Gl edivtnein Bsecher, A { WEEKLY Hu Sisiovirena, | Sorkin fr Mii. We ar ONTAMR 1 x 1 cdl hd ' PARSONS, Sper an nm, if paid Wile not paid within that time, 45.0 00. Sinisa pakenforl RHI! 5 Nod: 4 Létiet sombinii garbivd 1 \vhien addressed to untae yr datenied is 11 + RATES OF ADVERTISING: isFor encli-1he; rst fuse ction. oad i tS, pet lin "Cards, r © lines, per annum wa------ Spake iiey océupy. 5 00 pAdvertisemants received for publication. with a aCrelingly. Nouadveitisemen willboraken ustiuctions, will bednserted until forbid. if "Wl a Aincownt allowed toMerchants and others wil vsr tise byt hei gur orhylfayenr, Ae (Teast grime Mallinallcases be strict.y ale ete JOB DEPARTMENT. Phamphlets. land Bills, . Posters, Pri mmes, Bill Hone a a Ceci Baoks, Cireylars, be Eu ull Cards, &c.. of every style and col he promptly sud ak lower saves ? SoI00, 'thi ny hes ho Establishment in this County ! Parties from a distance gening handbills, &e. , printed _€in have them done to take heme wilh them, PF - 3. samp, ¢f YH. PARSONS. Dr. Reathwaite, 8103350 BRT Fike. ----tp DR. WARE, RONER. Jor the County of Ontario, of Pirsidian, Surgeon and Accouchenr, Fafnce Alla.) Ara. Martin & DeGrassi, * LINDSAY. , JONES & MALLORY, A eenliii pin ANS, Surgeons and 'Accougheurs, | 1 'Port PERRY. _ Offce--ovor, Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st, NER. A. E, MALLORY, a | M.D., C.M 7 RT & RAE, Suvfeons, &c., &c. Office and cm NS, Su street, Oshawa. 3. WIGILL M.D. FBANCIS RAR. B. Ww F,McBRIEN, M. D., M.R.C.8,, wa | JiosPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND. #THE EVE R.O. H L., BEE FAREWELL, LLB, COUTNY FIOK Tat By § ., Broek fy oon V hitby. RY Tho Xi E,,, Chancery, Attorney, Soh: &e., Siew hawa, Pttce-- Simone ABV opin NMEROY ® MACDONELL, | street U: n th Store, Port etry. J. W. BURNHAM, Third Division Court. Office (CE the Tied po "Otice ours om tetatu. 03 pat Ta On AL oA IL Dentabopteac.s. riotimed wil Dons por sein aa | 1 "defy ihe lik ged his Gronddy i JHU meas on Banks 14 aici] waa VRBTOCHA 2050p ISSUER OF Marfidge TE LOT. 39: IN Wu FIRST. CON. Of RACTICA tis¥; Oshawa, Ont.-- | Pa% Ae] oppo he post | na ofieitrancs Simeoa' door north of the, Ontario] [win slodaines n yg aid) Tog 21514 PRINCE "ALBERT, ONT, Surgionl and Mochanieal Dentist, heyerion one Ae Gordon Som . | QUEEN ---- PORT PE RRY. RESIDENCE "PRINCE ALBERT. e - to ns them to return to work have hy But notwithstanding the great rise in the price of Pig Iron, in the mother Squniiyy Te Sabseriber is determined, to HARDWARE, Ton Vos, Tay, At or near a prices from mp oi Up to the 1st of April, At which time my Spring Goods will arrive. These goods were purchased in December Inst when Hardware was at Jeast 25 per|' There is a prospect of a still further advance. Parties doubting my extremely low prices are Jusilel to come and obtain a list of them. I amnow selling the balance of my large stock of Stoves at dens 15 per cent under manufacturers prices. Parties wisliing Good Bargains will please call' Hh fy 'New Show Rooms between Mr. Currie's Store and the Store of Ww. T. PARRISH, W. M. WILCOX, he Vinéhstlred in Nonpareil nudcharge A ON ! UCTIONEER, AUC] LR ¥OR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and the public generally for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him during the past four years. Having now given up the business of Bailiff, ( intend, in future, to devote my whole time to the business of Auctioneer, Collecting, &e, It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to a who may favor me with their Scles or Col- cent lower than it is now. le arated and Blank Notes furnished free Also Bill Stamps always on hand. +| . Arrangements can be made for sales &e., at the Ossenver Office Prince Albert, and at 'the Standard Office, Port pons Messrs. Jones Bros. Prince Albert, Sept. wy '18720 CROTHERS & WILSON Licensed Auctioneers! GOUNTY OF ONTARID, RE spared to conduct Sales anywhere io Roy oyal Oa Ganadien Hotel, The Subscriber having