Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 13 Mar 1873, p. 4

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. qui h ou ei : livelyand striking amgoungement of the vn { i a thash A Tésw poet hdd; "an; epi +" The Railroad to Blan ie Phe March ALDiNg Opens with a very effective coast scene: * Alter the Storm," "by Tavernier. The black and rugged cliffs are in powerful relief ageinst the moon- |, light, buretin through the broken clouds and reflected from every rippling wave. Births cut ry eres, O Seat But there is one ship which can never go on 10 thet "ha oh tthe hill." Tis h- rl lh e when old Oc om patio lfrent has ever Pp) wii Y 0st a! ce i Ta pe in lhe ody of «White Bi of the Saranac," after Hows: The won- deiful fideli y of every detail convinoes us that we are gazing upon actual portraits of these venerable monarchs of the Torest, drawn by one who knows and loves them well, The engraving, which truthfully tenders query, varying lexinre, of bark and leaf, is a worthy specimen of (he taleut of that prince of engravers--the elder Linton. A proof impressien of this cut has been on ex i sb An absent-minded man entered a Troy pe other. day, and wanted his oy. mel of shoes. * But p re's the boy?" said the dealer.-- ¢ Thunder 1" said the man, * I've left the boy at bi and off he started for bis house, six plocks away. * 2 . I'll go and bring him." Be always frank and true ; spurn every sort of affectation and disguise. Have the courage to confess awkwardness. follies to but a few. our ignorance any Confide your faults and --_----t------ | A Kansas man was arrested for carry ing concealed weapons lately. On his person was found two too many revolvers, three pocket pistols, a pair of brass kouck. a sword came. 'They released him when be explained that be was oul ibition'in New York, where it has woa | fitting himself up for & visit to. New Yor the highest praise from connoisseurs. Al- City'. es though many other pictures will be : . more widely popular, it will be hard to select a single one which will do more to win lor The Aldine the respect of those whose cultivation enables them to recognize and appreciate the highest forms ofart. James D. Smillie gives a spirited sketch of that famous ride, ¢ From Ghent to Aix ;' and there are also two smaller sketches by Tavernier. which are very beautiful. * The Fox and Grapes," after Dore, is a specimen of that master's most happy style, and is a triumph of pictorial ait. Altogether we congratulate the pub- lishers upon their success in the art de- partment of this number, and we will also congratulate ourselves upon the possession of such a magnificent ¢ exponent of Amer- ican taste.' The literature in more excel- lebt han fepal, Tha host npipegble ars s are ¢ Interludes," a sparkling story, 5 Elizabeih Stoddard, fand «The Tawny Moustache," a bright social sketch by Sue Chestnutwood. Charlee Dawson Shanly contributes a pleasant paper about "Giants, Real and Mythical 3? W. W. Bailey a Jittle study in natural history about ¢¢ Pussy Willows and Alders ;>* and Henry Rich- ards a bit of gossip about * Short and Pithy Letters." The editorials which are in Mr. Stoddard's best vein, atest. A Few Thoughts About Water," « The Horse and his Rid- ers," * White Birches of the Saranac," and « Loye's Last Service." = Elizabeth Akers Allen openc the number with a pa- thetic poem enntled ¢ Inconatancy ;"-- Edgar Fawcett follows with ¢ Apostacy,' a melancholy love poem ; and John Sydney with an amusing nursery song on *¢ Baby'e Toiler.". | Music, Atty and Literature jare intelligently «nd critically treated. Alto jeiher the March Aldine in the best yet Tey Subscripionprice $500 including Chromos ¢ Village Belle," and, *¢ Crossing tke Moor." James Sutton & Co., publish- ers, 58 Maiden Lane, N. Y. ON ADVERTISING. Do merchants bestow the no'ice that it merits upon:the quiet andiumbirosive, yet tremendously latent power, 'which lies al- ways within their reach-and ready for their use in newspaper advertising? We refer fo'merchants in genefal, not' to such in- teMligeot adil 'active minds as have brought ouf-fortupes fram (hie doeal, use of the local paper. Take the