Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Apr 1873, p. 4

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He who reads oo sewspaper of sof kind is only spared of beaven™That ke may sitonajurge : -------- eee. Louisville has great expectations of a literary 'club just started with forty-five dime novels for a library. BREAKFAST. > Epps's CocoA.-- GRATEFUL AND CoMFORTING.--* By a thorough know- ledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a cetefal application of the fine pros perties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps hae provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which ma rave us many heavy doctors etn il Service ice.razetle. , Made simply with Boil. ng Water or Milk. Esch packet is labell- ed--¢ Jauns Errs & Coy Homasopéthio Chemials, London," Manvracrure oF Cocoa.~¢ We wil now give an acoonnt'of the process adopted By Messrs James Epps & Co., manulactar- ers of dietetic articles, at their works in the Euston Road, London"-- Cassell's House hold Guide. - rom » ExTrRACT FROM A LETTER OF MESsrs. Avery, BRowN & Co., ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RESPECTABLE FIRMS IN THE MAmTIME PROVINCES. ""Halifax, N. S. Oct. 4,°1871. James I. Fellows, Esq.-=Dear Sir : Our sale of your Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites bas been very large, and, notwithstanding its high price, has far ex- ceeded that of any other medicine, We have bad from you within the past year six hundred cases of one dozen each, which bave gone into almost every part of tHe Province, and given, as far as we koow, UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. As it is no quack medicine," but com pounded, as we believe, vpon the sound principles of Pbarmaceutical science, we trust you will not allow the public to lose sight of a remedy so well calculated to be of permanent value. Very respectfully, AVERY, BROWN & CO: --tt eerie "Tarik Name 1s LecroN," mey be applied 10 those who die annually of Con- sumption, although science has of late years sensibly diminished their number. It is grutifying to koow that the general use of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is largely instrumental in attaining this end. MATL CONTRACT. EALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, and marked «Tender for Mail Service," will be re- ceived at Ottawa, until 12 o'clock, noon, on Friday, the 25h April, for the convey- ance of Het Majesty's Mails twelve times per week, or more or less frequently, as may be required, each way, between the Prince Albert Post Office and the Prince Albert Railway Station, on or from the lst July next. The conveyance lo be made ina vehicle or otherwise. The computed distance between the Prince Albert Post Office and the Prince Albert Railway Station is § of a mile. The days and hours of the arrival and departure to be as follows, subject to a right of the Postmaster General to alter the same, should he consider it advisable so to do: In connection with the train carrying the mails. The Contract "if satisfactorily executed, wifl continue in force for a term not exceed- dng four years: The Postmaster General reser¥ing the right to 'terminste tlie agree- ment at any lime previous 10 the expiration of the four years--should the public interest, in his opinion,-reqpire it--upon giving the Contractor three months' previous notice of hia intention. » Each tender to-state the price asked per double trip (F. ¢., from: thie Post Office. to the Station and back to the Post' Office) in words at length, and to be accompanied by the written guarantee of two responsible parties, undertaking ttist; in the event of the Tender being accepted, The Contract shall be 'duly 'executed dy the party Ten: dering for the price demanded ; undertak- ing also to become bound with the Con: tractor 'in the sum of Three Hundred Dollars for the due petformance of the service. Printed forms of Tender and Guarantee may be objained at the Post Office at Prince Albert, an: 'the Subscribers M. SWEETNAM. Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector: , oe Moetoh ot fie. ANTED. We will'give men and women _ BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY froin $110 58 pa day, 6a he pursued = e J. LATHAM & CO. |; + 292 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Daily Line to Rochester] THE SEW LAKS STEAMER Port Perty or at the Office of || i wip PRI Er HE ba made angen ts I for le Prince Albert, offers Sell, chan] d, or Rent wn SAL 'part of oi Fine Sibert and Vegetable en. A first class cattle-yard surrounded with comfortable sheds, good stab- ling for nearly one 3 quantity of hard and soft water and all ohret conveniences requisite for a First Class otel. For particulars apply (if by letter pre-paid) to WM. SCOTT, Proprietor, Victoria Hore, Prince Albert. Marah 19, 1873. W. TRENBETH, MERCHANT TAILOR A w PORT PERRY! Is now slowing, in his new Brick Block, {One of the Largest, Best As- CHEAPEST Stock of TW EEDS, Broad- Cloths and Trousering & Vest- ing. Hats and Caps. Gents' Furnishings, &c., ever shown in North Ontario. A call solicited before purchas- ing elsewhere. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED In every case. Port Perry, April 2, 1873. FIRST CLASS Farm to Rent. pe HE Subscriber offers to Rent for a tem of years, that first class Farm yeing Lot No. 16, in the 2nd concession of the TOWNSHIP 8 REACH 90 'Acres Cleared And under a good state of cultivation. On the Premises there is a House--Barns--Stables-- 'ells, andall other conveniences. The proped- ty is situated 1} miles south of Prince Albert. For further particulars, apply to the proprie- : J. E. VERNON, the i TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ; Has Removed his business to |tomers for thediheral SUpPDYt ho has Testived while usine: n to Port Perry, opposite the Post leh ore shen that ne a bey a ais Office, where you will /find a choice lot of Furniture 'of Svery description, which I- am deter- mined to sell Cheap for Cash, or on short credit. - In the Store recently occupied by H,T. Flynn; Opposite' his late. Shop : 4 Destroyed by fire, and would solicit - 1 am determined to figure|unuance of their patronage. ~~ © close for Casn. I have a large quantity of, BOOTS& SHOES pe Own Manufacture, * CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Undertaking in all its de- partments. Coffins furnish- : ed in one hour's notice. Wi Also Agent for Tomb Stones. W. H. PARK. Port Perry, Feb. 19, 1873, RICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Sept. 18, 1872, -- 40 CAUTION! FRAUDS ABROAD !! RIE Soomaali to sui te pb ic of fe' rie against purchasing spurious medicines which are being a by certain individuals, of linle or no menns, trading (for Mortgages Wanted. the last few months only) under the style of the ** New York Chemical Compafly." Every artifice is made use of by them for the purpose of inposing upon the public ; and the more effectually to deceive, they have the ef- frontery, in their advertisements, 10 issue the following caution :-- * The immense demand for * HoLLoway's Pinus SV ARD OixTMENT! has tempted unprincipled parties to *¢ counterfeit these valuable Medicines. * In oider toprotect the Public an! ourselves, we ithave issued a new * Trade Mark,' consisting of an "Egyptian Circle of a serpent with the letter H in "ihe centre. Every box of genuine * HoLLoway's ** Pris xp O1x1MENt? will have this trade mark on "it, None are genuine without it. * To Deavrers ano Jonsges 1x Drucs "ann MEepicINgs, **1Ve call your particular attention to the new style tof ' HoLLowaY's PILLS AND OINTMENT'~nione of the * old style are manufactured hy me now, nor have they "heen for months. We therefore caution all pure * chusers against receiving from any Jobbers or Deal- " ers the old style of goods. HE Subseribers have large sums of money T placed in their hands for investment on Improved Faims, Village Properties, aud other 3ecurities in this and adjoining Counties |* at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hend at all times Borrowers can depend on getting their money with the least possible delay. Wanted to Purchase Any number of Mortgages, for which the high- est figure will be allowed. We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest and largest Monetary Institutions in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. I payabl in from 2 to 20 years. Lands Bought and. Sold Several good Farms for Sale. $3" Agents for several first class Fire Insur- ance Companies. Collections made and a general agency busi- ness transacted. PE5™ DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "@ll JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, n cerning any sueh goods being of- ** fered will be received with thanks. ** We ask the favor of all the information you can * give in regard to those countetfeils.'