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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Apr 1873, p. 1

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PRINCE ALBERT, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1873. [WHOLE NO. 794 A x VOL XVI, NO. 17.1 Fe a -------._ ed . -- ; iy r ble fntario Whserher, oN YISTR A WEEKLY ¥ os 0) "POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL Lis, 3 AE, ' AND &. "3, Se.) » Family Newspaper ; H * Harnden, LP '18 PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT | Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, iviul COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Of Twelve Years Experience, Fvery 'Thursday Morning QFFicE over Mr. Gordon's Store, hd ay : QUEEN STREET, BAIRD & PARSONS,,PORT PERRY. » ress =81.50 por suum, if paid wilkinsis RESIDENCE--PRINCE ALBERT, ths ;ify i 0. 5 Ee en Le rao emmy | January 8, 1870. d sgenitiied until allarrearsare paid. ------ Le i nl h dd d afin W, M., WILLCOX, w+ RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first iusestion............ $0 08 * 2 Sabsequént insertions, per Tine. » 0 02 Curds, under 8lines, per annum 5 00 Advertisements measured in Nonpareil andcharge azeordinglo the space they occupy. " 3 spl as AS ThA 7 LICENSED ae wechnlingly. oadvertisement wilibetuken frei AUCTIONEER, ibersldiscountallowedto Merchanie and others who dvertisehy the year orhall-ycar. FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Theseterms will all uses | be strict.ya I. hefgdto. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, > --_-- BES to thank his many friends and the i990 JoB DEPARTMENT. public Seoerally for the liberal patronage m Mats. Haat Bille: Post Programme. Tf bestowed upon him duri®® the pas four years. ead, Blanc: Farms, Heceint Books, ogra Books, | Having now given up the business of Bailiff, [ ness Cards. Hull Cards, &e., of every intend, in future, to. devote D IY whole time to Stine Reoulnd prompily aud al lower rates | the b of A &e, tian any other It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful Establishment in this County ! attention to business, tive 1 Satishotion to Partick Troi a, distance getting handbills, &e. , printéd | all who may favor me with their Scles or Col- - ean have them doe to Vike home with them, lecting. : Bills draughted and Blank Notes furnished free ~. J. BAIRD I H. PARSONS. £ charge. ce Also Bill Stamps always on hand. : Arrangements can be made for sales &c., at AWrotessional Cars. the Ons Office Prince Albert, and at the ~~ Standard Office, Port Pens, z . M. WILLCOX Dr. Brathwaite, Prinos Albert, Sept. 16th 1813. ; PORT PERRY. ® DR. WARE, CROTHERS & WILSON ~ORONER for the County of Ontario : o «/Rhysician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Licensed A uctioneers ! Prines Allert FOR THE Drs. Martin & DeGrassi, | C0UNTY OF ONTARIO, RE prepared to conduct Sales an; hr in ung LINDSAY. A the Count ty. :f X Partie) placing their Sal our hand DRS. JONES & MALLORY, soy on \he Slog si Rela in alin : Pics; 8 and A ea Crothers is also agent for all kinds of Ag- PORT PERRY. ricuitural Implements. ( All orders addressed to G. Crothers, Epsom . Ofisemmory Alsons Drug fr Dpoansh P. 0., will receive prompt attention. © on Y Be] "M0, cx | October 31 1872. ~ Drs. MeGILL & RAE, HYSICIANS, Surgeons, &e., &c. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa. WM. WGILL, M. D. FUANCIS RAE, M, B. WM. F, McBRIEN, M.D, M.R.C.S,, GUY'8 HOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND. o THE EYE R.O.H L, = 0 Oshawa. "" 7. E.,FAREWELL, L.LB, COUTNY oRong J ToR3ey FOR NTARIO, BARRISTER, ay Solicitor, and No- tury Public Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e., &c., OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon. ¥F Parties entrusting their Sales to me may relyupon the utmost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland P.O, Brock. Attention! The undersigned would fully call the Pienion of those wishing the services of an Orpice lately occupied by S. H. Coct Bsq., Brock street, Whitby. "LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B., QLICITOR mn Chancery, Attorney, as Ee Avem for Le oust and cheapest / to HieiHon Conveyancer, &c., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe | ented Tune, 1871. The Patent Letter A Family street, opposite the post office. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, s TRL Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in « Bi Jaaasery, and Insolvency, "Notary Pub c, by AMERON & MACDONELL, RISTERS and Attorneys at Law, licitors County Council Ontario, Offices: House. M0. CAMERON. Ie High s Block, Brock Street, Whit- H. J. MACDONELL. , that he is prepared to attend sales a the shortest notice anywhere in the County of Ontario. Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept constantly on hand. Hard 600,000 Miners on a efforts to induce them to return t proved futile. But notwithstandi Pig Iron, in the mother country, sell now, Sos, At or near ed pr At which time my Spring Goods cent lower than it is now. advance. I am now selling the balance of 15 per cent under manufacturers Messrs. Jones Bros. Ww PORT PERRY, Marcu 6, 1873. purchased in December last when Hardware was at least 25 ware! STOVES, TINWARE, &C. 10 00 rome Strike in Wales! All o work have up to the present ing the great rise in the price of the Subscriber is determined to 11 HARDWARE, Towns, Ge, ices from the eo Up to the 1st of April, will arrive. These goods were per There is a prospect of a still further Parties doubting my extremely low prices are invited to come and obtain a list of them. my large stock of Stoves at least prices. Parties wishing Good Bargains will please call at my New Show Rooms between Mr. Currie's Store and the Store of .-T. PARRISH. L* OF THE DIVISION COURTS FOR THE County of Ontario,|' FOR THE YEAR 1873. EEEEZRIEEE = FB REA ER ER BA ER EA SEER No. 1 |" 2 Tp iy ap 1p 2/2) | 111 2 No.2(al [3 "jal 1a [of [3 No. 3| 17] | 2[19i26l28| [15] | 415 No.4| [18] | 3/20] [29 [16] | 5[16 No.5! [19] | 4/21] (30 h17f | 6/17 No. 6 20 22 18 18 No. 7] 21 23 19] 19 Z BURNHAM, Jubce. Whitby, Jan. 1st, 1873. THE ONTARIO FAKMERS' Mutual Insurance Company 4 Bi Company is now 3 now folly organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance, Company have now an ppportly of doing so either by applying Office, or to any of the local 4 gents Sewing Machire is Sono jeigel by Tatlors, Milliners, and all who know properties of Sewing Machines who have ha® the pleasure of eamining it to be the best and cheapest in the ominion, Ladies make sure work, and put chase the Patent Letter A, and the ha machine for $30. All ° ran rs attended to on the shortest notice, J. C. PILKEY, SoLE AGENT. ou will hav achines wa Epsom, Sept. 7, 1871. THOS. H. WALSHE. P. A. HURD, [, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Town- ATSORVEY at Law, and Solicitor in' Chan- sships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in cery, Port Perry. Office in the Royal Nofth Ontario: Mariposa, étc., in the Countyel Arcade, Port Perry. Vietoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. = | dersleft at this office, or at his residence will Hy . JAMES LAMON, punctually attended to. Debts collected in ( Can- Solici Ch ton, or otherwise, an pt remittances LE ORHEY a. lay, --Land n Agent, Ho. made. Remember-- WAL SHE, the North On- Ee fos. over Armstrong's otel, Main tario Auctioneer. rr Ne teh and Jewelle blish. T= ia "BILLINGS, | w- Wat ry. Bala ) ARRISTER, Attorney' at Law, Solicitor Public, Conveyancer, in Chancery, Nota: &3, Office overin the ' Store, Port Perry. ment, a. GODDEN. J. W, BURNHAM, grom ten a. m. to 3p. m. O. D: WAID, Ar vine J tions performed th: the utmost skill - Fri warranted to. reais v ich T Byrne, Whitby; Jos ir ridge, Dec. 1 'o 5 of the Third Division Court. Office QE Ponte Port Perry. Office hours SurgeonDentist,Ocr. MaiukBrod St, Uxbridge Aa dats in at nisn indngy Jewelry, Fasc t t ee Port Hope; Rev. REFERENCES. 