Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Sep 1872, p. 2

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: Sait ow te Ape -E, Mjor is" Auctioneer. "will be sold by auction on Monday Out: p of Brock Agricultural Socis- ty' 1 am RE yi Monday, Oct 7th, ™ \woship of Cartwright ultural Sule s: Show, at Will AR Fri- y Oc AUCTION SALES, ML ag and Farm Implements of Crosier lot 3 in the 5b con. o Reach file sold by auction Thursday next Og, 3, commencing at noon. Mr. ock and Implements of Mr. Chas. Tovans lot 18 in the 4th con. of Beach will be sold by-auction on Tuesday Oct. §, comnieficing at 'actin 'W. Mi w illeb¥is Auttioneer. The Stock and Implements of Mr.Geo. Broderick near the' Manchester Station of the PW. & P. P, R., will be sold by Auetibs on pesday, Oct. 9in com- meucing at noon. - Mr. E. Mojor is Aue. tioneel. The - Stock and Implements of Mr, M. Weir, half a mile west of Manchester, 14th commenciog at noon. Mr, J. V Patterson is Auctioneer. "The Stack and Farm Implements of Mr. James Brethour lot 11 in the 6th con of Brock will be sold by auction on Tues day Oct. 15th commencing at 10 o'clock, a.m, Mr. Wm, Gordon is Auctioneer. 'There is a vast amount of property em- braced in the above sales and parties will do well not to Jose sight of ény of the sales, such opportunities for purchasing just such property as all good and sve-- cessful farmers must have is not of fre. occurrence. See the Posters all over and mark the days and places of sale. The fubuin Hosnto. TIAMES BAIRD, ..... -- [had to take the flats, Een oat) 4 . pL - . y's J r was held on LE ms own, on Thursday ul Frid, 19th and 20th inst. The first day, especially the Hily por= No of it, looked as sour as need be, and did its best to drench sll 'who attempted to be there early ; still this did vot deter parties from brioging in the stuff though it kept many later than was desirable ; but towards noon it was evident that the dis- play would be such as any county in the Dominion might feel proud of. The second day was a charining one and parties were astir right early. The P. W. & P, PR. Co'y had advertised a special train 10 leave Port Perry at 9 a. m. and leave Whitby st 5 p. m. by which parties might go and return for a single fare. The public regarded this with considerable fuvor and large numbers determined to take advantage of it. At Prince Albert station about fifty were waiting the train, | which did not make its appearance till twenty minutes behind time ; at last how- ever the distant'snorting is heard and all eyes are turned in: the direction of the Port. We imagined, by the blowing, that we were about to meet our d -------- The stiow of mplduiente was not ex- tensive, but those s were pJesidadty Brown & Pai ir Johnson Roapera od ou | Cayvg Lg Pink w hich weie much admired by pir 0 suW them ahd caiivd off first prizes ; their Fanning Mill too took u first prize. There Sore s0mv superior straw cutters on exhibi- Mr. Earchman of Epsom, bonght one = the 'best. Mr. D. Batemun's sew sower arded with. al favor by i iv. of By arkham ook the first our wagons shown second prizes. 'There was a grand show of Poultry both to number and excellence. Mr. Thomas d a large collection of his ghoice birds on hand, "The show in the Floral Hall was very good, and the hall was deservedly a fu-- vorite resort for the ladies, The display of Carriages here was magnificent both as to number, variety, style aud finish ; and considering that they all came from the two establishments iu towa Mr. Donovau's and Mr. Walkey's, parties may havesome idea of the extensive business dous by these establishments, and of the superior ily of the work tured out. There was a copitul show of vegetables, roots. aud grain. The show of fruit was light and unim- portant ; but the unfavorable season fur fruit can account for that. From tie slender supply of quilts, blankets, &e., the ladies must have mde up their mind that the coming winter would be mild. There WV. | blustering friend Jemmy, but judge of the general disappointment when bis sniftering, weaker half--the companion of his toils-- Lady Scugog, came creeping up to the station with her grandmother's newly painted market basket on her back, which from the antiquity of its covering appears to have been constructed about the time of the flood. This as a passenger car