average merchant of country towns: is he apt to sufficiently well consider the advantages he would derive from a little judicious advertising. Does it-ever occur to him that be is not in _.ongpuncing bis pew ong to Kees his name before the people ? Does iit ever occur 10 bind that he might be first, io, Lown instead of last, and that in. meglect: ing advertisiug, he is failing to use as ready and powerful a means 10 guccess as any other he could name ? An advertised abtiele ¢ holds its name.' .. It is mneli easier 10 sell, and make it cause people, to be, lieve that it is as represented. [Por 'in- stance, a retajl dry goods merchant re- ceive tosh favoictd oF Preach os caes® How much easier it is for bin to make a Actin the newspaper, than lo go through (lie troublesome operation with €ach cus- tomer of explaining that the goods are just recejved, and that they are imported." Advertised articles hold « their name be. cause people " see the name in prints!" London (poptmen now, wear badges for long and meyiforious seryice, similar to tle military: bailggs. | 3 117 te tall 1 Se -- 1 LOA! London joprnl; remarking on! he publication cf the names of traders using false; wright8 by the pw (York ---- said that no paper in London would bave the courage top; syclt a thing. i ete The edijor of a Newark paper heard the other diy, that 'a new pass had 'been found in, abe Avdes. He immediately wrote 16 a man in South America that the pass was, his, and be. frould be much oblig- ed if the man would forward it at:onCe. --et ete C0 In England 300:000,000 pounds of 'pa. per are made ever, r, by 30,000; la bog ers in 350 paper aie 40,000 'persons make this over int bopksj sewspapers end the'like*mhtiers ; 15, bookiim ers Bid these for preservation. Litemry eompos- itiontof every sort ae gross. of pens each wedk.. ried i. n "truth » ecadse' his I Th A man may be a bere 218 beret and if be believe thrigs 'only: pastor says so, or ihe assembly deter= in-s - without kaowi other reasons, too bis belief | I ye! ihe wety worl be' hdfds becomes his heresy --Ms'- ton. et eri. A footman of Lord Darce, says Horace Walpole, had been banged for murdering 1:it you for ihe strange Bi when first phy Orrice.op Treopone Mercarr & Co Tremont StreeT, BosToN, Oct. 7, 1871: . Mr. James |. FeLrows.=Dear Sir : We are happy. to say that the sale of your Syrup has'been large for the past two years. It is prescribed by some of our sicians. We remain, yours very truly, THEODORE METCALF & CO. ee -- re Dr. WisTar's Balsam or Wir CHERRY is # a comination and a form in- deed for healing and curing diseases of the-{hroat, lungs and chest. [i cures a cough by loosening and cleansing the lungs and 'allaying irritation ; thus removing ihe cause, instead of drying up the cough and leaving the disease behind. ee I ---- er BreakFAsT.-- EPps's Cocoa. -- GRATEFUL AND ComForTiNG.--¢* By a thorough know- ledge of the natural laws whioh govern the operations of 'digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine pro- perties of well-selectad cocon, Mr. Epps hase provided our breakfast tables with a delicately favored beverage which may sa¥e us many heavy doctors' bills."'-- Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with Boil- ing Water or Milk. "Each packet is labell- éd--o James Eres & Co.,, Homamopathist Chemists, London." Manuractore oF Cocoa.--¢ We will now give an acoonnt of the process adopted by Messrs James Epps & Co., manulactui- ers of dietetic niticles, at their works in the Euston Road, Loudon"-- Cassell's House: hold Guide. "CASH FOR LUMBER! mn (I) een. The Oshawa CABINET COMPANY 1x Casa for the following sizes of LUMBER! Delivered at their yard In Oshawa. [sabXne EDAE PREFERRED: | Oak or Asi, Lind, 2 in, any width, BurTERNUT, 1 in., any width, Rock Etim, 1} in., 1} in., any width. Compton: WATAR kL, 1 in., any width. Basswoop, 1 in., any width. " 1} ivn., 5, 8, 10 or 16 in. wide. IM 1% in}, 12, 14,17, 18, 20, or 21 in. wide, (" Ping, 1 in., 1§,2 in, 12, 14, or 16 feet long Marie, Beecu, and Bircu 7 in., 13 in, 13 in. 13 in, 1 § in. 2in., 3} in., 5 in., Plank. 