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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Feb 1873, p. 2

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After the reading eed a fro the caretaker of the Narrows An application from J. H. Addison for the office of County Treasurer in the room of Wm. Paxton, jr., resigned. Mr. WHITE introduced and carried of the minutes, 'several communica~ Mre SHIER is surprised ut the course| Mr. GILLESPIE brought in the report of Ghe Bnbario Fre, RAILWAY MEETING AT PORT PERRY. ; + 13 A to 3 this question is taking ; in fact when the|the Sanding Commities on Education, and Reeve of Pickering Ri such a motion | Moved the Covell into committee of the he (Shier) could scarcely believe that he hole on the report, Me. Brown in the | =o im uiGe = nino, chair. ¥ The firet clauses refers in pli y terms lo the excellent report of the lospec- tor of Public Schools lor this county. The 2nd refers to the petition of R. Spears and 44 others praying that the part of the High School Di:trict now without the limite was in earnest in asking this council to commit itself té a resolution 'which may almost mean anything, but whatever else it means its bef carried would certainly commit thib council to granting a liberal boo 3s towurds tts scheme let it come up PRINCE ALBERT, FEB. 6, 1873. WHAT THE LEGISLATURE IS - DOING. through a by-law to appoint two Auditors he administratiol to audit the of t of justice in this county, The blank; were filled up with the tiathed of J, &, M. Willcox ant Joba Miller ©. Reeve of Pickering: - - Uh mstion of Mr. Feasby the printers who desired to' tender for the County printing for the current years were asked 10 put in their tenders. i It being nearly noon, On motion of Mr. Bickell the Warden was asked to leave 'the chair till 7 p. m, so that the commit- tees may have time to make out their re- ~aports. : Mr. SHIER considered that some of the committees might be able to report by 4 p. m. and in order to facilitate busi- ness it were better to meel again at 4 o'clock. Mr. BRETHOUR considers the time spent ere getting to work as somewhat annoying and tedious and if an improve-- ' ment could be suggested which would push + the work of the council a litle more ra. pidly it would be most acceptable, were it even doing away with the morning sessions and holding late sessions as is dove in par. liament, Mr. BICKELL'S motion was carrisd, and the Warden laft the chair. EVENING SESSION. { The Warden took the chair at 7 p. m. and read an application from R. J. Yarnold tor the office ot Treasurer of the County. Mg. BRETHOUR, seconded by Mr. Shier Bought the matter of High School Districts before the Council, but no definite action was then taken. Mg. BIGELOW give notice that he would off to-morrow move for leave to in- troduce a petition ta (+ t di the location of the Model Farm and Agn- .ounltural College. Mg. WHITE, seconded by Mr. Sexton, moves, that as the construction of the Ontario & Quebec Railway, and the pure - chase by that Company of the PW. &b.P, Railway, and the extension of the latter lo the Georgian Bay, with a branch to Ux- , bridge, as advocated before this Council by J. Fowler, Esq., would be of immense + benefit to this County, and mn the opinion of this Coumeil, should be aided by a ; liberal County Bonus. Mg. GILLESPIE is vot satisfied at all With the resolution ; in the first place it @vidently aims at more than it appears at first ;1iglit 10 mvolve. The mover has shaped it with conniderable tact ; he appears fully to uaderstand the principle of the wedge and the adyantage of getting the small end entered. Ii may bea conning dodge to p such a tution, so ifinite that it may be made to mean any thing, but he (Gillespie) fropes that the Council will re- «quire something more definite ere they will pass it. Let the parties to this motion say what they want distinctly then the mem- bers will know ere they commit the Coun- il ; lor his:part he will oppose the motion, Mr. BIGELOW cannot see anything wrong in the wording of the resolution, it does not commit the Council 'to any particular policy, it simply asserts the opinion of the Council as being in favor of a bonus to help forward the schemé ; and he cannot ses how afiy dther opinion can be entertained by ang one who will for a moment consider the importance of the scheme and the immense advantages it woild confer on every portion of this county. Iu his opinion this County ough, to give a liberal bonus, if