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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Dec 1872, p. 2

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© "NOTHING LIKE CASH. very low - and Tweeds. Ext lately a ©The public are inform Yrs oe are Jafon od that the Subscriber for gale at lines of the attention of following be foun worthy 3 : Whi otton Y: ul Croan Colored Made Clothi in Real White and Red A Tn Pid Foc Flanuels. A large lot of can hionding nten: Blankets, C ory Cottons and Stea Cheap oat m Loom Also a very cheap lot of Boots and Rubbers, Over Shoes and an unlimited su ey the row. celebrated cheap Teas, with 0% of Holidage 108: Currants, &c., for the coming SETTLED AT LAST! a rhat 8 firm who could afford to build an ad- itional sto, to their building in order to hide a neighbor's sign, ought to be able to leave another neiglibor's 6 cent Cottons and 20 cent Teas to stand or fall upon their respective SETTLED AT LAST!! That a decided improvement i the Government Smut. Machine ne oe = me g of i on their exit from its tail end, so as to from bedusting their neighbors re Smt tim SETTLED AT LAST!!! Tht I can buy goods on as good te other house in the trade, and font oy hid Trade I will sell as cheap as the cheapest and perhaps a leetle cheaper. ADAM GORDON. Port Perry, Dec. 11, 1872. Ee Butavin Hhserter, PRINCE ALBERT, DEC. 12, 1872. LOST 1TS HEAD, That always shaky, universally suepici- ous and now deservedly notorious concern, the Port Whitby and Pont Perry Ruilway, has met with merited punishment at last by ut.dergoing the no less ignominious than painful process of decapitation. My Lord Sheriff of Ontario sent out his Depaty on Monday last and out the plaguy head off the concern. Our readers will remember that during the erection of the terminus buildings of this road ai Port Perry, the OBscrver ad- monished the Company, warping them of the danger of going deliberately on to build their station houses on property which did not belong to them. Of course the railway magnate only heaped abuse on us, and in Place of receiving our advice in the same epirit in which it was given, and thus avoid the danger into which they were rushing they attributed our counsel to the basest of motives, and one vr two of the meanest sneaks not only of the company but of orea- tion actoally went so tar in abusing their little 1ligotten influence in that village as to go from house to house trying to prevent parties from taking the OssErver. We allowed the contemptible creatures to pass uiipunished knowing that the men of that village were of sterner stuff than kiss the the great toe of the would-be pope. How- ever with that unecrupulous recklessness which has marked their course from the first inception of the scheme, they hurried on the buildings. Again about a year ago when one of onr villagers took his business to the Port, the magnats of the company were 80 ex- uberantly generous as to offer him a large and important lot free of charge on condi- tien that he would erect on it large and ex- pensive el build The O ER at once flew to the rescue, warned our late fownsman of the trap which was being set for him, told him that the Company did not own the lot more than we did, and that if he touched it he would burn his fingers beyond a paradventure, and that if he went on and built on that Jot he would lose hie change. The magnats again got round him, assured him that the OpscrRvER was only influenced by motives of spleen to: wards the Company, and actually succeed- ed in making the intended victim believe that the OBsErvER only wished to deprive him the benefit of their generous ofler, and be too began to fume and froth at us like a crazy man. However wé kept on dunning at him till he toned down and on second thoughts, he politely declined their Pandora box, and has thus avoided the snare and saved himself thousands of dollars by doing 80. Matters passed on till Monday last when the She'iff of the County, by the authority of Mr. Cameron, the owner of the property, sent his deputy who fairly beheaded the eoncern by seizing station houses, store houses, car houses &c. &c., and our friend's grand elevator would aleo have got into lim= bo. Thus ths once blustering but now dis- consolate "Jemmy Dryden" and his weeping partoer "Lady Scugog' are left on the street, houseless and homeless, verifying the prediction of the big book : " the iniqui- ties