aimer at Law, Soliei ph i hangers Convey ie "Cs pl 3 the Amt at £5 ET ie go \ Sf Luis ofB iar ---- I Be BURNER, HL. Harudes LDS, i aud Mechanical Dentist, pa Years " ques svike PORT PERRY. inaction pt Tes 1 free and all work warranted. WM. GORDON, Sunderland P.0., Brock. Inbirance Cottipany | , PORT PEI ry TE aE public patronage, the shove He othe fo the somiort apd Soren ence. of the oa 1 attent d to the Table and the Bar. Sa ly abo Tr al pe 0 ror expense will be 'spared in waking the 1 Sven Hotel ------ i of Ea den dng) ox PRINGE ALR, ONT. THURSDAY: SAUGU SeNE THINGS: WE NEED NOT DO. | We need not Jes & Yoretg life || 1 weuré kind end loving, Nor lack the friendly words and: mite Our daily acts approving. We need. not sing Theres none 19 love Or give us fond caresses ;** | It we bor havea sdriny woul, : "Twill Win the love that bleg<ns. We nped not sigh from morn fili hight, HENRY FOY. And say with heart aweary, Port Perry, June 1, 1869. ; "There is no joy in anything § | "SEVERE we QUE." MAN CHEATER The werld is dark and dreary." B. PLANK, oesrampronaans PROPRIETOR. always ina HA pl the aboTe patel and bs Bletie tad d id 2 gir Krak We need nol feel, ; when trials come, Qur {ata ia watse than gthers ; For God i io good and ills must come "Tod a '6Ur rottidrd. agains Magckie's Hotel, (LATE BRODIE'S,) We vieed not watch the sands of life, And grieve {0 see them waning, .. WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE. Wn. MACKIE, Proprietor, Jewett's 'Hotel, Tf fiom' euch bour that fits away' . Some geme of truth we're gaining. We need" not count our oars as blank, KENT STREFT, LINDSAY. ostler always in attendan Good stable find shed teil, and an attentive Free Omnibus to and from the tig and Boats. As o%r the past we ponder, It'in the morn and nian of life Our devi we do not squander. cigars "DAFOE, Proprietor, DAFOE, : i 10USE We need not fret ar linle things, Nor be forever frowning; When nate wears a amiling fags 90D ya a attention FE of irareler and guests, | Our days we should be crowning. eb mol itl best wines,' liquors and With loving words and nobl + "eeds Oen' = e Hot el, SAINTFIELD, JAS. CAMERON, Proprietor. And aspi foly, Or generous eflorts made to bless And elevate the lowly, Albion Hotel, WHITBY. A. MASON, ProPrIETOR. tion a fort bo: convenience of the traveling public. Every attention will be p, have charge of the stables. Whitby, 208h June, 1870, This Hotel has Valerio ea thorough renova- been fitted ing a view to the com- aid to the table and bar, while ebliging and a hostlers will 28 Such labors will be sweet to on, And half life's tronbles ended, When in our hearte we nee the flowers * Of love and duty blended. We need not fer 10 die when death To us gives sign and warning : For if we've bravely done our best We'll pass from night tn morning, OHAS. THORN, V.S., go, 111, 1867. pared to treat all cases entrusted to his eare the most skillful and scientific manner. & Pettet, will receive prompt attention. Lilly y street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. VENEER of the Veterinary Institute, Chica- Gold Medalist for the best exam- nation on Horse Practice. Author of a First Prize Essay on Shoeing. Gradunted Sept. 18, Dr. Thorn begs to announce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry. and is now pre- All or- ders left at the Medical Hall of Messrs. Allison The Veterinary Stables may be found on Thns greeting all our days on earth, We need not find them dreary, If wiih an earnest, honest heart, We strive to. make them cheery. ------ i --es pas THE RUARRELS OF LUVERS, The lovers' quarrel is proverbial, Per. eons in love with each other quarrel aboot things they would never think of quarreling about if they were not in love; and sill their love is real. It in no evidence ihat people are not earnestly in love because they quarrel. Lovers quarrel and-separate. in [9 tk. When, found, ib, the neighbosiog illogs, he declared that the, Jighthonse was bewiiched ;-that-Setan. had - lighted his lsmp twice; anid that' he hud seed him in| ceiling 3 persona during he whole night ide" ibe tower [ooking inst' np wn to himpell in regard to bis own win bot he was not to be in- duded to réiurn at any price, and atother keeper had to be provided. ¢ We 'were' sitting ic out oiiwiehals, ramibating' onthe decided advantage of virtue over Vice, when a little withered 'Frenchman, With ¢ cowhide 'as long ss himselt and twice us Yaudy rushed Into' oar ; presence. « Sait Pond Ww stopped to breathe. 