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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 31 Oct 1872, p. 2

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Ladies', Gents', acd Children's at a small ad. on Cost. Come ome and seo. them, largo about half the usual ts and to order on the ost tetue. yg dot of Cloths to gor fashionable cu warran refunded, ' Gordon's Cheap Store (late n's). 'Terms Cash or Trade: B, Highest price paid for Butter, Bgge, ke. GORDON, 03 are Clg ADAM 400" 0 Perry, Oct, 15, 1872. "Ef Hutavio & Husstbee, Dion PRINCE ALBERT, OCT. 31, 167. AN ELASTIC CABINET, The} 'new Cabinet for Ontario bas been at rin Sompleled ready lor setting up, The Cabot consisted of six members, the new one of only five. [iis a blessing that the Cabinet hae shrunk to its normal dimen- sions ; d it gone on expanding there is how far it might have stretched 'ere it bursted. If one pany had the cheek to add one to the number, what is to pre "veut another from adding two ? and so in- . cremping ad enfinitum, To talk of dis- charging. the duties graipitously is alk bum- o Jo it is much cheaper for the country to her sgrvants than allow the servants. to hi pay! 'themes vee, If the Cabinet cannot sland 'upon five legs by all means let ii have six, and let the number be fixed, let- ting 'thi' douhiry have something to say 1, 8bout it, but do not let any man or party oha¥8 power to slip in an. additional leg 'or #9) A lollaring cabinet simply. to keep it dom falling. Let the namber be definitely . fizwd and if the tottering thing cannot stend «dotrit fall and be +---- hanged to it! but do 1:not, lst any one have the impertinence to alip in avother leg or #0 to keep it up even should. the additional limbs ask no further reward, for its services ban the oppor- tupity it thus has of enriching its wiriends at the country's expense. The new Cabinet stands thus: vo Al 'General "OLIVER MOWAT. Provincial . Treasurer -- Hox. 1 CROOKS, = Commissioner of Public Works, 4, | Ay ad! fra gration--Hox ARCHIBALD ii ADAM A 'of Crown Lands-- Hon, 'RICHARD W. SCOTT. Provincial Secret and Br, ray -- Hon. 1. B. PARDEE. hy ee Let them have a fair on but no favor.-- They have: iniportant:work to do and the country will be pleased to nee' them do it well and will help them on so'long as they «fo right; but something more than large Promises will be looked for from the new government. Its predecessor gave us nothing more substantial than loud pro. mises. Wa look for better things from Putt is capeotel to meet early next month. The following are some of "the questions with which they will bave to grapple. 1st. The limits to which 'a Cabinet way expand without bursiing, or traveling | "beyond ith legal record: 20d. Whether it is-sound' policy to em- 'ploy the most useless and worthless of the éomaimiity as government ruuners, keep~ Jing "a Jot of drones swilling around the government crib and blustering politics 'at Abe street corners. -s:8eds Whether a government, some of *whiose' thembers ' entertain political 'views directly opposed to those of otter members of the same ministry, may or may not be xogirded as a Coalition Government. i Phise and many other 'vexed fjuestidas wilt" form' 'legitimate 'game for' the new ministry, and we hope _they will grapple with them and hilt them above: the region | PErapining MUNICIPALITIES. i ow thet a new; /miistry has been formed ray. expect settlement of the Fund, Peterboro will re and 'Premier How. shall esr ta sista a ; Drdisayony that the Gove, of Ontario will perbaps at the ing session of some of settling it, as is belie A Very i | manicipalities ean never repay it. i the ceive fair treatment, and perhaps get the whole thing wiped out, 'is confident. ly looked for, and if realized, the Town. indebtedness would be $132,000 less than in the above calculation." Now this is a handsome sum. Suppose that they are forgiven that