of the fathers are visited on the child- sen." We learn that Jemmy and his mate have hired their board at a tavern which is conveniently by; but they will have to find sleeping accommodation at Whitby ; unless the relentless Shenft find it y fo LI w iil Ei ---- THE MODEL FARM, The Ontario, Government has an im- portant business on hand in the location of the proposed Model Farm for the Pro- vince of Ontario. The establishment of an Agricultural College and Model Farm in this pre.emi- nently agricultural province will long con. tinue to be regarded as one of those ad. mirable measures for which the province is £0 much indebted to the wisdom and foresight of the late lamented Jobn Sand- field McDonald and his government.---- Notwithstanding the fuss made when this institution was first pushed to the front, when it was sou;ht to make political capi. pes WHO WILL FILL THE VACANT CHAIRS ¥ he By the admirable provisions}of the clears the municipal board of all its occu pants, and leaves it to the discretion of the electors--with the consent of th members, of course--whether they shall renew their confidence in all or any of the late p discretionary power to a very great ex- tent renders the clectors The ise of this at for engine lately purchased by' the corpora tion of the town of Whitby, was making the fire king feel her power in curtailing municipal law, the close of each year |bis influence and limiting bis devastating effects. In this her first fight with the fire king the Merryweaiber has saved the price of herself at least ten times over, or it may be fifty times. The promptitude with which the engine was on the ground and her conduct throughout werd the sub- jects of much commendation, both as re- gards the efficiency of the engine and her the acts of the council ; and in bringing forward and supporting candidates this im- portant fact ought not to be lost sight of by the el i for the first year, have proved unfaithful A ber of | may, and the el be comparitively innocent; tal out of it by a howl of extravag: or misappropriation, there is not now a man in the country who would dare risk his reputation for sanity by opposing so impor- tant a measure ; in fact the wailing has changed to praise and the censure to com. mendation. The grand object of the whole province seems now to be who can presect the most eligible site for this im- portant institution. John Sandfield's gov- ernment had selected a site and gone on and expended a considerable amount of money in commencing to fitit. When the Blake government came into power the wisdom of the selection was called in ques tion and parties who mere sent to examine the quality of ibe soil &c., &e., brought in an unfavorable report, so unfavorable ia fact thatthe selection was set aside and the government set about finding a more suitable location. In this they have been nobly assisted by almost every locality in the province whose soil is anything better than a barren rock--and, thank Providence, we have little of thatjin our fine province--memorials, addresses, peti- tious, supplicati and deputati have been the order of the day from all quarters of the province. The result of all this is that the minister of agriculture and others are actually going round and inspecting several of the offered locations. On Friday last they came to the town but if he receive their suffrages a second time and he abuse his position he is infi- nitely less to blame than the electors are He was unfaithtul during the previons year and the electors renewed their confidence in him and thereby gave their sanction to his acts, proving to him that fidelity in the dis- charge of his duties was not necessary to secure the confidence of the electors or re- tain his seat at the council board, ms the electors by the renewal of their confidence say in effect that they approve of his acts and they will assume the responsibility. -- While electors, on the one hand, ought to be ble in their d d hing shouid induce them to renew their confi- dence in an unworthy officer. The muni- cipal law generously and wisely provides that at the close'of each year the members for the year then closing shall come before their constituents and give an sccount of thier stewardship, mesting the approbation or disapproval of the ratepayersjaccording as their acts have been worthy or otherwice, As a general matter parties who have_been at the hoard and conducted