46 Well, Sir. ¢.¢ Mousieur.!' he stopped. agin: Ao breathe. ¢¢ Diable, M; and he fi FR © oor asreasm an RE YN h*¥ ceiling 'wes ---- # 16a] faod followed by & woloe euyjng: -*¢! 3inom * Faitli an' i'pe think thet Pai tafe of | D008 t Ment R bg sen to ancl a RRC | od idated; | wee uo s3ina uesfbihemo as. n| AT Bip mt id sbi (ie name of on a 'brought 16 {he police court. Sather Joke 0s dong they might a. Onl bap lg he carte! me ¢ Noa'; am & traveler' d Bark of the Irishiar, and both narrowly ped Willi a now 'suit, lined with'far. Soin dispositions Bes everyihing on ifs darkest sid. | ¢ Nice weathiet for com,' sid a minister up the valley 10 one of his parishioners the. ether, dny, «Xoo, anid the, old tarmer, ¢ bot bad for. grain and gram.) A fqw days, Ipter, the; met again. © A fine rain we had Yousniug? said the minister ; « good" fot ' grass and grein? Yes,' wan the reply; but awfol Bad" for corn * - aye his instrument about his head. + 4.¢ Really, my jriend,' anid we smiling for he was not'an object to be frightened about, ¢ when you-hwve perfectly finished amusing yourself with that weapon, we ~*Nonly like to be (the maser of our owd leinure. ¢¢ No, Barr {1 have come 0 horsewhip you with this cowhide. "We took a piatal fot our driver, cack: ed it and aimed it at his head. ¢ + Pardon, Sair,' said the Frenchman, '1 will first give you 'sme explanation. Monsieur, if you have write dis article 7° ¢ We looked it over and acknowledged ourself the author. It wae a few lines re. ferting to the grest improvements iti railroads, and intimating' that this mode of travelling wonld one day supercede ov- ery other: ¢¢ Yon bave white dat in yonr paper 9 ¢¢ Yes, Sir? ¢ ¢ Well, den, Sair, stop my 'papair, 1 have live quarante neufs ans. '1 have de- voted all my life to ride de balloon-- cest ma grande passion. . Bein Monsieur! 1 shall look to find every one wis hie little balloon--1o ride horseback in de air--to go round de world in ore summair, and make me rich Monsieur Astair, wie de big ho- tel, Well, Monsieur, now--put: piece in CUPID'S DODGERS, The racy dent of the C cial Advertiser, Eli Perking, ' wriies as follows apropos of the gas famine in New York : Last night I ont Bons ftom Dr. Ewer'a with Julia. I felt great confidence in my- self. -Thejdarkness gave me" confidence. It'always gives lovets. confidence. There were thirly-six dark gas burners, and one tallow candle--one Eighth Avenue tallow candle. in her father's palatial mansion, } took her and; I did, and I was about to say sormething confidential ifi the feeble candle-light, when we heard Julia' cousin Mary itr the bavk parlor with Charley Brown. Charley was taking advanisge as ' oh) are notfer wrong. Traveilers aid *4gabonds are about the same thing. The diffatence is, thot the. utter travel withont ri ) ind the formet withoui brains." babe you fravelled'?® | ' hd 'over the coblinent.' ¢ What have you vig v. . 