2 MCE 1 that" * W.H. Park Has Removed his business to to Port Perry, opposite the Post Oli Tha STownl and a choice lot of Furniture of every description, which I am deter- mined to sell Cheap for Cash, or on short credit. 1 am determined to figure close for Casm. Don't forget the Big Chair. 8, HEREBY GIVEN, Undertaking in all its de- partments. Coffins furnish- ed in one hour's notice. year, at the said. 4. That for the purpose of forming a Sinking Fundifor the payment of the said De- bentures and the interest at the rate afore- ead to become due thereon, an equal special rale of nine mille and oof a mill in the dollar shall in eddition to all other rates, be raised, levied and collected, in sash ar, upon all the ratable property in the ance of the said Debentures. 5. That this said By-law shall take effect and come into operation upon the (office of ihe Treasurer afore- the first day ohhanuary n each and avery Sunicipalny during the contina- | on Mortgages Wanted. pus Subscribers have large sums of money lated 10 their hs 1 Jurestment mpro 'a roperties, an oer renee in this and adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hand at all times Borrowers can depend on getting their money with the least elay. first day of D ber, one th d eight hundred and seventy-three. * 6. That the Debenlutes so to be issued as aforesaid to the amount of the said sum of twenty. five thousand dollars, shall be delivered by the Reeve of the said Town- ship of Cartwright to the said The Ontario and Quebec Railway Company upon and subject to the terms and conditions follow~ ing, that is to say : (1.) That the proposed Railway of the said Company shall traverse the said Town- ship of Cartwright from the eastern limit thereof at the boundary line between the Townships of Manvers and Cartwright and pass thioegh the said Township of Cait= wight to the western or southern limit thereof. Also Agent for Tomb Stones. * 4 Ww. H.. J. RK. % 4 oR fio 1075. a Pau AMENTARY NOTICE. Tdouse of Uommons. THE CLERK'S OFFICE, Ouawa, 30th Jan., 1873. Pursuant to the 50th Rule of the House, notice is hereby given that the time for RBH ING PETITIONS FOR PRIVATE BILLS WILL EXPIRE ON WEDNESDAY, MARGH 26tu, 1873. ALFRED PATRICK, Clerk of the House. All Newspapers will please insert above until the meeting of Parliament. Feb. 5th, 1873. a BL NO, 11, A Perit to aid and assist The On- ari ehec Rail Company TTR oy wy of Bone yh said The Ontario and Quebec Rail- way Company the sum of Twenty~ five Thousand Dollars, and to issue Debentures therefor, and to author- ize the levying of a special rate for the-pwyment of the said Debentures and Interest thereon. W HEREAS the Municipal Council of the Township ot Cartwright bave resolved I ail aud assist in the coustruction of Phe' Onatio 'and Quebec Railway' by giving, by way oly Banua, 16, the said The Ontario and Quebec Railway Company the eum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars pay- able as hereinafter mentioned, and subject to the couditions heremalter mentioned. AnD WHEREAS to carry into effect the said Brill" Pbject Tit will Be. necessary, 8h id municipa'ity 10 cause to by ke d Debeniuges to the amount of wi @ thousand Dollars 'of the said municipality and to dispose thereof in the mannér hereinafter mentioned. AnD WarREAs it will require the sum of two 1housand seven hundrel and filly dolaus 1o be raised annyally by special rae forthe payment bf the dail Debentures apd inigrestins also; hetdina fier mentioned. Axp Winenkad [the smounyof the whole ratable property of the said municipality, irrespective of any future increase of the same, and also irrespective of any income to be derived from the temporary 1uvest- Ineo of the sinking fond hereinalter men- tioged or any part thereof, acgording tothe Jas pt 4 AestBmémt Hells of the said municipality dein for the year one thou- sand eight hundred and seventy-two, was the sum of (hiree hundred and four thousand six hundred dollars. AND Wanagas the amoynt gf tha existing debt of the saditbivigicipality igor principal, the eum of six thousand dJoilars, and for in- terest the sum of four hundred and twenty dollars, and there is no part of such interest