themselves to the satisfaction of the electors will general. ly be preferred to those who are untried ; still from year to year a certain smount eof new blood ought to be infused into the body as well for improving the grade as for keep- ing up the supply of trained hands. There is one important office which will require to be filled at this time, viz: the office of Tressurer, Geo.. Currie Esq, the of Whitby for the purpose of inspecting a location to which their attention bad been called in that quarter. We certainly would rejoice to see this fair county hon. ored by having so important an institution established in our midst ; and with the ex- ception of the townships of North Ontario, we know of no more eligible locality in the province than the neighborhood of the town of Whitby; but we are very much mistaken if the locality shown is the best which could be selected in that neighborhood. OF course if the bers of the i Pp having given in his resignation, to take eflect at the close of the present year. To say that Mr.. Currie was a faithful, reliable, obliging officer would be only echoing the universal sentiment of the en- tire municipality, a sentiment which would be heartily subscribed by all who have done business with him. And while the entire The places of business destroyed are 14 in all, but many of them were of liitle value ; in fact the whole loss is laid at $25,000 or $30,000, and all covered by insurance. The buildings were mostly frame. FROM EUROPE. diane hes transpired in Kurope during the past week. In Fiance the sell elected Assembly dies hard ; the chief surrenderers still hold on to power with a miser's grasp and would see the country go to the dogs rather than relinquish power, but their days are numbered and they must make one more surreader and that will be their last. Fearful giles have prevailed for the past few days along the British coast, houses have been blown down, ships wrecked and lives lost. * Discontent and brigandage seem chronic in lialy and Spain. The cunning Bis has frightened the Ger- man Lords into passing the Reform meas- ure which they formerly rejected. European sflairs in general may be re- garded as abundantly prosperous. CHRISTMAS Mr. Diesfeld of the Prince Albert Jewal- ry Emporium has just opened out one of the finest, beet mesorted, most elegant stocks of New Gaods in the Walch and Jewelry line which we have seen in this part of the country. We recommend our readers to read his new advertisement in another col umn of this issue. The Prince Albert Jewelry Emporium has long enjoyed the well merited reputa- tion of alwaye keeping on hand an exten- sive stock of choice, reliable goods and sell- ing as low as such good can be afforded. In this season of merry making, giving and receiving gifts, &o., Mr. Diesleld's el- egant stock will doubtless be a universal favorite, and parties wishing to bestow gilts which cannot fail in being acceptable to the receiver will find themselves well suited at Mr. Deisfeld's establishment.-- (See his advertisement.) : ----------------e R ber the Ded y Services of the GIFTS, township deeply regrets his from the list of its municipal officers we again echo their sentiments when we express the fervent hope that a long, prosperous and highly useful career may yet be before him are satisfied with the site, all right ; but in order, if possible, to secure the instituticn for this county the best locations ought to have been shown, locations better suited to the purpose and less encumbered with piles of old buildings. The Commission and their friends bad a busy time of it passing from field to field, while the practical men with pick and shovel laid bare the bosom of the generous soil to the great satisfaction of the beholders. When the pick and shovel had done their part of the duty assigned them, and bad afforded the Commission ample oppor- tunity of judging of the quality, depth &ec., &c., of the soil, James Holden, professor of windiculture, nearly put his foot in the whole affair by attempting to give a lec-- ture on practical blowing before the whole company. Had it not been for the good sense of the Commission, together with the restraining influences of those who accom. panied them, James' agricultural blasts would have prostrated the whole scheme by blowing the Commission all the way back to Mimico. Tis all gas for such men as James Holden to blow over bis ninety bushels to the acre as the result of his preeminen, skill as an agriculturist, such men as the minister of agriculture is not to be caught with chaff, and if James Holden expects by his unlimited puffing to hoodwink the Hon. McKellar into appointing him pro- that he has been blowing in the wrong direction. He might do for a model blow. er and save the expense of fanning mills, but as a model farmer we fear. he would not be a success, 1 WOODSTOCK IS MOVING. Woodstock, Dec. 7.