NEW G00DS. First Axrvars! The Subscriber respectfully informs the public that hie has received a latge instal. ment of his Spring Stock -- consisting of vena: Goods, Parasols, Prints, Boots and Shoes, Tweeds and Cloths, and Ready- made Clothing. Tug Caen axD Reany Pav Sveren will be sinicliy adhere 0, und intending poi- chasers mny rely upon prices being put down ue low ag it is pessible to put them, eo ne to hive. An early inspection ie vee spectully mvited to the large and vared stock of Clothe and Tweels suitable for 8 ringoafits. Suits of 'the most fashion. able cut made vp lo order at short notice and #t the most reasonable privem. 'A gro fit goaranteed in all cases. A eplendid tot of Spiung [lats, Ties, Collars, and Shine just anved. A splendid lot of Seed Wheat, Clover and Timothy Seeds; aud Salt on hand and far Sale. 'Wanted to boy, Bacor, Pork, Butter and Eggs in wny quanuty snd lighest prices |p, | pad. ADAM GORDON. Port Perey, March 12, 1873. "---------------------------------------- The finfatio Hbserher. "PRINCE ALBERT, APRIL-17, 1873. rrr EDITOR, OUR GLORIOUS NATIONAL ALMA . : MATER, ATER, ) he financial exhibit presented last week 10 the Imperial House of € by Mes if not ealabrions. That the union will prove | of thunder, ¢ Let the druokerds present muiually ad geous can y bel rise 10 ibeir feet," and then a panse.-- foubted ty way us Viewing the .maller| Hore a worthy wut erring brother who had om a prapes stand poinl. + , oped a little 100 freely that evening ere ORE e came lo meeting, winking and giving a ag CRINGERS aT w 1 as slowly to his feet fy Ly to he. ht nt , .. |Stedy himsell as best he could § and the . It isa great misfortune to any munici-| minister went on. * Now,' oo he, *let polity 'when its press gets into the hands | the liar and hypocrite arise,' again a rause of an unscrupulous clique who will sacri~ (00d no one appeared to rise. 'The ineb- fice everything to the accomplishment 'of | ite brother, who was sill standing, i 4 stretched his cae over two seats and tap- their own dishonest selfish purposes. But ped the bald head of Deacon saying, this evil is greatly aggravated when that (¢ Deacon, get up. Deacon. don't yeu press bas. the mistoriune 10 obtain the | bear the mister culling you 1 when he services of a worthless, ignorant incompe- | called we | rose like a man. Get up tent who is willing to be dubbed editor man ! get up" 'Vhe Deacon didn't rise. for a miserable pi and who occupi INLAND HKVENUR, the position of scape goat for all the 1ub=| po Report for the : A 4 " yoar bish which every hireling chooses to serib | 5, jing June 30ih, 1872, i before ue ble on their veracious sheet. Such is the | ang ag far as Revenue'is concerned it pre: miserable predicament in which the 6o-| sents a most satirfactory state of things, but fortunate Standard is placed. ~~ whether the country may be much the Two weeks ago, for the benefit of all | gainer by it in the end may be fairly ques- concerned and in the interest of many [toned ir h ax a laigely i eons suffering ones, we called the atteniion of |~V/"Ption of Tobaceo ~ and intoxicating i : o liquors is the chiel cause of the exjansiun that deservedly voobigus yaifway-'ving 10 of the revenue. The toral amomi of inland ustice of thelr strutting erovod " tevenue for the year as teporied 18 $5,618, - eek, ay month 'after | 019 which is $491,000 over the preceeding ice of the sweat and t0il | sour. Of the above revenve $4,763,278 1s of their employees in their pockets while | venv. d from Excise (L'quore avd Tobacco ) not a few of these employees were really The temuinder anses trom Public Woks, suffering from want of their dearly earned such as tollé on canals, &e., Lill stam ps and culiing lumber, lo euch of these thete is wu hundeome increase over the pus year -- The from the pio. of spirits nnmes but we gave The naines of some who |, oo 0 $2207793. Tuiut'iv thé qnanuty of though perfectly able were unwilling 10 piri { net, Dave ex ded that remsic any longer unpaid. We gave in| ut tlie former year by nearty hai a mition stunces of whom the ring owed/| gulions. ! between three and four hundred dollars| There were 6,557,528 gallons of mal and downward, ond showed that three of liquor manufeciored in Canada doting the wages. To spare the feulings of those who