by doibg se, hig scheme could be ®ecured ; he Will support the motion. Mr BICKELL i$ afised with (he remarks of the fast spébker in assertin "that the motion before the House wouli « mot in the event of its being passed com- . mit the Council, while the fact is that such is the only interpretation of which . the motion is susceptible, if it does not © commit the Council it is worthless, as it ean serve no other purpose. This is not 1: 'the first time that he bLas seen railway men strive to pull the wool over the eyes ,of those whom they sought to catch, and 'be would not be a partly to implicating "the county in any such way, therefore the mottion would bave his opposition. 'Mr. SEXTON, while he is willing to adinit the wool-pulling propeusities of some railway men, would be very willing to see them tightly bound as far as honds snd by-laws could tie them ; still te does *" "wot regard the present motion as' st all * dangerous nor implicating the county in Em further than admitiing the de: 1+ wirgBility of the scheme ; and of this he t conceive that there could be two opinithis, He regarded the P.' W. and P. P. R as a very small portion of a large and important scheme which must be completed if the County would obtain calculated' to confer. He has been taught by 'experience the necessity of su i gai yy is from. "rai J schemes, and be would be willing lo" see any grant that may be given £77 tite most stringent by-law. H see how the present little bit of a road is Bey 10 pay if it isgnot carried further. be glad 10 see it pass into the ._the money already expended, and secure maT The GUibeRdus-benetits which this "work is' Jota by e does not wry i mw wh shape it may ; and moet of the 'members here present know well that a railway means heavy taxes,and many pa of this county are already pretty well b dened with taxes for railways which they have built without gaking the county to assist-them, and he regards it as only right that parties wishing roads should pay for them. He will oppose any resolution from of the corporation of the village of Uxbridge be detached trom that High Soh strict, and recommends that the prayer of said petition be granted, and the commiltee is prepared to introduce a by- law to effect the change. The 3rd clause recommends the appoint- ment of the following High School Trus- whatever quarter it {may come, that will loge) Whitby Town, D..Omiston ; Oshawa, mesures of the presefit session. Wheler ; Port Perry, J. Jowelt.§ The i atose and report without amendment. The Report was adopted. Mr. GILLESPIE introduced and carried through a by-law making the necessary change in the Uxbridge High Schoo] Dis- trict, and ooofirming the appointment of Trustees.' { On motion ot Mr. FEASBY seconded by Mr. Brethour, the Warden was instructed p by the of such a|'0 memoralize the Ontario Legislature motion. That the passing of this motion by praying that no change be made in the this couneil would commit them is beyoud | Sehool Law as far as regards High School all doubt ; but why the mover has srught tof Districts. Zak adopt so indefinite language is not so obvious| On motion of Mr, HOWLAND the mess- Only y y this il ralized | enger was allowed $2 per day. the Eovarnmen asking $2,000 a mile for| The committee on Finance and Assess- the P. R. and $4,000 a mile of i its extension to the Georgian Bay; and he mW CF regarded phi ne quite sufficient for one ofthe Sa ihe open Jession ; he will oppose the notion, erty and Jail mansgement and moved the Mr. BROWN cannot understand why il int i - members assert thal this motion if carried oo Hi aon of te vicie Hote will not the il; it certain} : wil commit the council in which ever way wile only San bb the Japa Nick mes the motion is dichassi of. ; sum of $200 to the caretaker Tor extra ser- Mr. CAMPBELL, of Whitby Town, | vices, and that met with such opposition agreds with the Repve of Oshawa that this | from Messrs. Bickel, Gillespie, Brethour, scheme would prove beneficial to the whole{ Smith, (East Whitby), Rowland and Brown Fon Bath Dw oe Toes rachon whp{ aL Tad bo be withirawa: An amend he should oppose it. He would support ho ig hore r # iy Hissar motion : . . The Report was adopt! . Mr. ROBINSON seas nothing abjcton: | yy: CHAHAM moves that the ale of tls in the motion, regarde it as sufficiently | |g council requiring the Warden to leave Jef in yay in lg the chair at hoon be suspended. -- Carried. given a handsome bonus, he feels confident HIG said that in the absence