Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 13 Mar 1873, p. 1

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7' PL duti@ raty (TR Las baignta 4 maigqua ait as A SD VOL XV1, ~53 of MAN i i CR = _ PRINCE ALBERT, ONT, THURSDAY, MARCEL 18, 1875, ~ WHOLE NO, 790 yt gn Efe Bvtacia Goseroer, w= moesst 9!) AGWEBKEY [| 1 t 2sPOBHOAT, AGRICULTURAL * | uobres od Losin Uxplih 141 Fagiily' Newspaper ; "8 PUBLISHED AT THE CICTORIA HLOOK, PRINCE ALBERT | S2u19%| GeuNFY SrbnTanto, ely Thursday, Morning BAIRD & PARSONS, WEE RB Bn, pid Gina BT Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, ! Of Twelde Years Experience, (rrroe over Mr. "Gordon's Stare, * QUEEN STREET, PORT.-PERRY. ! RESIDENCE PRINCE ALBERT. _Jaunary 8, 1873. i if than six nd 4] eR er ; hon oy sAfitatnlig hokey, when ad 1 dn LL haunlt FES OF ph ae Jie igh positon. $0 08 Sa sequefit tnsertio 5, per lin 003; Cards, nnder G lings, perannum...... 5 00 . py Lal, Taudeharge according to the spacathe pioecuty. Advertisements received.-for publication. without specific instructions, will;beinserted until chirged tecordinglyy Nad veitiserhént will betaken out untilpaid fol, | ' : : 'iberaldiseouyinjlowed to Merchants and others wind ATI the jin orfalf-year, 5 sétemnyg, Will lip ellcases be sifict.ya le taf 16 16 (Hut nerd, of teat dP anit gem ins --as: budOB gueashupey, il y, Programmes, TRI AGRA, Tile, Posors, Programmes, J Cdl arg Risk td, Ball Cart, &t. of every 1 nif Siyle.and color, axe Fond nu al lower ates Aopen bshment in' this County ! Parties (roi a djgtiys eting handbills, &e. , printed tn have them Re home with them, i 3 4 s H. PARSONS, Professional Cavan, CERI RS wel L JehatiD. Brathwaite, wifi teoda "PORT, PERRY. ar l2og. . v. ) wevaleaw DR. WARE, i ORON ER ° 6+ the! "Caunty 'of Ontario, 0 FIP hysibind, 2Suideoh ead vd ceonchenr, 969 MDEIY, ; Li0195q2 + tom , ast han | "Drs. 'Marin & DeGrassi, Bois oll AINDBAYL: emito vo --i oda DRS. JONES & MALLORY, bestowed upon him W. M. WILBCOX, T " (4 LICENSED, =~ AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND TOWNEI[IPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, BESS, to thank his many friends and the pmblic gousmily 5 the liberal patronage uring the past four years. Having now given up the business of Bailiff, [ intend, in future, to devote my whole; time to the business of Auctioneer, Collecting, &c, It will be my endeavor, by Proniiit and careful rd tisfaoti Prints Albert, Sept. 18th '1872, 1° : ; ve 'to all who may favor me with their Scles. or Col- lecting.* 3 Bills draughted and Blank Notes furdished free f charge. * ifia es H Alse Bill Stamps always on hand, Apangemants can be made for sales &e., at the Bserver Office Prince, Albert, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. WV, M., WILLCOX, -_ = : ; Tr apnea p 4: Ag Wife. matrimony. I tell you the truth, Jack, 1 -id bad juet-retarded Hom wdwo years' stay 9, Buropoy yuu! was sangiering down Tre- ardw dont fancy the girls. Perha sl was un- fortunate in my acquaintances bot they forh ery got'outtola alr de ta 'afew' saps iin Ilifxont.of me, + I knew him in a moment, though we had hardly met, since wo were xeler Academy together, ten years be- and' blithe ¢ompanions dered +L to 'go td! Harvard, and he to entgr his father's store, the well- house of Foster & Co,, Paat) street. merry, hearty, praetical fellow, kinfiéll aritt robust as an Englishman, prising as New Hamp- apd Bpstopmining 'could, make him ; but he plunged into study, and so, 'we' had entirely lost Fle was an only child, RATADts spent iheir symmer at their | u Greenland, near Portsmouth, elf winter in Boston. How him Tra moment, 'He dwtolft bat the Hoy Twas with a flash of: early yard dim aud caught unin >® STOVES, TINWARE, En * we tok suig i ' 600,000 Miners on a- Strike in Wale efforts to induce them to return to work have 10 