sum and : the county of Ontario get an equivalent, say $350,000, would not this do us a world of good? Here would. be a capital bonus towards the construction of the Georgian Bay Canal throagh this County, a work which wy Sooner or later be constructed, | dnd re ere. now have been § end SAL from liament take Soprotch® i.e sideration the entire Join Fued indebted: of | ness of the -Provin rey itibabitant left in sir of Meiz two gone io. French territory. ~~ About Ben go in Nao- w t dingly that Soret fr saddely changed its and a into the red brains bas #0 roiled it that be bas been raving ever since. Some people imagine, however, that Epizootic has notall to do with his erogy fit, but it is partly owing tothe Eruelty of his masters 'in forcing kim to take a change of scribblers. Hitherto he bad been allowed writers who at least knew | bow to bold the: pen, but now they, have given him an ignorant impostor who kaows little more than poor Mundy himself Of all tbe classes of impostors the would: be literary impostor is the most detestable. But the poor unfortunate Neddy must bear the brunt of all the insolent rubbish with which every crazy koave, employed by his masters, pleases to .slobber over the columns of the : Standard. i This ad vii of the provinee, il'the Routh umber add Toronto 4 bad ban in abl 3 but b the mosf'pr ticable route Jha not. come near Torontd but passes. through. . this county nothing canbe done, But if this caanot be got, then let the money be spent on the construction of a railway through the centre of the. County and not ran along the gutters of one side of it as the presentYnuisance does. It 'is obvious that if the county is to be maintained io its integrity it must be bound together with something stronger than sympathy ; for seldom seen is soon forgot- to, ond matiers cannot long remain ss they now ave. Unleas we by some means snap at any moment. Sbakespeare's ad- vice is not a bad one: * The friends thou hast end their adoption tried, Graple to thy soul with honks of steel." That the present government of Outatio either mean to 'do something desperite, with the defanlting municipalities, or.intend perpetrating a transparent farce is obvious from the following which we clip from the Galt Reporter of last week. Council, the following * genile reminder" anent that Town's indebtedness to the Municipal Loan Fund was read by. the clerk :-- TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Toronto, Oct. 12, 1872. Sir,--T am directed by the How: the Treasurer to fon. you that instructions have béen' idsiied by the Government to call 'vpon the several municipalities in ar rears to the Municipal Loan Fund to take immediate stepe to pay up such' arrears. The amount fiayable 'annually by your Musigipaliiyn bi on the assessment of 1858, in orate 'with the Statute 22 Ves, Cap 15, is $5,383 70, commencing with the year 1859 ; these payments have been allowed to fall' into arrears to the extent of $24,360.10, exclusive of $2,000 'intérest due on sucli'arredrs. 'Phe Trea- surer desires an infmediate reply to this communication showing what steps have been taken to liquidate them, I am, Your Obedient, Servant, 12: Wa (Cayley, Auditor, J. Harvey; Esq., © 'Freasurer of Guelph: iy PLANTING RAILS. Some one appears 10. be trying the, ex- periment of making fence rails grow.-- About a quarter of a mila west of Man- chester there are planted two fence rails in large hole nearly. in the centre of the road, apparently with the idea of having them grow, for they were planted in spring and 'have remained there ever since. 