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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 May 1873, p. 3

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¥ A ow ToT FOR 'THE vem of 7 -alogag wr lo no Every Department Thoroughly Laan Equipped, by Wirimense A rivals ! OF Woe NEW COIS The Largest and most Fashion- able Stock in Town, at JONEs jos, The 'Freshest Styles ! The Lowest Prices ! I -- eee - All Hail 1all hail 1to our friends and our patrons, We welcome again your presence and smiles; We've ranged through the East, we've sought from d the nations, ¢, To furnish new Goods and secure the last : And to the'power who directed so wisely, purchased a Stock that will please ! Were purchnsed them cheap, and will sell them For De so should give--so who'll come and buy ? At the olose of the most successful season we hav~ ever enjoyed we would be remiss ih our duty, did we fail 10 extend. bearty thanks to our customers for the liberi! patronage which bas flowed in upon us. While thankfully acknowledging pas: favors, we are de. termined, as another season apens up be- fore us, that no effort shall be * spared to render our louse even more worthy of your generous appreciation and confi-ence. We have now much Meassie in advising jou that OUR SPRING §700k Is fully complete in all Sepriientys 5 and in view of our rapid'y exiending busi. ness. it has b-en rendered more than usually comprehensive and nitractive. Whilst vain lioartings, ns (lo its mag. nitule and variely, are unneces. sary (rom tke fact that our spacious and well fill Stores speak for themselves. We woud remark, with regard to the valve of our "goods, that we sre only too anxious that prices aod quality should be carefully compared with any other House. Our * Millinery ! Tliis season, su=passes in extent, variety snd vichness, any (thing we have ever before had the pleasure cf offering, 'We ara now prepared to show the most eous aid varied assortment of Hats, ilets, Flowers, Ribbons, Plumes and Trimmings, which are greatly admired by oll who bave se:n them. All are cordi- . ally iuvited to visit 'our Show Room and see the new styles. Even if you do not fd convenient to become a purchaser, "we shall esfeeth it a favor,leeling confident «that our Millinery has only 10. be com- pared to establish the superior taste of our popular Milliner. : Our Dress Malker, Whose elegant fits are attracting a large ¢ircle of putrons, has received the latest designs for Spriog and Sumitier, and hav- 'a competent stall of assistants, 1s 'phe 10 execute all orders promp: ily and satisfactorily. GENTLEMEN, To Tlns our Jack of of Cloths, Coatings, and offers superior attractions, Faney: x Fue t ment of Hats Caps, Shirts; -Coliars, Ties, Gloves and Hcsiery, ¢od. tains ull that in ew wn fashionable, AND THAT THE § LOWEST! . ONE SgATY ONLY, 44T. THE 18ST, Pear Penny, April 23,1879. JINES BROTHERS, | GLEARING SALE 30 DAYS Carpets worth 90c¢ for 65 cents. Shawls worth $5 for £3.50, Shawis worth $3 for $2. 'I'weeds worth $1.10 for 90 cents. Tweeds worth $1.50 for 81.10. Prunella Boots worth #1 for 75 cents. And all classesol Dry Godds ~~ AT CIS PHS Sced at 85.65 per bushel. Grain, GROWN & CHRISTIAN ' Manchester, Mar. 12, 1873. " Heir garments are well made. A splendid lot of Clover Cash for all kinds of JONES BROT BRO AUSE find there thé largest aad finest Stock to select from; BRCAUSIE They have an fitcomplished Cutter who al#nys insures a perfect Bt Tho Salesmen ib polite, BECO AUSE The Privsne invariably lowet there than elsewhere for the same cl. of Goods. Port Perey, Maj 7, 1873. Passed Through THE FIRE! ii 0 "e-- The Subscriber would embrace this opportunity of thanking his numerous customers for the liberal patronage so long bestowed upon him. Since the destruction, by fire, of my late establishment, | have lost no time in securing other premises where [ may supply the wants of my customers and the public generally. Huving pnrehased the store lately owned and occupied by G. Currie, Eeq., Prince Albert, and having brought onan IM MENSE STOCK ! BOOTS AND SHOES! Of every size and variety, all of choice quality, which togethet with the work made npat my own establishment, will enable me to supply all who may favor me with their orders with just such goods as they require and at ihe lowest price ut which such work can be sold. J. WRIGHT. Beaver Meadow Steam Tannery, Prince Albert, May 1, 1873. SRPING CAMPAIGN! E "MAMMOTH WARDROBE" LEADS THE VANGUARD. RH fil A. W. ROBERTS, of the MAMMOTI1T WARDROBE, begs to express his thanks to the public for the patronage accorded him during the past season, and would here say that his extensive importations from the old country direct, war-- rants him in stating that this Spring the public will have the largest, finest and cheapest assortment to cho we from that has ever been offired in the County of Ontario. A careful perusal of the following will evince the most sceptical : -- All wool Tweed: 62. usual price $1; All wool Tweed: The , usual price $1.25 All-wool T'weeds $1, usual price 81 59: All wool tweeds $1.23, usual price $1.75. Gents, this is speciully for you, And if you come you'll find it true. Prints 74 CentSeceersscessnsccccsseneassesnerer gold loss than 10 cents " 10 tt 124 " 12 " " "" 15 " Mu lins 6 « " " 0 wu " 10 + " "" 17 4 " 1: .