in arrear. Anp WHERE ober Siok jnteten! andar al §early Sinking Fond snirhpey "Said ns ag Find thousand dollars and interest as hereinbe- fore mentioned, it will require an equal annual special rate of nine mills and Pe ol a mill ingthe doHar in addition, to all oth rates lobe IONAITE debi enn lobar Br 17 TuERerore ENacTeD by the the Munietpal Council of the Township of Cantwnght : "1 That it shall be lawful for the Reeve of for the nber of De- tiny ing, to ceuse an bentures to be made for- such sums of money us may be required, not less than _one_hundred dollars each, and not exceed 2 in the aggregate the sam of twenty-five thoitsand dollars, and that the said Debe! » £3 ) 3688 Fi ¥ dicipali é said Debentures shall be ible in twenty years from the r mentioned for this By-Law , at the office-of the Treasurer (2.) That the said cproposed road shall, aa to the construction of thet part thereof within the Township of Cattwright, be actually and bona fide commenced on or before the first day ot October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, and shall be wholly completed between the cities of Ottawa and Toronto on or before the first day of December, one thousand eight liun- dred and seventy-seven, * y (3.) That a permanent freight and pas- senger station with sidings sufficient for the wants of the locality, shall be erected and maintained on the line of the said pro- '| posed Railway in the said Township of Cartwright at a point not more than half a mile east or west and not more than - | seven-eighths of a mile north er south from the Cartwright Post Office as now estab- lished on lot No. 11, in the 5th concession of the said Township of Cartwright, and that the said line of" Railway shall be so constructed as to admit ol this clause being carried into effect. (4.) That Debentures to the amount of twelve thousand five hundred dollars shall be delivered over to the said Com-- pany whenever the said proposed Railway shall have been completely graded and bridged through the said Township of Cartwright in the direction hereinbefore indicated and subject to the conditions herein contained, and hat Debentures to the remaining sum of tweive thousand five bundred dollars be delivered to the s1id Company when their said proposed Railway shall have been completed be- tween the cities of Outawa and Toronto aforesaid : -- Provided that the said -Muni- cipality may, in its discretion, instead of delivering the said Debentures as afore- said, as to the whole or any part of the said sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, sell and dispose of the said Debentures or any part thereof, and pay over to the said Company in cash the sum or twenty-five thousand dollars or any part thereof. (5.) That the said Company shall not be entitled to and shall not receive inter- est upon the said Debentures or any of them except doly Trom the time at which théy shatt be delivered to the said Company 'ptirsuant to the provisions of this By-law. (6.) That this By-law shall be inopera- tive and of no effect and mo part of the said Debeaturés shall be handed over to the said The Ontario and Quebec Rail- way Company' unless the Municipalities of the Township of Cavan and the Township of Manrvers respectively, shall..before the day hereinbefore appoioted for the coming into force of this By-law have passed By- laws of such Municipalities respectively, giving aid by way of Bonus tn the said Company for the construction of such pro. posed Railwdy to the amount of fifty thou. sand dollars éach. 7. That uoless the said The Ontario and" Quebec Railway as to that part thereof within the Township of Cartwright be commenced, ashereinbefore mentioned, on or before the first day of October, one thousand eight bundred and seventy three, his By<law shall be of no force or effect. 8: That the votes of the electors of the said Municipality shall be taken on this proposed By-law, on Friday, the Seventh day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, at the following laces, and before the following Returning cers, viz:--in' Polling Subdivision No. 1, at the Town Hall in the said Township, William Lucas, Returning Officer. In Polling Sub-division No. 2, at the Orange Lodge Room on lot No. Fl, in the 4th concession of the said Township, William MeLaughlin, Return. ing Officer. 