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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Sep 1872, p. 1

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PRINCE ALBERT, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPT 26, 1872. In win _ She wspapey ; @ Be rUsLIsRED AT TUE VICTORIA BLOCK PRINCE ALBERT COUNTY, OF ONTARIO, Every: Fhursday Morning BAIRD & PARSONS, TERMS $1.50 TERMI, if 1d withihe thin, thattime, $2.01 osube mah wh six mouths;and no paper - icy until xllateutsare pid, C. >. WAID, Cor. MainkB 8t.,Uxbridge 1, Dental opera- tions performed with the utmost skill and care, warranted to -| give satisfaction or no charge, and at prices' ii defy competi Algodealer in all 4 éindse ndsef Jewelry, Fancy |® REFERENCES. oun 8, Port JTope; Re: 3 T. Byrne, Whitby ; ous, od) ~~ ge. Usbria 3, Dec. 17, 1868, So-ly C. N. VARS RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, Oi Deatal Rooms directly opposite epost olfie entrance Simcoe street, third door north of the Ontario Bank. Ito hotels Royal Oanadian Hotel, PORT PERRY, The hs le in keeping with the up in bine 4 hast fueron business and pros ot the Village and neig ct re- fren to the Aghborh ody convenience of the Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage. HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. "REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER B. PLANK, ..c......... PROPRIETOR. HAS purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest Squors criber having leased;tbe above Hotel |' TELL ME, YE WINGED WINDS CHARLES MACKAY. Tell me, ye winged winds, That round my pathway roar, Do ye not know some spot Where mortals weep no more ? Some lone and pleasant dell, Some valley in the weal, Where, free from toil and pain, The weary soul may rest ? + The loud wind dwindled 10 a whisper low, And sighed for pity as it answered,--¢ No." Tell me, thov mighty deep, Whose billows round me play, Know'st thou some favored spot, Some Island far away, Where weary man may find male freight; mischief in her eyes, clear end grey and deep as cut pebbles--savcy- tongued---cherry-lipp.ed-- hearty-handed-- quick-elipped spesch--just with a little eave of dark hair fringed over the white brow? Ah, let her alone, foolish fellow, you'll never meel her again-and, if you did, what then? She'd be engaged ; at any rate, she woulda' have you; don't flatter yourself. You®re not good-looking -- you're not clever, rather the: reverse--and you've only £500 a year. However, il would be like looking for a needle in » hay- stack ; I shall never see her again. Why ahould she interfere with my medi- tative quiet? With the sternness of St, Senanus, [ push her off my boat, and row on alone. Alone ? not a pleasant word;-- the house. A canary t It would my head off in an hour. squirrel 7 Well there isn't mue panionehip in perpetually hopping 8p and down a perch in silence, or racing found a wheel cage at a rate to make one dizzy. Besides, 1 should have a perpetual hear. ache 10 see the little gay thing skipping about the woods again joyous with its beechmast and acorns. A parrot 2. Ouly com- conceive such a thing! No, thera 'is no helpmeet for man it is cernain g the brute creation. There is a certal | sympathy, sometimes--but they can't understand you, Instinct is a wonderful thing. But it isn't mind. What can I do, then ? Keep a friend ? or a wife? Iodifferent which, Tennyson A bullfinch or & WHOLE NO. 767 way. So Icannot eay : 'Il marry.' Bat ak! (it is a comfort To ralk out fond to 'oneself ; it makes company, as it were; and there's no one to hear)-- but ah ! d "I'm lonely: ea Woell iv's two years ago mow, and of course she has forgotten all it--all about me. 1 dare say she is marned by this time. I wonder if that was love that 1 felt, and feel ; for I have never lost that feel= ing. Preity dear! Al Paris wo met fit, at u table d'hote, and 1 could not take my eyes ofl her sweet face as she sat opposite to me* I blushed | remember (I was bashiul-then) at being cauglit once or twice by her ro- A ---- the~the--t{he--adjusiment comes in your ir 11s no vse thinking of her ; only ad, heovdl = and cigars. Every attenti id ti i i Np a 3 + . EA JP: rlhuiaiii bin ib ee AWSUTANCE, iy Whitby call daily, "Gani The bliss for which he sighs, Pshaw, don't let me ring the chauges of says: guish--yes, they cettdinly were rogeisht T= a OP: ADVERTISING, & | ~~ mer ermnomnes ostlers always in attendance. Where rorrow never lives, that aubject all over again. I have come| « Firet love, firat friendship, equal pow- [--eyes. I got the chance of 'showing her RA For cath ing, Srab insertion... oe. THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mackic's Hotel Aud friendship never dies ? out to enjoy myseif, and I mean to do it. ers, 5 some little attention next day, and the re= NR * Subsequent insertions, per line. 002 Mutual I Cc prnrndiiam) * Thé loud waves rolling in perpetual flow, | « Row, brothers row, thé stream runs That marry with the virgin heart,", ward of be permitted to raise my hat to het. 3 S Garde, under 8 lives, per annum. 5.00 utua. nsurance ompany WALTON STREET, 1 Ey 7 HOPE Stopped for a while, ang sighed lo answer fast." Dear old Tennyson. What a long®while | (The soliloquist had not the least idea that 1 ; Adveriiemants measured iu Noy pareil HIS CO: ni y is Sow fully Srganized and is SR MACKIE Proprietor. = No.» There, again, see how gregarious man is | it is since I felt fresh and bright enough to | a metry fade only with brown eyes, wa® ps ceordingtothe space they prepared to accept sks on Farm Buildings iid read his statel d delici ! t im: i ar | SRT dA he coe slat Fo ters Hotel, | Mumm, a ee em a yur stu, te he M ni nd the . - . | crged fei hg lois Noad willbetuken support a Home Pan Company have ey ew ote That, with such lovely face, P y a ' I A o Alibersl liscount pllowedia Merchants, aud others an opportunity of doing so either by applying tothe Head Office, or to any of the local RENT Sthekr, LINDSAY. Dost look upon the earth, oar up the quiet stream. Let me put my Let me consider the matter. Friendship the pivet hedge. It was wrong to listen j nil back into i, for a couple of miles. Yes, 1 had some loved friends at Ozford ; 1 | perhaps ehe thought so, for after some lime whoa dvertischyibe yenr or hnll-ycur ¢ gents Asleep in night's embrace ; ' + 5 d 1. {of the Company. Our rates will be found 'as | Good stable find shed attached, and an attentiv P 8g ' . . have t till. t, y Is "oti awalid n all cases | "be strictiya fo fo hot hin reaponsiiouta insurance bin Sd stadt atfuehid and ay ntive Tellme, in ek hy soon . . . have them still. But, you see, they are|she went away). Theu we kept, as it were Company n Canada BEPARTHENT. . lets. Hand Bills, Posters, Programmes, Bill ead Boe Forms, Recs Books, Cleksy Bouke, Head Office--The old Registry Office Build- ings Drcck Street, Whitby, L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., 27-1y Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. DAFOE HOUSE UTICA Hast thou not seen some spot Where miserable man May find a happier lot ? So that's healthy, and 1 flatter myself the pace wasn't bad : 0, 1 see tno crescent promise of my spirit scattered hither and thither. 1 cannot ata wish or a word summon them to my side when I feel lonely, or when | want an out- kissing, 1. e., coming in contact all through that delightful tour. At Metz, at Lucerne, at Zurich until we struck up a talking mee ; ing. Ah, how diferent it was then! What | quaintance. How cozy we got together at 3 Secretary Ld | Behind + i has not set." ing. y -C Shan any other WESTERN ASSURANCE coMP'Y The bar supplied with He best wines, al "N he 4 R of a spurt --even all alone--1hat brings dear | alone--just ofl, with a light step np a fel- | plucked vp courdge to ask her name, nor . iiahient 7 in this County ! oF cigars Good stal 0, Parties Hance getting handbills, hs. printed an have them done to tuke home with them : TORONTO, C. 