however, is a great improvement on its predecessor. The lady lad lots of ac- comit.odation, such as it "was, there were the " new car" and the old one and two flat curs-- flat enough, in all conscience. The two cars were already filled with Port Perry friends snd Prince Albert folks Off we set for PRINCE ALBERT, SEPT..26, 1872. wo, WILL FILL THE VACANT hi PLACES? As the ime forthe + calling of the Local Legislature together draws on a pace, the vacaul place, or plages in the government become. mailers of more than ordinary solicitation; and one can scarcely get a thing with M. P. P, stiached to his name who has the slightest misgivings as to his ability 10 manipulate a portfolio il he could only get one; and the" fingers of not a few of them are in a perfect tremor to get al iho surplus either direotly or indirect- ly, while the horde. of cormorants who always hang in the wake of the most worth- less membets, pat their backs and tell them to goin for office, well knowing that when such fellows get into power, (on the principle of " birds of a feather") the worthless, the lazy, the dishonest creep into positions in which they can spunge a living off the country ; we have instances ol this all round us, idle worthless creatures fattening on the sweat and labor of the sons of toil, swaggering around our streets talk- ing politics and railing wgainet corruption, while tney carry on their person some bogus official ission and are bi ed all oyer with governmental drippings. Look at the list of underlings which some ul our most ptible M. P. P's sq into office, or rather sqneeze into. puy ss goverymental paupers. The ® question 1a now who is to be Premier aud who Treasurer ? The, chances are that Hon. M. C. Camer- on, Hop Mr. Wood, Mr. Cumberland or it may be that some member of the present government euch as Hon. Mr. McKellar may like to try bis Imyd at the belm ; but then who is 10 be Treasurer and who Min- ister of Agriculture? What s begging would there be for these 1wo positions ; we know now ¢ome of the most verdant of the whole pack of M. P. P's, mau who tcarce- ly kuow the 10p liom the bottom of a port- folio who are placing their bats down over their eyes a la Blake and begin almost to imagine themselves --save the mark --hon. Toe next sessiou will be a tough one, is high | time that the whole eystem of of sham were chuged for the tue metal ; insolence and make-belief should no Tena be passpcits to place, and vndersirappers should require a better recommendation to the government soup \oben. thau abject servilily to some 'official "knave. ' Then shall goveruments and officiuls riee in public estimation and take their rue powi- tion in society being estveméd and respect ed by all whose estes is 'worth Having. Mrs Carrie has 'moved "10 his: New Store, Port Perry. Look out for-New Ad- vertisement next week". ' 3 el A ---- #4 own mamxurs, The riarkets'of 'a country are very pro pesly roguided as that 'sliject which all other {6ial waiters most concen us. 11] i isd' eomuersial ty 'the money d even this must os among. Heteliwian.s wa goifcost show of live stock there: Whitby expectiog to enjoy the luxury of a rapid and pleasant ride with the privilege of looking around on the fine scenerv as we passed ; but we had reckoned without our host, for scarcely had we left the station when a shower of fire and brimn- stone poured upon us from tho lady's nostrils completely filled our eyes and mouth and spoiled our go-to-meeting clothes ; and this display of fireworks was kept up continuously during the whole passage. Still thére was one consolation that even these infernal torments, though terribly protracted, were not everlasting, and the weak but willing Scugog did ber best to make them as severe and short as possible ; for she puffed and sniveled and tugged at us moving us along at the rate of ten miles in eleven hours. From station to station the numbers continued to increase until there was a perfect jam. At Brooklin the lady took the pet and would not budge--waiting we suspect the retyrn of Jemmy from. the North. This might all do very well if the show were to continue a week, but as it was the time might have been much more profitably spent. But we did get to Whitby in the long run, snd the large numbers brought by the cars wee soon lost amid the crowds in the streets.