17. Ge old, pe; 7 Sols RACTICAL WATCHMAKER lately employed by McCaw Bros. has now 'commenced business in Mr. Allin's Book Store, opposite the Untario Bank, Ross's Blacks and guarantees that all work corned to his eare.will be done in a good wi like manncr and at very moderate odio A large stock of superior Watches, locks and Jewelry always kept on hand and, sol Remember! all work w ted, and charges moderate: sil ol f * : \ op 3 AODDEN, Allin's Book Store, opposite Ontario Bank. Port Perry, Feb. 28, 1872. £108 SETS TT0, N.VARS, ACTICAL Dontiet Oshawa, oie Vs, ed ps, fg ter e the post | nation on Horse P ranted. 'the borrower. ST et RS door north Pile Essay on Shosng: kL 8 | ™anudry 10, 1872. 3-re La to Several Improved Farus, and LWild : em ora Hogs to nnribuboe that he hes taken | MON BY re ate In rg eats Fynr Bank and other marketable Ln EioEARDSON, = hEec earn (PRIVATE FUNDS,) polio tos i" ' ISSUEROF and scien er. | Pol on gogd Farms, at 8 per cent interest J AMES HOLDEN. ders left at the:Medical Hall of Messrs, 0) ' % EL + Eicensos | Pee wi receive - ¢atenlon - " LIMAN, ENE, roses foie Bk nh fe " Lor 19, IN THE FIRST CON: OF oly g Yoterpary Shai Folios! on » Ga in eR BROCK, Port Perry, July 21, 1871, a Noreen, 1866. Tan Whithy prt 10, 187 i 97 [on by of the C . Our rates will be foun] as low as those of any To DaaleM ting Insurance Company] in Cannda. flice--The old preity Office Build- ings Drcek Street, Whitby L. FAIRBANKS, Jr. 27-1y t Hotels Royal Canadian Hotel, PORT PERRY. The Subscriber having leased the above Hotel has fitted upinastyle in keeping with the Lily increasing hu business and prosperty ot the Village and neighborhood, and with direct re- Ritts to the comfort and convenience of the ublie. Strict attention paid to the Table and th Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. Beri Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel a of public patronage. HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. "REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER B PLANK,. PROPRIETOR. AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors | and cigars. Every attention paid to guests.-- Stages to and from Whitby a, Carefs) ostlers always id attendance. Mackie's Hotel, (LATE BRODIE'S,) WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE Wu. MACKIE, Proprietor. DAFOE HOUSE uric 00D dati Careful it to the requirements of travelers and guests. The barsupplied with the best wines, li cigars Good stal ably ng. lines and J. DAFOE, Proprietor. Centre Hote 1, SAINTFIELD, J. JENNINGS, Proprietor. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMFY TORONTO, Cw. INCORPORATED ...........1851. Capital - - $400,000 President ON. jon MeMURRICH Vice-Pre: oan AGRATH, Eq. HNATID PA LDA N, MES PRINGLE, GENERAL AGENT. Secretary. Martiage Ticensbs (BY AUTHORITY.) SSUED at Port Perry. Office, the Scugog se: HENRY CHARLES November 11th, 1869. _ JOHN MGDONALD, MARBLE DEALER, NEWCASTLE, ONT. ONUME} Tomb-Tables, Hénd-Stones of Licey ety, with every 'ark, suitable for Contaries Supplied) : description of X Fah uotice, Also Peterhead ead and A Granite. 05" Parties will find it to their advan- tage to withhold their orders until calted J.C. WILLIAMSON. : Satisfaction guaranteed, and Pg 74 Albion Hotels WHITBY. A. MASON, . . . ProPrIETOR. This Hotel has undergone a thorough renova- tion pd been fitted np with a view to the com- fort ahd convenience.of the traveling public.-- Every Attention yi i aid to the table and bar, while rd will have charge of the ete Whitby, 20th June, 1870. 