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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Mar 1873, p. 3

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| SUCCESS T Jones Jros., <4 4 MISS MIKENTIE depot . as Eo en ds Ei x ; BE "AB ER Ss OF THE GENUINE "i 2» S30 NOW GOING ON AT es - Immense Quantities ! Of Cheap Dry Goods and Clothing being disposed of dally. The Sale A Perfect Success! Because they are acting in good faith, and are doing just what they advertise, viz t--8elling Goods at Cost ! Hundreds! Of yards of Cloth and Tweed have been Gontlemen Wha 'have improved this rare oppor- tusity for securing splendid Tweeds at "first Cost. MR. GAINS Their, First Class Cutter is prepared to manufacture them into stylish Suits forpurchasers. A fine selection remains for those who have not yet been supplied. . THE DiressGoods Alhébgh: materially reduced, siill offers decided attractions, and will be cleared » out at an Immense Reduction ! For one month, Miss De Cram will Cut, all dresses and maniles pur- chased at the Sale, Free of Charge. Als bffers every thing in her depart. mefit at reduced prices, including a fine a assortment of Haté : and Bonnets ! 80 Piecss of Trench Merino i : AY CosT. 25 Pieées Red and White Flannel r- : AT COST. 40 Pieces Fancy Flannels : T COST, 20 Selts Ladies' Futs . * Winter Goods in every description psd © ATOOST. And in every instance, where the slight. est doubt is manifested, the la 'are. not the accumulated which are dear dnd pice. : i 'This Sale WAIL 'continue' Four Weeks from this "of Bettys: date, which will enable one and all to}, avail themselvoa of the splendid oppor- tuility it aflords Tor procuring really first class Goods al exceedingly low rates. JONES BROTHERS: INorien: _ | guarantee our quotations genuine. The g Fo toro H 'County of Ontario, } _Is hereby, given that A Tow: § onary, giv Ril Bhi: Of Port Perry atid surrou Oper and er, and General Gaol Delivery, , B will be holden in and for the DomtyofOn 0. in the Court House, in the Town of TUESDAY, MARCH llth, 1873, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of which all Coroners, Justices of the Peace, and all others pi take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. . NELSON G. REYNOLDS, : Suerrrr, C. O. Sheriff's Office, Whitby, Feb. 19, 1873. - 10-3w me ED solicit a portion of their patronage: Port Perry, Jan. 7, 1873. a Hardware! STOVES, TINWARE, &C. 600,000 Miners on a Strike in Wales! All efforts to induce them to return to work have up to the present groved futile. But notwithstanding the great rise in the ptice of ig Iron, in the mother country, the Subscriber is determined to HARDWARE, [uov, Stoves, Tian, [, At or near former prices from the present : Up to the 1st of April, At which time my Spring Goods will arrive. These goods were purchased in December last when Hardware was at least 25 per cent lower than it is now. There is a prospect of a still further advance. Parties doubting my extremely low prices are invited to come and obtain a list of them. ; Iamnow selling the balance of my large stock of Stoves at least 15 per cent under manufacturers prices, Parties wishing Good Bargains will please call at my New Show Rooms between Mr. Currie's Store and the Store of Messrs. Jones Bros. : W. J. PARRISH. PORT PERRY, March 6, 1873. Selling Off * Ta order to dispose of the immense Stock of Gonds on hand and give my customers [oud the public the advantage of really CHEAPGOODS !" FOR THE NEXT TWO MONTHS, | have determined to cut down every article in Stock to NET COST PRICEN! And a great many Winter Goods in Woolens, Furs, &e. For less than cost for cash only ! Just Nore THE FoLLOWING REDUCTIONS : 85 Blonkets reduced to 84. $6 Blanke's reduced to $5. Horse Blankets, all wool, reduced to $1.60 per pair. Ladies' Mink Furs, worth 835, reduced to $25 " " " 30, " 20 25, « a" 6 "" 15, " 11 Buffalo Robes worth $15 and 816, for 811 and $12. Woolen Goods in Tweeds, Cloths, Flannels, Winceys, Shawls, Clouds, &e., at a reduction of 20 to 26 cents on the Dollar. 