'W. "DAFO E, Proprietor. Tell me, my secret soul, old sasociations vividly up belore one.-- Truly, | could sentimentalize, thoagh that low's stairease ; the sharp 'tap' the sten- torian ¢ Come IN," and off, to ride, to row, where she lived. It seemed, somehow, as though we shoald keep on meeting ; and L | +: Sader ! » Parson. Ce ntre H ote 1 0, tell me, Hope ard Faith, isn't much in my line, remembering the to cricket. Pleasant days, and yet not/eee now that the meetings and the - ---- INCORPORATED .. 851. hy J Is there no resting- place spurts that are no more. Eight bending |quite satisfactory to think about. talk were the chiet delights of my toar.-- " Protessional Carys., SAIN TFIELD, 2 From eonow, sin, and death? fellows and the spare cox'n ; a frantic crowd | The pleasure was pleasant while it lasted | We grow very confidential { we knew at = Ty srr {oan " $400,000 JA% OANBRON, Broprictor, Is there no happy spot un the bank ; a Babel roar of noise j the |and, thank God, I was kept from vice- [last a good deal about each other; enly, Dri Brathwaite, PRINCE ALBERT, Sonn McMURRICH Albion Hotel, Where mortals may be blessed, stroke quickens ; the nose overlaps ; the tainted pureuite. But--the squandered sheepish as we were, we never asked each sii G: MAGRATI, . irq WHITBY. Where grief'may find a balm, uproar redosbles ; a slight jar through the [time ! Friends. Yes; aud jolly fellows |othet's names. Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur. TAME oi KN A. MASON, PROPRIETOR. And weariness u rest ? boat, and we sit, as to d » indiffer- h. But till, wus it friendship, | 1 auppose itis love that I fael. I have 4 DR. WARE, (oRoNER for the County ol Ontario, J GENERAL AGENT. This Hotel has undergone a thorough renova- tion and been fitted up with a view to the com- Faith, Hope and Love, best boons to mortals given, ent ; as 10 heart, exuliant ; while ¢ Oriel" is the cry. But the brave crew of Braze- really 1 Should I have gone to them in trouble 7 No! I suppose I have not really never cared for u bright eye, or a dear smile or a merry voice since. | 'missed het WwW. fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- | Waved their bright wings, acd whispered, vose, yellowbarred like wasps, lie by, as to | tasted the sweets of friendship yet. And |gomehow, In the route--whettier by acci- La Dlician, 8! and mm. Willcox Bvers stiention will vy paid to the table aul -- Yes, in heaven !" demeanor indifferent ; as to hearts, excru- the Oxford days ; there is no use denying |dent or design [ do not know. 1 spent the TIN. M. D have charge of the stables. criute. Aad there are strong grips of hands | it ; they had their honey--and they have] rest of my time (and a fortnight over, and ox an indy Whitby, 20th June, 1870, ou ¢ Under the Willows." and much jubilance that night in college | their sting. Forgetling all I had learnt ; | almost all the money I had to spare) in 0 . DRS, JONES & MALLORY, PHTSIOIANS, Surgeons and Accoucheurs, LICENSED A HOLIDAY SOLILOQUY. By the author of the « Harvest of a Quiet walls. But the'bending eight are far away ; and [ am alone. Still, fully bent on enjoyment going up lime after time, for the examina. tions, with the same dreary result j then giving the thing up and retiring without bunting alter her from place to place. I never found her. Aud nevet shall. 4 . . . . . . let me remember. wy degree. Kool! Fool I For'they said I) «yell, Ada, why did you so particularly PORT PERRY. AU CTIONEER Eye." So I row on, lazily now ; and enjoy the | Was by no means dofioient wheri at Mail: | want me to come for a tatn in the privet Ofice--over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st, FOR THE COUNTY OF ON 3 OHAS. THORN, V.S., (London Socict y sights and rounds around me. 'ow quiet borough. 