25 EE TAILORING IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT SQUIRE'S - TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT | OVER RO8S' STORE, PORT PERRY, JAMES SQUIRE. ort Perry, Oct. 30, 1872. MONEY - 10 LEND! HE node: a any amount of M; T to lend ig Farm an To wh Ha FRR Es Unusually Low Pas of Interest. I A » PY SERVED HIM RIGHT, An hange paper describes an amusing encounter in a railway car in which a lady comes off more than con- queror. i * Sometimes [ feel like throwing these cbacco chewing fellows out of the wia- dow," seid a conductor of a 'thorough' sleeping car, oot long ago. \ "We go to a great expense getting up these cars snd just to head off these follows we put a big spittoon in every section but it dont: do one particle .of good.' - Whenever they choose bétween a new velvet carpet and a spiltoon, they're sure to make for the carpet | One of these chewers was at it, and getting tired of his"side of the car, he took spitting in the isle snd the lady in the opposite seat began to ga- ther up her skirts. Finally he got wo near that she couldn' stand it any longer. st Mister,' said she, ¢ where do you live when you are at home." "¢ With my wife.' "¢ Do you keep house ?' "¢ Yes) " ¢ What sort of a house is it v ¢ Very nice house.'y ¢¢ Do you spit about it as you are spitting about this car ?' "¢ Yes, madam; I do as I please in my own house.' ¢ ¢ Then, sir, [ avis you to stay at home, for people who don't please to be decent ought never to be permitted to travel.' : " I never saw a fellow so taken down. He looked avgry, but dida't care to say anything, and after that he spit out of the window.' GU CRRA, John Wilson is a brakesman on a Min- nesota railway. The other day he heard a train snowed in seven miles distant, aud not being on duty procured a large quan-- tity of crackers, and cheese, inveloped bimself in a cloak with a hood, with the wind blowing a gale and ihe thermometer thirty seven degrees below zero, started out on foot to relieve the hungry passeo- gers. Although le felt his ears and face he trudged on until he reached the train, almost exhausted and unable to speak dis. tinctly. The grateful passengers thawed him out as well as they were able, and one of them, Jolin Lawson, Esq, of prairie- du Cheir, who had some ludies under his care, took from his own neck a' massive gold chain and putting it around Wilson's neck, remarked, © It's a pretty good man that bas worn that chain, but 1 bave found a better one and he shall have it." bh a, discover what became of his chickens and his mother-in-law who had come to visit rhe roost. » walk after dead ?' madam, I have heard the Dead March.' must be a load of bay.' way the asses are nibbling at me.' -------- A chap who could do all the busi A Savannah gentleman set a trap to was awakened next night by the cries of ee eee. ¢ Do you belive, sir, that the dead-ever ¢ No doubt of it, ------------ = ----eneees Aa editor speaking of a fat rural con-- temporary, said--* If all flesh is grass, he "I espect] am,' said the obese farmer edircr. ¢ from the " Blowing Cottan" is = sitting-room geome of the jolliest sort. Let as many as may be seated around the table with hands folded and arms extended along the table, each person touching elbows with bis neighbor on each side of him.~ 'Take a small piece of common cotton bat: ting, picked up so as to be made as Tight and airy as possible. Put this in the cen- tre of the table. Let' som@é one count " ong, two, three," and then let each one blow best to keep the cotton away from himself, and drive it upon some one else No one must take up his arm to escape the cotton. When it alighs take it up and start it anew. It will be a very sober set indeed who can play two or three rounds without indulging in the healthiest sort of uproarious laughter, --------= i ---- One Sunday lately in the middle of Ireland, while service was going on in the Catholic Church,{tkree ladies entered the building 10 take refuge from a sudden storm. The priest, knowing the ladies personally, whispered to the sacristan :-- ¢ Three chairs for the Protestant ladies," The sacristan immediately stepped up to the congregation and bade them give three cheers for the Protestant ladies which they did in good style. The confusion and vexation of the priest may be imgined, not described. SRR-- A countryman came to one of our hotels and wrote after bis pame, « P.O.P.S.F.C." Here was a title which none but himself understood. ¢ Pray, my dear sir," asked the bar- keeper, '* whet do all these letters stand for ?" ¢ Stand for ? why, that's my title." * Yes sir--tut what's your title 7" " Why, Prolessor of Palmody and Schoolmaster from Connecticut." ------ et ---- A "Nice" DistiNcTioN.