--A requuition is cut off the tail too and leave only the stomp. In sueh an event the Prince Al- bert and Manch will b the termini; and we wonld suggest to the ~. corporation of Reach, the propriety of taking the elephant®' ofl the hands of the com- of pavy, for they have cerlainly run to their end. Itis a mercy that they have 'managed to run the whole pack of us Huibelongage, + ations draws on Ives willing y in managing our increases. 1t is a to.try their hand in matters do nol at once 'It is but few men ct td be urged to come for- 10the community. Fot Cc. + GOODS LATELY RECEIVED, ! g On readers wil fod Mr. Gordons and promptly responded. Within an hour n and a half from the (ime of the notice the houses of this issue. ~ Ju Merryweather,"" the excellent steam fire ! for washing, bleeching, 8c., 200 feet by being largely signed here for the purpose of Ee bette of the Minister of Agriculture to the advantages of cheap land and surroundings in favor of locating the Medel Farm in the neighborhood of Woodstock. 'I'he requisition will be for- warded immediately. A --ey THE FESTIVE SEASON. Our young friends in and around Epsom |, are busying themselves in gelling up an entertainment for all who may come to take part with them in their Christmas Eve Festival to be held at the school house one mile north of Epsom. The commitiee determined to make the entertainment a |S! addresses, lots of music, recitations, &e, They chasge only 15c. admission and in- vite all to come, (See posters.) New Advertisement in spother column granting the bonus. advantage that as well as being the legal aspect of the matter it 1s also the sense aspect of it, and the only interpreta= fessor of the new institution he will find | jon at all consistent with the principles of either reason or justice ; and if of any other interpretation the putting conditions in by-laws or in any other doc- ument were a simple meaningless bur- and that good and mercy may follow him where ever he goes. etl ere LEGAL OPIN1ONS. That portion of the Legal Opinion which refers to the stations is quite satisfactory. Learned Counsel in referring to the section of the by-law providing for the erection and maintenance of proper, freight and passenger stations, says :--* In this para graph some confusion arises from the fact that the line of railway and duties of the company as to stations are not separated. But I ike it that the building and main. tenance of the passenger and freight sta tions at the points indicated was intended to be a condition of the granting of the money though not so expressed in the by- law. If the company knowing of the terms of the by-law accepted the money, I thivk the company. is bound to comply with the condition as to building snd maintaining passenger and freight stations and in the event of their refusing so to do then a bill would lie in Equity to compel them specifically to do that which by the acceptance of the Debentures they must bave agreed to do." 'This is all right and if it means any- thing it evidenily means that the railway company is bound forthwith to erect snch stations as are set forth in the This has the further new C. P. Church Cartwright, which takes place on Sunday next 15th inst., and also the Feast of the Dedication which takes place in the Drill Shed, Williamsburg, on Monday 16th. See posters and also adver tisement in another column. A highly important and interesting time may be looked for as a liberal supply of choice talent both in speaking and singing hes been secured. me An THE DOG NUISANCE. This elaborately shoddiacle practice of our modern nabobs riding round the coun~ try accompanied by their retinue of dogs is just a little too much of the good thing. If the whole pack, dogs, and it might be horses, men and all were tied (ogether the nuisance would certainly be very much mitigated and ladies and children moving in a humbler spliere of life, who are not able to keep a horse and who do not