'We think the experimenter might be satisfied now that they have little chance to grow, and in fact hie 'bial little reason to' expect them: fo grow, they are planted 160 deep and there is room enough leit around them to admit the larger portion of a hose. If a horse sheuld tpke it inta his bead to gel in beside. the rails, or if a vehicle should run up against them, either the rails, or the carriage migkt get damaged, 10 which case more than one pany s would got ry taciuding. the, 9 Blnigs of the rail ! KEEP COOL ¢ ' The' significant phtase' "keep cool,' is valuable utider 'almost any circumstances it is névér moreso than 'whieh travell- ing by rail. There i is scarcely a week. but we heat of 8 aimed or killed by the cam. by negleoting his * | sound admonition. About two weeks ago wr eeiunsT ul rower motion, or other strengthen the ties they may. At the last meeting of Guelph Town | | araitor-like-soek to traduce us who have er any, onan bette Sts Wb a i el ance: 8; wil Wabieka ep 'onan ell hile: the: cary. ate. 4 in ALein misfortunes: me ave. spared: them hi ibbler like . all. the other grannies who have preceded bim must |. needs--in order to secure his crusts,--iry bis little best to snarl and bite at the heels of the OBSERVER ; valgar fibbing being the staple of kis grunting, If 'degrees were granted for rubbish we would not be at all surprised to see the dunce baring the impudence to stick B. A. to his name ; which being literally translated would read Blatent Ass. i But B. A. or no B. A. of all the mis- fortunes which ever befel poor unfortunate Neddy the greatest is his having to father the rubbish which that miserable incom petent pleases to scribble. In last week's Standard Neddy and bis fellow hireling, with a view to a fresh supply of crusts from their employers, were sent on a furious crusade against the On- SERVER. OF course Poor Mundy does mone of the writing, but We would' if he could ; 'he does all the mischief he can, he stands by, grins, and forges the ibs, while the impostor scatters them. They set out by saying :-- "The Saline 3 the Observer has, for some time past, bees pow hon Hog E ut te of HY wath upon ie Port Whitby and Port Pe ilway, Sod u) a the 'nhibitants of 'his Village in way will they have the goodness to tell us of a: single instance in which any of those vials were poured on the heads of unoffend. ing parties? Didn't the Standard gran. nies malign and abuse the best men that ever came into Port Perry simply because the grannies were refused oredit ? In their raving they go on to make the folowing quotation from an: article which appested in our issue of the previous week . * i* There are no bounds to the A of the officials of the Rail- way ;--their conduct towards' the Towaship ct Reach has been one continu- ed'series of impertinence, irickery and de- ception ;--that the charter was coucocted by, a ring, who Introduced into it the (base grouping, clause, an iniguitous trap by which muaicipalities were forced to vote onuses against' their will and interest ;-- that now and again 'goods which 'should have been left at one of the Reach stations are borne ingloriously past to Port Perrv, and the owners are forced to go there and pick them up ;--that it not uufrequently liappeas tbat' passengers desiring to get off at one of the:Reach stations are obliged 10 risk their ecks by leaping off as the cars run past the stations, to, prevent their being kidnapped to Port Perry, &ec. This was followed by their own classical remarks : "The edilor of the 0 knew, when he de te fen' Thal hey wer fle, nd 1Of course they .. th koew. when heir base assertions 'were: being penned that they were giving 'public. ity 'to' 'absolute falsehoods. But from constant' practice in fibbing 'they 'have doubtles come to regard 'truth' as 'an un essential when the ¢haracter of an enemy is to' ie assailed. ' The 'most solemn affiem- dion or denial of anything 'by the twin graduates leaves it exactly a8 it was before, no one will believe either, and 'we 'ask no [retraction from them'; but we dare ay of 'the railway officisls'or company 'to deny, 'over: bis 'own signature; any ene of our «untrue, end we will furnish abundant proof of the veracity of our statemente. > If