« ery best in Naor Cottons 30 inches wile fiom 7 cents. C mons 36 inches wide from 10 cents. Steam [noms Ge., Re., 10c. 1 He. Ww 182, and 16e. Munafacturers lon fast colored prints in 10 yard lengths, to be almost given away, and plenty of them. No, ladies, come and test the truth, Mairon, maiden, gil or youth. A Vast Stock of Parasols! In every shade, quality and style, in Sik, Coton, Fined, Lined, and offered a: wonderfully low prices. lu READY-MADE CLOTHING, the gem of the trade. A complete, fashiomabl «it for $250. A couplere, fushionalle all-wool suit for $550 ; Pants and Vest 81 50, u-ual price 83.00; Vests--ubout 300 of them--which will Le suld fur--weli, come and see for yourself, and you will own an extra vest. An! this is meant for all who will, Then come along, there's plenty still, BOOTS AND SITOES! In endle-s variety. Gents Prunella Boots fur 75 cents. Ladies' Pris Boots for 65 cents. Mikses, and Children's Boots very Cheap. Cacks, Bits, Stogns, Brogans, Shoe-fly, &ec., &e., fee. | would c.l! attention to my lot of FRESH AND GENUINE GROCERIES! . Ten Pounds of Beautiful Sugar for. . veeese 81.00 Twenty Pounds of Rice Wises ti eeseess 1.00 Twenty Pounds of Currants foresees. esssses 1 00 Twelve Pounds of Raising foreeeereeeeses essstssesnesssacsenes 100 Our H50c. Tea, is really magnificent, and does more to keep our old filks good tempered than anything else. And that 75 cent Ten is, be ond doubt, the gem of 'Trade, and it can be purchased here in TEN POUND LOTS FOR SIX DOLLARS. Also, our general groceries is worthy of your attention, for all in mv line is new, fresh and gond. - (= TERMS STRICTLY CASH OR PRODUCE. ROBERTS A.W. Mar. 27, 1873. Queex St. Port PErry. M. 0. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL Carriage Maker ! NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY I lA mada to order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention to repairin, £3 ALL WORK WARRANTED. © i epairing A. Bongard At Port Perry. y piste Te ed pee emai to Meat and Grocery Business ! t Po td t of Th Hotel, where he will always k on bind a fall Port FE AE LT FIA aa GRO HITES of even dcp * aT SUCH PRICES as will put COMPETITION out of the QUESTION GREEN, BLACK. and JAP'D TEAS-- CU ART SYRUP, TOBACCOS, - abbot 3 jujiabitants o ined DOI BUY MY CLOTHING AT BECAUSE The Salesrooms are large and light and I ean see just what I am ugg. BECAUSE BECAUSE The proprietors seem to study the wants and tastes ot the Fools v 20 thor- | oughly that they are able to suit almost everybody. JONES BROTHERS. Spring, 1873! 3 |your Seeds. Court of 'Resisian ! OTICE is hereby given that the Count N of Revision to revi the Assessment Roti for the Township of Reach! Roxtpe: 4873. will sit at, the Town Hall, Manchester, on Wednesday, the 14th day of May, 1873, At ten o'clock a. m., of which all parties wlerested are hereby required to take notice wad greom, themaeivas accordingly 4 1 JOUN © ip Ci a dr Township Reach, hl 9, on. HERS? take pains to please me and never miseepresent. The Subscriber Nas now on hand a very large and we'l assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c., to which he would call t ulisation of ull who are in want of Sopls; being deterigid SELL GOODS At the very Yowest percentage posible over Lon for easy. ' Partisular attentidn is requested to ivi merit 3 +FDO and SHOES. made expressly for-his own rude by the best Shoemakers in Moatreal, and which cannot be beat either. in quality or, price. A large lot of Genilemen's Felt, Siik and Siraw * Hts Just seaeived; Sun Shades, xe. A large lot of Garden Touls: Seeds, &c. : (7 Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Dried Apples. Silt, Coal Oil, &c. constantly on hand Ladies' WANTED ANY QUANTITY OF Pirst Class BUTTER, Eggs, Dried and Salt Pork, [lams, &c., for which the very highest prices will be allowed in trade, and goods so'd as low and evenfor less money than they can be purchased anywhere within 100 miles of this. Tu. FORMAN. Prince Albert, April 16, 1873. TAYLOR'S, MANCHESTER, The Subscriber would take tireriaiadh opportunity of informing the inhabitac's of Manchester atid suteodnding country that huving laa<ed the Store lately ocetipied by A. Gordo, Esq. he is nuw geting on a carefully selected Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &e., &c., purchased at the best markets and on ihe most'advantageous terms. Latest styles and superior quality'jin Dry Goods. Choice, Fresh "Groceries. 