biyg, Tonle ress oe or SUF inlaw in the dark, | 0 . A theologien) srudent widties = DRUG, _ ons of thie, chin hat t Cig d ] Heaney le ry. ug Fal } 219844 hel; ister," id) Ka) igen | ® LE . = : : bo i, = oo nia Th a op a tree by a ferocious dog ; if you don't = hate ot the ie William Took, gon At dmnmiyi ating WY your | or 4 WN Nd fy returning a Ty 1 ion dado rl| One Hundred Acres. A : ; ! Lo y Es the past 1! ing (lag Being com] of the Hastinir of Yoh Xo. thg py ley tb, hearing. it, said Best Mark : H the 7th concession of the ° in" heaven, remarked Ene : PA Township of U' ; in didp't care a vent aw 8000 she i ; For particulars apply--if by lef ; got there. t i" cm hy ¥ underiaker's offes in Indianapolis mre wt and x fo Hoel. af 5, y wi ; ' © Ean 0 I ne ih sly bore this teeing | inscription on seiy OB ~ IErrtiils PRINCE AEBERT 1 poner: spose ed Neti Reid 3 ateriat, and consists.of | ,on the premises. ¢ The rich,' said a Jew, 'eal venison ro Le ive \ B a Utica, July 17, 1872, 30-31 | because it ish door; 1 val mation: Yecahite Tovites Sha gpecal ation of the 3 ve ewly. importedStack of |. Af { 5 ih the BES' NDS.of PURE a ORS} ¢ ng of Brandies,--Gins, Hol. | {( land and es, Port, Sherry| &e. - Whisk yg Malt gu tu Rye--|' tis 0 from you befdte you get John Bullitters, &e. 3 il ¥ i rt Tob pratagarh A large and well selecfed Stock of Frébh G o ed drvoeri quality! 'y : 455 Ap 0 If Adam iy ble for quenti Z Our Teas can't be beat! Try them! We guarant ¢ for excellence ir aa +x c8paged ho will bave a rough time of it. | quality, and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North on figs * + er | a copes 3 S| , Pickles, Sauces, &e. All ol which "will be sold at slight advance pol Op for cash or Apprcved eredit} 3 Two fierce Georgia lawyers: recently | A choic SET S BE ee, es Ao the best qualites of Chemicals,| Call and examine before leiving your orders elsewhere. 4 js ints, Oils and Varnishes. gp rig Mediging...» =P; Trade netind "ip 4 hy Carriage Burnie ! Groceries, A oe prics of milk in Albany; which fas| LT oaks and Statiapery. 3 i XN "Jans FMANEY, ; ortgages Wanted. a | ete, risel "e account of the dro He has fal] ik wedicinal purposes surely) Eu aga : pri bis 2. : } SR BL ---- atl . Boots nd § Shoes, yght, has fallen fh be ald at t th lowest remungra ¥ rg mie a cross-examined a colored witness until he in Stock is of superior qual g RB; j& i ! HES nvel : Rn nv Ha me ean i ; SAUTE] pe spate IRENE Ug sits SACtather singuler group 'was observed Remeniggghe place opposite Scott's Hotel, 9) Abert, on Tmproved Baims, Village Properties, aud aha] Lr y other Securities ih and adjoining Counties.|' * a "riding in'one vehicle 1n the streets of Bal- ¥ » M. . WILLCOX. at the lowest current rates of Taterent As we : tr f ry % 7 ion, N.Y. Jas week. It -oumprired 8 Prince PR to = oF A _-- a o. D o NF Vv A N : have funds on hand at, all times Borrowers can Patent Medicines, &e., depend on' getting ti AEnoney with the least physician, a » an undertaker and a - - . hh possible delay. fo 18 AT THE 2d & Wabi giter. : iB PRACTICA Wanted 16' Purchase i on: & Georgia coroner's jory, after much IH { 11 0 \ 'NE : Any number of WOES, for which the highs | 6 S$ ** enttions inquiry, came to the conclusion epins a = ; Ca