the railivay company expect by hounding their curs: on ub to: draw 'dur attention away from the game they will find Shemaelves sadly, mistaken. : Hoan. Listen: ito the: wnligrs who | been dheir. beneincsdrs and kept them! from statements as 'quoted above 'and whieh |g theif two hitelings declare 10 be false 'or | a -------------------- know that: would light b ATT why should it not ? That" + has} abused the merosily of Reach 0 most | | manner, and ] sedse of right eannot be touched | peo- | ple. ot Reach will show- -more_ simplicity than we give thet credit for if: they do, MORE ROOM. It will be seen by a reference to our ad- vertising colamns of to-day thai Jones Bros,, Port Perry, have taken 0 of their posite lend |ate place of A cogstantly increasing business render- ed largely extended sccommodaiion and additional facilities for meeling the wants of |, the public absolutely necessary. In nrder ta secure these they have erected one of the | finest and beat appointed business eetablish- | ms ments inthe province.: They ue now gi x Svea Rd eoec hat Sp, act of en nd ins| of milly. o wt (Ses their now advertisemeny, 3 Loss or Naw Goobs OF THE BEST Quauirz AND Lowest Price.--Our readers will find Brown & Christian's pew advertisement i in another column of this, issue. They offer a large assortment of tweeds, gent's underclothing &c., at the lowest igure for cash to be found .in the Tou A large quantity of good Tea at 20 cents per Ib. '(See'the advertisement.) my SEEKING THE CENTRE. It will be seen from our advertising col. omne of to-day that 'Mr. John Nott has moved his plate of business to ne store lately ocoupied by the Messrs. Jones Bros., Port Perry. Mr. Now is a skiliful work- man and a re'isble business man and ecan- not {ail in proving an important acquisition | 10 any locality, ---- Qe ee WELL DONE WICK, Messrs. John' Chambers ani Geo. Bru- bazon jr. have gone into buying grain at the Wick Station of the T. &"N. Railway 'and are offering the highest market prices for all kinds of grain, rr -- 4 -- en. A NEW BUIT. The Torento Leader cane out last week dressed to within an inch of his life and looking ae spry as a Mdy morning. 'The only eflect which apposition appeasio have on this veteran ghaal is ip cause him 10 dress a little more e1ylish and wear his kids every day, snap his fingers in the face of his blustering city opponents telling them that though each of hiemn is backed by a joint 'stock conéern and he ouly 'single handed, he is not afraid of either or 'buth of them ; and that 'he is prepared to prove 10 them aod the public that his nom de guerre is no misnomer, rrr ---- DROPPED DEAD. , Oa tbe afternoon of the 24th inst. as a party. named Neil, Matsison was helping to urload potatoes from a wagon opposite the Royal Hotel, Cannington, he was observed Yo fall over, and parties stapding round thought at first that he had fainted and laid Him down in'tHe wagon ; but it was 'soon discovered that hie'was in'a dying'dondition. He was immediately carried into 'the hotel and medical assistance procured § but it was of no avail, the current of life had ceased to run. Coroner, Wyatt being notified sum- moned a ju-y and investigated the case ,~ After hearing all the evidence ihe, jury brought in a verdict of --« Died, from, 'hean disease." Decenrsed had only been a shim tin in the village and had no relations thee. MARCHING ON, We are pleased tos see the many tokens of rapid and substantial progress which présent themselves in the village of Can-| nington. Capt." Sinclaii's fine 'brick block-- " Victoria Buildings," ist fast' hastening, to completion, This is ove 'of the most handsome buildings in North Ontario and creditable alike (0 the skill of the Duilder 'doubled' Bae 16 go for another season. 