8 Gools all New nnd Reliable, and sold at such prices for Cash, as will secure speedy sales and quick retures to make up for small profi's. JOHN TAYLOR. Manchester, April 7, 1873. At the Medical Hall. a very LARGE Stock of Seeds at the Medical Hall, Genuine FrResH Seeds at the Medical Hall, Prince Albert. Very Chear Seeds al the Medical Hall, Prince Albert. Come ONE, eome Atk to the Medical Hall, Prince Albert, for Prince W. MocTAGGART : Medical Hall--Forman's Block-- Prince 'Allert April 9, 1873. " F RST CLASS CARRIAGES Ontario "Carriage Works ) PRINCE ALBERT. | A VERY LARGE NUMBER OF THE MOST STYLISH ECE" BUG GIES 2531 On Show and being build at the Oxtarto Carre Wonxs, Painen. Aus. | These ara extra superior both in Material, Workmanship, Siyté and, | Finish, While the prices are:such as canfiot foil 10 smisfv all, An inspection will secure their sale, Cat and inspect them. ; on ton his reson he er tingks to los fe iro ef which ho lis carried. on u the : Lighting} Rod Business feels me's pleasure in stating ot of the 'man Hundreds of Yoildings on whieh he AT nee in vhich they have al dn prove perfect protectors ngninst the dreadful 'effects of the lizhtning stroke. hie etl by chliings haye been , the proper and | precious ona, hans 83 el I Tive 10d- el have gi as safy iw the thunder storm as in he Let 'me any however that it is not enongh - that boittings be roded vides ic is duns or punciples it will serve ho good parpose. To secure the advantages of these most valuable protectors they must b+ properly put op, aud this can eily be done by experienced hands. | weald now any 10 18 Fie in general that I am now prepared fo enter wpon another season's tour though this and he neighboring connties ; that my business faci' ities (have. been Inrgels increased which rogethrer with my thorough experisnce will enable me «ull mare prowaptiy and eflicrently to meer tne orders of all who favor me with" their patronage. My noitn hull xiill he good work and the lowes! possible renumeratives prices. All orders Pansisally attended: 10. W. II. LEATCH, Prince Albert; May 1s, 1673. To Farmers ! TURNIP SOWERS. Double ahd Single Diiils ! Horse Rakes and Seufflers, Can be got at PARKIN'S, Chanper than any where elée in the Connty (= Varranted to give goo! satisfaction of no sale. JAMES PARKIN. Manchester, May 1, 1873. '0 Notice to Equatters ON PUBLIC LANDS. HE attention of Squatters on the Public lands 1a especiai'y eatled to the re- aulations contuined 10 the Order in Covgenl of the 10 h January, 1859, wherein squat- ting cn Crown Lands ia strictly forbidden. No claib to prrehase Bind by right of oc cupatioi will be entertained, unless such scenpant was on bona fide setter on the tand with substantial nnprovements at the ime of mepection, and go reported by the Inspector. Improvements made on ary Crowns Lands swice the time of such w= «p:crion, wi'l be lost 10 the eceupant, une jean such occnpation has been authorized oy the Department, THOS. Il. JOHNSON, Asst. Commisaioner. Department of Crown Lands, Toronto, April 1, 1873. Newapapers pulished in the Counties of Wellington, Grey, North Simeoe, North On- tario, Victoria, Peterboro. Hastings, Lennox and Addington, Frontenne, Carleton, Tannarlk, and Renfrew, and the District of Muskoka, will please give six insertions, and tisusmit their aceounts to this Department. (20 6w) TT. ld. ROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S OF- FICE, Toronto, 5th April, 1873. Gilohrist Educational Trust, 1873. NOTICE. The terms and conditions of this Scholarshin, and lists af the suljects for the examina the year 1873, have heen sent to the pri Educational [Institutions in the Province, ean also be obtained on application at the Pre vincinl Secretary's Office, Parlinment Buildings, Toronto. The next examination will be hicld on the 30th day of JUNE, and the cindidates' names aud parsers 'must be submitted not later than lst a further particul s apply to . B. PARDEE 20 Scerelary. 'For Sale, Te Rent, or Exchatgo for Land! a SP Ge TE Propristor. Diving made arrangements fur leaving £%) ines Albert, offers to Sell, Escliange ty Land, or Rent Lis premises known ag the * Vietoria Hotel" Prince Albert. with 13 acre of land, part of which is an excellent Fruit acd Vegetable Garden. A first class eattle-yard surrounded with comfortuhle sheds, good stab- licg for nearly one hundred horses. Ary quantity of hard and soft water aud i other conveniences requisite for a First Cl Hotel. For patticulars apply (if by letter pre-paid) to WAL SCOTT, Proprietor," Victoria kuter, Mareh 19, 1873. Puce avert, Court of Revision 1 NOmeE is hereby given that WeaOnitr of Revision to revise . Assessment Roll fer TOWNSHIP oF For (lie year = BL, be bd at the Tewn bor IANES EMANEY. ONTARIO CARRIAGE NORKS, RINGS, &. FRESH AE LY t grades--alwaye ott babu. ; 4 "e y AboNGaRD. Poar Peasy; Jan. 15, 1873. $ jo ' ¥: Paneer Ausent, April 16, 1873, . Cartwright, Aprill 41873.

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