9. That the election shall commence 'at (he hour, of nine o'clock in tha. forenoon and close at five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. . ' " NOTICE Take notice that the above is a true eopy of a proposed By-Law of (he Muni- cipality of the Township of Cartwright which will be taken into consideration by the: Counéil of the Taguinn of Cartwright after one manth from the first publication: thereof in Te ONTARIO OBSERVER news- paper, the date of which first publication was and is Thursday, the Thirteenth day of February, A, D. 1873, and that the vou Homi of the Municipality of the Township Cartwr bt, will be taken on fhe sa posed By-law on the At the se - places, hereinafter - tioned, wd 1 ie "several his Officers bereingfter named, that is to say ; | In Boling Sub Division No. 1, at the Town Hall in tLe said Township, William > Returning Officer. Tn Polling Sub-Division No. 2, at the Orange T.odge Room, on lot No. 11, in the 4th ion of said T hip, William McLaughlin, Returning Officer. ; And that such Polling, shall re~ mi pr ---- wid Rigen the out of nine o'cloc| the morning un'il five o'clock in the afternoon. rong : Dated this tenth dey of February, A.D. AE, 4, Yen Ans ol 7 IK wi. TO0AS, { i Towne © Che ciety Seventh day of Mazeh A.D.1878| FA8TT wa Wanted to Purchase Any number of Morigeses for which the high- is dud will be allowed. ¢ 'We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- anent Building Sociely, the cheapest and largest MonetaryInstitutions in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Instalments re-payable in from 2 to 20 years. Lands Bought and Sold Several good Farms for Sale. $= Agents for several fist class Fire Insur- ance Companies. Collections made and a general agency busi- ness transacted. B&F DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "Bl JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, . General Agents. Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, [ Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1871. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. 0G GOING CHEAP! A splendid assortment now in Stock to select from. Also Lazarus, Morris & Co's Celebrated Spectacles constantly on hand and guaranteed to suit: All Goods Warranted. opposite the Globe Hotel, BROOKLIN. W. HEPINSTALL. Brooklin, Oct. 21, 1872. Remember the place | The: Late 'F[VHE undersi ire! igned dasires to return sincere thanks to his numerous friends and cus. tomers for the liberal support he has rece: while in business in this Jas and would also inform them, he has Opened a SHOP| In the Store recently occupied by H.T. Flynn, Opposite his late Shop Destroyed by fire, and would solicit a con- tinuance of their patronage. I have a large quantity of uz oy BOOT S& SH Own Manufacture, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Please give us a call before purchasing else- where. 4 RICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Sept. 18, 1872. CAUTION! FRAUDS ABROAD. I heg most respectfully to caution the public of the Brit= ish North American Provinces 10 on their guard against purchasing spurious medicines which are being sold as my genuine ** Holloway's Pills und Ointment," by certain individuals, of little or no menns, trading (for the last few months only) under the siyle of the ** New York Chemical Company." Every artifice is made use of by them fr the purpose of iinposing upon the public ; and the more effectually to deceive, er lve the ef- fronter: i 10 1ssuc the ing cuull 40 * The immense demand for ' HoLLowav's Pines "* axp Ograes has tempted unprincipled parties to *¢ counteyfeit these valuable Medicines, "In oider to protect the Public and ourselves, we * have issued a new * Trade Mark, consisting of un © Egypuan Circle of a serpent with the letier. H in "ihe centre. y box of genuine * HoLLOWAY?s * Pines AxD O181MENT? will have this rade mark on "ui, None are genuine without it. "Po Dearens aND Jonzers IN Druos * AND MEDICINES, * We call your particular attention to the new style