23x23, Square Scantling. Ww. H. GIBBS. . % President Oshawa, Feb. 5, 1873." ~ PRINCE ALBERT p ta 30° [7 REMOVED PORT PERRY Y 2 and extensive patronage bestowed since opening business in this place. est, richest and most attrgetive Stock of Juwel Albert (now Po, JOHN DIESFELD, wit "is but mindteen, expr ; boss} "hii confession. [/¢T murstay opged and peked, +f How do you; spel hy librarian, arranging bis books ac- to their subject-matter, put ¢ Ir. under the head of Agricul- | A p---- i your paper ? did you S. HODGSON. Bi S104 TILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE 8 Shop opposite White's Carriage Factory THE Subscriber would embrace : this oppor- tunity of returning thanks for the liberal upon him He has pow much pleasure in informing the public generally that he has just opened out the larg: ry &c.| ever brought mto-this County. A call is sufficient to conyince any one that the Prince Perry) ewalry mporium is the best" esta t in the [Oounty for| return yon my heartiest thanks for that firm and bemiful, good Sheap goods in the Watch, | Feftifut support and. friendship which have, for lock and J walry ine. Go heatly nino years, cheered and sustained me in My-stook | is i canine and the discharge of my large and arduous practice. yalun Jie, sos an do t assortment of | yy removal to Port Perry, I'am satisfied, will gow i$ t Sets, Fine Joi, not Hain present ties vn ohn neils aa will Sead Jan ings, not allow any little difference in distance to Sass © er make any alteration in my usual charges." Crust. Raa ts; ster Cool I shall leave Prince Albert about the first Vv BS : a he Plated ar weck of February and will reside in that bluish Enh Pine Ohina and 0d | 00ored house four doors to the north of the house and T Dr hc: any, | recently vacaled by Dr. Martin, affice wall be Iy" eel si . 5 va | inthe centro of the business portion of village. airs. Gold W tohes, Silver Sarge Feeling confident that you will continue to mo all of the" deseripfiol Clocks &c., | your friendship and support, Regulators, Mouth Ozgas: Som 1 remain, as ever, yours truly, '* Brooches, Ear-Rings, &ec. FH. BRATHWAITE, M. D., C. M a By; Everything as Oheap as possible te be afforded OTICE 1s HEREBY GIVEN, | that to Port Perry, opposite the Post Office, en oil find a choice lot of Furniture of every description, which I am deter- mined to sell Cheap for Cash, | or on short credit. 'Don't forget the Big Chair. TRE ESI Rs Undertaking in all its de- partments. Coffins furnish- ed in one hour's notice. ---------------------- Alsd Agent for Tomb Stones. W. H. PARK. Port Perry, Feb. 19, 1873. PRaueaTiny NOTICE. House of Commons. . THE CLERK'S OFFICE, Ottawa, 30th Jan., 1873 Pursuant to the 50th Rule of the House, notice is hereby given that the time for RECEIVING PETITIONS FORPRIVATE BILLS WILL EXPIRE ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1873. ALFRED PATRICK, Clerk of the House. All Newspapers will please insert above until the meeting of Parliament. Feb, 5th, 1873. 10 M ortgages Wanted. THE Subscribers have large sums of money laced in_ their hands for on Improved Faims, Village Properties, and other Securities in this and adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hend at all times Borrowers can depend on getting their money with the least possible delay. Wanted to Purchase Any number of Mortgages, for which the high- Ta will be allowed. 'We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cl and VEE un dnsires to_ return sind WwW . H .- P a Tr k . thanks se Dumercus fiends an oe : . 4 __{ tomers for suppor rece Has Removed his business to | while in business in this piace and would also inform them, that he has ] : Destroyed by fire, and wopld solicit a con- 1 am determined to figure |tinuance of their patronage. close for Cash. I have a large quantity of investment | Fire! The Late Opened a SHOP In the Store 'recently occupied by H.T. Fiyan, Opposite his late Shop BOOTS& SHOES Own Manufacture, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Please give us a call before purchasing else- where. RICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Sept. 18, 1872, 40 CAUTION! FRAUDS ABROAD. I beg most respectfully to caution the public of the Brit= ish