of fat they wold be willing to grant a liberal iy, igeiow, Who bad given nonse. ol Mig Dons com e,Connty, > assomplish this Graham tha the Werden ae The v tario Government praying to have th Mr. GILLESPIE regarded the dis-| Agricultural College Toad wot the cussicn of this subject as almost waste of | limits of the Town of Whitby-- Carried. time ; he is just as well satisfied as he| Mr. FEASBY submitted the report of the need be that the ratepayers throughout| standing committee on Printing recom- the various municipalities would not en. | Mending payment of the following amounts: teriain such a proposition for a moment, Standard, 120003 Cleaner, $33 194 Vin- but would vote down any by-law that 8 3, Dsarier; $20.98 1 Ganelte, might be presented ; it would only be a $36.08, Journal, $42.48. maties of wnnecessary expense fo submit The following tenders were submitted for a by-law at altas it certainly would be Ye County printing lor the present gyear : ot rut : Jazel A 4] . 2 voted down. He will oppose the motion. rr nsley Mr. FEASBY will give the motion his] $240, Vindicator, $299; Standard, $333, opposition ; he is cerfain that a by-law ty Mr. BICKELL moved that the Warden ) memoralize the Government for a change give a Co. botius would not get 20 votes 1 in his municipality. in the Assessment Act. The motion being put, the yeas were Mr, GILLESPIE read the report of the Campbell, (W. Town) Cowan, Donovan, special ittee appointed to examine the books an®otheriocoments in the hands of the Glen, Bigelow, Robiase.n, Holman, Gr bam, Sexton, Fole, We a Treasurer, and then moved the adoption of White, 18 teYs, Weir, McDermott, the report. Mr. WHITE said the subject was all s J right so far as it went but it was evidently Nays <= Gillespie, Shier, Brethour;| in an incomplete state, and in fact the re- Feasby, Parker, Smith, Rowland, Smitn,| port itself admits this; the: better way (E. W) Bickel Campbell,- (W. W.) would be to roceive the report and allow Miller, and, Bréwo--12 id the same committee to proceed with their bs 0,0tion was declared carried. Mr, McRAE, by consent ot the Conn cil, r,zesented a petition for the erection of investigation and bring in theitfreport com- Jeted during the June seesion. 8 bridge over the head river helween Dalton and Mara, P Mr. GILLESPIE then moved the Conn- Mr. . Holman brought in the report cil into committee of the whole on the re- of the stancing committee on Roads and port, The yeas were Gillespie, Brethour, Shier, Bridges. The Council weut into com- mittee of the whole on the report: Mr. Bickel) Glen, Smith (E. W.) and Graham. Bigelow in the chair. The first three clauses passed without amendment. On submitting the 4th clause which recommended that a com mission consisting of the Warden and the Reeve of Mara be appointed to examine with the proper officials of the County of Simtoe, the Narrows Bridge as to neces-- sary repairs, and if a new bridge is re~ quiredito have the same constructed, cost not to exceed $1000. pl Mr. GILLESPIE" said he did not regard the suggestion to rebuild as judi. cious under the circumstances; seeing thet there isa movement on foet to detach these townships from this county in which case the money so expended would be of no benefit to the county, And it must be remembered that t dge is not to Ye built fort trifle, it is job ; be would therefore recomme the glause be Fowler, he (Shier) looked npon the scheme as impracticable. Mr, WHITE followed, showing how much i: fo the advantage of the people of Brock thut'the proposed scheme should be successful. He said he would be will- ing to give a bonus! a liberal bonus from the Co. to have this work secured. Mr. BRETHOUR is at a loss to perceive the drift of this motion, or understand what object the Reeve of Pickering® expects to d the tage this much woul comfor} anid way of roids." re tl A rn POSTAL INSOLENCE, being asked for by interested parties, and that the extension of the High School in the interest of the public in general, lled to the proposed altera-- nal was not travelling beyond -itg record in striving to guerd public interests, went to disturb its * equilibrium." likely the latter, one cannot always de cide the gender'by the effusion, but i --sets out with the following beautiful effusion :-- ' The Prince Albert Onserven ge rible passion over the presen Paxton in his seat in the Legislative, tion from Manilla and Uxb) ment to the School Act. © Jrish School cannct be in two be like Sir doyle Roche's bird; and