were suffering we did not give their Lowe, Chancellor of the Exchequer, wisly, parties, the principal employees on past year, or a gullon and a half for every perhaps one of the most cheering ever pre: sented 10 1he British House of Commons showing, as it does, an amount of vitality prasad by no other pation past of pres ot ; and administering at the same time a be- fining twbnke 10 those pretended friends, but teal enemies of this best and bravest nut of the eur. Those wou d=bu sym- : mun, woman and child in the Dominion, the road, fad 'been discharged because Tue wcressed value in the consumption forsooth they refosed to allow 'the'riog fo|of 1obacco dating thie part yeur over ihe step arcuind with other men's 'money in| previous one wes $217,332. The total their pockets, money which was months | value of the tobacco consumed during the past yeat 18 $1,242,285, or 8,175,100 Ibs.-- Ouly think of it! over 2 lbs for every soul in the Dominion, yonng snd old, not to overdue. . The ring not relish'ng the rebuke we paitusers, in whom the wish is futher 10 the administered, whipped the birelings into epeak of the pesfoct floods of imported thought, who pretend 10 detect symploms of decny 1 glotiens old Briain snd 'who desire 10 lorses tokens of early Je ripitade il nut complete decay wn this noble mother of naetions, Tue nati nal' Etpenditure for the past year was $353.000,000, ivhile tha Revenue w « $382.000,000, snving a balance ol over $20.000.000 Tne Estiaiates for the nest finaneal year tay the expenditure at $50,~ 000 less than the past, while the text Year's revenge 18 expected 10 exceed that of the past by $41,600 ; 80 that if nothing unosuadl takes place duning the ysur a very mach larger surplus will be seanized, Besides the ordjunty expenditure, last year the national slow paymasters. debt wae reduced by $31 000 000; und mine next year the come jax is 10 de reduced ove penny 1p the pound, aml the duly on Sugar is :0 be reduced by 50 per cent.-- Ty in a mot com'oing ste of things, showing ne it does the Vert Tgsonices of tie mighty vation which under the wise dis- pensation of Piovidence has been the toteh bearer of the glorious pri pam Liberty over the greater portion' ol th world She has Literally been the mother of lonr natrons, each of which wi you fival eran greatness dl nolan renown 54 gud we ean prove them ; and though they and i the madst of which itis sincerely to be Boped that she will sit for azes ws a De lowed qaven invoking complacently on her off pring nations growing op around her, taking part with the oppressed against the hononng their mother, saking lier connsel, copying her vintoes, and siiving 10 0X c=) bat even tn her most noble deeds 5 bit guapling her honor awd chetivhing ber memory with the most fiiial care. ------ ree SHERE JS LUCK IN ODD NUMBERS The Privce E1ward lalandere voted them- seives confedurationists on the 4th inst. Our readers will remember that the Gov- ernment of thet island cams 10 the eonc!n- rian same time ago that' it would be to the wivantage of that province to cast in their * Jet withethe Dominion of Canada. view io bringing about so desirable a result a deputation from 1kat provinee came lo the Dominion Gavernmant what were the best terma 118 | to the skies, an D minion would offer on eondsion of Prince | most plaintive st. Kiwasd joing the Confederation. Having prceived ihe conditions they returned to their eww proviee, sotmiited therm 10 the people | described as having to leap) from the cars, at the | left to bis pious ribs, a dyeativd for a general elwotion jo which | risk of "jumping inty the jaws of death," or be the test question shoud be o ntederaion or | * kidnapped to id ne eantederation, aud tire reen't of the elec: tion showed that the people wished to jon the Dominion ; #0. that the simission of i1lie Oana tn accertain from i addjiional provivce mug be regarded as un neenmplished fact. This vives va the lucky odd simber of 7 provinces in the Con'ederas tion z: Nev Branswick, Mancha, British Cotom- biagand Pree Eiwanl Island 3 a moble, 2 family | ing every vanely in the chameter apd dinpositions of their | any foull tofind with either of tlie dis- i A missed: In passing the Reacli sation and got lnmsell into the fight he evid-nily bnbitants of well na in their