Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Sep 1872, p. 3

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ay . feet of rods erected on my" buil ¥niémients, &o. ' --no@Ounr T 8 WILL (BE SOLD BY PUB 3 8) 08) 'the premises of 'the Subeeriber, one-mile snd-half South +f] " Manchester, near Mr. Payne's Hotel, on Wednesday, 9th October, 1872, The atm Stock, Implements, property of Horses : +2 [forees, L1 years old ; 1 Mare 11 years old ; 1 Mare, 6 years oid ; 1 Horse, 5 years old ; 1Mare, 3 years old by + Coach- maa; 1 Mare, agud, sad Cuit, by « Little Samson." ! Cartie :--1 Bull, 3 years old, well bred, 8 Cows, well bred 3 1 Farrow Cow; 2 Helers, 2 years old, in vail ; 1 two-year old Steer; 5 Yoathng Sicers; 6 Yearling Heiters ; | Hoifor 11 months old, exira; 3 Heifer Calves ; 2 Steer Calves; 6 Spring Pigs. + £ ¢ ' " ImpLgmenTs, &co= 1 Johnston Remper, oy 3 Meron +» Cayuga Junior ;'2 . Wagons, extra heavy, neatly new; 1 Wagon ; 2 sein Bob-elsighs 3; 1 Democrat Buggy ; 1 Cutter 5 1 Horse Power with Rods and Couplings; 1 Cong Box, Brown & Puiterson's make ; 4 Gung Pow ; 2 Oshawa Pows; Jd Dowauion Plow, Walker's; 1 Scoteh Plow { 2 dere' Diumond Herrows-- Iron ; 2 sets Wooden Hurrows, 1 set Wing od Huniows, 1 Rolier, 1 Fauping Mill-- newnBuiton's muke; 1 snl iong-lepged Hatness, 1 set ahori-tegged Hamesn ; 3 sel singlgMaraess 5 2 good Ruckh; | Horse Fork With Rupes and Pulleys; 1 Grud Sion on Rollers; 1 Large Cauidron and Sup edn; L'Giass Seed Sower 31 Tar nip DnldiSeufllers, Wheelbarrows, Seyies | Forks, Rakes, Spades, Shovels, &u., &o. Fn 1k O'clock : Sale to commence : af 12 O clock, Sharp! Tri of Sark: - All sums of $8 and unde sigs over that emonnt 12 months credit" Wall Be given Ly puichusers futiish- ing upproved join ios 5 interest charged fio day of sawif uot purd when due. ee KE. MAJOR, Avcrionger. Rauch, Sept, 17, 1872 . . v ' Lightning Rod Com'y. ARG "¥ Téstimonials. i BowdanviLLe, Aug. 24, 1872. I fWgnt herd temark to my friends and the public that | belivve the Siar Galvan- ized Lyghwing Conductors to be the best | have evur wos, 60 well pleased am I with them that I have had them erected on my buildings after carefully testing them over d year, and I venly believe no good building should be without them They ate erected ou the most scientific principle and as -recoinmeded by the most skillful Polespls of chemistry. | may here re- mark thitt"L haye met Mr. W. H. Leatoh, « wember'tf'the Company, on various oc- casicns, and transuclted business with him aud feel justified in recommending Mr. Leatets 10 ihe public as a fit and proper wan forthe public to dv business with. asating un DAVID TOWNS, Gain Morehant aud Miller, . Bownmasvitre, Avg. 24, 1872, I hereby certify (hat | have carefully ex- amined the Nar Galgapiz:d Lighining Rods, aud am fully saticfied they are the bust Rode ever wn use, 1 have had them wrevied, ou my buildings at ny residence and as Well upon my stores and baildings in town, 'abd I am lully satisfied they are the ouly means for us to protect our build- ings with agains! the dreadful eflectn of Lighting. "I have carefully examined the manner in which these. Budw are erected, aud [ oan salely recommend Mr. Leatch to the paldic as a man who thoroughly under- stands his busiuess. wor 31 DR. BIRD, The Star Lightning Rod Company far- nish, in my opinion, better Rods aud better Points. and: gve. better work than any other Compuny wn Canada. I have uvsed the Rods on my house and premises as well as on the Ontario Bauk. These: Rods: are" sold by Mr. W. H. Leutcti, * 200 Sigiied,"' "HON. JOHN SIMPSON, Bowmanville, Aug. 23, 1872 3 i vs WiLLiaMsnurGH, CARTWRIGHT, JEL Sept, 5th, 1872. [have carefully examined the * Stor