is the best place for it our Prince A! temporary shonld hark, off provincial equilibrium wil education retarded. the subject of which it wriles: Manilla is the best place in Brock for the High School (seé page 14 of the. join Inspectors issued.a few days ago.) Bul tion of {the ools of which w There were 16 pays, so the motion was lost, Mr. GILLESPIE then moved the adop- tion of the report, . The yeas were 13, and the nays 12. Here Mr. WHITE attempted a feat of diplomatic dexterity. with a view to oon- verting a defeat into a victory, This was no less than making twelve a majority of twenty-five votes ; and here is the way by which he sought to accomplish it. He as- gerted that there was a certain rule by swhich the Warden had a right to vole, and on the present occasivn if he should vote with the nays it would make the nays 13, and equal to ihe yeas ; but the 13 of which the Warden's vote was one woul: be a ma- jority over the 13 which had no such vote init. This sophistry did not seem reascn~ able and Mr. White was re- quested to prove his aseertion. Th little too much for him and ke tried fo find shelter behind some musty old records, but it was no go, and he had 10 explode and the Warden declared the motion for adoption carried. By the adoption of this report the same committee are to continue their invesliga- tions and report at' the June sessions ; by that time the report will be complete and ready for publication which il is not as it now stands from the fact that the commitiee had not time to complete it. : t' Mr. GLEN moved that this Council de- sire 10 congratulate the Dominion Govern- ment and the country upon the | ment made public this day, that the charter for the construction ot the Pacific "Railway hae been granted and the 'company com- th Sir. Hogh Allan as president, {fioman who hae done more than 'any other man in the Dominion to bring honor and character 10, our ial p 4 ' this wolt is pregnant with most pou and beneficent results to Canada and that it will tend to encourage immigra- tion. Carried. 4; | The Council went into committee of the the | whole on the by-law to appoint a Treas mer, they Were not"going |'urer. the funds of tlie coun=| * On motion of Mr. WHITE the blank schools to contribute gs much per della towards their maintenance as those wh reap all the benefits do. Under the circumstances we would ad vise our fleeting cotem. to call off bi any further ridiculous. Should the Post have again change hands ere this reaches the sanctum w bope the new proprietor won't be offende at us ; be will only be suffering for the r iniquities of bis. predecessor whose cares like that of many ofver Post mastets ba been short aud' uncertain. CHANCE bridge 'be' repaired ; the' repo + n o fail to read the advertisement.) HES TO WHO Wis hAsS FARMT © J. E. Vernon offers to Rent 1hat fin Farm lot 16 in the 20d con. of Reach (See Advetisement.) eter. FIRES IN UXBRIDGE, the enterpris had a ii 3 The Drainage Act occupied a promi= ent part in the debates of the past week but not more prominent than it deserved ; we believe that we are not over estimat- ing the importance of this measure when we place it in the front rank of all the [Tow ' . H. Gibbs, M. P.; Manilla, Messrs. wally 'will this drainage add to add to the taxation of this county. From 3 bls '. very'materially wi 8 8 the remarks which had fallen Ls Mr. Thompson, and . Edwardes Uzbridge, J. the wealth, health and convenience of the country. . Suppose that of the hundreds of thousands of acres of swamp only one tenth were redeemed what a vast advan- would be to the country and how t/add to its productive capa: city, not to speak of its importance to the health of she. locality and the additional ghutedlence it will offer in Tn our issue of the 23rd ult., we called the attention of our readers to the fact that alterations in the School Law were Districts was amongst the changes sought. We, in justice to our public schools, and tion and advised parties to head it ofl'-- We, foolishly imagining that a public jour. right along without the least suspicion of running up. against a Post or Bare ; but it appears we had been reckoning without our host, for the Lindsay Post of last week takes us sharply to task for daring The Post master or Post mistress --very the former nature has made a sad mis'ake, a ter- Mr. & peti: places alco Manilla Rome In oc p be destroyed and The only spology which.can be .