-- Whitby town ever appeared fo us to greater advuntoge ; everything was being dope with a rush, and the ewire absence of that insolence which is tut to: ¢ominon io places of much "less importance' 'duting on unusual rush, shows the good judgment and business tact of our Whitby friends. The show grouads were. in excellent condition and the arrangements: complete, . reflcting the Lighests credit on all con cerned. The large and comfortable stock: sheds will doubtles mark a new era in the bistory of these shows. First class breed- ers will no longer demur at bringing on their stock, No one desires to Lave, his valuable animals welting vader a scorching sub, shivering ucder a peltiog rain, or gor- ing and driving each other round the figld., The directors could "not possibly have|| made a hetter investment than'in. the eréce tion these sheds. © OF course a good deal more shed room will be required but (his is a "splendid , beginning ; and ag 'ihe grounds now are tliey are certainly abead of any county show grounds with which we 'are acquainted. The South Ontario County Shows have got an impetus from the present show which catioot fail in bav- ing a decided influence on their future sue cess. These sheds are 240x530 a nd of i was an lent display of ladies' work, especially in the fancy departineat ; sud we were pleased 10 sce so many first prize tickets placed upon the work of some of our Prince Albert ladies. The five arts department was really fine. We notice that our young artiste, Miss Ella Hodgios, daughter of Major Hodgins, continucs to arch i in the first rank as av amateur, her drawing and paintings were deservedly ad- mired ; J first prize tickets were atisched to several of ber works Mr. W, Wallace, son of Lieut.-Col. Wallace, exhibits con siderable skill as an artist, he showed some photographs which were the sul jects of flattesing comment by the crowds who iu spected "them, they tock first prizes. The show and all connected with it may without fear of contradiction be pronoune ed much ahead of any previous show 'ever held in this couatry: There was one defect which might easily be cured, we refer to the annayance caused (0 pedestrinns by some dozin swells who persisted in riding aud driving amongst the crowd, Could there not be a ring made ouside of tbe grounds whee these swells might bave an opportunity of. showing themselves without riding down ladies and children who pay to get into the grounds ; or us there are no prizes offered for swells might not the show be dispensed with in future. After cay fully examining the exhibition the parties fo 5d ine North had to hurry off to the care, and here we found our faverite Jemmy standing screaming' himeeif hoarse in order to collect his charge. - Another call and then the parting yell and off he set like a perfect fury jerking us almost out of our boots. When Jemmy got hold of us we found that no maiden's grusp was around us thrown, His iron grasp we all migm [eel through bars of brass or tiple aieel. Ou he went thundering with his living freight doing bis work like a man, just' stopping long enough at ihe stations to shake off those wha wish: 10 leave and then speed on to the next. Within an hoor from he time he stared at Whitby he snoited us good night at the Prince Albeit station, every one feeling highly satisfiad with his petlormande both us to the ume aud wuu- oy in which he did his woik, We give following portion of the Prize List us Likely 10 be iateresting to our northern readers. 'In blood horses there were 3 entries, and My. Payne's Juck the Barber took the let prize. Mr. E. Msjor's #¢ Morgan' 100k the 1st n Saddie or Carriage Stalhous; and Ma. jor's 3 year old eutire colt took the 2ud prize in its class we Thera were eight entries in the matched Carriage teams and D Batemans of Seugog, 100k the 3rd. Mr. John Bentley's handsome 3 year old Drauzht Stallicn was amversally adie aud took the 1x prize. Messrs N. Ray and J. J. Davidson and A Beath shoved wany charm uy horses and carried Uff lows of prizes Tu Cattle Milter, Thompaon, Davidson and Birrell & Thompson were the principal exe hihitors in Dutbame. Messrs, W. & A. Courtive and Spencer were the principal exhibitors in Devons. Mr. Thomas Guy monopolized the Ayr- shires. In sheep Miller, Spancer, Wilson, and Birrell & Thompeoy were tlie cliiet exhibit. ors. The