climate, nil, productions and resources, wseven has in all ages of tha world's history been regarded ns a panieniarly foronate ] been viewed: with corresponding herseven capped lowers, Minor sevan chute ve, and Roms her seven hills. R thify Ve asked what material advanta d we d msible parfy to deny | Barker if his friends do not consider 'bim Prines, ) word Hig gn beng inte ihe esd Audie dare 44Y Jespon party y 1 n 2 Io the first place h 'mai On a "plied okt of wa fitonice as 10 thw imporianae: or stakility of | poference to early' piety. Edward | wag thet | fimohious grist of Déscde led the. progiass of the" " ond. Row made wh a | prety. hard 4ase, 0 ke determined to set bud 8 Ipea ial | more obdurate' began to sew of civil und | gxpven, With a Outasin, Quebec, Nova Scotin, road; and it so happens that we never d- The number 1 A iwoitby 'pastor in: a certain village the orgitn and made them deny the truth | cigurs which are nut incloded in the above 7 The prospects ate imherstioky, antl open of oll OBE $1819 WeRTy though all of them up au extended field for those prehibiory knew--hireliugs and all--tkat our state- | proc.iwnies whieh pericifigafly afflict a not men's were true to the very letter. ingonsidurable glass of the community but : : grmount 10 much. Referring 'o our siaiements that the which never gmount 10 much arrears of pay J in some i -- + -------- i fort] AN UNHOLY WAR, 10 between three and four hundred dollars ; and that the most valu «ble of the employ- ees had been dismissed because they re- N i Their Bowmanv:lle" Reverencies are having a sweet time of iv. It appears fused 10 a'low their wages to remain any that--no one knows How long, ago--itlbe 1 ge. in the hands of these slowest of all W. M. congregntion, Bowmanville, had i Ilere is the 'way in| social, and, ax a matter of course, held it whieh the ring's scribblers in their over | ihcir own way, Lut they appeared to have 2:a try in feet the chages, :-- given some offence to a reverend barker-- bite, { ing) need scarcely say that these : vite bi ye Gugino the ichteo: foundation, perhaps, they did not invite bim to the in fact the whole of them are Misfit Tor social or it may be that he did not get rind . . 8. K. McCaw . ky femissod, but what for: we ire unable to| mare than his skare of the best of ihe . . i Hf - . . pin SEE, hain, bo Fv hei a:- cake. Ba tbat as it may, however, this Rev. Barker took the pet and has ever I be only foundation which our state--|g co continued to tuil against 'the Rer. ments have is that they are literally true| M Brcdin, as being chief offender--in good set terms. This Res. Barker is figure head of a dr. nominational sheet called the Bowmanville Observer, ani he 1s not slaw in making use of its columns in his effort to demolish bis Rev. brother who has no sheet at bis back. Brother Bredin however has prov ed bimself more than a match for his rev- erend but not over scrupulous foe ; be has whipped him round the 'ring and driven him in'o his corner week after week for were fint maoufactured, they are certainly used for a purpose and this purjose is the oppressor. With regard to the dismissal of the principal employees for refusing to allow the ring to become the sell-constituted bankers of their pay this was well known to the scribb'ers when they framed the pretended decial.. The equally® truthful assertion that the amount of the arrears in no case amounted to the sum we stated is of a piece with the rest of their rubbish Will they please inform us if Mr. Wither. spoon's arrears: of pay amounted to $339, and Mr. S. K. McCaw's to 8190 ? mon:hs past. mence the fight but he ceriaiuly. gave the fitst ecclesiastical knock down and drew the first clerical blood ; and from all ap pearance he will soon Cemolish his Rev. : : Bro. A couple of weeks ago Bredin Lot Gh Omar ds (bese men | C72ed With his reverend antagonist, threw Inments their dismissal in the | him heavily and when he got up fought ;nnd yet sixmonths bave ured terms. stop at the Reach stations, and passengers were ort Perry ! ing that they were thoroughly eflicient bands and tlie principal employees on the | the bel. a mach for both of his 2 Bro. Bredin did not com~ | foliow in rapid not elapsed since it denonuced them in unmens-' him back upon the vopes and as punish. | ny re matshiated