« flered for the above specimen of Postal ifso- lence is the Post's profound, ignorance. of Tt may koow something of * Sir Roche's bird" or any other person's bird, but it evident- ly kaows notbing of High School matters or it would not, /be, Gaught asserting that report of the two provincial [figh School our cotem koowh'thiat itis not the Icca- complain, but the injustice of forcing par- ties who receive no benefit from these slow hounds ere they make themselves TO OBTAIN VALUABLE. REAL ESTATE AT PORT PERRY Our readers will do well to notice the Advertisement of the Auction Sale of Mr. Harrison Maw's property which will be found in another column 1n this issue. The property,/s divided into 7 parcels all of which -are highly desirable (don't RENT A FIRSY Patties wisbiog to Rent a' First Clase Farm will find something to suit them in our advertising colunins of to-dey,: Mr. We regret exceedingly to notice that village of Uxbridge has ithin a couple of weeks. . is may' "the vi | vious that th ity of this vil- snd tt wit io un SFr hb | SE FE + | The name wan easily fled in but the | them so far forward in the ranks of our| CCCI CEN (Bete Tid ds the es-| oo was a stinger and active business gentres will speedily Carry | mating which they had held here, the ink exceeding $100 around $600 ; but when put to Jong them over this, © rane was scarcely dry on the paper which re- w wae fbn iy » ; ported the dings of that meeting ere na [RE Tho that carried 10 the commitiee, but 'when | Our readers are to fosling. 10 ihe 'manner they orit- that they report came wp: for adopiive it_wag|new advertisement .in | icied the proceedings. sent back to committee to have 318, Oshawa no dob 'be glad to the same. forth- sea out and 8500 ised, which was Br Eo ol oil be ao on carried. An at was made fo. change the ? if they dan only secure a stayjon road alee by srking ot the pan of Petr | MORE Four | witiaie iain Suis ts bo Taylor snd inserting that of {R. PJ. Yar} = gr one hand snd Peierboro on the other. -- nold. "This however did not sucoeed and | 13 wit} po from Mr. Diesfeld's| There might be a station in Reach but it the appointment was confirmed at a salary Adver in this issue that he would never amount fo anything more than argh, EL moved to Port Pury where Be wil Pas prsaets, and whe meh Mr. BICKELL when the House bad | attend to all wishing anything in. the 7 direction and did not wish 10 travel been pretty well thisned out led the for-| Watch Clock or Jewelry lie. ~ Walth| from Port Perry. The Lindeay Post bad | on a poor house crusade and |making in all ts branches. (See Adver-| criticised: the reference made to the proba- led in getting. z ate ble increase of Port Perry to 20,000 iohabi- rding 8 8 was held in Ireland's Hall,. Port Perry, on the evening of Tuesday, 4th inst., to discuss the merits of the Ontario and Quebec Rail- tants, but a man must be a fool who dosa not see (hat in the event of this road com- ing here that the population would increase with great rapidity in uence of the inereased busingss, He feels perfectly satisfied that it will pay Reach to give a bonus of $50,000 by geiting a proper station not as a rival to Port Perry but for the con- way and the propriety of the corporati giving a liberal bonus in the event of the roposed road passing within its limits and DP a station there. The meeting was what might be called a ood one in every respect, numbers, intelli- gence and enthusaiem. JOSEPH BIGELOW, Esq, Reeve of the corporation, was called to the chair, and after a few remarks on the object of the meeting called Mr. FOWLER, .who com- ing forward said that he was glad to meel the people of Port Perry on this ocossion, that it was not ibe first lime he had met with audi in this q to di railway matters, that a number of years ago he had advocated a road going in a similar direction, but this lime he had a scheme to bring before them which cannot fail in meeting their hearty approval and support, a work which will benefit this vil- lage more perhaps than any other which conld ba suggested, and while he, is prepar- ed to'ask a bonus [that bonus will not be equal to one h h part of the advaritag which the road will confer. The speaker went on to enumerate some of the advan- tages whichthis road wou'd confer in way of improved markets for grain and a ready market for pork, hay and coarse grains. We had taken a complete report of all the speeches but want of page compels us merely to touch & few of the points in each address. : He said when the 0. & Q. R. comes here the P.W.