de- sire to keep a dog to annoy their neighbors might then be #llowed to pass along the street with some degree of salety and without the risk of having their dresses if not their flesh torn by the deep mouthed bellowing brutes. On several instancas already since the snow caused pede:trians to take the same track as their more ex--- alted brethren's horses have we seen ladies plunging into the snow on one side to save themselves from being ridden over by the Jehu, while his accompanying brute has jumped right at them frightening them half to death. It is of course no one's busi- ness how many canine brutes any one Flea"es to entertain, but if they are to run round the couctry let them be muzzled to stop their music and have their teeth ex- tracted to save ovr garments. Thin ¢ Let dogs delight to bark and bite' is all very fine in theory but it is too much :of a good hl, thing in p pecially with those who cannot bite them in return. We won- der how a license of $50 a head would affect the tion of the nui SHUI esque. -------- tee. ANOTHER FIRE. On Sunday evening last about 7 o'cloek the good folks of Oshawa were startled by the unwelcome sound of ¢ Fire ! Fire !" It was not long ere the location of the devourer was made known by the issue of smoke and flame from the clothing estab- lishment of Mr. Hodder. soon spread its devastating influences "to From this it he drug store of one Fitzmaurice, Woods dry goods store and Doan's drug store; then another dry goods store, Dickie's dry goods store, and then Willcox's book store were caught, Jobnston's Jewelry tore was the next to fall, then a confec-- highly enjoyable one by the choice selec- | tionary, and another dry goods store with tion and judicious intermixture of short | three or four more places of businesa were all speedily laid in ruins. ? WHITBY TO THE RESCUE. When the fire began to develop its threatening proportions the town of Whit. by was at once pplied to for. ance, manufacturiog pur) Tn addition . oy SAINTFIELD DECEMBER FAIR. The Saintfield Monthly Fair was held on Monday, 9th st. But such a day as Borcus gave us drove everything else out of ones head. December tried his very best to give us a switcher and he succeed: ed to perfection, still we are pleased to learn that the fair was a good one taking all things into consideration. The severity of the weather went far to prove how much parties are prepared to brave in order to es- tablish such faire. eet 8 eee PAID OVER THE CHANGE. The corporation of Oshawa baving agreed to give a bonus of $5,000 to the proprietor of the New Hat Manufactory as soon as he had completed suitable buildings for carrying on the work, had the agreeable satisfaction of paying over the money on Saturday last, the buildings being completed and ready for commenc- ing works ? The moin building is of red brick, 300 feet long by. 45 wide, two stories high, with a central tower, the butresses, fac-- ings and ornaments of which are brick.-- oaone of the most handsome buildings for in the Dominion. building there ore , and a building engine and boiler. Nothing of much account to Cana- |; 30 feet. Two hundred persons will be employed at present, but it is anticipated that the number will be largely increased. REACH COUNCIL. The above Counell inet, pursuant to ad- j 1, on Friday evening 6th inst. Mr. HAURRAH FOR MERRY CHRISTMAS ! It wi!l be seen by the Posters that our trienda of the P.M. Sunday School, Saint- field, are providing a pleasant Christmas i for th Ives and" all who ~ish to join them. They are preparing on: f those festivals which not only amuse and i terest'bul also instruct and never fail to prove satisfactory to all guests. A judi. cious selection of short lively addresses, a liberal supply of sweet music, lots of reci- tations, dialogues, &c., &o., followed by a capital tea and an enjoyable concert in tke evening. Nee Posters. OUR MARKETS, Another quiet week has passed over our markets with not a great deal being done. Foreign markets have flactoated a little bat not much either way, while a mutual Pp to ifest itsell in both buyer and seiler. The quantity com- ing out gets a little short, prices begin to rise, the supply increases and prices begin to tremble, and again a lul succeeds, Wheat has notlbeen much spught after, and it certainly has not been pressed on the notice of buyers. Barley has been un- healthily quiet. Oals would be taken at present rates but sellers