rriag re ih k el ! setliswre wil a --. for ths Onaa.Per | REENBANK TORT > that'a dead negro was drowned because ; * . . t Building Society, the ch GEO. FLIRT. | he couldnt keep his head above the PRACTICAL % 4 4 ge THE SPOWN yo Se Pe ii Bia . Gheandst Fo Greenbank, July 20, 1871, iy x - H RD Yi ti Sp Lapua 31500100 ,000. Tostalmelth res yable mer BROCK STREET, WHITBY J ==is oh waren MAKE R : " Lands Bought and "Sold A Coe Wirgour A sunpay,--The And Jewe ile r, y de - Several good Farms for Sale. i k 4 : | 'great day in New Orleans is Sunday--- ; x coe saoiiientor Budden constantly on hand made from best material. Work los forseveral first class Fire Insur- | Notice of Removal ni y . " Everyboiy goesto market and to church B RO OKLIN. ve ORK WARRANTED TPE Purlpetius wiigniion pid ta reprising Collections made and » general agency bust- | : ! peas ja_the morning. The balance of the day } ness transacted, wo #8pent in amusements--such as firemeo| The American Lever Russell's Celebrated and other styles of Watches 'and military parades, base-ball, exhibitions Kept@otstantly on hand. Alsoa greatVariety of Otoeks; Jewelry and other Goods. v The Subseriber would embrace the present . bgepn o : : ' REF DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "(BU opportunity of returning his: sincere thanks to JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS his numerons patrons "throughout this entire ki i i i Parti hing any thing in his line would do well to call and examine before purchas- General Agents. 2 section Sfsoutiryfor the linesal SR9 Feros o; all kinds, fairs, dancing and riding.-- he ere. 13- All kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED. patronage which he has so long 1eceived ; an y.a ' ioe Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario 'Buildings, would beg to inform his friends and the public i os take adyantage of the partia . 1870. k Port P enerally that he has removed his hus) neas, from Sior 8 p re 5, 8 al ort Perry. Sy ao tii of business, to whitewash: and H } Port Perty, Oct. 11, 1871. aif ou ne in Ross's Bot Ty her Hig En ied 4 their establishments, and relay the z : Tr * = = ly 0 ---- «| ort ET T - oil] i ins ily Sr) very C- 0 You can get the best and cheapest Fin in "the Province PEA - y igh en A 3 E LANING NE, Y and io full blast ; the s'reets are rommod "THE NEW? DOMINION At J. IR wv INS o SHELVING, SIDING AND. FLOOR. Sr] SHELVING, SIDING AND FLOOR- mnt ate 0 Cc AMRIAGE & WAGON SHOPS, PATENT . PUKP FACTORY BS |" HSIN ESS wonder is that a righteous God has not MADE AT Ighg since swept tbe city into the' Gulf of §® rince Albert and Manchester. B OO R BE Li I. " 14! " RI CH, RB 0S0 EE cased facilities Tor All order il let possible netice. e Rico, . ot Bl rp ------ Garg tyla, 1 modersis 1 Carriages, Wagons, Cutlers, Sleighs, and Agricultural Implements manufactured A rules ny § He a! the. "Place Ross' s Block AvLiGATORS KirLrina Two Hounpg AND A t materials and of the most approved makes. ; IC y EER-- A DEPERATE ENCOUNTER--A pany of the best smterials sf y SEE THE PR ES Part Pegry. r Warranted. 