'A little to Hoo 6 and a. great deni to lebih at? PAL ¢ Humph | what do you commend 7° 'A hedlofe.yorn, who, will stay at home, and eloquent Fh 'who will preach short sermons, a good writer who: will not wtite 100 much, & fool that bus sense enotigli 10 liold his tongue:® ¢ What do you censure t' ¢ A man who marries a gitl for her fine clothing, a youth who studies' medicitie while he has the use of his hands, atid the people who will elect a :drunkerd to office. « What Ho jon laugh at *¢ liatigh at ' man who edpetld his po- sition to command that respest which kis personal qualifications and qualities do not merit. He Wab diermissdd. oY pi To a place in Wisconsin, the name o which we sannot pronounce it we should succeed in spelling it, resides um corros= its of the Di the darkness too. We saw their shad on the glass door, Then I heard whis- per: ¢ Mary dear, [ have something raiders tial to tell you." ¢ What is it, Chatle§ 7" she' lisped, in L sweet voice. Then We saw one arm of his shadow en- who fi the « Odd and good is old Dr. Nichols, who formerly practised medicine in Olio. He ¢ took vp' the business, having been ¢ brought up' to a trade ; and as the calls ond f Seddid not come fast enough to suit bim, he added an spothecary's shop 16 his business for the retail of drogs and circle her shadow, and body whisper- ed, ¢I think, Mery--1I think that--1 love you 1? Then we heard a suppressed sigh. your dem papair, 10 say dat de railroad, Monsieur, de litte! railroed, supercede-- voila !--~supercede. Datis what you say rupercede every thing else. © Monsieur, begar I have de honair to inform you da! de railroad pevair supercede. de balloon-- and also, Monsieur, ventre bleu / stop you dem papair. the acars from the breach quickly heal up; NEWCASTLE, ONT. Marble W, Mctereiva Tomb-Tables, Head-Stones t ut variety, with every description of Port Perry, July 21, 1871. 80 | often they remain for ever. Parted lovers - T may never meet after ; they may take new JOHN McDONALD, partners for life ; but in many such cases MARBLE DE A L E R |their dreams by day, as well as by night, are of the first love. The sparkling dew- drop that glistens in the morning sun, once scattered, is never reformed. Again, some lovers quatre! during their Atte »ntion! Would call the atiention a iy hii the services of an that he is. to attend sales on the shortest iy anywhere in the County -of Ontario. lark Notes and Bill Stamps kept opin fay finds for tbe b best and Srealiest Achine in the = Parties will on by J. ©. WILLIAMSON, Agent. Januaty: 10, 18732. at short ik Also Peterhead and "Aberdeen nd it to their advan- npg to withhold their orders until called uation guaranteed, aad Sys war- courtship, marry, and then oontin ue to quarrel all through their lives., Yet they may be exceedingly fond of each other, and when death separates them, the sur: vivor is heartbroken, How etiange this seems! We are en. abled, however, to account for ity in pan, o | ¥Pon "logical principles. So much is ex. t. to be the best and cheapest in the Ladies make sure work, and hase the Patent Letter A, bi J) will the. best ash ine for '$30, All Mechines; cid + Order, tented 10 on the shortest notice. > . J. C. PILKEY. Sore Adan 1 Bosom, Sept. 7, 1891. _ i 1. THOS, H. WALSHE, . TCENSED Fagan: is dor he Town Shire of Brock orth, har Hcposei i in god my of A will be Debt coll leciedin Cnt rompt rei 1] of "61 ie ag . Marringe. Licenses ! Tssued by Authority. : oa E. MAJOR Jan'y tut, 1870 i 30-15) E, the orth in One| -- NY Bl Lin T= letaitons satan? hat an; 385 F of Interest. bog bh b I men J . Myto JAMES, Hol ot AY Now Watoh wad, Jewlery Eetablieh. | Wiity spr = 1872. amount of Mo: to lend upon Farm ie Town Pi Property, or RB Unusually Low Rates Ts dai repaid in any mannet to suit pa B nd, Wid Ed * | pected from those we love, tliat we are easily disappointed by auy little thing which seems ta indicate 8 lack of full and perfect reciprocation. Ceasar was less pained at receiving his death blow than a hia being struck by Brats. Although even q | Billings says, ¢ There sin't ennything that will kompletely kure lazyness, but I bave known a second wife to hurry it ¢ Julia)? d the weice, 'do you love me 7' ¢ Yes, Charley, I do love you,' she sob- " How much f# ¢ More than words'ean express." * I am very glad, Mary," continued the voice, ¢ for I thought you were- flitting." ¢ Well, Charley 7° But Charley never said word, -- bn He had