Galvanized 'Lightning ' Rods," and feel perfecilysatisfied that they will protect buildings from 'the dreadful effects of Lightainget Niéy posséis all the requis-- ites fot"the proper conduction of electric- ity and Whed 'carried a suflicient depth into the earth will prevent the building on | whichy the ; erected from injury. by dectrle RRM i Sail y I have had' two points and ninety.four Mr. W. IH. Leatch, one of the 'company, sad have no hesitation in: reccommending them to others. y JOHN MONTGOMERY, M.D. rx En Aug. 9, 1871, héreby certify: that I have carefully ex- amined the * Star Lighting Rod" and am | folly éenvinsed thal it is't16 best Ihave ever | seen. li possesses the requisites which Prof. ides . ensential for the sendin Roy Fie rly proce opie] a Shane i, or ining. | we am will the tod thst Pave had four Fats and 160 feet rod put on ny buildings. : SU. W. McLAUGHLIN, M.B. I a Prince Albert, HOORAY, dings by New Advertisement next week. $a PORT PERRY, Sept, 25; 167. raarden, flower and New Dress Goods ! ' Winceys!. New Shawls ! © '"I'" New Merinos!' ScarLeT, WHITE, and Fancy FLANNELS, bought in England la Canadian Tweeds and Doeskins, all purchased last Spring, will .108 boxes Japan Tea, sweet in flavor and free from all will be sold at a Quarter Dollar a Ib. High School N otice. THE Edmination of Candidates fot admis- n to the PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL ! Will take place on 'Thursday, 10th Oct. Beginning at 10a. m. D, McBRIDE, BA, - Head Master. J OIL PORT PERRY, Serr. 19, 1872. Sept. 11th, 1872, North Ontario Shi STi MEDICAL HALL, HAVE GREAT PLEASURE IN caliing the attention of my customers Ww ny complete stock of Lg oS Fiesd Seeds. It is my constant endouvor 1 maitain the confidence of my cnstowuers by keeping none but Goop and pure Sesds. My Sloyk is warranted al! rFre~n and TRUE 10 their és] pn NaME, embracing every sort required in 2 <a == this counlry, viz : " = c Beans, Beets, g a 2 ' Cauliflower, Celery, Wo A Cucumber, Lattice, eo eed = Onion, ish Parsnip, > < . fel is! Spina; & ~ wn Cabbage, arnt, P Q o Corn, Cress, > = st) = Melon, Mustard) £ as, eas, Pumokin, | = 5 g * Tomato, Bird Seeds. | © = - F- Oil Cake, Simpson's Spice, Miller's | |] = Tick Destroyer, = - Cabbage, Tomato, Cauliflower, and other = ---- plants ou hand iu season, Coe) =~ 0 - 0% Terms as UrvaL--Casu. ° EE 2) W. A. TOMLINSON, S = Ba Bs CHEMIST AND Drvearst ag as Prince A!bert, Maich 13, 1672. 12 Sane al ieee S bd &= 2 TC = NDE ER EO xt MW ic ] ty 2 g £ 1 i ! as a og 3 2 | Sam | i = a -- { hd Qe © - - Mortgages Wanted. ® bd = ue ¢ X $ - pig Subscribers have large sumis of money 0] as o - placed in their hands for investment eo a n sors Faims, Village Properties, aud --- -- other Securities in this and adjoining Counties Bs -- a at the lowest current rates of interest. ds we Su Sao have funds on hond at all times Borrowers can © po ba = depend on getting théir money with the least kd oR -~ = possible delay. 5 w me Wanted to Purchase 5 0 -- = - Any number of Mortgages, for which the high [|X -- lies est figure will be allowed. . =~ = | a Sn © We are also appraisers tor the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cl and largest Monetary Institutions in Canada, Paid up Capital $1,600,000. Instalments re-payable in from 2 to 20 years, Lands Bought and Sold Several good Farms for Sale. 3 Agents for several first class Fire Insur- ance Companies. ! wn Farm for Sale, ur Subscriber offers for gale the"™North-west quarter of the East halfof Lot No. 7, in the 5th concession of the Township of Reach, On the premises there ig a good frame house, | aud Shoes a i. Collections made and » general agency busi- ness transacted. 