Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Apr 1873, p. 4

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RE , and went on tipioe about ; and Sam, who seemed to take the entire responsibil ty upon his holders, sent off slyly to New York for choice flowers and fruits, which bi induced hie sister (0 convey to the young lady with thie most abject apologies and re- greta. dn a couple of days Eva was able to come down stairs. She was looking very pale, but lovely, and of course blushed divinely when presented by Mrs. Carpenter to her three brothers, who behaved quite well ceneidering the unpleasantness of their situation. Bit Sam who Irad broken the ice by means of his presents, was the most at ease and by virtue of his age and experi ed himeelf the propitiator, and was con- stantly on hand 10 offer Miss Eva a thou- sand nameless attentions ; and before the week wus oot John declared in confidence to Hannah that Sam was done for. ¢ He's gone under completely I' echoed George, with one of his dismal groans. -- ¢ Just thiok of it, Han--if it had net been for that pitcher ot water, Sam. wonld have been heapt-whole this blessed minute.-- Tie lellow.meets of girls much prettier than she every day, and with lots of stamps, too. | They eay pity is a twin sister to love, and | believe it. ¢ Sour grapes," whispered John, pueker- ing op his mouth. i Hannah sang Eva's praise, and secretly commended Sam's choice. Eva olten reminds her brothers-in-law of her unceremonious introduction to a snow drift in the dead of night, and they retaliate by the shower bath given to her by Sam.-- And she twines her arms about Sam's neck and with tears in her sweet eyes, declares that but for that episode she fears she would never have had a hueband. ------ i ~ --e er Eminent MeN oF science, have discov- ered that iecirity and magnetism are de- veloped in the system from irom in the blood. This accounts for the debility, low epiris, and lack of energy a person feels when the vital element becomes reduced. The Peruvian Syrup, a protoxide of Iron, supplies the blood with its iron element, and is the only form in which it is possible for it to enier the circulation. re ---- A ----teet A late number of the St. John Morning News thos concludes a lengthy article vulo- g'zing Fellows' Syrup of Hypophosph: : " Mr. Fellows is certainly entitled to high credit for his energy and enterprise in work- ing up his valuable discovery so success- fully, and the presénce of such gentlemen in any community is a matter on which \hat community should congratulate itself." -- ~~ ---------- BREAKFAST. -- EPP' Cocoa.-- GRATEFUL AND: CoMporTinG.--¢ By a thorough know- le Igw of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine pro- Pediss of well-selected cocon, Mr. Eppe he provided our breakfast tables with a delicately Mavored beverage which may ®«ave us many heavy doctors' bills." -- Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with Boil- me Water or Milk, © Each packet is labell- ed--¢ James Errs & Co., Homaopathic Chemists, London." Masvractune oF Cocoa.--¢ We will now give an acconnt of the process adopted by Messrs James Epps & Co., manulactur- ers of dietetic articles, at their works in the Euston Riad, London" Cassell's House hold Guide. That, Superior ported Draught Horse 4 Young Oxford! THE PROPERTY OF MR. J. BENTLEY, EPSOM. WwW 1LL stand for 'Mares this Season, 1873, ae follows : Ha wil! leave his own stable, Epsom, on TUESDAY, 29h April, at 10 a. m., and proceed by Manchester to Piince Albert, theyee 10 Foy?' Hotel, Port Perry, in the sfiernoon and remain till Wednesday noon. WEDNESDAY, will lsave Port Perry at noon and proceed along the 7:h Con. to' his own stable and remain all night, THURSDAY, will leave his own stable at noon, and proceed to Plank's Hotel, Ux-| _ bridge, and remain ull Friday afternoon. FRIDAY, will leave Uxbridge in the afternoon, amd proceed to his own stable and remain tll the following Tuesday. This route will bé continued during the season health and weather permitting, Trams. -- To ineure a foal, $14; Season, $12; Single Lesp, $10. Eprom, April 16, 1873. 