Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Oct 1872, p. 1

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ao hed % hi han uae eeiting adel * gudw hem ol aang fied 6d v0 ald io euod sai bokihith (bine guiduid tad 5% iS reds fio 09 ~aimba sil * qeude aid Low gis Tania 3 ' 5 | vos Xv my a! a a pes wily Be wapaper |e 8 PUBLISHED AT THE pax i iToRIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT "COUNTY OF ONTARIO, y Bivery 'Thursday Morning "BAIRD & PARSONS, ei 4 98 {1.80 poraitnum, if paid withinaix rama ase ins 2.00. Nosub- § |< anplion inkenlor less ax due paper p-, - until allar ino AAaY lu kas ¥ ena in wh dressed 0 8 Ais fuller seanaiuiig ioney wilibeatouirisk nial RATES OF ADVERTISING, . $0 08 .a. 7+ For each line; first insertions... i mdvertisements measured in Nonparei andcharge | 1. a @ewrdingiothe space they eccupy, - Advertisements received far publication, without je instructions, will beinserted until forbid. an ingly. Noudvenisemeni willbetaken tisebyihe veny arhaif-ye: Wri willin riiasce. be istry ada JOB DEPARTMENT. arf Is, Post Programmes, Bill at ihe omy cet ses Cheore bonkn lars, Business Cards. tf Garde, Sia lot Fevers colo ecuted prowpily wid al wel wi $iFin ant splor, execindpinery. 4 Kstablishmént in this County ! "Pails Trom'n dismnce getting huidhills, &e. , printed oa have them done 10 take home with them, 113d BAIRD. 1 ' H. PARSONS. 1 ee rae = Jrotessional Cavs. wi SrrOeSsIONN, CATS. aryl Dr. . Brathwaite, # PRINCE ALBERT, » Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur. bin DR: WARE, " (NORONER for the Conuty of Ontario, Phydisitn Surgeon and Accoucheur, since: Albert etree per e C. E. MARTILV, M, D., sans 2 4PORP "PERRY. DRS. JONES '& MALLORY, JPuYSICIANS, Surgeons and Accoucheurs, PORT PERRY. Office--over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-gt. 3 M.9., CORONER, Ad X. MALLORY, | * hy Poa Owmario, | M.D, CM, Drs. MeGILL & RAE, Seal pm Jueesous. 4 & ko. &o, Office an am. Podge D. FRANCIS RAR. WM, B, rer en ores ett WN. F. McBRIEN, M.D, M.R.C.S., vi GUY's MOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND," THE EYE R.O.H L, "Oshawa, J. E. FAREWELL, LLB, COUTKNY CROWN ATTORNEY FOR , ONTARIO, ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor, and No- Ic, ' EA Jostpied b by S. H, Cochrane, ' LYMAN ENGLISH, L, L. B., onl TOR in. Chancery, Attorney, Conreyancer, &c., Oshawa, Office--Simcoe "a opposite the post office. 8. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, RRISTER, Atto t-Law, Solicitor in Bet R, and Tasolvency, Notary P Pub AR « Es Block, Brock Sireet, Wit RON & HACDONELL, 3ISTERS anil Attorneys at Law, PE tors County Council Ontario. Offices: uo CAMERON, 1 H, J. MACDONELL, + JAMES LAMON, A TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c.--Land Agent, &e., xheidie. Uffice over Armstrong's otel, Main street Uxbridge. 0.» +. JOHN BILLINGS, Rnister, Attorney at Laws Solicitor Ni Pub) onveyancer, '&s., ings Albert Thos over in ths Royal TTORNEY at' iv, and Solicitor n i La in Chan A EY afar Office in the Royal Arcade ort Bee Wes I i "Oourt. Office in Bigelow'sBlock, Port Perry. (Office hours from tena. m. to 3 p. m. § A A | Sons Deriorme anil a aan . LORE LL Dental ope. # d care, give satietuetion" 'or Ad chi and at prices defy compeui Also dealer in all kinds o God 4. Jewelry, Fancy pe ; Rev. il Ux-. So-1y J bx 'Byrae, = Sue sun, Bort BE "Uxbrid 3, Dec. 17, 1868. Ser---------- C. N. VARS RACTICAL Dentist, Dahev Ont,-- Prot Rooms directly, opposite the post je entrance Simcoe street, third door north 'of the Ontario Bank Esurance, : THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company TS Com Com re accept risks on Farm Buildings and the eontents, country School Houses and Churches. Those Wishing to insure and thereby support & Home Insnrance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by ap lying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low us those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--The on hogistey Office Build- ings Drock Street, Wh L. FAIRBANKS, 84 ly, Secretary WESTERN AS ASSURANCE COMP'Y comp'y TORONTO, C. 