1 might have had so different 8 | walk this efternoon 7* okie be bie. | vi en AD RNR THOA7 sa dirian ONTARIO, EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, Chica- y we are here. Flop! There's a water-rat|lot in life. Coming home on the winter hy ' go, 111. Gold Medalist for the best exam- A whole holiday ! A relief at all events, gone off ths bank. And the smooth water evenings, over the wet shimmering pave- ¢ Why, Rebecca, you haven't been out nation on Horse Practice. Adithor of a First | to feel that the day is my own. Yet I hard- : < 7 : : to-day; have you 7 And see how lovely it HS Moonr io: and Ftlie hii 3 TAL Lute anne Drive Bssay ou Shiosing: Graduated Sept. 18, ly kcow what 7 do ite it. Still itis] he suciadod vide-ol \his Willow; ister tment of London; ometiines | 00 ihe digas ia! And besides I want to licar sorde more « Ph nes King strget, Oshawa. bestowed upon him during the past four years, | 1567: 5 I dont od. MGILL, N. D. FRANCIS RAEN, B. WM. F. McBRIEN, M.D, M.R.C.8,, |theb GUY'S MOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND. ° THE EYE R.O.H L, Oshawa, Having now given up. the business of Bailiff, [ intend, in fatnre to. devote ) my whole time to Cy It will be my Sodeator | Wi hy prompt a) and careful all who may favor me kd thelr Scles or Col- letting. Bills draughted and Blank Notes furnished free * Dr. Thorn begs to announce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry. and is now pre- pared to treat all cases entrusted to his eare in the most skillful and scientific manner. All or- ders left at the Medical Hall of Messrs. Allison & Pettet, will receive prompt attention. 23" The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. something to ba out in the air, instead of in that hateful office, looking as fifty clerks and two or three seniors, all absorbed in accounts, excepting in a lull of weak chafl- ing, and hearing a monotonous scratching ot pens all day long. Ah, well! | suppose is all a dimple with feeding fishes. feel that | want to catch them to-day. Let them just enjoy themselves after their own fashion. Thames swans ah! these are always delightful to see. Let me remem- ber, what dil Keates and Woodsworth say about them ! I used 10 be of my boyhood. The quiet rectory, the ivy-mautled tower, the peace and quiet of a country life ; every sight and sound so serene, restful, beantiful. Almere dream, | dare say §j and country parsons possibly have their unquiet hours about--about your tour, you know. You promised to tell me all about it, and about-= you know whom.' ¢ I don'\ see that there ia much good in talking of it, of even in remembering it. It was silly of me to tell you about it at all, I No, 1 can't. still, they have not 10 sit always behind the ts ths el of charge. Port Perey: July, 29, 189), 801oue gets morbid at times, after a long very fond of renting, even of trying to wane polished bald head. Enough of that San tine why! 4d: 1 J. E.\FAREWELL, LLB, Also Bill Stamps always on hand. forcing h Th : j 3 Sit down on the seat dearest. But I : } ge JOHN McDONALD course in that human forcing house. © | write peeity once ; but my life has got so| Anyhow, for me, gall underlies the sweet |) oy 0 hi in. N COUTNY CROWN ATTORNEY FOR » 3 3; ly: ond now I shall never see him again. Never ONTARIO Arrangements ean be made for sales &e., at a IR leaves begin to yellow and ge: sickly ; an prosy mow. | work hard all day, and | remembrances of old cottage days. ¥ b the Observer Office Prince Albert, and at the [VI ARB L E DEALE 5 = 1h "pri : 3 $ : Not that 1 have any particular reason for Bim Attorney, Solicitor, and No- Standard Office, Port Pere. NEWCASTLE. ONT. il wanta Bevien. " 0 Sam oii "8 | drowse all the evening; Joo tired to read, | So much for friendship. I do not really wanting 10 sea him. 1 dare say he's long ? . M. WILLCOX 5 ' : ays; out inte (he lies), swee MIhing | and nothing to keep awake fot. know it yet, it would seem. And you can- Yorzoten me... Why shodid h 1 oh Wied b by 8. H. Cochrane, { Prince Albert, Sept to '1873. ' oNUNENTS, Tomb-Tables, Wead- Stones