roved futile. But notwiths ig Iron, in the mothér coun attraction. p tothe present tanding the great rise in | i try, the Subscriber is dates HARDWARE, | Joy, Stoves, Towa, At or near former prices from the present: & to the 1st of A At which time my Spring Goods will arrive. These purchased in December fast When Hardware was cent lower than it is now. Parties doubting m, to come and obtain a list of ti Iamnow sellin self: reliant md vn ory Withodt me fo 4 4t)° wight of each other; Slillinhag fees, dod zzled Tor a moment, and tien burstif® indd a Tah gh, he seized: my handin bis strong: ghas *f Why, John: Rafston} is this you ?~ Whee did you come from 2 I'm glad to . Fl sag 5 Why, I haven't set eyes There 1s a prospect of a still furt ( made that trip to Nahant, extremely. low prices, are; invite y ety t Brey In) ed poorly for a long time that to the CLF H -- , 10y and telt as if the othe Lu eg) on Beach 14s a quiet, pleasant resqpt, and you'll always find from fifiy tc one hundred people there during the season. The lai.dlord is a good A ahd é very wa vely ; | fellow, and a distant relative Yok ngs § | oro taid 2xealient avd |p Land the thought he looked flurried when I went in, dnd after a few minutes ho took mé to one . Do. Inad everyibing gq g the balance ofimy large stock of Stow I v Hf 15 per cent under manufacturers prices. Parties wishing Good Bargains w New Show Rooms between Mr. Messrs. Jones Bros. thong hi, about yor tollege honors, and your ol.yan. lately, and wished to see ¥. weight and your broad t realize that ten years woe were at Kxeler tfo- talk over old times and get back, and what ill 'please' call \at my Currie's-8tore and the Sore" ef ride and said 1-- : wn EOE ae 1 'PORT PERRY, Marcu 6, "I camo yesterday, and shall remain in * CROTHERS & WILSON. Licensed Auctioneers ! COUNTY OF ONTARIO, ARE prepared to conduct Salés anywhere in the County. Parties placing tbeir Sales in our hands may rely on the utmosi attention being given to their interests. JPUTSICIANS, Sgeons aud Acovvol PORT PERRY, JON] V4 GORONER. [i A, KE. MALLORY, Ay oy iar om | M.D, CM. a DL p : id BILL & BAR oils, Fo, ke! i WM. F.-MoBRIEN, M.D., M:R.C.S,, : Guv's HbeptTaL Lhron, ENGLAND. Vidieqos RHE BYE B01 Ly Oshawa, : 'PHANCIS RAE. M. B) Foi dliwe ofl b : B.'FAREWELL, LLB, ° COUTYY. CROW! roi FOR ONTARIO, stil ali BARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor, and No- tary Public, - -- « o Orrice lately occupied: by: S. IT. Cochrane, Bq. Brock street, Whithy. G. Ofotheérs is also agelit for 411 Finds of Ag- ricumtural Implements. Ni All orders addressed to. G. Orothers, Epsom P. 0, will recefye prompt attention, October 31 1872, f fy upon the u their interests.' oh 'Win, Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, en &e,, &e., OR the Townships of Brock, Usbridge, Seott, * Thora, Mara, Rama, Havipten and Eldon. J3~ Parties entrusting their Sales to me may I Short al ention, being given to WM. GORDON, ' Sundgrland P. 0., Brock. attention of those Wishing t on Attention! The, undersigned would respectfully call the he services of an y'that he is to attend sales t on the shertest notice anywhere in the County "ENGLISH, LL. B,, Sy EX Chancery, Attorney; KL) Conveyancer, Office--Simcoe street, opposite ELE a JG ToUNG SMITH, LI, B, [3 ARRISTER, A tforney-at-Yavw, Solicitor i BRIE A nalen Side ic, &e., &c EE rdffigeYcMillan'a Book, Brook: Street, Whit- Yr, OmAariQu rr A 210 / 1 ' ; . & MACDONELL, i ] y 4 Ri { Atlorieys at La Jb A tan, ourt House. y i WUT CANERO! bh, HURD, ¥, and Solicitor in Chan- the best machine for $30. rantedait tr Orders attended toon thw shortest notice. Epsom, Sept. 7, 1871, j J. a { Hern H. L MAGBONELE, 2 Ar ; ICENSED Auctioneer for the Town- Tipe of ros Tuseab, Hae Bud, i ! 