a great sign painted 10 autract the wondering eyes of the villa: gers ahd the Doctor Joved (u stand . if front of the store and etpldin ifs beanties to the gaping béholders. One of these was an Irighman #ho gazed at it for a while with a cortical cok, and. then, ons olaimed, i ts "¢ Och ! and by the powets, Doctor, if itisn't fine ! bot 1here's something ' a 'Kt1ld bit waniing in i.' ¢ ¢ And what, pray, is that asked the Doctor. ¢¢ Why you ste,' says Pat; ¢ you've got Young folks seldom get. further than this; now-a-days. This is as much as any rea- sum.' fr One young lady at the Ocean "Huse who calls butter, buttaw, waitah," wears nine diamond rings on one of her hands, and a bustle on which she last night uo- consciously carried Charles Augustus Fitz- noodle' blue-ribboned straw hat som the lawn on the bluff. An Irishman, angling in the rain, was observed to keep his line under the arch 'op abridge. Upon being svked the reason, he gave the following answer : ¢ To 'be sure the fishes' will be after crowding thers, in order to keep out of the wer! An old Scoich lady had an evening party, where' a young man was present who was about io leave for an appoint- ment in China. As he was exceedingly quartele--are not really..incompatible with true love, they should, nevertheless be avoided. We sre told 'of the dweetnees of recon- ciliatign ; bu} eweeter far is the love that is never marie 'by lisrsh words bat meke a ueoegeily for reconciliation, . The rai fro sfter'the storm is radiant ih its bewuty | bo far mote enduribg in the Hesven o is the clear blue, peaceful sky, over whi there never passed so much as of a summer clouds: scizNom AAD RUPERSTITION. : At & meeting of the Polytechnic' Cléb" | | the American Institute, Mr. Boyle told the following incident: ¢ At a newly erected cd Pn along the New Island Sound, an 6 | old sailor was recently appointed as keeper. : IE] AND DRADCHOSMAN, * aa by GL34DA, is En fr a 3 REFERENCES. cor] Fiarenion NRY GRIST, ES i co Hon. sfc prom } da | 4 Ene ie om ah hah Ly On ane of the first evenings, When trim- ming his lamp; he neglected hig /itistrao. dotting sun shining through one of the laige Jones; had, of course, its rays concentrated n a foctis, and as here the' is placed, | the heat was sufficient to pri it, te Ya utter amazemeni. 'He put it out, Sot be Fu' | became so nervous for thé whole nigh Bet his own image frightened him; se he ea: it reflected in the Plate gles of he lantern, c. | ®ith the dark #ky onside and 1 ; * Ali's Book Store, + ib coppmy, Bek. Port Perry, Feb. 28, 1872, Ena LH t inside. The next moriog it anh venin ne This | too nd ih He imme. ig tikka ils truflk and lofi, witliond nid o ahy obey 41d "Hee only sisted he shadow |' tions to 'draw the: curtains dow; dnd the | * Mi gant in his about him- self, theold ledy said when be wes leaving, Tak' good. care. o' yoursel' when ye are awa', for, mind Ye, they eat puppies in China' TTT ------ ¢ Why is dat hat like the' United Sates 7 said Pompey to Squash, holding up his di- t | lapidated beaver. ¢ Wall, cos it's not ob George--¢ There, j dry Mary 1 What do you think of that 7 I drew (he horse, and Ethe! drew the jockey.' ¢ Aunt Mary-- « H'm 1 but what would your mamma' say Georgé--¢ Ah! bot look here! we've drawn bir riding to churoh jyot know P-- Pinch. ------i i --i | The foll bsting atliry 8 tid, of Sue of the eatly Morrion elders { racles wate then the gheat fuite of the ledfais of that sect, and this' particolsr elder had tinparalieled sbocess in making proselytes, and. always cautioned bis sudi- ante againet believing itt biti or what he said, if, at thie Gloss of the discourse they 4 | did not see descend and light upsti hith a w [ dove, in bodily shape," et6. This oon- firmation of his deap, trons took amazingly 'With the people, who. neriber could not would doubt what fhey saw with théir own p | eyes and heard with 'their Swi ua eam. The. 4 pnd of the dove generally tdok place at [the close of the evening service, and during a petition Jor * the 'seal'? 