? Now this Company isaware that your laws do no permit them to copy the precise gening up of my Nedi- cine, but In order the more completely to blind the public, ihey have recourse 10 another picce of deception, Viz., in staling that they deem it necessary, as they say. to make up the Pills and Ointment in'another furm, and that they adopt a New Label, §c. Besides the above-mentioned ** Chemienl Company," there is also a David Pringle, of New York, who by consummate trickery is aitempiing to sell spurious imi- tations 6fmy Medicines. Beware of him likewise. ; General Agents. This unprincipied Chemical Company has dared 10 Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, | say that | owe Very large sums of money in the United Port Perry. States. What is the fact? A newspaper ngent obtain- ed. without my knowledge or consent, and hy collusion with a party who held a limited power of attorney of mine, an oder to advertise my medicines in South America for three years, 10 the extent of $400,000 in gold He then sold his claim to a lawyer,who got it re- ferred by the court 10 a friend of his, who gave judgment against me to the amount of $171,237 gold, for profit Which he said he cond have made by it ind Lot taken steps to repudiate this vile transaction tne moment it came to my knowledge. This judgment will soon be set aside. lt cannot be Oe) sure, that | owe a cent to any oné that I would not immediately pay. There is no truth whatever in the statement that, | ever authorised any person or prisons 10 use my name for the sale of my Pills and Ointment, en gross frans have been practised upon me by unprincipled men mn this way. 1won'd ask, as a favor, that shonld it come to the knowledge of nny prson that spurious medicines are being made nnd sold in ny name, that he be pleased to diess of the vendor who is Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1871. PRINCE ALBERT qo Bmbors,, 4°. r 2 REMOVED TO send me the name and a The Late Fire! | Opened a SHOP| Tlease give us a eall before purchasing else- | ere. LATE OF BROOKLIN, ® outbrs and. the Babli¥oe morally eé inthe future he will be foun e way of 53 Would respectfully beg leave to announce to his numerous that he has REMOVED his place of business 10 USHAW. most happy to supply thelr wants with Fine Gold & SilverWaitch es, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, SPECTACLES OR'FANCY GOODS 11 Having now in Stock a large assortment of beautiful Goods to select from, which will be sold at the lowest remunerative prices, and warranted. ' 0G Please remember the place,-- ne : WILSON'S NEW BRICK BLOCK, KIN O0SHAW QOsmawa, March 5, 1873. .Bongard AT PORT PERRY. EE -- i ; BONGARD begs to inform the inhabitants of Port Perry and surrounding townships, that A he has established and is determined to drive with vigor a genera! . ° Meat and Grocery Business! In Port Perry, next door west of Thompson's Hotel, where he will always keep on hand's full Stock of CHOICE MEATS, FISH and GROCERIES of every description AT SUCH PRICES ds will put COMPETITION out of the QUESTION!!! 4 GREEN, BLACK, and JAP'D TEAS-RAISINS, CUR RANTS, SYRUP, TOBACCOS,-- HADDOCK, HER- RINGS, &c. FRESH OYSTERS--best grades--always on hand. A. BONGARD. Port Perry, Jan. 15, 1873. : 5 3 - i FES 2.2 12 hn Fire and Conflagration SUNDERLAND, 0 Notwithstanding the late disastrous fire, which left much of our fair village in ruins, the Subscriber, : J. W. PARRISH, Has again re-oper.ed his Hardware and Tin Shop in the Village of Sunderland, better prepared than ever to supply the very large and increasing demand for such merchandize. t I have on hand STOVES of every variety and style, in Parlor,Coal and Cooking Tinware--an endless Stock, cheaper than ever. Every manner of Eavetrough- ing done in good style of workmanship. 0 Pinduce taken in exchange for Goods. REMEMBER the Sunderland Hardware and Tin Shop, is the cheapest place for such Goods anywhere to be found east of Toronto SunperLAND, Feb. 18, 1873. Ne" raw 5 J. W. PARRISH. PORT PERRY ¥ [iin sistile tor vie & public, institute proceedings against kim, and | engnee riffs to Jemuherals handsomely my informant without divulg- . : ing his name, . 