garden? Morbid? Yes, 1 should think| "Ta sweet 1 think there is an eye will | not go and buy a friend as you would a par- Na0 orgs on is Nia 2; alos 3 de or) - ty, with ti . i o . ie % : A SRI L 5 Wm. Giordons Sh variety a hlig ery description of | go Slick ing ald head jut i¥ Soul of Maik our coming, and look lighter when ora ii So what aml Jo do ' can it matter to me 1t he's married row, ng Li d A i 1 at short notice. Also Fecriend and Aberdeen | MY 4 2 y 6 we come ;" ait my chanes, | suppose, And now lel i, ,,4-- never gives a thought of his old OLICITOR 'in' Chancery, Attorney, 1cense uctioneer, Valuator, | Granite every now and then raised to answer a Conveyancer, &c., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe street, opposite the post office. G.' YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in : pohangery, 'and Insolvency, Notary Pub | Met Mc\lillan's Block, Brock Street, Whit- &ec., &e., : Fo the Rowoshipe of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon. IF Parties entrusting their Sales to me may relyupon the utmost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, HENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLGTOR 4D IRAUGHTSMAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts b business with Jo Patent Office and | of Parties will tgs to withhold 1, on by nd it to their advan- eir orders until called J.C. WILLIAMSON, Agent. Satishietion guaranteed, and all work war ran "Marriage Licenses ! question, and then ducking down again, until en almost uncontrollable impulse comes over me to hurl the ink-bottle at it; I like the old fellow who owas it, but his hewd 18 so dreadfully monotonous, when one has to see it before one every day for a ~--bot that idea is hardly realized by Mrs. Cripps and a greasy mutton chop. Never mind ; let me enjoy the weedy, fishy smell of the water, and its ripple, and its repose, and rest on my oars, to admire the slately swans of the Thames. the north; 'and hardly knowing a seul in London, there's no one to go to for a day's holiday. Then Armitage and Austin were both of them engaged for the day ; going to row a boat load of cousins, friends," what not, up the river; so it's all alone with me. What could 1 do? Go to the Palace? . © ! selfish hearts of Careless men, that do indeed idly or industriously pluck, for the pleasure of an hour, sweet and modest flowers, and cant. them asidg, because the bright blossoms fot choose (after a brief while under the sin) but dr oop their heads and languish. Yor on revive them, me consider the other subject. Stop ; here are the willows. What a enug little den itis ! And atill'quite early in the day ; but I am actually getting hun- gry. Quite a new seneationn I wonder if this is private ground or not 1 At any rate, |* how can one tell? Why does one like people ? 1dou't know that there was any- thing particular to like in him--only--I somehow never have met any one 1 liked s0 much, and ever shall, | know again. -- Now, stay. Where had I got to in my abstrus meditations ? 1 had sugoeeded in interesting myself, and would fain Johnson. , And he spet half an hour alone with Mr. Johngon i in bie library. And Ma. [Johnson i at the close of the con. the thread. sung by grand old Tennyson. Let me see 1 had decided that my heart war yet " vifigin® of the friendship | Smythe to stay to dinner, Bat then, you see, tliere was the other ¢ powenl sultation, that he had porsnaded Mr. And Vincent Smythe, as he rode home under a June moon, did not feel at all morbio, and hardly fellow tourist ¥ ¢ Why did 1 like him eo 7 - . ila tw" thed the river cannot be private. There, | know vy d . Sunderland P. 0., Brock. January 10, 1872. 