leased the above Hotel |, has fitted upiin a style in keeping with the rapidly increasing business and prosper Village and neighborhood, and with direct re- nw to the comfort and convenience of the et attention paid to the Table and [hic Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. Neither labor nor expense avill be spared in Canadian Hotel worthy of 1. OF THE DIVISION COURTS nr their Sales in our hands may 1 Abe , BGO attention being given to County of Ontario,|* G. iia is also Agent for all kinds of Ag- FOR THE YEAR 1878 All orders et to G. Crothers, Epsom ., will receive prompt attention. Nov Toy ol Dee mm Ey Port Perry, June 186, 1869. -- ee "REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER was! Jan'y Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, 3 EE ed AVING purchase the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest sts and cigars. Every attention Stages to and from Whitby cal ostlers always in ire: » wD 4% + OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Sats, Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and IF Parties entrusting their Sales to me ls relyu on She u utmost attention being given to QO WN Mackie's Hotel, Whitby, Jan. 1st, 1873. THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company HIS Company is now 3 nowifally organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings el Rheur contents, country School Houses and Those wishing to insure and thereby support a 'Home Insurance Company have now an.oppertunity of doing so either by a to the Head Office, or toany of the local Our rates will be ods as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance a. fice--The old Registry Office Build- ings Breck Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Ir, WESTIN ASSURANCE coMPY TORONTO, c. . INCORPORATED ....... Sd P.0., Brock. Attent nt ion! WALTON STREET, Wun. MACKIE, Proprietor. DAFOE HOUSE 00D PILE uirements of travel], The barsuppl d with the best wines; fod . DAFOE, Proprietor. SANNA i i Centre Hotel, attention of those wishing t Auctioneer, that he is prepared to ron sales on the Shortest notice anywhere in the County Black Notes and Bill Stamps kept yaad, for the best and cheapest Nashined in the Dominion--pat- he Putent Letter A Family geld Tchr is acknowledged by Tallors, ilies and all who kao} od properties of G. ister Lu TH, LL. B. R; PEE © Solicitor' in | p LD. Chancery, and, Insolvegey, Notary Pub A's Blosk. Brock Street, Whit- Guests. i it_to bo the best bd Se Dios) in the Ladies make sure work, and chnse the Patent Letter A, bi the best machine for $30, ded to on the shortest notice. J. C. PILKEY, 3 JENNINGS, Proprietor. Albion Hotel S add Attorneys at Law, 4 : | Epsom, Sept. 7,187. THOS. H. WALSHE. TICENSED Auctioneer for the Town- ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in Northoutarie: ;daripomn otc | > | ders left at this office, or at his rs KI be tended to. Debts, Sollesteiting Sap. Ss ntario. O is Seaply Council Ontari ffices tion ji been fitted np oud fort and convenience oe the ariveling public.-- Every attention will be paid; bar, y while obliging and | sien have'eharge of the stables: Whitby; 20th Junge, 1870, rare: NG IN. ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT - SQUIRE'S - TAILORING ESTRBLISHMENT x 72 IY. H.3.MACDONBLL. peas Sm AH om, in Chancery, soridge. OR ho Ero Sra fio), Main HON. JOHN rantien New Watch and Jewellery Establish. yal ia, olicgor 4 Bout, ; / Lh GODDEN. PRASTIOAL WATCHMAKER ployed McOaw Bros. on business in Mr. Allin's Be oi Hod and An Sluantes 2 theta a) comm tied manor and AL very i charges. f superior Wi Clocks seis. otk aie nd Jovely pen Nas, Cioity I cl * Reems ou} work Warranted, and darges, Marriage Licenses: "ABY AUTHORITY.) IER at Port Perry. Office, the Svogos) soeo HENRY CHARLES ST lS NALD, MARBLE DEALER, NEWCASTLE, ONT. MOTE, Tomb-Tables, Wo ety, yt 'ina 11a shel whom. ir orders until called | } J. ©. WILLIAMSON." Agent. ens sonatas, and 'all work el, PORT PERRY. » lo JAMES i ext Perry; Oct..30, 18%: | Ho stops! Will he fal MONEY 10 10 LAND! ot i Coates Bank. ; {Port en, 28,1872. ' , Tl is amount of Jom hon ald nde Jo , Fancy an in Lo i H.P.G Port. HopojRev. a aul, Ba rn to withhold thy - OHAS: "THORN, t MU Get Ls Jo; 1, Go Gold Es te Gio Bia Essay on Shoel Sa a annenn asta bieilayali + t Bort 5 RE = 8 & i itn receive DrvBBbutfetion. ket, oppose Com Ca : Port sest, July 2%; 1871, ..