&P.P.R. will have to be extended to-the Georgian Bay, and in otder to accom- plish this the 0 & Q. R. Co'y will have to buy up the P. P 10ad. This little 1nad will never pay till it in extended, no shor road will ever pay. Were there any of the farmers of the township present he would say to them by all means eupport this road ae it will afford many important advantages to the farmers in furnishing first class mar- kets where buyers from the cheap and direct route to market will be able 1@¥ give 4 or 5 cents a bushel more for grain than they now can afford to give. He refers to the oversteoking of trade for the G. T. R. and shows that the proppsed road will have more than it can do and will require a double track. He said thut he wae not in a position to assert positively that a station would be given within this corporation or) that tbe road will certainly come this way, but ifit is to come at all Port Perry will have lo give a bonue of $25,000, and this ie a very small bonus indeed, almost noth ing, when d with the ad ges it will confer on the village. He had an in térview with Mr. Glen of Oshawa the other day, and that gentleman was greatly in favor ol Jhe-scheme, so much so that he said he Had nd doubt but that Oshawa would give a bonus of $50,000 and he would take stock to theetiountiof $10,000 if the road were ] ony bon near Oshawa, but at all f Jor an'amend=| oyonis he wo willing to take stock in it whelh me near Oshawa or not as the ° "'would be of im metise benefit -to the country.-- It is difficult now to say with any degree of "ge fin "what direction this road would tun as a branch of it must go to Orangeville, and in order lo secure this he hae on his own account applied for a char- «er for that purpose. "It is his intention that the company ehaliopurchase the P. W. & P. P. R., and, if the county give a liberal bonus; to continue it to the Georgian Bay, and shop'd this be accomplisned Port Perry would hive a trade and railway facilities such as are enjoyed. by lew other localities The epeaker now 'viewed the road in a military point of introducing the Fenian secatcs aks of the vast amount of trade wh 8:road to Oranga- ville would seours ithe numerous feed ers it would tap, and went on to read three letters he had received from Hon. J. C. C. Abbott, M. P., Sir Hugh Allan's partner. -- Two of these letters have already appeared in these columns, the third is an endorsa- tion of the course pursued by Mr. Fowler in the matter. He said that Sir Hugh had placed the bonus {rom Cavan, Manvers and Cartwright at a very low figure,much lower than he (Fowler) would have done had it been left to him who knows perhaps a lit- more of the great benefits this road will confer on these localities. Lindeay he said was anxious lo get this road and would give a very large bonus to secure it, but he would rather take $125,000 from these townships than $200,000 from Lindsay. -- If Port Perry give $25,000 the road will pass this way even should it go to Lindsay; but if this road should pass this way and not goto Lindsay that town will be cleaned right out as far as a grain market is con- cemed. 'The speaker went on al some length as 10 the amazing, amount of traffic which a road to ithe Georgian Bay would secure, and wound. up his remarks by cau- tioning those who might entertain the nar- row idea that if the road is to come this way it will come without a bonus, as 10 ,.such case it certainly would not come and it an did come no station would be given. Afier referring lo some of the roads on' the other side of the lines and advising Canadians to copy their enterprise the speaker resumed his seat amid much applause, Mr. HURD folowed with a powerful .ad- dress of whick, for want of space, we can only touch a tew pointe: He took up the t r 0 d e d ofp and it may be for shipping grain. The speaker went on at length to dilate on the almost unlimited ad- vaniages offered by this road, and the ad- mirable position of Port Perry as a centre for the most extensive trade of almost any SELLING OFF. GREAT BARGAINS! The Subscribe thanks his many © for the encouragement given to him since he came to Port Perry. He now informs all who may be anxious to invest their fnoney to the best advantage, that for the next six weeks he will offer the balance of his Stock of Dry other locality in the p @ 8p concluded by moving a resolution to the effect tliat in the opinion of that mesting the corporation ought to grant a liberal bonus to secure a station of the 0. & Q. R. within