of IToLnowax's PILLS AND ON iMeNT'--none of ihe "old style are manufactured by me now, nor have the sheen for months, We therefore caution ull pur 'ers the old style of got " Information co:.cerningany such goods Leing of fered will be received with thanks * We ask the favor of all the information you can « give in regard 10 thoge eounterfeiis, Vow this Company isaware that your laws do' no pertnil them 16 copy ike precise gening up of my Medi= cmes, but In order the more completely to blind the pulilic, they have reconrse to another piece of deception. viz., in stating that they deem it necessaiv, as they say. 10 make up the Pills and Ointment in another form, and that they udopt a New Label, §c. Resides the above-mentioned * Chemical Company,» there is also a David ingle. of New York, who by consummate Wickery is attempting to sell spurious imi- tations of my Medicines, Beware of him likewise. . . This unprincipled Chemical Company has dared. to say that | owe very large sums of money in the United States. What is the fact? A newspaper agent obtain- ed. withont my knowledge or consent, and by collusion with a party who held a lmnited power of attorney of mine, an order to advertise my medicines in Fouth Americn for three Jou, 10 the extent of 000 in wold He then sold his clnim 10 a lnwyer.who got it re- ferred by the comt to a friend of his, who gave judgment against me to the amonnt of $171,237 gold, for profit Which he snid he could have mnde by it, had T not taken steps to repudiate this He transaction te moment it WITH THE STREAM ! HE undersigned would thank his for the g and liberal patronage bestowed npon him in the past ; and-would beg to inform them and the public generally that he has OPENED BUSINESS IN r PORT PERRY, And that in fatore his business will be carried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert. Ho hopes by this arrangement and the in- creased business facilities which he has thus secured to be able more fully to meet the wants of the rapidly increasing popula tion -of this highly pruspetous section of country. 'CHAS: HISCOCKS, Baker & Confectioner, Candies, Biscuits, Cakes. Bread, Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Lobsters, Sardines, "Fruits, Toys, §c. . FRBSH OYSTERS received every week. Wedding Cakes made to order. TEA MEETINGS, &c., furnished on Utberal terms. SHOPS-- Prince Albert and Port Perry, CHAS. HISCOCKS Prince Albert end Port Perry, } November 27, 1872. . UIARVH HEIEVAL "0481 °g "190 'urpyoolg pairudas A1ywou $001) PAT SAINT JO SPU TV L_"I0qMae[o Sup QUIWEXS PUB [[89.03,[[aM 0p [NOM oui] SY Ul Suiyy Luv SUSI SANIBT PIR AIPMaT FAIION0 M131uA Sy *puvi, ub A[uvISuod 3doy IVOLLOVYd - meysurdom "AA |. 'dagiomar puy Hd $0038 A JO. s0[A3s I0WJ0 PUT DPoJRIGe[9 S,(ossNY 04ST UOHemY OUT . £4 ®. 2 3 JOHN McDONALD, NEWCASTLE, ONT. Tomb-Tabiles;' Head-Stones WF Partin wit d it to their advan- a, i withhold orders un! boy Mad ven mg ee LJ. 6. WILLIAMSON," Sutistueion guaranteed, aad call work war. "Sanary 10, 1872. : "310 Q '| Medicines. he will ob MARBLE DEALER] Ms oes are with 7 description of | blo Work, suitabie for, Gonioierios, iu : at shot notise. Also Peterhead and Aberdeen | came to my ie judg willsoon be set aside. lt cannot be supposed, 1 am sure, that | owe a cent to any one that I weuld not immediately pny. There is no truth whatever in the statement that, I ever puthorised any person OF pergons 10 use ny name for the sale of my Pills and Ointment, although gross frauds have been practised upon me by unprincipled men mn this way. or , 1 would ask, as & favor, that Bhonld it come 10 the knowledge of any person that spwiious medicines are being made and sold in my name, that he be pleased to send me the nune and address of the gendor who is GET UP YOU Er Cutters ! 8 = Sleighs AT THE PORT PERRY CARRIAGE FACTORY! - WINTER RIGS !!!] | '8 i Cutters 1 | ; # The Subseriber in returning thanks to his humerous and increasing customers would Nothing but the best iaterial employed. 