- = | iy PRIVATE Es 4 % Ai | Polos on good Farm, at 8 per cantor i LMAN § i : ® ot ee 97s wae'! To amo THURSDAY, MAY 14 Fiat Nyy. rw Coun bya en. iis pti § a my chifdren, ore aver il ened the Noith ad vae; Long ere the wondrous pillar of baitle- * "cloud and ue marked 'wltere the Gnchained millions "marched oir to theie heart's i On the roofs, and' the, shivering Wise, | that night, as the 'sun went down, The tellow glow of thet wilighit shone' like a jeweléd crown, And, bathed in the living cloryl as the people lifted their eyes, They saw the pride of the oily, the #pire of St. Michael's, rise'. High over the lesser steeples, upped with » &olden ball, That'hung like a radiant planet. caught in its earthward fall; First 'glimpre of home; to the sailor. who made the harbai-reund, And Tus' slow-fading vision 'dear 'to the outward: bouhd, The gently Subeing shadows shut out the ® waning I'ght fhe children prayed at their bedsides, . y-u will pray to-night ;, The noise of buyer and seller from the busy murt wan gone, And in dreams of a peaceful morrow, the city slunbered oa. But'another light: than sunrise aroused the ,.8leeping street, or a cry was heard at "midnight and the rush of trampling feet ; Man stared in each other' faced throbgh , mingled fire und smoke, Whi le the fianue bells wert clashing "elimorous stroke ou stroke ! B lare uf her Bluzia roof ree. A ie Bir mother fled, E, With ihe babe she pressed to her busom shrieking 11 nemelese dread, -- While the fire kings wild baualions 'scaled wall cap-siuie high, And planted their flaing banners against an inky eky. From the death that reged behind: them and " crash vin loud, To the gr quare of the city, wete driven the surging viowd, While yer firm 1h all the tumplt, unscathed by the fiery flood, With its heaven: ward 'painting gor the chuich of St. Michael eslood. : But en as they gazed'iipon it; there rose - a sudden wail, A cry of horror blended with the roating of the gale, On whose scorching winds updriven, a single flaming brand Aloft ou the toweling steeple clung like a bloudy band.! "Will it fade?" The whisper trembled from a thousand whitening lips; Ear outon the lard hatbor they waiched nt from the ships -- A baleful glean that bright and ever bright. er shone, Like a flickering, trembling Will~o" Wisp 10 a sjeady beacon grown, « Uncounted gold shall he given to the man whose brave right hand, For 1be love of the periied (Sus) plucke dow yon burning brand I"? So cred the Mayor of' Charleston,' that atl the people heard, But they luoked each ove at his fears and 10 man spoke a word. Who is it leans from (he belliey, with fice upturned 10 the sky ? ting? 10 a column aud measures the dizzy + 'apire wiih his eye ?' Will hie até it the bero undiuhted, that terrible, sickening height ? Or will'the horblood of his courage freeze "an his veins at 186! ait wight Blind But see! he hae AH pn ne; railing, he climbs with his tegt and us hands, And firm 'vn' w 'arrow projection with the belfrey beneutli hint he stands! Now opee, and once ouly, they cheer him, Iw fingle, Tenivpestaotis bibath-- And thes i Is, 00 the, muliilyde gezing 8 hoe! ko Jha glinens of, death, stow ali monnt vuhsedin aught rave the goal of igo 8 Sill hisber dud higher, an atom; he moves on to the fade of tha ont Ri (the, YE 2 La! for snawer, ha Blea: like a 'meteor' irack, 1 Aud, hurled on the silanes, of, the EI thy bra rand lies 8 itered and blapk ! ay Ono 'more the shouts of thesphople- have ' t the Al the ohare she dno; THR ie ani & Council wait with théie feet on' ili & And theenger .