every day, and hands, It charged them with refusio to| ing Lim severcly, laying them in r'ght snd | biains and eyas must all be active and vig- Baiker's backers |ilant. see nz their man about to be wiped out, As for as the lauding is concerned we | rushed ivto tke ring and commenced a only gave the dismissed their due in say- general row ; one Ciarke hitting Bredin ing. ] from behind and even striking him under |!" copy befor ug will reach the enormens Bredin, however, is more than i-1s, and ECUNOMICAL VILLAGE DADDIES. The good folks of Ingersol it appears, wanting to be somebody, like the frogs in the fable, demanded--not a king, hut a public park. The demand was complied with, a-park was obiained, properly laid out and as properly fenced in and present- 10 the stmewbat ambitious Ingersollon-- iansi. But, like the man who got the ele~ phaot, thy did not know what fo do with it. In order to get them out of the troub. le the Village Council passed a resolition 10 sell the park. Sic transit gloria mindi. DOMINION PAnLIAMENT, Tha "business of the House is being driven on as rapidly. as ciccumstances will slow. ; : ; «5 The impertant subject of canals came up for discussion on the 9th. Mr. Colby was taken to task for having moved inthe matter of the insolvency law aud feft-it there, thus obstiucting the legi-la'ion on so imprriant a matter and a subject demanding immediate attention. Mr. Mills moved for a change 1a the constitution of the S: nate, with a view to muking the members 'of bat chamber elective. On the 10 bh the Spexker read a memo- risl from the Legislative Assemlly of Ontario in Tavor of the passage of a pro- hibitary Liquor Law. The memorial set forth they 28 000 electars had petitioned the Tncal Legislatuie to pas a similar law nnd 39 corporations had petitioned with a like object but it being declivéd beyond the jurisdiction of the said [louse of As sembly and hence the wmemorhal. The memorial {fur her set forth that it was mast desirable thut this measure should become law, Mr. Young (Waterloo) deserves the thanks of the entire press for his effort for 1:e removal of' the abnoxious 'impos! n papers. Oo Thursday he moved for a retord showing the, total amount of revenue derived fiom" postage on news papers, ant distiogui-hing, if' possible, the amount derived [rom newspapers seut from the office of pehlication and "those other- wise sent through the mails.= lis olject was to uscer ain the 'amount of revenue derived by ihe Post Office Departmen from this source. [le was of opinion that il the revenue wis emall it would then be a question whe her the Government would po! act wisely in abolishing it altogetler If 1he 'revenue was nu large one of course it would be different. At any rate be thought a reduction might he mike and the tax upon knowledge made less oppres sive -- Carried, --- -- ASTONISHING SUCCESS IN JOURNAL. sn. The New York Daily ferald of Sunday, 61h et., is now before us, displaying pro- portions almost miraculona, Ouly think of it! a one hunlred'and twenty column paper 201 up day alter Jay, Sundays not excepied. Tue Journalistic giapt contains 20 pages 6 colu nug on each paiiyor 120 columna in all. 78 of these columus ary solid matter, all advertisements, and 42 colvmnid'of news aud general intelligence. 150,000 copies of this great daily are eent forth to the world every day in the week, Sundays as well as other days. There ure 7 presses at work in printing off each Issue, and they are thrown off at the rare of 1.000 sheets per minute j eo that in the space of two and a half hours the whole 150.000 copirs are punted off and tarown broadcast over the world. Again the 120 columns for the following day must be selling up so that the eternal click, click, of the types as they into the I ing sticks, day avd night, night and day, late and early, early and late, work days and Sundays, Sundays and every day, year alter year goes constantly on ; the everlast- ing click, click knowe'no end. Relay after relay, the hands pass away and their places are supplied with fresh hands, the work must go on and a fresh million of ems mast If the labgr and expense of running this gigantic sheet be ennrmane, as they cer: tainly are, the income is still more astonish- The yalue of the sdvertisements in sum of $20.000 Twenty thousand