'and commodeous biock material additi ion 1 comme il fa 'anyth in ' he name of side lt is more the ex P- o L =mid baling #17 gen make, which sting into.nny ee a one, not cepliog their masters, believes! a sworll ? yibut | ingratitide is the ar Compion, mi i ly 'the legsl secews, 'und. see | The ra ie £9 is eplendid new briok -siore near) cost y business. -» | Mise Monro, accompanied oe of the year "is 'tbat whieh refess to o ir kfulness and D) mired Tor hing the crop i There are but few seasons when so fine u ban wh eve Serctiption of crop bas witnesse coming to a , and arb bi lintle es 10 rule bigh they willcertaioly be respecta- Folehighty remunerative. Listeat accounts from thie several mar- hi ling' he my. . our last and a ars to ge gov) u po ight aiivance. oe The Toreptoon market, which gives the _ note to the markets: of Ontario, ap- pears shaky [but whelber the move nay be higher or lower is not easy to de~ termine ; sellers iowevar appear.confident and let buyers poss along without funning afer them. Fall Wheat brings from $1.25 to' $1.31. Buyers and sellers are not quite agreed as to the worth of Sp pring heat. Sellers assert that 1v should bs : worth '$1.21 but' buyers can't be brought over $1.19. . No. 1 Barley flit wound Tle and No. 2 brings from 66 to 680, Oats bring 40 and Peas are sold at 72. ity of the hay offering and a no' less des- crepancy in price ranging from $20 10 $30: Dressed Hogs bring about $6 50, a i eos PLEASING ENTERTAINMENT, The Utica Presbyterian Church held their annual social on the evening of Thursday 24th nat. The weather was all that could be desir. ed and an excellent turn out was the vesult. By 7:30 the chuich was filled to ite ut' most capacity and a fall staff of uotive leas, especi ally the surroundings, of which we remeinber taking pari; and certainly Wwe never saw one beltér enjoyed. think the' party who" wiote: "The cup which cheera but not inebriates' must have taken part in'a similar party. The not un- pleasant clatter of cups and plates, the en- livening hum of youthful voices, the flitting aroond of the active and atteniive waiters were al once pleasing and interesting. Tea beirig over and the tables drawn the Rev. Mr. Dawsod, pastor of the congrega- tion, took the chair and' openéd ' the' intel- lectual part of the entertainment with a few well chosen remarks calculated to improve as well as to inigres) his audience. Misa Harper was called upon .and rung Cora Dell" in fine style, playing ner own accompaniment. Miss Harper sings well, she has a beau- tiful voide and éotitrols it well. Miss 'Muanre- 'acdompaniéd by Miss Nicholls gave a beautiful piece "® Come where my love is dreaming » The piece was well done, Miss Munro has a fine full toned voice and has excellent command over:it, Miss Plank, Miss Harper. playing the accompaniment, gave ¢ Passed under jhe 10d" in the most pleasing style. Miss Plank has a sofc melodious voice which she ccnlrols with much good taste. Mrs. Daweon, playing her own sccom- paniment, gave ¢ Oue Lord is risen from the dead." This, 100, was done is excel lent eiyle.' Mts. Dattaon has a clear, poweifil voice and is quite an artiste both in singing and playing. We now had'the privilege of addressing the: company. Miss Harper gave ¢ Ever of thee." This was a charming piece and was sharie® , Miss 'Nicholls, gave " Florence ighting , in genuine nightingale style. This is an' eX- cellent piega, and received full justice st the hands of the talented young ladies. Mr. J.C. Huckina now made a few im- portant and infereating remidrks Which were well received. = ii Mise Plank} scoompanied by 'Miss Hi{- gave] cannot sing 'the old song."'~ There may have been a lime when the young Jady could not sing the old song, but cei(winly it was nol on this occasion for she sang it obarmingly, , ¢ Nehemiah' was given in capital siyl® y Mrs. Daweon. " Kllie Ray" wi Welt given by Misa Harper.' Miss Plank wo by' Mise Harpér gave. Laurena® in good style. |i The Chairman now delived an interest Ment a ddress, on, ¢ the power of 1 le Wanders Rolugee," wi quest ; it isa very, fie ;pisce ry Exgelgior' 2 was giy iid pftibexereiseh of ds as pleads 3 AAR Ania vi 53 us " A te aa i sought their. 