0; Mariposa, etc.; in the ona 0 in the Royal ria. Rest Brack. Or- Die the. Roy Yay at this office, or at his residence will be], of Ontario. Je Notes and Bill Stamps kept on hal He is sole Agent for the best and cheapest Jeily Sewing Machine in -the Do inion--pat- ente nia Machive is acknowl by. Tailor Milliners, and all who know the prop Sewing Mathines iho have had the pleasure of examining it to bo the best and cheapest in the June, 1871. The Patent Letter A' Family Pa chase the Patent Letter A, aud you will WW. Ps L Jad) OF THE DIVISION COURDS ' ! oe A | i) ¥ RRISH. SURELY VI TL AR C0 the city, on aeeonntof wbisiness matter, tit Loen Lam going home." of Well, now, this is Saturd edi "do 'tiothing after thee o' andjwpefid Sunday with me fir the co AIL FON dn see my wife. A sof Youravifedi: Avpagon mapind; Tom ft y-a.yearyiaaidobie, with Royal Canadiah & PORE PERRY. Ls pin ie is oa dn hovitiow) of Ontario, + No Beg RAY TN CR BOSE Wor his Einlty;" doin 4 b stairs work --one of them from yoli towny the best Raia in the dining om Bat | su all of thaw would either be altai of AR Vekponeibinty ot hit W ortand conveniefige of the Fn gt FR; it téention paid to the Table apd. ar. mforta Jes und #tstsivadTos Pa Neither labor nor expel making the Royal ©. 2 -- = Depttat'tdur o%clodk'; 'dnd 1 sbuut it on the Way dows]? We paced at the winter street' corner "I hesto goto his tore and 1 to the Parker se willy be fapared in inn olel Wortly of . RES Se Sores SHADGE © Port Perry, June 16, 1869. "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER. B PLANK,.......... PROPRIB) purchased the above hote {furnished the Bar with the éhefe, nd cigars. Every attention Stages to.and from Wihithy 'eall da y. ostlersalwaysin attendange, 4 Kies 'Motel, . ome Boston has grown," up at the fine buildings moti, beautiful in the Septein- ery one in the place. Whitby, Jan. 11, 1873, ou THE ONTARIO FARMERS Mutual Insurance Company HIS Company is now fi prepared to accept ris " Wo think it a ice town," he' replied, speaking withythe moderate words and the perfect assurance of the Bos that civy is thie' shin of exce " Remembig four. o'clock." And o = 1 said to 'myself, as | dare say it ia lo his lara Maiddd, whom v Churches. Those wishing support a Home Insurance ortunity of doing so or to any of the local Agents Jur rates will be found. as responsibleMutual Insurance STREET, PORT HQ Wie, MACKIE, Propnelpr..., DAFOE "HOUSE U Li Cid dgooud ro] a land --ut least | thought so 1wo years ago, are y when [danced with her at the , Thankgiy- ing paily inthe village ; and I heard last tall that she took 1he pris at the Manches- ter Fair, for the best loaf of bread. « Bui why is she here 77? faihet's pretty ward, © Lisaw when'l spent the day thare, sleven I remember what, long , ourls and how land she seemed of him. dare say it's to Clira. she: Hiasn®t grown up-ons' delicate young ladies, good for nothing bat he Iptest fashiops, and walig a piano, Beiter some Tie old Registry Office Build- AJ L. FATRBANKS, Jn; ESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO; <x w ready money, and I suppose she wanted 10 earn something for hereof, and to go to the Beach, like the rest of us, You cay she | the next world with, took the premium for bread: I buligve 1%) go into the dining-room and propose 'to give the cook's place lo any one 'of fhe gitls who would jike it and who. fess coms petent to take it. I must do some- little and tosiyre the rosy, sturdy German G JU DAFOE, Proprietor) cia Li jot 4 i d be a shdme for plendid. physique and gd for life to; such a rping down School ghts wandered off 10 a blue- rs, . poor Tom, with hid « aries of yigosous Bruin, 10 be oman,' And then, (un (1 SAINTFIELD, iw J JENNINGS, Proprietan.s» Dominion, | Ladies make sure work, and pu av wi I algutis 11 BeisCr PILKEY, "Sone AGENT. Vi' THOS, H: WALSHE, dence--Canningto! ' BRE:of the Third Divigion. [0] Be en. ort Peryy, e - from ted med 3-pim: Gout aig 0 ve satisfaction or no Ehorger ana at "prices EAA T Also deqlesimdtitnds of Jewelry; Fancy mem ae, Whit 0 Gould, Esq., Ux- tide, Dec. 17, So-ly Ty wy Yo hpyenkd ST ih 3a el T Eo ori vaRg. a ; i ] d diféctly 'of EF i Banko 8 0A wi ii JOHN CHRISTIE 2300101 i LERK for Tes ~ NSHP she Cn | J 5 WH Cer, | : en nucleate , Busipessoare wy read A §, Port fope; Rev. an Er opp ~ LPort Perry, July 27, tual ded to. Debts collectedin Can- | singian, ot i A ro an fa rise, and' t'1 tan, 03 : WALSH, the. North On ! terio Auctioneer. : | New Watch atid 'Jewellery Establish. Te 3 Riv PI Yiha it by Gh GODDEN | \prAGHIEAL WAT ken Eile, sli cbt So Sook Sth appl the tario" Bank, Rose's 08 tk, an iL thatiall work loc rn Soiimitid ; Hibs cae WH bea analy cha es, i WX IREgHsibok of saperisc Wetina, locks] and. Jewelry always kept on; hand and sold cheap, 8 Rene ber all work irra ar ted, and charges | ROL Sa¥ Gr bataRIn ol GF edanand @. GODDEN, Eyedgirl Dhad loved fir niany 'a' yédr<a girl who's asnot satisfied: with- the triumph olithe croquet ground, but, who, could. send row, straight home to the mark b the hills with' me ; her, tis fred as the deer in the glade below and holds a steadydonrsiniha beat on the riven H aslgie, il need. be RATED ."......... 1851, '$400,000 out. "Abies i ping his hands, nod exclaymed : {4 die » Proraigzoy. il » rant cpnvenicnce of believe see will Norton. "Things are. All topsysturvy in the kitchen, and itll take some lime io get thew straightened out.' have charge'of the stabi +i Whitby; 20th June, J @ipetite keen da' young Aalferniday's hunt; yes, and 'who ¥. hpw 10; be, effigrent. in. | OI at tention, aud with a seréener face he turned away. u ki : TAILORING "mdiddnc whom a -prines mish bpeaprond tomy, And againl said. to 88 | went np the Parker House opé Tom hasu't mad a fool litle better. And i , spite o y 1 tin sansaihe aid boia9ne (BYA UTHORITY. ) "Roar 8% 160K foul a*ho st (HE station, 'dnd RD dt Port Perrys wamoment laterin' walked: Fond, vutey ing 'a bonkel Bj\etiwini Jamey 'renahes doit grow. jn, Gyagn J e 4 d f TAILORING. . EST. > 8 that h ostnone of ta the = oftiaage Bogue 'Ross?! aging bee 3 fritim phi and sumed fo fhoir eeainatithe firat sovnd of ihe ball.) Norton, was ra faction, 4n Novéber 11th; 1869," tianlian And Ll sealed ourselves comfortwb TLAg land Jerd.or cooks « Now for the story, om, said I, as we yahbut) jan : ye olabgribiik the might before dowas, 0k 1 dancing in the parlor an 8 Tod tiyouhg dy of the Matidi @ stamp | « to.her mamma, when 1'sow Mary stadd adi 18 pguidslisbey #2 A phadot pissed 1pver Tom's /fach % Clavashie bean: dead Tout yiate,? as he. x a0. ANT 'go,' a Bi Hvar 801 Te tgaai lags {i Drs 80 fo ahnounce that To has taken ET pi mast efi fn} roritine ra © v2 walt iy ~ E MAJo Jan' 1st, 1870 | 10 elon puizia oi © ot SOHN MSDONALD, + 7 Fh how interested Mhad been'ift' Uiiiigiialty La wa cof Inte °1 «Poor Clara 14SlEToved oud dearty at Then: 1 suppose 'you elivss some Boston girl of your acquamianes."? . oy ul 0 "Jack ydn couldhatell who Mee: Fam ter was if you would try from. .aow , till | fiw ery glad al. res ted ; and tire watisfaction. with what shies had' donb! the borrower | viol 1 19d i, Toproved Rarmg,| Bat Sh ie a pili div eboa: JAMESHOLDE GEO in Dom Broker, , &ep) of bra te: eterhead and A op. dit to theiy adoan- tage. do withtiald. their orders until called on ban Jayna! Je i WILLIA ---- January 10,1872, And moving tue ba 'dark hadr heatly ering himself in his seat ' 4 dich of a lady, © | Ql Parties will 14 oN 61 Wan 10] ta bow Fhave! hig Bo it- 4 the 'homse ;, UE whilgs Sin of those elaborate' creal rat sn oe } invite you to' dance, and so' does Mr, ton. " Cortajnly I do," he answered, &. seemed to me all curls end flounces awd | Go ad show the compan that you arb lows, and. 1, would. as soon slave | at home in the parlor as well the' kite "as in thought of marrying a jashian plus, a8 one chen." So smiling, and blushing, she took ture: 0 4 i / to style ; I 1ike if. But chil sed gowns and bonnets any day inthe Wash- ington street wiulows ; and my iden; of a woman whose, dregs ng least "Do you recollect my fal the greatest liking and respect for him.