dollars sounced the-e parties neitlier in measured nor unmeasured terms, We never had the driver was ouly fcllowing instructions, | knows nothing; of the science of literary and during tie feats of leaping from the car to avoid kidoapping, it' so happens that Mr. McCaw was aot oa the train aj all at the time. tumb'e way of fiLhting may be all very ihe troth of our assertions. We suspect | there is any. i 1 i who! | futhers their rubbish, jst as if pious lying | glowing hinds in perfect ectasy in witness. ere not the worst of all infamy. Their they want to make capitelout "recollection a case in. poidt. Well hit; Baker! Hit him again I. There fot @ thousand 'miles away, found himsell 'by a hetrogenious. crowd: of Bi ick hi | face sgainst. prevaling :jniquiy and} | commenced a series of discourses. on the | warm to the work, and even signs of breaking down. 'Fhis tended 19. increase efforts of the py minister, 50.2 uty. we «xpect lo see bim give them a fearful pounding next week, Whoeser this bot: | sorpiion wilt amonnt 10 $4,000 every any tle holder may be who burst ino the ring | f $28.000 every week warfare, and we advise his friends to take him off ese he gets hurt, His rough and We knew this when we gave| well in a a'reet brawd but he would soon 'awoship of *| en account of the feats of leaping for life ;| be annihilated in: the riog. And as for |tural Sociely's Spring Show of Stallions, too far gone for any furher good; they had "Tlic ring winds up'their ngmorole by a | better gather up what is 148 of biat while | Sociery's Spring Show for the exhibition How his Satshic. Majesty will grin, |plemeats, xe! ; smack his sviphorous lips, end rub: his Phince Albest Show Grounds, on 'Tues ing this Reverend doel, * Mow, be will pat |, Th Tea Se | Bypoerincally pious' dodge brings' to our | the beck of these pious combatants, yin~ Slow for the exll brive of Stock If "+7. | ning, shouting," Give it ta him, Bredin:l| Catile, &ec , will: be - cn' the your chance !' kick {#1 ie het he's Whitby Agricultural Stejety J " t .| Stock Harses 1 ; Grouuds, Whitby T'own,on rida 11 10 this we add the subwerip- tion Dir the paper we shall have an amonm worthy ol the great enterprise The sub- +0 that while the outlay 18 great the income is much gfeater. COMING SPRING SHOWS, Pe fllawing Spring Shows of Stock Animals sre Advertised, The Township of Cartwright Agricol- Bulls, &e., will be held at tha Viilage of Williamsburg, on Friday, 25th inst. The Township of Reach Agricul ural o'her stock snimals, Im- of Stallions, ih &e , will be held on the day. 29:h inst. ' Fhe 'Fownshi rounds, Bowmanville on . wiship of Whitby 'their iw hid B. » § Eki SR GOOD FRIDAY. : } In this and the surtonnding villages Good iday wae observed: ne' a holiday, the THIRTY.FOUR i ST and Eloqutionist. This sara ob eo anxph nded 10. BUSHELS OF PEAS OLEN. Somé thievishly inclined person or per- sons nrade a raid on the barn of Mr. S. Hoitt, Myrtle, some tyme between Sunday evening and Munday morning of the pres-- ent week, and stole therefrom 17 bags of choice Peas wiiich had been [ately cleaned and bagged ready lor market. The tracks of the wagon which bore away the pludier | were traced for a certain distance nor he Not far norih we hope ! for certainly we would feel ashamed if it were idered possible that xo mean a thi-f could live north of the ridges. The busines of steal ing must have got fo its last legs when it has come dows to stealing peas. "If the grain in our farmers' barns is to be exposed to the depredations of the thievishly inclined it is time it were known snd steps taken 10 arrest the disgrace, Since writing the above we learn that the wagon tracks were uliimately tracked 10 a straw stack on the farm Lelonging to Mr. Geo. Robson, in the 3rd con. Reach, and in looking behind the stack the peds | were found. The party who farms Mr. Robson's farm and two young men in the neighborhood were some way or other im- plicated in the transaction. ° Weifelt confident that neither of the parties blamad would stoop 10 anytliing so low.and could not for the life of us under- sand why they came to be implicated in any way, The matter, however, went so far as to come before 'I. Paxton, Esq, and we are glad 10 know that cur estimate of the parties was a just one as they were all houcrably