imagine they onght to get more. Pens are lower and Pork is scarcely ar good ar last week. The Toronto street markets are, Fall Wheat from $1.25 to $1.28 ; Spring Wheat $1.17 to $1.19 ; Barley from 60 10 65 cts. Oats 40 cts., Peas 66 cie., Dressed Hogs realize about $530 per 100 Ibs. The Money Market has undergone little or no change since our last ; the ideas of sellers and buyers in the stock market are not far apart 200 is being asked for the Bank of Tor- onto ; 120 is asked for the Bank of Com- merce ; Dominion Bank can take 105 ; the Royal Canadian can take 102 ; the Ontario is offered for 102 but no takers. The general prosperity of the country continues, and all her interests are in a flourishing condition. 1:43, Bm MANCHESTER CHRISTMAS FAIR, The Manchester Christmas Fair was held on Tuesday 10th inst. The weather was highly favorable when compared with the previous day. A lot of fine catile were shown and prices ranged fiom four to six dollars, and while the descrepancy in priced was very marked it was no lees marked than the descrepancy in the quality of the stock oftered. There were decidedly many fine animals on hand, but there were many which had very little Christmas beet about them: Such exhibi only add h to the many proofs furnished from time to time of the importance of stock breeders so working their stock as to secure well bred animals; the difference is very marked and the profits are more eo. The number of people present was very good showing as it evidently does that the sympathies not of this township alone but of the surrounding townships ara enlisted in favor of the Manchestor Fairs as being held in one of the most convenient localities in the Province ; and where superior facilities are offered for holding fairs equally advan- tageous tc buyers and sellers ; and both parties know that it is to their own interest that these faire are kept up with epirit. There were eleven entries in prize Cat- tle. Mr. Wm. Coates showed twe fine an- imals in the class Fat Ox or Steer, and Mr. R. Blight showed three capital animals in ihe same class. In the class Fat Cow or Heifer there were 6 fine animals shown. John Coates, Wm. Scott, J. Watson and J. Claughton showed one each and R. Blight showed two. In the class Fat Sheep there were only 3 entries but they were fine animals, James Stonehouse, Brock, showed 2 and D. C. Christie, Reach, showed one. Io the class Dressed Hogs there were 5 entries of as well fatted and dressed hogs as we remember seeing at any of our fairs. Mr. Bear, of Reach, showed one which weighed 445 Ibs. Mr. 8 Cauker, of Port Perry showed two, one 430 and the other 406 Ibs. Mr. J. Bond, Scugog, showed one 444 Ibs. and Mr. J Taylor, Manches- ter, showed a fine one but we did rot as- certain its weight. The Poultry could not be cal'ed a success a! least as lo quantity, and whether or no the bill forbidding geese to make their ap- pearance in the streets which some genius stuck around the village of Manchester last apring had anything to do with the misera- ble display of the goose tribe on this ocea- sion we can'l eay, but it looks precious like it. No doubt the feathered wanderers wise- ly concluded that there were greater geese than they who tried to supprees them, and left the streets in disgust. There were in all three pairs shown. Mr. W. Thomas Mr. H. Harper, and Mr. J. Bear showed a. pair each. PRIZE LIST, Fat Ox or Steer--5 entries; 1st and 2ud Wm. Coates. Fat Cow or Heifer--6 entries; 1st Joseph Claughton, 20d John Watson. Fat Ewe or Wether--3 entries; 1st Don- ald C. Christie, 2nd John Stooehouse. Fat Hog--5 entries ; 1st & 20d Samuel Cawker. Pair Turkeys--3 entries ; 1st Watson Thomas, 20d John Bear. Q Pair Geese--2 entries; lst. H. Harper, 20d Watson Thomas. . he usual staff of active buyers might be seen hoppiog around picking vp caitle and leaving lots of cash in the hands of onr farmers. The rush of business in the village was kept np with much animation till the ap- proach of dusk. et ere A FEARFUL GALE, Lonpon, Dec, 9--A terrific westerly gale, causing great destruction to property of all descriptions prevailed yesterday through- out England. * Telegraph wires were pros- trated and many buildings demolished, and others damaged. Ib this city a large num- ber of pedestrians wera round by the violence of the Sireet lamps and advertising boards were blown down, and many persons injured by flying debris. Despatches