8 ' Dress Goods in Mournings, French Merinos, Lustres, Japanese Silks, &c., at a sacrifice. And everything in the Grocery Line reduced proportionally. Cut Nails all sizes, except. shingle, at 86 per 100 lbs , being less than they can be laid down for from Montreal. Now is the time for BuiLbErs GerTise SuppriED. 1,000 pairs of Ladies' and Genilemen's, Girls' and Boys' Boots and Shoes, Indiu Rubbers, &c., &e&g§ the best in the market, nt a bargain. Remember roping reductions are for cash only. But customers runaing regular accounts will be dealt with on the most liberal terms. These are bargains or one and all. Come on'and get them, as the goods must and will be sold. T. C. FORMAN. " " " Prince Albert, Feb. 5, 1873. AT THE MAMMOTH WARDROBE "QUEEN-ST, PORT PERRY. 9 | Immense Show of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Imported for the Speciality of the season. Rare Bargains to Cash Buyers. No trouble or expensé sparéd to make the *" Wardrobe" the most attactive place in North Ontario. - Believing the READY-PAY principle the best for buyer or seller, I beg to submit the following, list oF fiices and lines to the public, and sare new, desirable, cheap and ~=conisequently we have no musty tail ends on hand. For the séason wé offer Genuine Blankets $8.50 per pair, worth $5 25 a" " 00 o" o" 5 Spreads 1 1.7 " . All-wool Tweeds $0.75 « 1.25 o ow " " best 1.40 « 2.25 " " , im Full Cloth 0.35 « 100 A chbibe of 150 Vedts for. eevsaui iis 195 *. | 3.50 Suits of All-wool Tweeds. . oe 00 " 11.50 Overcoats--splendid «..ovdevvreee.. 7,00 * 11.75 Cottons, Fabulously low, yard wide %c, worth 12§¢ ; Steam-loom per piece $1.75. DRESS GOODS !!--A rare lot from'7e. Fars ! Furs !--Io endless variety, from $1.75 ; Felt Hats from 50c., well worth 75¢. Fur Caps from 78c, not over rated at $1.25. Splendid Winter Caps [cloth] 874c, not to be got elsewhere. Wincies, splendid value, 7o per yard. All-wool Fiannels; very wide, from upwards. All-wool Flannels, Home-- made 65c, only to be found here. Scarfs, Ties, Bows, &o., &e., at any price. BOOT AND SHOE Department'of ie WarnRosE a perfect show, surprising our friends. Makifig the wondering remark, © How can they :sell and live at stich prices 2" but see for yourselves. : FRUIT & FRUIT ! 1==The joy of the Table, the health of the Dining=room. New fruit Currants 20 lis for $1, 1 20 lbs for $1. Lemon, Citron, and Orange Peels-- very low. Sardines, Lobsters and otlier luxuries, suitable for the most fastidious: AW. ROBERTS, Pont Berpy, Feb 12, 1872 | Dec. 18,1872 Que Sr. Port Paar. HAVE MUCH PLEASURE IN ADVISING A FIRST CLASS DRESS MAKER, And beg leave to introduce to their kind attention MISS DE GLAIR, Late of the town of Belleville; Who will now have ehiarge of this depariment. mefided, we feel confident that under her skilful management our lady friends will receive every atiention and we therefore CHRISTMAS! Raisins [very best] 11 Ibs for $1. Good A meee -- Bros. E-LADIES nding country that they have succeeded in securing the services of Thoroughly experienced and highly recom- JONES BROTHERS. RE MON AT, ) W. Hepinstall, Watchmaker & Jeweler, LATE OF BROYKLIN, Would respectfully beg leave to announce to his numerous customers and the pablie generally, that he has REMOVED his place of business to OSHAWA, where in the future he will be foun most happy to supply thelr wants with anythingin the way of Fine Gold & Silver Watches, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, SPECTACLES OR FANCY GOODS ! ! Having now in Stock a large assortment of beautiful Goods to select from, which will be sold at the lowest remunerative prices, and warranted. 0 Please remember the place,-- . > WILSON'S NEW BRICK BLOCK, KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. OsitAwa, March 5, 1873. 