0 A Shop opposite White's Carriage Factory | should any person have reason to believe that a has been deceived by buying spurions imitations of these Medicines. he will oblige me by sending to the address rE Subscriber would embrace this Rpor. tunity of returning thanks for the liberal and extensive patronage bestowed upon him since opening business in this place. He has now much pleasure in informing the public generally that he has just opened out the larg. est, richest and most attractive Stock of Jawel- ry &c., ever brought into this County. A call is sufficient to convince any one that the Prince Albert (now Port Perry) Jewelry Emporium is the best establishment in the* Joounty for beautiful, good and cheap goods in the Watch, Clock and Jewelry line. at fool (whi*h he can do at a cost of six cents 1m post- o age,) one of the books of iustiuctions which are fixed to the same. My Medicines can {| be supplied at the lowest wholesale cs of 101 less than £20 woith--viz , . dozen loxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remittances must be sent in ad- vance. These Medicines ure not sold in the United States. Each Potand Box of my Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words * Hol- loway's Pills and Ointment, London,» (Sigred) © THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 633, Oxford Street, W, €,, London, October 3, 1872, net prices in quant 64d., 22s, 34s. My stock is carefully selected, extensive and valuable, consisting of an elegant assortment of Jewelry, Colored and Bright Sets, Fine Gold, Gem and Plain Rings, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Studs. A lot of" beautiful Gold, Silver and Plated Chains. Cruet Stands, Fruit Baskets, Butter Coolers. Very fine collection'of Gold and Plated and Enamelled Lockets, Fine China and Glassware and Toys," Tobaceo Stands, Flower Vases; real- ly fine Bracelets ; Musical Box Playing 6 opera airs. Gold Watches, Silver Watches, Clocks, all of the best description, French Clocks &c., Regulators, Mouth Organs, : sa Brooches, Ear-Rings, &ec. Everything as Cheap as possible te be afforded dish JOHN DIESFELD, Practical Watch Maker, Port Perry. Feb. 6, 1873. y : 10-6m n ; Reach, Feb. 5, 1873. 8- To 'Contractors TENDERS L be received by the undersigned up to Monday, Api 21st, for the erection a Frame Sehool Heuse For Section No, 8, Township ot Cartwright. For ioutars apply to any of the under~ o f "JOSHUA NEhoRE } THOS. DINSMORE, } Tgusteor. EDWARD BRYANS, A Cartwright, March 25, 1873. 15-4w Seeds, Plants, Trees--prepaid by Mail: M; Ol ced: descriptive Catal Flower and Giten Seeds. 35 sores of for $1 ; ice of Frui B-M. W. N, 01d Nurseries A eerie ete eb ein, HENRY GRIST. 3| Pz, 1ia., 13, 2 ini, 12, 14, or 16 feet long | MUSIC LESSONS! MES, E.M. PRINGLE, Port Perry, desires to state that at the earnest solicition of friends Lessons at the CONSUMPTION which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand- ard preparation, as has been she has agreed to give Music homes of several pupils livingat a distance from Port Perry; and as her time is not yet wholly occupied she would be pleased to hear from those who may wish to receive music lessons at their homes. Fg letier, : proved by the hundreds of pad, MES. E. M. PRINGLE, | testimonials received by the _. Port Perry, proprietors. It is acknowl- Music pupils always received at wy residence] edged by many prominent oppose hs Pot Ofte For Sey ys wp | physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in- Coton for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sels dom fails to effect a speedy CASH FOR LUMBER! The Oshawa CA BINET COMPANY JILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE nth SLUMBER! © 20s : ro LUMBER !| co Vioris Gongs Delivered at their yard in Oshawa. [SQUARE EDGE PREFERRED. ] Oax or Ash, 1 in, 1}, 2 in., any widih, 'BurrernuT, 1 in.; any width. . Rock Erm, 1} in., I} in., any width. Commox WATER £1M, 1in., any width. Sore Throat, Pains or Sore- ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleedi at the Lungs, &e. 'Wistar"s Balsam does not dry up a Basswoon, 1in., any width. Co " 1}in., 5,8,10 or 16 in. wide. ugh, and leave the cause » i 12, 14,17, 18, 20, or 21| behind, as is the case with" most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses 'phe - lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of Marre, Beeon, and BincH ¢ : Fin. 1§ iow, Fin., 1 § in, 2i0.. 8% in., 5 in, Plank. gah 242}, Square Scantl : 3 Sane Yaofi: PREPARED BY +1 BETH W, FOWLE & SONS, Boston; Mass.,. Oshaws, Feb, 5, 1873, 8 Andsold by Drugglsts sud Dealorsgenerally,- the complaint:.- Sa "a a Y Wanoy, June 92; 1874, PUMPS! PUMPS! You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At J. TRVIN'S PATENT PUEP FAGTORY I BORELIA, a SEE THE PRICES FORCE PUMP- A complete Pomp and Fire Engine with Hose and Couyjiling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cta per foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 cts per foot. Common turned Su~tion Pumps at 35 cts per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. ¥ Algo every other description of Pump at \ Bl : " 5" Equally Low Rates. long, erience 1n Pump-makiog in , the largest factories in Canada and the oe vad the are aa confident that he ean perfectly satisty all that will favor him i Il. ¢ ? We orders for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Please Address, JOHN IRVIN, BoreLia. Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870. ; JOHNSTON'S ILI - RAKING REAPER, We offer to our customers for the coming Harvest, two distinct Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the day. JOHNSTON'S "SINGLE - SULERARING REAPER, 57° "The "King of Reapers." _. . The universal success of this Machine, -bobh'in- closely contested AWARDED FIRST PRIZE AT Provincial, Exur- BITION HELD AT Toronro, 1870. {trials and in the hands cf the farmers, warrant us in Sayiog that, as a Self Raking Reaping Machine, it has more good points and less defects, and has met. with, more sesstand less failure, than any Reaper heretofore offered to the pulie i} . - SB . Cayuga Junior Mower, in Toronto, 1870, in competition' with all the leading Machines manufactured in the Province ; and with our recent improvements, we subesitiagiyelillengs investige- tion and comparison with competing Machines, we are satisfied that such investiga- | tion will convince every unprejudiced mind, that iwe offer the best er tothe Farmer for 1871, builtin the Dominion. 8&y> Send for descriptive cata 8. | i © BROWN & PATTERSON. Ve were awarded the First Prize and Diploma; at the Provincial Exhibition, held| | The Royal ©. ot [CANAD SHORT HORN, \ PN RED by Mf: John Bellwood; thé © Bint Bed MERE OWS > Co a raront UA. Trrus.--$2 for one Cow, duction for a number of cows. cows, $5. 3 ris . Tha Royal 10% Oxfory Ott, Flor BY V aun Duciony of Newsasil br, J +Color--red and a little white. . : WM. PHILP. Oartyrright; Mirch I2 1878... '{,/}8/ WITH. T ™ undersigned wold thank lis ) meivss custompra.Tof oJepen oul 3 an al pair e wed. upon: hi in the pan San wea 0a t0-nform thew" and the public generally that he has OPENED BUSINESS IN PORT PERRY, And that in futore his busitess will be carried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert, He hopes by this arrangement and the in- creased. business facilities which be has, thus sécured to be able' more fully fo meet: the wants of the rapidly incredeing popil tion' of this highly 'piusperous section, pf country, : 2 CHAS. HISCOCKS, Baker & Confectioner, * Candies, Biscuits, Cakes, Bread. . Flour, = Fruits, Toys, &c. FRESH OYSTERS received every week. Wedding Cakes made to order. TEA MEETINGS, &e., furnished on liberal terms. - SHOPS- Prince Albert and Port Perry. CHAS. HISCOCKS Prince Albert end Port Perry, } November 27, 1872. PCLAW | INHABITANTS Northern Reach BE THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &e., 1S AT THE if GreEnbank Store : GEO: FLINT. Greenbank July 20, 1871. 29 Removal ! Removal ! HE Subscriber would embrace .ihis' oppor= tunity of thanking his dumerons customers for their liberal support during the past 24 years in which he has done business in the vil- lage of Borelia ; and would now inform' them and the [iti geneially that he has moved his place of business to the Store lately occupied by Jones Bros., in the business centre of PORT PERRY, Where he hopes by a Moderation in Prices, Superior Material, Good Workmanship, Fair Dealing, and Attention to Business, To secure an increased share of public patron- age. My Stock and i iy ock is choice and: complete, kinds, ictures, framed and unframed, oh cture Frami done on' the five og aad Revajring, Fumsiture UNDERTAKING in all its De . ments, Depart, Having constantly cn hand a good: selectio of Coffins' made up of Black Anat, 0; 3 Butternut, &c., &e., [ am prepared a customers on the shortest notice. to supp] Funerals fully supplied, and a : 3 First Class Hoaxse . | provided when requirgds h Suitable Lumber and Produce taken ine x' e. X Agent for Tomb Stones and, Monuments, , T .iig 0HN "NOT. i) Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1m. 79 MOTE. en " PSYCHOMANCY, = ied (oR vy d £ ob How either sexs may fascinate and gain the love' nf EE he i a mental eyoisomanl: ait ! 'by majl for 25 cents, together * peer an Sargon Sal Sat 100,000 sald. Adgress T WILLIAY & 00 1d. South Eighth St.; Philadelphia, Pa. Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Lobsters, Sardines, ' s, Sideboards, Tables, Cheap iting v3 ~«

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