ne quitted. We have the ecid nce--if it deserves the name of eri den taken. before Ahe mapistra'e, hut we de, oe the drouble of trying fo cuteh & shadow. ~All the pa: ties impli] cated have been honorably acquitted. Mr. Hoitt has recovered hispeas, and the pariy who flayed this rather awkward joke hos not been discovered.' SR CAPT. THOMA> COMING, usicnist, Ventriloguist, in the good folks. of rhis y 'at* Mau. chester on Friday and Saturday next, and' at Port Perry cnitinoudsy and Tues day following... -Doh't miss the Grand Treat. Seve bills. re et A --eeeee. THE PORT PKIRKRY CARRIAGE FACTORY, This charming Mr. Wtie'a new adv nt will be FROM EUROPE. / BavonsE, April 10.--The Carliets eon- tinue 10 bombard the own of Pingeerds.-- Relief lor the garrison has been sent from | Geror.a. Geperal Camanos has beaten the band of Carlists under Saliva, which were menacing Geloni Mires, at the head of a considerable force. Tue insurgents have levied a contriburion of 100,000 francs on Villa Franca, and demand ls immediate payment by the municipality, 's the town with the fate of Berga if the mon- ey is uot funhcoming. The place being well defended, the authoritice refuse to yield. . : Later. -- Pereionan, April 11.--A des- patch trom Pingpeida, dated noon to day, suys :~ After the failure of their final atrack fust might, the entire Carlet force withdrew before daylight, leaving 300 dead and wounded on the field. We lost 8 killed and have many wounded. Five hvuses were fired by the enemy's a shells and ve- stioyed. Precaotions have been taken agaiet a renewal of the siege. WORKS OF ART. Loxpon, April 9.--The department of art of the Vienna exposition will present a fie disp lay. i alued at $2,000,600 500 | paintings aud Baly statnes. - Elaborate | show cases have already arrived from all pants of Egrope. Americas behind in this respect. Ci tl INVESTING IN RAILWAYS. . a Haverock, April 9. <A by-law taking s'ock 10 the amount of $150,000 in the Northern Colonization Railroad was passed nuanimodsly in the townships of Ouslord, Clarendon, and the village of Biyson.-- Other places not heard from. } STARVING IN THE MIDST OF PLENTY, Lonpon, April 10. -- Grest distress for want of foud 1s reported to prevail on the islands Ifish coast of Galway. Sheep oven are sfurving. Subscriptions have been opened fur the rehef of the Islanders. ree "I --e JONNY BULL BET BACK. New Yorx, April 11.= While the English detectives, now hese on fhe Bank of Eng- land cae, were reeing the tity the other night; one of them was robbed of his wash and poeket book, and papers fir the exiras dion of Buiwell, of Havapa. The. pspers have beew retorfied, nk bed = ------y LIGHTNING STROKE, tory in Uns city waa destroyed by hghtning yesterday and 40 persons buried in ihe (ning, 5 ol whom were killed and seventeen fond in another column, [He is supplying the community with first vlase Bugis, Wagonw, &a., and at the most reasonable plies.' (See nis nelv advertirement.) tp pt Mn Forman's New advertisement will be found in this issue. [lis stock is un- wuatly large, well selected, of choice quality and to be sold av the lowest prices possible -- (See Ad) Be Blacksmiths will find something to then benefit in our advertising co'nmns ol to-'ay. Mra. Matson, Epsom, offers to tent her Blacksmith Shop and si] the Toole and sell the stock. (See the advertire- upon hie season's route on Tuenday, 29.h just. (Sec bills and advertisement.) CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES. ~ There is na longer any necessity for trudging around on foot or nding mn old break-neck, dilapidated cacriages, time are good and Mr. Emaney is byiding the most slylish carringes of every description and at ench prices us leave no '1oom for grombling. ; « Goto the Ontario Carriage Worke. Prine Albert, and he will supply you or make 10 order on the shortest notices. (See his new advertisement.) A FEARFUL MASSACRE, The day-of vengeance has at last over-- taken the inzorrigable Indians. - They have just filled up the cup of their iniquity and must drink the bitter drege of it. San Francisco, April 12.--On the 11th of March Gus. Swain, John Me- Donald, and George Tayior was murder-- ed by a large band of Apaches. The savages were pursucd by troops and over- taken, and during the conflict 79 worriors were killed and 126 womea an' children taken prisoners. 