027 All Notes and Accounts already due. aud that will be due by the 1st day of October next, mnst, withont fail, be paid on or before the 20th of Port Perry, Sept. 28, 1871. » inform. them and the public generally that he bas commenced the manufacture of an unusually large number of the very latest styles of first class Cutters and Sleighs for the coming winter, which he feels confident will fully meet the wishes of the com- munity both as to Quality, Style, and Price. said month. G. U. WHITE. 0% Our Teas can't be beat! quality, and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario- " ghusers against receiving from any Jobbers or Deal- |, J Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. THE TNION DRUG, GROCERY Liquor Store! WwW. M. WILLCOX, Sign of the Pestle and Mortar--~opvosite Scott's Hotels Tovites the special attention of the public to th PRINCE ALBERT ! eir extensive rewly importedStock of the BEST BRANDS of PURE LIQUORS, consisting of Brandies,--Gins, Hol. land and Old T'om-- Wines, Port, Sherry, &c.--Rum-- Whisky, Malt and Old Rye-- John Bull Bitters, &e. A large and well selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. Try them ! A choice: lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sa PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retail, T'horou, 5 Boolis and Stationery. Liquors for medicinal purposes carefully select Everything in Stock is of superiot quality and tive Prices. Remember the place opy Prince Albert, Dec. 20, 1869. We guarantee that for excellence in uces, &c. Also the best qualites of Chemicals, ghly reliable Patent Medicines: ed. will be sold at the lowest remunera. ite Scott's 1lotel, Prince Albert. Ww. M. WILLCOX. 36 M. 0. DONOVAN, PRACTIC AL Carriage 2% Maker ! NEAR THE TOWN HALL, GOOD assortment of Buggies constantly on | BROCK STREET, WHITEY I A \and made from best material. Welk made to order withmeatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing i ALL WORK WARRANTED. selling the sume, that [ may. for the p of the public, indie proceedmgs aginst him, and 1 engage tn ly my without divulg- ing his name, Should any person have reason to believe that he has been deceived hy buying spurns imitationssef these We me by sending to the address at foot (whi*h he can do at a cost of #ix cents m post- age.) one of the books of instructions which are affixed lof same. My Medicines can be supp'ied at the lowest wholesale net prices in quantities of not less than £20 worth--viz , 8s- 6d.,22s.. 34s. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which remittances must be sent in ad- vance. These Medicines are not sold in the United States. Each Pot and Box of my Genuine Medicines hears the British Gvernment Stump, with the words ** Hol- 1>way's Pills and Ointment, London," (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 533, Oxford Street, W. €., London, October 3, 1873, 10-6m | . | Si , a Protect- 0; f The Peruvian ed Solution of i ron, $390 Condincd as to have of an atiment, as potion k and assimilated ' as the en= blood per= repai; pS Mg and leav 1 disease to gd : : plaint,, Dropsy, Chronic Diar- v : Deen CL Z ; a0] ; Gnd étate to give SETH W, FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors, Having had long ex United States, the subscril with a call. . i 3 All orders for any of the above, whéther by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. bt) You can get the best and cheapes At J. FORCE PUMP- A Common turned Sut iE" Equ rience 1n Pump-making in Please Address, Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870. SEE THE PUMPS! PUMPS 1? t Pumpin the Province IRVIN'S PATENT PUEP FACTORY I BORELIA, -- PRICES complete Pomp and Fire Engine with Hose and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pompe at 50 cts per {ogee Common Log Pompe at 40 cts per foot, Tt foot. ion Pumps at 35 cts p "Cstern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. : Algo every other. description of Pomp at ally Low Rates. the largest factories in Canada and the r feels confident that he can perfectly satisiy all that will favor him JOHN IRVIN, Borkria. The universal success of this Machine, both in clo {rials and ia the hands cf {be farmers, warrant us in saying that, Reaping Machine, it has more good points and less defects, and has met with more success and Tess failure, than any Reaper heretofore