3 f SiS oY, sportsmen who were recently out on a (og FirdP8S8F Morseblibeing done. Al an 3 P i6toRs FORCE PUNP- A complete Pamp and Fire. Engine \ Pr A. GO i, Fooibl Jas JANES SQUIRE. hut for deer scared up three io the vicinity WwW HH, ron . > a iC | 4 A of ong of the bayous of the Ogeeches and J. & M. 5 E) Hose and Coupling complete for $25. '= ns : g "HET : succesged in killing two. The third made Price Albert and Mancheste:, Feb. 10, 18 foi » Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cls per foot = No? - 8 The Subscriber while feeling grateful for the CHAS. o THISCOCKS, for the bayou asthe only means of escapes {arse « wom ---- i : + ' : ! CERN Ruth = § 1 vy le] ensive c patent] nereasiy gtrogage 5 b He had gone in the water but a short dis- yr Common Log Pumps at 40 cls peifost. E i. h 4 Ht Ais ps tha ah i Bie if ub ing | ity rar "sates before he was vet. upon by two large : C i 5 yr ola, lion eiorts Ho order more $ lly to 4 y aya i 8 wlligators, The wafer was nol over three y Common turned Suction Pumps at 35 cts per foot. y x gos 2 \ 1 . ON M A W 2 ---- & , '1 | meet, increasing demands, of, he feet deep, and the attack was in full view R : % poy ny constantly on hand lots of | ol the Darn. The two hounds had HAR IS Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 ap to $8. , | ; i , Frames, Blinds, &c.; 1&a, al AND followed the deer, and were ccosequent!y Also every other description of Pump at | . bow, sean made up.of holes seasoned Lumber 5 fl and ist prices which will' malée it an' whist for CON FECTTONER t drawn into the combat, which wasthe most to 9% B ild p11) Ta Mayippd bingy, The stag made 8 gal- Contrac or ui er Equally Low Rates. = ro Lapa line eto on Band' or 'made PEALRE 1 : . lant defence with his antlers and foie hoofs, 3 up at phort notice. | CANDIES, . 3 but the fight was, unéquel, and the water { rap 0 RT PERRY! Having Had long expatience in Pump-making in tHe largest. fetaries in Cavada and the ty Was sogn vrimsop with the blegoftuof the BISCUITS » oO. y . « SWblblauimal as ti Sank dow in bisdeath- | I'S pre rect {8" Govitrhet for andl Pint up Buildings of all kinr, whether Wood | Un"ed States, the subscriber feels confident that, he sam pynfectly satisty oll hat will favor him Planing. Dressing, &e.| 2 hin S, throes. The dogs battled bravely in thed:¥ Brit Swoe, and finish. offlintholates! styles, with all the most modern improve. wilhs Lo for any of tho above, whether by mail or othérwise promptly atiended to. Dive with dispatch and charges moderate at' bid "BREAD, at y 3 1 J! Mi &c., Ho. FL UR, : e000 i h"alignines, Sot vhs iy pb oonlpey iene Jais oe Tan is owellio call. £3 PlansandSpetides BRAY, 0 JOUNTRVAN, Boneuis. {a ar St fab i i wr ym OUR, APIEAL sem. The sportsmen tried si in Same 4 wo $i HARRISON MAW, Borelia, Sep! ooh B58 i. 47100A, Riel Dow is LOBEL MEAL,' » shots on the alligators bot they courted pét, | Port Ser Rains: 12, win, sol wo 8 G8 HA EE --=3 He 3 Ab it; erp lh ERI ARRY, 15 y and after finishing their bloody work the ¢ i tig : monstere glided off. The sportsmen re- ideas Lag == i . nat a» & aay RUITS, jul RE {1 Mid Yo the city wri rer JOR Lb SE GRuTIoN 11 GavToN 11 . HB N ST 0] ' S ol ei ms dad obituos Lodi t | TOYS, &C. 0 had {} the owe of theif valu ble lounds marred all VL oO N E Y .e : ea ¢ : : Fai Wedding Cakes made to order [oy 6a! Kibiaction in gontemplating the bag of of TO THE PURLIC OF Ti gi priTISH PROVINCES STILL PROSPERING ! He is also prepared to furnish Soirees i ie hant.