'i F i B&y™ DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "Gl JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents. Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, § Port Perry, Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1871. f. | the land is all cleared, well: watered with never failing spring creeks, well fenced and in a high state of cultivation. It is situate about two miles from the thriving village of Manchester, Terms easy. Title indisputable. For particulars apply to the owner. PETER SCOTT. | - . Manchester P. 0, July 31, 1872. WANTED! 500 COBDS HEELOCK BERK. The S ET (CEA ---- - vote al criber being satisfied that it is necessary for him to de- his attention to his Tannery Business, would recommend : his numerous customers to call on Mr. BOOT AND SHOE 2 USINESS, Where they will find a large and well assorted Stock of Boots way on hand, Which will be sold at the lowest xe. ices. w Ra WW ye Ros dd Bi v + wr WR Who now conducts the numerating IF Just received a 1 Misses' and Children asses and Childrens Primella Boots, |" 0h {iar Out pd her } £37 hy sdf ! | Beaver Meadow Steam Tomar) J. WRIGHT Prince Albert,June 5, 1872, objectionable coloring matter, bought under peculiar circumstances, New Carpets ! New Sheetings and Quilts ! ; New Blankets? New Table Linen and Napkins ! st Spring before the advance in the price of Wool. be sold at old prices. WILLIAM NM. WIGHTMAN & CO, PRINCE ALBERT. Extensive Arrivals! FALL GOODS Dist Tomorrimios Per-Steamer St. Patrick. --REND 0 e-- AMMOTH WARDROBE! In the Front! 136 pieces beautiful, durable T weeds, 65 « Canadian Full Cloth--old prices, 96 « " 40 inch Drugget and Flannel, 76 ¢" White, Scarlet, and Fancy do. 1000 «Stylish Dress Goods. Abundance Cotton and Stezmloom offered at old prices. Millinery and Fancy Goods in great variety. iz: Furs from $2 Upwards. Boots and Shees--a host! a wonder! a Novelty !'!! Mens' Stogies $1,756; Boys' and Youths', Women's and Misses' TEAS! [5 TEAS! PORT PERRY, Sept. 19, 1872. 13 New Spring Tweeds, New New Grey Cottons, New White Cottons, - New Dress Goods, in all shades New Prints, New Boots and Shoes, New Crockery, &c. Tukey "mpi a wove wbonl Late wa S009 HNIHAS | elt Hats, styles and qualities, The above Goods were bought before the late rise in prices, in the best market and on the most favorable terms and will be sold {Call and inspect my Immense Stock beforo purchasing elsewhere. GEO. BATES, ze and complete Stock of Ladies,' Gent's 1 +1" Any person returning her to me or giving in« Ont. = formation o whereabouts will be' suitably or ELI JONES, kn TOIT BROOKS, f Dties, PALL & WINTER GOODS The Largest, best selected and Cheapest Stock of Goods in North Ontario ! ! 0 CB---- The whole of the Stock purchased before the late great rise in prices. Great Bargains offered. T. C. FORMAN. A VALUABLE FARM FOR SLE! FOR SALE, HAT excellent Farm bel . T Estate of the late William ay One Hundred Acres, Prince Albert, Sept. 10, 1872. Go to Brooklin, and sce the! good Pictures that are made at Tait's Gallery, HEIFER LOST! Lost on the 2 between Prince A RED HEIFER, il, vit . eg Toass old, wi ite spot on the face, low on concession Township of Uxbridge 0 th a ade ol pee pared with Varticulasy Prepaid in| rum, , i asd tops of her horns robe o : Bea po ii Apply--if by letter ey a eae On bos sght side, She is small for her J. G. P. ROOK, 1) - East Oro, 1 "1,¢22, 2nd Cou. Darlington, Oat.) : MaNviLLE P, O.] © Or to Sanuse Uanegn, ou the premises. Darlington, Aug, 21, 1872. 87 Utieay July 17, 1872, 30-3m at a small advance on cost. : Bei d of the Bast-half of 18,0 ng Somposed or he Bast-half Lot No, 18, MANCHESTER, April 3, 1872, =

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