the limits of the corporation. Mr. CAMPBELL being called said he did not desire to speak {till after he had heard from the of the 'resolution, but he would like to hear from Mr. Fowler what course this road is to take from Will iamsbirgh to Port Petry ; how il ie to get into the Port and how it is to get out of it? Mr. FOWLER replies that he under- stands all this perfectly, he has the road surveyed and he has himself carefnlly ex- amined the route as lo their getting in, and bimeelf easy on that score, the company will find their way out, He (Fowler) does not know that the road will pass tlirough Williamsburghi but it may be two or three concessions north of it, #0 that it will be easy gelling into Port Perry and there would be 10 difficalty in passing out by way of Blanchester. Mr. CAMPBELL asked what would be- come of the Port Perry bonus in the event of any of the three eastern municipalities voting down the bonue by-law, Mr. FOWLER replied that if Port Perry did not get the road it would not have to pay. He again proceeded at some length 10 urge the great importance of the work and its complete practicability. . The chairman next proceeded to address the ing on the ad ges of ing the route of the road through the muhiei- pality and would advise the granting of a liberal bonus to secure this object, but whether the corp and the y will agree as to the amount remains yet to be seen. He need not tell this meeting how rapidly the pine timber is disappear- ing and that in a 'very few years lumber will have to be brovght from a great die- tance. He considered that no more impor- tant matter could engage the people of Port Perry than that of securing the passage of this road through our midet, and should this opportunity be lost all may regret it.-- He is aware however that even a railway may be bought too dearly. 2 Mr. CAMPBELL followed with one of the best epeeches - we have heard for long time but we are with the greatest reluctance forced to leave it untouched. Mr. MAJOR 'addressed the gmeeting in some well chosen remarks, aftéf which Mr. Hurd' motion was put and carried unani- monsly,. Thaoks to Mr. Fowler and the chairman closed proceedings. et ---- RAILWAY MERTING AT MAN : CHESTER, The Railway Meeting aunounced by posters to discuss the merits of the O. & Q. Railway fook place at Manchester on Wednesday 5th. The number present was not large but if was a fair representa- tion of the intelligence of the municipality. The Reeve was called to the chair and introduced the subject in a few pointed regnarks, then called on Mr, Fowler, who coming forward gave a full and interest- ing statement of the advantages which this proposed work will secure to the whole country. 2 Messrs. Hard, Campbell, Holman, Weir, Ewers, and Wright all spoke but as we have no epace at our command we reserve our report till next week. The amonnt of bonus asked by Mr. Fowler is $50,000. -- This was objecied to. We only add at this time that a resolution moved by the Reeve and seconded by Mr. Weir, Deputy Reeve setting forth that in the opinion of the meet- ing this township ought to give & liberal bonue to the Ontario and Quebec Railway 'provided a station of said railway be placed at ot near the village of Manchester, was carried without a diseenting voice. A full report in our next. PORT PERRY RACKS. Wednesday, 5th inst., was the first day of the annual trotting matches on the ice at Port Perry, and a more 'pleasunt day could mot be desired, the consequence was a large muster of spectators and some superior trotting. There were some capital horses brought out whose trotting was really gond. McKay's Arabian Girl" was too many for all competitors in the first match and gained her $40 in 3 out of 4 heats: : The commiltes did themselves oredit by their i , the course was subject of railways in g , his exp eace and connection with them, the lines which have been attempted and failed in all that could" be wished and the parties concerned ay general praise for the man- o the proposed road, and the almost certainty of ite.being an accomplished fact within a very short time. He does not agree with Mr. Fowler that this road might pass through both Lindsay snd Port Perry. It the road is to come Yo, Port Perry it must keep south of the Lake. What would Port Perry be with this road running 8 miles north of it, it would be cooked entirely. - The grest qnestion with the people of Port Perry is do they 'wish this' road' 10 pass through their midst, and if they to what are they willing to give for it; he would advise that it be secured for Port Perry if at all 'within reason. It is abundantly bb- direction. Port Perry has not fh fear these townships for lack of and | 98 y and tact of the Jud, ve universal satisfaction to those dwelt in glowing terms on the prospects of Juiges gay niven Helibn io these 'Thié Thureday will be the big day. The following is 8 summary of the result of the first day's facing: - . 