12 "MR, CURRIE'S COLUMN. |. -- --_ Has on hand an additional supply of all the requisites for COLD WEATHER, A. Bongard AT PORT PERRY. / S-- ------ A *BONGARD begs to inform the inhabitants of Port Perry and Surrunding townships, that . . he has established and is determined to drive with vigor a general Meat and Grocery Business! In Port Perry, next door west of Thompson's Hotel, where he will always keep on hand a full Stock of CHOICE MEATS, FISH and GROCERIES of every description AT SUCH PRICES as will put COMPETITION out of the QUESTION!!! mT GREEN, BLACK, and JAP'D TEAS--RAISINS, CUR RANTS, SYRUP, TOBACCOS,--HADDOCK, HER- RINGS, &c. FRESH OYSTERS--best grades--always on hand. A. BONGARD. Port Perry, Jan. 15, 1873 Fire and Conflagration IN , SUNDERLAND. 0 Notwithstanding the late disastrous fire, which left much of our fair village in ruins, the Subscriber, J. W. PARRISH, [Tas again re-opeted his Hardware and Tin Shop in the Village of Sunderland, better prepared than ever to supply the very large and inoreasing demand for such merchandize. I have on hand STOVES of every variety and style, in Parlor,Coal3=4 and Cooking Tinwaro--an endless Stock, cheaper than ever. ing done in good style of workmanship. 0 Pinduce taken in exchange for Goods. REMEMBER the Sunderland Hardware and Tin Shop, is the chéapest place for such Goods anywhere 1d he found east of 'Toronto Su~nperLanD, Feb. 18, 1873. Livery manner of Eavetrough- WANTED! 500 GODS HEELOCK BARK. "0 The Subscriber being satisfied that it is necessary for him to de- vote all his attention to his Tannery Business, would recommend his numerous customers to call on MR.GEQ. BATES - (J Who now conducts the Boot & Shoe Business Where they will find a large and well assorted Stock ot Boots and Shoes alway on liand, which will be sold at the lowest re: numerating prices. ; 0G Just received a large and complete Stock of Ladies,' Gent's; Misses' and Children's Prunella Boots. The highest price in Cash paid at all times for Hides, Bek Bark and TaHow. J. WRIGHT. Beayer Meadow Steam Tannery, Prince Albert,June 5, 1872, Cutters. NOW READY. -------- ; Now. on Exhibition and for Sale at Prices "which defy competition, a large number of Cutters; got up in such a style and finish as cannot - be in the Dominion. 1 and i t : hasing elsewhere Ochre poshasin clever Ontario Carriage Works, ~° PRINCE ALBERT. Overcoats, Plaids, Railway. Rugs, Overshoes, Pants, Vests, Shirts, - Drawers, Mitts and Gauntlets. } . Gentlemen requiring Clothes made to order will find the best assortment of Cloths in the County to select from, and at the lowest prices. Mr. Rides guarantees a perfect fit and fash- ionable style. Ladies will find all that is rich and fashionable in Dress Goods, Shawls, Furs, Hats, Bonnets and Trimmings in great variety. I have just received a fresh supply of those Rich, Heavy Striped SHAWLS! The best value yet offered.-- Also Fine Black Alpaccas,' Extra White Alpacca, Black French Merino, Col'd French Merino, Black Velveteens, Green Velveteens, Brown Velveteens, Purple Velveteens, Black Silks, Colored Silks, Black Poplin Robes, Col'd Poplin Robes, Japanese Silks, Waterproofs; with a full Stock of' Fringes, Braids, Buttons, Beadings, &c. Having secured the services of the Mrsses McLARREN to sup- erintend the Millinery and Dress Making departments, Ladies can done fashionably and well, " Every article decidedly Cheap : and No Second Price! Lu 'JAMES EMANEY. ONTARIO CARRIAGE WORKS, i i 3 Prittce:Auszar, Nov. 27,1872; © § - 0 depend upon having their wark G0, CURRIE TOSTOCK This Week! Ladies' aud Misses' Trim'd Hats, o "de Mantles, «" & Furs, VERY CHEAP GOODS SPECIAL! We desire the attention of the public to a WIHTE FLANNEL Wide iwidth, all wool, bought under peculiar circumstances, which we are selling at 28 cts per yard 5 Undoubtedly the Cheapest Goods Ever Offered f RT ee ode Yo ats, Peas, Bar 'v for which Cash will be paid.' PORT PERRY, Nov, 21, 167% » .

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