18 Young Lord Clyde (TEES a | Rage amons xpeliioia For Sale; To Rent, or : for Land ! -- 000 Ga the * Hotel," Prince Albert, with 1 nerp of ova of which 5 an excellent Fruit ae Garden, A first class cattle-yard surrounded with comfo sheds, good stab- ling for nearly one hundred horses. "Any quantity of ny quantity of bard and soft water and all giber conveniences requisite for a First Class 0 a) 5 For particulars apply (if by letter pre-paid) to WM. SCOTT, Proprietor, Victoria Hotel, Prince Albert. W. TRENBETH, Mach 19, 1873., MERCHANT TAILOR PORT PERRY ! Is now showing, in his new . Oe of the Largest, Best As- sorted and : CHEAPEST Stock cf TWWEEDS, Broad- Cloths and Trousering & Vex:- ing. Hats and Caps. Gents' Furnishings, &c., ever shown in North Ontario. A call solicited before purchas. ing elsewhere. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED In every case. Port Perry, April 2, 1873. FIRST CLASS Farm to Rent. --p-- HE Subscriber offers to Rent for a tem of years, that first class Farm being Lot No. 16, in the 2nd concession of the TOWNSHIP § REACH 90 Acres Cleared And under a good state of cultivation. On the remigses there is a House--Barns--Stables-- Wells, andail other conveniences. The proper- ty is situated 1§ miles south of Prince Abert. Lr further particulars, apply to r, : : J. E. VERNOY 'Reach, Feb. 5, 1873. 8-tf re AE be pe Daily Line to Rochester! -- THE NEW LAKE STEAMER NORSEMAN TLL on or about the 1st of April, com- mence her regular trips on. this route, 'leaving Cobourg every morning at 7;30, an ope at © o'clock for Rochester, connect- ing there with New York Central and Erie Railways for all points East, West, and South. Returning, Will leave Charlotte (port of Rocliester) dail alle a Cla ot id 'when 2 will leave at 2p, i: Brighton. Dealers in Stogk, &e., will find this the ches; nd Boston, Al-| For farther information, apply to! ; poned. noble Draneh Horse, erty of R. BRYAN, Can R. CRAWFORD, Poa Hore ; on C. F. GILDERSLEEVE, Ff INGSTON. HENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLICITOR AND DRATGHPSMAN, BRICK BLOCK, 3 '| Rock Eva. 1} in., I{ in., any width. )TICE 1s HEREBY GIVEN | that Has Removed his business to to Port Perry, opposite the Post Office, where you will find a choice lot of Furniture of every description, which I am deter- mined to sell Cheap for Cash, or on short credit. I am determined to figure close for Casm. Don't forget the Big Chair. ATA 4 SRA. Undertaking in all its de- partments. Coffins furnish- ed in one hour's notice. ' W. H. PARK. Port Perry, Feb. 19, 1873. NY T0101 Mortgage : Wanted. Ti Subscribers have large sums of money laced in their hands for investment Pel Faums, Village Properties, aud other Securities in this and adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hend at all times Borrowers can depend on getting their money withthe least possible delay. Wanted to Purchase Any number of Mortgages, for which the high- est figure will be allowed. We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest and largest MonetaryInstitutions in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Instalments re-payable in from 2 to 20 years. Lands © Bought and Sold Beveral good Farms for Sale. E3~ Agents for several first class Fire Insur- ance Companies. Collections made and a general agency busi- ness transacted. BEy™ DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "Gill JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents. Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1871. PRINCE ALBERT yv Em 3@ 2 REMOVED Shop opposite White's Carriage Factory rae Subscriber would embrace this oppor- tunity of returning thanks for the liberal and extensive patronage bestowed upon him since opening business in this place. He has now much pleasure in informing the public generally that he has just opened out the larg- est, richest and most attractive Stock of Juwel- ry &c., ever brought into this County. A call is sufficient to convince any one that the Prince Albert (now Port Perry) Jewelry Emporium is the best establishment in the [County for beautiful, good and cheap goods in the Watch, Clock and Jewelry line, My stock is Sarsrilly selected, extensive and valuable, consisting of an elegant assortment of Jewelry, Colored and Bright Sets, Fine Gold, Gem and Plain Rings, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Studs. 