stack both, horses and cattle was penficeus In thé show of grain, Reach distanced al! com petiturd. There' were 10 entries for thef| special prizes offered by T. N. Gib; E-q., M. P. for '>. Ontario, for 10 bus. spring wheat snd Mr. T, Mundeisou took the 1st prize. le also took the lst prize on 3 bus. fall wheat ; and 'wlso curried 'off the 1st prize on 3 bus. of pve wheat from 14 competitors. He took the 2nd prize on 3 bus. black oatsagainst 13 compéutors. Me. 8. Netherton' took 'the lst on 3. bus. white oats snd the 3rd on 8 bus. black oats, He took a 1ct aud 20d on margolds, - and two 1st prizes an carrots, The Oshawa Hoe and Fork factory hud' ans excellent show. Mis. C. Stivrard was a most succobaful accommodating 8 80 head ot cuits and 30 horses. There a bly wo belter cat sheds in the ded A cost $1,200. 'The charge at the gate was 25 cents; realized a hands n Pr Aba rent pent need aot be in. the. Di mangfactares taking Six, prizes, Ladies' Work Mrs. W. HL 'Prince Albert, took the Ist pri; Shells ; the let ou Zephyr Flowets'; the 2nd on" German Raised 'Work and. the 20d it Feather Flowers, and the, Ist on Paper A Ve fd in th exira © pj Sareaan's Seed Soar nh "i dered Jo be pid on the order of the treasurer + | offieors of the Ballevills Desf and Dumb >. the wh BuTrING on as: UNCERTAINTY. We ams at the verdancy of a chap ing on the spout] show gros Whitby on Friday | last. 'The. 000 for the production of & solitary | male relative of Mr. Mc Treniutet of i thy present coalition govern. meat of Ontario--that is not drawing a governmen| salary. The chap we refer to above had either read the paragraph or heard some one talking of it ; at aoy- rate the thinz appeared to run through bis cranium. in a somewhat confuséd state; for when talking of the miserable selfish. ness of the present Ontario Gorerament, he thindéred out on bis' highest key; ++that he-would bet any man $5 that there was not a solitary, man named M:Kenzio in the province who is not now drawing a Government salary." Unfortunately for 'the confused orator there were nore than one McKenzie in the crowd whicli eir- cumstance rendered an immediate: retrac tion absolu'ely. necessary to his own safety. Some of the by standers rose to explain. . A FURTHER ILLUSTRATION or THE Fave, That the pen vais deeper than the sword has been fairly illustrated by the action of the gentle. Bismarck io dealing with that pungest writer Edmund About. Edmund has been a thorn in the side of modest Bis. ever since the close of the war and the front of Edmunds offending now is that he still strives with his sharp pen to keep the Gre cf patriotism alive in the bosoms of bis Alsaciun brother Frenchmen thou bh now under the German power. y Panis, Sept. 19--The German author- ities at Strasbourg have consented to al- low tle wife of Edmund About to see him. but refused permission to any one else to do so. An examination which will cone sume the entire week is now being made into abuul's case. He has since been re- leased. re ee eee ee SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUN- TY COUNCIL. Ths County Conncil met in special sess sion on Tuewday 24th inst., Messre. Bigalow Wairen, McDermott, Cowun and Miller be- ing absent. Tue Warden took the chair at 3 p.m, and reminded the couneil that 'the principal object ot the Present seysion was lp luke vp tho further consideration of a by-Taw read a second time atthe June session, authorizing the borrowing of $20,000 ward 1saning du- bentutes for fhe payinent of the rame, and it now remained with the Couneil 10 lake such action as might be cousidered proper in the matter. Mr. WHITE moved the council into committe of the whole on the by-iaw Me. Bickel taking. the ¢hair. The By-law sels forth that the Warton 08 authorized 10 barrow: on he creas of the Cowdy the sum of $20,000 and 10 issue ae-- bentures fur the payment thereol, interest at 6 per cent payable hall-yaurly, aid the prin- cipul payable 10 1892, a sing fund of $1,000 per avnum toing provided for the paymeut of the prncipal. 