'W. INCORPORATED .., oe aoe an snnnthanen A861. Capital - - $400,000 HON. N. JOHN ny AND HAL (ES PRINGLE GENERAL A any is now fully organized and is Presiden L Willcox LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, AND HIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and the Pte upon him during the past four years, Having now given up the business of Bailiff, [ intend, in future, to devote my whole time to the business of Auctioneer, Collecting, &e, «It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to a who may favor me with their Scles or Col- ecting. Bills draughted and Blank Notes farnished free f charge, Alse Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &c., at the ord Oth Office Prince. Albert, and at 'the d Office, Port Fe M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Sept ey 1873. Wm. Gordon, &e., &c., OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge Sontt, F 'Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Idon 3" Parties entrusting their Sales to me may Selyupenitie the utmost attention being given to WM. GORDON, Sunderland P.0., Brock. Royal Ganadian Hotel, "|has fitted up in astyle in keeping ih the public generally for the liberal patron Prize du ir years: | 1867 Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, | & PORT PT PERRY: a The Subscriber having Tea Ieased the above Hotel rapidly increasing business and d pros ot the Village and ng hand wi ahectre fersiice to the comfort and convenience of ul v Strict attention to the Table dnd the Bar. | Comfortable Stables and attentive H ostlers. er Jaber Sor expense will be spared in ma the Ro, Ss Hotel Sorel of tronage. Pic puoge. HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 186, 1869. --_-- 'REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER B PLANK,...... vw PROPRIETOR, Hime purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors and cigars. Every Stisnion paid to guests. -- Stages to and from Whitby call daily. ~ Careful ostlers always in attendance. Mackie's Hotel, (LATE BRODIE'S,) WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE. Wu. MACKIE, Proprietor. Te ewett's H otel, KENT ST REET, LINDSAY. Good stable and hed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendan Free Omnibus to and from the on and Boats, DavoOR ee H 30 USE 00D accommodations. A attention to the requirements of travelers and guests. The bo ot ith the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stabli ing, DAFOE, Proprietor. sone ii dein LD SFO Pioprieior. Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, JAS. CAMERON, Proprietor. Albion Hotel, WHITBY. A. MASON, . . . ProrricToR. -- This Hotel has undergone a thorough renova~ tion and been fitted np with a view to the com- fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- Every attention will be paid to the table and bar, while obliging and atientive hostlers will have charge of the stables. Whitby, 20th June, 1870. 28 CHAS. THORN, V.S., EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, Chica- M 80, lll. Gold Medalist for the best exam- nation on Horse Practice. Author of a First ze Essay on Shoeing. Graduated Sept. 18, Dr. Thorn begs to announce that he has taken 3ph his oklenos at Port Perry. and is now pre- at all cases entrusted to his eare in a Ai skitital and scientific manger. All or- ders left at the Medical Hall of Messrs. Allison & ations receive prompt attention. The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lie street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry, July 27, 1871. 8 JOHN McDONALD, MARBLE DEALER NEWCASTLE, ONT. ONUMENTS, Tomb-Tables, Head-Stones MY reat variety, with every description of | , Marble Sh gtent suitable for Cenieteries, supplied at short notice. Also Peterhead aud Aberdeen ranite. 03 Parties will find it to their advan- tage to withhold their orders until called on by J. ©. WILLIAMSON, Agent. Satafction guaranteed, and all work war- January 10, 1872. S Atte »ntiomn! The Inderal ned oni a respectfully call the Foe vi wishing the services of, an ny that he is prepared to attend sales onthe shortest notice anywhere in the County of Untario. Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept constantly on ha: He is sole Agent for the best and' cheafiest famit Sewing Machine in the Dominionw==pat- June, 1871, The Patent Letter A amily Bevin Macluue Js Sekiowled by Ly i fers and all who know Ir ol Sewing Machines who have had the. a. of eramining it_to be rhe best an and work, smd par the 5 k, a chase the Pai t Letter A, and the best for $80." All Ftd "Orders attended 10 on the shortest notice. J. C. PILKEY, Fiaiivs 3a Sore Agen. Epsom, Sept, 7, 1871, "THOS, 'H. WALSHE. TICENSED Auctioneer for the Town his residence wi ebts collciedlh Ls ber-- IY BE, the orth One | HENRY GRI ST, * PATENT SOLIR AND RACGRRONLN, Java. CANADA, other or partment of SH Soin 1nve revlon Iepared ne i : te of the rn fd Hon. A. erga | mi , ey! hk OWNSHIP CLERK on One egEomminalos ea oaanten HONEY 10 Lin! HE nndersi Te has any amount of Money T 10 Sen von Farm and Town Property, at Gq 3. Fu. 4 Unusually Low Rates of Interest. 8 5 6.8 Bp Li can be re] in any manner to sait tlie Dorto pia Wer. Al véral: Improved Farms, and Wild Lan d for sale, chomp, Investments made fo' Munictoal | Debentures Bank and other marketable Sto PPlY to 4 : JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &oc. OFFICE--Qrer the Dominion Bask, Melil be | 42% Blook, Broek se. Whig. BY ATRORILY) at Port, Perry. Office, HENRY CHAREES Misoiuil 4 hitby APL 10, 187, ' pti 16 "4 AnisinLe AoNoRS. A " w-- BY HENRY WARD 'BEECHER, real country, far from mrifical adom-| meuts, and in the midst of scenes that for ages have felt but little of the hand of oisn. - Even one' diy "in the country is 'good. Bat not till yo ' tle' down, and cut the strings that ae "tothe cingohs shove out its cares, and rid yourself of its excitements, can you feel the genuine comfort and happiness of being in the country. Now you bave come to stay. The heaven arches over you with peculiar welcome. The clouds cluster along the horizon, or- disperse and go' a sailing brough the great aerial deep, as if to get up for you a celebration * You are adopt- ed--a child at home, The great circle of bills gird you about, and all that dwells within its sphere greets you. Ia early morning comes the wild chant of birds that pour out their thanksgiving long before the great multitude of citizens are awake. There is but one hearty bird chorus in the day, and that is between four and five in the morning. All the rest of the day is ere practising --solos, duets, etc. 1 note the annual increase of birds upon wy hill--shrubbery and sinall fruits draw them hither. Oaly cals molest them, and they do it only "on the sly." Each year some new specimen appears, or some bird, familiar in near groves betakes himself to my trees. I have to announce to all my friends, that I now have wood thrushes of my own, and am not obliged to borrow of Mr. Dayton ,Kiitiedge or Lyman Beecher Carbert. They can come snd hear mj thrushes when theirs give out, and 'take it in pay for the music which I have hitherto stolen from their birds. Yes--in my trees, thrushes build, and sing aud rear their young. 'That means a good deal. Wood thrushes are shy, but not solitary. They demand security ; tLey will not be roused rudely. A robin may be chased with as much iwpunity as a house fly. It does not disgust bim. He comes back.-- In cherry time you canuot drive them away. If you come close to the tree they merely get bigher, or skulk behind the leaves ; or if you pelt. them they fly but a rod or two, bold their tongues, aud the moment you turn your back (hey fy( again into the tree. Robins have 'no delicacy, no tender sensibilities that keep them back in the word. But their cousins, the wood tlirushes, are sen.ative and retiring. They shrink from observation. No com pliment can be greater to a dwelling than 10 have wood thrushes adopt it, aud build in its 'mew trees, and siog their bits of melody right over your head. Colleges give many diplomas not deserved, Nature is the only university that can confer a diplema worth having, and that conveys no false praises Wher old Oxford' gave to Lowell re | Mason his degree of musical doctor, she | dia well enough. If he could not sing himself Lie certainly, caused others to sing. Now I cannot sing like a wood thrush, and be koows it; but I can listens 1 can praise aud publish bis doings,:and 1 can make Lis choir sacred, For this Le be- stows on me my invisible diploma. It is a diplodia u'tered, not wristen. All sum- mer_long he calls me L. B.--Lover of Birds. 