North American Provinces to be on their guard against purchasing spurious medicines which are being sold as my genuine ** Holloway?'s Pils and Ointtient,"" by certain individuals, of litle or no means, trading (for the Igst few months only) under the siyle of the ** New York Chemical Company," Every artifice is made use of by them for the purpose of imposing upon the public ; and the more ecnly to deceive, they have the ef- frontery, in their advertisements, 10 1ssue the following "The immense demand for *Hortoway's Pius ** AND OuxTyasx © has tempted unprineipled panties to ++ counterfeit these valuable Medieincs. rder to protect the Publie and ourselves, we iasued n new * Trade Mark, consisting of an jtcle of a serpent with the letter II in 'ihe centre. Every box of genuine * [loLLoway'e Pinus anp Oin1yeNt? will have this ade mark on wh: None are genuine without it. "To Drarers AND Jobers 1x Drues © AnD MEDICINES, 4 We enll your particular attention to the new style of HIOLLOWAY'S Prins ann Orv imesr'--none of the "old style are ufnufactured b ow, nor have they "licen for months, We therel caution all pur " chusers against receiving fromony Jobbers or Dea'- - cis the old style of goods. * Inforngition evicerning any sueh goods lLeing ofe y isaware that your laws do no permit them 10 copy the precise gening up of my Medi- cines, but In_order the more completely to blind the p, they have reconrse 10 another piece of deception, 1 stating that they deem it necessary, as they say, ke up the Pills and Ointment in another form, and v adopt n New Label, fe. < the above-mentioned ** Chemical Company? id Pringle, of New Y I 1 consummate ic atiempting to sell spol tations of my Med Ics. e imi- Beware of him like This unprincipled Chemical Company has dared to say that | owe very farze sums of moiiey in the United States. What is the fact 2 A newspaper ngent obtain ed, without my knowledge or consent, and by collusion with a party whoheld a limited power of attoiney of mi an oider fo advertise my medicines in Nouth America for three years, 10 the extent of $400,000 in Lwold He thon sold his cluim to a lawyer, who Fol it re- ferred hy thagomido a friend of hig, who gave judgmen: agninst me 18 themonnt of $171,28% gold, for profit which he said he could have made by it, had I net taken steps to repudiate this vile transnciion fe moment it canve to my knowledge. 'This judgment will soon be set aside. It cannot be supposed 1 am saie, that | owe a cent to nny one that 1 would not immediately pay. 'There is no truth whatever in the eiatement that, | ever authorised any person oF peIsons 10 use my name for the sale of my lls and Ointment, although gross frauds have been practised upon me by unprincipled men w this way. 1 wou'd ask, as a favor, that should it come to the k i urfops: medic In largest Monetary Institutions in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Instalments re-payable in from 2 to 20 years. Lands Bought and Sold Several good Farms for!Sale. 3" Agents for several first class Fire Insur- ance Companies. Collections made and n general agency busi- ness transacted. BEF DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "Gl JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents. Office in Mr. Ross' Outario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 11, 187h. HENRY GRIST, PLTENT SOLICITOR AND DRAIGHTOMAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transaets business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government. Copy- rights and the Regisustion of Trade Marks and Designs procured.' Drawings, Specifications, and other Documents necessary to secure Pa- tents of lnvention prepared 0a receipt of the Model of the Invention. REFERENCES, Hon. A. Campbell, Postmaster General; WW. C. Smillie. 