'homes! the beter fora 'being | PreveDty fq ier at dwrtsib Bloow «idl T0084 Tad nan: There is a marked difference in the qual- 1. waiters set about supplying one. of the beat | We.| doompiaied by LH o ot a LL ny by, Mr, Dpw- i A sh Bhterdinment as'one || ied by Bi | The Officers" hast ed the necessary pre- parations dividiog up the lands oiler wise selting the match a going. When evident disappointment rested on the countenance of not, a few, and one man| : It would not | John: be easy, finding 9° more unsuitable place | actually refused to plow. for the match--the ground before gd broken appeared much better than ji ally was, it mas ating and crambly and ~ The di able morning had the ef- fest of gn back who' otherwise would baye been present whether as spec. {ators or plewamen. However all things being arranged some 16 plows set off on their noble woik--"7 in the 1st Class meu, '|5 in the 20d, 2 in the 3rd and 2 in the boys' classi' £7 The nuinber. of! dpectators was very good for the time and place ; there were "| many excellent judges around andthe g | work was sharply eriticised as it went on. 'The lands were not large and the work was done in'good time. 'The Judges were Jacob Taylor, Scott, John Robertson, Daniel Currie, and Don ald Jackson, Eldon, and Joha Han, Brock, Ca¥ PRIZES. i FIRST CLASS MEN. 1st, James McLean, Brock; a Gang Plow worth $20, presented by Paxton, Tate & Co. 20d W. Luke, E. Whitby, a plow worth, $18, presented by Brown & Patterson. 8rd Stewart Graham, Rect 37 HET 41h Robt: Dobson, Markhaw, $4. Oth Jason Stone, Brock, $3. | BECOND' CLASS men." 1st John Currie, Mariposs, a Wilkinson Plow frorth $20, presented by D. Camp- bell apd (1 May bee. - 2ifd'Ort Groham, Reach, a Patterson & Bros. Plow worth $18 3rd Jas. McMillan, Thorah, 85 cash, and a $150 whip, presented by Jobo Chambers, Wick, -- 41h.G+-C..Smith, Eldon; $4. eb CLASS 'MEN, fat Robt. Let , There, a $20 plow presented by C. H. Jay & 20d Wm. McDo by y i] $6 cash, and a bridle worlh $1. presented by G. Gilles~ pie. eh CLASS. 1st Yon Melatosh, Thora, $5 cash, and a $1 50 whip presented by Jas, Stewart, '20d D. Carmichael, Wick, $3 cash, end a hut worth SL. 50 presented by J. Fergu- 801. There was, a Mechanics? Match afier- wards when "James Glover teok the lst prize 'and GG, Gillespie the 2a. Auction Sales. A 'extensive 'Aadtion Sale of superior 'Horses, Cattle; Sheep, Swine and Imple- 'ments will take place on the premises of Mr. D. Bateman, Scugog--1 mile: from Port Pawy--on Thursday Nov. 7th. Some of the finest prize horses in the Couey will be offered, Bateman's famous lst: carriage team, and lst prize single will be oftered. . W. M. Willoox is auction- eer (See Large Bills.) The Stock 'and Farming Implements of Mr. J. E. Vernon will be sold 'by Auction on Lot 16, in the 2nd con. of Reach, on Monday, Nov. 4ih. L. Fairbanks 1s Aue- | tioneer. The Farm Stock and Implements of Mr. Samuel Brethour, will 'be sold by anction on lot 24 in the 2nd con. Georgina on Friday November lst, foserh Shepherd is Auc- tioneer. The Farm Stock; Tmplomont; &o., &e. of Mr. J. McMillan will be sold by auction on lot 16 in the 1st con. of Brock, on Tues- day, Nov, 5th. W. M. Willcox i 4 auctivn- eer. The Stock and Farming implements of Mr, D. Purdy will be. sold by, Anetion; on lot 18 in the 8th concession of Reach, on Friday, November 8th.' E. Major ie Ave~ tioneer. * There is a vast amount of property em~ braced in the above sales and parties will do well not to lose sight of any of the sales, such opportunities for purchasing just such property ps all good and sue~ cesalul farmers must have is' not of fre~ ut occurrence. See the Posters all | 'days sod plac es of anle. the inside track' the competitors came to draw their Jands {3rd ba ! 