-- A year ago this summer, I Was very " Tom, you've some in an unlucky timo. libri. Tdidn't wait for 'comments corted her out as if she had been the L refined, intelligent, han would deyelop apd grow ww n't object [my arm. " Didn't wo fake 'a sensstion wher we went in! Perhaps there was no felo! with a better *soéial pdaition,' (jou Eow the phrase) thon 1; and I had been quite a lavorite with tho ladies, You should t's former | have seen them when we took our place paitner, Alfii "Lane? "He's a claver 'old | on the floor ! : gentleman ard a millionaire, and father has Some laughed, some frown ed, some whispered to their neighbors, but 1 paid not the stightest attention to-it at. He had two daughters, one married years (and May ago ; and the other much younger, father through | fixed upon' as'a dositable wife for me. | digmty, that before it w looked eo preity,~and went fo dance! with, mudn graés and vas over | believe rather think the two families had talked it | all regarded her with diguity and admira- over fogether j at,any rate, Miss Matilda ents x came to€reenland for a long summer visit. She'is an amiable gil'; but so pelted and (belle of Boston. spoiled that she is good for nothing -- nn- developed in mind and bodys She looked Jory 83y inthe Shesinse) allired nthe ates| importations, But, she w. always |, 3 ", late at Biba st ; she didn't cqre'to ride 39 ge Back to Glegh land, hofsebick = ehedcoultu"t tike'n wilk- with, out stopping to rest' ut, every sone: and : once [ asked hor { she had pi the sooqunt added laughingly, ' Have 'yo any orders of the battle of Sedan, she tooked up in her | [OF breakfast ? ohildish way and said, ¢ No, Mr. Foster: -- Newspapers are so -litesome." Bless mo | | 01 by 8 Plate of mufiins as we had yester- what stiould I do with such a baby ? day." : ut es~ Goad-pight, Mis Lyford," ) said, when we reacted the hall, «1 am going in the morning, but I shall see you again when « Good-night, Mr. Fogtar,'? she replied-- I thank you for your kindness.' Then she ¢ Why, yes. I should like to remember " You shall have 'them, sir," 'she ad much confined at the ttore ; and whey | 8 she disappeared in the doorway. An August came, instead of spending the whale | have them T did. month at home, I thought | would have a change; and so I weut down for a fortnight | Greanland : with ~more than one hundred dollars in her purse and and a fame that was worth thoasgnda. I went 10 see he. at her fatuers's house, I found ke "* Three 'weeks later Mary ddrhe hom& (4 nd was that at Cigistmas "we 'wete mar ried." « " Glorious 1" [ exclaimed. ¢ Give me your band, Tom! I was afraid yon Lind ao pa ny up on had been taken in by some Matilda Boston, at twenty dollars a week ; but she's a high temperéd woman, Lust evening she ' quarrelled with her assistants, this marning the breakfast was all in eonfusion aud now she's packing, her trunk, to, leave | at Gieenland depot, (14:00 6d 4 by next train. Ip two or three days I can probably get another ofie' down if her place ane, " : : " Do you think I'm a {ool 2" gaid he. * Then I {old Him"of' my own choice, ani 1 was still talking when the train stopge a Wa. romn arrived at this hospitable | homes in yi 1, 1 i but what we're todo in the heanwhile, I Har wiin wae ail ho had, fea fot joa danft know." im ' HY ome, woman, wh agen 0 +4 But Norton? suid: 4,-¢ lens. theye | avery" year of - har Mile. Afér 'd 'metry vy "Who's here from Greenland 99 : " Mary Lyford." 