10. the trutha she) fisd '#poken. | One night; however, i petition wae fit ish fo janr drawing jockeys on & Sunday?" ble young lady ought to expect. Now Charley is honorable, High School fellow, and He has gotten just so far with three hondred and eighty-six Sifferanit young ladies on FEifih Avenue. It is called dy the fellows the Sticking Point. One 'day I said { Charley, did you ever get any tanttiet thati the Sticking Point 2°. ¢ Pshaw 2 Eli, yes," he replied; ¢thore are two bther points mill, - We ell. them the Awful: Oath Dodge, and. ihe Poverty Dodge. Why,I've 0ame these lodges ever the Fifth Avenue gitls more then twenty times.* ¢ What is the Awfol- -Oath Dodge,' 1 in- quired auxiovely. ¢ The Awfal-Oath Dodge is where we get sweet oii 4 girl, tell 'hér that we love get her (0 say that the loves us, 1hed an nouace with tremendous: dolemnity tha we were codipelled to. lake an awful oath at the bec-side of our dying. grand: lather not to marry until the age of thirty. Of course the young lady can't wait so long as that, snd we aye out of the sotape. td ¢ Well, what is the Poverty dodge, sod how do you do it * I'asked, otill 'spening my eyes st Charley's relations. * ¢ Never tell, my wy » Bey = "Never I' * A "1 ¢Well; § always hth ge love them." ot Yes P me - "¢ Ask them if thoy live ine? ih uy 'Yea 7' : ¢ Then they say, yes.' ¢ Aad fou' 3 « Way, then 1 sigh und say : Ane f dor ling, 1 do. Jove you, but I Jove you. ido much to ask you to marry me. You, sary are 646d 10 a life of Jugory. 1am poot amt proud. [ would net ask yob to leave a hortie of comfort for 'sucki Home' (1) 1 ¢ould give you. " Why Charley how dow eiienlly) aa, old fellow ! That's what we h Avenue fetlows call ihe Poverty dodge ihe Yor lest jomping-off plete; yoo know? ; 0d and go dove decbond- as joss, I enti raise hiir to sells? u vords ¢ i ey man when ethane 'ab 'doft < a bit of a bird swimming in it.' s good thought: make it out. b ifol sheet of water here, and not 2 Ag--Yen,' riplied the Doctor ; ; that's I'll have a couple' 'of swane_ painted there ; wouldn't they -bé fine 7' ¢ Faith and I don't know but they would,' esfs Pat; ¢i'ti afibt ihitixing there's another kid 0' bird what wonld be more appiopridte.' #¢ And whai is that?" aske the Doe- tor. BA "Why 1 éan't exactly think of hie name jist how, but, be's one of them kind of birde that when he sings he tjelivicx, Quack, Quack I'? ¢ The last that wes seeri of Pat: rid thie Doctor, Pat was runt:ing fot dust life, snd the Doctor after hirh.' RE EE ---- His Nartvitt,--¢ What is yonr name or asked a Sensis officer. ¢ John Coycoran.' "Your age? ¢ Twenty-one." '¢ Where were yod bor 7? ¢ Well, that's what bother me. I'll tell jod; dnd may be.J can My faliet was Irish, my mother English, and I #as bora on's Datdth frigate; under the French flag in Tarkish watets. Now how is it 7' gots BE ey. « Potaloss I* otied d dutkey peddier in Richmond. Hush dat racket ydu distract de whole neighborhoed,' came from a col- ored wotlian in a doorway. ¢ You can heat me kin you t* ¢ Hear yout 1 ean: hwyr you amile® ¢ Tank God fof dui I's hollowin' to v" to be heard. toes | il Diariat--t What mikes jour horse so slow ? asked a'tourist one day in {lle glen of the Downs, Ireland, of his "Jehu. «It out of to the ba, Senge) yer honot, He wants yo An? thin, he's an intelligent : ociates good company, an' wants fo the {kes 8" you in beloved old Ireland ws ing he can.' In a certain church a contribution wad " be taken. Having fio boxes, the ister'd hat 'was bottowed. If was: puseed dll aronnd thé éhoroh, and repoit saye iothine was put in it. As the hat was i thie pulph, the ministef looked int seeing it empty, ssid: « Well" ~ ° am yee ech alge, boyy, lor returiitig my hat' _A Kentue re 'ar info lezy when bo wacker 1s te he thoves about so 4 ing his bioad- ESE .

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