'The troops were under he command of Lieutenant Rice, who 4s now at Fort \Whipple. * They followed the trail of the Apaches, and learned that Taylor had been captured and subjected to most horrible tortures. Captain Ran- dall reports baviog an engagement with I1eapquanTirs Invision oF -aHe Pacrric, April 12 To General W. I". Sherman, Washing; toa. I'he following report of a horrible treachery and murder bas just been re ceived. | have telegraphed Col. Gillem 10 let the punishment of the Madocs be as severe as their treachery has merited. and bop~ 1a hear soun that he has made an end of them. Sigeed, J. M. Scoffield. M 3 0 1 'H Copy of telegram of the Assistont Adju tant Geperal of the Department of Cala, from the Madoc expedition : = General Canby, with the Peace Commissioners, went to meet the Indians about ove mile in front of the camp at 10:30 this morning At 1:30 p. m. the signal officers. whom I had watching the conference reported the | firing. Upon réaching the place of meet: ing I found that General Canby and the Rev. Dr. Thomas: had been killed and and Mr. Meacham w Commis-ioner, 1 shal adva eralions' against ihe Tnd (Sigaid) | Han ALVEN GiLLeM, | h ry. Commani Ig. Jyer, escaped unhurt. shies. op A JOURNALIST New York, April meals) a Utica, on the loth inst. Emily Re daught- 0% Mr. Beutley's Imported Superior re at ok Bi l Draught Horse ¢ Yonnz Q@xford?? will enter H the Apaches, in which 67 warriors were |. a day. for adveriemg alone is* something killed, and seven women captured. I ounded, ' The other |" | opportumty is offere fret ames MARRIED At Prince Albert, on Thursday, 10th inst. by the Rev. Mr. McCann, Mr. James Johnson, of Rench, to Miss Elizabeth Holden, of Prince Albert. At Port Perry, on Monday, 14th inst., o the Rev. Mr. McCang, Mr, Lewis McLean, of Bow- manville, to Miss Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr, John Bowers, of tue township of Reach. nikD. At Greenbank, on the 14th inst, Elizabeth, heloved wifg of Mr. JohnWatson, aged 62 years. Near Sonya, on the 14th inst, Jane, daughter of Chas. Black, Esq, aged 2| years. . At Pott y, oft the 12th inst, Holdah, be. loved wiie of Mr. Wm. Bearden, aged 22 years. CW. H. PARK i UNDERTAKER, H H PORT PERRY. : Feannnen eresensanstnane eeiisaenanitetiatie : At Greenbank, on Saturday, 12th inst., Clara, infant daughter of Mr. David Cragg, aged 13 months. At his idi 8th ion Pickert on Wednesday, 2nd inst., John Weir, Esq,, aged 76 years. Deceased was father of our respected Deputy Reeve, Mungo Weir. He was a natives of Scot- land, and came to this country over:40 years ago. He settled in the township of Vaughan where lie remained ten years and moved into Pickering {where he remained up till his disease. Deceased was an honest, upright, exemplery man who lived respected and died regretted by all who had the pleasare of his acquaintance -- Those who knew him best esteemed him most. A Grand Preat CAPT. THOMAS The pleasing Illurionist, Famous Ventriloquist and Elocutionist, will give some of his best Eu- tertainments at Manchester and Port Perry. TOWN HALL, MANCHESTER, On Friday and Saturday, 18th and 19th inst. DEWART'S HALL, PORT PERKY, On Monday and Tuesday, 21st and 22nd inst. YG TICKETS 25 CENTS. .L% "NOTICE. WANT a Groom for the Season for * Jack "fle Barber." CHAS. PAYNE. oy 18-2w. Reach, April 16,1873: Gold Bracelet Found ! 4 il nndersigned found a Gold Bracelet be- tween Prince Albert and Borelin, on n- day, 14th inst. The owner may have'it' by proving property and paying the necessary ex- pense of advertising MKS. N. STEVENSON, April 16, 1873. Prince Albert. A Rare Chance for BLACKSMITHS, - Rome, N. Y.; Ap! 1hth.