from the seaport towns report ine di Eight ships were blown ashore in the har- bor of Plymouth. The gunnery-ship Cam- bridge and three small merchantmen lying in the same harbor also parted from their anchors and' were blown ashore. The crews were in great danger, but were res- cued {rom their perilous position. astied to the |, Mead being the only one absent. Tbe Reeve stated that in accordance with instructions the Clerk had forwarded to Mr. R. A. Harrison the questions proposed at the late meeting of Council, but no reply had yet been received. On motion of Mr. Holman Mr. Bates was instructed to proceed to Toronto on the following morning with a view to ob- taining the opinion of Mr. [farrison on the questions submitted, and to report to the Council in the evening. The matter of difficulty between Messrs. Jobn lanson and Isaac Cragg re- garding certain property through which the centre road is run, was brought up. Mr. Holman moved that Joseph Gould, Esq. of Uxbridge, be aud he is hereby appointed Arbitrator to arbitrate on the matter of difficulty between Jobn Ianson and Isaac Cragg : this appointment being made under the authority of the act of the Amendments therefo, and that the Reeve sign the same and the Clerk attach the corporate seal thereto.--Carried. The Council adjournod. : SATURDAY, 7TH INST. "The Council met at 7 p.m. the Reeve and the two Deputies being present. Mr. Bates reported the result of his mission to Toronto, that he had seen Mr. Harrison and bad obtained from him his written opinion on the questions submitted to him. Said opinion was then laid on the table. The Reeve proceeded to read the opin. ion of learned counsel as to the effect which "certain conditions on which the bonus was granted might bave on the award of the Arbitrators. The opinion simply reiterates the old success any party would have in attack- ing the Award as both corporations were consenting parties. - Mr. English's communication, present- ted at the meeting on Monday evening, was now taken up and on motion of Mr. Holman the Reeve was instructed to com- mupicate with Mr. English as to the con- ditions on which the Railway Debentures referred to in said communication can be obtained, and report to this Council at its meeting on the 13th inst. The Reeve stated that he had had a communication from the Reeve of E. Wkitby complaining that the Bedford road was still kept closed to the great inconvenience of the travelling public, and advising immediate steps to have it opened with a view to the public con- venience and preventing trouble. On motion of Mr. Bates Mr. Holman was appointed to wait on Mr. Bedford, represent the matter to him, and show him the necessity for having the road opened forthwith, and to report to this Council at its next meeting. On motion the Council adjourned. ee NO LACK OF TEACHERS, J. W. writes the Galt Reporter as ful- lows :-- North Damfiies, Deo. 41h, 1872. Dear Reporter,--1 thought I would send you a line to let you know the result of our advertising lately for two teachers, male and female, for qur School-section (No 25, N. Dumfries) for 1873. We. have had sixty-five applications for the situations, of which over twenty were trom females. - The Trustees' choice fell upon Mr. Alex. A. McTavish, at present at the Normal School and Mise Jeannie Gill- espie, who was a teacher in the school in 872. Yours truly, tl rer eee BrEAKFAST.-- Epps's Cocoa. -- GRATEFUL AND CoMmFoRTiNG.--¢ By a thorough know- ledge of the natural laws whieh govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine pro- perties of we!l-selectad cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills."'-- Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with Boil- ing Water or Milk. Each packet is labell- ad--¢ James Kreps & Co.,, Homeopathic Chemists, London." ManvracTure oF Cocoa.--¢ We will now give an of the proce lopted by Messrs James Epps & Co., manulactur- ers of dietetic articles, at their works in the Euston Road, London"-- Cassell's House- hold Guide, T CONTRACTORS. Intercolonial Railway. The Commissioners appointed for the Con- struction of he Juferdo ojonial Railway, | Jerely i ey are give Public Notice y pH pared ceive Tenders for Track-laying ting on the following Dit viz Aor Lon Socitons i i 3, 6, 9, and 16,--a distance miles. 0. 2 id Sections 16, 10, and 20,--a distance of about 46 miles, . 