1 #40n the corner of { Cpmozomand th completed by tl} No ih oh 5, theif | markets, especially the ry ton Br i ion. "hore Of course, with the exc: | " ial he len prizes *. our [grain ket camel 3 id| green 3 hi e imaglaed it looked pr laa and two in Rt trnnd bos end cof 2 212 rg be, | thei tle spots Filion ped wr About noon however though til looking the Domiaioh. Those of the fatter lars : abundant yield a sufficiently sulkey the rain Bante Soule §: The prizes were awarded allows : t= MENS CLASS. let James Bryans, 20d Nelson Marlow, John Fice, id Juli Belford. = fat Joh , 20d Jumes Dhwn.f The Ju doe B.S She v = Lo . Mo the an the Qntario- Dear Sin,--Oblige by inserting the following, . © * bell] gy CARD OF THANKS. "The Cartwright: Agricultural: Society begs leave to acksenisiss the following Donations from the geal Gentlemen whose names are Tereinafter appended and to thonk them for the pame, viz * A Gang Plow froin axton; Tate Co. Port Perry, valued at" $20. A Set of Iron Harrows from Syluester; &: Bro., Euniskillen, valued: at $20. "Turnip Cater from. Wm, Porter, , Bowsinase, valued at 88. - Cash from Peter: Consaul, Bowmanville, $10. A whip was given by L. Ci Hawkey, Cartwright, ta be competed for at Plowing Match "and to be awarded to the'plowmau who should com- plete bis work in the shortest time and al- so take a prize. The above were all given as prizes at the late Plowing Match. Cash from several Gentlemen in Bow. manville, to be guarded 8s a prize for' the Brass Bands competing at the> Fall 'Show in Cartwright on the 11th Oct. 1872, $15. b James Par, R.B! Spinks, Secretary. President . ---------- Thoneands have been changed. by the use ol the Peruvian Syrop (a protogide of iron) fiom weuk, sickly suffering .cientuses, io strong, healthy, happy men and' women, and invalids cannt rearonsbly hesitate to give it a trial, For Dyspepsin and Debiluy it is a specific. g Grief, excessive Prin or Florin study, will produce idifirm ity in the nervous system, in, propoition: as the strengih of that system is expended upon the mind Jn troubled thonght, so-ate the "organs of" gestion, assimilation and nutrition, rendered inactive and sluggielf in Proportion as the system becomes infirm. "Every: individual has organ weaker than the rei and this is always ne first to duags Sarvg nervy stration ; for e am afthotin, newhNometimos aise vo ota oo of the muscular action of (he Liait, when the patient is debiliated, producin sudden hemiorifage 'anid death.' 'No Soiibt any longer remaing,of the practicability tof crps- toring the nervous system, and Throgh he nerves the mnscles of the: impaired organs Fellows' Compound' Syrup of Hypophos- phites' has been proved to possess such power in numerous instances. It will im- part strength to overcome trouble and afflic- tion. Persods who are acensiomed to look upon the dark side, and who eee no. lef fatule. in living, on being this Syrop soon fot o value and enjoy life, and (hose who "stndy deeply or during long. hours, will find igyhe Syropa promoter of the power of 'endurance in the brain, k BIRTHS, At Prince AvertionFunsihy, 20th inst., the wife of Mr. Richard Taylor, of a ug be DIED, 41100 At Greenbank, on Wednesday morning, 30th inst., at 8 o'clock, Tibsin eee wife of Dr. . Knowleys, in her 37 "The funeral will take bli 12 o'clock on Saturday, previous te which, at 10 o'clock, there il be a sermon in" St. Agnes Church, reen- Friends will kindly accept of 'this invitation, For Doves, Sash, Frames, linds, &c., - GOXT UP IN GooD STYLE, < i CHEAP, C GO TO RICHARDSON'S FACTORY, PORT PERRY or All bin give! satisfaction. TEE * Sin, psd tions, in his new Br " Victoria' "matin 8" seth CANNINGTON. i} The situation i8 one of i ps en a 3 op! e the | important. Business. her The building will be. ! --_ of tio) course of erect of Apply to the | abscrtber at nies: ET Br i A

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