(hiapg rin ana prove a touch of, his han The eet "avioar w ie daring coud kh 8 dials 00 grand. od B does sudden tremor. sei A wonder and amaze ? He stood in inthe gaia of the of the feraple, be bed ilod I WOOK: And Bi my. phidean, 'was Sn wrt REM POC YH ave ! Wad sr ws spi, tn that were clear, na loud, rn an, ie Aor oe oho gor Su + Qffital, Assignve, Braker, &¢. Dominion Bank, McMilr «You re od Find a i= That bleged above Fort Sumter bad waked ; - and visits her hurety 1s oftener than once aday? ? \ her time in reading the " latest. novels," compelling her bushapd, with depleted purse, to bire domestics vane! id ber lack of service ? who cries far a ¢ashmere or Gamel's . hair shawl when her Sugband's notes. are pro- tested ? '| expects Ler, husband; to swallow diluted coffee, soggy bread, smoky tea, and wat~ ery potatoes six days out of seven ? with every man she megts, and reserves the frowns for the home: ficeside ? down to breakfast in abominable curl pa- pers, a soiled dressing gown, sailusliaey dowa at the heel ? her husband when be comes into the houge, with the history of a broken t ea cup, jor broom bandle. Baie Vike'udrantage of a moment, of conjugal 'weakness to extort money or exushin promise. band's love weighs natight i» inl joueney! fon-pleasure, leaving Hertchusband, 10 10il ju 4 tlase office, snd & libve-an tye' wheoat ome, ta ber servamia? husband® society is not the greatest of edrthly bléssing a EN as to outside slanders against her hdsband ? in quality on account of the great heat .Many surface jor partly: exposed,'assumed 1he green color and bitter: tastetiof the vine, account of the poisonous pioperty 'edgen-- dered by the says of the sun. The rem- edy. is, plant deep, from six 16! seven m--| ches, « This for various repsons. ~~ Iv wilt permit very early plamting=-an 'advantage ~~geciring the secd against' the frost, or Whar imeahastiaher nto wivrmoe of ia he might | Has she a call te be a wife who. spends Higgs that woman a call to ' a wife Has the woman a i! to be a wife who Has she a call a wife who flir's Has she a call to be a wife wko comes Has she a call to be 0 wife who bores tha possible whereabouts of .av missing Has she a call to be'a wife' Wl Would las she a call to bea mila whase; a her next door igi Cumin; vel vet carpet. Has she a callito be 2 ili who takes a. 'Has she a call to be a wife to whom a y Has sh § calito be a wife wha. Yiatdn itera PLANTING POTATOES, The porta the past year was a failure tubers were so sedrched that they became watery and rank ; andisome very nwar the waking it.unfit to feed wven'to stoek, on: if reached ity it will "permit it gradually to draw out which will 'save it; it will favor it in a 'drowli, 'and: prevent the setiing of tubers 100 near the 'suiface, so thatthe sua cannot injure 'them; billing can olso' le dispensed, and only the' énl- livator used to wake mellow and keefi out the grats with oo danger' of ig thie roots of the tubers, By potting oul' early, 'with the first wellow soil; tho potate, will sprout' and grow cn unimpeded; in the ground instead of in the: <éllaty ind get the benefit of \Le winler's® moisture, whith,' in 'on early drouth is 'of "importance. Particularly | should the Early Rose be put in enrly. = "The expericnce here is, decided 'and um varyiig; that 'you eannot' get 'it out too 'early in cage you have mellow: ground for ite Ir will 'grow iti the worst of weather,' snow and frost excepted; ond: sedis io delight ia it, while "at the other sorts afe'at a standstill thud ing this emphatically what it isy sin edrly | porto, 'Plant elose, 'rather tan will) wpare; sey twelve or fifteen inchs in the row, a dirs sort keeps its 'tubers 'close |, together, & nest of iliem and easy gather ed. They will'then ako be a medium, rather trina larg "which jis favor able t0 quality § 'and 'by puitiog | one: or two eyes in a hill; there will ba few small potatoes. Thus a crop of Early 'Roses can beg ripened very' early, and :of supe |give vibe. quality asl