'The equal zed value of the county 18 $8,800,000, couse quently w meet the aunusl interest $1,200 und the $1,000 of a sinking fund making in all $2,200 10 be rawsed wwmivally wil require rate "of two und a lia ("dette on every $100 1atable property in the couniy. Of course the interest on the Anking fund, will reduce the paya.euts by $60 every year: so thatthe firs year's payment will be $2,200, second $2,140, third $2,080 und #0 on, aud #0 will the rale ducieusa, « On motiou the committee arose and re- ported the bylaw without amendment. The report was receiva | aud adspied, the bylaw reud a third tine, passed, signed sud sealed. On motion of Mt. Gordon the $200 grant- ad 10 each ol the two agricultural societies South Ontario and Noah Outerio was or- of said sociuty. The Watden™ fead soveral commbnicn- | tions, Ouse fiom tha Coumy of Simeod Ket- ting foith 'that that Costly JbRU granted $100 10 repuir the vad berwean that County and Outatio on conditiun that (Be County ol Outano grant a like som. A communication was also read fiom the Asyluin, Alero 'several commnnieationa fiom voi- utituers residents of ths county ul dhe lime of the annual arith whe have put iu their annual drill, but who do not belong to the 34h Baw, asking ulivr ithe Couucil's gram ot $4 for suoh volunteers, On motiotr of Mr 'Gordon the $50 uppro- priated to the Marctumout Hameo by the von. onFinsuce &3. was orleiwd to be paid. Ou wotiou of Mc. McMillen thé Treas- wrer wus sithonized to pay the $4 grant to all voluntvers residaute of the cosniy who have uot received their aliowance und who produce the fi of having putin the required dnll for the presunt year. On motion, Major Dartaell wi' 'anthoriz-' ed to collect is $4 as volun! Me. GORDON iutrod matier of tho Co. School Asssdsinent far React.' TES '100' 'argh 'that 'the hatter reotifiedj bot one or'iwo mem= bers 1088 10] explan, sud having made the andiog commitiea on 'County Propefly teporied through {lisic chdirmau, Mr. Guy, recommending the payment of | agcounts for repairs and painting in ud the cou ildings "meaning in.all to Fas The re it pated Ih ) com mi ol wa 1 recsived ue ze. Hn i ee were over 2.000 entries. 8 4 Wi hd [Fig taken for ¢ovee bald In i SE pron fon ir tpt 0 | was instructed - out off orion the "Treas. ly. the amouate. t | 16uinst, About $ | Draaghit tp Frey raney.. of i siete frie Nichols, Reach, ol: vend evening, "clock p, m. as bis very ay were comfortably gathered in their peaceful thiety entered and took possession of the house laying down parcels and baskets while others busied themselves around the stove preparing tea. Mr. Nicholls and bis interesting family stood calmly by viewing operations. |pleaished table was spread and an "excel lenit tea prepared when all parties sat down 19 a capital repast- which was. par-- tuken of in tht genuine spirit of good will more nourishing than the food itself and certainly more pleasant, After. tea the' second part of the programme was entered upon by calling Mr. Walker to the chair who soon disclosed the secret of the visit in a few neat remarks, and called on Mr. who coming forward read the | FO following address : Miss Aenes NicHoils,-- We the members of the Epsom Wesleyan Methodist Congregation and Sabbath School beg to express our [wel ings of appreciation for the very able and efficient services rendered by you to both Church and Sabbath School during two years past in acting as organist in both, and raking charge of the singing in the church. We therefore beg that you will accept of this purse, not on account of its in- trinsic value, but as an expression of our esteem aud regard for you and thaukful- ne-s for the mauy favors you bave con- ferred on the chirch and sabbath school. Your amiability of charactee and uniform kindliness" huve won for you many very warm friends 'in this nc ighborhood. We sincerely hope that you way be long spared to officiate as scceptably im the future as you have in the past, and that when you cease Lo act in connection wih chuirs in our earthly 'sadctuaries you may go to jow ihe Ileaveuly Choir in the upper suncluary where high ¢ prises are continu- ally being sung, ' unto him that bath loved us and wastied us from our sins in bis own blood, unto whom be glory and bone " dofinion and power for ever und ever.' ~ 'The young lady' 's reply was swect and appropriate and conveyed in the 'charming stiains of music : * Come cheerful com pavicus." Short aud oppropriate addresses were delivered by many of "those present, the Chéirwan, Mr. R. Scott, Mr. Howsome, Mr Crawford und others ; the principal topics were the advantages of music, its best and iost important exercise oeing its employment in the praises of Gud.