'There is bonor for 'you! What are your Dexters, your Longfellows, your Joe Elliotts, to me? My racecourse is the whoie heaven above, my coursers are their races are the rush of notes. They do not beat the dusty ground wiih bam- moring hoofs, but the impalpable air with soft sounds. - Commend me to the stable of leaves, the victories of music, and the unbribed honors and emoluments of the | forest and the aif, in the tranquil Souslzys New York Ledger. As ardent lover wrote to his Dulcinea : 4 Soft is the down on the butterfly's wing : 5 s when lover's Bho tos "Sof aa the 4 id all § up, canbe; EEE iE A slander which needs oly to be | to be. refuted :--A, bachelor says that if} od band a lady a newspaper with a scrap cut out of it, not a lioe of it will be 'read, 'but every bit of interest the 'paper. ey out "okt he hiss ; : is Why is as old pocket bandkerebiel like mlb iy shea, many & bardbow, Ham "Fo which she replied 06 less ardentlft| an old ship? Besaus it has experishend | ; A'day in the conutry 'is good--the | "ite ' Some, years) ago, a a foufer staggered into a country tavern on the mountajos near Sparta, fo ibis State, snd asked to all vight. The landlord refused to udmit him, stating 'that there were four or five Methodist preachers in bouse aud he would 'dor bave them anuoyed by him. The weatber was very cold, and the fellow begged so bard that the landlord yielded on condition that he would keep perfectly quiet. After supper be took bis seat by the fire, with bis elbows on his kaees and his head in bis bands. -- In this position he sat for an* hour, adbering to the promise to * keep quiet,' Among the preachers was the Presiding Elder of the Sparta district--a sedate, dignified old gentleman -- listening * atten-- tively to the spouting of a conceited, selt. important, young preacher, whom the elder had never met before. "I'he dendy preacher paced the floor, twirling his gold. headed cane, boasting of what be could do, when the elder asked him, ¢ Brother, are you married ?' "+ Yes, | married one of the Lord's children.' * The loafer who had not spoken, slow- ly raised Lis head and drawled out, ¢ See here, stranger, I'll bet you my horse you'll ozver see your daddy-in-law.' '? -------- " One Mr. Patrick F---- was annoy~ ed exceedingly by a strange dog--as .Coleriuge says, * a harmless dog'-- who in- vaded his JUomicile, made abstractions froin his cellar, and was very much in the way of Mr, Patrick F. in the kiichen. On a cold winter night, the wind cutting like a knife, and snow frozen so as 10 burn like carbonic acid gas frozen, after the dog had been turned out doors no less than three times, and the last time re-|, quested-to go toa warmer place uomen-- tionable, Patrick was again awakened by the noise of a rather extensive fracture of glass. The dog was in the house again. Patrick waited upon bim out and both were absent some fifteen minutes; so that Mrs. Datrick Fe, becoming surprised, if nof alarmed at such a pro- longed absence arose end went to the window, From ber point of observation, she saw in the clear mooonligii, ber lord standing in naturalitus,' barring the shirt, and the wind waking free with thal, as of course it would, at the nurtheast cornet of the house. 'Ihe dog seemed to be sustained on his * last legs," his fore legs forming two sides of an acute iriangle. "¢ What are you doing there, Pat- rick 2 ** There was such a chattering of teeth that the answer for some time was some- what unintelligible--at last it came : " ¢ I am-- trying to fraze the baist to death I"? EPITAPHS. ¢ -- From a churchyard in Devon :-- " Charity, the wife of (Gideon Bligh, Underneath this stoss doth lie, Nought was she ever known to do That ber husband told ber to." In a Yorkshire churchyard ares these lines :-- ¢ Here lies my poor wife without bed or blanket, But dead asa door sail--God be thank ed." 'These outbursts of righteous indignation against scolding wives sre not confined to the English shore. We fiad them on this side of the Atlantic. [lere is one from Texas :-- " Here lies my poor wife, A sad slatern aud shrew, 167 said ¥ regretted ber, 1 should lie too." : Another at Burlington, Massacliusetts, runs thus : -- « Sacred to the memory of Anthony Drake, Who died for peace and quietness sake His wife was constantly scolding and scoffing, So he sought repose in a twelve dollar coffin, ~~ i In Ellon churchyard :-- qua « Here lies my wife in earthly mould, 'Who when she lived did nought | « scold : ' Peace ! wake ber not for now she's hill * She had, but now I bave my wil? : The following by Ben. Johnson, oa the Countess of Pembroke, breathes a "fire A 'thought ! " Underneath this marble hearse, Lies the subject of all verse, Sydoey's sister, Pembroke's' mother, - Earth ere thou hast' ae = Wise snd fai and > y Ere Time shall throw y mmm tw FA cuweay in this country a few years 8go.. 