yield. * But-the -gtomd [sound and solid, fine greiged and Ta ] to be grown' rather Ei bit tion ly, ond 'webb ripened. twill them be 8 po 2 some good fertilizer'in the hill' than rich land, and" the best! fertilizers 'are ushes, guapa, reduced hone, plas are a special manure-for this plant. | Ko. Ashes Will our farmers. who are not iia the secret of eiily plantiog ¢ try it | Ohi" yhar 7 Try it on a small scale if po other. Put out with the very first mellow sail,uif itis in March ; but ve sure and plant deep, devqt lps 'Wao. six; ond betfés feved incki- es. When I say better seven | mean- if, particularly with the Early' 'Rosé, "But do it with all sorts. Do not fear the frost with the-seed 50 deep in (he grotnd.= Puta good quantify of unleachied wood ashes, and hen dung ia the Lill if the soil is not rich. Fhe .sshes ond dung: should be applied ant covered at once. an soon' is mixed, or else the strength 'by the union will escape and that rapidly. Keep out the grass keep the ground mellow and" do not hill, avoid a stifl elgg, and in no! case plonkip wet, wndrained goil~ Country Gentleman. Th] roped | y 14 ATT Spm. 1 FIFLEEN Sik A'pay iw i> @ . Aun PUN oe rites 10°us to ayk if Dio Lewis' plan fory living on fifteen gents a-dayis really practigsble We think, itis. Dio's programme, iss optmeal mysh far breakfast, cracked wheat fon dicaery and pothing for. suppersash ied of outs, Brown, tried the. expags- guts with brilliant success, snd b¢ is now s.bearty and healthy a, man «bs. ean i. d, H 'spread bi di found, He would sprea p hoatd i orning "with mush, aud, aft hi ' e1ghit cits' 'Worth, Browh" %outd [prehce viiem' atowad to bis 'aubt's'6¢ 'His sinters to fill up with d'good square meal, When diner lime came, styen . ceats' wouth of cracked wheat was disp dof und then Brown would dig oct a he mitted procured frof bi ether, whd had a weakness for giving "drelitic At supper Brown would hustle tho whole family off 10 bis motber in-law's where they . would lay away a substantial foundation for. the ifext morning's inush. 'The Browns all considered the system purticuldrly bril- ligne ; but thie mother<in:law; und abe aunt and, the mutan-butcher, have lesy entbusis asm, They cherish the, seere} copviclicp: that the rash theory, as 'applied 19 houge. bold economy is a Tops sided find demora i% ing fraud. Ne eo nei} "The mo: t, Lkaly thing or became ch mor many Why, a litle, gard! ii; em rer « Mother, here is g gramme.tical error in the Bible." ¢ Kil} in LkilLit Lig is, the very thing that bas oa caliog the leaves and book marks 7" v 7 An enthustastic Nir 'editor "says * Nine months of the yeuriiy Nebraska is fame, aud the rest is fiighny fatey n the sprigs eb wimie " How, long. did Adam remain in Mara- dise before he sinned 1", said a0 amiable spouse 19 her hystand.. 4 Till, he gat mil wag sg calm eplys at mind! olin . ee " { Qur clildren hase imm- nse taxes 00 thew, hands,? said a gentlgnan, i + Oh, horrible," exclaimed _ an. old, lady. -- * What a blessing we Jiase_ "nails, , 98 oiry 7° 7 : ta : Sulu) Ju iad, glad ul is A certain litle torn BRIE bi og gravated bey omth endurance by. lg bi other plumped down uponther kpeesdand jeriede +O Lord bless my boather 'Pomecitlle lies, he, steals, be. Awenss sal bays ira an gitls dow' yy Ameen te Bhd gain Wher wh reflec i p 'durance can be imparted to the braini'snd that weak Siren ve been 'restored: 10 strength b lows': Compound Syrup of nabs tens canaot-but conclude un the subtle power: isireilly pondera matter, frem the fact that the i supplied whieh rendér it sopport fend give ib vitality, . Persous; sho jetunly: Bard abould Fat Se Shassinse by toust be dry or' well - drained, and as 0 pe ots, there sboald be mor | ( sand tawelay inthe soils: 2 od iors 00 1 'date < sorts. 'should: receive the dame eo treatment prégisely as. 'early. They will then by being put ut mery-eatly, get. Be | iia who e sédsin'igrowthy and will: ripen, iv} fl dd Thuis dein you' be) I] toe for dep gatheriig. A potato, ads |