4 lot of beautiful Gold, Silver and Plated Chains. Cruet Stands, Fruit Baskets, Butter Coolers. Very fine collection of 'Gold and Plated and Enamelled Lockets, Fine China and Glassware and Toys, Tobacco Stands, Flower Vases; real- ly fine Bracelets ; Musical Box playing 6 opera airs. Gold Watches, Silver Watches, Clocks, all of the best description, French Clocks &c., Regulators, Mouth Organs. sa Brooches, Ear-Rings, &ec. Everything as Cheap as possible to be afforded JOHN DIESFELD, Practical Watch Maker, Port Perry. Feb. 6, 1873. MUSIC LESSONS! MES, EM. PRINGLE, Port Perry, desires to State that at the earnest solicition of friends W.H. Park|y RE SSE PR PSCC, Also Agent for Tomb Stones. | PORT PERRY Y| The Late Fire! HE un dasires to return sincere thanks numerous friends and cus- tomers for. the liheral support he has received while in business in this place and' would also inform them, that he has Opened a SHOP In the Store recently occupied by H.T, Flynn, Opposite his late Shop Destroyed by fire, and would solicit a con- tinuance of their patronage. : I have a large quantity of BOOTS& SHOES Own Manufacture CONSTANTLY ON HAND. lease give us a all before purchasing else- ere. BICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Sept. 18, 1572. 4 W re es a es CAUTION! FRAUDS ABROAD !! 1 heg most respectfully 10 caution the public of the, Brit= ish North American Provinces 10 he on their guard against purchasing spurious medicines which are being sold as my genuine ** Holloway's Pills* and Ointment," by certain individnals, of little or no menns, tending (sor the last few months only) under the syle of the ** New vel York Chemical Company." Every artifice is made use S of them for the purpose of itp and the more effectually 10 dece ng upon the public ; hey have ihe ef caution :-- 'The immense desand for * HoLnoway's Pinus AND OtxTMENT? has tempted unprincipled parties to ** counterfeit these valuable Medicines. in order toprotect the Public and ourselves, we . Every box of genuine * DoLnowav's 'LLS AND O151MENT? will have this trade mark on "il. None are genuine without it, To Deauenrs axp Jonages tx Druas - " AxD Meprcines, ** We call your particular attention to the new style +t of ' HOLLOWAY PILLS AND OINTMENT'--Rone of ihe told style are manofactured by me now, nor have they 4 been for months. Ve therefore caution all pur. * chusers against receiving from any Jobers or Deal * ers the old style of goods. + Information cosicerning any sueh goods being of- **fered will be received with thanks. ** We ask the favor of all the information you can * give in regard to those counterfeits.' Now this Company isnware that your laws do no permit them to copy the precise getting up of my Medi~ cines, but In der the more completely to lind the public, they have reconrse 10 another piece of deception, viz., in stating that they deem it necessniy, as they say 10 make up the Pills and Ointment in another form, and that they udopt a New Label, §c. Besides the above-mentioned ** Chemienl Company," there is also a David ingle, of New York, who by atlempling to eelt spurious imi- consummate trickery is tations of my Medicines. Beware of him likewise. This unprincipled Chemical Company has dared to say that | owe very large sums of money in the United States. What is the fact? A newspaper agent obiain- ed. without my knowledge or consent. und _by collusion with a party who held a" hmited power of atiorne mime, an wider 10 advertise my medicines in South America for three years, 10 the extent of $400,000 in gold = He then sold his claim 10 n lawyer, who ROL it re ferred by the comt 10 a friend of his, who gave judgmen: against me to the amount of $171,237 gold, for profit which he said he could have made by it, had T not 11ken steps to repudiate this vile transaction the moment it came to my knowledge, This judgment will soon be sei aside. It cannot be supposed. | am swe, that 1 owe a centto any one that I would not immediately pay. There is no truth whatever in the eiatement that, | ever authorised any person or prisons 10 use my name for the sale of my Pills and Ointment, although gross frauds have been practised upon me by unprincipled men m this way. 1 won!d ack, as a favor, that should it 'come to the knowledge of any person What spurious medicines are being made and sold in my hame, that he be pleased to sen the nume and address of the vendor who is e same. that | may. for the protection of the stitute proceedings ngainst him, and 1 engage 10 remunerate handsomely my informa without divalg- ing his name, Should any person have reason to helisve that he has been deceived by buying spurions imitations of these Medicines. he will oliige me by sending to the address at foot (whi h he can do nt a cost of six cents m posi- age.) one of the books of instructions which ure affixed to the same. My Medicines cnn Lie supplied at the Inwest wholesale net prices in quantities of wot less than £20 worth--viz., 8s. 6d., 225. 34s. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remittances must be sent in nd- vance. These Medicines ure not sold in the United States. Each Potand Box of my Genuine Medicines heare the British Government SMtanp, with the words * Hol- loway's Pillsand Ointment, London," (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533, Oxford Street, W. 1, London, October 3, 1872, SR 10-6m Iron in the Blood she has d to give Music Lessons at the homes of several pupils living at a distance from Port Perry; and as ber time is not yet wholly occupied she would be pleased to hear from those who may wish to receive music lessons at their homes. 5 Address, if by letter, . MRS. E. M, PRINGLE, Pont Perry. Musio pupils always received at wy residence opposite the. Post Office, Port Bry. March 6, 1873. MRS. BE. M.D, CASH FOR LUMBER! Sm. ()) me-- The Sgbaves : CABINET COMPANY LUMBER !| § Dalivered at theit yardin Oshawa. [SQUARE EDGE PREFERRED. }: Osx or Asm, 1 in. 1, 2 in., any width, Burtersur, 1 in., any width. Common Wares om, Lin. apy width. Basswoop, 1 in., any width, $ "" 1} ine, 5.8; 10.0¢ 16 in. wide. Lo 13), 12, 14,17, 18, 90, or 91 in. wide, Puvx, 1ia., 1}, 2 in., 12, 14, of 16 feet long Marre, Beech, and Bigcn : easily digested afd asst with he bloo as the simplest Jood. It inc and cures "a thousand ills," simply by Toning up, Tani orating and italizing 8 i en- riched and ed blood per- meates every part of the body, repairing damages and w y searching put ordi secre- Ts io t Xa i OF Ao~- a 4 on tsa originating of the system. Bein udder, Femals Complaints, 1 ' Sh 0 . W. Hepinstall, Watchmaker & Joweler, LATE OF BRO2KLIN, Would respectfully beg leave to Announce to his niimefous customers and the public generally, that he has REMOVED his place of business to OSHAWA, where in the future he :will be found earried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert. most happy to supply their wants with anytbingin the way of Fine Gold and Silrer Watches, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, SPECTACLES OR FANCY GOODS // , |!he wanie of the rapidly increasing popola= { v iq action of this highly prosperous section of Hari Stock a 1 3 . amb ae _ h a he logan Temunerative yy uyonk of ven Xin) Goods te SoloSt wn vhidh willbe sold a COUNTY. + fe ap wo 03 Please remember the place,-- i WILSON'S NEW BRICK BLOCK, WING ST. EAST, . F - 1 b (rontety. in their advertisements, to Jssue the following Buggie S, promptly. April 16, 1873. PORT PERRY CARRIAGE FACTORY! Nothing but the best Material used with Styles and Best Finish, and prices as low as such work can be sold. Thank'ng my numerous customers and the public generally for their liberal and rapidly increasing patronage, | woull only add that by still further increased facilities for business, I shall in the future be able to exccute ull orders still more Port PERRY CaAnRiacr Factory, § % Jie) THE VERY BEST DESCRIPTION OF Wagons, &c., &ec. First Class Workmanship, Latest G. U. WHITE. such merchandize. I have on hand STOVES Fire and Conflagration SUNDERLAND. Notwithstanding the late disastrous fire, which left much of our fair village in J. W. PARRISH, f| Has again re-opened his Flardware und 'Lin Stop in the Village of' Sunderland, better, prepared than ever to supply the very large and increasing demand lor Parlor,Coal 28 and Cooking| Tinware--an endless Stack, cheaper than ever. ng done in good style of workmanship. 0Z= Produce taken in exchange for Goods. REMEMBER the Sunderland Hardware and Tin Shop, is the cheapest place for such Goods anywhere 10 be found east of Toronio SunperLanD, Feb. 18, 1873. ruins, the Subscriber, of every variety and style, in TT Ee Livery manner of Eavetrough- J. W. PARRISH. Arrin T-------- with a call * Please Address, Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870, PUMPS! SEE THE FORCE PUMP- A complete Pomp and Fire Engine with Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot. Common Loz Pompe ar 40 ets per foot, - Common turned Su tion Pumps ut 35 ets per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. hinving had long experience in Pump-making in the largest factories in Carada and the Un' ed States, the subscriber feels confident that he can perfectly satisty all that will favor him All orders for any of the above, whether by ranil or otherwise promptly attended to. PUMPS! o BORELIA, -- PRICES Hose and Conpling complete for $25. Algo every other description of Pump at = Equally Low Rates. y JOHN IRVIN, BoreLia. . = » AWARDED 4 FIRST PRIZE AT Provincrar, Exum Toronto, 