'He was considerable of a sport and! was alway looking for a chance to make an houest penny? by beating some,one out of a gama of ¥ draw poker." day be picked up a follow and hed ments for a quiet setting, when a big green Jook- ing couctryman who measured six feet in his stockings, asked if they had any objec | . tion to makiog the game three-handed.-- Dukely said ¢ Certainly vot,' and. he was glad of the addition 10 the : party, as it weuld give him more opportunities ta fix the cards. The game had: progressed but a short ime when Dukely in*dealing gave the countrymen' four queens 'and the other four kings, reserving fur himself four aces. Of cours the betung was lively. At last the countryman had his whole pile on table, some $350, and, claimed: a éhow for his mogey. Dukely, who 'was brie of the nos! polite men in the world, said certain. Iy he should have it, when the countryman threw down his four queens and commenc- ed to rake in the pile. ¢ Hold on,' said the stranger, ¢ I can bes, that? ¢ What have Lio got 2' smd the country-~ man. ¢ 1 hava got ho kinge,' said the strange? and he commenced raking down, when the couctryman hit him square between the eyes, knocking him about ten feet; then turning to Dukely, at the same time draw- ing back another of his sledge-hammer blows, he said ; « Now darn you, what have you got 7 ¢ Nothing, nothing, | el!' exclaimed Dukely, throwing his hand. into the pack, ¢1 was only bluffing. The: countryman raked in the stamps. Dakely afterwards suid he thotight that if a man was knocked ten foet for having four kings that the chances'were that he would 20 through whe side of the house if ba called four aces. t= = sss eset A grey hair was espied among the raven looks of a fair friend of ours, a few days ogo. 'Oh, pray pull it out,' she exclaimed *1£ 1 pull it out ten will come to the funeral' rephed the old lady who had made the un- welcome discovery. ¢ Pluok it out never- theless," suid the dark-haired damsel ; © ig is no sort of consequence how. many ceme to the luneraly provided they all come in black ---------- I ----ereentn. A comical instance of a man playing upon his own name " sprang out of ab. sentmindedness. Sir Th omas Strange, calling at a {riend's house, was desired to leave his nama. ¢ Why," he said, ¢ to tell the triath I have. forgotten it I' ¢ That's strange Sir, exclaimed tha secr-- vant. "So it is my man ; youve hit it!' replied the judge as he Walked away, leaving the servant as ignorant 8s be- ore. ---------- eee Artist (after try ing for half-an-hour to get the expression he wanted) i * No, no; :| it won', Smithers! You don't stand easy enough ; I want you to look drunk, ouknow." Model (and, he's done his ttoo) :¢ Well, it 8 difficult 10 make belive,' ¥ir--butanif you should 'appen th *ave "arf a betile o'speerits , in. your cupboard, we could manage it in no time sir--1 should be most 'appy.' A clergyman having recently taken charge of a country Congregation, was taken to task hy a friend for using lan- guage unsuited to the limited education and understanding of bis flock. The good minister was quite astopished. ¢ es words did 1 use that they could not un- derstand ?' said he. ¢ Well, among oth. ers of the same kind, you used the word ¢ felicity,' ' ¢ Felicity | Nonsence ! Any of them could understand that. Here Thomas,' calling to his corchman, ¢ do you know what felicit is «Oh! vis, sir, * And whats it "It's summit inside bv a pig sur!' : a --_ During the 'brief existence 'of the Maioe liquor law a showman made his appearanee in a certain town with a small, dirty, tattered canvass tent, a | half-starved wolf, and a suspicious look: ing keg,. The admission fee was cheer- fully paid by a number of persons, who Ninifosind a strong desire to see this in of the an Fingloth ii part Ho show to' the 2 -- was that one, v went in to| "ake another look at.the wolf" no less ernoon,---- vlfter the, en. 1 Sigs during. revealed. ke one mor ok 28% 1 of New. Branewiok the. a will be almost 'a Total that the wai 'Brunswick pre a ' common oa d yllancds locklog | '|late to send for