--A young and beautiful lady axplained to a printer the other day, the distinction between printing and publishing, and at the cou- clusion of ber remarks, by way of explan- aiion said, " You may print a kiss oo my cheek, but you musta't publish it. He dido't. -------- = ----et ¢ Get out of my way--what are you good for 2' said a cross old man to a little bright-eyed urchin who happened to stand in bis way. 'The little fellow, as he s'epped to one side, replied very gently, ¢ They make men out of such things as we are," ee ---- SuowteNING A TELEGRAM. --A gen- took the following telegram to a telegraph office :--* Mrs. Brown, Liverpool street, --T annouce with grief the death of uncle James. Come quickly to read will. 1 believe we ore his heirs. John Black." The clerk, having counted the werds said, « there are two words too many, sir."'-- « All right, cut out ¢ with griel,' *' was the reply- Ol ---- An exchunge tells of an editor who went soldiering and was chosen captain.-- One day at parade, instead of giving the be exclaimed, * Cash, two dollars a year in advunce.' Sale." her as a bridal present. ¢ hubby' without any outside help. Tartar¢ he wanted to without advertizing has been compelled to advertise at last.-- The new adve: tisement 1s headed 'Sheriff's | ---- I --e That Pittsburg girl has sent back those two barges of coal whieh' her father gave She says she guesses she can make it hot enough for ------ lr l----en. A sailor being asked how he liked his bride, replid, ¢ Why d'ye see [ took her 10 be only one half of me, as the parson says, but dash me if she isn't twice as muchas I. Tm oly 3 ter, bot she's a '« Sister," said one of the brethren at a love feast, * are you happy 1" bub's bosom !" arch's, I don't care which." as 10 go to the other place." country may be traced to disease lungs. orders, * Front face, three paces forward,' " Yes, deacon, | feel as though 1 was in Beelze- «" Not in Beelzebub's bosom 2"? « Well in some of the patri- The Detroit Tribune says : ** A very common epitaph-in Arkao-og cemeteries is " We will meet in heaven, husband dear." This may explain why the men of Arkan- sas are generally conductiog themselves so A mnjority af the mortality cases in this L of the Indeed these maladies are alarm- Loans can be repaid in any manner to shit --------------e For the first time in history the form ers are culling the speculators with their own weapons. Califorsia brokers put up a " corner" on ships, contracting for the garvyiug capacity of all ships that will touch San Francisco up to the harvest of 1873. . Therefore the farmers fortified by sales of wheat, have cornered ou corn and obliged the speculators to pay double price for grain wherewith to load their waitiog vessels, . iiss Bil: A ministér, about to" rr a servan; for lying, was asked, ** Master, 'don't you preach that God ordains' Whatever comes to pass? Then how could I help doing what I did? Tlie master replies, 'It eMil- | was also ordained that 1. should chastise | ¢ you for it; and bow ¢an I help-doing RA Sra webs b ingly on the increase. We do not know a remedy better suited to this disease than the combination of Hypophosphites discov- ered by Mr. Fellows. et ~---- Goop Foop and plenty of it, produces (he same efféct upon a persofi who has been starved that the Peruvian Syrup, an Iron Tonic, does upon the Weak and De- ted : it maken them strong and vigor. dus, changing weakness