offered to the public. Cayuga Junior Mower, We were awarded the First Prize and Diploma in Toronto, 1870, ir competition with all the le Province; and with our recent improvements, we unhesitatin ion comparison with competing Machines, we are. satis! tion will convi 7 No. 1 Milton Blase, Boston | Bonn BY DRUGGISTS GENRRALLY. | I : Rely sn adele Wars, Jue 29, 1971, JOHNSTON'S AWARDED FIRST PRIZE AT Provincia Exur- BITION HELD AT ToroNnTO, | 1870. and most usefa The "King of RAING REAPER, = We offer to our customers for the coming Harvest, two distinct Machines, which in style and constructions embrace the latest 1 improvements of the day. JOHNSTON'S SINGLE "Reapers." as 'a Self Raking mt the Provincial' Exhibition, held ding Mach ufactured in the ALS AY Xi sely contested.' TO THE INDABITANTS), Northern Reach Tr arti R) THE PLACE TO Dry Goods, © 47EH TF § Groceries; » | 8% gun Ff Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, - EE Tinware, ' ¢ Stationery, Patent Medicines, &ec., 1S AT THE Brenna Simi Greenbank, July 20,1871. Removal ! ..Removal ! i fis Subscriber would embrace this opprid tunity of thanking his d for their liberal support during the past 24 ears in which he has done business in the vile age of Borelia ; and would now inform them and the pullie generally that he has moved his place of business to the Store lately occupied by Jones Bros., in the business centre o! PORY PERRY, Where ho hopes by. Moderation in Prices, Superior Material," ~ 5 Good Workmanship, Fair Dealing, and' Attention to B i To secure an increased share of public patroné age. My Stock is choice and complete, consisting of Bureaus, Sideboards, Tables, kinds, Pictures, framed and unframed, 1 Picture Framing and Repairing Furnitgrq, done on the best terms. aa UNDERTAKING on all its Depart L nts, Having constantly on hand a good select of Coffins made up of and alont, oa Butternut, &c., &c,, | am prepared to supply customers on the shortest notice. i Funerals fully supplied, and & provided when required, H Suitable Lumber and Produce taken in ex- change. Aentifor Tomb Stpries 4nd Mymupents: {1 ° JOHN L 7 Punic BUGGIES, WAGONS, Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1872. Val ne WHITBY AND U dB undersigned takes occasion to announce that he has opened 8 branch of his business af UXBRIDGE. | ® . ¥a 3 Where will be fonnd Bnggles, covered and dpem and other I ie of hig nn a fa 0% up in the-latest and best style, and always # onhand. she uses none but the best material, fi and employs none but the best workmen, the quality of his work can be always relied upon. 5" Repairs executed. with' romptitude, Y ann Land on > dered ni : few second-hand open and covere ] ab the Whitby establishment for sale. Everything in the way of Carriage manufac- ture and repairs attesided to at Whitby as usual. All work warranted. & f 4 SAMUEL? WALKEY.: (¢ Whitby and Uxbridge, July 15, 1869. 18 HENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLICITOR, AND: DRAUGHTSMAN, 2 "OTTAWA, CANADA, - Transacts business with the Patent Offi¢e and, other departments of the Governmen opy- rights-and the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs - Drawings; Specifitations, and other Documents necessary to secure Pa. tents of 1nvention prepared oa recéipt of the Model of the Invention. i wears al bak REFERENCES, a i Jl eut aa "Hon. A. Campbell. Po; General; 1 Smilhe. ¥ixae, Prosiontaifinnen Ba Noe Ci hd Jehn Langton. Feq,, 'Afdito for Wode. Esa... Manager Oniat jo N71 ing, Minister cf Public Wark. Province Li 4 iL ETT OL Eo HE nndersigned has any amount of oe Far abd Town Pepa CE Unusually Low Rates of Interest. i § oy To "isiddut CRAIC Also » g ; Bor sae chang or pe Aad AWM, y' challenge investiga- J etin| hines, d that such investipa . vince every; unprejudiced mind, 'that we offer the - best Mower fo the | Farmer for 1871, built in the Dominion. p@™ Send fot descriptive catalogues. BROWN & PATTERSON. Land for sal , ¢| ; Bank and other mrSkiable pig poly to el ede © JAMES HOLDEN, | oii Officinl - Assigriod, Broker, &d: an's Block, Bronte Whig, x i aie ax rad? 98 Whitby pril 10, 1872; I at SH Chairs of all" First Class Hearse: LDebontiires'