1870. JOHNSTON'S ILE - RAKING Harvest, two distinct Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the day. We offer to our customers for the coming - JOHNSTON'S iy y GLE dL - L and I hg bso 10 und the public generally he he"has © Prince Albert and Port Perry, } Greenbank July 20, 1871, of Coffin Butternut, &c., &¢., 1 am pre; ared to' su, ; customerscon the shortest Tota id Port Periy, Oct, 30,1672." tantly.' Juis Sip an free, witha Niringe Ould [HE SF Tea HE undersigned w ry nthe past; anc OPENED BUSINESS IN PORT PERRY, And that 4 fofure lis bisinexs will be He hopes by this arrangement and the in- creased business facilities which he has thus secured 10 be able more fully 10 meet CRE. CHAS 1Baker & Confectioner, Candies, Biscuits. Cakes, Bread. OSHAWA, micron , ruits, Toys, &c. Osnawa, March 5, 1873. J 12 FREST OYSTERS rectived we uk, = = Wedding Cakes nde tn order. TEA MEETINGS, §c., furnished a liberal terms SHOPS-- Prince Albert and Port Perry, CHAS. HISCOCKS November 27, 1872, INHABITANES; Northern Reach Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, # Tinware, Red Stationery, Patent Medicines, &e., IS AT THE Gire NBANK SToRE GEO, FLINT. 29 TIE 'PLACE TO BUY Dry' Goods, \ Removal! Removal! 3 sr °B You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province }R Ef Tie xiferiber oui elbriige this oppors Y s ; tunity-of ti i Po ; A t J . I rR I N S for' their ep cing his Tor he eo Ol i BL 7m PUR) : years in which he has done business in the vil i A *' i i» lage of Borelin i and would now inform them AN AIA AN Ad i and the [uie geneinlly that he has moved his ; 0 HS =! place of business to the Store lately ocenpied by +JoNES Bros., in the business centre of PORT PERRY, Where he hopes by "at Moderation in Prices, Superior Material, Good Workmanship, Bw Fair Dealing, : and Attention to Business, L secure an inoreased share of public patron- ge. My Stock is_cheice and complete, Tasisting of Bureaus, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs of kinds, Pictures; famed Ar eg y Pictare Framing arfl tna) done on the best terms. UNDERTAKING in all its Depart. ments, Having constantly cn hiand a good selection . s 'made 'up of Blueck ay eetion Funerals fully supplied, and 8) | & provided when reqnired. ASuitable Lumber aud Produce taken in x nge. Agent for Pomb Stones'and Monuments. | | JOHN NoTL i h |Pirst/Class Hearssi ae " PSYCHOMANCE, hindi om ive bak Seva Sih sts {Soul Charming." ;| How either sex may fascinate and gain the love d affections of a on_they ch in- tant) i Moatal acquirement all mail cents, emer, 5 S Oral Drea 4 mn =: 00.000 eo "adress WIE ag bo ¢ { x Kiran, 100, : ress Je ot eX "The "King of Reapers." South Eight! 81. PRUISAeIphia, Ps, rials and in the hands-of the The universal success of this Machine, bot Reaping Machine. it bas more gooil points and less defects, and has met with 'more success and less failure, than any Reaper heretofore offered to the public. Cl ? Tay : Eni ae : g J Cayuga Junior Mower; - | We were awarded the First Prize and Diploma. at the Provincial Exhibition: held [in Toronto, 1870, in competition with all ihe leading Machines manufactured in the in. closely contested | Trees- i farmers, warrant us 'in $a ing that, as % Self Raking | 500% Plants, Trees prepaid by Mail, Ls | Choice Flower and Garden Seeds, 25 : | Roses, Grapes, Lilies, Small Fru ; House an : Al ssortme ry, will be sent any nl ain address oD 0. box. ha i Jy net priced' descriptive Catalogue' a der Plants and Bulbs Fill Tro for mailing ; 3; oe &e. | x "prait Stocks of all ot the coe he most BOL 7 0) Rin. i hs a .@ |. Secthat cach bottle ius PERU | Province ; and with our recent improvements, we unliesitutingly challenge investiga: ne find in.) iin. din 13 4 1 VIAN: YRUP down Re Nas TERU- tion and'comparison wilh competing) Machines, we are pity A thut such roar 000; $1 or a 23 Squate Scantling, x HE Pamphlets Free, tion will convince every: unprejudiced mind, that we offer the best Mower to the List lode os: of edi 0 Ci a0 wel] W. H, GIBBS. (SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors, Fazmer for'1871, built'ifi the Dominion. pa Send for descriptive catalogues. vy M WATSON, 01d lon J. LATHAM & ©O. Laer ' Président.| © No.1Miton Place, Boston. BROWN & PATTERSON, ad Seed Warchouso, Ps Washington St., Boston, Mass. Oshawa, Feb. 5, 1873. 2 8 Bord »Y Druccists CENERALLY.. Wairsy, Juse 22, 1871, anak ly Yi 0S arta Esta shed 1¢ on , os - Ba i di _ --

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