30mMa 0p@ywiagr by or in the henge wha can evening in their pleasant; parlerpd went il NR HOLY 4 ' who lobed apd ;dreamed; that, he , millennium ome and that gl women ike m AT Er A {Froyymanispent three quartets ofa hour the other, yeu Buin drying lo Idol it "beneath | up a piece, of moonshine from. bis door= {Bem to + tur: cook ; though they 'would step, which _ he fondly fancied to be a have pleoty of he!p.and earn twenty dol newspaper. ies lars where thay now get three," : i A Philadelphia paper advertises "--ii_rg asked, for 1 knew something of almost ev- patent lever drawers." We have seen "| flanvel drawers and buckskin drawers, bub ' cork drawers, and patent leves et tbat, " Mary Lyford? A black-eyed, light: | never, footed girl, about twenty years old, with two brothers in Colérado 'and her futhet a farmer, over toward Scratham 2° «4 Y¢s, the very same." A political orator, speaking' of a" cér- tain' general' whom he" adinived, "séid he was always on the field of battle where " Why, she's the prettiest girl in Green the bullets were the thickest, « Where was that 2". In the ammunition wagon." : ts "of A Maine woman ate four qua oysters at one sitting the other 'day; : t i doy; dnd "0h, you know farmers. haven't much | O° $100 by doing 50, which, 'aftr' der ducting her burial expenses; eighry<fivei dollars, left ber ff een dollars tol comuisiite 9 mo! tai ° A TT ilk A Sou'h sireet inebriate whipped hig wile Saturday morning, and' came home Saturday * night." His i buying * no i kine y "went | c0tls of fire to lieap 'on his head, potred' Sag dnd Riki 18; Sine WE | his ear full of peéppersauce. "He dppearad wd Ten 'minutes later lie 'came back olap- Just as well satisfied, : ---- i -- LL; « Mary Lyford says sheil try it," « A sexton being very familiar with:-& * Hurrah for Gregnland 1" cried I, «Jat | physician, was asked whether he had .en= " You'musn't expect muvh to-diy,* sai Just then a new arrival elaiméd Fig an- Dinner was poor that day ; supper was | I'béghn to ba afFatd'thiat Greenfdnd But: the, vex! mos we bad--juicy. stdaks, ous rolls anil dorn' broad, orth every. meal was a gests praiced that 'tablé th dro) and "was as eal plbaced! ra ry, but tantlyiocclifiied tat 1 never Hail aglimpas EY 16 up and ox présea His en- h a scarlet bow at h Absaat, an 3 4 } » look at Norion, '4dhat, isw's.iexpegted UBS 8 Li Thr ER Balt ini 3 - ES FT k and several of bis con spo occasion to free their micds co him. He got well and" "now fliey" m and PE Co Joreenianl | pect im at the muzsle of & revolver, of of u rivhd] " Hohe Adi fa CS Nora a, a modest' Way, Ye wilh cial fueit lying pes dow "thei 0 A Connecticut paper says: © At present 1 | Agreha stood there joa ita igus, disse | two-thirds of the population. of Peduenc ra.l0..enlighien you." yan r d @ went on :--¢ You that plucky 7 I hope she'll succeed, and, {| tered into a partoership with him. ' Oly = i - "yes," he said, ¢ we've been together for some time ; I always carry his work home when it is" Jone' RE A colored gentleman 'went to consult oné of the most conscientious lawyers, and dt after staring bis case, said, ¢ Now, Mes 2s koow'you's a lawyer, but. 1: wish your Orlon's | would: please sir gissitell me de truff 'bout dat matter)'; , 1 OE ----e Vpathioess Sokn"b, An Iowa Falls woman, puta Afugle, tio leakes that melted 'in. yout 'month, dozen eggs jnto, her bed sq at should' freeze while she was abseot four of five diys, and on' het rin, dight bounced into bed' and' bobneed u again. | ' skid bob {hating FEF ait @ iio a 11g iA gentleman in Kansaschad a receptioly 9 1 sar compli 1 and, con- | at his house the other evening; and (when pL be : oy con- | biy guests went away, it took him all-night to wash (he tar and pick (he, feathers off his person. © t TT sida Sly concern ok Eg vie rb 1 for muskrats with ary te set tibial) ih Eo Aes A ond oF ov i ls x Ei

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