3-re : . lle = What pride in" their own beauty! Do Ah me! was £0 esolate when we mis- \ SAMER N & MACDONELL, Lr = ped Witla your," Ten he ye i Seed ar they kiow that they are such embodiments the nook etasiiy ist ie our wiles 108 sed him. [dare ody he didn't care, and A 8 and Attorneys at Law, Al t, tention! oy : . g of superb grace and loveliness 7 ¢ Taking ge. ? : 11 wouldnt for worlds have him know that Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: Tho = 5 th 2 intolerably Spare, 1 Zn fous re- the water with black webs ;"'-- movement, the worl 2 Sorhoe and Dlsiness, any . I gave him two thoughts. I dare say he wou y 1 f) fry 1 i At wwe | (ERT SHES be io oap o.oo btn tere rile LL 7 E08 unl je ut a, on, dee 3 that > prey! 13 a} a iration-- 3 » 7 on] . TW AMES LAMON, oui De at he Js brepured io Ssiend sales with 8 noiseless iread, from breaking oul glancing this side and that for admiration iting quite dilarett fom=Bot evar mind cared even 10 say guod bye Ar any ws, TIORNRY u a Law Solicitor in Chancery, { of Ontario. Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept % : : wings like snow drawn into a curve over a we missed him, either by accident or de- HE nndersigned has any amount of Money | with that carefully rendered imitation of the > a : that. s © Conveyan --Land Agent, &c., Sonstautly on hand. T Tend a p ravine, by the silting noith wind --neck, a sign. And I have never seen him since.-- xbridge. Office over rmstrong's Hotel, Main| He is sole Agent for the best and cheapest to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at |, .onq% laugh, for which 1 used 10 be, at » OY How snug. No one sees mej no one can in 1 : street, Uxbridge. family Sewing Machine in the Dominion--pat- jod of lif tly 1oinous line of beauty, reposing between the full eo me ;uhut Up In the the thick. drvoping And never shall again od ented June, 1871, The Patent Letir A Family g g g 4 |oue period of my file, 80 Justly 7amous-= | 4 ise white.-- Oh, You sban't want for |® ) ¢ Where ate you going to, Ada, dear 1? 4 JOHN BILLINGS, Sitting No Ee wigdged eo Ao Thiet would vary \vu. tnonctony, = Diawing admiration--nor a bit or two of my roll, if willow-lougns, to the riverward, and by] You slay there a minute, Rebecca, SH re Sewil hi lachine vio bare had the pleasure of Unusually Low Rates on your blotting paper in spare Rives you come to delight me in that Gueenly this Sia Juivel-boige Jowind $8 Jaad = darling, Pile Yack before you miss mos ke hancery, y examinin t 1 t in tl isn' ii ion could scream wel s0 sung. NL Ke, B Fhinse or Poy. Office over in the Toyal i Lia ta oy work, and pur of Interest. opeber Bova Nini, 35 hi style. How far better than that old fellow's of tho sweat ead ¥ summer if before" vie. |* . . . . . . . oN Arad Sr fin Ee ine for S50. a fechines; wa xr eo Ye day the same. Hesides bald head ; but never mind that. Dip swallows | Ride at anchor ewans!--| What, and you were under the willows 5 3 obi Cha aged. attended 0 on thin shortest oti : & 4 & 4 b 4 0 or hardly business, i _ And hers is an island of waler-lilies. I Rustle softly, willow plumage! There !-- [all the wlile L wes talking to Ada? Aad an Arieff SER ie in Roan 7c. PILKEY Loans can be repaid in any manner to sult| So how it is no dou ' delightful to leave | steer elose besite them, and love to look | | have moored secarely to 5 have | you really heard uy I said? Oh' bow you . 3 the borrower, 1 down upon their unique beauty. But not| ,iuced a cushion conveniently for my head; | must despise me | 2 po Pp SoLE AGENT. | Also several Improved Farms, and Wild | heads, 8: paper, § : : . i ? 3 'W.BURNHAM, Epsom, Sept. 7, 1871, Land for sale, cheap. all behind for one day. Ta get pp in the |to pick them, tut of mere wantonness 10 | will lie back for a while, it is not dinner But Rebecca knew very well that Vine SE ind Division Cont. Office Investments made in Municipal Debentures morning, and shake off all connection. with | pick them ; shornithem of half their charm ; | time yet ; however, 1 could wish it were, | cent Smythe did vot despise her ; else che LH Port Perry. Office hours THOS. H- WALSHE. Bank and other marketable Sto tbat monotonous 8:10 omaibus, utterly dis- | longstalked, piteous, growing limp