--A manafao 1 Ei '(bat the Court of NE rer Lh Assn +; Roll for TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT ! For the 1873, will be held at the Town For the year J itm : On Monday, the 19th day of May, 1873, At 10 o'clock of which all parties inter- id ey rating to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. WM. LUCAS, 2 Towser CLREX. Cartwright, April 14,1873, 18-4w Mou AND' NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. Aferite 10th of June next, emigrants having through tickets, will be sent from Toronto to Fort Garry, Manitoba, st the following tales; -- Site : TARONTO TO PRINCE ARTHUR'S LANDING BY WAY OF COLLINGWOOD OR SARNIA. © Adulte; $5 ; Children onler twelve yasrs of age, half price, 150 Ibs. personal bags gage free. Extia baggage, 35 cents per "11100 Iba. PRINCE ARTHUR'S LANDING TO FORT GARRY. Emigrants, $10; Children under iwelve years, hull price, 200 Ibs. personal baggage tree. Extra loggage, $2.50 per 100 .bs, . Emigrants shoold take their own rations, Provisions, will however, be furnished at cost priee, at Shebandowan, Fort Franees, and the No:th- West Angle of the Like of the Woods. THROUGH TICKETS FOR EMIGRANTS To. FORTY GARRY, VIA PRINCE ARTHUR'S LANDING, Can be had st Toronto, at the Stations of the Noithern, Great" Western, and Grand Trunk Railways. Emigrants are reqnested to take notice, that packages ol luggage are limited to 200 Ibs: weight lor convenience of transport on the Portages. 2 { 'MERCHANDISE. After 201d of June next, will be trans- ported from Prince Arthur' Landing te the aasiern terminns of the Fort Gany Road, North-West Angle at the rate of $2 per 100 ibs, or $40 per ton of 2,000 tbs, Each piece or package to be of gonte- nient giz, not exceeding 300 Ibs. in weight and to be firmly ound or fastened. Horses, Oxen, Wagons, and hesvy articles, such 'ar castings and, machinery, can be rent through to the same point, on aiving due nitice and making special are rangements for the conveyance of 1ue same. No winea or spirtuous hqnors will be taken over the route from Prince Aithur' Landing. * By direction, F. BRAUN, Secretary. Department of Public Worke, Ouawa, March 261h, 1873. 18 3w That Superior hinported Draught Horse » Young Oxford! THE PROPERTY OF MR. J. BENTLEY, EPSOM. ILL stand for Mares .this Season, 1873, an follows : Ha will leave his own stable, Fpsom, on TUESDAY, 29h April, at 10 a. m.. and proceed by Manchester to P ince Albeir, thence 10 Foy's Hotel, Port Peny, in the afiesnoon and remain 1111 Wednesday noon. WEDNESDAY, wilt leav Part Perry at noon and proceed tong the 7h Con. to his own stable and remain all night. THURSDAY, will leave hia own stable at noon, and proceed to Plank's Hotel, Ux= bridge, and-remain Will Friday afternoon. FRIDAY, will leave Uxbridge in the afternoon, and proceed 10 his own. stable Thi route will be continued Juring the searon, health and weather permitting. Terms. -- To ineure a [oal, $14; Secasor, $12; Single Leap, $10, Eprom, April 16, 1873. 18 Youn g Lord Clyde T= imported' noble Dranah! Horse, the property of R. BRYAN, Can- * wright, wit ctand for -- seuson, 1873, as follows : Monday, April 28. will leave his own stable, lot 6. 5th Con. Cartwright, ut 19 a. ni... and proceed 10 John Contes', 2nd con. | ; thence 10 Alex. MeKenzi :'e, ost Wily and remain all nights Tuesday, proceed 10 Hodgson's Hotel, Columbus, at noon ; theuce to Hind's Hotel, Oshawa--all night. Wednesday, will Fraverd nlong the. Kingston 104d 10 | Steven's Hotel, ut noon ; thence to' Henderson's Hotel; Bowmanville and remain all nights . & 'Thursday, will 'proceed 10 Mason's Motel. Neweas'le, hoon Hence 16 Borland's Hotél, Grotho, and re le main all might. . ity, will proceed to Biers' Hotel. Ty i noon i 3) oe 10 Dressers Hotel Rotel. Tironernt imal] ull_Saturday noon; thener to Musou's Hotel, own stable and. remain until the followmg Mondoy moming | oe 1. 'This route wil be eontinued during the season, heahh Pad weather pesmiting: Fe 4 FETS This _bandsoma horse is rising 4 years 2000 (bs. He has already VILLAGE OF EPSOM! necessary in a first class Blacksmithi Estnolishment, Sho also offers to sell the entire Stock at a bargain; ni 11 1t but seldom happ 80 excellent an ing on a business D le. For will also Rent the Tools, consisting of all | - : The Subscriber offers to Rent. for one or | 2nd 'weighs x] term of ll t and ad: usly hed J se a sute foal or Theat Seats Shop in the getier. (4 § ; 4 A COMFORTABLE DWELLING: HOUSE T0° LET. = 1 i -- ey - a HE robscriber «flere to rent that'com--" . nily located with a "There is a good and commence 0 Tr > Bet For partons oy he Gwiier on' wR toyed. xy ge wo Rares : i anal fordmive® ag | the premises. hate s Tooe or MRSS JAM Toi oC Cartwright, Apnil 9, 1873 ES: GRAHAM: BA wy 1%. ee) 1 anid remain tll the following Tuesday. " Willisdmshurg. dil rémant 2 hours ; thence. 10 his * the premires and an excellent young Or