-- "| Sweet lusic, vocal and instrumental, with pleasant and interesting conversation formed a prominent part of the entertain- aents of the evening, At a seascnable ove, ile sisitors withdrew amidst reciproc- al expressions of esteem and friendship, all highly pleased with the proceedings of the evening.-- ( ommunicated. We have much pleasure in giving the above a place in our columns; we have always regarded the unostentatious, warm banded open hearted surpii-e party as, one of the most direct and uncquivocal proofs of sincere fiiendship which can be given to the party so visited. The parties tak-- ing part in the above surprise showed an appreciation highly creditable to them. -- While the young lady gave her valuable services gratuitously meither expecting ncr desiring ny other reward. than that inward satisfaction arising from a sense of doing good ; yet the tangible acknowledgement | of those services by those associated with ber in the good werk canuot fuil iu pro- ducing pleasing results. : ER ic @e A VALUABLE Hose LOST, Neowashnsr, Sept. 21--Mr. David Boag ataried this majuing fiom his home in East Gwilismbury with his Just year's imported uoree aged five years, named Young Won- der, for the Provincial Show at Hamilton. The smimal was quite ively at Quesnsville seven miles from, apd at Nahai four miles showed aympioms of sickuess, and on arnvig here only lived half an hour, Dr. Luyd veterinary surgeon was immediately 'called aud pronounced the case hopeless. -- The diseare was wind colic, Ho was valued at' $3,000, and last year he gained be £10 prizs at Newoastle-on-Tyue. Be Se UNITED STATES, CoLumBus, Sept. 9. --Joseph Ordind, of California, was robbed on' a nam on the Pauhandle RR. of a pocket book con. taiuing $10,000 in money and $10,000 m noes. New York, Sept. 23.-- Forrester, charged with the urder of Benjamin Nathan, wai |* for examination' before Justice Dowling oulby The District Attorne counselled a discontinuance of the padi A ing, as be did not believe he could produce sufficient evidence, to hold the prisoner, tliough he was lly convinced, from the nod of Mi eeuan,' that he was 10 liv' dy' wt he time of thie murder. He | would, however, be sent lo serv unex= | really p "pleasant 'mapifesta--{ ; called a Surprise | Party" tock plate-at the house of Mr: bs home, most 'unexpectedly a party of about | Presently a well Fall Biock Lk: cred, No be s| 4 is Rn 5 PE dg ed. -. © Orrice of gr CLARE § Co, lesals Dr Montreal, Jan. 18, "1872, n Jas. I. Feurows, ksa, St. Johu's, N. B. ~--Dear Sir : Wa are -happy to be able to intro- duced in dy Toe sales, notwith- standing the high price of the article and the short time it has been before the public, Wave itained Very lufge proportions. OGr own sales during] the past "year have ex- ceeded Seven ty nie ir 'We have itati ding it to our aon as a breptaion of uudoubted merit. Yours very trotyy © At the residence of tl «con. of Reach, on Wedn y 25th inst., by the Rev. Mr, MoUhnn, Mr. John--4th son of Mr. M. Vickery, to Miss Phoebe June, second daughter of the late Mr. Rs Vernon, both of Reach, ide's mother, 2nd DIED; At Prince Albert, on Thussilay, 10th inst, Lotta Lz, fourth daughter of Mr, H. Eddy, aged 2 0 years. Tue (uneral 100k place on Satorday, a large concourse of peuple paying the lust tritute of respect to the daparied one, The Revs Mensis. McCunn and Hill conduci- ed the services. Ou Sabbath evening the Rev: Mr. Mo- Caun improved the solewn even) by en eloquent and impresive sermon to a luge and attentive audience in the W.M. Chien heto, from the text : «There is but a step between we aud death," The bereaved parects and moorning fam- ily have the sympaiby of all who kuow them. Within a period of fifteen months the afflicted parents have fo lowed to the grave one lier another, three ol their daughters all arrived at woman's estate. Head de- ceased lived ode day longer she would have been exactly 20 gears of age and her death would have occurred exactly one year alter that of her elder sister. At the residence of Mz. Goodfellow, Prince Albert, on the 14th eh Kate, infant daughter of the late A Diay, of Cond Eug., aged 6 months, First class Photographs mode | HL at T'ait's Gallery, Brooklin. EXTENSIVE Credit Sale! OF FIRST CLASS FARM