-- Savanah News: oF 1 yer dead NORTIL AMERICA Tea Meetings, &c., on liberal terms. eet eee 0 » Rede P, "He hopes by always keeping a large stock a At edithr Bat dowd Rnd' wrote © white To Loan al 5 vent ap ioss romeciilly to paid 1h hy |B the : y ed rices the Towost aco, and kn Alferding § 4 PUR COOMA ary now popular," ewdyihe ow 1 Naas 8 4s ER ng. 1 A d All orders, to merit, as Dereioore, share of be p ) ' iw bats dguuo ic patronage. ¥ Luhod i a gt eid a moved Farm and Town | oe mie of duets inuliks ohio: ki 0 pi ea aL y hat be i pre [SHOPS + 11 1d not popular? which of course they are Propert Brown. now deceased. 10 be closed, 1 regret to say PH . eels g Hall kind s of rape ve SE an hnintin nol. roperty, tha { Have renson to iow hn the mangement of of he % I » 4A 'Prince Albert'... : nb en BY THE e business had for scme years, and in many. EIN a - a an Lita A misanthiophio editor of / a Western Builliog, Sevingeanddavest bem meni coop. wd it may, be that he Fi mi We offer', fo 'out customers for' the coming } Pop ands Mranchesier Paper andounces : 4 The dogk vio v chure=timperial 2 Le : } Harvest, two distinct Machines, which in}. . [ CHAS! HISCOCEY 'holne, emulating the example "of Yom of ment Company. : A & y= Prince 4hert and Manchester, Tliose who do not, wish 10 be deceived by buying | J : 0 str cti AP ! our ladies, had a nice coat of paint on ils |For Periods extending from THREE to TEN ®purious medicines, whizh are now likely 10 rmanuje 3 :AWARDED style and, So! nction, embrace the latest March 24, 18! "1 8 sh pas Ti "So orm or yearly instalments. | manntuired bums EERE worn Chea! .ds 'anv iother Fi - face yesterday." YEARS, to suit Borrowers, Re-payable in | (fom the States ise Fs [FI RST P RIZE and most 'tséfu improvejnents: 'of 'the dy. As; The following is a rather queer advertise. J@ ste ThATaseh pot And! box hems fhe. BY wien Govern | (AT Provinciar' Exm | J x ANRLONT Sy vy | THY nea in Xx oyth ) ' i Pow ae mpl, faken front Ruixvile paper; Jame orricE-§o CHURCH CHURCH DROHEST., TORONTO. wa Sls REE BITION MELD AT GL og Aa iE Hi) ¥ stock tit : RH pil z his day, twenty ~five persons to lecture the Jabel xrorD STREET, Loxpon, where uly ToroNTO 3 Se on morality. ~ Reusonable wages will be| Loans of $00 an a sows dre negotiated for Jy are Mmawlhctared, aid is nother mrt af he world. » hr i 11 13.50.10 paid.-- Will. R MeBath. ero 5 8 and 10 year at the extremely | 11s CECE, ls, bok a Pa ie mars BOARD. Valuable Fiopesty. for instalments only 5} per| No representative of mine will ever travel through 3 S os stan merchant Loving yl vesiingd for | 08 Mrs LEY amon miata | 41, Ph i ie rege oe ied Sai VRITING vi oo SAE gon er, was calfed nn the next day by a 5 ent is asked, 25 per month will 8 fur my n= siniwact Yankee, schiu eid «1 sng bons, De | ood torn princiont aad Hest, of 3 d0an of | onan A seen WB BL SP pn wu reaps, € f HE proprietor offers for sale. that excellent an hy rincipal an wil pro ve & ¥ i the man what advertised for a poster 7° $500 in prineth Other amounts in a cor-|wa all vo ns calling upon nena vendo, : 1 ' Reape 2 : A TAN { House and Lot Luis Ca Ay, Yeo," sternly replied the mercial, ¢ahd | responding ratio. 