and Sifevieg into strengih and bealth. ! Are blackemiths who por» a liviog by fogap. or carpegters who dg o little = 2 re, om tk or ig The following episode occurred at the seaside recently : Two ladies were chat. ting gaily, when the conversation turned upon the subject of dress. Lady No. 1» in reply to a factious remark of No. 2, #aid{ ¢ I'm in no mood for trifling, ahd I'm backed up in my good intentions by the presence of Zion's Herald in my pannier." No 2 remarked : ¢ There's no, use in your feeling so particularly good about that. bave the Christian ag Work in mine DIVORCES IN AusTRALIARS--Divorces have never been sanctioned in Australia. Jews--In olden times the Jews had discretionary power in divorcing their wives. Tumperans-- Divorces are seldom al- lowed unless with the consent of both parties--neither of whom can marry again. ABYssiNiANs--No form of marrisge is y. The may be dis= solved and renewed us often as the parties think proper. Moors~--If the wife does not become mother of a son she may be divorced with the consent of theftribe and she cae be married again. SiseriANs--If a man be dissatisfied with the most trifling acts of his wife, he tears her cap or veil from her head and thus constitutes a divorce. CoreaNs--The husband can divorce his wife at pleasure and leave her the charge of maintaining their children. Tf" she proves unfaithlul he can put her to death, Stamese--The first wife may ba divor- ced not sold, as the others may be. She then may claim the first, third and fifth child, and tke alternate children are yield- ed to the husband. Armic REGions-- When a man desires a divorce, he leaves the louse in anger and does not return fur two or three days. The wife understands the bint, packs her clothes and leaves. Dausg AnD TURKOMANS-- Among these people, if a wife asks Ler husband's permission 10 go out, and he says ¢ go' without adding * but come back agin," she is divorced. Though both parties de- sire it, they cannot live together again without being remarried. Cocuiy Cmnese-- Ifthe parties choose to separate, they break a pair of chop sticks or copper coin in the presence of witnesses, by which action the union is dissolved. 'I'he husband must restore to the wife the property belonging to her previous to her marriage. AMERICAN INDIANS --Among some tribes the pieces of stick given to the witnesses of the marriage are burnt as a sign of divorce. Usuaily new connections are made without the old ones being dis. solved. A man never divorces his wile if she has borne bim sons. Tarrars--The husband may put away his partner and seek another when he chooses, and the wife may do the same.-- If she be ill-treated, she complains to the magistrate, who, attended by some of the principal people accompanies her to the louse and pronounces formal divorce. given to a wife ot marriage for ber support in case of a divorce. The wife's portion, was then paid (0 ber snd the husband re= quired to pay interest for its use during the tinie be kepi it from her. Usually the men could put their wives away on slight occasions. Even the fear of having foo great a fami'y sufficed. Divorces scarce= ly ever occurred in Modern Greece, Hixpoos--Either party, for a slight cause, may leave the other and marry.-- least trouble. If a man calls his wile ¢ mother," it is considered indelicate to live with ber agaio. Among one tribe the ¢ Garos," if the wife be unfaithful, the bugband canuot obtain a divorce tnless he gives her all the property and children. -- A woman, on the contrary, may leave when she pleases, and marry another man} and convey to him the entire property u ber former husband. ae A. 'The latest verdict was recorded dpon > gentleman who expired ina fit of inebria. tion. The', retursed : " Death iy bovgg--avind grup shop i GRrecians--A setilement was usvally - Where bot desire it there is not the - 5 em A ARAB ban x ET ae EIS x

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