0 8 © wa Laoms' Pokss--875. Ed. Bird's " Little Jeff." T. Scott's " Charley Douglas," Jas. Powell's Henry Olay, Jr." Wright & Wrigry's " Judge," drawn. R. James' * Toronto Chief." Time, 2:36, 2:37, 2:35. Thomas, of 'upaxs --Mr. W. Osahwa "ii 2a Py Mr, Wm. Thompson, of ew 111} Whitby. ; BIRTH. | At Oshawa, on Thursday, 23rd Jan. the wife of James W. Archer, of son. : LT pimp, : In Prince Albert, on the 6th inst., at the re- years, Sa st between the Pos: O orewssd si: wigs rs," A Geld Chain & Jocket The finder will be suitabl asto their getting outMr.Campbell may keep | 7, arded by |, Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hard Crockery, &c., at as great & re- duction from former prices as his uniformly small profits will admit of. Heavy Woolen Goods, Ready-made Clothing, 8 Goods, Boots and Shoes, Orockery and. wil be cleared off dl 4 AT COST PRICE. / Will be given in all classes and dige fo I Se adyaniag: to Sal ead. ermine d urchasin ng a8 re, is d hon ffectual clearance of his soas to ake room for large EA Terms, sirictly cash. Na ADAM GORDON, Port Perry, Jan. 23, 1873. EA » IMPORTANT ACTION SALE! Valuable Real Estate; IN THE FLOURISHING Town of Port Perry. PR ; MR. HARRISON MAW . Having deeded the following property to ns in the benefit of his rediors, ve. shall er y Public Auction ON SATURDAY, ot 22nd FEBRUARY, 1873, AT 1 O'CLOCK, P. M,, At FOY'S HOTEL! ' IN THE : : VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY. PARCEL No. 1. House and LoVSn Pry Street, containing aboot one- fifth of an Acre, more or less, on which is erected a new frame' Cottage 18x24, with kitchen I8x20, awached thereto. PARCEL No.2. trust for thy same for fifth of an Acre, more or less, on which is ere anew. Fume. Cottage 18x24, with kitchen attached thereto, x 20, v z R PARCEL No.3. *° House and Lot on Perry Stree!, cunmining about one- fifth of an Acre, more or less, on which 1s erecied a Frume House 18x 26, with kiichen attached thereto, x ; 1 PARCEL No. 4. raed, taining about one- ot 'more on 5 near the PARCEL No. 5. A Frame Cottage, 30 x 36 with Kitchen, on' the North side of Mary Street with one-eighth of an acre of land autached, occupied by Mr. 8. McCaw. PARCEL No. 6. . A Lot on the South.side of Quesii Breet, having a frontage of 33 fee, by a di Fil eet on which is erected a Frame Sore wiv d o In the ocenpa - tion of Mr. John Diesfeld usa ewelry Store, PARCEL No. 1. A Lot on the Routh side of Queen Street, having a frontage of 33 feet by a depth of 165 feet, on which are erected a fiame Store and a Frame Store-house in rear, at present occupied by Messrs. Rolph and Warriner. 'Iie above business stands are on the Main Street, and in the business part of the place, 'The Collages are situate in apleasent part of the Tov n Parties in want of. business locations or com- fortable Dwelling Houses should attend this sale. We shall be in a positiori to give good titles; fide fom all incumbrances. y 1-13 TERM 3.--One-thitd of the purehase money down on day of sule, aud the cemainder in three equel annual'in- stalments with interest a: per cent. per suauwm, © For further particulars apply to JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, J Mrokers. i A vacant lot on Perry quarter of an acre Foundry, "a J. L. WATKIS, Avcrionzss, Port Perry, Jan. 24, 1873, » fd - FIRST. CLASS Farm to Rent. iT LF HE Subscriber offers to Reat for & tem of years, that first class Farm LotNo. 16, in the 2nd concession of TOWNSHIP § REACH 90 Acres Cleared © 3a htuatod:0) mes sowth of Briacs Adhart. : J. E. VERNON; x On the Reach, Feb. 5, 1873. ! CABINET C WW kkpar Jug leaving it at Mr, Willcox's Drug Store. Prince Albert, Jan. 29, 1878¢ ! # [SQUARE EDGE PREFERRED, x or As, 1 i y y:widih SR HILT. Rock Eim, 1% in., I , Gonos Wales, , 1in., soy wi D, 1.10. width. = = ; } i, P58 3h 21 S in. wide. 2 Cag he Pine, 1in., 15, 2 Marrs, Bn Fine 1 ing in., 34 in. { 2332, Outiawa, Fob. 5, 1873. BARGAINS House and Lot on Perry Street. Sonidining about offe- . TIC eat

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