7 knowlege Ea et ie 10'put wl P, ; 3 woups dans yaigns. man, Prince:Alb sxpressly aaj that all applicwions most | The Full Amount of the Loan is advanced | SioRSs around sliD 40D The Wiiiiversal success of this Mac e, bath i il glass y i e ROCKING CHAIRS, §c cedlberts i; bo made by 'mail.? ¢ Jes' so, bose ? 1gs- without deduction, ; The House is in every wa comforiables And 3 I most earnestly entreal all thy } ead this | trias and. in the hands ¢f 1 n 'sa that, 5 i A large number of Steel Engravings, ramed ob fended the Yaniee, can? ¢l ati 4 whale | C § charges | d to the very dvertisement tht they be pleased: inthe pu emer teials ang. in th ds Hi i ying bat, ng 8! 88, tramed | convenient as a LA Ding © reams, Mating, it has m 148s idefeats, and. h A ore either ith ood or silt, x3 alk ed with suitable elosets ; a' "and Cow a ef 'you'd Tell me what | [lowestrates. © Ar. MAJOR. fh ey ES phy an less failure, than horeisiore oie to the public. oe a Pat | Shed attached, abd To ALK 3 9 the suliglion; nwral | 3 AcGesT, eis ILLS AND OINTMENT, sm aces 2: , ' ; x : . ARS WE Wh ne an acre, with Si? §1. Lovie Globe ella-aturt » youh L 10, BORELIA P.O.~REAOH | ue EEE a Ee Lor of on CAYUGA: or TROU Py a BY oh on Gold be dcdved for Come Just married, 'who left that city with his ept. 15, 1870. in, or sold il my sed to aid Phize ks ; oie fr 8 oa { fort, Health and Convenience. Voutaiio i 0d ve Particniua ho san' chllex) lrespepiig] Ne were awarded: thie 1 F 0 tind Diploma I Shiliing held i oe offe also to d alittle ind ey IR is fog 8 a ( RRIASES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, BLL Lo spur me and wddress a ue:| in Toronto, 1870, ip competition with dll the leading achiges 'manufactured in the 72 he Est of Hihie ot tl fan a ce "Abert; § Mas ES) : IS B bed-1o0m with a ar want apy a fy lhe Home. in Ie Une d with our ip wé unhegityting] ly, challeugs. sinvestiga- {1% BY % N XN : rt ie dn i and soft. of # yer durn gan ich may haye-snppiied thematiyio,, +) ison with gompe chines, we ate dd that such isesticn, £0 n j " ; i BL oh foi tH rn Rongirien vith som ind, tha fer the best Mamet toe 4 = phan For ee ap SRS fay Li me such information, We ee = Farmer for 1871, built in the Dominion. - g@~ Send for esetiplivei édtal daésn 4 ] 2 fy Caribedt D ADAMS) ya fr i inl enor. isan atizs ay & PATTERSON: E SET OF NEW "PLUMES Money, Lan sulin Bion, Ei a Hi : EL 9 = La = Fs ' Fi ata uy Ha ri tice Alb it, Jap. Joays win vad foide 5 } 0 ls EIENY a - o Sa phon Nos ow Til pe Time I! rmmigs sk i aan $n < oAencs diate Wat a vey ; GE RE) } 1 ae ot tit | AF ARC ¢ es pe jae ne an ees ed ; eal covered ae hF20 preivies | i . . tal sine Bie Bi i Ha amber i pe x: svi hae for which remit- "N.B. Agent for ee fonts Ir > Ee toy AF THE anion a] oni : Toor Yev.3 os. Ci ER i PERRY (meme Jowe "| CARRIAGE FACTORY Iii Ee Orne Crk! by busi i , Allin' » on mY ie ey a Liafor vi 2 " ot ott anced otis PY lock, and guaran ha! work co; 8 , 1 # LL fen indebted to them istally farge' uni of in - + ok to his care DE rl . ¢ Al role have re HE int 'he feels' tq Ww : for {manus ook of an er EY Co ye kept on 2 tand 4nd so ation ad Salen 0 Eiers boy wy - 1+.iW. HEPINSTALL. 5 he ' » ; *" Brooklin, yuly 17, 1872. : : )