154s, President Briish Bank Note Compuny; Jen Langion. Egq., Auditor forthe Dominion ; Wm Wode. Se. Manager Qatari Bank ; Hon. John Carl- ing, limster of Public Work. Province of Ontario. To my Patients and Friends in Reach and the surrounding Townships tle 1 have decided on yielding to the repeated solicitations of my many friends in Port Perry, to remove to that Vilage and will embrace the oceasion of my removal from Prince Albert, to Pifice Albert, Jan, 29, 1873. "4 {Practical Watch Maker, MONEY Feb 6 oT ks Port Perry. «(PRIVATE ronst) 1 -- er . }|Toloanongood Farms, at 8 per centinterest ° LYMAN ENGLISH, Strayed Heifer! - = smn, "the premises of :the Bub. November 21, 1866 " Tittle red lh ww d SER i ; aroun the nose. se neck, and edith ving] FIRST CLASS for her . 4 &x £ & rties giving such tion as wil lead I arm: to ent. i , posse ssion after . x { BAER hig} ~ {neh ly it dows "| ing his name, 'offers to Rent for a ferm of | HIP% REACH[ ' t are wt big, that lie be pleased to dress of the vendor who is rolection of the and | engage without divulg- ge of ni Being mide and 3003 M send me the name and selling the same, shat I muy. for | public, institute proceed ngs agains to remunerate hand-omely my inform Should any person reazon to believe tht he has been deceived by | i imi purions imitations of these Medicines. he will o by sending to the nddress at foot (whizh he can du at a cost of «ix cents 1' post= age.) one of the books of fnstructions Which ate uffixed to the same. My Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesale. net prices in quantities of not less than £20 worth--viz , 8s. 6il., 225, 34s, per dozen boxes of Pils or pots of intment. for which remittaiices must be sent in arl- These Medicines uré not sold in the United ch Pot and Box of my Genuine Medichies hears the British Government Stiimp, with the words ** Hole loway's Pills and Ointment. London"? THE GREAT REMEDY FOR which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand- ard preparation, as has been proved by; the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl- edged by many prominent ph, ating to be the most reliable preparation ever in- Tes or tho relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of aver forty years. 'When resorted to in season it sel- ee oT Ch hy cases 0 , Bronchitis, Croup, 'Whooping Cough, Influenza, ' Asthma, Colds, Throat, Pains or Sore- | mess in the Chest and Side, | Liver Complaint, Bleeding - (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 633, Oxford Street, W. €,, London, October 3, 1572. 108m dom fails to effect a speedy | = Tr Cutters ! 8 PORT :P BERRY CARRIAGE FACTORY! The Subscriber in returning thanks to sper ering : 5 "a Sleigh for Port Perry, Sepl. 28, 1871. z THE TUNIC DRUG, GROC Liquor Store! W. ML. WILLCOX, Sign of the Pestle and Mortar--opnosite Scott's Hotel. PRINCE ALBERT ! Invites the special attention of the public to their extensive rewly importedStock of the BEST BRANDS of PURE LIQUORS, consisting of Brandies,--Gins, Hol. land and Old Tom-- Wines, Port, Sherry, &e.--Rum-- Whisky, Malt and Old Rye-- John Bull Bitters, &e. A large and well selected (2 Our Teas can't be beat! quality, and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario- A choic: lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &e. 'PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retail. Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. 'I'horoughly reliable Patent Medicines. unusually large number of the very lat the-com'ng winter, which he feels con munity both as'to Quality, Style, and Price, Nothing but the best material employed. : 0% All Notes and Accounts already due. a.d that will be due by the ist day of October next, mst, without fail, be paid on or before the 204k of said month. GET UP YOUR WINTER RI & Sleighs | 4 AT THE inform them and the public generally that he has c. BOT tr Cutters | £ y 4 -- CE HE undersigned would thank his numerous customers for the generous and: liberal patronage bestowed upon him in th 3 aul w lo inform them and the publie gen that he OPENED BUSINESS IN PORT PERRY, And that in fotore his business will. be 'd the man carried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert. est styles of first' class C = oe y this es t and . fident will fully 'meet the wishes of the com- | cr us cilitigh which thits sebiired to b@¥sble fully to m the wants of the tapidly sing popu tion of this highly pr s section' (4 Books and Stationery. Liquors for medicinal purposes carefully sefected. Lverything in Stock is of superior quality and will be sold at the lowest remunera ive Prices. Remember the place opposite Scott's Lo! y | Prince Albert, Dec. 20, 1869. Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. Try them ! G. U. WHITE. ¥ RY We guarantee that for excellence in Also the best qualites of Chemicals, tel, Prince Albert... . 2 Ld . W. M, WILLCOX. : 38 M. 0. DONOVAN, PRA c TICAL By e ] Carriage 8% Nlaker NEAR THE TOWN HALL, ' BROCK STREET, GOOD assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from best malerial. A. made to order with neathess and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing 1% ALL 'WORK WARRANTED. NXT Gl HITBY 1 0 = Work . PUMPS ! RC You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At Having bad long experience 1n Pump-making in {he largest United Sitter, the subscriber feels confident that he can perfectly satigly all that will favor him with a call. 1 : A All orders for any of the above, whether by mail of otherwise promptly attéridedto. J. iE Equally Low Rates. Please Address, Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870. I 4 > SEE TIE. PRICES. FORCE PUMP- A complete Pump and Fire Engine with Hose and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot. Common Log Pomps at 40 cts per foot. Common turned Suction Pumps al 35 cte per foot. Cystern Pumps, a complete Pump, from: $3 up to $8. . Also PUMPS ! | RVIN'S PATENT PUEP FACTORY 1: BORBLIA, --a-- every other desotiption of Pomp at factories in Canada and the 3 JOHN IRVIN, BoreLa. FIR Lo 1870, ig and less FIRST PRI AT Provisciar Exmi- BITION | HELD AT. | " ToronTO, rie : The universal success of this Machine, 'both. in ¢logely ¢ petted sted Tho uuitatiel Suc is M1 us in EE elogely gon king IE 07 & failure; than ois BATE Mi gdt (ia JOHNSTON'S e g Machioe, it bas; more 0 "King of Reapers... r $o.qur, customers for the coming 'Harvest, two. distinct 'Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most. useful, improvements of. the day. pratt g Oy ! i REAP Ed h HNSTONS: '-* SINGLE RING, REAPER, shige): ol" the public. "HAST '| Bartley Wm 2; | {| Clifford Baker & Confectioner, Candies, Biscuits, Cakes, Bread, Flour, Trin Ton 8. FRESH OYST Wedding 'TEA MEET liberal terms. SHOPS Prince Albert and Port Perry. CHAS. HISCQCKS Prince Albert end Poyt P 4+ November 27, 18 rot wy TO THE INH ABITANTS Northern Reach a Dry Goods, © Grogeries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery; Patent Medicines, &c., | IS\AT THE Greevsank Store Yili k: GEO, FLINT, Greeabani"Yuly 2041871. Removal! Removal! Evi 6 rah HE Subsctibefiworld fe this Oppred tunity of thanking his dumerons customers for their liberal support during the past 24 years in which he has done business in the vil- lage of. Borelia ; and would now inform them and the public generally that lie has moved his fret ot brivtres to the Store In Jones Bros., in the business centre of PORT PERRY, +. ry¢ Where 'Lie hopes by" ' Mddération" ini Prices, | J Superior Material, : . Good Workmanship, Fair Dealing, ahd Attention to Business, To secure an increased share of public patrons age. My Stogk is chgite and. gomplete, consist of Sr RL Shgike and. spmple Chairs. i al kinds, Pictures, framed and unframed, - Picture Framing and Repaiking Furniture done on the best terms. y UNDERTAKING in all its Departs ments, . Having constantly on hand a good selecti of Some ings Bp of Black rolnnt. oun Juttern ¢., &ei, Tam /| avefl customers on the Harr he ik ' Fuperals fully supplied, and a' First Class wa provided when required. : {Stab Lumber ad Prods fkep in' ie Agent for Tomb Stones 4nd Agnumdnts. Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1872. BR WON. IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Prince Albert Post Office, Feb 183-- 2iondl BloOL deen Blanchard J W Brown John Mick Thos oct dull ya Nile fer hr 2 Coates Wm ~~, |Never.on J. 3 Coates John 3 ~~ |Peikins Jas { Coates Henry 3 Franklin Robt 4 nkltn Geo 2 ant us mi defects, nnd bas met with more | £9 ayer retofore offered to the pub i if sraham, Andrew wh 0 JO faved RQ 4 ick Maggie boar | 3 mb Thos " g 29 | 1 H | EE em

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