STOCK, Implements, &c. ---- Ge Thee will be sold by Public Auction, on Lot No. 10, in the 5th concession of Reach, bull a milo' west of Manchester, on Moiday, 14th October, The fwlowing valuable Farm Stock, Im- plemeuts, &e., the property of MUNGO WEIR, Horses i ~1 Horae, 6 yonis old ; i 1 a 6 yeara old 3 1 Mare, 10 yeas old, mn foai; 1 Mare, 12) years old, in loal. Catrre:--1 Ball, 2 years old; 1 Fat Cow ; I Yoke of Oxen, T years old'; 10 Mileh Cows, incall; 2 Fariow Cows; 1 Steer, 3 yeats ofd ; 4 Steers, 2 years old ; 5 Steir, 1 your old; 3 1 Heifer, 3 yoars oid ; 4 Heuer, 2 years oki 3 5 Heifea, 1 year oid; 10 Spring Calves ; 16 Susp'; 32 Pigs. InrresteNTs :--1 Ruwapiog ~~ Machine, Marah Haivester; 1 hon Horse Power 'Sawing Machine ; 1 Wagon, jrou axle ;- | Democrat Wagon ; 1 Busgy ; 2 Fanmoy Mrils 5.1 Straw: Cutter ; 3 1 par Bob- Sleighs; L Cutter; 3 Plows; 1 set lron Harrows ; 2 sels Wooden Harwows ; 1 Land Roller 5.2 Gang Piows ; 1 Horse Rake ; 1 set' Double Hutness-- Long Tug 5 1 set Carriage Har- ness 3 1 oo Single Huiness; aud other articles TeruMs oF, r. Sarel=All sums of $8, and under, cash ; over that amount 12 months credit will be given by purckasers furnish- ing approved. joint notes ; interest charged from day of sale if not paid when doe. Jo. M, PATTERSON, Avctionser. *N.B. '8 Acres of Timber in § acre lots wili also be offered for sale. Terns male known on day. of sale. * : 1 Reach, Sept. 25, 1872, ----n FIRST ck she Tivor wil ehich your Syrup ot} | Lee Fi Balls! Cricket 3alls! Cheap. Flandc or Horse Dower +. Will find such as they may require, at D. URQHART'S,) * nM anchester, = Rea ach. He has thre' diftrent kin Power Cut Boxes; will - Kinde 08 dd from dust one to two inches in length, and can be altered in a fev moments'to any lénghe Pes' © quired, Those in want of such 'will do well to call before purchasing olsowheds, ds] Jif 771 PRICES & TERMS Will be within the reach of a1} Having 'a kidw* 17 oar | edge of the superiority of construction, &d. N.B. Three new kiuds of Plows supplied fg + + '§ Fall Plowing. These Plows will be Let on Trial, / If they fail to work satisfactorily, they irs od dy taken back, : D. URQUHA RT. Manchester, Roach, Sept, 25,1872. "ar WANTED. A SERVANT GIRL for § for general ou work. Work easy--wages good. Apply at once. : MRS. J. H. BROWN, ANCHESTER. Sept. 12, 1872. 40 ili | fits AVE in Stock the best assortment 3: Books and Stationery, English Newspapers, Magazines and Rt pemien H Music, Musical [nstruments, and oks. Als) Agents for the Sehost brated Lazarus & Morriss Per- fected Spectacles and Eye Glasses. McCAW BROS, Port Perry, April 10,1872, iv 16 Jewelry Emporium PRINCE ETALBER TY CLEARING SALE Jor OPENED, our, a, nicg selspiay WA I'CHE Biotin np o SiLyEm, Of the bast iil JEWELRY, Goldy 'Plated, and' Buck; the best description. CLOCKS, the largest and best Stock, wase: ¥, ranted, and clieap. 1 Alarm Clocks}! kd ' of KETS AND CHAINS in great variety,' sven The very best make, and prononuged the best in use. Everything will 'be. sold very cheap to. 4, elloct a clearance. i Rdniember it is at Prince Albert. JOIN DIESFELYs,! Practical Walch Makiér, | Prince Aan, t u Apul 10, 1872. 1 The Subseriber Wioctes ts 10 the Pulls that he has received a large Stock ot Boots & .Shoes ! Suitable for Ful ahd Winter wear. "The Stock i Si En nd wi 80 . Received also, a large lot of pired term of yea Illinois. After some rema sellor Howe, Slsining Forrester's entire in- nocence of the Nathan murder, Justice Duwling discharged o te: 5% remacd~ 3, ed him 10 the Tomba 1 8 dequisi- je un from the Co or Illinois, Havana, Sept. 22.--Gazetta publishes w and » front law ve Sompalling Cbs re to agains make 'contracts for | labour for terms not "than eight [tis reported by Coun- tin dos hich 800 i were ot : ee manaats a CLOTHS AND HEAVY .TWEEDS Bought at fa last ope ries prices od will be pol FATES EE il pled oy So fe as ty sul y Satisfaction will be Heed in quality, wet up § Wanted big Purchase, Avy, oe i, es an Lin war, for she ad: 44 th Wiha) | The Late Firel / TU lest Si es tomers for the while in buss in un le i nas I In the Store recently occupied. by J. seid (J x Opposite his late Sho Sorel rr and would ETH 3 XH REE BE LTE LO Thiwaly BICHARD \WARRI nx 0? 'Port Perry, Sept. 18, 1672, & %

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