them, he said to IMMENSE wazaz warm, " Phere are three wheat farms io the San Joaquin valley with 'areas tespectively of 36,000 acres, 23,000 acres, end 17,000 acres, On the largest of these farms the wheat crop this year is reputed tobe equal to an average of 40 bushels to an acre, the yield running up cn some parts of the farm to 60 bushels... The product of this farm for the past year is 1,440,000 bush- els, the boundary on the side of the farm § is seventeen miles long. "At the season of plowing, ten four horse teams were attach. ed to ten gang plows, each hating: four plovghs--or forty horses with as many ploughs were started at the same time, the teams following in close succession.-- Lunch or dinner was served at a midway station, and supper at the terminus of the field, seventeen miles from the starting~ point. The teams returned on the follow. ing day, The wheat in this immense field was cut with twenty reapers, and we believe kas now all been thrashed and put io sacks. It would require forty ships' of medium sisle to transport the wheat raised on this farm to a foreign market. Even the sacks required would make a large hole jn the surplus money of some farmers. We bave not 'heard the figures touching the products of the other two farms ; but presume that the average is not much be- low that of the first. There are thou- sands of tous of 'wheat which cannot be taken out of the valley this season, snd must remain over as dead capital j or what is usually as undesirable, will only com- mand advances at heavy rates of interest. --8an Francisco Bulletin. a PROSPERITY OF INDIA. Allah has made white the face of the Indian Chancellor, and our Asiatic Budget for next year is Likely to be a mast prosper= ous one. First ofall, the opium eples at Patna and Benares are averaging down to date, one hundred and forty-ihree pounds sterling per chest. This is at the rate of thirteen pounds a chest better than 1 ha esti« mate announced by Mr. Grant Duff; aud it it holds all round, as is likely enongh, the surplus anticipated will be higher by at least tens lace of rupees. In the next place the Indigo harvest has turned out surp:ie= ingly good ; in Lower Bengal ths produce is computed at 50 per cent in excese of thay retirned last season ; and good judges sat the crep at the large figure of 125,000 maunds. Opium and Indigo sre ono polies, and pour their profits directly into the Government exchequer, so thas this is very good news indeed for the fiscal depart- ment of our great Oriental Empire, -- Ex, re ee A -- ee. DARK RECORD, Official returds received by the Depart. ment of Marive and Fisheries giving infor. mation as to the vessels registered at St. Jolm; N, B., which to all appearance foundered at sea duriog the present sea. son, with all bands onboard. 'Lhe follow- ing are the names of the vessels: The birque Hector, 715 tons, which sailed from Liverpool for New York on ihe 4th of March last with a general cargo and a crew of 12 persons, and has never been beard of siuce ihe time of leaving. The vessel was valued at $20,000. The brigantine Lizzie, 217 tons, valued at $6,000, which sailed from Turks Island, West Indies, for Delaware breakwater in March, and bas not been heard of since sailing. She had wine 'passengers on board and a cargo of salt. The schooner R. B. Patterson, 156 tons, which sailed from Elizabeth Port, New York, and afterwards from Vinyard Haven for St. Jobo, N.B., with a cargo of coal in Febru- ary last; the vessel has never been heard of since. It was valued at $7,300 and bad'5 persons on board. The weather at that season of the year was unusually stormy on the Canudian coast. -------- i ------ s Clatley, said a fond mother to her 80m, * you are into that jam again.' ¢ No,' replied the litle pet, * Jou are wrong ma ; the jam is into me.' A ----t. The Women's Journal after announciag !| that negro Lad been elected a Bishop of the Methodist uhurch vehemently asks, 'Why not a woman?" We shoud say because the Scripture states the Bishop ought to be the Lusbandof a wife. ---- A -- eens "A story is told of a clergyman in Pit just | Massachusenss town who forgot his notes . on a Saobath morning, and 88 it, was too ence, by way of apology, that this iz | be should bave to depend upon the: foe ine be igi vg tnt ih i nooa e

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