3, on Sections 21, 22, and 23,--from the Ni cuomtet River to Moncton, a distance of] about 72 miles. All the above sections are in the Province of New Brunswick. w Ee tosh. 'ender can be ol ae on hoe of the Chief Engineer, at Ottawa, and at the offices of the Engineers, at Rimouski, Dalhousie, New Castle, and Moncton. Sealed Tenders marked * Tenders," and ad- EI tt] ce in Wi +d FRIDAY, the 31st ot January, 1873: A. WALSH, = ED. B. CHANDLER, C.J. BRYDGES, A W. McLELAN, | Tojersolonial Bail he } ) Ottawa, Nordoioed w N. B.--Separate Tenders - required. the Divisions Numbered 1,2, and 3. parliament, known as the Reach Act, and| no story, showing the very slim chance of - | Port Perry, Nov. 28, 1872. WANTED = FaincE AL BERT 4° CHRISTMAS PRESENTS s HE Subscriber would embrace this {unity of retu; thanks for the heral and extensive patromage be: since opening business in this place. now much pleasure in informing the generally that he has just opened out the 1 est, richest and most attractive Stock of Juwel- ry &c., ever brought into this County. A call is sufficient to canvince any one that the Prince Albert Jewelry Emporium is the best establish- ment in the Qlunly for beautiful, good and cheap goods in the Watch, Clock and Jewelry My stock is carefully selected, extensive and valuable, consisting of an elegantasscrtment of Jewelry, Colored and Bright Sets, Fine Gold, Gem and Plain Rings, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Studs. A lot of beaulful Gold, Silver and Plated Chains. 2 Cruet Stands, Fruit Baskets, Butter Coolers. Very fine collection of Gold and Plated and Enamelled Lockets, Fine China and Glassware and Toys, Tobacco Stands, Flower Vases; real- ly fine Bracelets ; Musical Box laying 6 opera airs. Gold Watches, Silver Watches, Cl 4 all of the best description, French Clocks &c., Regulators, Mouth Organs. EVERYTHING AS I CHEAP As it possible to be afforded ! (Come along and buy your handsome Gifts for Christmas ! Yu JOHN DIESFELD, Practical Watch Maker, Prince Ansar. Dee. 11, 1872. N. B. 1 intend shortly io remove tmy business to Port Perry of which due notice will be givens 71 O CONTRACTORS. Intercolonial Railway. The Commissioners appointed for the con< struction of the Intercolonial Railway, give Public Notice, that they are Jrepared to receive Tenders for the erection of Passenger and Re- freshment Building, Froiht Building,and Engine House, at Campbellton, N. B., and for Passenger and Refreshment Building, at New Castle, N. B. Plans, Specifications, and forms of Tender may be seen at the office of the Chief Engineer, Ot- tawa, and the Engineers offices at Rimouski, Dalhousie, New Castle, and Moneton. Tenders may be for the whole, or any less number of these Buildings, and will be received marked "Tenders for Hahdings." at the Com- missioners office, Ottawa up to 12 o'clock noon, on FRIDAY, the 31st January, 1873, A. WALSH, a ED. B. CHANDLER, C. J. BRYDGES, A.W. McLELAN, Commissioners. Commissioners' Office, { Ottawa, Dec. 4th, 1872. Acs WANTED. $150 per month. To A. sell the TINKER, the most useful House~ hold article ever invented. Address H. K, Ax~ person, P. 0. Box 360, Montreal, P. Q. CHURCH DEDICATION! NE New Chnrch erected by the C. P. CONGREGATION, Cartwright, Will, D. V,, be dedicated to the public worship of God on SABBATH, 15th DECEMBER, 1872, When Sermons will be preached, in the morning at 104 o'clock, by the Rev, J. Ewing, Mount Pleasant. lo the afternoon al 2} o'clock by the Pastor-- Rev. W. C. Winper--and in the evening at 6} o':lock, by the Rev. Wn. MrtcueLL, Milibrook. A"COLLECTION will be made at tie close of each Service to aid in liquidating the debt upon the building. A TEA MEETING Will be held on the day following, Mon~ day the 16th, in the Drill Shed, Williamsburgh ¢ Tea will be served at 3 o'clock p. ms After tea suitable Addresses! Will be delivered by the officiating minis- ters and others." | ? i The exercises wil! be varied by appro- priate pieces of music. 0% Tickers 25cts EacH.-- May be had at the doore or from any of the members of ° Committee. : GEORGE PATTERSON, Sec'y of Com. Canwright, Nov. 28, 1872. 50-2w THE LATE ( Duncan Town. Abney Immediate Payment ! And all claims against the said estate 1 na al sien settlement to 4 Tat he GEO. CURRIE, ~ Ezecutor % SERVANT GIRL to do general hopso' 6.3% por month: : A work, Wages, ~. Apply to. A H. CONLIN, Sunderland. Brock, Dec. 3,1872. te Iw

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