and |,nd meditate, beholding and rejoicing in | would not have parleyed about the matter. a.m. 10 3 P.M, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Town- ply to +++} regarding its odivos: horn: that blows twice haggard, left to wither in the boat, their | ihe delicate and graceful hangings of my |And Adacame buck as she promised, ships of Brock; Thorah, Mara & Rama in JAMES HOLDEN, 8! tet or taken to my dingy Wi 'h fore she was missed. And Ada and hQntario; fariposa, ete; in the e Conntyof|, i Official. Assignee, Broker, ec. _|sorprisedly i v. lisp to " gone ; h J Jing chamber. Under the Willows: 7 y the Wows Virco - ] ning re to revive really, nor 10 be 88} very words suggest an bdued | bece » OFRICR--Over { the Domini on Bank, McMil- dwaddle j justa lite over breakfa t, and try | rooms, never y s sugg ause, aes Sti eb irs vil bo ase lock, Brock st, Whitby. ! and thick what to do, but its yathox doll and | thiey had been sitting, queen like, on the | sunshine, and cool of the riverside, and la- Fiooank revel wha | du ho : slight ni or otherw! pt remittances itby April in 1873, 16} 2 deal smooth and plessaut, walter. zy, languid enjoyment. acquintance before, with Mr. an 18. > : ns the North On- fonely too. Having one's friends all up in i s ) 7 Y Satio Auctioneer . ther departments > " logical Garon ns ? Kensing 2] yon turn away and leave them, now your Love. And what do | koow about that} even lovely. = And lis fellow clerks won pantie i tty Autor Mason "| Royal Academy ? seen 'om all ; nd. bor | 0m in saved. How Dieens 1h roi, eas | A dear il wile 0 ron with. dancing. fas dad ad bis ight sip ond plssact look and other Dome ure Pa | Janty tat, 1870 "7 |'sides you want a party to go with and be. | it worl the' while ? to meet one after oflice hours i, 1p, make, all | next day. Acd in uehoritime En nh x Fur IT prepared 0a a of the . . : sides I want quiet; and rest and 'frests air. | Well my thoughts are rather over-pensive| bright at home, and preside over supper | ders altered circumstance oan cflxot), bg ; RErEREN BE. aed ' So 1 reverted 10 wy first plan, only "since 1 | for a holi sy. 'The fact 1s, I suppese, one| aud tell all the small news of ay, in- no a ange a city clerk, buta B. A. a wit Hon, A. Com Seneral; NY. 0 i 1} couldn' gel companions, I just took a baat | needs to be in a serene and happy state of teresting only 10 the two se his] : S04 [Ol Aud bulore lung. be bad uso. N Smile. Voges Frosh SE ht Company; sari up Abe_tiver, alone, 1 know a | Mind, and also of body, n order to be able | interesting to them ; well 1 ha of, little a Saat ha phat (os-mauiul.. 4 Jen Lawgton. Esa. Audiior tor iow ; Up the _rivel nay 5 And 1 hought over) He yind if his fi v il in iin Noor inte, nk Hor Taka ore ! A tittle nook, like an arbor, some ne epup the 10 enjoy 8 holiday all by one's sell. And I{ have seen, T have yh ot ounngy. Aad il_oven in thia - ws, Marric age Ti ¢ enses reat ¢ | oa put in th in | agreed with myself thet 1 was morbid atl of thing ; and, with a litle - 6 | ophete of work there were sull anxieties, JOHN CHRISTIE, (BY AUTHORITY.» | @kolitary pie-vie. Ri ont al starting. su What shall 1 do to vary the| kind of luxury I might io. fale Wotties, cares, and depressions there waa: ¢ he povyshIE a for Reach." Con ) at Part Perry. "Office the Scugog | Pom make the beetof ite iin y of my life? For man's Creator | But-- on cannot go to. Ho Shoase [, Ub oom hoosinaye lo, look upon, and Ts meen 0 ke eo Ef te. aia House." HENRY €H ARLES - Shall I people my boat sieally © Shall says, " It is not good for man 6 be ulone.'| the autisle you want, as woul a sawing a 1ecesces from work, and his Salley ad v : Sir Chester, November 10, 1860. +11 summonto the winds eye u piguant fo=' Shall Lkeeps dog? No. Lhute them ia Waghise or a waeh; .¥on. oe wp up pie HaveL Jopely mum, 1, six itn 4 £ wk ids Bea] Svlm Sn £1) Tin Ws yo SREAWg TTL oo 4 . .

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